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HALL a ANNE M.; lIX MAP OF DESCR/BED PROPERTY AT SOUTHOLO TOWN OF SOlJTHOLD SUFFOLK CO,NY. ;5/rJ! Pt.~1<I Nov. 2J J 9S "!o i3#' /lC. "1..11 AREA :9765. . e/..6V47'10N.s ARE REFEREAlt:6IJ 0.224 ACHES 70 AN ....sv....I!!O OArv,,!. donack a.sodat.. !I! west main stre.t rlv.rhtad ,n.w york 11901 (516)a69-1717 (212)746-!020 Aug.16,'983 Job NI 83-315 1<>CKr061-02-t6 Sca'. "," -30' ~; o'-=-' . "...'" .. " . , Southold. N,Y, 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr., Chairman JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI, lI. GEORGE RlTCHIE LATHAM, Jr. WILUAM F. MULLEN, lI. TELEPHONE 765. 1938 February 17, 1984 Mr. Michael Hall Attorney at Law 218 Front Street Greenport, NY 11944 Re: SIte Plan Dear Mr. Hall: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, February 13, 1984. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board a1prove the site plan of Michael Hall for the building of a aw office located at Southold. If you have any questions, please contact this office. ~rY truly yours :./) ,N Y E. y~,~~N' SOUTHOLD T WN PLANNING BOARD ~c:J;;v: By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary cc: Building Inspector . . D Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr., Chairman JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI, Je. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, Jr. WILUAM F. MULLEN, Jr. TELEPHONE 765 - 1938 November 9, 1983 Mr. Michae 1 Ha 11 Attorney at Law 218 Front Street Greenport, New York 11944 Re: Site Plan Dear Mr. Hall: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, November 7, 1983. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board refer the site plan "Michael Hall", proposed law office, to the Building Inspector for certification, subject to receipt of three (3) plans drawn by a licienced architect to reflect rear yard parking. The Board stated no objections to the layout of the of the proposed rear parking as submitted. Upon receipt of the above plans, we will forward them to the Building Inspec- tor's office. ~6 t ~ .\ j~ \0 ;fl pY',1\\ ? ~F\ fr' \.J-l fVr,J\ Very truly yours, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Susan E. Long, Secretary . . T D Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr. . ChtJirman JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, Jr. WILUAM F. MULLEN, Jr. TELEPHONE 765 - 1938 October 26, 1983 Mr. Michael Hall Attorney at Law 218 Front Street Greenport, New York 11944 Re: Site Plan for Michael Hall Law Office Dear Mr. Hall: After an on site field inspection of the above captioned property and discussion of same at our regular meeting held Monday, October 24, 1983 the fOllowing action was taken. RESOLVED that the site plan of Michael Hall be revised to reflect rear yard parking as opposed to the front yard parking proposed. Please forward three (3) copies of the revised plan to our office, along with the application fee of $25 payable to the Southold Town Clerk. Upon receipt we will place the matter on the next available Planning Board agenda. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office. Very truly yours, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Susan E. Long, Secretary . . ~/~ ~y~ ~--;Jd d ~ OCT 1.7 RmIl 4.9? Jr~ <~.Tg, . 1f.."k ,9k.. Jf/'Y //.7/4. (,2/$ !I!I!I-!l?!I? ?/d' S',..,.,a' ../~. S~ Jf/'Y //,944. (5/$ 4??-/~tl october 13, 1983 Southold Town Planning Board Henry Raynor, Chairman Southold, New York 11971 Re: MICHAEL HALL OFFICE 1050 Youngs Avenue Dear Mr. Raynor and Members of the Board: After our pre-submission conference of Tuesday, October 11, 1983 I further checked the possibility of a backyard parking area for my office. Inasmuch as there are two, and possibly three cesspools in the back yard I would further request the planning board's approval of my proposed front yard parking. Thank you so much for your consideration in this matter. Si~~ 'iw Michael J. H1/ MJH:bal . ~~'b"" I -%, \0\11 '6'/ . ." -------_.~ _.. --------".----.--- ~'7.>t' :; " /lieu '----' 'bf' ga.F ! 1.t?77iVtIAJe. ~ tJ/?;?tfl:'t.- .i.or ") i' I i , '-- fl/l{fMa- /-Ma ~ T1vJ {)m C (! 9 j-rr- 7utN -Revlset:> I (b S /lOW j(tn1JC ?1xJ(J#r; ',' ~ '-----' ~.~~. "..,,~--'-'-'~.' ~ ~ '-----' E)(\-.-.'I"''' e"';' C<JRA. cv""'- j\ :1 I '. ~ ~C.. -3 ~ \.& ~ d ~. " _rJO - t .h; -~~:. ,o:t (\. .. ~ ~ :J' ~ c." - I . " ~ <t ~ ~ ~ I "~~,, . " ; ,,, x,s-r, " ~OU;1/GS (lvC'//()c?' I,,,, -.....0 I - 0<. ,iJ~ "_A i l- " \ \ .". /' rj;. , NV , phil -, , t11l:. HP-I" D~~D z ':i;.__ ~"" a ,,",,-"N ..,,-=:> . n n 1:. ~ ~~ I.JI! ~ ~ ~__ - ~ ""_ r 0 ~, ", '?'.' ".l; 0_ '2. '" '" ~ .. :l> \ \ N/r < ~ W' " r<' 'v -<.. o c:. "Z. G"> ..I;r.'- " "I Fr .. 6 '166'~ ' 16"- "\, U\ IT', -:-" '" ~, Q). (,<;"1 ft:. .' 5. 1(./ ,~ a1 D~~D \ ..- :l> o "t> <:::> 'vi '31 _"..6 5,(,0 fl , fI~AtJ HAt' - V'l -:JJ , "t> l~fDt~ \ \' \ ~ \ ~ \ \' /sf- \~/N"'---- )~ ~ ---- 2 r -<--- lh,-~ "'-z:V ", j~;il+ s' "2-- rti. '(, c:;pH 'uf- .) rJ / f "l.> <. '" 1> <. '" "Z. ~ / / /,/ / ) 0 RO 25) 11ft:, .. c~-( T/F/ED Te' THE TITLE G!/Ati4NTEE CO. SOUTHOLD S'A'dNGS BANK J/ICH..Ia J H..JLL (j ANNE M.,. UX MAP OF DESCRIBED PROPERTY AT SOU THOL D TOWN OF SOUTHOLD :;0'FFOLK CO,N Y donack associates 313 west main street rlverhead ,new york 11901 (516)369-1717 (212)746-3020 Job Ni 83-315 " , Scale: I =30 :,Jg.16,1983 1000- 061 -02-16 Air'EA'9765 '" {J224 ACRES NE--~ :SE.L~ 1_~,c..I-\\Ne:.. c=,~A..Ve:.-L- :DR \VE..-"A'( .,. < ~ ~ ~ ~ :::>. Z.oo ..,.~. "to," L. 0) Q l'l II _..-.:.. '- ., :t " .., .,. I- " lol I 1 J ~ ,~-- ~. ~ '" . II "HI -l L'~ :tl 1-::; ~ ~ ~~ ~7. lSe' - ~ o " III ~ J: - " . e:~.,..~. ~~c..~ i TO ~ L-E:-....,~'--C..1:> ~. <, ~ < ~ ...&..w ?<-/"'- TIe... 1 C:Ut!-e\Nc. -< w ~ '0 o f 'I o . ,.. lI'/ 'I <,l r: ,(, , \~ 1 c.o. ()O €-'t.~T""t....G. c,.s' CUf'1(~ GUT. '(';"?UN ~.-:::::, ~ --- ) ~RRETT A. STRANG architect Main Roadfl,O. Box 1412 Southold N.Y. 11971 516 - 765 - 5455 ---~- -- -- ------ --- \ -r ..:Sc:.-A.,-~ TITLE lOCATION SCALE ~/ l ~ .J l: < 1 l- t l') 01 b ---'--" ~ A ~ '" t z: IJ a:. , . , ; t 4i Ll .. II l.l z~ l: 11 1- ""Tyfl', . , ... .2:1 O<!f .... .... ~JI..\ ~I \ ~c- CoONe:.... c.l..oIlt...~ AYE-N U E- \..---"" I I hot, 2.0,00' -AN ~O~::.E....O ~...\c:.- ~ -f'l::lC.- ./\Ic.... HAL L HAI-l- Y'O.UNc,..::;, Ave:... .s-eu,...~o...'l:l ~e........ voe....i:- REVISED C 83 PROJECT N' I!!U~' o~ ~~ <6' 1a' ~/), DRAW I NG HI? ~-1 I OF- I