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BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman RICHARD CAGGIANO WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS MARTIN H. SIDOR P.O. Box 1179 Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1938 Fax (631) 765-3136 December 1, 2003 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mr. Larry Tuthill PO Box 162 Greenport, NY 11944 Re~ Amended Site Plan for IGA Southold (south addition) SCTM# 1000-61.-4-25.1 Zone: HB, Hamlet Business District Dear Mr. Tuthill, Thank you for the submittal of the amended site plan application referred to above. Per Town Code section 100-254 (A) the Planning Board (P.B.) reviewed the site plan application and materials received on November 17, 2003 and the revised submittal of November 21, 2003. The P.B. held a work session on December 1, 2003 to review the amended site plan application as a pre-submission confdrence. The P.B. agreed no amended site plan is needed from the site plan known as Main Street Market approved on June 22, 1981 with this application and reject the amended site plan application. We are returning the amended site plan application, payment and materials for your records. The decision rendered by the P.B. for this application does not condone any other changes or deviations from the original site plan approval on June 22, 1981 for the Main Street Market. Please refer to Town Code section 100-250 applicability, if other changes of the approved site plan occur. If there are any questions you can contact us at (631) 765-1938 x229 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. urS, Southold Town Planning Board Chairman CC:file, pb, Building Department Enc. Sanford Hanauer, Chairperson Reynolds duPont, Jr. Herbert Ernest Joseph Lee Ronald McGreevy Howard Meinke Nicholas Planamento Mark Schwartz Town of Southold Architectural Review Committee Minutes 4:00p.m., January 21, 2010 Town Hall Annex Executive Board Room Town Hall Annex 54375 Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Fax (631 ) 765-6641 Telephone: (631 ) 765 - 1892 southoldtown.northfork.net Members Present: Sandford Hanauer, Chairman; Joseph Lee; Ronald McGreevy; Nicholas Planamento; Mark Schwartz; Elizabeth Thompson; Kristy Winser, Planner; Elizabeth Cantrell, Secretary. The minutes for the October 22, 2009 meeting were approved. Introduction: All applicants will give a presentation consisting of drawings, exterior materials samples and other information required by the Planning Department to the Committee. The Committee will ask questions and make suggestions as part of a general discussion with each applicant. Final recommendations from the ARC will be presented to the Planning Board in the ARC Meeting Minutes, and be made part of the Planning file for that application. The Planning Board will consider these recommendations, together with all comments from other agencies, and provide the applicant with a comprehensive written list of its requested revisions. New Application: · T-MOBILE NORTHEAST SCTM #1000-102-1-17.1 Gregory R. Alvarez, Esq. of Amato & Associates, P.C., and Paul K. Gartelmann, AIA, LEED AP of William F. Collins, AIA Architects, LLP presented the project to the committee. The Committee approves the proposed project design to install a wireless communication facility within a church steeple as shown today. Motion made and seconded. All in favor. · SOUTHOLD IGA SCTM#: 1000-61-4-25.1 A site visit was made by some members of the Architectural Review Committee in regards to the renovation of the Southold IGA. The Committee was pleased to see that their recommendations including the installation of six (6) additional windows (five on the north side and one on the west side) were used by the owner. By adding the windows, it made the facade more street and pedestrian friendly. The Committee would like to thank the Building Department and Michael Verity for referring the owner to the Architectural Review Committee, and to the owner for using the suggested recommendations from our committee. The committee is looking forward to this hopefully setting precedence for future projects that involve exterior renovations that otherwise do not require site plan review. A motion was made to close the meeting at 4:50p.m. All in favor. //Elizabeth antre I, Secretary Cc: Michael Verity, Bldg. Dept. Supervisor Scott Russell Town Board Members NORTH,ELEVA'I1ON - DEMOLTION ~--~-~ I / / r~''"~'~' ~~ [tm~''~-~--~-~-~''~ ! / ~ -~2E~~l~ .... ~=- -~~,~._~ ~ ....... NORTH ELEVAllON - CONSTRUCTION HARDIEPLANK NOTES: [ SITE PLAN TYPE: AMENDED ~'"-NEW _WITHDRAWN .~NCOMPLETE. LOCATION: o/~£oo /~,~,. ,/(o,~o --'<Lc/ooo/w£ HAMLET: ~ // SCTM#1000-. ~/ - ~ . .2;-d . OWNERNAME: /~oo,0~o4~.~ J Zg¢.,~4',r4 ...7--.~ TEL# ( ) j'i~ROJECT DESCRIPTION THIS SITE PLAN IS FOR -~-~',4- ff~. -~ ~4~/.~/ ~-- -.'~ PRE-SUBMISSION WRI'I'i P~N KEOUEST: PRE-WORK SESSION: APPLICATION RECEIVED: PAYMENT RECEIVED: ~300.X ~O~6-'~RECE1VF~:$ =$ 3e($.0s x S__F=$ NEW APPLICATION WORKSESSION_~THIN 10 DAYS OF RECEIPT) APPLICANT ADVISED OF NECESSARY REVISIONS ~vTFH1N 30 DAYS OF REVIEW)_.. REVISED SUBMISSION RECEIVED: ;TENCY: TOS O'----~R D: UNCOORDINATED: TEP,,~Z1NATION: ' (TYPE1:__ TYPE2: UNLISTED: ) RECEIVED/REVIEW: :)RAINAGE PLAN: LANDSCAPE PLAN: LIGHTING PLAN: REFERRED FOR APPROVALS: ZONING BOARD Of APPEALS: APPEAL#: BOARD OF TRUSTEE'B: BUILDING DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATION: TOWN ENGINEER APPROVAL: ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMfI-TEE: DEP.OF TRANSPORTATION: DOT , DPW , TOS SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPT OF HEALTH: SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING: FIRE COMMISSIONERS: ~OFILED COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIO:S~: ' LANNING BOARD APPROVALS PREPARED: ENDORSEMENT OF SITE PLAN: FINAL SITE PLAN INSPECTION: RECEIVED DATE / REVIEWED DATE DATE / / __/ / DISTRIBUTE APPROVED SITE PLANS TO: BUILDING DEPT / / TOWN ENG__/.~/..___ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSK/, JR. Chairman RICHARD CAGGIANO WILLIAM J, CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS MARTIN H. SIDOR PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF sOUTHOLD P.O. Box 1179 Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1938 Fax (631) 765-3136 Date Received Date Completed Filing Fee APPLICATION FOR CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN New Change c~f Use Re-use ' ' Extension --Revision of Approved Site Plan Name of Business or Site: SCTM #: Location: Address: Name of Applicant: Address of Applicant: Telephone: Owner of band: Agent or Person responsible for application: Address: t, -' Telephone: Site plans prepared by: Llcer[se No, Address: Telephone: paoe 2 Planning Board Site Plan Application /~opt.lCAN'PS A~RDAVlT STATE OF NEW yORK couNTY OF suFFOLK 77 in the State of New Yor~,, and that he Is the owner of the above property, or that he is the __~£ / '~rtnershlP or Corp.I ~ r ($peclB/whether Part ~tle) which is hereby making application; that there are no existing structures or improvements on the land which are not shown onthe Site plan; that the title to the entire parcel, including all rights-of-Way, has been clearly established and is shoWn on said Plan; that no par~ of the Plan infringes upon any duly filed plan which has not been abandoned bo~h as to lots and as to roads;that he has examined all rules and regulations adopted by the Planning Board for the filing of Site plans and will comPlY with same; that the improvements will be InCalled in strict accordance With the plans submitted, a: ~pproved, will not be altered or changed In any manner without the approval of the actual physical Planning Board; the ~Offlcer and Title) LESLIE J. BAUER Nol(]ry Publlc, SI(ite (][ New Yetk No. 5018144, Sutf(]lk Ce, ely Term Exllires Sell.. 20,~1~-S Planning Board Site P~n Application Total Land Area of Site (acres or square feet) District ~ ~ ~Zoning ' ,.., .~ ch building ng use of slte t%'1' ; ' proposed Uses on sit~., ~n~'=~;~u~e is proposed per bulJalng, ~wi[I have which use. Ir mo~ ...... footage of f~or arp~ that~}ll ~ resewed per use. ..?/~ Gross Floor Area of Existing StrUcture(s) .~A/ ~-'~.Gross Floor Area of p~oposed StnJcture(s) · cent of Lot Covenage by Building(s) ~ '~er - --otfor parking (where applicable) ~Peroenc or L ,~Percent of Lot for Landscaping (where applicable) Has applicant been granted a vadance an~or special exception by · Board of ~peals- case ¢ & date ~Suffolk counW Depa~ment Health ' ~ Case Number '~ --Name of~piicant ~ --Date of Decision ~ ~Expiration Date ~Other Will any toxic or hazardous materials, as defined by the suffolk Coun~ Board of Health, be ...... stored or handled at the site? ff so, have p~per pe~l~ been obtained? ~ ~ -Name of Issuing agency ~ ~ '~Number and d~te of permit Issued, FATION OR cONST~UC~ON) MAY BE UNDE~F~ UNTIL APPROVAL OF SITE p~N BY NO Ac~ON (EXCA RS A~E SUBJECT FO p~OSECUTION, · p~NNING BOARD, VIO~TO The Town of $oubhold,s Code of Ethics oroh£bits conflicts of ~ _ ' u. ~s necessa~avold ~ (Lamb name, first name, middle ~'~, u~ you ale ~pply]ng In the ;lame of someone el~e ~ax g~tevance ~xempkion ~[om pL~ o~Eieial map Okhe~ owlterBhip of (or emplolment b~) a corporation in ~hich If you answered "YES,- complete the balance of this fo~m and DESCEIPTION OF RELATIONSHIp Site Plan Applications Public Hearings Under the current site plan application procedure, the process for reviewing a site plan application is: a public hearing is not scheduled and held by the. Planning Board until after, among other things, the site plan has received a stamped Health Department approval. The applicant shall now have the following options: To follow, the established p~ocedure, or .. To~l~ave the Planning'Board schedule and hold a public hearing on the site plan application and have the Planning Board vote on the proposed conditional Site plan prior to the applicant receiving Health Departn~ent approval subject to the following conditions: The applicant hereby agrees and understands that if the site plan which receives stamped-Health Department approval differs in any way from the proposed conditional site plan on which the Planning Board held a public hearing and voted on, then the Planning Board has the right and option, if the change is material to any of the issues properly before the Planning Board, to hold a public hearing on this "revised" site plan application and review its conditional approval. The applicant agrees not to object to a new public hearing and Planning Board review of the revised application. Applicant Agreement on Site Plans. The applicant is aware of the terms of this approval.and eertifies to these terms by his/her signature below. bate 473889 SOUTHOLD 61.-4-25.1 54500 MAIN RD = OWNER & MAILING INFO ===I=MISC FOODBASKET PROPERTIES INC IRS-SS 68 BAYVILLE AVE I 1 BAYVILLE NY 11709 I BANK YSRPS ASSESSMENT INQUIRY DATE : 11/17/2003 SCHOOL SOUTHOLD SCHOOL ROLL SEC TAXABLE RCLS 454 SUPERMARKET TOTAL RES SITE TOTAL COM SITE ACCT NO 08 .............. ASSESSMENT DATA ........... **CURRENT** RES PERCENT LAND 13,800 **TAXABLE** TOTAL 36,250 COUNTY 36,250 **PRIOR** TOWN 36,250 LAND 13,800 SCHOOL 36,250 TOTAL 36,250 ==DIMENSIONS ===1 ....... SALES INFORMATION .................................. ACRES 1.27 IBOOK 11653 SALE DATE 11/10/93 SALE PRICE 980,000 IPAGE 145 PR OWNER MALINOWSKI JOHN M EST ....... TOTAL EXEMPTIONS 0 ............. I== TOTAL SPECIAL DISTRICTS 4 ..... CODE AMOUNT PCT INIT TERM VLG HC OWN CODE UNITS PCT TYPE VALUE I~D028 IPK070 IT, T~T020 ISW011 FI=NEXT PARCEL F3=NEXT EXEMPT/SPEC F4=PREV EXEMPT/SPEC 75.10- 03-050 F6=GO TO INVENTORY F9=GO TO XREF F10=GO TO MENU · ' £11EPlJW PRE-$U£MI$$10N CONFERENCE CHECI( LIST DATE: APPLICATION: You are requital to obtain the following approvals: . Suffolk County Department of Health Services: water supply, waste water disposal permit. Curb cut for State and County roads. · Southold Town Trustees: dredging, bulkhead, wetlands, coastal hazard area. · New York State Departmental of Environmental Conservation: bulkhead, dredging, tidal wetlands. · Southold Town Board of Appeals: variance, Interpretation, special exception, · U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: bulkhead, dredging, · Oreenport Village Utility: water if within village franchise area , NYNEX, Long Island Lighting Company: poles moved, other utility considerations. ) . Proof of Health Department Review or Exception: Staff will Indicate what type of approval is required. ) . Suffolk County Dept. of Public Works curb cut permit The Planning Board will also: Send a letter to the Fire District for a recommendation on the need for a fire well or hydrant. Send to Suffolk County Planning Commission for their review, (C~ndomln urns only). Send to theTown Engineering Inspector for review of drainage and road profiles. Send to the Building Department for certification. Send to the Town's Consultant's for price quote to review the Long Environmental Assessment Form (LEAF) WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD November 17, 2003 at 4:30 SITE PLANS Mike Verity of the Building Department RE: Discussion on Building Department certification process. Peconic Landing Main Road Greenport, NY RE: Minor deck expansion of buildings and enclosing approved open porch. ©sprey Dominion / Long Island Power Authority 44075 Main Road Peconic, N.Y. SCTM: 1000-75-1-20.1 & 20.2 Zone: AC RE: 1)NP&V environmental / planning review estimate dated 11/11/03. Can we I send to applicant for payment. bs 11/13/03 Miscellaneous PART 1--PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effect on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be considered as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additional information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involve new studies, research or investigati~. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and specify each instance. NameofAction ~.~O~'/l~ // /, ~. ~ Location of Action (include Street Address, Mp, nicipa~ity and County) Name of Applicant/Sponsor Address ~' )' t' ~"I/°''~/ State /'-/~ Zip Code J/ PFC/ City/PO Business Telephone ~ ..?/- Z./7 7 ./g5/--' BusinessTelephone~..~- 2 ~_..~I. Description of Action: Page 2 of 21 Please Complete Each Question--Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. SITE DESCRIPTION Physical setting of overall project, both developed and unc~eveloped areas. 1. Present Land Use: D Urban D,ndustriaII~L~COmmercial ~Residential(suburban) []Forest []Agr cu,tura []Other D Rural {non-farm) 1 2. Total acreage of project area: /I ~ acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) Forested Agricultural {Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24,25 of ECL) Water Surface Area Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces Other (Indicate type) PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION What ia predominant soil type(s) on project site? a. Soil drainage: []Well drained /~0 ~Poorly drained __ % of site [] Moderately well drained % of site. % of site If any agricultural land is iqv~lved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the NYS Land Classification System? ~//~, acres (see 1 NYCRR 370). 4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site? [] Yes [] No a. What is depth to bedrock (in feet) 5. Approximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: D0-10% /~0.% D10-15% % . D15% or greater 6. Is project substantiall~ontiguous Historic Places7 L_.J Yes ,~ No 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? to, or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or National Registers of OYes r~No 8. What is the depth of the water table;' /~O (in feet) 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? ,l~]Yes [] No 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area7 [] Yes [~No Page 3 of 21 1-1, Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? According to: Identify each species: 1 2. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site;' (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations? E~Yes '~No Describe: 13. la the proiect site proaently used blt tho community or neighborhood aa an open space or recreation area? If yos~ explain: 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community;' DYes ~]No 1 5. Streema within or contiguous to proiect area: e. Name of Stream end nemo of Ri¥or to which it ie tributsry 10. [ekes, ponds, wetland aroea within or contiguoue to proiect area: DYes l~No b. Size (in acres): I Page 4 of 2~ ~ 7. Is the site served by existing public utilities? ~]~Yes [] No a. If YES, does sufficient capacity exist to a Iow connection? '~Yes [] No b. If YES, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? DYes '~No 18. Is the site located in an agricultural d~itrict certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? E]Yes ,'~o 19. Is the site located in or substant~lly contiguous and 6 NYCRR 6177 I~'J Yes ~'l~.No to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? B. Project Description E]Yes ~No acres. acres ultimately. 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate). a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor: . b. Project acreage to be developed: ~J/~ acres initially; c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped: O acres. d. Length of project, in miles: ~' ~, (if appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed. (~ % f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing.~ ; proposed ~ O~7 ~ g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour: / ~O (upon completion of project)? h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: Initially One Family Two Family Multiple Family Ultimately i. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure: .. ~'~ height; j. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? 2. How much natural material (i.e. rock, earth, etc.) will be removed from the site7 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed DYes DNo /[~N/A a. If yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? []Yes No How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? width; ft. tons/cubic / Condominium length, yards. acres. Page 5 of 21 5. Will any mature forest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? r~Yes ,~,No 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction: months, (including demolition) 7. if multi-phased: a, Total number of phases anticipated, (number) b, Anticipated date of commencement phase 1: month c. Approximate completion date of final phase: ~ month year. d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? [] Yes [] No Will blasting occur during construction? []Yes ~,o ~/~ Number of jobs generated: during construction __; after project is complet? 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project ~),//L 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities?/~'Yes [] No If yes, explain: year, (including demolition) 12. is surface liquid waste disposal involved? OYes /~No a. If yes, indicate type of waste {sewage, industrial, etc) and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? [] Yes r~No Type 1 4. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? [] Yes If yes, explain: 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a ~/N 100 year flood plain? E]Yes o 16. Will the project generate solid waste? [] Yes a. If yes, what is the amount per month? ~tons b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? [] Yes [] No c. If,/es, give name ; location d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? E]Yes E]No Page 6 of 21 e. If yes, explain: 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? OYes []No a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? --. tons/month. b. If yes, what is the anticipated sit~ life? __ 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? ~Yes,,/~o 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? [] Yes [~ No 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? r~Yes ~No 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? ~ Yes ~No If yes, indicate type(s) 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity ~ gallons/minute. 23. Total anticipated water usage per day gallons/day. 24. Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? [~ Yes ~No If yes, explain: Page 7 of 21 2'5. Approvals Required: City, Town, Village Board City, Town, Village Planning Board [~Yes No Type Submittal Date City, Town Zoning Board City, County Health Department [~Yes E~No Other Local Agencies E~]Yes ~] No Other Regional Agencies ~ No State Agencies NYes [~ No Federal Agencies [] Yes [~No C. Zoning and Planning Information 1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? r'~Yes [~r~o if Yes, indicate decision required: [] Zoning amendment [] Zoning variance [] New/revision of master plan [] Site plan [] Speclal use permit [] Resource management plan D Subdivision O Other Page 8 of 21 What is the zoning class f cation(s) of the site7 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? ~ 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local and use plans7 7. What ere the predominant land usola} and zoning classifications Within a ~ mile radius of proposed action? 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land't~ses with a % mile? 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? Yes No Pege 9 of 21 1'0. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? [] Yes [~' No 1 1. Will the proposed actio~ate a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police, fire protection? BYes c , I~N° a. If yes, ~s.~x st ng capac ty sufficient to handle projected demand? s ~ ~'~ 'F'~ No ,] 2. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? [] Yes~No I a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic. DYes [] No D. lnformeflonal Detalia Attach any edd[tional information as may ha needed to clarify your project. If thoro are or may bo any adverae impecte aeeociated with your proposal, plaeao diecuaa such impacts and tho measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid tham. E. Verification Date I certify that the information provi~ded above is true to the best of my know)edge~ Applicant/Sponsor Name~ 4-~ ~ ~ c'/~ · ~_ ~ ~, 7~ 4/ [ / Title If the action is In the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. Page 10 of 21 SttbmLssion Wit]tout a Cover Letter S/rrb jeer: SCTM#: I000. Date: NOt/ 2 'i ~qn: Southold Town Plannin~ Board ARTICLE IX, Hamlet Business (HB) District [Added 1-10-1989 by L.L. No. 1-1989EN(1)] § 100-90. Purpose. The purpose of the Hamlet Business (HB) District is to provide for business development in the hamlet central business areas, including retail, office and service uses, public and semipublic uses, as well as hotel and motel and multifamily residential development that will support and enhance the retail development and provide a focus for the hamlet area. § 100-91. Use regulations. In the HB District, no building or premises shall be used and no building or part of a building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any uses except the following: A. [Amended 5-9-1989 by L.L. No. 6-1989; 5-16-1994 by L.L. No. 9-1994; 2-7-1995 by L.L. No. 3-1995] Permitted uses. The following are permitted uses and, except for those uses permitted under Subsection A(1), A(2) and A(19) hereof, are subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board: (1) Any permitted use set forth in and regulated by § 100-3IA(I) and (3) of the Agricultural-Conservation District. (2) Any permitted uses as set forth in and as regulated by § 100-42A(2) of the Hamlet Residential District. (3) Boardinghouses and tourist homes. (4) Business, professional and governmental offices. (5) Banks and financial institutions. (6) Retail stores. (7) Restaurants, excluding formula food and take-out restaurants. [Amended 5-16-1994 by L.L. No. 9-1994] (8) Bakeshops (for on-premises retail sale). (9) Personal service stores and shops, including barbershops, beauty parlors, professional studios and travel agencies. (10) Art, antique and auction galleries. (11 ) Artists' and craftsmen's workshops. (12) Auditoriums or meeting halls. (13) Repair shops for household, business or personal appliances, including cabinet shops, carpenter shops, electrical shops, plumbing shops, furniture repair shops and bicycle and motorcycle shops. (14) Custom workshops. (15) Bus or train stations. (16) Theaters or cinemas (other than outdoor). (17) Libraries or museums. (18) Laundromats. (19) Bed-and-breakfast uses as set forth in and as regulated by § 100-3 lB(14). § 100-92. Bulk, area and parking regulations. No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the HB District unless the same conforms to the Bulk Schedule and Parking and Loading Schedules incorporated into this chapter by reference, with the same force and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein in full. EN0) Bulk Schedule for Business, Office and Industrial Districts Town of Southoid Bulk Schedule for Business, Office and Industrial Districts [Added 1-10-1989 by L.L. No. 1-1989; amended 8-22-1995 by L.L. No. 18-1995] LIO LB HB B Light LI Limited Hamlet General M-I M-Il Industrial Light District Business Business Business Marine I Marine II Park/Planned Industrial Minimum requirements for Office Park business, office, industrial or other nonresidential use1 Lot size (square feet) 80,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 $0,000 120,000 40,000 Lot width (feet) 175 60 150 150 150 200 100 Lot depth (feet) 250 100 150 150 150 300 150 Front yard (feet) variable2 15 variable2 35 35 variable2 variable2 Side yard (feet) 20 10 25 20 25 30 20 Both side yards (feet) 45 25 50 45 50 60 40 Rear yard (feet) 75 25 35 25 25 75 70 Landscape area (percent) 35 25 35 25 20 35 25 Maximum permitted dimensions Lot coverage (percent) 20 40 30 30 30 Building height (feet) 35 35 35 35 35 Number of stories 2½ 2 2 2 2 20 3O 35 35 2 2 NOTES: 1 For minimum requirements for residential uses, refer first to Density and Minimum Lot Site Schedule for Nonresidential Districts and then to appropriate indicated column in the Bulk Schedule for Residential Dis~cts. In the Marine I and Marine Il Diswicts, only land above mean high water shall qualify for area calculations. Subject: SCTM#: 1000- Date: Sub~ti~sion Without a Cover Letter // JOSHUA Y. HORTON SUPERVISOR TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD Fax. (516)-765-1366 JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A. ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK II 971 Tel.(516)-765-1560 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Elizabeth Chamakkala Design Unit # 3, Room 5A-16 State Office Building 250 Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11788 Dear Mrs. Chamakkala: Re: April 23, 2003 Southold Town IGA Route 25 & Youngs Avenue As per our recent telephone conversations, I have enclosed a copy of a preliminary sketch indicating the relocation of the entrance to the existing parking lot for the above referenced property. The property owner has agreed that the relocation of this entrance would be in his best interest and has requested that my office coordinate with you to facilitate this modification. As we discussed, items shown on this plan were not surveyed and should not be considered accurate for the purposes of design. The existing entrance to the site has always been posted entrance only. It would be the Town's position to also allow for a right turn only from the new location. This would alleviate the need for traffic to travel around the building and back through the light to head in an easterly direction. I realize that a decision regarding this matter would fall upon your design unit, but the Planning Board & Transportation Committee wanted me to convey their thoughts on the issue. The owner also requested new sidewalks along the entire length of his property. He was told that this was already part of the project. I also told him that I would verify the installation of new sidewalks with you. Street trees through this corridor are also a concern of the Transportation Committee. Some of the trees fronting this site are diseased and potentially hazardous and should be removed. If they are proposed to be cut down during this project, are there provisions to plant new ones? The size, species and locations of new trees proposed by the DOT would be of interest to the Committee. Please review the enclosed and let me know of your thoughts. If this can be incorporated into the current DOT project I would like to be able to inform the Committee. If you have any questions concerning this preliminary site plan for the IGA Property, please contact my office. CC: APR 2 3 $outhold Iowa Planning Board State Route -- Approximate Location of Existing Utility Pole All dimensions are approximate. Site surveys will be required to verify spacing and dimensions. -- SIDEWALK ' ~I~EWALK 24' Width 24' 24' 22' Width HC 16 16 14 24~ 24' [ 24' Width Width 80 TOTAL SPACES APR 23 ~outhold Plannin Preliminary Site Plan Scale t"-30.O' 473889 SOUTHOLD NYSRPS ASSESSMENT INQUIRY SCHOOL SOUTHOLD SCHOOL{ ~RCLS 454 SUPEPA~ARKET 61.-4-25.1 54500 MAIN RD = OWNER & MAILING INFO === FOODBASKET PROPERTIES INC 68 BAYVILLE AVE BAYVILLE NY 11709 =MISC 1 BANK DATE : 11/19/2003 ROLL SEC TAXABLE TOTAL RES SITE TOTAL COM SITE ACCT NO 08 I ........ = ..... ASSESSMENT DATA ........... I **CURRENT** RES PERCENT ILAND 13,800 **TAXABLE** ITOTAL 36,250 COUNTY 36,250 **PRIOR** TOWN 36,250 ILAND 13,800 SCHOOL 36,250 ITOTAL 36,250 ==DIMENSIONS ===1 ....... SALES INFORMATION .................................. ACRES 1.27 IBOOK 11653 SALE DATE 11/10/93 SALE PRICE 980,000 IPAGE 145 PR OWNER MALINOWSKI JOHN M EST ....... TOTAL EXEMPTIONS 0 ............. I== TOTAL SPECIAL DISTRICTS 4 ..... CODE AMOUNT PCT INIT TERM VLG HC OWN CODE UNITS PCT TYPE VALUE l YD028 IPK070 I~]W020 ISW011 Fi=NEXT PARCEL F3=NEXT EXEMPT/SPEC F4=PREV EXEMPT/SPEC 75.i0- 03-050 F6=GO TO INVENTORY F9=GO TO XREF F10=GO TO MENU Telaphone: ~ ~5/~'~ SCTM# of site you are inquiring about: Query: (Please be spedfic about the information you need. Provide supporting documentation - surveys, maps, sketches - where possible.) PIannin[ Boar~ For Office Use Only: Routed to: REQUEST FOR INFORMATION OR ASSISTANCE Telephone: Mailing Address: ,~' ~,~/ SCTM# of site you are inquiring about: Query: (Please be spec;iflc about the information you need. Provide supporting documentation - surveys, maps, sketches - where possible.) For Office Use Only: Routed to: LASER FICHE FORM Planning Board Site Plans and Amended Site Plans Print Date: 3/12/2004 Site Plan File Type: No SP Required SCAN Date: Project Type: Amended Site Plans Status: No Site Plan Required SCTM #: 1000- 61.-4-25.1 Proiect Name: I.G.A. (Southold) south addition Address: 54500 Main Road Location: intersection of Youn.qs Road and NYS Road 25 on the southeast corner Hamlet: Southold Applicant Name: Southold I.G.A. - Food Basket Properties Owner Name: Southold I.G.A. - Food Basket Prope Zone 1: HB File Date: 12/1/2003 PTIONAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Zone 2: County Filinq Date: C and R's: Homeowners Association: A date indicates that we have received the related information Endorse Site Plan Date: 12/1/2003 Zone 3: R and M Agreement: z,. 4 H~4 PL~,'r FO ~-Id f bAT F~ ~-~"1 rLAF~ P R,AKI H ~y L ~. Ha~^T ' PLAF~ IN73°23 ' 30"E MAIN ROAD ' Existing 1 story conc & brick bldg. Proposed Platform $74°32,00-w, S72 $0.00', ' ' 3l.$9 GARSTEN s72o31'00"W 301.85" 3.00.25' GRESIK Plot Plan Survey data taken from survey by 'Roderick Van Tuyl Dec. 7, 1980 Parking Data Pj~g provided .... 80 cars. Typical parking stall .... 10' x 20' Suffolk Co Tax ~Map 61 -4-25- 1 PROPOSED CONCRETE PLATFORM Southold IGA Main Road, SouShold, Owner; Food Basket Properties, Inc. 68 Bayville Ave. Bayvill¢, NY 11709 Prepared by: Lawrence Tuthill NY Scale 1" = 30' "l Noveml~er 21 2003 .? NOV 21 2003 Plarmi ? I0 6 2 3 4 5 6 61-2 12.2 61-2 13 14 North Fork Bank & Trust Attn: Facilities Management PO Box 8914 ~'~ ........ Melville, NY 11747 Town of Southold First Southoid Co. PO Box 1468DAain Road Southold, NY 1197I 15 Boyd, Edward JV PO Box 1468/Cedar Beach Road Southold, NY 11971 7 8 9 10 61-4 23 24 25.1 26 27 62-1 3 Tonyes Realt~ Corp. 54360 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Decarolis Frnnces Inn 1 Old Farm Road East Hills, NY 11577 Foodbasket Properties Inc. 68 Bayvilie Bayville, NY 11700 Laduca Rosario PO Box 359 Southold, NY 11971 ,'i Frohnhoefer, Georgia & Kristen .~ PO Box 255~605 Youngs Avenue Southold, NY 11971 Eastern Breezes IL F. LLC 54795 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 : , 11 64-1 14.3 16 12 Garsten, Irwin L PO Box 48817 Thompson StreeL Shorehom, NY 11786 Gresik, Stephen & Donna PO Box 1251 Sonthold, NY 11971 Food Basket Properties, Inc. , 68 Bayvflle Ave. ---- Bayville, NY 11709 Pmpan~d by: Lawrence Tuthill NOV 21 2003 SoutMld Town Plannmg Board r F_. LF.V>.T I o hl P -- F4::-::: :,, ................... :LA: FO'F--WI PLAI~ It¢' I'-~" Southold Town o3 L K. HLI ~r~A'~ Io, 2fl. o~ PLAi~ E.L EYATto~tO ?Ez:- r lc,