HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/02/2002 , .' . MEETING OF THE FISHERS ISLAND HARBOR COMMmEE - GRID SUB COMMmEE FRIDAY, 2 AUGUST, 2002 PRESENT: Leslie Goss, Frank Bohlen, Bill Stengel, E1by Burr, Chlppy duPont, Valerie Scopaz (Town Planner), Chris Smith (from Cornell), and Karla Heath ~ Leslie Goss called the meeting to order at 4:40 P. M. by recapping the FIshers Island Yacht Club proposal, as presented last week, as it related to the large number of small boats in the harbor. Chris Smith: presented the funded project of the Town to plant a total of 225,000 baby scallops, half in Dec. and half In Spring. They are a year old and ready to spawn. There will also be some eel grass restoration at the entrance to Hay Harbor. Will be planted this year or next. Finally, the Town trustees have approached Cornell to do an Inventory of shorelines to Indude video taping of Hay Harbor, East and West Harbors. leslie Goss will speak with the FI Ovic and Conservancy AssocIations as well as the HL Ferguson Museum for input of spedal natural resource areas to be Induded. DJscussion of Southold long range plan reo moorings. What will strategy be? Essentially to accommodate as many moorings as possible without Impacting the habitat. The immediate plan Is to GPS all mooring locations and then In the future to relocate according to vessel size and also to reference the Town's GIS system. Frank Bohlen explained the evolution of the moorings from the Army Corps of Engineers through present - and that they weren't a problem until the 1970's. Chris Smith will try to locate by GPS all moorings In West Harbor this year sot the Committee can develop a long term plan. Valerie Scopaz said the plan for the Commtttee from 1998 can be amended at any time. Discussion of the Chandler/Palmer/King maps of 1995. Chris Smith has slated his study to take place around the third week of August. Along with the grid, consideration needs to be given to the moving of moorings. Essex moves all moorings each year pIJIllnQln fall and resetting In spring. Actually, It was realized that tf:Ie. ~HarpprCo"'J1l~iS ahead of many other surrounding a~ Witi:l. regard to the handling of m<lOrlngs. It will take a couple of years for~llComponents to come .Into place, Frank Bohlen said the Coinmittee'fleeds to look at the projectedfJeet sizes to establish swing room.to determine grid. Branford and Norwalk set out star moorlngs.Elby Burr said the mean low tide needs to be considered as well. Frank Bohlen, Bill Wall, Chlppy duPont and Elby Burr will find 10 more spots for boats to have moorings. Steve Malinowski stated he thought property owners nearby should also be consulted regarding view, etc. - - , ~ . Valerie Scopaz talked about creating a mooring database and software that may be useful such as Maplnfo vs. Archlnfo. leslie Goss would like the whole COmmittee in on any polley review to be done regarding how formal or Informal the mooring layout should be in West. Harbor. 'Elby Burr requested that Chris Smith be at the October 4th meeting. Chris wants to bring in aerial photographs for the COmmittee to use. The Sub-Committee discussed a mooring request. by Paul Evans In Pirate's COve adjacent to Matthlessen's dock. Some members felt this area is congested and suggested putting Paul Evans' mooring In the fleId at West Harbor. It was reported that Paul would have trouble accessing a mooring in that location given he Is not an FIVC member and that he doesn't have a dInghy or access to one. leslie said she'd talk to John Evans to try and find a way for Paul to access a West Harbor mooring from the FIVC site. The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 P. M. Respectfully submitted, c(~J"~ Karla S. Heath, COmmittee Clerk . .