HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommittee Background FI Harbor Committee Background Committee was established as a subcommittee of RCA in late 1992. Bill Ridgway was first chairman while Carol was President of RCA. The Committee got started by a bunch of people who were concerned that the Harbormaster who made up the rules was also the Bay Constable enforcing the rules. At that time the John Clavin served as both and was very effective but had a very gruff manner. Ray Edwards, who at the time was not particularly responsive to RCA, appointed him. John made up some rules that did not sit well with certain harbor user groups. Battles ensued. Thus, the Harbor Committee was born. In December of 1993 the RCA subcommittee committed to the idea of becoming a body that would develop policy for and manage surrounding Island waters. With the blessing of RCA, we lobbied the Town to become a recognized Southold Town Committee thereby gaining "teeth" for our management policies. We sought to: 1) End perception and practice of arbitrary rule making and enforcement by one person by developing a committee of delegates representing all harbor and adjacent shoreline interest groups, and 2) Determine our own destiny rather than have Southold Town or the state of NY dictate how we could use our waters and adjacent shorelines. How we did it: 1) Committee's purpose stated by law is to site mooring locations and collect fees on behalf of the Town. In return R receives the services of two Bay Constables (salaries, engine stipend, gas/oil, and dock fees). This is how we "got our foot in the door" with Southold and NY State. Since they already had a habormaster that set fees and mooring locations and made up the operating rules, why not abolish that position and turn this into a committee job, where everyone gets a say, thereby leveling the playing field in the notorious free-for-all known as harbor management? We successfully sold them on the idea thanks to Louisa who was the brand new judge. .-~.,..... ~ '. !\J[;\H. U. $1'--''''1.L,ls. ..uu.....u..... folV!,",.u",~~.....u "'u.... -:_~.~ r3:C:l~ ,. .',~:~~ , E. W"1t CoMnrtltSe"gl:!fli'l~H~iwb~itlent policy to Town BOlII'l11~hich:.y..or'may a :"\7 S"r</1C'it~lt:i\TecrbColYriirerilJlitmffit:h'l'llWl~If~working relationsAiplbetween COimDinec lsJar,a F:',rms ilhd'-1iiJu82~'~ivmgoti'l'oWitfloafdslS'~RIiRcAL 'llt; t.;',- wa~ purC:1ase.J-~;d bec~~$ :be Flsb'.s 1. ,:'U1(; :.,;:ry Ccmpany w. j oW:~trsb; ~;. ~:;;.. ' releC'1o.re 3:".~ "j""C:;t.l'j'""!!rUr:'lt",'e<' ?'h:i,'" ;':".. ','.:~:".-;\.' '<' "I".,~,."..... 0<"1 un, ."rl" ~,"."-':'" ' ." com'rdltlee t'uii"t'acts: --'c ' "^'-' _0'" -. "_' :." [;~.;.";'.:r;""';;;,, :h ... W ... . ).r.,i~)~im~ TOd,. Commi~l&e,1l:~,~J1Jl1*filtim! ~;m officiaj To~n Committxe since May 1994. - .... n~..~ e.: .W "..~.....,cn ~ ,;,. s....mmt:.f re~orr C...)t l.....Ner L~e '-'~JIS. tlJ'~ n:i.rure; ~i'., r~~t~en~&~~r~Im~~~~~'~l~~~o~~;~~r: ~o"1lJr.ur'~ m :.~~~~: ~e.,~r;~:~,c~'~~ i 5\1n'~:t'1(:r resident.-~ :.rp-jlrc;,erry JJ;,d there '~ -:-'ol3jjy no traditional mUri~~"1. s..lch as week.~'".r~:lt::..!'~: ,m,j d~ trips. Terms are live years long. .. RIO.", . Heads of user groups choose delegates to represent them on the Committee. Southold then approves thQs~choices._M~mt>ers can retire anytime.The:Y can be reapJXlinted for consecutive terms if asked to do so by the helldof their user group. . Committee picks its own chair. Things we have done in addition to our legal requirement of assigning mooring locations and collecting fees: . Written a NY State and Southold Town Board approved Harbor Management Plan for Fishers. This was adopted by Town in Feb of 1997 . Written Chapter 33 of the Southold Town Code which pertains only to Fishers and for the most part codifies the management plan. This was adopted by Town July 1997 . Occasional amendments to Town Code (Sept 1998) . Brought dock beach parcels to the attention of state and Town officials as potential site for public open space with water access and related activities. . Been involved with FICA on use discussions for Dock Beach Park and adjacent dock . Resolved various user group conflicts (such as Popeye and Town Dock). . Address concerns of Bay Constables and resolve conflicts between Bay Constables. . Outreach with professionals and state and local governments on issues such as no discharge zones, jet skis, mooring grid overlays, bathymetry studies, etc....