HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 Vol 12 No 3 Fall FISHERS ISLAND Vol. 12 No.3 Established in 1987 Fall 1998 Charles Morvan PhOto . The costumed Soiling Masters of 1812, Essex Fife and Drum Corps. arrives on cue July 5 to help Fishers Island celebrate the Fort H.G. Wright Centennial. The musical troup, which has become a "July 4th" fixture on Fishers Island, marches past one of the period street lamps installed this summer along Whistler Ave. to commemorate the centennial. Charles Morgan's photograph also captures one of two planned "fly-bys" of a 1942 World War II airplane (see p. 23) just as the fife and drum corps emerges from the ferry docking area onto Whistler Ave. 2 Fishers I""a"d (;uzelle LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Mr. George J. Esser, [Co-JChairman Fort H.G. Wright Association Box 274 Fishers Island, NY 06390 Dear Mr. Esser: Heartfelt thanks (Q you and to your com- mince for the wonderful day you afforded my sister, my husband and me onJuly 5. What a great day it was, and we wished we could have stayed much longer. We do hope to make the trip again, perhaps in the fall, when we can explore more of the Island by car. You and your group made the day so very pleasant, and you must have planned and worked long and hard to accomplish such a success. Many persons there enjoyed , ~eorg$ Esser, ,q~rles Morgan ~~~wski .lie Spofford , ,~aIes , · e.H" , & j . ul ,S, u, P, port- ',-1l .j,' :vy. e. i1gway IU~ .' J},:!'. !; ~U_llii""_ "" YEJ\B: IlIi Yi"JUST MAIL A Cj!je - ;to THE GAZETTE I ~. ' . ,I _ __ . ~~ - "': F'lSh~lslaDd Gazelle, Box 573 FisKers Island NY 06390 ""~.,, happy memories of "olden days," and the chaner was non-stop as we reminisced and enjoyed exchanges of pictures and other memorabilia. Two real highlights of the day were the fantastic book by Pierce Rafferry and John Wilton and our visit to the museum, trans- portation provided by the Rogan brothers. The band from Essex in their great uniforms was a real treat, as well. All three of us enjoyed immensely the ferry trips, my sister and I remembering our hundreds of trips (Q shop in New London when we were teenagers. On the return trip at 4 p.m., I felt so fortunate to be able to chat with Fred Saner, amazed that he was there! One person I should like to commend (Q YOll is Manhew Edwards, the very pleasant young man by whom we were approached as we signed in at the dock, and who offered to drive us to the parade ground. ft was such a nice surprise. and we were all most grateful for his help. On the return ferry trip. I was able to talk with him briefly, and he told me that he is kin of Philip Edwards. Philip and I began first grade together and graduated high school together in 1935. You and your group did an outstanding job, and YOll made so many of us happy. You should be proud of your accomplishment. Thanks again and again to all of you for giving us a most beautiful day! It was surely appreciated and will be remembered with great pleasure for many days to come. Gratefully, Mary A. (Collings) Pillsbury (Mrs. Hobart B. Pillsbury) ~ FI~~,RSltU,!f~ciAZE~~ I ~liilOT9Hs" , ."; ,..' ~,'~' ~~~e.!~~ ofte~ recelve~,reil!.m re_~~__ iI'ldle.to ~~e., ~?(~liot~~rapfis on t~e~~n&~:~ s~!a,f;at a W~,lump~e to Igh~ 611!~g.an,~ postage costS)pl.;t~;}o.mslonally take"t,!lS~'l:m~~~: j~{tounding"'amount ~f infwmaS~~iLhts ~!n~ Island p'~2l!M.$~s~:!"nm~lf' \ISS,Ue, ho~ever, as a tnbute, ~O.~h, ,e FO[~:V,' n~~~cen,te"nn~;~" th,rough p,cJuIes'0.ilf. ;;~~~''''''-''~ · Picking raspberries at Mary and Steve Walter's Briar Patch garden. & Call, fax or e-mail the edi- v tor for information about ~ advertising or editorial con. lent: (860) 633-8200; (860) 633-2779. fax: Figbar9@aol.com. The Gazette appreciates and relies upon edito- rial contributions from the community. We reo serve the right to edit copy and regret that we cannot run every story and occasionally must hold copy for future issues. Fishers Island Gautte 3 . Richard Grebe(bottom photo) led a team that pulled this in- jured jet from rocks at the end of Elizabeth Field runway after FAA officials investigated the June 19 mishap.The right wing and front landing gear of the jet were dam- aged in the incident. ElizaLelh Field Mishap Jol.o Cla't'io Pl.olos . A privare jer landed at Elizabeth Field June 19 and suffered a hydraulic brake failure. No one was injured as the pilot guided the craft on a zig-zag course to slow down, finally coming to rest on the rocks at the east end of the runway. Beth Andrews, her son Mark, 16, and the plane's owner were traveling in the jet from New Jersey to Fishers Island when the mishap occurred. "Irwas a clear night, and the pilot activated the runway lights from the airplane," Ms. Andrews said. "When we landed and the brake system failed, it felt like being in a car and hitting ice. We did not even feel the pressure of our scat belts when we stopped. It was a non-event." According to Ms. Andrews, the pilot has been landing jets on Fishers Island for the past I 0 years. He had brought her husband Mark Andrews and daughter Elizabeth, 17, to the Island earlier in the day. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) officials investigated the site and termed the event an "incident," not an "accident." "The real story here is the speed with which the Fishers Island Fire Department arrived," Ms. Andrews said. "They were on the scene by the time we got out of the plane. "The emergency personnel were wonderful. They took shifts all night guarding the plane to make sure nothing was tampered with before FAA officials arrived the next day." .J Fi,ha,\ 1,,1(/1/(1 (;(/:t"'l' THANk YOU 1- The Fort H.G. Wright Association would like to express its sincere appreciation to all Fishers Islanders. Island organizations and friends of Fort Wright. who contributed to the Fort lighting Project and to the summer-long series of centennial celebration events, We have tried to include a complete list here. yet recognize that a few names may have been inadvertently omitted because of the very broad and generous support we received. Our appreciation goes to you as well. Islanders can indeed be proud of the extraordinary outpouring of support to commemorate Fort H,G. Wright's unique contribution to the history and legacy of Fishers Island. Ahlgren. Mr. & Mrs. Herbert duPont, Mr. Reynolds Ahrens. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Duryea. Mr. James M. Allen. Mr. & Mrs. John Edwards. Mr. Albert Anderson. Mr. & Mrs. OJ Edwards. Mr. Richard C. Appelmans. Mr. Jacques Edwards. Mr. Matthew Armstrong. Ill. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Edwards. Mr, & Mrs. Kenneth l. Arnold. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Elwell, Ml'5. Roberta Arts Council. The :~ ,.....Esenloh~M?~n.. Baker. Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Richard ~I - Ii E~se!. Mr; & Mrf. George & Family Barmache. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Evans. Ms.' Elizabeth . Banks, Mr. Marc Evans, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Barsk. Mr. & Mrs, Anders F.r. Civic Association Bartels. Mr. & Mrs. Donald F.r. Club Golf Pro Shop Bartol. Mr. & Mrs. John F.1. Electric Corporation & crew Bartow. Mrs. Clarence F.I. Ferry District & crew BD Remodeling & Restoration - .. F.t. Fire Department Bean, Mr. & Mrs. John ~'."" ~~'_ . F',I. Garbage & Refuse District Beaudoin, Ms. Michelle ~, ..'" ' F.I~Ga.!ette Beckwith. Mrs. Mara ': ',r ~~.I. Hi~ay Crew Beggs. Mr. & Mrs. John C. "(.":., ,,~.I. post'TIffi~ Blondel. Mr, John deC.;, F.I. School ' ~ Blow. Mr. & Mrs. Michael .! ~~~enior Citizens ~i.'- Bogert Mr. JeremIa! M. ....,'F~~~r & Mrs. Robert \II, Bogert. Mrs. John J. Fe guson, Mr Charles Boocock. Mrs. Kenyon FIDCO Borgert. Ms. Samantha Fisher. Mr. Borgert. Mr. & Mrs. Stuart fowler. Mr. & Mrs. Braun, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Furse. Ms. Elizabeth Brown. III. Mr. & Mrs. W. l. Lyons Furse, Mr. Willi Brown. Jr.. Mr. & Mrs. w,l. Lyons Gaillard, Mrs a harine M. B<ewne. Mr. & Mrs. John G~GL Bryan. Mr. & Mrs. Barry ~ti&.aumond. rs. Marie Burnham. Mr. & Mrs. Brad *!;9Gillan, Ms. 'ou ne Burnham. Mr. & Mrs. David C. Gordon. Mr. Ala Burnham, Mr. & Mrs. John Gordon. niel Burr. Mr. Elbert M. .orha , if, Ric ard & Lady Burr. Ms. Joanne~Go~ Mrs. Porter J. Burr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank A TGos~rs. Michele P. Burr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter v.>\U :i .t.Gos~, Mr. Porter Bussmann. Mr. Anton ""l~:, ~Gray. Mrs. Bowman Calhoun. Mrs. Robert Gruner. Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L Campbell, Dr. & Mrs. Rolla Guimaraes, Mr. & Mrs. George Cantlay. Mr. & Mrs. D_ Davison Haase, Mr. & Mrs. William Capobianco. Mr. Edward Hair of the Dog Carney. Mr. & Mrs. James H. Hale. Mr. Richard Carpenter, II. Mr. & Mrs. LN. Hall, Mr.James Carter. Mrs. Elizabeth Reed Hall. Mr. & Mrs. C. Barrows Collins, III. Mr. & Mrs. Atwood Hancock. Mr. & Mrs. Howard Congregational Fellowship House Hanley. Mr. & Mrs. W, Lee Connelly. Kevin & Susan Harling. Mr. P~ljp: ,. Cook. Mr. Harold Harvey. Mr. &~rs."1}... D~xon Cooper. Ms. Heathe Harvey. Mr. & Mrs. Robert D.H. Conroy. Mr. Michael Helfet. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cook. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Hellier, Mr. John R. Coudert. Mr. Matthew J. Hillard. Rev. William Crupi. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Holmes, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Q Derderian, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Horn, Constable Lawrence Deventer. Mr. Warren S. Horn, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Diaz Contracting Horn, Mrs. Susan Dixon. Ms. Deborah Horning. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Doherty. Mr. Thomas Hotchkiss. Mr. & Mrs. Winchester F. Doroshevich. Mr. Thomas Hudson. Mr. & Mrs. Steven Doucette, Mr. Wayne Hunt. Mrs. Nancy Downey, Ms, Patricia Ireland. Mr. & Mrs. George R. Duff. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Island Concerts Dunwoody. Mr. & Mrs. McComb Island Peoples Project Johnson. Mr. & Mrs. David S. Kadushin. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Keenan. Mr. & Mrs. Walter C. Ketner. Mr. & Mrs. D. Scott Kibbe Family. The Kidd. Mr. & Mrs. Barron Kimberly.;tr. ~M.rs,John~ King,_Mr~Henry C Knauff, Mr.'& Mr{.Robert P. - Lamb. Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Lamb. Mr. Scott Lawrence, Mr. & Mrs. Peter l. Lawry, Mr. Nelson Legendre, Mrs. Gertrude Leyland. Mrs. Mary Ludemann. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lyons. Mr. & Mrs. John Macleod. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marks, Mrs. Claudia .,j." Marshall. Mr. & MrsfSamuel ~" Matthiess~ri'& Mrs. George C Maysles; Mr? Albert McG:rrce": Mr. & Mrs. Thomas .....1" ~mDermott. Mr, Adam"fr:k'. ... .' MCDOnOUgh.~~tge!ftrtt \? McElwrea.th;tN~_MfS. Edward McGuire,Mr'fHenry ~tfler, ~ rs. John r'Meyer. Mr. & rs Ro!;>ert O. Miller. Mr. & Mrs. Ro~ii~ jell, Mr. &"iii~j ert . Mr.&~ an Mor n.;,< . Charles Murphy:. rs ordon Murphy, Mrs. ra Musser. Mr. & Mrs. Willia New York State Police \$; . Norton, Mr. & Mrs. Glen Norton. Mrs. lone D. Noyes. Mrs. Blancke Oakes, Mrs. Thomas F. O'Brien. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O'Connell. Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Off. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Osborn. Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Oswald. Mrs. Alice T. Our Lady of Grace Church Owen. Mr. & Mrs. David 'j i;~~~1 ~u~~~aS.t Parsons;~Mr. &~. JJester .. P:frs'5hs~Mr.l}tAs. Rober W. Parsons.jr.. Mr. & Mrs. Harris Patterson. Mr. & Mrs. Ellmore C. Patterson. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Phelps. Mr. & Mrs.5towe C. Pickett Fence Pickett. Ms. Ellen Pickett. Ms. Jane Polk. Mr. & Mrs. Samuel S. Porter. Mr. & Mrs. Eliot Hale Preston. Mrs. Louisa Purnell. Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Family Purnell. Ms. Marguerite Race Rock Gardening Rafferty. Mr. Kevin r. .;-- . ..."J ~ Rafferty. Mrs. Martha Rafferty. Mr. Pierce Rand. Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Raridon, Mr. Jonathan Ray. Mr. & Mrs. William F. Reid. Mr. l. Bagley R~~.~~ & Mrs M. Bagley "Reld~r. & Mrs. Scott Rhodes. Mrs. Christina -Ridgway, Mr. & Mrs. William C. Ridgway. Mrs. Emily Riegel. Mr. & Mrs. John Righter. Mr. & Mrs. James Rogan. Mr. Peter Rokita. Mr. & Mrs. Edward '~'''7'Roosevelt. Mr. & Mrs.Christopher r. Mr. & Mrs. LoUls RU inow, Mr. & Mrs. Laurence P. :rI"Amand. Dr. & Mrs. Nathan nger Fund Sanger. Mr. Penn duPont Sanger. Mrs. Grant Sanger, Mrs. Peter D. Scanlon. Mr. John j. Schutz. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Schweiger, Mrs. Clara Scott. Mr. & Mrs. Martin Scoville, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sinclair, Mr. & Mrs. Scudder Ski. Mrs. John Smith. Ms. Sarah H. Spofford. Mr. & Mrs. C. Nicholas Spofford, Mr. & Mrs. John tei!. Mr. & Mrs. Peter anek. Mr. & Mrs. Charles . Mr. & Mrs. Albert r. & Mrs. Gunther Mr. & Mrs. David ier. Mr. & Mrs. James Talbot. Mr. & Mrs, Robert B. Thatcher. Mr. & Mrs. M. Llewellyn Thatcher, Mr. & Mrs, Richard Town of Southold Tremaine, Jr.. Mr. & Mrs. Burton G. Upson. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Upson. Mr. C. Hiram Valentini. Mrs. Leo van Hengel. Mr. & Mrs. Maartin van Hengel. Jr.. Mr. & Mrs. Maartin Van Costen, Ms. Helene Vartanian. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wall, Mr. & Mrs. H. Peter Walter. Ms. Callie Walters. Mr. Wesley Walters, Mr. & Mrs. Steven Ward. Mr. & Mrs. Philip Wasley. Mr. & Mrs. John Watson. Ms. Tammy White. Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Williamson. Mr. Peter Wray. Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Young, Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln Wall. Mr. James Z & S Contracting Fishers [,{[and Gazelle 5 FORT H.G. WRIGHT It was a tall order, but Fishers Is- land managed to turn back the hands of time this summer with the hugely successful Fort H.G. Wright centennial celebration. "We could not have done this with- out the enthusiastic support of the entire Fishers Island community," said centen- nial committee co-chairs, Peter Burr, George Esser and Pat Kibbe. There were several components to the event, which officially spanned the summer from July 3 to Aug. 22. The first evening began with the openingreceptionofH.L. Ferguson Mu- seum, which had hired a professional small museum exhibit designer to ar- range its Ft. Wright exhibit. Pierce Rafferty and John Wilton were on hand to sign their new book, Guardian of the Sound, a pictorial history of Ft. Wright. Saturday morning July 4 found Is- 1 00 YEARS land fon historian Peter Williamson pleas- antlyoverwhelmed by the crowds that turned out for his lecture tours of the Clinton Mor- tar Batteries and the Marcy, Butterfield and Barlow Artillery Batteries. The same tours were repeated July 5 and Aug. 22. Centennial committee members were ini- tially uncertain how to frame Saturday evening's party on the Parade Grounds, but opted to make it an old-fashioned family affair. Island families responded en masse by creating an idyllic evening of picnic suppers on colorful blankets while listening to a live swing band and jazz vocalist. At the far end of the Parade Grounds, children played a pick-up game of soccer. Sundaywas sunny and hot and crowded with people who lined Officer's Row (Whis- tler Ave.) ro watch the annual bicycle pa- rade and listen to the Essex Fife and Drum Corps. F.I. Fire Dept. volunteers grilled and served their popular "July 4th" lunch on the Parade Gounds, rather than at their usual spot on the Village Green. Former Islanders with strong memo- ries of the Ft. Wright era came to the centennial, and a number of them had their histories videotaped at the Fishers Island School. Many in atrendance sought the shade of the large yellow and white striped tent that housed a number of dif- ferent related exhibits. The centennial offcially ended with the August battery tours and a lively Aug. 2 I performance by the U.S. Coasr Guard Dixie Band at the Island theater. Fife &. Drum Corps mor<:J.es pOl'!ii1 a former of('i<:er'l'!ii residen<:e now owned L,.. IIle E!iser famil.,. 6 rid'lTI /1/1/1/(/ (;II~I>'ff' -=--=-=-=--=--=-=-=-- --~~~~~-~~-l! Ir=-=-=;-= 1 I , i I L~_ " =-=--=-'=~-=-_.=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=._=__I H.L. Ferguson Museun. (Top) Balloons in patriotic colors adorn the entrance to the museum July J at the summer season open- ing reception. (Left) Eager buyers lined up at the museum recep- tion to purchase numbered copies of Pierce Rafferty and John Wilton's Ft. Wright book. (See ad on p, 35 to order copies.) (Bottom) Military uniform was part of the museum's Ft. Wright exhibit. Fishers Island Gazette Photos Fidlers Islalld Gazelle 7 I Mary O'Connor Mecagni. 98. of New Lon- don. said she wouldn't have missed the July 5 centennial. Born Nov. 14. 1900 in Nor- wich. Conn.. she lived on Fishers Island from 1902-1917 when her father worked for Edmund Ferguson. Ms. Mecagni said her brother was named Edmund Ferguson O'Connor at Mrs. Ferguson's request. The spritely and extremely articulate Ms. Mecagni said she also learned to play golf on Fishers Island when a lady golfer asked her to caddie. Fishers Island Gazette Photo Rogan Family (I-r): James L. Rogan. Gail Rogan Garill. Peter W. Rogan. Mary Rogan Stather and Harry P. Rogan. Their father. Sgt. Peter J. Rogan was sta- tioned at Ft. Wright from 1922-1931 and 1936-1938. He remained on Fishers Island and died in 1972. Charles Morgan Photo Fa<<:es, Fa...ilies, Not Forgone" ,. (r-I) Young Ross Saxon shares newly-discov- ered Island history with his uncle. Rick Moody and his grandmother. Peggy Davis. Thirty-six historical postcard blow-ups were placed along the Parade Grounds and in the bunker areas. George Esser Photo S Fj\I,.'nhl(/IIlI(ifl:'/'(f(' IDGSI ..~ DIVERSIFIED ~,~~j~'~'1 ;"~I~'~~'~/:'~':li~~C. Affordable group health Insurance made simple... ,,~ ~ ~ ft ....'" ~ , l -Ill ~ .... .. c\~,. ~bn'l~n Kllhnn I "ftl. RichMJ. kll, ;1I1l1 Gwup lk;lhh In~urOlnn'llrnkl'r..I'''l1l L Cl.lrk. Rill! ;Ind ~1~\'I'n I' Cbrk Wc p/'Ovidc sllIall cllIployer groups (2-50) with cOlJlpetitive solutions to IlIce( their healt/Jearc needs. 1-800-235-5126 'H~ Lafayt'lle Street . Norwich. Cllllllt'cticllI 06360 fcl{'pholle 860-886-5] 26 . Fax 860-RH6-7Q 17 Angela W. Fowler, RLA Landscape Architecture Garden Design Site Selection Planning 212-722-1561 · 212-828-5639, fax 49 East 96th St #7 A, New York, NY 10128 Member. International Federation of landscape Architects Member, American Society of landscape Architects WHERE SPIRIT. MIND (j'M !>(all is dedicated to providing you with exceptional selVices in hair care, skin care, body care, and natural colour cosmetics. The products and services offered at the salon are unique in that we are constantly striving to maintain a hannonious relationship with the environment We use AVEDA products containing ingredients derived from pure flower and plant essences 'Nhich enhance the beauty and wellness of the entire body. J'/( WATERHOUSE we are committed to maintaining an awareness, and welcome the opportunity to share this knowledge with you. AND BODY MEET .o/l/c 'H~/p,lt(J(t.l'" 142.9543 136.140 bank street new london ct 06320 Hair of the Dog Liquors 78'8'-7101 A fine selection of wines and liquors from around the world. Discount on cases Open year round ~ ~,.. '8'?~~ . ~ ~.) Cash. Check. Master Card. Visa & Discover accepted OR set up a charge account with us. l/i,II('1"\ /\lOI/(/(;(I:'('''t' 9 I=is!lers Island, 1'\1' 06390 .:; 16-788-7303 Doven . NlcBride " 1~]3AL TOl~S @ OLD LYME,CT06371 860-434-5838 DISTINCTIVE PROPERTIES {f)lll.r/fW!)III(j {f)tlf'l"lll(j Recently Reduced This piLturc perfect custom.designed residence is available for immediate occupancy. Tasteiully appointed, it is being sold furnished. Speci,ll features include ,1 handsome center chimney fireplace, 3 bedrooms, fully-equipped kitchen, living room, dining area (inri 2 iull bathrooms. Sliding glc1ss doors open to deck and to bonus room (600 square feeO, perfect for entertaining or for the needs oi a growing fJmily. $275,000. WEST HARBOR-lOTS FOR SALE WATERFRONT-Superbly situated with 190' frontJgc on West H,ubor. This property includes professionally constructed dock just wJiting for your boat. $245,000. WATER VIEW-Across irom beacb and yacbt club, this approvpd building sile is ,1 perfect set- ting for your new home. $175,000. J (J Fi,\'/u'n '-"mu' (;(1:1'111' Lanmar Aviation Executive Class helicopters for business or pleasure WILLS, TRUSTS & ESTATES Probate in Suffolk County and Nassau County Helicopter Charter Services Dinner, Scenic & Casino Flights REAL ESTATE Planning & Zoning 51020 Main Road, Southold NY 11971 ~ -J..- Former town attorney and surrogate's court attorney HELICOPTER SERVICE TO: Boston. Fishers Island. Hamptons, Hartford, Newport, Providence, Wan Street plus many other destinations Patricia C. Moore ATTORNEY AT lAW TOWN OF SOUTHOLO, SUFFOLK COUNTY 860-667-3558 Reservations 516-765-4330. Fax: 516-765-4643 860-588-3483 After hours . . . . (9 LI N^RY (6PERS Visit Our Store & Cafe in Mystic Fine Cheese & Pates Creative lIars d'Oeunes Prepared Foods Baked Goods Gonnoet Grocery Items Gift Baskets lIostess Gifts Toll-Free: 888~S72-7992 63 Williams Ave., Mystic, CT. 860-572-7992 Ask Ahout DdiHry to Ihl' F.1. Ft.'IT)' Do(:k I'/"ha\ I'/Olll/(;II:I'I(I'{{ r I I I ... - ~-- / . / /7....7 'r I . I I I I I I i 11 ! Charlie and Alice Ferguson arrange Ft. Wright artifacts. which were offered to visitors for a modest donation to the mu- seum. Fishers Island Gazette Photos ExJ.ihitors Recall Island History In his spare time. Island contractor Jim Diaz collects old Fishers Island postcards. He displayed part of his extensive collec- tion under a shady tree near the Parade Grounds during the centennial celebra- tion. (lower left) Charles Stepanek and Roberta Elwell collaborated on the poster. "The Gun Pits of Fishers Island." (lower right) lone Norton sits behind dis- play of medical bag of longtime Island doctor. Ralph Hoch. 1): RAlPH I( Ho<:H, (,--.. I.4n~'. '*"=1... f... 0"" 2a ,..r. br~;nn..'~ ,n "(.0. ...' On t~. N."Y M.....' c....~. It, 1'1'11. eJ".. to luv~ Son FC4""j,.... f..,. Pud H.,-t.o... 0" Dec, 8" llboord II ""ppl,. shop The J.p...... ott.<~ .... De< ")" ddoyed IIi. dep.rt~c.. W'l..n ho ...._.' , ,......,....... ....-./",1 <.arp'm..... awr'.;ur of t""- V,).5. A ~'nn'. ...... rH."hd He..p1oi...d Ihw.! - ---~j /2 FMll'r.\' 1.\IUlld Gu:e"(' WILDERNESS POINT Direclly on the Block Island Sound with 500' or shoreline. Marvelous southern exposure. Swimming pool overlooking lhe Block Island Sound. Late 1920's shingle-style Cape Cod in excellent con- dilion. 3,400+/- Square Feet of beauti- rully appointed living space. Ten main rooms on Lwo levels including seven Bedrooms. lIardwood rloors, Lwo Fireplaces, French door" delailed mill- work and four and one-half Baths. Main Entrance Hall. Paneled Living Room with fireplace. Paneled Dining Room with Fireplace. Country Kitchen. Just listed! Ashing Price: $1,500,000 OVERLOOKING SILVER EEL POND. Originally part WEST STREET MARKET. Located near the center of of Fort Wright. Updated and renovated by James Righter. High lhe Village. Commercial three story building with covered ceilings. Family Room open to Walk.in Kitchen with great porches. 1,600 Square Feet or retail space, studio apartmem views or Fishers Island Sound and the Connecticut coast. Living with separate access and one car garage. Adequate parking. Room, Powder Room and Bedroom complete the First Floor. Over one-third acre. Asldng Price: $360,000 Two sets or stairs lead to Four Bedrooms and Two Baths. Level lawns look oul over pond & Sound. Asking Price: $395,000 WINTHROP DRIVE. Country Cape. Approximalely .5 acres of level land with pool. Dining Room open to beamed Living Room. Eat-in-Kitchen. Five Bedrooms. Just listed! Ashing Price: $39B,000 LAND TWO VIEWS. Approximately 2 acres on the upper portion of Clay Point. Beautiful high building site with views of Chocomount Cove to the Northeast and views over the driving range and out to the Block Island Sound to the South. As/ling Price: $325,000 WATERVIEW. Undeveloped lot, approximately 3.1 acres. On the Northern slope of Chocomount. High sile with beautiful views of the Fishers Island Sound and Connecticut Coastline. Ashing Price: $400,000 HILLTOP. Rising to a 75' elevation. Fabulous building site. 4.7 acres with the potential for magnificelll waterviews. Asking Price: $450,000 CHOCOMOUNT BEACH. Over two acres with a palh to the beach! Mostly eleared parcel. 65' elevation with views of Block Island Sound. Utilities and water are readily accessible. Asl?i/lg Price: $350,000 ,,", ", . ~~"~':'_''1:: ;".- "-;,111'1"\ "'IIIU/(;Il:l"/h./3 I I I , BROOKS POINT Drall1~\lic;t1ly ~i(cd (In the ri~hcr" Island Sound. lmpel"l.:~\hl> huilt ...hill- ..k-st\'k Colonial wilh 1..'\'1..'1"\' ~llllCllit\'. ~ . " lh"cr 6,500 Squarc Fcct of clq!,;llllly .lppoinlcd H\'ing spacc. Bi.';\lHHul allCll- ti(lIl 10 dClai\. Iligh ceilings ,1ml brgc ,,'indows crcale a Still ny, ;dry ,-lImos~ pherc. ~early Sl'\Tll 1ll'.lUtirully land. s(,:apcd waterfront acres (,n'erlookillg thc Fishers Island SOlllld ;IIHllhl' ConneclicUI coasll I Ill'. Pnnd. Swimming Pool \\'1111 Changing C.1ham\. TCllnls Court. GUCSI ltl)usc. A\I~int~ Pri((': 52.250.000 . I I I , . " ';:"~. PENINSULA I3EACHFRONT. Located Oil \I'cst IL1Ih",. on approximately 1/4 acre wilh hcach and \\T~tl'rn \'ie,,"s ()lthc Harbor and the Yacht Cluh. FIrSI F1onr...EllIrancc I bll, Powder Room, Laundry, 1\l1lclnl Li\'ing RlHlIll \\'ith FiI'CpL.llT <11111 bq!,l' windows owrlooking the I brhl\!": Open Dining Rlllllll. Kitchell ,,'ilh door oul 10 Ihe \\c.;\Sidc deck. Second Flllor. .'llncc Ikdrool1ls, Balhwoll1. Lower I.l'\TI...Fa11lih' l~l)l\lll. Ikdwolll. full [bth. Utilities. Laundry. ..\s/~;",~ P, it c: S:U),Ol1n ON TilE PARADE GROUNDS. Cha,.lllillg IUrlH'[-lhc- lTnlmy ;\rlllY UlTicn's housc nn \Vhisller Avel1uc. Si..'l"ccllcd Plll"dl. L;ugc Cll\Trcd Porch. SI;1tl' rOll!" & Tin ceilings. FirSI rl,ll\r.,.r1l1r~. l.lrgc Li\'ing I{n(}lIl, Lugc L\I-ill-Kitchcll. Threl' Lkdrn(llll.... 1\;lIh. Sccond F1tlol...Four IkdnHlllls. [;u.in- l,ill']1l'll. Iblh, rhird F10111...I';IIi...hcd: Thrce Bnlrol)llls. Ol1l' Iblh. Il'g;d 1 \\1\ Luntly IltllllC. .."'J~jl1,~ "rkc: S315.nOO Ginnel Real Estate Box 258, Fishers Island, NY 06390 Thomas H.C.Patterson, (516) 788-7805 Broker Associate Peggy Clavin. Sales Assodah' 1.1 ril/uT\ h/tllllf(;a;,'II,' I Scott O. Lamb SCO(( ()\\"I.:11 Lamh dinl Au!!.. 31 ;\t l.;I\\'reIKe& ,\klllorialI lo....pif;d, New lon- dOll a,.... a 1"l......lll( 01';1 ho,uill!!. ;lCl'idl'llt ill Fi....hl....... bLind Sound. I k wa.... .N. ThlTl' wa.... ;1 llOlicl'ahk pall OVLT i111' bland ;1..... word or .\11'. Lllllh..... tr;lgic lkHh ....pre;ld IIlrOUgl1ol11 1I11' I....land pOptlLllioll. A hdll\'nl llll'mhl'r (,fllll' L<Hlllllllllity. ,\11'. 1.;llllh was dnnihl'd ;IS;l dn'olnl hu....hand. t:lIl11'r, son and friend;\1 his IlllH:ral SLTVil:l', wht'rl' n.l'ry Sl'at was tilled and IllOllrlll.r..... ...tood four dl'l'p;1I lilt' rl'ar of thl' t.:hurch. ~vlr. Lamh was horn Dee 23, 1 ~)H in SCOTT O. LA:\1Il \\,illilll,IIHil. (:onll.. dlt' ....Oll or I.l.wi.... ;1I111 bill' (I\Lll'l\liILlIl) Llllll) or h....hn.... l....Ltnd .llld {;ulljlOrl, Fl... I k gLldll;l1nl rl"Olll ,\Lni;llLIf)oli.... l\l'p.ILuory ~dlU(l1 and ;\t. tl'llllnl dll' Uni\'l'r..il~' of (:ollllectil111 School or 1..lnd....l.aping. \X'hilq~ro\\'ing tip ill/\hingtoll. ,\ Lt........ ,\lr. j,;llllh "pl'lll ....lllllnln... Oil ri....hn.... 1....- land \\'illl hi.... I:Ullily. Ill' lll;lrril'd JoAl1lll' Ah;u.l' (kl. 1.), 1 \)K1j in/\hingltlll and had worked ;1\ ;1 LHl'l;lkn fill. till' (~l'CJrgl' dl'.\ll'nil t:1I11ih-on h...hn... bLind 1;11' lllml' 111;111 1.1 yl.ar..... 1\11'. l.alllh \\'.I\;l1l ;l\.id 11,....hLTlll;lll ;Illd w;l..... ;111 <lCli\'l' P;Hlicipallt illlhl' ..oflh;t11 ;Illd howling le;lgul".s on dll' Islalld. ,\Ir. l.amh i.... ...ur\"in.d hy his \\'i/~'. .JoAnlll' l.alllh or Fi....hn..... 1...land: two SOIl\, Jllhn '-). ;Ind Chrislllphl'r A. I.amh ol"l:i...l1- l..-..... Islalld: ;\ dall~h{t'r, Sarah It LlIllh of Fi.....Ill'r... 1..land: hi... p;lrl.nt.... I.l'wi.... alld J;lIll' l.amb: ;1 hrothl'r. DOl1ald 1.;llllh of Vir- ginia: two si...tl..'l"s. Bonnit' l hlimolHl' of i\1ass;1Chusell..... and l)dmrah l\orglTI of C:Olllll'CtiL:lll; his pall'rnal gLllldlllolhcr. I.oui...I..' l.;tlllh of ri...her... Isbnd; hi... llla{LT- ll.tI ~r.llldlll()thn ,\l.lI-i.tll ,\bl,\liILlll of 1~IIlI itb: ;llld ...l'\'l'l"al ;111111.... lUll k.... ;lnd lOIl"'- Ill..... ,\1.,. 1..llllh i.... .11...0 'lll"\'i\ul h.\' in-Ll\\'''' ";Ill'll I.alllh. .Jml-ph I hliIlHlllll'. SIll.HI Horgnl ;Ind their lhildrl'n. A llll'lllllrial...n\"in' \\'.1,.... hdd Sl'pt. ;;;.11 { )ur I.adv ot' (;rale (:hurl h. Btlri.d wa.... ill ;--":l'\\' SI. John.... Cl'llll'ILTY. I )ollatiolh ill i\lr. LUllh.... Illl'1ll0r~' JIl,I\'lw Illade 10 [Ill' Lllllh (:hildl'l.ll...... I'rmr. I'() Box -)Xti. h...hn.... I....Lllld NY ()(,y)(). .$ ['0 dll' l'l'opll' or hshl'r..... I....LIlHI: Thallk YOll ;111 ror till' olllpouring or ;11);':nillll ;llld c;lrin!!. ....h(l\\'n ttl illY t:Ullily ,hi.... 1),1....' wel'k. TIll' t(){,d, oIK,r.... or ;KltlllllllOll.l- lioltS, word.. of nllldok'llCt' and hopl'. and Irihutl's to SCOll Lllnh h;l\'l' hl't'n inllllllll'r- ;Ihk. and grl'atly apprt'l.i;lIl'lL Thi... outpour- ing 01" lovt' lu..... hdpl'll and will help all of Il\ [0 dl'al with this tr;tgl'd~' ;Illd will always hl' rt'111t'lllht'l"I..'d. VLTY SillCL"I"l' Ihanks, (:;ty ~1;lc~liILtn Hint's (Jane L;lll1h\si~tl'l") Dear family ami friellds: JOAlIlllJolm. Chris~ Sar.Jh,Jallc and Lew wish to thank each and e\'eryonc ofyoll who gave so IlIlKh of yourselves during the most devastatjng time of our lives. Fishers Island is special, and our ""Sullshine Islall<P' SOil, husband and father1 Scott, will always ha\"c his place here with all of liS. 77te followiuK poem b} Winfield <Towult)' Scoff was '-Nul at the gmvfsidr. 171t' poem has alw{~\'s hllllj{oullu' wall ofJalll' and Lnv Lamb~~ snmlll{'T hOllu 011 FislU'rJ Islaml, and thr pod wm known (lJl{llotlfl! b)' till' Lamb fami(lt. \Vho will remelllher~ who will know <lgain that isolate island ill sight of the mainland? The long cough of the rock>, beach, tIle rusty pools when: slllall cr<lbs hustled green illto d<lrker wceds? \Vho will study the subterranean pockets tough.wallcd with IllUSSelS <Iud periwinkle blue in the Hashes of light 011 the iodine-adored sea? \Vho will know what it is ill the SUIlllller nOOIl to stand ali<I look back at the cOlltilleutal shore as far 011 the harbor as if it were forevcr? \Vho will rcmember how it is to kneel by pink and purple beach peas while the salt wind bends over, filled with a wild.rose drench? Or stare from the ridge at the whole islaltd\ lengtl.. Bow to stem ill one embracing glance? \Vlm else \vOIild Ilear voices that are lIot there where we gazed tip allilll <lilt.! talking people? 011 the treeless ridge ill gra.ss kllce.higlt? \VllO will kllow again? \Vlto will remember as childreu ill thc sun who lon:d th.tt island? \Ve all will remcmher fill.cn.'r. \Vitli lo\'C. Thc Lamh Family ~ 2_ ~~~ ~ Eileen G. Wall Eikcll c. \'(/;dl. )6. a dl'nlll'd ,\.-'ill: ;11lt! llwlhn, died July 2{) ,l( Lawrcnce & j\ 1\.'1110- lid Ilospiral. Ncw I,tllldoll. afrl'r hran:ly lurrlilw kidlll'\' ClIln:f for six \'I..';ILS. ~. . Born July 2'), 1942.11 Ft. \X1riglll f los- pit.11 on Fishers lsbnd, l\-1s. \\1all was (hl' lbll~lw.'r of ~bry C~T CrdK' ;Intl rhe btl' Alfrnl R. en.:b\.' of FislH.TS Island. Sill' 1ll;1f- ril'd 1~()I)L'n F.. \Vall Sept. 11, 19()') 011 hslwr... Isbnd. i\1s. \Vall r"dialcd w;tr111111 ;Int! hl';HIt\', Shl' I'lljoynl lit~, and people ;Int! was n- I rl'lllc.:ly proud of her [\\'0 dl ildrl'n. SIll' fought hard (0 ;Hrend hl-r son Mike's college gradu- ;trioll in tv1ayand sLlccl'eded. Shcalsol..'njo)'l.:d g;mknitlg and c(lnking ;tlld eSPl'cially 1()\,l.'d animals. "She adored her IWO dogs. I\:pper ;1Ilt! Clallcy-espl'ci;tlly Cbnc)', a bbck SOlltish rarier-who loved Eileen jusl as much." s;lid her sisttT-ill~law P;I(ty r;udkl1er. "She lovnf animals so Illuch, she must have belonged [0 "''Yl.:r~' hUIll,Ille '(ll'i....t~. ill Ih.... ....PulHry... ,\ k \,\';tll W~l';t hpukkl'''''P"'r l~)[' till' hsh- er.s Isbnd Utility Co.. rill' Tid;d \\f;I\"L' CrollI' alld for her hu~b;1I1d's cOIHrKting husilll..'ss. " . .. ~ . ~ o u o ;; ~ ~ I:.:. . ,'.' .-.. "';!"'.!.' .!l'g.'. lUli , fm ~:. R;:!f;::" i:@i.~ I ril/IfT' "'111111 (;u;.l"fll' /5 11l'Ol11...-S Ilnlj.......l HII.lrd ,Ind ()ur [.;td~'(lf( ;r~Ke Aller RO";lf~' Soci...,ty. She t;lughl Churl.."11 Srhool ,11 ()ur Lld~' ot"Cr;Kl'. .\ k \\',111 i, ~lln'i\"L'd h~' h...T l1u,'(,;1I1d RohlTt E. \\';tll of I:i,her, I"Llnd; her lllmhl'r. j\LtI,~, C. Crl'be of h~hers I,Lind: ~t ~Oll. J\tirh,Ic1lt \\',111 of h~hers Island: ,I daugh- ttT. i\lt'r....dith \\'all oOd),,\tic ;lJld a brother, Alfrl..'d R. Crcbe.lr. of Fishers lsbnd. After :1 .\I....nHlri;tl ~1av, of Chrisli<lll Huri:tl ;11 Our \.ady or Crace Church. i\ls, \Vall \Vas huri",'d in New SLJohn 's Celllctery. l)on.1tiollS ill her Illl'lllory Ill:l)' he made (0 the CtHlll1lUllir~'CallrCl" C....lltCl", c/o Ll\\TCllr.... & ~ll'lllorial Hospi(;ll. 365 f\lolllauk An'.. N~'w London CT OCd20. ~ EILEEN WALL AWARD The Fishers Island Conservancy has es- tablished the Eileen Wall Environmental Award for significant environmental con- tributions to Fishers Island. This year's award was presented to Mary and Steve Walter for their efforts with the much- admired Briar Patch garden near the ballfield. / r EILEEN AND BOB WALL Sht.' \vas ;l longtime llll'mher of lilt.' Fishers Island Bo;ud ofEducatioll and a "treasured" Illt.'lllbl'f of the Fishers IsLtnd ConsCfvallcy. A ct'nifit'd EM"!'. J\ls. \\'all was also .1 Illl'mber of the Fishers Island Civic Associa- tion, American Lq~ion Auxiliary, Island Stephen Figall, 89, Longtime Island Resident Sll'phell "Stcve" hgall. W). dit.'dJul)' 22 at homl' in Hobe Sound, Fla. Mr. Figall had sulYcrt'd from painful anhritis and circuLt- Itlf)' pl"l)blcln~ f~lr sc\'cral years, hllt ch;trar(cr- isric;tlly rer;tinl'd his indolllirahk' (h.......... ;l1ld sood humor wlhe l..'nd. finally \lKUllllhillS tp complicHi{llls fl"tllll (ann''', Il'ukl'lllia aml di;lhctl.'s. Born ~1.1r. I, !')()'J, ~lr. Fig;lll \\'.1' lh.... ddcSl o( livc lhildrl..'n or i\lidl;lel ami j\LIIY hg;tll. TIll' 'L'nior Fig;lll~ origil1~ll1y elllll' from Auslria.llllngary ;Ind l..'migLl{l'd ttl Nl'\\' York. wlwrl' SIne \Va.. horn. Arll'r living ill l'""",'k--kill. N.Y. ;llld thl'lllhidgl'l)orL COllll.. (he Fig,ill f~lllli1~' l.;lll1e ICl r;,hel' bbnd ill 1\))7 or Jl)1}l, fir~t livill!!,lll';tr the i\bn...ioll HOll~"" ;tlld dlCIl ill rill' "AlIll"":":" of wl1:)( i, IlO\\' Ih.... hsht'l"~ bL\lHll.ihr;H~'. In 1 ()2(I. rill' Fi~;tlb hllU!!,hl the llarlow hOllsl..' ill whi(h Sle\'e:ll1d hi, hrurlll'rJohllli\'ed..Iohn hg;dl dinl Fdmw'V 1"1. St",'phl'll }:igall gr;H.lllatnl from l-'i,hlT' I,bnd SdlOOI ;tnd hdd ;1 1l11111lwr or joh, llHoUghulll hi, ;ILli\"l' ;llld prodlll.:li\"l' Iii;'. 011 l-'j,h...T' [,bnd.llnt;trtt'dworkitl!!,;b;t p,lilltl"1 f~11 Bill Pyle :llld ,d,o work....d l~lr v;trioll' UlIllLlCtllr, nil lhl" 1\1.11111 hdclI.... hnOlllin" ;1 " hIli... 111'1 ill (11.... 111.....11 ~kp,1I1111""ll1 ,II 1{lllll.llIi.1', gnKTry SlOn:, the predl'cl':-;.sor to DOP.:ll's. J\ tr. Fig:dll'\'l'lHlIally ti.lfI11ed hi:-; O\\'ll busi- Ill'SS serving Ihe hOllll's oLt numh....r (lf~lll1l- nll'r rc:-;idl'lHs ;lIld, in his Lllt'l" ~'l.;trS. :-;pcnt WilHl'LS in Hob.... Soulld. ~tr. Fig:lll W;IS all ~l\'id fishl'rllull htHh in lhl' Island's pOlldsand surroundingwatc.:rs. He l'lljo)'c.:d tishing fi.lr larg....1l1{luth hassand Pl'rch ~ ~ ~ " ~ " ;; ~ . . ~ o U o ~ ~ STEI'IIE~ FI(;,\I.1. and introt!uc....d nUll)' friends. childn:n ;lnd gr;l1ldchildrm to the jO)'s of Island fishing. After rctiring to Hohe SOllnd. j\11". Figall comilllll'd tu sf'l'nd SllmlllL"l"S Oil th.... IsLind ulllil ill hl'alth prcvl'lltl'd hi,s rt'lurn hl'rl..' ill rerl'J1{ \'l';lr~. ~cvl'nhl'll..'\~, hI..' comidcrl'd th.... I:-;Ltnd his IHlml'. i\lr. Figall's wifi.:. i\Lui..... dil'd ill 11)\)5. .\1r. Fi~,tll i, 'llf\'ivl'd hy 1\\'0 ~ISI...'r", blllli.... .\Iolllbngl'r ofCilhertS\"ille, P;I.. and i\Ltt' Fl'tLHO or Brooklyn, N.Y.: a \011. Frl.tl....rirk l:i~;llll)rJdl~'[:-;lln, V;l.::l d;lughl....r- ill-b\\". Sirp,l Fig;llI, or (;t'rlllalllo\\"ll. .\hl.: 1\\"11 t,r;llldtl.lI(ght...-r" .\Ltij,1 <:rcceliu, or I )ill,hl1r~. 1',1.. ,llld I,CCIU hg;11I ofht'd...'rick. .\hl.; 1\\"0 1;rt';tt-grandchildrcll, Austin ,llld AI1l;\lltLt < :rc({.lills: a stcpd;lllghtc.:r, JO~lllll Thihllllc~lll of Ilohc Sound: (\\"0 ~Il'p\()n~, J""lT~' ;llld I "IIT~' (;m\;ll'll orHolw Sound: ~i\ ,tq1-t,r:llllllllildrl'll. incllldi11g Shanllon ;Ind 1U\lin Thihmk\1I1 or h,hCl"' bL\lld; ~lnd IW(l '\("''P gr"",I(-gr.1Ild...-llildl"l'll. :\lin.1 :"'l-plclllhcr Il) fUIll'fal \...'[vin';H l:n;oll (:h.lp....J. .\11". Fig,i11 \\';1" huri....d lll'xt 10 hi, \\'il~' .\bri.... in 0:....\\, Sl. John\ (:elllctt'ry. ,\ klllllri.d llllllrihtl1ion, ill hi, llll'llltll"\' 111,1\' h""I11.1d\' III hielld'lIflhv I kilt"\' I. Fngll\On ,\l(h\'ll1ll. h,hl'1" 1,1.1IId. /(, Fi,/II'1"I "/111111(;11=1'/(1' ~ Bertha Baldwin Iknh,\ \X'()(lllnUIl~CI' Ibldwin, ~I Inll~lillll' 1,l.Uld fL'~idL'llt, dinl ,\by I I) ,ll 1.,l\\TL'lIll' & :-. kl11ori~lIllll,pil~11. Ncw london. Sill' wa~ 1)2. .l'hl'lbtl~hll'r(d' t\lhl'ft \\'. ,Illd ,\t,lry ,\liLl' Rl'~'IlOld, \VoOl11llamn',:-' k H,lld\\ill W,I\ horn .\ I.n. 14. I I)O(l in (;ri~wtlld. (:olln. Sill' nurrinl 1.;I\\Tl'lKl'S. HAlwin.llllll' I K, 11)2- in 1'l.JinliL.ld, (:tJlIlI. ,IIHI 1lln\'nl III h\hL'f~ hLlnd on Ill"!" wl'lldillt, d,IY, SlH_" rL'lll,linnl (11l IhL' l~blHl until ,I Ill',lrt ~ilt~llk in 11)1)7 llL'n'.\sil;\tnl <I llllln' 10 LlirviL'w. {hL'( )dd h..llo\n I I o III L' in CtJllllL'lti- (llL ~tr.lbldwin dinllkc. IX, 197.t . u i . " c . ~ > . ~ ;; > . . ~ , 3 o "0 ~ ~ BERTHA \Y. BALDWIN Ms. Baldwin was a 1lll'lllb!.'f or Fishns bLind Union Chapd and W;lS ;Inivl' in thL' Lldi!.'s Aid Soeil'I}'. Shl' was ;llso ,I f1;lSt llll'mbL'r t,r{he Wimod<lllsis Cluptcroftlll' Order ofrhe Eas{l'rn Srar. ~1s. IhlLhvin is .\llfvin.d hy (\VO ~ons, LlWrcnCl' Ibldwin of :-..tyscic ;lIld ()()ll~bs Baldwin of" Jupi(t:r, Fb.: ~I tbu~llll'r, ~bry 11,l11kil..'wio I)fFishl'rs Isbnd: IWI) sisl!.'rs. :\'I~lllde Cr~IY llfJl'WL'11 Cit~.. COllll. ;lnd FIb \X'akdidd Id. !)ay\'ilk. Conn.: ,111d tin' ~randchildrL"ll. A llll'l1lori~d slT\'icc W~l~ held ,\ b~- 2S ;11 Unioll Cll.lpd. H\lfi~ll was ~H [n'rgrl'l'n CL'1ll- L'tt'fy, I'binfidd. Conn, ~ll'lllori~llcon(l"ibu{iollS nl.l~' bL' 1Il;llk (0 Union Clupd ~llld Sl.~1 St rl'llhL'r, Julia DiMella .lllli~l ()ifo.ldb, X7. ofSC; Crl';H Nl'l.:k Rd.. \"(/;Hl'rfmd, Conn, dinl,\Lty 22 ~lt l.awTl'llL'l' & ,\!cIllOlill f Impital ill Nt'w Londoll, .\l~, I )i.\ldL! and Ill'r b(l' hmb,llld Anto- nill! li:-"Idb li\'nl (111 Fi~lll'rs I,Lind li)r 4() \T,lr, bdtll't' llltl\'in~ to \'\",HL'rtiml. ~ Ir. I )i;\ Idb Ilit'l1 Jlll~' 7, )9X.\. ~k Di,\!clb i~_\lll"\'i\'t'll by 1~l\lr ~(Jm: two Il.llll!,hltT\: ,I brtlthn: t.il!,hl ~i~[L'r~, ,111l1111Y. tllL'll1 ,\nll,1 1..lll~llL'lIi of h~htT~ Isl.md: 2., ~LlIld- ~ hilllrt'll ;Ill~l 2X t,rL';H-~l";\lIlkhildrl'll. .\k lli.\klb \\,l~ hllri\'d in hlt.doll <. 'L'lll- L'lL'l"Y, \\';IlL'Tt~,rd. Frederic Scott Reed, 58 hnlnil. ~tolll\t'l'd. ')X, ,IIHOlllilll'lltl.lIHI llWIlL'T .1I1d dnliGlI<.'d pllhlil' ~l'I\';lI\1. dinl ~lr' tt'11lhL'r 7;H h01llL' in \'irt,illi.l. lIt' h,lt! rl'L'l'lId.\ l)n'll di;l~I1II~~'d with tITllliI1,111lld,11HI1ll;1. A IOllt,linlt. 1lh"lIlhn of 1l1L' (;oodd.llId (:OlllHY, \';1. Pl.uming (:Olllllli"iPI1, .\11. I{n.d \\"a~ illStftlllWlll.l1 ill Ill,tilH,linill~ I Ill' ltHlIHY\ rllr;d dUr;lltl.... III rilL' I I)XO\, Ill' dn'clolKd IWO ~Ilhdi\'i..illll\ 111l 1~\111il.\' pf(lpnl~: 'l'ht' .\ Il'.lllIIW~ ;U ,\Lllukin .1IId ~,thlll Ilill. hil'nd~ ~,lid \\r. I{n'd \\;\~ 1l1l~lfr,lid 10 111;lkl'Wllt,h dni..illll'. L,,'l'lI if dll'y rail L'tHlllll'l to his OWll iIltL"'L'~[~. "lkcHI~l' of hi.. in~i~h(. h.ILkglOlllld ,llhl pn~pnti\l" 1111 \lot ~llrl' hnldil' L.llI he rq)1.1Ll.'d," ..,lid ,I !ril'llll. ,\I!'. l{n'l.l \\,1" I Ill' Imlll1n Ill'I'i~lh"r~ 1..l.llhl I'L'~itknt.. !.liqlll"lh I{.( :.lIlL'I.I\lilL'\C .\Id ;llil'L', ~ 1.1 I'\' 1{1I" h\hlT ;11111 \Villi,llll T. lhnllll. .\tr. 1{l'L'l1 i~ ,r1\l' ..un'in'd hy hi~ \l'il~', Fr~Ull'L>" S, Ad,lImon J{n'd IIf ,\1.lI!.lkin-S,d)Ot. \';1: t\\'o d,ll!ghtLT\: ,I ..on: t\l'll "Il'p~()ll\: ,11ld ;1 ~ll'pd,lllt,htL'l. (:olllrihullI11h ill ~h, I{tnr~ lIIt'lllmy m,IY k. lll,ld~' (ll dlL'lrnkrit S<.lHI Ihnl SLhlll.lr~hip 1-'lllldllf( ;IHILhbllI1( :tllIIHY, l'() Hl)\ 7, .\1,lIukin- ~.Ihlll \'.-\ 251 IJ.) or to (:ollL"t.i;Ht' SdHltll. o ;; ~ ~ . ;; . . " ~ . ;; . . ~ . ~ Mysli< Seaport Tour Mysric Seaport Museum Dire-eror and President J. Revell Carr (r) led a group from Fishers Island on a oehind-thc-scencs (Our of the seapon last August. The seaport museum includes mul{iple exhibition buildings, the H,B. duJ>ont shipyard. and a 19rh century village with buildings that l1;1ve been relocated to the seapon grounds. In the above photo, Mr. Carr explains Ihe hand-ht:wn recn:ation of {he schooner Amisftld, made famous by {he Steven Spielberg movie of {hat name. A number of movie scenes were filmed at the seapon. Combining amique shipbuilding techniques with modern maritime standards, the ship is due ro be complered in 2000. It is a rccrea{ion of the ship;I{ {he hean of the 1839 incident in which 53 kidnapped Africans. illegally sold into the Spanish slave rrade, seized control of the vessel, killing [he captain and the cook and drivingo~rlhe rest of the crew. The Africans were captured ofT rhe coast of Long Island and rowed into New London harhor. Tried for murder, Ihey were eventually freed after John Quincy Adams argued their cast:. Mr. Carr said that Ihe museum's mission is to [ell the story of America and Ihe sea. Curremly under construction is the $25 million renovalion of {he 15,000 sq. fl. Rossie Mill. which will become the American Education and Research Celller (Atv1ERC). AMERC will house the se;lporr's curatorial staff, a "Discovery Learning Cenrer," Ihe famed Rosenfeld photographic cnlleclion, and thc seaport's 480 bo;\(s, only 40 orwhich arc currently 011 display. Historically, rill: ~1ys{ic River was {he sire of many shipbuilders. Thl' St'~lport's current location was the sire of Iht: Grccnllu,n brothers shipyard. /-,;,111'1"' "llIIII/Ga:'I'fll' /7 rDd'SLtC Isle r<ealLd' foc, .J=lsneJ<s Island, n.'JJ. 06390 s16-78S- 7882 \, 'j" l v' ~ I~, New Listing ~-' Ocean Views This ch<1rming I ~JOs whileW;IShl.,d shingled house is located on approximatl.:ly II acre.~ orland direcdy fronting rhe <H:ean and Block Island Sound, This very manageable property consists of <l ni<:c-si/.l'o living room, dining room and master bedroom, all with flrC'~ places and sOllthl..'rly wall.:r vi('ws, Thc ll1astlT lwdroolll, with ilS own halh. h;1.~ a sl.:par;l[C' olHsidc: l..'lHr;llKe leading [() a lovely salt watcr pool and (Hllside silting area, "rhere is also;J nice-sized guesl rolllll, with ilS OWIl balh. locltnl ()ll Ihl.' nuin 11()(1r. A separate downstairs powder room OIll-'1lS off till' mainl.'lllranct' h;lll. In addilion, dK'rl' is an old-Etshionnl bUI sp;lCious kitchen, butler's palHry ;trt.,';l and IWO maids' roorm and ludl. The senmd floor contains 2 nice-siznl twin-bnlded WOIm, one single room <lnd one full balh, Thl're ;Hl' large undevdoped spaces 011 hoth sidl's of Ihe 2nd l100r widl gn.:al putemial fur c:xpansion, The hOllse is fully willlerize,:J with <l reasonably Ill'W furn;Ke alllllll'\V windows and storms on till.: south side of Ihe hOllSl', A 2-clr garagl' is part of till' hOlISl' slnlCwre, Mosl furnishings to rl'lllain. The \X'ildernes.~ Point locatioll olrers hOlh privacy, Ill'atllirul \'iL'\V.~ and l'a~y ;Kl'ess to dll' VillagL'. Asking $1,500,000. 'L,xe' approx, $~,<)OO. BAGLEY REID. Broker FRANK GILLAN. Salesman /8 Fi.\'her.\' I.\"/alld (;azellf' ITld'st:fc IsLe ReaLt:&' fDC, .J=fsbeRS Island/ n,(Y. 06390 sI6-78S- 7882 '-'~New Listings~-'; Meticulously Maintained Charming farmhouse-like dwelling near village center yet affording real privacy. 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, living room. dining room, 2 sun porches, office and/or playroom, kitchen with separate pantry. structurally sound and meticulously maintained, approximately 1.4 acres. nice trees and landscaping, winterized and most furnished. Offered at $345.000. Taxes approximately $3.800. Water Vistas Well-maintained 4-5 bedroom, 3 bath house with views over Silver Eel Pond. Originally owned and remodeled by Jim Righter. Interesting spaces, good light, winterized and to be sold mostly furnished. Nice family house and good area for children. Offered at $400,000. Taxes approximately $3,000. BAGLEY REID. Broker FRANK GILLAN. Salesman Fidur.\' J.dalld GaUlle /9 ITlJlsLfc IsLe ReaL~~ foc, .J=isbeRs IsLand, n,;y. 06390 sI6-788- 7882 Known as "Roadview,"loca(ed on .63 acres on Eas( End Road near (he Isabella Beach crossroad. This is an extremely well-kept 4 bedroom, 2 bath, winterized farmhouse-like struc(ure. There is a separa(e living room, dining room, as well as a small den. House [0 be sold partially furnished and in virtually move.in condition. There is a nice side yard, interesting plamings and a well. built oversized two-car garage. Asking price $325,000. Taxes approx. $2,775. ~ Investment property wi(h deligh(ful, well.maintained home. Two sepa. rate commercial spaces and 2 one-bedroom couages, all po(ential in. come producers. plus a 3.bedroom, 2 1/2 ba(h year-round home wi(h nice living room with fireplace. cozy den, full dining room, and up.[O- dale kitchen. Rental income could well carry (he mortgage. Asking price $340,000. Taxes approx. $4,900. ., 1 I _,J This cozy 2-story house on 1/10 acre is fully winterized and has 3 bedrooms and 2 full ba(hs. Recently remodeled, with a nicely landscaped yard, this house on Montauk Avenue offers comfort and style. Asking $225,000. Taxes $2,080. Peninsula location with its own beach and wonderful views towards the mou(h ofW es( Harbor, (his compaC( 4 bedroom house is fully winterized. The main floorconsis(sof a living room, dining room and kitchen, all with grea( views. There is also a 1/2 bath and laundry facility. Upstairs has a nice-sized mater bedroom wi(h balcony, 2 additional bedrooms anda full- sized bath. The ground floor level, again with 100s of glass and wa(er views, has a siuing room, kitcheneue, bedroom and full ba(h and is accessible from inside or outside. This 15-ye.u.old house, on approximately .25 acre wi(h its own well is being offered at $425,000. Taxes $2,800. 10 Fi\ha\ hlol/(f 1;,,:,('11(' Eager bicycle parade participants await the arrival of the Essex Fife & Drum Corps July 5. Dave Beckwith .Jeanie Calhoun Fine Home Building, Additions & Repairs SHOP 516-788-7919 FAX 516-788-7192 24-Hour Service P.O. Box 447 Fishers Island, NY 06390 Fully insured & licensed 1'i\lIu\ 1\1/lIId(il/:_I'ffl'2/ F.1. Fire Dept.'s lunchtime fare served the hearty appetites of the large centennial crowd. ~ ~'."'.."'.'" .,' _, .':':.~' .-' "~ a t} t> i-'~ .\. ' '. . -. -", ,. . < I MAG I N E: AN ATTENTIVE DESIGNER THAT CAPTURES YOUR STYLE - ~ L 'I' , I. WITH GRACE AND FLAIR. ITEMS SELECTED WITH THE UTI\IOST DISCRETION TO MAKE YOUR EYES SMILE. APPOINTMENTS AT YOUR CONVENIENCE. 22 h\lta\ "/mltl (;U:l'ftl' f\,ACT1NG, LID WALSH caNT d NY 06390 Fishers Islan 6~188-7778 Phone 516_188-7776 Fax 51 / ~~~~__i NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SMALL SIMPLY THE BEST ISLAND-BASED FULL -SERVICE CONTRACTOR PAINTING CARPENTIlYboOWORKINO crRICAL, ~DES eLf ALL T "OUNO cAlle "All"" NOS ",f Yv GIlOU GE",e",S ~OU~:T~ ~t:eCfIO ~Te~ FIRE & INTRUSION 4~~~~~G, DECKINGAlAS RMS ~o IONS R I IDING ~e~~I~PROt~OVATlONS ONS1RU MENT CTIO~ ~ Fishers Island Mobil Station- Fuel for Land and Sea Diesel. Propane, Gas, Home Heating Oil Licensed Mavtag Dealer-Incomparable Appliances Installed Arthur Walsh, President Bernie Walsh. Vice President Electrical License 1t924-E Home Improvement License "6 122-HI I may be the last insurance agent you'll ever need. Homc, lifc, aulo, husiness, disahility. II's a good idea to talk to your Farm Family agent ahoul all your insurance needs. I can help you find gaps in your coverage thai may pul you al risk. And eliminate overlapping coverages you shouldn't have to pay for. For the custom-tailored coverage you deserve, counl on Farm Family for personal- ized, professional service. Call me today. Farm Family Life Insurance Company I!/J Casualty Insurance Company GlenmOn! New York A company founded /0 serve Farm Bureau members 20-500/0 OFF We will work with your fabric or you may select from our complete line of decorator fabrics. Cust:Ari.i{:~, ments Also... <~tl..1i3 ~ 20-30% on ALL Upholstery Fabric Drapes. Vertical & Mini Blinds. Bedspreads We carry a complete line of decorating fabrics perfect for every home... Call 444-7679 ~ for Pick up and Delivery "At Home Service" at F ,I Ferry 601 Broad Street. New London Kevin J. Cantwell 104 Edwards Ave. Calverton, NY 11933 516-727-7766 516-727-7941, fax GADA'S FUEL AND SERVICE STATION TEXACO. Montauk Avenue Fishers Island NY 06390 516-788-7343 "Your Full line Service Station" "Serving Fishers Island for Over 35 Years" Official Nl'W York Inspeclion Station CARCO' Insurance Inspeclion GENERAL REPAIRS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Authorized TEXACO' Dl',lkor Motor Oil and Relatcd Producls Authorized AMERADA HESS' Dl'all'r Autornalic/Waldulog Ful'l Oil Sl'rvin' .1m' Pl'ITY. ,\IulIug('r. 7XX-77:.:. ll':lIll'l"l-:l'IH'Y Only) /-";,/".,.,I\IUIII/(;II:'I'/{I,23 11=--=--=-=--="-=- - --=--=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=.-=--=-=,--=-=-=--=-=-=--=- Thomas Sessa of Niantic has owned and flown this 1942 vintage WWII AT- 6 North American air- plane for the past four years. It has been re- stored in the color scheme of his fathers WWII 364th Fighter Group. Mr. Sessa flies the plane in air shows. He and his father made two "fly-bys" over the Parade Grounds at the invitation of Larry Horn. who also arranged for the helicop- ter below, William Furse Photo i\.ir<<:ra{t: 194~ &- 1998 Following the conclusion of the bicycle parade. the roar of a helicopter landing on the Parade Grounds draws a crowd of adults and children eager to see the aircraft. Affiliated with the Saybrook Police Department and operated by the Nelson Foundation of Old Saybrook. the helicopter and its all-volunteer crew are available free of charge to anyone in the area (including Fishers Island) for search and rescue missions. Funded by donations. the foundation was started by Rich Nigosanti. a lieutenant in the Old Saybrook police force after the drowning deaths of two people in the Connecticut River. "Fly-by" pilot Tom Sessa said this group fills a great need in the area. The Connecticut State Police have two airplanes but no helicopter. FishE'fS Island GaullE' Photo - =-=--=--=--=--=-=-=-- - --=-=-- I =-=-=-=~-=_=_=_=--I 1./ /-"i,hfT' hIt/lid (;a:d/(' I ?1=HERTV EALS .& BANKSr P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Accounting & Auditing Tax Rerurn Preparation Probate and Estate Accounting Tax & Financial Planning Accounting Systems Set-up 1-860-443- 2033 J 87 Williams Street New London, Conn. Weekly Island Service. Island Appointments Available New York & Connecticut licenses Held HOME & GARDEN SHOWPlACE'. ,~. lW!CE WEEKl Y DELIVERIES TO NEW LONDON FERRY Fruit and Shade Trees Flowers, Evergreens, Mulches Fertilizers, Insecticides, Tools Birdfeed and Feeders, Pet Food and Supplies EAST LYME lO(, !losl"" I'osl Rd., E,"I LYI11l'. (T Oi, III /I('().71'J./l1'J7 ~--: 3: Eb '" LEDYARD ~t('. 117, l('dv,nd, Cl (H,; :f, 111,11..11,.1./1.1011 ."~ .... ". Naples, Florida! Sally Pratt "Your Naples Connection" --- MULTI.MILLlON DOLLAR PRODUCER & LEADING EDGE MEMBER 1\ 1.uh.ting exceplion.ll properties in Naples ior o\'er 12 ye.us, ilKluding \\'.,leriront homes, private goliing comrllunilips, OldL' Horid,l residences ,md eslatl' 110111('<;. The Prudenttal ~ Florida Really - 550 Fifth Avenue South, Naples, Florida 34102 800-741-7131 or941-262-7131, Ex!. 127 941-261-5085, home .\nind."...."'l,.",h .."".-d~"f""dl..d"...mf....r"flh..l'tu....n,i.lllft..lf("..,.'^iiifi.>l....J",. ~ "The On Tillie Airline" 01 ~ ~ 'Twin and ~ingle ~,1 -_.~ * ~" ~nQrne ......... \\~~'-~" ~ 4~ - Charter ~ervice RESERVATIONS and INFORMATION , 1-800-243-8623 1-860-448-1646 24-hr. Emergency Service ~ . Fi.\lU!T.\ hla"d Gazelle 25 Sartorial planning: Charlie and Maxine Arnold Tours Island fort historian Pe- ter Williamson (arrow) shares his knowledge of the Marcy Artillery Bat- tery. located just past - the southern fringe of the Parade Grounds. Mr. Williamson conducted several tours of the Ft. Wright batteries during the centennial celebra- tion. Fishers Island Gazette Photos Sartorial coincidence: Maarten van Hengel and William C. Ridgway III 26 1."\"0"\ iI/fllld (;(/;:'1'111' ISLAND HARDWARE More than just locks and hinges 788-7233 SERV,:iTIIR. \.-- Il . .~:---., M cnJal11," . oore . l PAINTS -' MECHANIC ON DUTY FISHERS I S LAN D M@bir FUll SERVICE STATION Official New York Slate Auto Inspection Station CARca'; INSPECTION Fuel Oil Gasoline Propane Dockage Diesel Service When you're in trouble, who are you going to call? E. Riley, station manager 516-788-7311 · 516-788-5543, fax · Emergency only: 788-7178 Walsh Contracting Ltd., general managers -----------~-----~--- Fi.\IIt'T.\' I.\-talld (iazellf 27 ~: ~: '~ ,-"-- , I i I , fCI .. -. ' ~.~ ,..-"'" -' I :.~:7" . ~ y" "\ .,~' /1' l" I 11....;lr , ~ ,., ~. r \ ,r'-~; . F( " (.' r ~, /-....'''1 -e' J.Ei , .~ , \I~t . .., ,~. ~ ll. ". ~3~' Fl. W rigId Finis From start to finish. the Ft. Wright Cen. tennial was hailed as a great success: I. July 4. early evening picnic on Parade Grounds. William Furse Photo 2.July 5. Centennial Committee Co.chair George Esser. Fishers Island Gazette Photo 3. Aug. 21. U.S. Coast Guard Dixie Band. George Esser Photo . Fishers Island's all~ volunteer fire dept. re- sponded quickly to re- ports of a fire aboard a boat at the Fishers Is. land Yacht Club Marina in August. The black smoke was later deter- mined to be caused not by an electrical fire but by a problem with the exhaust manifold. The boat owners were from Marblehead. Mass. and had just arrived at Fish- ers Island, a stop on their vacation cruise. They said they were amaz.ed at the care taken by the fire dept. "They did not leave one mark or smudge of dirt on our boat," the own- ers said. Fishers Island Gazene Photo 18 Fi.,ltu, ,-,Imltl (;(I:'l'1h! emergency room. But there are some things we can promise. If you're one of the more than 50 emergency Cclses that come to Lawrence & Memorial from Fishers Island every year, we'll do our best to give you prompt attention. vVe promise you skilled, compassionate care and the latest medical technology. When you trust us with your most urgent medical needs, we're there for you. LAWRENCE .-~ &MEMORIAL HOSPITAL For more information, write or call us at 365 Montauk A\'enlll.', New London, CT 00320 (860) 442.0711, Ex!. 2028 ST. LUKE'S - ROOSEVELT - - A University Hospital of Columbia University Collegeot Physicians & Surgeons Whether you're ou ,1~ Fishers Island or in Manh~\ta.2: , , 1. --'l~; St. Luke's-Roosevelt Ho~pitall]~t~ 'd h h' h aI' l.li-::C'~~::' provl es t e 19 est qu Ity- e~~,=r~ . ~ ~ we're proud to provitlefft;ph,Y,!,"ziiitql year-round on Fishers Island 1111 AlllS[I,.'nblll AVt.'lIl1t.. (.11 114Th Stfl't..d, NYC . IOOD TClHh An-nw: (at l)')th SIn.'l'I), NYC. 212~,)2.~-4()oO Harl.o." Open Golf ..-o-n 'l'hen:;lrL't(;w Is1.llld l'\'l'n(S rh;H produCt.;} more steady S!rl';llll of _'miles rh;U1 till' ;1Il111l<l1 Lahor D.l~' \....t'L'kl'lld H,O,C. (I Lirbor Opell Colt) wurnallH'lll at the Fishers IsLl1ld Club. Entrance applications for the all-mall' L'VCIH afC available Aug. 1. and tht, 150 spots llsually fill up within a week. Win and Hilary Horchkisswere in charge ofrhis year's H.G.G. an annual fund-raiser for the Island Hcahh ProjecL Six~ III (' III b t' r teams dress in COS(Ullle themes and are judged after;I "parade," The teams play 18 holes. most of which 11;1\'(' unusual challenges such as chipping ilHo a boat or landing rhe 1);111 in;I roilcL There are four bars. stafTed by volunreers. set up ;llong (he cours!..', "WI..' couldn't rUIl the H.G.G. \....irhour the rremendotls alnOlllH of help we receive." Ms. Ilorchkiss said. "\Y/e Iud o\'er 70 people handling tasks from org;lIlizillg and tL'l1ding golfholes [() hartending. typeseuing, computer work. checking people in ;lnd selling golrballs." !\.1s. Hotchkiss said tholt all players and all volunteers ;ue welcollle. She clearly knows about every aspect or this cvellt-except onC'. "I wish I knew who decorated the gatchouse each year. I would like (0 thank thcm and rell (hclll whar a great job they have done," she said. Each year (he garehousc appears (ransflgured on the Illorning or the H.G.G., and no one claims responsibility. This year, there was actually a second struCture erected across Ihe road guarding rhe enuance to the West End. Melie Spofford Photo . Winners of the 1998 H.O.G. Tou..-nament: "Scud's Missiles" (I-r, standing)John Spofford, Kirk Bell,JeremySpofford, Nick Spofford and BuckAdams. Ikn""lintr\ C;;f"lIrlrlf'f" Sinclair 30 Fisher.\' Island (;azelte ,,-::;-". . 1~1-~ 2} f) ,........-~~. r... i'f! !~~ I ::;..- -- _ l ' !..r j,o' If I I ~ . .~._-'-"-..l:.=t r '11 1'I ,,-, t.: f- C,:,t'-' r- I :Tlll :~~\ . J ~1!1 ~..!I1.i=l 1 - ,~\ - ....., ~~Y"-l ~ _ .__ _" Y'" ..... mire JIequnt c3J nn PO Box 246 Fishers Island. New York 06390 Phone (5 J 6) 788- 7246 OPEN UNTIL THANKSGIVING Mon. thru Fri.. 4:30 to close Sat. & Sun.. noon to close The c7YLr:/. SULLIVAN AUTOMOTIVE CORNER CHEVROLET . BUICK . GEO . PONTIAC OLDSMOBILE . CADILLAC . HYUNDAI Largest GM dealer in Connecticut and Rhode Island at one location! ~ Sales 443-8432 Parts 442-0491 Corner of Broad and Colman Streets Service 442-4371 Body Shop 442-7132 New London, Conn. s ,. . ~I~~ J_ Whaling City Ford BROAD AT COLMAN STREET NEW LONDON, CONNECTICUT 860-443-8361 Pick-up at the Ferry We Treat You Well...Every Department...Every Time BOROLEUM@ Since 1906 STUFFY HEAD COLD? SINUS? HAYFEVER? DIAPER RASH? CHAPPED HANDS? or LIPS? Suffer no more! Keep nasal passages clear and avoid chapping. RELIEF is as close as your medicine cabinet. Boroleum works and it's mild! SINCLAIR PHARMACAL CO., INC. FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 F;\/lln/l/tllld(;U:'I'III'JI Island Pidorial . Young osprey tests wings behind its mother at recycling station nest on its first day offlightJuly 21. The young osprey was last seen on nest Aug. 25. It new off in a southwesterly direction. . A boy and his dog on the Village Green during the Island's Memorial Day observance, . John and Peggy Clavin came prepared to relax at the first Island-wide community picnic on the IPP ballfield last August. Everyone brought food to share at the well-attended event, sponsored by the three Island churches. ",,'~'.~_.{' . little boys and fire engines. Some things never change. Carter Rose stands in awe of the Fishers Island Fire Department's newest fire engine, Carter is the son of Sarah ,lnd Andrew Rose and the grandson of Bernie and Art Walsh. 32 Fishers Island Gaulle Call 800-544-5917 for Free Termite and Pest Inspections ~., ... C). ~~ '"'''e:'''..AT'O''''''' World Wide Leaders in Pest and Termite Control Ask about the Sentricon colony elimination system .. ,. DICK'S GARAGE Phone: 788-7249 - · PEST CONTROL · TERMITE CONTROL · CARPENTER ANT SPECIALISTS ESTABLISHED 1882 EXTERMINATORS THE OLDEST AND LARGEST IN CONN. CALL 860-443-7697 Z & S Contracting "Count on the Good Guys" · Renovati?ns . , ~;., · Remodeling ",i.1 · New Construction ~.; · Expert Painting/Paper Hanging · Licensed Electrical, Plumbing & '';'1'.,' Heating Professionals · 24-Hour Emergency Service · Complete Line of Electrical Appliances · Full Landscaping Service · Now Also Window Washing Call 788-7857 now! Engagements Pat Downey to Stefan Schiesll. An Oct. 31 wedding is planned on Fishers Island. Jennifer Foyle to Alistar Smith. A Feb. 27, 1999 wedding is planned in New York City. Melissa Vicencio and Will Peishoff. A May 15, 1999 wedding is planned in Charlestown, Mass. Lindsey Goldberg and Frederick Jones III. A spring, 1999 is planned. Stacey Smith and Stell Trippe. A June 19, 1999 wedding is planned in Bermuda. Jennifer Spofford and Penn Sanger. A June 26, 1999 wedding is planned on Fishers Island. Robin Belleveau and Ian Macleod. A fall, 1999 wedding is planned on Fishers Island. Alison Ramsey and Andrew Rutherfurd. A spring 1999 wedding is planned in San Francisco. Weddings Samantha Jones to Bryce O'Brien, May 2 in Hobe Sound, Fla. Alexandra Brainard to Dudley Nostrand, May 30 in Newport, R.I. Elisabeth Transou to Francis Joshua Kernan, May 30 in Napa Valley, Cal. Josephine Doyen to Barry Taylor, June 13 on Fishers Island. Megan Mairs Duryea to Christopher Gates ScolI, June 13 in Lallingtown, L.I. Sarah Spieczny to Edward Travers, June 13 on Nantucket. Lisa Ann Faulkner to Adam Lusker, June 20 in Frontenac, Kan. Jenny Meyers to William Colman, June 20 on Fishers Island. Alexandra Sanderson to Marshall Stocker, July 4 in Ithaca, N.Y. Katharine Porter Ijams to Clement Van Buren Bull, Sept. 19 on Fishers Island. Amity Bush to Brian Faulkner, Septem- ber 19, in Killington, Vt. Melissa LaBarre to Thor Philip Thors September 19 in Cleveland, Ohio. Elizabeth Cameron to Nikolai Taylor, October 3 in Darien, Conn. Births Samuel Lee Epstein, Aug. 7, 1997to Cary and Stephen Epstein in Charlollesville, Va. Maeve Corcoran, Dec. 4, 1997 to Eliza- beth Sargent and Ted Corcoran in Charlollesville, Va. George Oliver Clauson, Feb. 23 to Jenni- fer Sargent and Davis Clayson in Bos- ton, Mass. Dylan Flynn Moody, May 20 to Colleen and Dwight Moody in Bronxville, N.Y. Bennell Dalton White, June 15to Kristy and Dave White in Salem, Mass. Harrison Reginald Hall, June 24, to Stephanie and James Hall in New Lon- don. Thomas Gordon Evans, June 25 to Louisa and Bob Evans in New London. Charlolle Emily Pollard, June 7to Maisie Fritze and Chip Pollard in Boston. Carter Hale Sednaoui, July 8 to Staley and Carter Sednaoui in Princeton, N.J. John Sayles Sudler Miller, July 10 to Elsie and Michael Miller in Newport Beach,Cal. Sam Eaton Dwinell, July 29 to Lolly and Jamie Dwinell in Boston, Mass. James McCarthy Baccile, August 18 to Katie King and Peter Baccile in Green- wich, Conn. Oliver Burr Goss August 18 to Allison Burr and Chauncey Gass in New Lon- don. Heather Rose Spofford, August 28 to Sherin and Charles Spofford, Cam- bridge, Mass. Isabel Billings Draper, August 29to Mindy Duryea and Sandy Draper in Atlanta, Ga. Ulha,\h/u1/(/(;(f:'l'lIt,33 Evans Realty Licensed Real Estate Broker Sales. Rentals (516) 788-7054 IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING... . A dock in f01l1 vfyour 1/OlIIl' . R(comtntaio1J Ofl11J existin!. dm'k . A bulkhMd or bulklmul repllir . I1Jt' permit Sftltu5 o/your existing dm-k . Sllltt' Tidal V?erlanJs Pamirs ftr:your bOllle dlld )'l/"d impro/Jt'lIlt',ll CALL: DOCKO, INCORPORATED "fI nunplett' flllut'rfrom dn,aopnll:nt rt'50llrn' ~ CATCH THE BOAT1NG SP1RIT TH1S SUMMER! 516-788.7528 OPEN MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:00. 4:30 SATURDAY 8:00 -4:30 "IN SEASON" 34 Fishers Island Gazette ~ltI<.tltJltJltJ~<.t~~~ltJ ~ BOXWOOD INTERIORS ~ (IJ Interior Design Services (IJ (fJ ELLEN V7R:E: WHITE ltJ (fJ PO Box 993 Old Lyme CT 06371 ~ (fJ 860.434.9763 ltJ ~~<.t<.tltJlf)~ltJ~~ltJltJ F~i ~ICY ~ .Rept_....... . Travelers Checks Airline Tickets Cruises Hotels Tours 11 Bank St. New London 1-800-545-9154 EDWARDS LOBSTERS "Fishers Island Fresh" PO Box 167 Fishers Island NY 06390 516-788-7645 Beeper 888-602.0770 CHRIS & TRUDI EDWARDS Delivery Available . G.B. ERB . APPRAISAL COMPANY A real estale appraisal company serving Fishers Island NY STATE CERTIFIED Gregory B. Erb . 860-536-0721 Located at Mystic Shipyard not JUjt WnJoWj c:lc:lC A House and Window CLEANING SERVICE 860-739-4191 3 years on Fishers Island references available Niantic, Connecticut Bonded & Insured FALVEY CORPORATION Quality + Our Specialty Specializing in unique sitework and construction projects. All types of materials available...screened topsoil. . We Work to Save the Trees and Environment. Donald J. Falvey, Pres. P.O. Box 699, 237 Rt. 80 Killingworth CT 06419 Office 860-663-1695 Fax 860-663-2719 , Fishers Island Gaz.e/te 35 8eascapes studio salon Enjoy the charm and character of a 1700s setting in the 21 th century l spa services full Biodroga make-up and skin care line unique gifts home sessions available 130 bank st/south water st, new london 860.437.7722 ~~ v,* "" ;t",'!j< ~-q:._, ..'l!-. 'i~Qll~ Set Your Dog Free. DogWatch- HIDDEN FENCE SYSTEMS ---n;-"" n:({. Rickert Fence 860-663-2463 Jackfill n entertainment music for all occasions since 1989 Call when planning yaur next party 516.788.7116 ., 860.884.2472 ., FIMusic@aol.cam .. . 0 'V .:,s.-o ~'(')N Ilf~(hffi -= E -''''1>''':0::> - ~ ]ij~~? .'1,....LO:;;;...\'o"'_"I:f' :"'~.......bQ) CJ) ~ $< 'i(l)~"" .'::;;r.<: 0 J,'~.;."o::2" '''. +-' 0 I"Q.OO: 5~;!j or- Mc,:.'"'''''':''' > U')!t--g;~== ;'2 ~~: Q)~"'O .:::rt:.~ .,. '-'C"') '- a: i;;t.Cl "'=t' 0 ~w~~~ ...::>- ~Q"-,,,, '" ~ $,"~ qf:?~ _....:::.:.Q)~ ~$frl:2 '~cC.5..c_ :eU)uc: >"2?5 ~~~ ~! ,;; --, ~. ~ (l1I'l/ity & ~ Se""'ce ~ Sillce 19!1S , Wools. Broadloom. Patterns. Berbers. Sisals FINE HANDKNOTTED ORIENTAL RUGS Cleaning .Repairs . Binding. Serging 860-442-061 S 963 Bank St.. New london The NOANK VETERINARY HOSPITAL Albert J, Haberle, DVM. Emergency medical care for pets via Noank Marina or Spicers Marina landings. PICK UP AT DOCK! 2 Elm Street, Route 215, Noank CT 06340 . 860-536-6656 ~TOPPSR'SI .Serving" Y au All Wmter Quarts & Half Gallons Avallable See Liz or Jamie at Hair of the Dog Liquors Custom and Personalized Sandblasted Glassware Perfect gifts for Christmas. Call or write for details. Box 373. Fishers Island. NY . 06390 . 516-788-7447 36 Fishers Island Gazette NOV 1 6 1998 Melle Spofford Photo · Winne.. olthe 1998 summer softball league competition< "The Blues" (I-r, back) Steve Halinowskl, Tom Doyen. Chris Edwards with daughter Whitney Edwards, Hatt Burr. Todd Penolesi, Brendon Brockleman and Aaron Lusker; (I-r, front)JR Edwards./eremy Spofford. Alex Beard and Scott Lamb; absent. Stu Borgert and Marty Berquist. FlSHERSG' A ZC'J 1 E WAND ~ Box 573 Fishers Island NY 06390 SouIhoId Town Clerfc FIRST CLASS .}'^"'''''''''"';:. 111 * 111 t?ll~ I ~"';'~8549731 142 .01 010 NOV 10 98 5452. 01960 4 4 8 0 MAIL ED FROM PEABODY"" Ms Betty Neville Southold Town Clerk PO Box 1 t79 Southold, NY 11971 NONE C