HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/07/2003 Subj: Date: From: To: . cc: MINUTES Fishers Harbor Committee Minutes Tuesday, October 7, 2003 9:36:56 PM bohlen@UConnVM.UConn.Edu, elbyburr@optonline.net, Chauncey _Goss@omb.eop.gov, Chauncey _Goss@omb.eop.gov, cookg@c1eanharbors.com, pcminc@fishersisland.net, acgoss@worldnet.att.net, ggwathmey@paulweiss.com, ggwathmey77@aol.com, harco200l @msn.com, fioyster@fishersisland.net, mikeposey@hotmail.com, mpurnell@snet.net, a ra ridon@fishersisland.net, Peter. Rugg@TatumPartners.com, wpstengel@aol.com gosslez@aol, wordcarr@fishersisland.net, ficivicassoc@fishersisland.net, brbrya n@fishersisland.net, E .Neville@town.southold.ny.us, Walter. Keenan@morganstanley.com, He ubleinH@netscape.net, friendship@worldnet.att.net . Fishers Island Harbor Committee Friday, October 3, 2003 at 4:30pm Present: Leslie Goss, Louisa Evans, Mike Posey, Harris Parsons, Allie Raridon, Peter Rugg, Steve Malinowski, Mike Conroy Phone: Margie Purnell, Geb Cook Guest: Bill Reed The Committee agreed to recommend Peter Rugg to the Southold Town Board for approval as the Civic Association delegate replacing Twig Stickney for the term expiring May 2007. The Committee agreed to recommend Hydro Data to the Souhtold Town Board for approval to conduct a bathymetry study of West Harbor. Additionally the Committee agreed to extend the scope of the study to include the area from BD into Pirate's Cove to the boat ramp not including Hurricane Cove. . 3/6/04 America Online : Gosslez Page 1 . There was discussion about whether Chris Smith of Cornell should conduct the mooring grid overlay or whether the work should be performed by Hydro Data. The Committee agreed that Chris Smith should map existing mooring locations as part of an existing Town grant. The Committee also agreed that Chris should conduct the mooring grid overlay if he can do so in a timely mannner given his work load. The Committee agreed that Leslie should communicate with Chris and the Town regarding these matters. Leslie read a note from Town Planner Mark Terry outlining available grant monies for water quality improvement projects including pump out boats for no discharge zone designations. The Committee agreed that Leslie should indicate an Island interest to Mark in the Town's effort to set up a no discharge zone for all of Southold and provide pump out boats. Leslie stated she would also ask Mark for help with scraping the existing boat ramp pads to make the ramp useable on all tides. . Leslie relayed a conversation she had with John Evans outlining his interest in being a 1 /4 time Bay Constable again next summer. He felt the system between he and Mike Conroy worked well this summer. His only concern was lack of obvious enforcement "presence" on the water. Mike Conroy reported a relatively quite summer with good coordination between he and John Evans. He reported mostly community members were using the Town Dock, unauthorized mooring use seemed down, and all students passed the boating safety courses in July and August. Mike reported that he was on the water as needed during the week and was conducting regular patrols on the weekend. Separately, Allie reported boats pulling ashore onto Dock Beach once the nets and float were removed this season. She requested a no anchoring bouy be placed in the vicinity once the nets have been pulled. The Committee agreed to recommend Mike Conroy and John Evans as Fishers Island Bay Constables to the Souhtold Town Board for approval for the summer 2004 season based on the same arrangement as in summer 2003. Leslie reported that the Town Dock had been repaired by Gwenmore and paid for by the Town. The configuration of the dock changed slightly as . 3/6/04 America Online : Gosslez Page 2 . . . Gwenmore repaired the dock to a state in which it existed prior to Town ownwership. The dock know has a short "L" extension. Andrew Heublein wrote a letter stating that the dock was "great". Leslie read a note from Andrew Heublein asking if the Committee would have any objections to his running one larger vessel once rather than several trips on Popeye each day in West Harbor. He felt that this would be safer in the winter weather and would cut down on harbor congestion in the summer. There were no objections. The Committee agreed to send Andrew a letter of permission to use the Town Dock until the October 2004 meeting under the same conditions he has been operating these last years. There was a brief discussion of moorings. Is Dexter permanently vacant? Where is the Jester 100 mooring, did it get moved closer in? and has the Loveday/Grant congestion been fixed? Geb Cook outlined what he knew about the Conservancy's Hay Harbor dredge proposal. He said he woulod put Tom Sargent in touch with Leslie for coordination purposes regarding a bathymetry study. Bill Reed provided an update on the Yacht Club's dredge plans. He reported that Chuck Hamilton, NY DEC, seemed agreeable to the basin dredge plan if a "hydro tube" technology of sediment removal were employed. This may lead to some space issues for dewatering and further ties into seawall repair and more permit hoops...... He had hopes of summer 2005 completion. Bill also outlined a long term vision for the Yacht Club to take over the Goose Island space shifting the fuel delivery focus from autos to boats among other things. He mentioned that there was some resistance to this plan by one or two Goose Island directors. The Committee agreed to a May 1 st spring meeting. Respectfully Submitted, Leslie O. Goss 3/6/04 America Online: Gosslez Page 3