HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/03/2002
FRIDAY, 3 MAY, 2002
In Attendance:
Leslie Goss, Elby Burr, Louisa Evans, Allie Rarldon, Harris Parsons, Sr., Steve
Malinowski, and Mike Conroy
Marshall Posey, Geb Cook, Frank Bohlen, Gaines Gwathmey, WIlliam Stengel, and
Marguerite Purnell
Nancy Hunt, Barry Bryan
Via Phone:
Leslie Goss called the meeting to order at 4:40 P. M. In the Boardroom of the F. I. Utility
Company. The first comments were about the Bay Constable schedule. Luis Horn and Mike
Conroy will again be patrolling. Luis' boat is In and Mike will launch soon with a new motor. Mike
will cover most holidays this season. The schedule is posted at the F.I.Y.C. and P. O. Bulletin
board. Luis has requested the buoys at Dock Beach be closer to the shoreline to assist with
keeping boats away from the swim lines.
Hay Harbor Club; Gaines Gwathmey for Tom Johnson
FIDCO; Chauncey Goss for Barron U. Kidd
West Harbor Property Owner; Mike Posey - reappointed
"" " "; Elby Burr - reappointed
Hay Harbor Property Owner; Margie Purnell - reappointed
Leslie Goss's term expires this year. Her term can be "held over" until the FI Civic
Association makes an appointment. Discussion was followed by Harris Parsons' motion to accept
the full slate Including a formal request of the Civic Board that Leslie continue as their
delegate. All were in favor.
Elby Burr reported on the Annual Boater Safety Course, which will run August 2nd and 3.0. There
will be no tuition, as the F. I. Civic Association will pay for materials. There was discussion on
whether the course was open to both children and adults. Elby will verify and post posters and
send out flyers. The course is an in-classroom course. A thank you was voiced to the Civic
Association for generously covering all costs of the program.
Leslie reported on the Cornell Cooperative Extension Service project to develop a mooring plan
for West Harbor In conjunction with the Harbor Committee. The plan Involves the layout of a grid
of the mooring fleId In West Harbor. Chris Smith will be on island in August and will meet with
representatives for lunch to further discuss a plan for all areas based on local problems. Margie
Purnell, Elby Burr and Nancy Hunt expressed Interest in participating In such a meeting. Leslie
will put Chris In touch with the dive service used by Pirate's Cove Marine, who can provide GPS
data of current mooring locations. leslie reported the Town Trustees would be doing an aerial
inventory with video to establish baseline data on shoreline and creek runoff Into Fishers Island
Leslie also reported that Fishers Island is a candidate for more spawner scallops in 2003. They
will be released in Hay Harbor. She has asked Chris to talk with Steve Malinowski. Steve feels
Hay Harbor Is as good a location as any for the release. Margie asked If the scallops are In nets
or just seeds and also where Is all the eelgrass? Isn't it necessary for the support of the scallops?
Steve said the 70,000 - 80,000 spawners are released overboard. More information to come at a
later date.
Louisa mentioned the storm water mitigation system on Peninsula Road designed by Jamie
Richter. Nancy Hunt said the project used the remainder of the $100,000.00 granted by the DEC .
damage award. The job was awarded to Z & S who subbed it out. There was lively discussion of
the mess the project has created in the area. Louisa will follow up to find out how the situation
will be rectified. Elby made the observation that the location of the drain on the shore side is next
to the water main, which may cause it to freeze in the winter. Steve said that during the last
rainstorm before the meeting only one of the 6 drains installed actually caught any water.
Harris Parsons questioned why he had seen the DEC out every Saturday of late. Elby suggested
they were possibly taking water samples at the Mobil Docks and in Pirate's Cove.
Leslie moved into discussion of mooring applications for the 2002 season. Chris Dewey and
Michael Flinn have applied for new bullseye moorings. She commented on perhaps hauling a few
derelict moorings. The Bay Constables could haul and hold them to make room for the two new
ones. Bob Coleman, Sr. and Peter Lawrence with 25' and 23' boats respectively will be in the area
at the end of the Yacht Club dock. Chris Roosevelt has applied for a 23' sailboat. This will be put
in with a mooring of similar size to the roD moorings. Bill Wall has said to Leslie he feels the field
is getting tight. Margie suggested sending a letter to the last known owners of seemingly vacant
moorings by certified return receipt request mall. It was stated that the Town could pull and hold
the moorings as a lean against payment. Harris also questioned the vacant mooring status. As to
the use of "storm moorings", Leslie said that a boat occasionally needs to be put on to validate
them. An example Is Tom Patterson who uses a dock but has a 1000 Ib mooring which he
maintains off the East field.
Frank Bohlen made the recommendation for Pirate's Cove Marine to manage the moorings put
out, not so "Willie nillie" in fashion and the assurance that moorings will use the right
tackle for the boat to be on the mooring. He wants to see that residents are accommodated .
first. With regard to the earlier discussion of the mooring grid, he feels it is not yet
necessary if we manage what we currently have. There needs to be an update to revamp the
frontline management. Leslie reported on a conversation with Bill Wall at Pirate's Cove Marine of
how a Norwalk Harbor manager, Scott Clinginpeel, hauls all SO + moorings In the Fall and jets
them back in for the Spring. Bill would like to start fresh with a plan not just band-aid the current
Tony Tremaine wants to move his 29' jet boat mooring from East to West harbor. Kevin Grant
wants to move a J46' sail boat off the dock onto a mooring. Bill wants to put him by Thompson's
Marietta. Sarah Porter has applied to take over Eliot Porter's #6 mooring. There were no
objections, all mooring requests were approved as discussed. Elby commented that the West
field is cherished by the sailors. Smith Cove Yacht Ciub and North Cove Yacht Club have applied
again. It was agreed to table off-Island applications as there is currently an effort to find space
for all of the new island applicants. A review of policy will be held with regard to awarding of off
Island permits. Discussion ensued of how moorings were applied for each year, not just renewed.
Louisa asked if stickers were sent out automatically, Leslie said no, that a list was formulated. It
was noted that about 40 requests for applications had not been responded to yet. Allie Raridon
said they never received an application. A follow up will be sent to those who have yet to
respond in case theirs were not received either.
Elby again has provided copies of the policy for harbor regulations and the lovely orange 2002
mooring stickers.
Mike Conroy reported his boat will be ready by the next weekend and will be docked at Paul
Tombari's dock. Karla will provide Town vouchers for the bay constables. The current rate of
transient moorings are $30/night and $50/rafting. Frank Bohlen said the rates were reasonable
as compared to others. It was decided to leave them as is.
Discussion of mooring management with regard to winter mooring stakes. Steve reported how
his lower shaft was trashed on a mooring stake which was submerged about 1 V2' below the
surface. Frank would like to see use of stacks discontinued.
Allie spoke as IPP representative. Large boats last year anchored too close to the floats and swim
nets. They need to be moved away by the harbor constables. Elby suggested the need of a
yellow buoyed line. Leslie will look Into the cost and budget. Steve asked if the harbor
constables can issue summons. Mike said no - only ask people to move, usually no repeat
Nancy spoke of how Popeye Captain Andrew will do minor repairs to the Town dock to Include
tightening screws and rub rails. The submerged stake In the area of the dock was brought up. It
was surmised to be an old piling form the old ferry dock. Perhaps Gwenmor would remove it. All
agreed that Andrew provides a great service to the Island. A restatement was made in support of
Heublin Services. Barry restated that any dock improvements made by Andrew did not grant any
ownership or preferential use and that such should be stated In the annual letter from the Harbor
Committee to Andrew.
Leslie brought up commercial use of trucks, especially by locals, being able to back up to the
dock occasionally. There was discussion of the fact that both the Goose Island areas and the
Yacht club areas are "M2" lots or for commercial use and that if use was preferential there would
be a problem. Frank felt the use of the dock was appropriate. Margie concurred with Frank.
Steve said that Andrew had called him about a month prior to the meeting about a rumor he had
heard that the dock was to be removed. There has been no such committee recommendation.
Louisa also said there was no intention by the Town to remove it either. Frank suggested to
research policy to support Town dock and how to get In line for a repair schedule - a plan for 10-
20 years. Louisa agreed there was a need to inform the Town of necessary repairs. Discussion of
the Dock Beach Project Included Louisa saying that the area across from it (next to the Electric
Co.) was cleared and planted with natural shrubs at the expense of the homeowners.
The agenda for the next meeting will include a review of the Bay Constables performance,
discussion by Elby and Frank of their mooring location work and No Discharge Zones as in CT, RI,
and MA.
The next meeting will be at 4:30 P.M. on either July 26'" or 27'" at the F. 1. Utility Co. Boardroom.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 P.M.
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Karla S. Heath, Committee Clerk.