HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-61.-1-16 14-12-7 (2I87l-Qc: 817.21 Appendix F State Environmental Quality R..,ie. NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice of Determination of Non-Significance Project Number 1-4738 -00944 /00001-0 I~ - Tit- ~. SEQR 5Ul5F .I&!::- - {IJ1.$ Date 10/24/94 This notice is Issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article S (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Conservation Law. The NYS Department of Environmental conservation as lead agency, has determined that the proposed action described below will not have a significant effect on the environment and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be prepared. Name of Action: Leo,.,is Edson property , seaR Status: Type I Unlisted ~ D Conditioned Negative Declaration: DVes (ij No Description of Action: RECEIVED NOV 2 1994 South",,.; T'lwn el..r1r The appli.cant proposes to construc1: a single family dwe1J.L'lg, deck, septic system and driveway. location: (Include street address arid the name of the municipality/county. A location map of appropriate scale is also recommended.) POW off Main Road, Orient, NY 11957 -SCTM # 1000-017-1-2.2 Southold Town, Suffolk County Long Is!.and Sound r~ rn ~ "fa w rn ,~1 lrO NOV 31994 \ ~ PLA~~Q''!>D seaR Negative Declaration Page 2 Reasons Supporting This Determination: (See 617.6{g) for requirements of this determination; see 617.6(h) for Conditioned Negative Declaration) 1. The impa~ts during construction will be tecporary and minor in they wlll be reduced to non-significant levels through the use de"./lces .. nature. In addition of erosion control 2. Project is consistent with surrounding land uses. The-e W'll be no s'gnif' ~ ..; J.... . .L "___. ...1.. _ .Lean!... '-ffiPa:t co.agrlcultural, archeological, historic, or cultural resources as the cons~ructlon lmpacts are temporary and site disturbance is mino~. 3. The setbacks/buffer zones wili reduce any impacts on wetlands and to a non- significant leve1. No threatened or endangered soecies at ~he si~e.. _ wildlife habitats we't-Q identified This project is not expected to induce any subsequent activHies, area b de"T2_1_0ped. wlth similar structu.:r-es.. currently 5. No long term or cumulat.:'se irnpacts will resu2.t if constructed in accordance to the approved plans and conditions.. , If ConditIoned NegatIve DeclaratIon, provide on attachment the sPecific mitigation measures impOSed. For Further Information: Contact Person: c,aura S~m'az:::o Telephone Number: Address: N:'SDEC - Regulatory Affairs, Bldg. 40, SUNY, Stony 8:>:"ook, NY 11790-2356 (5161 444-0365 For Type I Actlons and ConditIoned Negative DeclaratIons, a Copy of thIs NotIce Sent to: Commissioner, Department of Environmental Conservation. 50 Wolf Road. Albany. New York 12233-0001 Appropriate Regional Office of the Department of Environmental Conservation Office of the Chief executive Officer of the political subdivision in which the action will be principally located. Applicant (If any) Other involved agencies (If any) " , .,...,~..".^~-,~_.',,_c_...,,~__._ . . . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK . (j) ..:;uef fJ6 &: 1"16 ROBERT J. GAFFNEY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES MARY E. HIBBERD. M.D.. M.P.H. COMMtSSIONER July 11, 1994 Laura Scovazzo, Environmental Analyst NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation SUNY at Stony Brook, Bldg. #40 Stony Brook, New York 11794 RE: Lewis Edson Property SCIM#: 1000-017-1-2.2 DEC#: 1-4738-00944/00001-0 rfDJ~ @ ~ a w rn fill lIIJ JLl, 8/994 /EJ SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Dear Ms. Scovazzo: The Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS; "Department") has received your letter dated May 31, 1994, concerning the above-referenced project. The Department has no objection to your designation as lead agency. Based on a review of the subject coordination, the Department offers the following comments. However, the Department wishes to reserve its right to provide more detailed information within the comment period(s) established for this action. Also, these comments should not be constroed as an implicit SCDHS approval or rejection of the project. All applications are reviewed thoroughly with respect to Suffolk County Sanitary Code concerns by appropriate departmental personnel when SCDHS applications are completed. Our agency received an application for development of the site in 1989. Based on technical review by our agencys Office of Water and Wastewater Management, the application was deemed incomplete as the sanitary system did not meet setback requirements from the neighborwing well. The applicant will have to resolve the water supply issue through the variance procedures of the Department's Board of Review. The development of the subject parcel as proposed would have an impact on the natural resources of vegetation and wildlife habitat present at the site while reducing open space in the DlV1810N 01" ENVIRONMENTAL QuALITY COUNTY CENTER RIVERHEAD. N.Y. 11901-3397 852-2100 .' . Letter to Laura Scovazzo. July II, 1994 Page 2 . vicinity of the parcel. In order to mitigate these impacts, we recommend that attention be given to providing vegetated buffer areas around the site. Indigenous vegetation should be used wherever possible in the landscaping of this project. Such vegetation is well suited to the on-site soils and can provide valuable mitigation in reclaiming disturbed portions of the site. Vegetative clearing and high maintenance landscaping should be minimized where possible throughout the site. The applicant must comply with the requirements of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code and relevant construction standards for water supply and sewage disposal. Design and flow specifications, subsurface soil conditions, and complete site plan details are essential to the review of this project. These considerations are reviewed completely at the time of SCDHS application. SCDHS maintains jurisdiction over the [mal location of sewage disposal and water supply systems. The applicant, therefore, should not undertake the construction of either system without Health Department approval. Thank you for the opportunity to review this application. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Office of Ecology at 852-2078. Sincerely, l?~ Kimberly Shaw Sr. Environmental Analyst Office of Ecology KS/arnf cc: Vito Minei, P.E. Stephen Costa, P.E. Frank Dowling, SC Planning j Southold Town Planning Dept. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards ~' \ - . 'J'Z';{z..;..~ 1P:~':,UfFDl~ CD iP~" ~~ ~'~.<' ~.~ f{;::) ~\'J ~'\ Q . ,) ~'" ;;,: fj ~ ~\~ ',," <UIi ~'\' \\*410' " . ~~.:/ ?CC:" ~ i' (,y ~.;':;~?(::(TL':[(.U)/ , SCOTI L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765.1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765.1823 October 31, 1991 Lewis L. Edson First Town Realty Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: Office Building Main Road, Southold Zoning District: Hamlet Business (HB) SCTM~ 1000-61-1-16 Dear Mr. Edison: The Planning Board has received your letter of October 22, 1991, which includes a survey and a floor plan. The Board will waive site plan requirements on the basis of the floor plan that was included with your letter and stamped as received on october 23, 1991. If you have any questions, or require further assistance, please contact this office. Very truly ~. ;;z,. ~OWSki, Jr." ,/t6- Chairman cc: victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector Rory MacNish, Old Town Custom Framing ~-,- ~ ~':.. . \ _.,:\,-O \ [, '{.S. \~y.... . ffrstrowne, ~alty I, MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK' '97' 15'61 765-2288 LEWIS EDSON LICENSED BROKER MAIN ROAD CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK' 1935 15161734-6687 October 22, 1991 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman Planning Board Town Hall P.O. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Office Building Main Road, Southold Zoning District: Hamlet Business (HB) SCTM# 1000-61-1-16 Dear Mr. Orlowski, Regarding your letters of July 31 and September 3, 1991 1 am respectfully requesting a waiver of site plan approval for the above subject property. The property has space for 9 car parking plus there is municipal parking across the street. My calculations show the need for 8 parking spaces based on 1 per 100 square feet of gross office space, 1 per 200 square feet of gross retail space and 1 per 1000 square feet of gross storage space. ill mmmowrn ill ocr 2 3 1911 SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Enclosures 1/1 . 1;;(/ '(6 f P ~ 7~~ f , . , ..1. ._"...__....,.~.__ - - - - -.- ---.....--------..._---.~--- ~----- - ------~----- /. , '- I~ ~ ~ / //..:= /' <::? " / If. >-' In J:) / A/ 57 ).5' J.5' E-- IP' -7 . JO Jct 1.. {JIf,1 ( :/' 'f 5-9~~ I If( 'f II' J1'U,4f; ) ~b' I 3"~ , )/t1,1.t9j F ~ ~ ~ , tJ fD)~@mnwrn~ lJI] OCT 2 3 1991 i ~ SOUTHOlD TOWN PLANNING BOARD III ~~ - - - - - -~ ~ -~ -----..-. -........,. ....----..---~--.----.. ---------- ...---....--... ------ --_.--------_.----~..-----. . ~~ h1 A 1/1/ .2r /2.r 51tiA,Ajr Iff 57 11.r 4jJhe,1 ItJ - t;/'L- K f!'1AI/ /)":1' J I. t.- ?' t,j.qJ/,"J 1A"';/ i,."" 2') ~. "/ ,- / .::::- /,p 5J'i"'!/r 2..'J'/. 'If if t7r~t'v 2J/tr.p R nAil J Z';.6 -f J r/J ~7A Cf7?,~ 1/ ~ " I" " '3 y 7 ,- .., I'~_ f ~, , ( - ) ~ ,.,. '-- ~CRYLIC DUCK , "\ " a..n J::\ 'b '..-1.-.1,> If- I , .~~~~~~ORK i ;?-'l''''-Jli'q~'' I r ,.> 0:.-:.;. J c.-,'2--~~, J C{. c:"" t:; tA),~L /--...,' cr.5 JI' /!~, ':;/1'1/ __ I , / ft~: ,) I 0A1 rr-<1 ~ 01 ---</~ /QA/~ " . t:E/j /g -111 Q I< ~ C . 6-b f,r 4//'(11 !?6/f() , /)?/}-ITI (t; ct< .:rI/ .) I j 51- A_ ,- ' ,-,"..< J ~- .' " / r PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr.. Chainnan George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards . SCOTf L. HARRIS Supervisor Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 MEMORANDUM: TO: Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairmanpdf.1 US Lewis L. Edson office building Main Road Southold SCTM# 1000-61-1-16 FROM: RE: DATE: September 3, 1991 The Planning Board has received the attached sign permit application and sketch from Rory MacNish of Old Town Custom Framing. This permit application is being sent to you for processing. This Business is presently in operation in the Lewis L. Edson bUilding on Main Street in Southold. Mr. Edson has not requested a waiver of site plan approval from the Planning Board nor has he applied for an amendment to his site plan. See enclosed letter for your information. Encl. . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski. Jr., Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards ,.' i '._' -,~'. / '-c-,,_ A ~\\ffDL.f "~ ,i ~ t'~ ~ j~ ~~\ ::j5 ~ ~: en :.' <: .' ~\~ " Q>' ~ " ~<%'o7\,- ....~~~P 'C-?, ____.. ':_,/}-;J <:-';.~:/-.::~;;~/:,~, SCOTI L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box I 179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 September 3, 1991 Lewis L. Edson First Town Realty Main Road southold, NY 11971 RE: office Building Main Road, Southold zoning District: Hamlet Business (HB) SCTMi 1000-61-1-16 Dear Mr. Edison: The Planning Board has received a sign permit application and sketch from your tenant Rory MacNish of Old Town Custom Framing. This permit application has been forwarded to the Building Department for processing, as the planning Department does not issue sign permits. As mentioned in my last letter of July 31, 1991, please submit a letter asking for a waiver of site plan approval. Include a survey showing the projected square footage of the building that will be used for office area, as well as the portion that will be used for retail and storage uses. please show on the survey anyon-site parking, along with a calculation of your parking needs. This information will help in the assessment of your request for a waiver. If you have any questions, or require further assistance, please contact this office. Ve;:y truly yo\,\rs, j" an-ru' # ~;',~4n./_>2'-'L--C_1c;1, I /:Bennett Orlowski, Jr. )" 1/~ Chairman ce: Victor Lessard, principal Building Inspector Rory MacNish, Old Town Custom Framing ~, . . TELEPHONE (516) 765.1938 Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Soulhold. New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 9, 1990 Lewis L. Edson First Town Realty Main Rd. Southold, NY 11971 RE: Lefferts P. Edson Law Office SCTM# 1000-61-1-16 Dear Mr. Edson: The Planning Board has reviewed your letter of January 30, 1990 concerning the remodeling and change in use of the late Lefferts P. Edson law office building. The use of the second floor as a proposed apartment over a retail store or office, is a permitted use by special exception by the Zoning Board of Appeals in the Hamlet Business District. The remodeling of the entrance and window opening would require a permit from the Building Department. The Planning Board would not require a site plan for the proposed changes. If you have any questions or require additional assistance please contact this office. Very truly yours, ~~,'1v;{/ Bennett Orlowski, Jr. · ~ Chairman cc: Gerard P. Goehringer, ZBA Victor Lessard, Building Dept ~-~~ ~. , SENDER: SUBJECT: SCTM#: COMMENTS: cc: Iv . . SIAP:>R LE: V$ t., SUBMISSION WITHOUT COVER LETTER e,. /fk- tVfS ~ - ~e<f I~ ~ ^ ~/ ,. I d~ t J'1'" r~ )--(~~I tfL~ - ' - .~~ ~ 0/, ?6~w)r'~~ ~ tho/L/~r/P ~.. ~ ~~~~- " '~?~~. /t-- w- ~ ~;fv/7/ arFr~~ - - (irl ~ rJl~h. 7 ro<; -- 00<1)' 01-- 0(3 T6W10 e Ousf-o/l"'\ ("r'-'t.4-<'1 .r Hwb>r '-'-~ l-tt f~Jo -- Jr~/D~~ /t5( 2.1 _~I-I ,~ u .. . vS SUBMISSION WITHOUT CO~ER LETTER SUBJECT: p . . r~ jV'tS t. _ ~ T C~f.t'Yv-.. r5J-f- ~' 8~ ~ SENDER: .~ ,. SCTM# : COMMENTS: Id~P J ?/VI r~J---{-~/ . -r.....u"...... '-T" ~~ ,~I' <~WL] 1\/ ~"f - -- ----.-~. ~~L~ llCW uuu~~, one tor the store and one for the apartment would be set in 3 feet back from the front wall. ___.. . '12 (Ll R' \\. ~\rl. :~ ~W L< ~~-~ ;r ~ I ~ ~ ; ',-_.~.~,~~- - . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards SCOTI L. HARRIS Supervisor . ,~<?~...-;-/ :. Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 July 31, 1991 Lewis L. Edson First Town Realty Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: Office Building Main Road, Southo1d Zoning District: Hamlet Business (HB) SCTMi 1000-61-1-16 Dear Mr. Edison: The Planning Board has received notice that two or three businesses presently occupy the above referenced property. The Board requests that you submit a letter for a waiver of site plan approval. Please submit a survey showing the projected square footage of the building that will be used for office area, as well as the portion that will be used for retail and storage uses. Please show on the survey anyon-site parking, along with a calculation of your parking needs. This information will help in the assessment of your request for a waiver. Please submit a sketch of any proposed outdoor signs. If you have any questions, or require further assistance, please contact this office. Very truly yours, ~.zt- '2c_L;;~ <2---:./ Bennett Orlowski, Jr. / 7 r 1'C1;.. Chairman cc: Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector . nrstlOwne ~alty I . ,$u &t=/ ~ -,," pe:- R.K (IN'S) .;~, ,,,,.., MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 15161765-2266 LEWIS EDSON LICENSED BROKER MAIN ROAD CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11935 (516) 734-6687 January 30 1990 Ben Orlowski Planning Board Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: 100C-al-1-16 Formerly Lefferts P. Edson's La" Office Nain Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Dear Ben, I've tried to rent Dad's office for almost a year without any luck. At this point I'd like to put in a new store front and make the second floor an apartment. The property is zoned Hamlet Business. The second floor is approximately 1062 square feet. The first floor is approximately 1650 square feet. I do not have a tenant or a use in mind at this time. I'm just trying to appeal to a larger group of potential users than I have now. The new store front would be in balance with the existing copper and wood canopy (see photo). The window opening would be 72". Starting on the west end it would begin where the present window starts on the side and top and come down to 18" off the sidewalk. It would then come to where the present door jam starts. The present door and jam would be removed. The new doors, one for the store and one for the apartment would be set in 3 feet back from the front wall. _---- j"; (~,I R \\ 1\11 '-1 lr~ l'-; - - . . . - -~ i , ///I'y:::; ,J.... J ,. ...- ! 7/ ..' COLOR V/ .L~ - "'0 ill I<L,R, , I' 6'1 " .- Irlr . 11 J-. d /'/ J . K . =~ . , . -, . . " -- TRIM , " II , '~ ,-n 'Tl II Tl'l 1\,. ",.-' -,. " ..... H ! {V,(,/-<- ,. H , . , - . .~#:..., , 1/ ~ ~ ....~}'.:,..:;.'....- :;""-Y'-:~>':1-'.-..:... . , 'I , B 'J v " I tJ z <" . .-~. ,- ."" -'.- ,".." -~... .J.'! , J I or lc, ; !..- . fA l::'~ , b .. -rr - I:zL ..... . - M. Bldg. 07..j- X 4' I .2.:~ "1..< ~.<-::nl\ _ <'J 2-i'" Foundation ~...,......r Both .l- 'Jy Dinette Extension ;).1./ 'f :>.,.!, ~~ L_,. 3.00 / rvl) Basement' 'P "" rT Floors Ti I'"C K. Extension Ext. Walls Bf.I<I<~B4 Interior Finish Prt- IlIe /. LR. Extension Fire Place !liP Heat OIL H . /-v(k DR. Type Roof Fin ,- Rooms 1 st Floor ~ BR. Porch Recreation Roan Rooms 2nd Floo ~ FIN. B. Po Dormer Breezeway Driveway Ga rage Patio O. B. , Total C? J--~; ./ I'C' , " >\'--. --- .----:-~ ~_/ v I.... OWNER LAND IMP. !1J v TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD STREET N H S . :t....... c..o , VL. FARM TOTAL DATE cLtC'?PO .3 00 AGE NEW Fe' NORMAL Acre Tillable 1 Tillable 2 Tillable 3 Waadland Swampland Brushland Hause Plat -""" , Total BUILDING CONDITION BELOW ABOVE Value Per Acre Value - VILLAGE E W He b' . CB. MISe. " REMARKS p o-...-v , Mkt. Value DIST ....- ~ SUB. LOT S ACR. . /P,.4 I TYPE OF BUILDING FRONTAGE ON WATER FRONTAGE ON ROAD DEPTH BULKHEAD ,- ~ . ? -6' J DOCK i I -..----.. 'r'-' \\;\ '; ~. \v)t S0\ilt10~"10::,,, ~ f'-IN\NG ~,J~_,:';,.~, ,,' ,..,.,.. .::. /30,(0 . TELEPHONE (516) 765.1938 Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 9, 1990 Lewis L. Edson First Town Realty Main Rd. Southold, NY 11971 RE: Lefferts P. Edson Law Office SCTM* 1000-61-1-16 Dear Mr. Edson: The Planning Board has reviewed your letter of January 30, 1990 concerning the remodeling and change in use of the late Lefferts P. Edson law office building. The use of the second floor as a proposed apartment over a retail store or office, is a permitted use by special exception by the Zoning Board of Appeals in the Hamlet Business District. The remodeling of the entrance and window opening would require a permit from the Building Department. The Planning Board would not require a site plan for the proposed changes. If you have any questions or require additional assistance please contact this office. Very truly yours, ~~'Yv;{/ Bennett Orlowski, Jr. ,,~ Chairman cc: Gerard P. Goehringer, ZBA Victor Lessard, Building Dept <, Su. &r=, u;;;- ../ pe, RK Cws ') nrstlOwne, ~alty MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLO. NEW YORK 11971 (516) 765-2288 LEWIS EDSON LICENSED BROKER MAIN ROAD CUTCHOGUE,NEWYORK 11935 (516) 734-6687 January 30, 1990 Ben Orlowski Planning Board Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: 1000-61-1-16 Formerly Lefferts P. Edson's La" Office Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Dear Ben, I've tried to rent Dad's office for almost a year without any luck. At this point I'd like to put in a new store front and make the second floor an apartment. The property is zoned Hamlet Business. The second floor is approximately 1062 square feet. The first floor is approximately 1650 square feet. I do not have a tenant or a use in mind at this time. I'm just trying to appeal to a larger group of potential users than I have now. The new store front would be in balance with the existing copper and wood canopy (see photo). The window opening would be 72". Starting on the west end it would begin where the present window starts on the side and top and come down to 18" off the sidewalk. It would then come to where the present door jam starts. The present door and jam would be removed. The new doors, one for the store and one for the apartment would be set in 3 feet back from the front wall. fR ~ (Ci ~. ~ ~n ~ I' n \,-", - .._- ,I, -, J"" , -J I _I, l_.....-~- I don't consider the change to be radical and the look would be complimentary to the rest of the village. I am including a survey, assessors card, sketch and photo of the subject property. I'm available for questions or a meeting. Yours truly, r'~7"-'_,.<".~, Ir-" (!Ii! "'.'. .; - 1 >,', ., I' ./, , './1 .1 ......................----..... <:J-> V'\ --~ - -- --- ~ ~ t z~ '- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ \) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'lo. ... 't -. ~ ~ 'lo. ~ I ... I ~~ ~ - - _I ~ ~ , n~ ~. I \ !, i. "~"~. "JI\!~ c. 1 \ooi! , \ . :':'v \"J \~' ~\ ffrstrowne, ~alty .I, '{,S i\.K MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK' 1971 15161765.2288 LEWIS EDSON LICENSED BROKER MAIN ROAD CUTCHOGUE. NEW YORK 11935 15161734-6687 October 22, 1991 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman Planning Board Town Hall P.O. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Office Building Main Road, Southold Zoning District: Hamlet Business (HB) SCTM# 1000-61-1-16 Dear Mr. Orlowski, Regarding your letters of July 31 and September 3, 1991 I am respectfully requesting a waiver of site plan approval for the above subject property. The property has space for 9 car parking plus there is municipal parking across the street. My calculations show the need for 8 parking spaces based on 1 per 100 square feet of gross office space, 1 per 200 square feet of gross retail space and 1 per 1000 square feet of gross storage space. Respectf~ed' ?Edson rn ~ @ ~ 0 w rn ,~i\ !,IIi! 'W"J ...."T " n; ':, -,t U . lJ :_ \,.' ....~l -~ Enclosures ----------------------------.-.. ..__._..~~~~~~.~...-.~..--~~~.~~--- H.(J o'l~ ,,/ .... / ~ /.p MAIN S7 ;2." /2.r /1.) 571"-171/" 2J/. 2f;f 51JA-Ajr d P/:le-I ~ ;:',.c,~v 2. J/ iF if If,{ If,J J2 t"'/AI! JZ;.6 - - -f" J r-a / --7t;7A Cf7 ?,~ if f/'- K,I'f,qt/ h:r C'~iF ..2 I. z... ,. 4),It) ,f, "J 2UAj .2'> 14';/ "./) 1/,'- /'/7/~ I'; . 1/11 - 3 == 3 o I:: r/ c t d 3 d- 5-:> /d,;'~(' )$..) - / 7 /J,'. ' ntc /f//-- . i 4 J I " 0" .J ,(r , 1.1.00 :/.' j , 6/l.oss ., ' .' ," f ,,{ /., . I'ye. II- . /l If' p // .s l .,/./;/;.."/ .n' <~1 (7 rJ -:';J /;,11 0 :: S- . , - --....-.- ---~-..~.~-_.-.._------~~_..~.~.. - - - - - - -".-'~~'I J '~-r:; {7. J!o--. I~ / // ~ /.:::J 1 '(6 r p .=3 --- f -=- I yv '7 ~~ If I 'I. >- /J?171A/ 5-, ;'5' J.f E-- IP' -7 . )0 1- {(IJ'} .1" ~~ 'I ( .]' - - -, .> 5~;:~ 1'1 fI( )1' 5'1,Hpf ) ~b' , 3f'{ I )/(/4--91 I/' , 1.3 ~ ~ fD)rn@rnnwrn~ UJ] OCT 2 3 1991 I~ SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD ~.,_..,_"_:.:~ T''''''''-- ^'---'-'-"""~-:--T' '~'7;''''''---:-'~' - --~~-~.---~. ---..' .,;- .._....-~ ~-...--. . I ! i I \ I I I I I I i l I I i ~, I , i I I "",""'J '1 " , :; i , ; I , I I j , I i ~ ~ '" . .... o .... ~ " .. --;. '\ "- " ~~ t---.- o' I "'\ I I " , ) ,., r ..0- 0 :r ~ ;$ ;. llo- l\ .' -"', 01 I -. :I ....0 . 0 ....... ~ 0 \J -+. J .~ , ::t , " '" ',;, ! ; KtII rs:ten l~. tU.Z'-IQ'E. "',5 I . i I .,0 I , , %3.0:0 o . I r'~"L'':Ii 6"~__ ., ' ~ ." , t V z . III '101 9 () I - stOI'~ ecol'lc;. b'.~, ..- ._- -,.. - " A .. ... -+ t 4.5 I 4,$ W'. f ',/ ~ V ;' I ~ ." /" Y. z - stW'i bi"ic:1C tiI4~.' i I ~.1:.! ...s "61~Q"W. .. ",.. 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I \II ! 0 ~. o -+> MAP OF PR.OPER.TY \ ' SUKVEYED FO\< LEFFERTS PAINE EDSON \ ','.r""""';? /, o "'T 7' o SOUTHOLD I I 6.....'~ ~77..7 -.,' ,. " o /'j .L. SUFFOl.K Go., N. 'Y, " .' z . i' ,/ V1 r '" r 0 () .,.. " 7' " " i/ '" L,-' 1) -+ V 0 " Ii - 1."'- - -+ 4,$ 4.S C/ 0 ./ -+. ..... . n " :./ V /" r V 1''/ , , , / ./ . , ..- ,. , ,r L. .. ;?:::~!-._~..:. '.9' "1.'" I .. 5tor~ , co"c. li'd:). x = CrOS5 cut irl COMCt.. i/\I<liK "U ....c l' (I> ":"-':","':"',' / GUarOrlt'eed to chic::a':jO 'fit-Ie "nd .$O\.l1"hoIJ <1$ sl.l..ve~~d HOme Ti1'le Divi~iol1 '.."s......a...ce C:ompGI1Y' I!qnl<. . (1\ N N ~ (.,1 '" -+ 0 I) Z '. 5t"r~ " 111 "C briCK bid'). ....., ." 2;. '"- ...., ~ !'l l1\ 0 :$""in~p April 8, 19" VAN TI.JYl. t SOH L:~~t"~~d ~~,_.. 6r.e"~ort, N.Y. .' " " " " " ',:-\". i'"' ~ r. , i' V .,." .,' ~, / .' ._' lLL,.-::LL__~,../ __L.:._L--t_LJ~#.._..4...._~._. #_.... ,..'.. .:\" - ~ \, "..'....\. - , 4.. 4,5 M rn@mO\Yl~1i)! 1'1',' "I' .. 3, I9lJ)JL:l1 SOUTHOLD TOWN I PlJtNUfNS 8tMRB"'.--,,,,,",,,,,+-- "",_",... _____...____. .ti.-.'.-........._--...,..........._.___.."__.--. S.6I00o'W. 1::9.57 - 187.0'7 to Beckwith Aile. MAIN ROAD V'A.",", .."'':''':'' .... --~ '1'". '"..,.. I ; ! ; I I I I 1 , ! ; j i , J l , j i I I ! I I ! i I I I I / I I I , , I ! I I I I ) I r . I - , \