HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-61.-2-13SLay Southold, N.Y, 11971 (516) 765-1938 May 10, 1984 Mr. William Coster III Maple Lane Laurel, NY 11968 Dear Mr. Coster: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at the regular meeting of Monday, May 7, 1984. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board, following a field inspection of the property, deny the "Coster" site plan located at Southold for a proposed funeral parlor in an existing building with a proposed addition due to the historical significance of that building, the fact that the site plan can not be certified as there is insufficient parking, and the heavy traffic congestion already existing ~n the area. Enclosed, as per your request, are copies of the correspondence received pertaining to your proposal. If you have any questionS, please contact this office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAIRMAN enc. P T¥ Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 July 20, 1984 Mr. J. B. Hartranft, Jr. 312 Severn P.O. Box 5015 Eastport, Marylahd 21403 Dear Mr. Hartranft: We are in receipt of your request.for copies of the minutes of the May 7, 1984 Planning Board meeting pertaining to the · la~ ~pplication, as well as, a list of those who were present. If you would please send.50 cents (2 pages at 25 cents each) for the cost of these copies, we shall be glad to forward them to you. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR., CHAIRMAN $OUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary J. B. HARTRANFT, JR. 312SEVERN BOX~X 5015 EASTPORT, MARYLAND 21403 July 12, 1984 Chairman Southold Town Planning Southold Town Hall Route 25 Southold, N.Y. 11971 Board Dear Sir: Would you be good enough to inform me the names of individuals who attended the May meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board at which there resulted in the denial of an application from Mr. Coster to purchase my father's residence at Youngs Avenue and Main Street. I, of course, was not informed of that meeting and I am told that members of your staff advised the prospective purchaser that it was not necessary for him to be in attendance since it would be largely a pro forma review of the plans. It had been my understanding and anticipation that there would be a public hearing should there be objection raised and I am now in possession of letters apparently solicited from both the Chief of Police and the Chief of the Fire Department on the day of the hearing, such material apparently having been the basis, or partial basis, for the rather unprecedented action taken. I say unprecedented because it is normal procedure, I understand, that if the recommendations of the technical people bring up any points of insufficient requirements the petitioner is normally allowed to amend those points, but that the matter is not totally rejected out of hand because of the technicalities or because of opposition by officials of the Town or others. I think you are aware that on two previous occasions I had buyers for the property who met one kind of problem or another with various segments of the Town officials. Chairman, July 12, Page 2 Southold Town Planning Board 1984 You'll understand my need for pursuing this since having had negatives on the use of the property as an office, an antique shop and a funeral home it is unclear just what use of the property I might ever expect to have approved by the Town. It also raises the question as to whether my basic rights are not being abridged. I have tried in each of the past instances to write in contractual restrictions which would preserve the exterior of the property, in conformance with the expressed wishes of other officials of the Town, because of the historic values of this old and beautiful property which was built in 1757. I am becoming of the opinion that there is, in fact, no interest on the part of the Town to do so and that I have very few options left. I, therefore, request you to send to me a list of the individuals who did attend the meeting and a transcript of the proceedings. I'll be glad to pay reasonable fees in connection with the preparation of this material. This is a most serious matter and your early and complete reply is respectfully requested. Cordially, ~ /~ Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN ROAD- BTATE ROAD 25 c~OUTHF1LD, L.I., N.Y. 119'71 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAWlCKI June 4, 1984 Mrs. William F. Coster III Maple Lane Laurel, NY 11948 Re: Appeal No. 3215 - Pending Special Exception Application Request for Funeral Home Use: Main Road, Southold Dear Mrs. Coster: We are in receipt of your May 29, 1984 correspondenc~ in which you have indicated that you may be amending the site plan and therefore the application pending with us should be held temporarily in abeyance. Please contact the Planning Board Chairman if you wish to proceed with your proposal for suggestions or recommended changes. Please keep us advised accordingly. Yours very truly, cc: Planning Board Officew// Building Inspector's Office GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN By Linda Kowalski MA~DALINE GOODRICH Town Historian 683 Bayshore Road Greenport, New York 11944 (516) 477-209O May 21, 1984 Mr. J.B. Hartranft,JR. 312 Severn Box 5015 Eastport, Maryland, 21403 Dear Mr. Hartranft: Your letter of May 15th was a shock to me with your assumptions regarding my involvment in meetings and hearings about your father's property. It was flattering also that you would believe that my position as Town Historian is so important that I can help to make decisions in the Town Government. MV work is to preserve and keep alive the history of Southold Town and its people bv constant research for old records for preservation in the Town Archives. This means that I visit people who may have material that should be preserved~ I answer queries from those who seek historic information regarding land, property and family roots. Needless to say, I have not been called on to testify nor have I been present at any meeting or hearing regarding your property. The Planning Board requested an historic resume on the house which I gave them. A copy of what I wrote is enclosed for you to read. I find nothing "abrasive or negative" as you mentioned in my brief history of said house. It is merely a statemnt of facts which I found in the historic records of Southold. I am not in the position to comment or testify to anything except that your father's house was and is still considered an historic landmark. I regret that you have had so much aggravation, but you do yourself an injustice if you destroy the old papers and books kept by your father. He certainly would want them preserved properly for the future generation. The Hartranft name is highly respected in this and other communities. Since I have no personal or political "clout" in my position as Town Historian, I would be the last person to use the title for anyth~n~ but History. Enc:(1) Sincerely (Mrs) Magdaline Goodrich Southold Town Historian J. B. HARTRANFT, JR. 312SEVERN BOX~4X 5015 EASTPORT, MARYLAND 21403 May 15, 1984 Town Historian Town of Southold Southold, N.Y. 11971 Dear Madam Historian: As you know, I have been doing my utmost to preserve my father's property so that its historic value can be maintained. I believe your Department has had an interest in this objective being met. I was therefore shocked beyond belief to learn that the recent application for the sale of my house, which would have as a part of the arrangement guaranteed the preservation of the exterior of the home, was actually opposed by several Departments of the Town, including the Police Department, the Fire Department and the Southold Historian. Frankly, this is the third prospect to have been denied by what I believe to be nothing more than political sand- bagging. In each of these cases, I have inserted the requirement that the exterior would be preserved and I had thought that the Town was not only in harmony with this but that they had been encouraging me to do so. For them to then come out in a public meeting and sandbag the sale leavesme just with no recourse then to consider legal action against those who are responsible. Frankly, at this point, I have become very discouraged concerning any effort to maintain a residence and, if they want a fast food place or something of that kind, then let the bulldozers roll. I do have all the records of Dr. Gardner, including his book of accounts which is all in Pounds Sterling and includes on his accounts, in all probability, most or all of the residents of Southold starting in about the year 1740, and I also have several volumes of my grandfather's records, which started before the year 1900, the late Dr. Joseph M. Hartranft. Town Historian May 15, 1984 Page 2 But at this moment, in view of what I understand the position of the Town Historian and other officials of the Town, I am very reluctant to involve myself further in the preser- vation of those records or of the house. It is not clear to me in what manner the position of the Town Historian was used in the hearing but it turned out to be abrasive and negative with the unprecedented action that the application was thrown out entirely, it being the normal procedure to recommend amendments if there need be and not to throw out totally the application as, I understand, took place after hearing your testimony or position, together with the Police, the Fire Department and others. I understand also that this was totally a political maneuver, probably engineered and orchestrated by one or more individuals in town who might find the intended use of the property to be competitive with their interests. I shall not pass the final judgment until I have had an opportunity of reading your reply but I think I have above- stated my understanding of the situation and my concerns. Please let me know from your viewpoint what it was you intended to accomplish in having your position used as a part of the negative decision-making which this meeting produced. Very truly yours, MAGDALINE GOODRICH Town Historian (516) 477-2090 683 Bayshore Road Greenport, New York 11944 TO: Mr. Richard Latham, Planning Board From: Mitzi Goodrich, Town Historian May 7, 1984 The house on the northeast corner of Main Road and Youngs Ave. was built about 1757 by Justice Robert Hempstead. It was enlarged during the 19th century by Sq. Ezra C. Terry and Co~. John Wickham. Part of its own foundational structure and the old stone foundation on the property are of 17th century origin, probably of the early settler Thomas Cooper after which Cooper's Lane was named. Squ~re Ezra C. Terry, Justice of the Peace,in 1835 enlarqed the h use considerably: william D. Cochran,the builder. Col. John wickham in 1855 increased its size again. Several wings are now removed and are homes and a store on Youn~s Ave. Other owners of this property, which is known as the Silversmith's Corner were Dr. John Gardiner, John C. Appleby, Joseph C. Albertson. Toward the end of the last century, Dr. Joseph M. Hartranft bought this beautiful old 18th-19th century home and he was the ~evered Doctor of the country- side for many years. It has remained in the Hartranft family and still is presently. "Silversmiths,Corner" was a name long used for this location. Several silversmiths dwelt there at different periods:Benjamin Yonqes who had one of the earliest 17th century apprentice schools in Southold: also Silversmiths Benedict and Coleman. MAGDALINE GOODRICH Town Historian (516) 477-209O 683 Bayshore Road Greenport, New York 11944 TO: Mr. Richard Latham, Planning Board From: Mitzi Goodrich, Town Historian May 7, 1984 The house on the northeast corner of Main Road and Youngs Ave. was built about 1757 by Justice Robert Hempstead. It was enlarged during the 19th century by Sq. Ezra C. Terry and Co~. John Wickham. Part of its own foundational structure and the old stone foundation on the property are of 17th century origin, probably of the early settler Thomas Cooper after which Cooper's Lane was named. Squire Ezra C. Terry, Justice of the Peace,in 1835 enlarged the h use considerably~ william D. Cochran,the builder. Col. John wickham in 1855 increased its size again. Several wings are now removed and are homes and a store on Youn~s Ave. Other owners of this property, which is known as the Silversmith's Corner were Dr. John Gardiner, John C. Appleby, Joseph C. Albertson. Toward the end of the last century, Dr. Joseph M. Hartranft bought this beautiful old 18th-19th century home and he was the revered Doctor of the country- side for many years. It has remained in the Hartranft family and still is presently. "Silversmiths,Corner" was a name long used for this location. Several silversmiths dwelt there at different periods:Benjamin Yonges who had one of the earliest 17th century apprentice schools in Southold: also Silversmiths Benedict and Coleman. MAY ? H. DANIEL WINTERS CHIEF OF POLICE POLICE DEPARTMENT, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PECONIC, NEW YORK, '11958 TELEPHONE EMERGENCY DIAL 911 ADMINISTRATIVE: 516 765-2600 516 734~6022 May 7, 1984 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Acting Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Route 25 Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Orlowski: It has come to my attention that there may be a funeral parlor located at the Intersection of Route 25 and Youngs Avenue, Southold Village. Need- less to say, I was most concerned when I heard of this. This particular location is without question the busiest vehicular intersection in the Town of Southold. At this location there is a bank with drive-through facilities, a gas station, a restaurant, a supermarket, a liquor store and many other small businesses in the ir~ediate area. Just last year, after much delay, the Department of Transportation finally created a "No Parking" zone and "No Exit" onto Route 25 from the supermarket. Parking space is at a premium at the aforementioned location and to add a business which by its nature imvolves the parking of vehicles would be catastrophic. If you have any questions, please contact me. RDW: jk Very t~ yours, H. DANIEL WINTERS CHIEF OF POLICE MAY 7 1984 SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1886 May 7, 1984 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Gentlemen, As chief of the Southold Fire Department, I want to inform you of my opposition on the proposed funeral home to be located at the cor~er of Main Road and youngs Avenue. Hy concern is the severe traffic congestion which presently exists in the daytime hours at this location because of the traffic light and the businesses in the area. Our department provides emergency fire and rescue services for which our response time is of extreme importance. ! believe that a funeral home at this location would further hamper our response time. d ~. Say~e-- Chief TOWN OF SOUT~OLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 TEL. 765-1802 April 25, 1984 Planning Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, N.Y. Subject: Funeral Home-site plan for W. Coster Gentlemen: The subject property is zoned for B-l, General Business use. The proposed use is permitted by Spec- ial Exception of the Board of Appeals, Art. VII, Sec- tion 100-70 B (1) (2). The 47 off street parking spaces are inadequate for requirements which are 52. Also access from the street requires a 20'-0" wide lane. Site plan provides only 15'-0" at curb. The lane providing access to 7car park- ing area does not meet the 20'-0" lane requirement. Art. XI, Sec. 100-112 A & D. This site plan does and can not be certified Sec. 100-133 C. EH: hd not meet zoning requirements in accordance with Art. XIII Ed Hindermann Building Inspector , PR 6 ~aple Lane April 15, 1984 Plar~uing Boar~ Town of Southold Southold, N.Y. 11971 Dear i~:r. Raynor and Board ~embers. Thank you for the courteous manner in which you handled our funeral home site plan hearing. Helen and I realize that you are doing your best t~ preserve and protect the quality of life in Southold. We are anxious to get started in busine but fully understand and appreciate the dems~ds placed upon you. Once again, thank you for your time and to you ~r. Raynor, the best of success in your future endeavors. Yours truly,__ William F. Coster Helen A. Coster $outhold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 April 10, 1984 Mr. William F. Coster Maple Lane Laurel, NY 11948 III Re: Funeral Home Site Plan at Southold Dear Mr. Coster: Please let this confirm the action of the Planning Board at the regular meeting of April 9, 1984. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board refer the site plan of William Coster, a proposal for a funeral home in an existing building with a proposed addition to that building, to the Building Inspector for certification. The Southold Town Planning Board will also make a field inspection of this proposed site plan. Please forward three (3) maps for our referral to the Building Department. If you have any questiOns, please contact this office. Very truly yours, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN~pLANNING BOARD M. Schul~fze, SeCretary cc :Building Inspector 1984 WILLIANI F, C05T~'R Ill April 3, 1984 Southold Town Board Southold, New York Gentlemen' Please include the attached letters with our £±le. Helen and I look £orward to meeting with you and answering any questions you might have. William F. Coster III Maple Lane Laurel, New York 11948 2985892 20, 1984 To Who~ It May Concerz~: Il; i: a pleasure for us to be able to write to you on behalf af Willi~u Coster. We h:~e known Bill and hi:: family for five years. Durinif this ti~e, the ~oster's hawe extended themselYes and ~heir home ~elpea make our e~try into the }~orih Fork community ~ore l'raceful. We had the pri~itedge of being their '-~,~ ~ei~i'hbors ~m~ ~,rere often the recipients of their time, talent ~nd Eenerosity. They are a lowing, warm family a~d an asse~ ~o the community in which they reside. Bill has proYided us with the opportunity to reYiew his ~la=s for the e:~tablis~eat of his busiues:~ ia the town of Southol~. The preaen~ bu~iness of Joseph McGrath ~neral Home in Jackson HeiThls, in which Bill ia direelly in~ol~ed, ha, been o~e which has ~er~ed the area i~ which it is located ~a.y years, an,~ is one which is highly regarded by it's r.sside~:ts. It i3 our firm belief that the addition of :;ach a bu~si:~e~ i~ our town wi.ll not only iucre~se the awailability of .~uch a ~:ervice to our local community, but will do so in a :.'~a~ner i~: keeping with the tradition :~.~:d ~pirit which currently exi~ts i~ the tow~. Bi]i'~ professional hi:,tory iu Jack:~o~ H i.,]t i~ a te~ti~ony to this b ' ~ ellef. Auy enterpri~e which he u: !ertakes will be well :t~ctured a~d beautifully maintaised, and prowe to be a ~o:t desirable ~ddition to Southold. Bill is a per:on of out~tandi~g =~oral character who Eitl are i~pres~ed by his sincerity and honesty. It is this kind of person whom we should welcome to do business in our towm. It is t~i~ kiad of person from whom we will all beaefit from ~ow~nM and interracti~g. It ~s this kiad of per,on whom we If you hawe a::y further que:~tioms or if we can be of help other way, plea;:e do mot hesitate to call on u~;. Sincerely ygurs' Wi ~ liam Grim Johanna Grim CATHOLIC MIGRATION AND REFUGEE OFFICE DIOCESE OF BROOKLYN 75 GREENE AVENUE POST OFF~CE BOX C BROOKLYN, N y 11202 March 21, 1984 Southold Town Board Southold, New York Dear Sirs: I have known William F. Coster III since I came to Blessed Sacrament Parish in June 1979 as Pastor. Mr. Coster's establishment, known as McGrath Funeral Home, has served the Jackson Heights community for many years. Mr. Coster is avery good living and moral person who has conducted his business with honesty and integrity. He shows a great sensitivity to the people who come to him for his services. He has dealt with'people of ail racial and ethnic background with the same care and concern. He has also been very involved with community activities, serving on various committees in the parish. His relationship with the parish has been not just on a business basis but one based on friendship and concern for the parish. I can recommend him highly. With best wishes, I remain Sincerely, Most Reverend Rene A. Valero Vicar for Immigrants and Refugees March 21, 1984 Southhold Town Board Southhold, New York Gentlemen: I honestly consider it a privilege to recommend Mr. William Coster for your consideration. I have known him and his family for the past fifteen years. They are good people, and are held in high esteem by all the staff at Blessed Sacrament Parish. Their service to the community has been invaluable. They enjoy an excellent reputation for their kindness and service to people of all denominations. Mr. Coster will be an asset wherever he goes. I write this recommendation with sincere admiration for the good he has accomp- lished in Jackson Heights. I am, Respectfully yours, Rev. Thomas J. Sulherland March 1984 To,fa Board 3outhold, New York Dear Sirs~ Kindly be advised that I have known William Coster ~nd his family for the past twenty two years. ~hey are held in high regard by the community in which they reside. William has always been an active a~d loyal member of ~he community. He has enriched the lives of his family, many friends and neighbors. William,s ability and success in the PUneral business has always been highly regarded by his peers. Mr. Coster will certainly be an asset ~o the town of ~outhold, N.Y. Sincerely, l~ranklin A. Roth Vice - President PAR~bl u e a [ ,e vice . . JOHN J. 64-18 FLUSHING AVE MEGIEL, INC. · MASPETH, NEW YORK 11878 Phone 212 DAvenport 6-1790 - 91 MARCH 15TH, 1984. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD: SOUTHOLDs NEW YORK, GENTLEPE'N: I HAVE KNOWN ~R. WILLIAM F. COSTER 3_11 FOR THE PAST TWENTY FIVE YEARSAS A STUDENT IN GRADE SCHOOL,, HIGH SCHOOL /~qD IN HIS PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLINC~ AND CAREER,HE IS A PERSON OF HIGH HORAL CHAPJ~CTER AND A TRULY CARING PARENT,HIS PROFESSICNAL ETHICS ARE BEYOND REPROACH. HE IS A SY/VPATHETIC,, UNDERSTANDING,, KIND AND DEDICATED PERSON ~ WILL BE AN ASSET TO THE COiWMUNITY AS AND INDIVIDUAL AND AS A PROFESSIONAL PERSON, I CAN NOT RECOI~ND HIH TO HIGHLY TO THE BOARD, IT IS FOR TI-lES REASON I ASK THE BOARD TO FAVORABLY CONSIDER HIS APPLICATION TO ESTABLISH HIS FUNERAL HOFE ON THE SITE SELEC- TED, THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. RESP/ECTFULLY YOURS. 1984 D~' , : .;, 1983 McGrath Funeral Home 91-20 37th Avenue Dear Mr. Coster and Mrs. Smith: We wish to write this letter to again emphasize our greatest admiration and appreciation to you both for the courtesy, professionalsim and love which you both demon- strated to us, our families and friends during our recent loss. Words could never express the understanding and patience which was given to us by both of you when we needed it. And again your professionalism was reflected when you answered our questions and made every attempt possible to make our pain more bearable during this time. Our family will always have fond memories of your thought- fulness, assistance and consideration. We respectfully send these small tokens of our appreciation to you both with all our love from our hearts. Sincerely yours D Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 March 5, 1984 Mrs. Helen Coster P.O. BOx 533 Laurel, NY 11948 Re: Funeral Home Site Plan Dear Mrs. Coster: Enclosed is your check No. 10265 for $50. My records had indicated that no payment was made; however, after receiving your letter and checking with the Town Clerk , I found that you had paid on January 25, 1984. Please note, your payment of February 2, 1984 was for your application with the Zoning Board of Appeals. I am sorry for any inconvenience. Very truly yours, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. , CHAIRMAN ,~UTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD ~y Diane M.Schultze, iecre~ary enc. 5 ~..~ £ b~ O0~& O~ :l:dO£ 000~ ~ O:~ .,5~ O~ O.u OL~/OC t L S9 OI 3WOH lvu3Nf]:l H.J.VUD31,%/ 'A Hd3SOI' FEB 24 IcJ$4 $outholcl Toum Board 0£ Appeals MAIN RrtAD- STATE RrtAD 25 SQUTHDLD, L.I., N,Y, 11S'71 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. SERGE DOYEN, .IR. ROBERT J- DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAWlCKI February 24, 1984 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Coster, Maple Lane, P.O. Box 533 Laurel, NY 11948 III Re: Appeal No. 3215 Special Exception Dear Mr. and Mrs. Coster: The following action was taken at a Special the Board of Appeals held on Saturday, February concerning your recent application: Meeting of 11, 1984 RESOLVED, that Appeal No. 3215, application of MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM F. COSTER, III for a Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance for the establishment of a funeral home at the corner of Main Road and Youngs Avenue, Southold, New York BE AND HEREBY IS TEMPORARILY HELD IN ABEYANCE pending review and receipt of comments from the Southold Town Planning Board on the proposed site plan in accordance with Article VII, Section lO0-70(B). This resolution Please keep us Planning Board. was unanimously adopted. advised regarding developments with the Yours very truly, CC: Planning Board/ Building Department GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN By Linda Kowalski FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No ................................ ..... ...(.~ ~..~.~.~ .~. M... ~ .... .~ ~ PLEASE T~E NOTICE ~ your a~plication dated... ~~Lt~. ~ ~. ., 19 .~ co,~ty ~ Map ~o. ~000 S~c~oa ...~. r ..... ~o~ ... ~ ...... ~t . ~. ~ ~ ....... Sa~Oi~ision ..... L ..........~ileO ~ap ~o ..... ~. . . : . ..... Lot N~ ........ ~' ' ' ~ .... ~s returnea ne~wnn anu .,..~ .... n t ' ~ ' ~ r~Z~ Bu~d~g Inspector RV 1/80 FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No ................................ ..... ....~..~.c~.. .... ..,?--._.e.~ ................. ....~...~..c,:..~..c.-..c, .,...,~., ~ ..... r.,~..~ PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated... J~Qff~'.t~../~. ~.~._..~...O.., 19..?.'.~ for permit to construct ,~/2/'/./.~..~...~.~7.~....O.S~....~..t~...~'.~./~//.{,(,t4.' . .~.'..~...,. at Location of Property ~.~.~. ~.~..~..Hxf/iJ~..~..¢. ~..~..0... ??..g..'.tO.~...~.?.~-r. .....~...0..~..~.~? County Tax Map No. 1~;;e S/~e;tion...q-Q~. f. ..... Block Slr~.dt.O.t~. ...... Lot . .C)..( .~.... Subdivision ................. Filed Map No ................. Lot No .................. is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds .~.~/*'-~./~. (,.~.~-'.~. ( ~... ,4. ~. .~. (.. ~0/~. . L)r>. ~. .~'.C C 77..-.../~.~.. o. ~. r2<:~. . . . O~YZ x. .'"-.~.9.°. .,. .,~.~.~ . . . ,~7. ..,:/~_ ~.c. : ~'. c. . . .~. . .,~. . ~. c c a~. . . . .-r. .~. . .~. . . . . .r.2q~. . . .~. .~. ~.< . ~ f . . .,5,'.~'~.~ Building Inspector RV 1/80 1, 2, 3, PLOT INFORPIATIOH FROIq A SURVEY BY YOUNG & YOUNG I)ATEI) 9/25/83'~ PUBLIC WATER IS SUPPLII~ BY THE 6REEI~PORT WATEP~ OOt~PAI~, ~RI~NE;' '&' 'ACCES$"P~fIN6 '.SttAL£q~E! PEtW~[OUS"~ATER[AL (~U~,S$~NE) ER"B' ~A~Y-LO~' ~ASE, C~ B~ L U .."~ 'CUT ~A 'L"BE'.BY' ~RA[NACE ~ACH]~6 POOLS SHALL ~E PREgAST U~ITS ~ITH T~FF]C COVERS C, ], 6RATES, PAV]N6 SHALL ~E ~" 6RUSH~ STYE OVB~ 6" OF PERVIOUS LOAR - 60RPACT~ 10' TOHS. RECEtyEE SOUTHOU) ~APu, APR 16 19s'4 / il i. ADDITION SHALL COMPLY WII~, NEW O~tSTRUCTION ENERGY C~E. 2. ~]ST~G FIRST FLO~' S~ALL BE INSU~T~ & F~ WITH STO~ ~ASH, ~. UPPER FLOORS TO BE US~ F~ L~G~ ~TORAGE O~LY (~0 HEAT), ~, ENTIRE FIRST FL~ TO BE H~T~: C~L~ ~ VE~ FROM A CENT~L UNIT LOCA~ IN THE BAS~T. ,5. E~ERGY ANALYSIS (~D1T]ON): BUI~I~ FLOOR AR~ ~ 20t6 SF PER)~ER WALLS. 1176 SF G~SS AR~ 130 SF (~% OF WALL) ,I c~- "a u_ 5- T'.7. ~'~