HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-60.-2-10.4 - ' t ' l t it r I r I WIEDERSUM ARCHITECTS - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS` { O OI C1 v �a I NORMAN HR AT CONSULTING ENGINEER _ n J - - AFAR LI ASSOCIATE �; , :,: ,.', •r, r - { CONSULTING ENGINEERS iIt a tri, - - . .. •. -_,__ ..._ v .` � :3_ 'rr %tf' , �'' �` t ', � --_ -- -""-4_, I �. �.;. .°, !%: r ., :C /"_, ,..,, r. : ! Arec�loq Qr•.row I � ' ' f e `� � - ,/ '+e ` ,".a � /� f- ♦ - °� 7 � � -t - dl r T r li � ��_ _� � � - - � 1�r ,nr% -_ r � S. , �� i'I���,, I�; � I � __ - . _. _ i • .n�' 1l ,r I i. .r - - ..� „er. ,�a� ..,,r'r - _ „ �E , 4 - t.,� . d. .. . . + 'Celr _ , + _ _ �� a ;'{ Lai � _.— � '-`- — iI' >�'�iw�t r ..< -_ - - �. __-- �I � ! II � E ! •. II :__ �'S i � _ r - Ir � �I , ' �i, I IF, t i, J ,,,.s r'_ qrei�' o,rf,b`� ( - /a., A'p aj ,zr"+S�D { II i _. _ �. �i' r c :v Oqi r• i" � I - 4 -� v Aq ttiTfiK — . J '� + . r � � ' � -tl � I l'i �J 2CT/aq Xr ru �'-• � - NS. .r . r' pY �!%It!. S _ t'-;, !: • . C }":' / < ♦ . 09,4!1� �-►� a ~ t �u. J;l' i�r f. ' .i r• � ', // ,^_ � + �I I . Aara/ee/ 91 i , , . w _ R. `} i•o �}-. . _.o.. .r. lr,. .--ra_.— .a r. _ _ �. - - . -_ ._ _ _ I 1r C, '�'CL)r C.r.�� ^ � AND _T r- t " "?°^.° ,•r re " ry ,. r< � '� '1 _ ADT - •%� x„s ,r,'a TO �� srar- • T lei v, ' ” 7 , I ! OL V W� - . fj AVINGS BANK .�"'-�_, i_sf<1 Gift✓ eY ��� � � z� '` . '', T OWN Of SOUTHOLD i! Q � ? " �f�' I �• N, � � J 'i ''li . I fr2U.m.-! ° r�'� � � I I , 2. '� 'i� � .. - - � ' SOUTHO. LD , NEW YORK —ll {{ l�,r al a ' 7111 `li NORTH WIN ADDITION /U _ ',� C, n . . i �� ,i I•S} V �...._ if h A0 6), L7 //v c, I : .. a I �f ---K` _•�� __ _ _ _ r - A l7 tarnrNx T / Al 4 J I i h t I� -.. ... . L_ \, 2 RAILROAD AVENUE - �' KEIT ALAN T , 'S, r - ,�-. .T._-.________�__` �.:. cil !. ) -�_._ _.._.___ _ �' J I.�I' r✓ ,',- •I. 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The override is also based on the request of the Southold Town Planning Board that the number of lots be reduced from five to two. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Raynor, Coyle, Gordon, Wall Mr. Raynor made a motion, seconded by Mr. Coyle and carried to approve the minutes of the meeting of December 18, 1978. Mr. Henry Raynor, Vice-Chairman, reported on discussions he had with the Town Attorney, Robert Tasker, and the Chairman of the Board of Appeals, Robert Gillispie, Jr. regarding the Southold Commons apartment complex. At the last meeting the applicant informed the Board that he was continuing the old appeal decision of Ahlers and Hellman. On reviewing the site plan there are some substantial differences with regard to the two plans. One is that there are certain amenities left out of the new site plan that were granted as part of the decision including tennis courts, shuffle board and a pool and playground. On the appeal decision they have given an appeal to erect 13 buildings of not over 12 apartments each. The site plan submitted to this board is 16 buildings. It seems to be the considered opinion that this may no longer be an extension of the application to the Board of Appeals. This should be reheard by the Board of Appeals. The matter was discussed separately with the Town Attorney and the Chairman of the Board of Appeals and also at the group meeting January 4th. On motion made by Mr. Raynor, seconded by Mr. Coyle, it was RESOLVED to approve the site plan of the Southold Savings Bank with revisions on plantings and ingress and egress as shown on pages 1 and 1A. Vote. of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Raynor, Coyle, Gordon, Wall On motion made by Mr. Gordon, seconded by Mr. Coyle, it was RESOLVED to approve the map of the minor subdivision of Lawrence Stojan and Martha Stojan, said map dated October 11, 1978, and authorize the chairman to sign the map subject to the following conditions of the Suffolk County Planning Commission: P ���FFO(k I D TO, �' S � D S L Q Y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 March 24, 1988 Mr. Donald Denis - Architect P.O. Box 565 Aquebogue, NY 11931 RE: Southold Savings Bank Dear Mr. Denis: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, March 21, 1988. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant final approval subject to one year review. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Vee--rry//,��truly yours, SENNET RRLOWS ' OI CHAIRMAN cc: Richard Lark it $ Andrew M.Cuomo Governor NEW YORKSTATE Rose Harvey New York State Office of Parks, Commissioner Recreation and Historic Preservation Division for Historic Preservation Peebles Island, PO-Box 189,Waterford. New York 12188-0189 518-237-8643 October 8, 2014 www.nysparks.com Ms. Heather M. Lanza, AICP Planning Director, Southold Town Hall Annex Bldg. , . 54375 Rte. 25 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Main Road Historic District t}UihOiU iGV�' Suffolk County �3nninr!Boas_= J Dear Ms. Lanza, AICP: We are pleased to inform you that property you own, noted above, is included in an historic district that will be considered by the New York State Board for Historic Preservation at its next meeting, December 4, 2014, for nomination to the National and State Registers of Historic Places. This review, originally scheduled for September 11, 2014, was postponed in order to allow time for additional public discussion and comment. The boundary of this district is slightly different from the earlier proposal and a revised nomination will be available for review. These registers are the official lists of properties that are significant in history, architecture, engineering, landscape design, and culture. Listing in the registers provides recognition of our national, state and local heritage and assistance in preserving it. Enclosed is a copy of the criteria under which properties are evaluated for listing. Listing in the National and State Registers affords properties a measure of protection from the effects of federal and/or state sponsored or assisted projects, provides eligibility for certain federal and/or state tax credits and renders properties owned by non-profits or municipalities eligible for state preservation grants. In general, there are no restrictions placed upon private owners of registered properties. The results of listing are explained more fully in the attached fact sheet. Owners of private properties proposed for listing in the National Register must be given the opportunity to concur in or object to the listing. If a majority of the private property owners in the district object to the listing via the process noted below, it will prevent the district from being listed. Objections are only counted against the listing of the district as a whole. If a majority does not object, no single property owner in the district can exempt himself or herself from the listing via an objection. Each private property owner has one vote, regardless of how many properties or what portion of a single property that party owns. If a property owner wishes to object to the proposed district, he/she must submit a notarized acknowledgement that he/she is the owner of the property in question and that he/she objects to the proposed National Register listing. Objections must be submitted before the district is listed. If you have previously submitted a notarized objection to the Main Road Historic District, you need not submit another one. Your original objection will be counted. If you submitted an objection and wish to withdraw it, you must submit a notarized letter so stating. We welcome all comments regarding the listing of the district. If a district cannot be listed because of owner objection, the SHPO will submit the nomination to the Keeper of the National Register for a determination of eligibility for listing. Properties formally determined eligible for National Register listing by the Keeper are subject to the same protection from the effects of federally sponsored or assisted projects as are listed properties. There are no provisions in the New York State Historic Preservation Act that allow owners to prevent listing in the State Register by means of objection. If you wish to comment on whether or not the district should be nominated to the National and State Registers, please send your comments to the SHPO at the address below. Comments must be received by December 3„ 2014, in order to be considered by the State Board for Historic Preservation when it reviews this district. A draft copy of the proposed nomination will be posted on our web site (www.nysparks.com/shpo) approximately thirty days prior to the board meeting. For more information, contact Jennifer Betsworth, Division for Historic Preservation, Peebles Island State Park, P.O. Box 189, Waterford, New York 12188, (518)237-8643 x 3296. Sincerely, Lo�(• Ruth L. Pierpont Deputy Commissioner for Historic Preservation Enclosure: Fact Sheet Criteria for Evaluation • • DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION STATE AND NATIONAL REGISTERS OF HISTORIC PLACES PROGRAM "M NXM Won Frequently Asked Questions about the State and National Registers of Historic Places in New York State What are the State and National Registers of Historic Places? The State and National Registers are the official lists of properties significant in history, architecture, engineering, landscape design, archeology, and culture. Properties may be significant in local, state and/or national contexts. More than 120,000 properties in.New York have received this prestigious recognition. What qualifies a property for listing on the registers? The registers recognize all aspects of New York's diverse history and culture. Eligible properties must represent a significant historic theme (e.g., architecture, agriculture, industry, transportation) and they must be intact enough to illustrate their association with that theme. Properties must usually be more than 50 years of age to be considered for listing. What are the benefits of being listed on the registers? The State and National Registers are a recognized and visible component of public and private planning. The registers promote heritage tourism,economic development and appreciation of historic resources. Benefits include: ■ Official recognition that a property is significant to the nation,the state,or the local community. ■ Eligibility to apply for the state homeowner tax credit and/or the state and federal commercial historic rehabilitation tax credits. ■ Eligibility(not-for-profit organizations and municipalities only)to apply for New York State historic preservation grants. Other grants, also requiring listing, may be available through other public and private sources. ■ Properties that meet the criteria for registers listing receive a measure of protection from state and federal undertakings regardless of their listing status. State and federal agencies must consult with the SHPO to avoid, minimize,or mitigate adverse effects to listed or eligible properties. Will State and National Registers listing restrict the use of a property? If you are not using federal or state funds to complete your project(e.g. a grant or tax credit,CD funds, a Main Street Grant) and you do not require a state or federal permit to undertake it(e.g. DEC permit),you are free to remodel,alter, paint, manage,subdivide,sell,or even demolish a National or State Register listed property(as long as you comply with local zoning). If state or federal funds are used or if a state or federal permit is required, proposed alterations may be reviewed by SHPO staff if the property is either listed,or determined eligible for listing. What kinds of properties can be included in the registers? Buildings and structures such as residences, churches, commercial buildings and bridges; sites such as cemeteries, landscapes and archaeological sites; districts, including groups of buildings, structures or sites that are significant as a whole, such as farmsteads, residential neighborhoods,industrial complexes and cultural landscapes; and objects, such as fountains and monuments. What is a historic district? A historic district is a group of buildings, structures, and sites that are significant for their historical and physical relationships to each other. Properties in districts are not usually significant individually but gain meaning from their proximity and association with each other. A district may include any number of properties. What is the process for listing a property on the registers? To begin, an application must be submitted to the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)for evaluation. If the property is determined eligible for listing, the nomination sponsor is responsible for providing documentation that describes the property's setting and physical characteristics, documents its history, conveys its significance in terms of its historic context, and demonstrates how it meets the register criteria. The New York State Board for Historic Preservation reviews completed nominations. If the board recommends the nomination, the New York State Historic Preservation Officer (Commissioner of the Office of Parks, Preation and Historic Preservation) lists otproperty on the State Register and forwards it to the National Park Service for review and listing on the National Register. Can an owner object to having his or her property listed on the registers? Yes. Private property owners may object to National Register listing. If the property has one owner,that owner's objection will prevent the listing. If the property has multiple owners,the majority of the owners must object in order to prevent listing. For properties with multiple owners,such as districts, objections only count toward the listing of the district as a whole. No one owner can exempt himself or herself from listing in a district by means of an objection. Although the State Register does not recognize owner objections, it is the policy of the SHPO to avoid listings with significant objections and to work with nomination sponsors and communities to provide information and education about the registers program. How long does it take to get a property listed? The length of time required for the preparation and review of an individual nomination is typically six to twelve months, depending on the quality of the application and staff workloads. Historic districts generally require at least a year to account for their greater complexity and the additional need for public comment. How do the State and National Registers differ from local landmark designation? State and National Registers listing should not be confused with local landmark designation. Many communities have enacted local landmark ordinances that establish commissions with the authority to review proposed work on locally designated properties. These commissions are established and operated independently from the State and National Registers,which do not regulate the actions of private property owners unless state or federal funds are used or a state or federal permit is required. National Register listing does not automatically lead to local landmark designation,and local districts often differ from those listed on the registers. Must owners of listed buildings open their buildings to the public? No. There is absolutely no requirement to open register-listed properties to the public. Will a property owner be able to leave his property to his children or anyone else he/she wishes? Yes. Listing on the registers in no way affects the transfer of property from one owner to another. Will listing on the State and National Registers, either individually or in a historic district,affect local property taxes or zoning? No. Listing has no direct bearing on any of these local actions. How can an owner get a State and National Registers plaque to display on his or her building? Although the SH PO does not provide plaques,a list of manufacturers is available upon request. How does listing protect a building and its surroundings? The registers are a valuable tool in the planning of publicly funded, licensed or permitted projects. Government agencies are responsible for avoiding or reducing the effects of projects on properties that are eligible for or listed on the registers. Listing raises awareness of the significance of properties, helping to ensure that preservation issues are considered early and effectively in the planning process. Where can 1 find out more about the State and National Registers? Contact the Division for Historic Preservation at (518)237-8643,visit our website at www.nysparks.state.ny.us/shpo/register/index.htm or see the National Park Service website at.www.nps.gov/history/nr/. 09/14 yXT". � • FIELD SERVICES BUREAU DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION o rEw vam$TAT" - NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF PARKS,RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION National and State Registers Criteria for Evaluation The following criteria are used to evaluate properties (other than areas of the National Park Service and National Historic Landmarks) for listing on the National and State Registers of Historic Places. The quality of significance in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering and culture is present in districts, sites, buildings, structures and objects that possess integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling and association and A. that are associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history; or B. that are associated with the lives of persons significant in our past; or C. that embody the distinctive characteristics of a type,period, or method of construction or that represent the work of a master, or that possess high artistic values, or that represent a significant distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or D. that have yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history. Ordinarily cemeteries, birthplaces, or graves of historical figures,properties owned by religious institutions or used for religious purposes, structures that have been moved from their original locations, reconstructed historic buildings,properties primarily commemorative in nature, and properties that have achieved significance within the past 50 years shall not be considered eligible for the State and National Registers. However, such properties will qualify if they are integral parts of districts that do meet the criteria or if they fall within the following categories: A. a religious property deriving primary significance from architectural or artistic distinction or historical importance; or B. a building or structure removed from its original location but which is significant primarily for architectural value, or which is the surviving structure most importantly associated with a historic person or event; or C. a birthplace or grave of a historical figure of outstanding importance if there is no other appropriate site or building directly associated with his productive life; or D. a cemetery that derives its primary significance from graves of persons of transcendent importance, from age, from distinctive design features, or from association with historic events; or E. a reconstructed building when accurately executed in a suitable environment and presented as part of a restoration master plan, and when no other building or structure with the same association has survived; or F. a property primarily commemorative in intent if design, age,tradition, or symbolic value has invested it with its own historical significance; or G. a property achieving significance within the past 50 years if it is of exceptional importance. • • Towns of Riverhead 6 Souftb, Main Road Historic District SWIM co.,NY 4 � Q \ ` ` JJ gg S- t 4 Y Q z _v OHM CbmW .HAD 1903 UTU 2a _ WOW (0m '19.1000_. ,lyu4m _. to= Td�00D TC*9M""+� 1:21.000 ftw.*+.Fx.ewral Af.c PeelN".i WmRasd MD LK PemW Sym Cy.� f T ~ +f in 2.0000 NNs'ANbr.Nnxron(993 1.500 750 0 1.500 3.060 1.900 9A00 ""� � ps99.su1bM.nKus � .� FTEL. 76S-2660 oc��� -c TOWN OF SOUTHOLD tJ� OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE •v SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971 Nov. 17, 1977 Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Southold, N.Y. Gentlemen: In reply to letter from Dick Lark - RE: Froposed addition and alteration to Southold Savings Bank, Main Rd & Youngs Ave . , Southold, I have the following preliminary comments: 1 . On the preliminary sketch plan used at the original conference with representative from Arcitect - Wiedersum Assoc . - planning Board and Board of Appeals I computed 11 ,635 sq ft of office floor area requireing parking at 3� to 1 (350 sqft per 100 sqft) and there was discussion of additional land from Prince & public parking lot to west. 2. On new plan received Nov. 16 1977 I have recomputed the office floor area at 107830.5 s ft difference of 804.5 sqft) which will require 30.94 spaces C VO Sq ft each for parking. Under section 110-112 the Planning Board has authority to make some adjustment in this requirement. 3. The plot plan submitted by VanTuyl (marked 1 ) indicates nearly level property - very little slope either way. Site plan "A", page one (marked 2) indicates parking at 200 per car and not defining roadways at 10ft per lane in each direction and other descrepencies. Page 2 of same item indicates smae in- adequate parking & roads and insufficient drainage to accomodate 6" rainfall as required by our specs . Also there is no indication of drywells to handle the roof water runoff (also at 6" rainfall & 100% -non absorption) . This also shows very little planned pitch of lot in either direction. I think this whole parking area (paved-area) should be slightty "swaled" with add tional drainage rings throuout each swale as was done in Mattituck shoppin center (A&P) otherwise we will have "ponding" and puddles all over the place when it freezes and thaws and the paving "heaves". 4. Site plan "B" (marked 3) I have the same comments, parking is not to our requorements of 350 sqft per car, roads are not at 10 ft per lane in each direction and the drainage is not adeqiate for 6" rainfall. Curb cut changes will have to be approved by the State on Main Road and by Twon Highway Dept on Youngs Ave . There will probably be other items come up for discussion at your meeting on 21st, These are my preliminary comments on the main items. Yours truly #&W ,Q }Bldg Inspr w...-.ee +.-•--- v JIMIM { . a.ptieyey.My. S, r. ?<<nond Terry Southol(i Savings 'Bank i a irc Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. 'Perry: $' was Town Planning oBoardaatianregularkmeeten inghheldApril 16, 1979. April RESOLVED that the inspection has been made o: the ` outhold Savings Bank and the work done complier witld the approved site plan as . revised. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Copy to Building Inspector r ALs,�f Southold Town Board of Appeals - 16- April 14 , 1988 Regular Meeting DELIBERATIONS/DECISION : Appl . No . 3719 : Application of SOUTHOLD SAVINGS BANK for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance , Article VI , Section 100-60C 2 [a] for permission to erect an on-premises building identification sign , the lower edge of which will be less than four feet above ground . Location of Property : 1400 Railroad (Youngs ) Avenue , Southold , NY ; County Tax Map Parcel Nos . 1000-60-2-10 . 4 (prev . 10 . 2 and 10 . 3 ) . The Board deliberated and took the following action : WHEREAS , a public hearing was held and concluded on April 14 , 1988 in the Matter of the Application of SOUTHOLD SAVINGS BANK under Appl . No . 3719 ; and WHEREAS , at said hearing all those who desired to be heard were heard and their testimony recorded ; and WHEREAS , the Board has carefully considered all testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application ; and WHEREAS , the Board Members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question , its present zoning , and the surrounding areas ; and WHEREAS , the Board made the following findings of fact : 1 . The premises in question is located on the east side of Youngs (or Railroad ) Avenue in the Hamlet and Town of Southold , and more particularly identified on the Suffolk County Tax Maps as District 1000 , Section 60 , Block 2 , Lot 10 . 4 (previously 10 . 3 and 10 . 2 ) . 2 . The subject premises contains a total area of 2 . 304 acres and frontage of 194 . 42 feet . 3 . The premises is located in the "B-1 " General Business Zoning District and is improved with a two- story bank-office building and 18 ' by 46 ' accessory storage building , all as shown on Site Plan Map prepared by Donald A. Denis , A . I . A . , P . C . , Architect revised August 28 , 1986 . 4 . By this application , appellant requests a Variance Southold Town Board of Appeals - 17- April 14 , 1988 Regular Meeting (Appl . No . 3719 - SSB decision , continued : ) from the Provisions of Article VI , Section 100-60 ( C ) , Sub- section [2] (a ) for permission to place ground sign of a sign area of 22 " high by 108" wide at 18" above ground rather than the required 48 " above ground . 5 . The proposed ground sign is for on-premises identification purposes for "Southold Savings Bank" and is proposed to be located 14 ft. east of the concrete curb along Railroad Avenue , 6 ft . from the westerly property line , and 24 feet north of the driveway curb (see sketched site plan and sketch of Peter Jacques Sr . dated March 1 , 1988 ) . 6 . It is the opinion of the Board that the sign as proposed is consistent with the purposes and intent of the zoning requirements and is aesthetically more agreeable . 7 . The height of the sign will not cause visual obstruction for vehicles exiting the premises and the Board agrees with the reasoning of appellant . 8. In considering this appeal , the Board finds and determines as follows : (a ) the variance requested is not substantial in relation to the requirement ; (b ) the grant of the variance will not cause an undue burden on available governmental facilities ; (c ) the grant of the variance will not produce a substantial adverse change in the character of the neigh- borhood or create a substantial detriment to adjoining properties ; (d ) the circumstances of the property are unique ; (e ) the interests of justice will be served by grant- ing the relief , as applied . Accordingly , on motion by Mr . Goehringer , seconded by Mr . Grigonis , it was RESOLVED , to GRANT a Variance in the Matter of the Southold Town Board of Appeals - 18= April 14 , 1988 Regular Meeting (Appl . No . 3719 - S . S . B . , decision , continued : ) Application of SOUTHOLD SAVINGS BANK under Appl . No . 3719 for the placement of a ground sign at a height 18" above ground as applied . Vote of the Board : Ayes : Messrs . Goehringer , Grigonis , Doyen , Douglass and Sawicki . This resolution was duly adopted . CONFERENCE NOTICE: A conference has been scheduled by the N . Y . S. Department of Environmental Conservation to be held on May 5 , 1988 at the Riverhead Town Hall for eastern Suffolk communities . Registration is required , and the Board Members were distributed copies of the agenda (8 : 35 - 4: 45 p . m. ) Member Douglass indicated that he would attend , and Member Doyen said he will confirm his attendance by April 29th . The subject of the Conference is " Coastal V Zone Development . " OTHER CORRESPONDENCE: CLIFFSIDE ASSOCIATES/TIDEMARK (Pending Special Exception Application as Amended ) . Copies of the letter with enclosure received April 7 , 1988 from Richard T. Haefeli , Esq . concerning the Environmental Impact Statement and updated SEQRA status were distributed previously to the Z . B . A. Members . No action was taken . Chairman Goehringer asked for an update from the Town Planner concerning the Zoning Board ' s input on the traffic concerns . OTHER CORRESPONDENCE : A copy of the March 25 , 1988 letter from Alexander G . Sarris addressed to Mr. Vincent Wieczorek , Building Inspector (received March 29th ) was previously distributed to the Board Members and the Town Attorney for their informatton . ( Enforcement is not within the jurisdiction of the Board of Appeals , ' and it its a matter that should be brought to the attention of both the Building Department and Town Attorney . ) CONFERENCE-TOWN ATTORNEY : The Board Members were advised aV`�Ful,Y�' P r1VI $OD T 'S LD SF0L TY Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 December 20 , 1985 Mr. Donald Deis Architect Main Road Box 565 Aquebogue, NY 11931 Re: Southold Savings Bank Dear Mr. Denis: In accordance with your request, enclosed herewith is a copy of the correpondence in the file for the above mentioned site plan regarding the parking computations. If you have any questions, or would like to schedule a meeting with the Town Planner, please don' t hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD y Diane M. Schultze, Secretary enc/ M-Lorandum from BUILDING INSPECTORS OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL, SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971 765-1802 '1 t, /c� ��s C✓ r i t P �c TO D SL Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr., Chairman TELEPHONE AxFMfxjC AkJ1WMx 765-1938 JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, Jr. William F. Mullen, Jr. February 23, 1981 Mr. Raymond Terry Southold Savings Bank Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Terry: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held February 11 , 1981 . RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board has inspected the property of the Southold Savings Bank and finds that it complies with the site plan as approved by this board and approves same subject to a one year review. Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Muriel Tolman, Secretary Copy to Building Department CIS i � J; yL 1, •. 7,,,..,, V _ v - I ...�.(�. �..c - = aa- -.t.�-•"-` _ 'fi`^-_.,r-/' a..L.t � ,,�•�G ' �.......44't ..�.,�. -Fr ^-� a S�-•-s.L�//�,�, .� etc.,.,,—/7/: ..,..(,,,,,,,.,,� �.,• Jam, � � �-�r�v�-�- owc � ���� � � � � int. � � .r. {�. �a,et.an- � ���� -�'�'-"'mac �- � � 4�� __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ ____ . . ..._. .. . . .. __ _ _ _._ - _ _ __ _ _ ___ �FFD(k P TO D SL Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr.. Chairman TELEPHONE 765.1938 FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI, Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, Jr. October 22, 1980 Mr. Raymond Terry Southold Savings Bank Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Terry: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held October 16, 1980. RESOLVED to approve the revised site plan of the Southold Savings Bank to include the following changes: 1. Elimination of eight parking spaces. 2. Increase from two to three lanes of traffic at the drive-up facility. 3. �etention of the auxiliary parking field located on the -- easterly side of Youngs Avenue containing 86 parking spaces. Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Muriel Tolman, Secretary Copy to Building Department ALL THE SAVINGS BANK SERVICES YOU'LL EVER NEED AS(outhold SAVINGS e A N K MAIN OFFICE •54375 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 -(516) 765-2800 October 1 , 1980 Planning Board Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen : I am pleased to set forth the changes incorporated into our present site plan for our new drive-up facility as compared to the plans previously submitted during our renovation two years ago. The changes are : 1. The elimination of eight parking spaces. This was done in order to accommodate traffic to exit onto Youngs Avenue so that they might take advantage of the traffic light. 2 . We have increased from two to three lanes of traffic that we can serve at the drive-up facility and have increased the personnel from one to two people. 3. We will retain our auxiliary parking field located on the easterly side of Youngs Avenue which contains 86 parking spaces , copy of survey attached. In our opinion , all changes have been of a positive nature which will add to the convenience and ease of ingress and egress when using this facility and also the safety of people entering the bank on foot, Very truly yours, RWT/km RaymP�d W. Terry, Jr '/ Encl. Pr�-ident cc: Building Department Other convenient offices located in Southampton, Port Jefferson station, and Bohemia. ALL THE SAVINGS BANK SERVICES YOU'LL EVER NEED Southold ISAVINGS BAN K MAIN OFFICE •54375 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 -(516) 765-2800 October 1 , 1980 Planning Board Town Of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen : I am pleased to set forth the changes incorporated into our present site plan for our new drive-up facility as compared to the plans previously submitted during our renovation two years ago. The changes are: 1. The elimination of eight parking spaces. This was done in order to accommodate traffic to exit onto Youngs Avenue so that they might take advantage of the traffic light. 2 . We have increased from two to three lanes of traffic that we can serve at the drive-up facility and have increased the personnel from one to two people. 3 . We will retain our auxiliary parking field located on the easterly side of Youngs Avenue which contains 86 parking spaces, copy of survey attached. In our opinion, all changes have been of a positive nature which will add to the convenience and ease of ingress and egress when using this facility and also the safety of people entering the bank on foot. Very truly yours , RWT/km Raym d W. Terry, Jr. / Encl . Pr dent ' cc: Building Department Other convenient offices located in Southampton, Port Jefferson Station, and Bohemia. i January 19, 1979 ' Mr. Raymond Terry Southold Savings Bank Southold, New York 11901 Dear Mr. Terry: The following action was taken by the Southold-Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held January 9th. RESOLVED to approve the site plan of the Southold- Savings Bank with revisions on plantings and ingress and egress as shown on pages 1 and 1A. I enclose copy of letter from the Building Depart- ment for your information. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Enclosure V' A } 'fl b yg-( CY P • 4EL, 765-1802 �S�FFC TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TZ .G OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971 January 9, 1979 Planning Board Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Site Plan, Southold Savings Bank Gentlemen: On November 28, 1978 I received Site Plan Sheet No. 1 & 1 A, Project No. 7623 by Wiedersum Associates for the Southold Savings Bank, Revised November 20, 1978. These revised plans shows the proposed 18' wide exit lane to Youngs Ave. They still have enough parking spaces and do comply to our Town Code. We will need a "as built site plan" with your final approval before the Certificate of Occupancy can be issued. Yours truly, GEORGE H. FISHER Sr. Building Inspector GHF/pjs 0 qL. 765-1802 � Ff �D TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN HALL 0 SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971 November 27, 1978 Planning Board Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Southold Savings Bank Gentlemen: Accompanying this letter is two sets of prints I received October 24, 1978 labeled 1 . Site Plan, Sheet 1 ; 2. Plot Plan & Details Sheet, Sheet # HVACP & E -1 and 3. Planting Plan site construction Detail, Sheet 1-A. Refer to sheet 1 : The dry wells for the roof drainage are indicated in red ink also on HVACP & E-1 . On sheet 1-A: The planting plan, does not show the South exit lane to Youngs Ave with the change of planting. These are updated plans which I have reviewed and find they comply to our Zoning for your site plan approval. Yours truly, �SYLo=ae A'. GEORGE H. FISHER Sr. Building Inspector GHF/pjs INSPECTION REPORT TO: Southold Town Planning Board DATE : November 21, 1978 FROM: John W. Davis RE: SOUTHOLD SAVINGS BANK RENOVATIONS (Storm Drainage) COMMENTS : I made an inspection of the drainage facilities at this above project today. Went over details of the installations with Mr. L. Meridith, in charge of inspection of the contract work for the bank and a representative Of the Howell Company, Contractors for the project. All of the drainage structures had been placed prior to today' s date with the exception of one 12 ft. diam. drywell, a trench drain and connecting pipe (not to be done now) due to an existing house. According to Mr. Meridith; all 12 ft. diam. drywells and 10 ft. diam. storm pools are at plan locations (See revisions in red on site plan, Sheet I) , are in clean sand and at depths called for. Drywells , with 3-4 ft. rings and dome at 3 '"6". Storm pools , with 2 - 4' -6" rings and dome at 2 ' -9" . Catch basins as per plan were in evidence. Only in one case was ground water encountered (at N.E. corner of property) . One existing 8 ft. diam. storm pool was found usable west of the new building addition and incorporated in the new system. System is designed for a 6" rainfall, duration not known by Meridith or Contractor. I contacted Wiedersum home office, was told the 14 drywells and 8 storm pools shown would provide a holding area for a 6" rainfall. A scaled area of the property, less the grass areas on the Main Rd. , Youngs Ave. and at the north end is 57 , 350 + S.F. Capacity of drywells and pools approximately 24,500 C.F. 6" of rain on 57 , 350 S. F. (Pavement, sidewalks, roofs , etc.) at say 95% runoff would be 27 ,240 + C.F. A more detailed drainage review would probably agree with designer' s statement. The storm drainage system as built appears to be satisfactory. C. C. JOHN W. DAVIS 40 Q TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Building Inspector's office Town Clerk Building Southold, N. Y. 765-2660 c�tirit; C-f � c CrL - MA lUe v�/1 AQ cttvdf "14 1� 765-1802 � Ffotkc D� TOWN OF SOUTHOLD G OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR i TOWN HALL v' SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971 o Ak Hca` a 3� 1.77 b-- �cwv.,c� ✓JQ9t�2y �2t7�.P� ,�ta� Yiu � Gt� �, o � ,p�y,�t C-/1��� c(JAq /-, Gev C/ /a"'el , Ua l "o • cz z ry rcc� �iu.(rk ..,�✓�2 /�U"7/" cla+� iGt%l.I/l.! Q .�a,qz GL^'�'a-ow„-� � iG�La.v�vvL � t 77 tayir 9 L a 9L x as a p p / 'v -ee, �'l�V !ti''U G h4i✓— /rti �/� Y(C�vt�F�� ivy, � hc./ l� ` ,cz�t a.--� �-� S 7/w�-e� � /fie" C.u�u�/ �¢,��Q�Q c� %b�wr u.� �a/Lc�..�N„, ti� �C�� �,✓�/ 7 -C ,77t-,, � t - ,r�-ae-z�✓ 6At'AGE i' i% Ey�S' 6PA7C �,� 1 7u I `r NEIII Ntl r c t' W O4-._ � tn.lES� I y T� M`• toy P FF0 D z � T D v� S 1 ,�. Southold, N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE JOHN WICKHAM, Chairman 765.1938 FRANK S. COYLE HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr. FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMESWALL WAIVER OF NOTICE OF PLANNING BOARD MEETING We, the undersigned, being members of the Southold Town Planning Board, do hereby severally waive notice of the time, place and purpose of the meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board held at the Town Hall in the Town of Southold on October 23, 1978 and do hereby consent that the same be held on said date for the transaction of any business which may properly come before said meeting. Dated: October 23, 1978 Southold, New Yprk John Wickham, Chairman Henry E. Raynor, Jr. , Vice-Chairman Frederick E. Gordon Frank S. Coyle I `-,i.n Road ztc1v.o nze, rz.+= York 1195 Dir Mr. I.arks The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning infir7 at a reaular meeting held November 21, 1977. UZOLTIEV to grant sketch plan approval to the pl,ns e,u}zmitted b . +,he outhc'l.ci Savings Ben?c with the following provision, . 1. Lighting schedule to' be presented including the type of 1-01) to be used and wattage. ?. . Lpecific� lighting drawings on the 'north entrance over ,ramp area. 3. As-built plans. 4. Drainage to be provided for a six-inch rainfall . 5. Planting schedule to include list of plantlm— , tyne of ground cover and what is below the planting area. 5. Solid slabs be provided as opposed to perforated drainage domes for th ; `raiziege. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board Copy to Howard Terry, Building Inspector INSPECTION REPORT TO: Southold Town Planning Board DATE: November 21, 1978 FROM: John W. Davis RE: SOUTHOLD SAVINGS BANK RENOVATIONS (Storm Drainage) COMMENTS : I made an inspection of the drainage facilities at this above project today. Went over details of the installations with Mr. L. Meridith, in charge of inspection of the contract work for the bank and a representative of the Howell Company, Contractors for the project. All of the drainage structures had been placed prior to today's date with the exception of one 12 ft. diam, drywell, a trench drain and connecting pipe (not to be done now) due to an existing house. According to Mr. Meridith; all 12 ft. diam. drywells and 10 ft. diam. storm pools are at plan locations (See revisions in red on site plan, Sheet I) , are in clean sand and at depths called for. Drywells , with 3-4 ft. rings and dome at V-6" . Storm pools , with 2 - 4' -6" rings and dome at 2 '-9" . Catch basins as per plan were in evidence. Only in one case was ground water encountered (at N.E. corner of property) . One existing 8 ft. diam. storm pool was found usable west of the new building addition and incorporated in the new system, em is —'' 3esigned for a 6" ra nfali duration- not known b}r Teri�dith or Contracto I contacted Wiedersum home office, was told the l7+ drywells and 8 storm pools shown would provide a holding area for a 6" rainfall. A scaled area of the property, less the grass areas on the Main Rd. , Youngs Ave. and at the north end is 57 , 350 + S.F. Capacity of drywells and pools approximately 24,300 C.F. 6" of rain on 57, 350 S. F. (Pavement, sidewalks , roofs , etc.) at say 95% runoff would be 27,240 + C.F. A more detailed drainage review would probably agree witfi designer' s statement. The storm drainage system as built appears to be satisfactory. INSPECTION REPORT TO: Southold Town Planning Board DATE: November 21, 1978 FROM: John W. Davis RE: SOUTHOLD SAVINGS BANK RENOVATIONS (Storm Drainage) COMMENTS : I made an inspection of the drainage facilities at this above project today. Went over details of the installations with Mr. L. Meridith, in charge of inspection of the contract work for the bank and a representative 4f the Howell Company, Contractors for the project. All of the drainage structures had been placed prior to today' s date with the exception of one 12 ft. diam. drywell, a trench drain and connecting pipe (not to be done now) due to an existing house. According to Mr. Meridith; all 12 ft. diam. drywells and 10 ft. diam. storm pools are at plan locations (See revisions in red on site plan, Sheet I) , are in clean sand and at depths called for. Drywells , with 3-4 ft. rings and dome at V-6" . Storm pools , with 2 - 4'-6" rings and dome at 2 '-9" . Catch basins as per plan were in evidence. Only in one case was ground water encountered (at N.E. corner of property) . One existing 8 ft, diam. storm pool was found usable west of the new building addition and incorporated in the new system. em is cTesi neg d of r�6" -rainfall-;--duration not-known byXer�rdith or Contract, I contacted Wiedersum home office, was told the 1-4 drywells and 8 storm pools shown would provide a holding area for a 6" rainfall. A scaled area of the property, less the grass areas on the Main Rd. , Youngs Ave. and at the north end is 57, 350 + S.F. Capacity of drywells and pools approximately 24,300 C.F. 6" of rain on 57, 350 S. F. (Pavement, sidewalks, roofs , etc.) at say 95% runoff would be 27,240 + C.F. A more detailed drainage review would probably agree witfi designer ' s statement. The storm drainage system as built appears to, be satisfactory. C. C. cd& . DAVIS November 21, 1977 Southold Savings Bank Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Plans and B, dated I have reviewed both Wie November 10, dersumAssociates and 1977 prepared by approve the curb cuts on Railroad Avenue as shown on these plans. Very. truly yours, l y . Raymond Dean Supt. of Highways Southold Town REAPT • TOWN CLERK 0 1348 TOWN of SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK _.../.[,...... 197. da eceive ... ...... ... DOL S . . ........ . . .. .......... .... ... r ..................................... .. or .. ... a4 CC1....: . ............... ............................... Title TOWN CLERK RICHARD F. LARK ATTORNEY AT LAW MAIN ROAD - P. O. BOX 973 CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11938 TELEPHONE 818 734.8807 November 15 , 1977 Mr. Howard Terry Building Inspector Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: Application of Southold Savings Bank for Site Plan Approval for Renovation and Addition to Southold Savings Bank, Main Road, Southold, New York Dear Mr. Terry: Pursuant to Article XIII of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Southold, I am enclosing in triplicate the following: 1. Map of Property Surveyed for the Southold Savings Bank by Roderick Van Tuyl, P.C. , dated June 27, 1973 and amended October 20, 1977, showing the required legal data, natural features, existing structures and utilities. 2 . Site Plan Design 'A' dated November 10, 1977 prepared by Weidersum Associates consisting of two sheets entitled "Site Plan" and"Site Drainage Plan" . Design 'A' is the site plan being proposed while the Prince house located on the southwesterly corner of the Bank' s property remains. 3. Site Plan Design 'B' dated November 10, 1977 prepared by Weidersum Associates consisting of two sheets entitled "Site Plan" and "Site Drainage Plan" . Design 'B' is the site plan proposed when the Prince house located on the southwesterly corner of the Bank' s property is removed and a drive-in teller window erected in its place. 4. Map to Accompany Application prepared by Roderick Van Tuyl, P.C. dated November 3, 1977 showing the surrounding property in relation to zoning and existing uses. Mr. Howard Terry -2- November 16, 1977 Building Inspector RE: Application of Southold Savings Bank There are no deed restrictions or covenants affecting the Southold Savings Bank property with the exception of the Prince house on the southwesterly corner of the Bank' s property in which Edith W. Prince has the right during the term of her natural life, of the "exclusive use, occupation and enjoyment of the dwelling house together with the right of ingress and egress to and from said premises and to and from the Main Street. " For your reference, I am also enclosing a set of detailed building plans for the Renovation and Addition to the Southold Savings Bank prepared by Weidersum Associates consisting of 14 sheets. Would you kindly review the enclosed site plans and place your certification on each of the plans as to whether or not it meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, and transmit two copies of same to the Secretary of the Planning Board at your earliest convenience. I believe that you will find the site plans meet the existing requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. As to the pro- visions for off street parking, you will note that 70 off street parking spaces are provided, which for banking require- ments are reasonable and appropriate. You will also note that the site plan shows a 20 foot opening from the Bank property across the Prince property to land of Riverhead Auto Parts which is presently being leased by the Town of Southold for parking purposes. It is my understanding that there are cur- rently 35 parking spaces in this parking lot which would allow for off street parking of any overflow of bank parking plus pro- vide an egress from the Bank parking lot to Traveler Street thereby easing any possible traffic congestion. I am also enclosing a check to the order of the Planning Board in the amount of $25. 00 for the required filing fee, which I ask you to forward along with two copies of the certi- fied plans. Very truully/, yours, Richard F. Lark RFL/mld Enclosures cc: Raymond W. Terry, Jr. cc: Secretary, Planning Board RICHARD F. LARK ATTORNEY AT LAW MAIN ROAD- P. O. 80% 873 CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11935 TELEPHONE 518 734-8807 November 15 , 1977 Mr. Howard Terry Building Inspector Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: Application of Southold Savings Bank for Site Plan Approval for Renovation and Addition to Southold Savings Bank, Main Road, Southold, New York Dear Mr. Terry: Pursuant to Article XIII of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Southold, I am enclosing in triplicate the following: 1. Map of Property Surveyed for the Southold Savings Bank by Roderick Van Tuyl, P.C. , dated June 27, 1973 and amended October 20, 1977, showing the required legal data, natural features, existing structures and utilities. 2 . Site Plan Design 'A' dated November 10, 1977 prepared by Weidersum Associates consisting of two sheets entitled "Site Plan" and"Site Drainage Plan" . Design 'A' is the site plan being proposed while the Prince house located on the southwesterly corner of the Bank' s property remains. 3. Site Plan Design 'B' dated November 10, 1977 prepared by Weidersum Associates consisting of two sheets entitled "Site Plan" and "Site Drainage Plan" . Design 'B ' is the site plan proposed when the Prince house located on the southwesterly corner of the Bank' s property is removed and a drive-in teller window erected in its place. 4. Map to Accompany Application prepared by Roderick Van Tuyl+ P.C. dated November 3, 1977 showing the surrounding property in relation to zoning and existing uses. Mr. Howard Terry -2- November 16, 1977 Building Inspector RE: Application of Southold Savings Bank There are no deed restrictions or covenants affecting the Southold Savings Bank property with the exception of the Prince house on the southwesterly corner of the Bank' s property in which Edith W. Prince has the right during the term of her natural life, of the "exclusive use, occupation and enjoyment of the dwelling house together with the right of ingress and egress to and from said premises and to and from the Main Street. " For your reference, I am also enclosing a set of detailed building plans for the Renovation and Addition to the Southold Savings Bank prepared by Weidersum Associates consisting of 14 sheets. Would you kindly review the enclosed site plans and place your certification on each of the plans as to whether or not it meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, and transmit two copies of same to the Secretary of the Planning Board at your earliest convenience. I believe that you will find the site plans meet the existing requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. As to the pro- visions for off street parking, you will note that 70 off street parking spaces are provided, which for banking require- ments are reasonable and appropriate. You will also note that the site plan shows a 20 foot opening from the Bank 'property across the Prince property to land of Riverhead Auto Parts which is presently being leased by the Town of Southold for parking purposes. It is my understanding that there are cur- rently 35 parking spaces in this parking lot which would allow for off street parking of any overflow of bank parking plus pro- vide an egress from the Bank parking lot to Traveler Street thereby easing any possible traffic congestion. I am also enclosing a check to the order of the Planning Board in the amount of $25. 00 for the required filing fee, which I ask you to forward along with two copies of the certi- fied plans. Very truly yours, 46chard F. ark RFL/mld Enclosures CC. Raymond W. Terry, Jr. cc: Secretary, Planning Board MAP T� �c�. ��r�x��f5 A€��.�C�►rx�N I �7 F'At SITE A' rRFv,44.M40E AM � - _.:�, �u�Ce — _----- - - -_ i G-f laotdarrrr4r �. 517L47*G A7 i FrFT Ey a., ? E r f( s VSs„5, " L� YY�ta qt Jit, _ s ¢ si,\ tf4 ' 'AcG�sxnf b1 i. tD". F tom; 'M Si FT ILK 8. '" ; :' i " ±_qi' i. �L'r1��33�i.'rt iE✓S :'t¢rF:m SF:' +X7!L•d. N � _. _ ..� ��.s,y�y a:.3S�..-+ aR'r.,fi -z�c *�`.:t-i .s� �w•,.,1 J 6 Srteffr ' a Z5Aeb� i MQ�i� fukv. «t..�77 i k $ fuer *ktr" Zooa'tG_'fffG F?C jj' -_ "` a "�.. �� EC "�' ff '' t- .. ` �.%C.$l iuC�f !,•tyt=� C�l' k F."r' r �Nh ARE, P LEii � `, � r�C� POJL ---- ----`- NEW +•. TSL. IL 1 j NF W CGNtJELTI ; h!—# � EXIST- STJIQh`• Pool, I I \�05 �G�JS� `Y rC Irj�I�• AVF I1 L _._-. . .-.__._. _.•-_.._ _ _� V /•'��L is v �J l Taw L�i i'�y. N��' I I ! P�Dt�IT1oN T•O THE --. S F1�J � N �7 � _✓ TUNS OF '�, Sou"Cvti >�� Nir YORK v LO f �I j oCT Z5 ; 1SK 975 . ., ,r .,, „ .: r v d l- _ 1 ,. .'+1, : - T-,.. m,. °: .,.o _,,.; 'd " il'_. "I l.,rr L"' .:! - ! rT5 .M 5'l„ r ,. „y. G p ,.4 .. r , r. r , r .w 'e ,r. i Ak n !, % I' .� t '� l _ e -., " : • ., , "N. vt: P'. • -, . . _, •., r.r 1 r ,e . r S x _r < , k _. -... .. ,. 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WIEDERSUM I'. : I o 'h w r-..._.....- " )k 0 r In TPP .,(Pq i( ! 6' F � k' 7I -' ,' a ill Q } # `� r i i t y ASSO" IT �r }-� h I _ CPO - -I-i- `y li ��� '` C�rss► ' 7 )t rM ner�1�, ^ - - _ -� ► - ft IST Il Z III ± t, . �.,, � - ("hYy�f' f - �'. � NP 3 RE`�,ARS I l � , � I1 I � � , R f f ++ / \ 1 �IN, �, kUT / rte_' No 4 RE�hR I ', 11 � 11 , lifl I Y - * �r 11 r �Y 'AF r 77 : (\ ✓/} IL-r__-_ - CONSti�TtN ERCiNE $. \ S�"A A ``\,\ ' / �' / ,No 5 REBAR I a -tl ,pen•w'y i .. �' „le:11,; - .I _ !'`� ::»I r . - , IT � ARR LL] ASSarCIAt� it �, �.,a9 tea' 11 .. . �� :. . , �' ~. 4 ' J �arrsuurir � r� �f�s I.;. TOP VIEW - ._ -. ii ,. - ;.i wr DIAMETER P�.G A N EG EU'A T/t�, / '• ' ` _�i r_ Y__- , ;i r J ____ __ _ __�_ i ' 1 I I 1 1 I � �_ r . m' . _/ r _\ C,' A T-G-' f� ,8 ,4 S / Al D f T All L ?' i -�` n - ��l-I.- . I , x _ I ( q' II!' t 1_,s ,E A a = r `S J - --- - OUTShD- IAMETER -" II 'r J - "-'?p' `\_-_ - L_._ 1ti J' I I d - C:' r r1' �� 1, - s _ . I I ; WF-DED /s+ Y `r' ,oy/ Cur I ' 'r �� I - y r fir, IP : _ :' } ._. III 4 If, STEEL. MESH A'I, % < I!'. ?"'ff 6j ',IL / I 11 e% t 2 3l -.-_,- � - - : - ., ,Gpsui.M ., - _ _ 1 N 1 - - -I - I ' lI I it Sy ^Ha„c�n . I T - ? ;- ate' - ' _ � i I . rnl 'S t .p>+'I i R r _ f _ p "� _ t. p'u + r gLEI C T_� _ �- -� 1� �- I _ -+ G � �. ;1.1 i _ _.,_. ti �t - I � -_ .. i a "Q �, '*, i i' y { 0 , - I . _ - bll �' it I > I ?"f;" X ,.i ., P' .MC ^ I -^-- - - _14 i T� '� „�„ ._.{-: _,firP- :�G7C " G I `t i if.- . . . , Ya' W/Fi N 0."{tr/ t A+ , _ _ _ ti�� � � � Y� Ilv�f � eCurG <,A �'' - I r �y_ � ! _ _ SEH VATS w '. R:} - _L. �.,__ ...� _ - },. _ _-{ N � �+ _ t._ _ tin,.ln 'mss ILL. �1'k :,-r' - .`�. Ili --I--. .�.-._-.. �.�.�, _.4._,_- -�. _. L,.. _-."Y.,__�- _ _' ", �T _._ ','I� I•w� �,ti N`/ r __ ' �' - - _ 1I___:1[qf_A �I fi _ sy i ' - � I, Ill I I \ . � . I I-ADDI PoRdft NE - 4. N - M=- " ) ii v c T, iv � � 1 r �i _ No I i -. IL ..�- r IY_. 1 5vl Cr+ C✓/iY Ir.1 /'C � Gr !//G'� 1 I I , ___ ; l ,h, ___ x , �_ __ , Ill "ll Is 72'•O"4lJ,TSIDE gIA MFz'�E R.,___ __ ._, . . _ . __ 1. __ '''E� 11 -- _, ._,.._ 5 � I" S OUT LU _ �y/ y _,� f� F' G r4 5 7 G �� d G . f .4 /y/ i' t: ,54-'rC" 71,";e 0 A � � � � !� ( r ' GS � ' \ ,�i I' i ii rY , 00 1 eu i- _ i ,,I-, 19 �, _ H4 II ral'oa fS• . . . . I� I .�, .., .0 � L # .I-1 -..,, In 1 ,f r n '"r..'� ..__.. f " G � '�i �' < .ry Ill p - e - 1 {] / 7 / � / / aP `= TOiK_NY0 S9UT'HO'l8 } /r ,G, r w,.r,. II I , +'7 R/ .0 / / ,../ ,7 Y e^. rr 11 I I! �; r/c'_ -'� - gl7 ^I,$,')' ig h S,OOTNDED ,, "Il.E4Y,,�10R % ' _ 0 I I �" r • x - 'I` Ili - _ I ', ! I - I It 1. . I i . I . I � I ''f, _�..._..-.-.-.. r ... �- ,.nom_ .__,.._.,.,_.,..,r-_ -. - _ _ _I \,%! t � I N_ w bg lD rIOJF---'1 I II' 1 I: i ti' r[ - `� rHpv AhOToµ A. Q- J,/ V =x :� !'r /S. /cc' Tor/e . G1!a .:)eo`' Gre�ore ; _ - , --�_ _ __ _ w_ � : r elim(n � 114 I 1 M a 5 i .I 'II_„_.,._-,,.AI-' i I; y7� V'/� "" �L / a''',. til .L © IN we `- t drl�J LIC7�L' .,JUI,� 'e'v /Q �� 11 �_ 1 . i, I, ! - - 11 •u,lnw : , i,/ . tr �IP �� ' ( � 1 r ��vl � � , � � RAILROAD AVENUE, ^''� / '�"'' // J/} / r 'III i P I . -: ^ "" L..l ,! i �. ll �� / ,G,., /r� /_ T Ilii K%i It 1� � II' � I, I� I _ I ± .-._.y.. IA IIOFIAII I r . 0'TO a/ILIP,11 I III -" I I -< . v �-t �,I_', .v (c'} l 1",_"A.1,llI, 1,,� KEy PLAN ell, p v PO'll wITH RAoOUJ. SECTION a . o stall run To ..tis ,,,.� 1� ' i '( L ��I," I TITLE AYK'ROx CW4l tO ,,,/// S �/ /r /rG I i lly� IY1Q'IP, A� HEIGHT Of LIP. j''/ tltltlAl0. REUNION \ f .v//'Ia rl7`e .5curfzce '6,,7Nr c -.fes- -' _ slasI Y1ai4 es AIV I i e.B a.F. -, _ - - ._�4':_:� . _.__ .. -,_i _ - / I Y rir I� �G nAl 1 1 1 1 I , i'7 17 I � t i ' ' ; I I r i : l ' , l r . r f'•' I l f 1 1 i ' � , l i T I V I' c- r`7t / 1 iNlt SIBS Is -- ' 2" r9. ,a,6q✓,^ �nrJdre'7'ii /3rE t{nr Lo rst� THIS R a l __ r , r / k i I 11 4 ' SECTION f ,E ,SII . . 1. . . .- . . .. _ ' mesAA{TIOM OFNINAL A.O.B E. II /I 41 111•T (If P.1� ,. 11,&<,..s, , 6"' ., o, .,�,±It1-ana.le L?a e C'�:/r.;e I/ �; r-. ...fr ' Y r . I P1Y•f SUBYpaQ 'I6. - "f'- ',I'r '11 I- _ �---_ - � t SECTION Fl. c� :/ r:, r'' � C'or/:fOcr=rc- c . _'A6�rurr/e '^-[ � . i . i'. I. , llf --_ - / l s '1' - II 1, „ ) , - _ _:' ,.'_ - _"`'_ ----"'-, - _::,._ _. - _ ....r .:_-. -- - i -' ! l oo,Y-/`r_ it/r>/,( . - 34. - - }} A - -____,---' -i-- . :-'Zi I `?�/L i -c --- a -/ L_ A / �- -- f ti -----------r - ----- -- - SCALE >s - 'r;.,, :-a - __-_ ., . 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G. 11� Y n ,� , IT Pn .. ., . r , ., .. a rv, - - ,-.0 „- ., e., x 1 ; t ;,, d fYr r, d „ �r r a t .. r , . .,. .� - r - w. y _ < .,. , r v .. w. 4 - :I" �i;h .V.F.:. a ,' p, ' a5 r : .. _ •. ♦ .: v. r R .. X. * .N rk. Y. ,Til LV.+,. u,twu.x SvSI mJ` n-, 'WA ' ;0. 99 ., r v v . . �.r _ , r 4i .Y ,. .� vv u.i..n , .v4 £ t(rtly a n e, , ru r , n .. .: .. ., r •+. , 1. r _ -, :.. I . ) .. r • n rl 4 ry ,hh ,. r >i . .'n .r L . a ,r , .w �: r r , a . i fi r n, T, - __ _. - % _ .. e'. s to . • ,. - ., r. , ,� I. , , t } Jk1, .- . .- ,. .`'l. , . .. f' �`. ' ..., -- . 1 � , ' nx. . , , „',r' ,- .Lr r :, .sac �., r _ _ . - . . I- „ - S , .. fi Y v. ,L �.. ,4P ! v3 ., r r r4 x,_. _ r� i', r ..,1,_ .,,.r . ,� .,.,:, , ' . . . , a . , � „ , u a , , . Ly , tx5 ,, .f'„k. '' +Ar ,r n~ -r r. , . - ,. .. :. - A�.,., � ,� „P ', a ,, J , , 4w 4P • r .>e . 1 .0 _ ,L , SJL r. t lu..h.eb.. ul� Y.. rrc.�Y,;IJ ,r..{r, t•_ _r, .I. Tfi..J. ,• ' III .l bi i - ,1 _ u„'. .I+�r.a,Lw ,i,t,Tiruwb .. rfl:w tux,a d,o. X! ,Js pl,�, ta. x, .{, er„ ,M Ln � ,� -��, „r � , �: .,,, . .- , .i.l .�i.• . . . ., 'r' .. .. ., : '.�;-" �. Y' F, J '._ :M1::, -.a,., ", x.r ' � w=:,.'„ x,-.-,.�r:.,:.=.��w<.�J..._l..mvs_'_a..e.;,<ts,. ,, ..1:._:." ',:uC :_,.,- .i::,. Y r • _. `I ...<,_ ., .- � ..- , _.. _ _ . . - � . - -- :, _ 1I • n I I now or formerly PB.M. Corp. D . � I A I TRAVELER STREET O Nn Sp/d ra,l fence N.67013 '/O °E. 489 /8 a 300 3ad 3/ 336390 31i 33.6 C RENO VE FK/SRNG CURB W I /� C _ g 3Ta 3�a 32.9 \I rC•3/4 'S2 I / 3 » CONC CU/IB 35 rC'360 34 C1 n," y O ac-.3z 7 ry E 42 SIAL @ /O• NEED EN/3r/NG - N 0 BC-' J PAVENENr r° C ry I I O N` t~jl 1 I B/TUM/ 308 31l 393 34.6 35,9 II I 337 I 326 li�i 320 2 N I w I ry w RENOVEEK/SRN4RY/RB \ a I w n ° i Q e"AC.vRe' j F "� NOUS . PAVED PARA/NG AREA 8 IN •I p p B 2576 /rvvICALI M > ]/ / 6llrYpc4L/ I I O O b I I rry hL44 TAL S @ /O• - ]� i \ b O � '4 m j• I I I ? P/ I � BC•3 .1 � IY. 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DATE MAY 9, /976 E' SCALE I ° = 30 NO. 78- 189 CA rCH BASIN , NO SCALE • V . , ' V5 :ii WfaY 1. r hi JII' _ 2 . i - I I 1 II I RI��T bF Ay III I 4 -fe�sF m �- 4 WA=?p N SCJINbs K _ 16u if K ' m m IN j I t L - I -I 1 . u wow �I In w1lo W j I j New, s-r lzh7 i�srr 3� ` �' o to Z r_ b4>•Vv . 'TYYQ4' � ---- I 12- t+��' �I. ___ r , lk Wl tt I' I II � a ILII I -ate Ic�tve•v+raaly"- a,vta�cur,-, .! RFCFTVED PAY I TOtiVIV GPS EOLI _ DATE y •1'-`/ .'�'.�..�. 1-1.- I . .�wl. '""Irr�� Ft^L�1 7 ty BEPT. CID p � ,,rte �40 DERSUM 1AT5SE�1GMN2t4 PLANNERS, r nom•, µnewwnKvaseYur as 1 i - I F" r . f xx s 14 41 ASI' CO.T 1 ;24 . 6 "7 } w i �'. ,VIP , ; � o ,� ao a ' ,�, . � ., � N•� + , ,o ' ^z v. . , +Z3,6 G,B. T.G. a-•�'.9A f a 6 I I k ' 8 .• t • > 14 New niol erdw t. ojs � ' .: - ' i � � r � , ' �',,� '��.�, . , �' - tea- •,a ----'#she � ... . -?Fkdd,� ' � ., . } t I s i - - . ' :i /.�?.F -.',F;,Y�Y. 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