HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/07/2004 ~ . . . FISHERS ISLAND HARBOR COMMITTEE 7 MAY, 2004 FI UTILITY MEETING ROOM Present: Harris Parsons, Peter Rugg, Elby Burr, Louisa Evans, Chippy duPont, Margie Purnell, and Steve Malinowski Via Phone: Geb Cook, Mike Posey, Leslie Goss, Gaines Gwathmey First order of business was to approve slate of Committee appointments for recommendation to the Southold Town Board: Fishers Island Club - Harris Parsons FIDCO - Chauncey Goss Hay Harbor Property Owners - Bill Stengel Motion to accept nominations made by Peter Rugg, seconded by Chippy duPont. All ayes, Leslie will forward recommended slate to the Town Board for approval. Harris questioned what the barge @FIYC was. Chippy explained it belonged to Terry Corp. and that they were doing work @Firestone boathouse. The barge has been moved to the Utility Co. dock. Leslie announced that the same arrangements have been made for Bay Constable duty again this season with Mike Conroy and John Evans. John has Mondays off and will not be here August 7-8. He will be on duty in West Harbor Tuesdays through Sundays from 8 am to 6 pm. Mike will be on duty for all locations on evenings and weekends. Leslie asked Elby if he would again provide copies of the Harbor Regulations. He will send copies to the aerk who will distribute them to the two Bay Constables. Contact numbers for John and Mike were checked and at Peter Rugg's suggestiOn Channel 9 will be added to contact John. It was noted there are no changes in the policy regarding refuse. The information regarding dock space Will "if> remain the same with the addition of hailing~~ for the both the FIYC - channel 9 and Pirate's Cove Marine,Inc.+~r~i'.)~f1:6:';""'.'" , -r. ""_7 :~_,~>:-,,~ _f,~:r'~'_J./#t~~)t;~~~i<:~t.,._.-j~:,;,,~_-~-~_~, . ~~~:~~=r:e~.~~~=~~~~~~~S~ir, but she certainly is,s!:iU pOing' a ,woI1derful job. Everyone agreed. ~ was discussion ofincorPOratlng a Co-Chair or "Chair in-Waitirig" position.'HarriS proposed thatElby Burr be tile "Chair in'-Waiting" fot.s year~nd that someone else would fake the position 'next year with Elby moving up to fiir. Chippy made the motion and Margi seconded it. All ayes. C','$. . . . Boater's Safety Course: Elby will run the course again this year, however he would like to only run one session. Last year he felt the second session was not very well attended. He would like the course to have at least 20 partidpants. The Committee agreed that the goal of the program was to focus on young operators and water skiers. Elby would like to train two people this season to become certified for teaching next summer and thereafter. Elby said Jay Parsons offered to co-teach the course with him in July. Chippy suggested contacting the Yacht Club to certify someone from there as an instructor. Leslie asked about Steve Gay. Mike Posey said he was certainly qualified. Elby said the certification qualifications have become much more stringent with an interview of the prospective teacher, background checks - since the course is predominantly for children, etc. Leslie suggested the course be held in July - will be on the 23re1 and 24th at the Fire House- and again in August if at least 25 people sign up. Leslie will work with the Clerk to make sure sufficient advertising is done for the two courses stressing the fact that operator certification for all ages will likely be mandatory within the next two years. It was also suggested to check with Nate Gray, the temporary Island Administrator, and other organizations around the island to assure no conflicts with the dates. Peter Rugg suggested the Bay Constables start asking young boaters if they have their operator certification and if not to make them aware of the course. He will also see that the dates get posted on the Civic web site. Margie Purnell suggested there be a notice put into the Gazette. Leslie reviewed the mooring applications, new, amended and renewed. To date, 61 out of 95 have been received. Two new applications were approved for residents: Laura Nigro (bought the Doyle house) for a 16' sail boat to be put in with the Bullseyes; and a transfer from John Nielsen to C. N. Spofford along with the sale of his Bullseye. Three moorings are vacant this summer. John Kean and Bob Patterson's moorings will be pulled if no one else comes forward needing a mooring. Paul Cox's mooring will be held vacant this summer (unless a temporary user is identified) in anticipation of possible return next season. There are four off island applicants on waiting list. There presently is no space available but they are welcome to come to the anchoring field or use one of the five transient moorings. Peter Rugg commented on the growing use of the anchoring field as well as off of Flat Hummock. Harris will check with the Utility Co. since they own Flat Hummock to see if the Committee has jurisdiction over waters at Flat Hummock. Margie questioned a boat that was at "Stoney Beach" almost every day last year, though not overnight. The Committee agreed to review and reaffirm its policies regarding use and number of transient moorings, growth of anchorages and mooring wait lists each May meeting. Discussion of "No Discharge Zone" (NDZ): Since inception, there have been no changes to the Federal regulations. If you want to be designated as NDZ you must provide pump-out fadlities of some kind. Andrew Heublein has looked into .. . the feasibility of providing pump out service with a barge and the availability of NY Grant monies. There is money available from NYS Environmental Facilities of $25,000 or 75% of the project with the provision that the operator must pass the grant along to the next service provider should they discontinue the service. CT processors will dispose of sewage collected in NY. Leslie suggested looking into a contract with a cr mobile operator as a way to meet the pump out provision requirement in the Federal regs. Peter questioned what the prescribed hours of operation were and the feasibility of having a "Honey Wagon" corne via ferry boat. Chippy stated it was possible but expensive - wasn't sure if there was enough money in it for an operator to even break even with costs. Steve Malinowski feels main objective is to prevent boats from flushing tanks in our harbors and that any facility provided should reflect that objective. Chippy questioned the motivation for seeking NOZ in the first place and maintained that it is not boaters but houses that contribute to the sewage in the area. Leslie admitted that seeking NDZ for Fishers has been a personal interest for years. Elby pointed out that most boats are not equipped for deck pump out. Leslie will ask EPA Regions I and II about the possibility of getting a NDZ designation using a mobile pump-out operator from the mainland. . Bathymetry Study: Louisa informed the Committee that Josh Horton had approved up to $7,000.00 in funding for the Bathymetry study. The Committee just needs to send the selected proposal to the Town for approval. The two bids were discussed and a motion was made by Peter Rugg to accept the Hydro Data proposal of $3,200.00 with a second by Harris Parsons. Margi questioned if the study was GPS geo-referenced. Leslie said it was, and that this firm was familiar with the area because of work it had conducted for the Fishers Island Yacht Club. Margie will look at the proposal and coordinate with the Town. Gaines Gwathmey and Peter Rugg left the meeting @5:55. The next meeting is scheduled for 23 July @4:30 in the Utility Co. Meeting room. Motion to adjourn by Harris @5:57 with second by Elby, all ayes. Respectfully submitted; Karla S. Heath, Committee Clerk .