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-- , . BINDER CONTROL SHEET Date Received Information to be Submitted or Included with Submission to Architectural Review COmmittee Date Sent to ARC Site plan Type of building construction, occupancy, use and fire separation Floor plans drawn to scale - 1/4" = ]' preferred Elevation drawings to scale of all sides of each building, 1/4" = I' preferred including the following information: Type and color of'roofing _ include sample Type and color of siding - include sample Type of windows and doors to be used, material and color of all windows and door frames - include sample Type and color of trim material _ include sample Type of heating/cooling equipment to be used. Show exterior locations of all equipment i.e. heat pumps, air conditioning compressors, etc. on plans and/or elevations. Type and locations of all roof-mounted mechanical equipment Type and locations of all mechanical equipment and/or plumbing venting through roof or building sidewall. Type, color and style of proposed masonry material for chimneys or accent walls _ include samples or photos. Details, color, type and style of any proposed ornamentation, awnings, canopies or tents. Photos of existing buildings and/or neighboring properties from four directions of project site. Type, color and design of all exterior signage, both building-mounted and free standing. Comments: ?- { '-lJ ~ ~{ ~ )-...\:S ~ \,\J ~ ~ 11\ ~ " l. D 0 -J ~ ~ ~ 't ~ ~ ~ ~ Vj ~ 0 /\ D J G, ~ ............ .... ~ 2: D ~ ~ k tt j ~ \) ~ 1 "''l:! z!-- ~~\\ ;;i;; r ~ ~ ~ ~ W g - 0" ~ , ,0 8' ~ , f:. ~ u:l , ~ Q~~~ 1 ~'" ::::> ~ ,[ ~~ 0- ~ 'l;: ~..J VI .",~ , " 'J~ l~~ 't:: I'v)Vl 1 - -..( n-..:C % ..... ~ '""'-.:1-- ___ '-"",' ~~~f-"";'- :(.-.,-. : ..... ...~ ,I., /.... =-.\ " --.,. ~ \-~ ..---.-.---..---- ",- -.y--,----- (. Zoning Board of Appeals (written c?mments within 60 days of request) Board of Trustees ~ildjng Department (certification) . Suffolk County Department of Planning Department of Transportation -State Department of Transportation - CounlfY {; v(SUffOlk County Dept, of Health ~~ /Fire commissioners1)tj IJ1Y/VIY\ J~ 1.- vt- It ,12.. C;:, I fit-{ RECEIVED: ~ I SITE PLAN Presubmission conference (within 3D days of writtcn request) Complete application reccived (within 4 months of presub. conference) Application rcviewcd at work session (within 10 days of reccipt) Applicant advised of neccssary revisions (within 3D uays of review) ( ") , " ( ~ Revised sub mission received ,/ V Lcad Agency Coordination SEQRA determination I o o o REFERRED TO: Draft Covenants and Restrictions Filed Covenants and Restrictions ~andscape plan ? IVLighting plan ? <:' . 11/1 ;jM/P--' {!,IFS (LIt !I!'lf'lr~':IlJ ~ '4; ~ ~Ieallh approval ~ ~ ,(J f)rainJbl... 131tIft Rcvic; wed by ru!;iut.:er Approval of site plan -with conditions Endorsement of sitc'plan '.~' ........ Certificate of Occupancy inspection One year review ~"Ij. 7; ~,) r,-t/<.. " f'W'i.lCl ~~ ~~ '7-/7-7;7 , r ) ('" \ ,../ '" f'W'Ll ~ OK f'W'Llroi(l I~~ 9-}::,--"l7 j 1->-~1 I~e I[m) f'W'Llr=l ~~ ~ I~l' ~ [C&Rl f'W'LlCl ~~ I,~ll~ f'W'Ll~ ~ OK Sent: !/-/1~'7 '. Received' ~~ "ro. OK ~~j~ /ifrl.- ~~ "ro. OK lr~.~~ ~~ l.'Iro. OK / ~~J~ ~~ "ro. OK ~3EJ I,::: II f,;l -.....-----...---.-~~ . - -...............---.......-- ..,--- - - - - - -- - . - - >- \,.::.'"'1!.-~ .~ - "WI, iJf....( --::.. ..' <;)'" '. ~ "- /~\;. ~\:c. ;y~ . ~~ .::~:'. :",:. :"" -, ~' ~ (;:) ~- ",,7. ~.{~/-- :-;.-----,..~-~ ~-- ~ PLANNING BOARD MEMB. RICHARD G. WARD Chairman . GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. WILLIk\>! J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS _fj.ew ~hange of Use _Re-use Extension _Revision of Approved Site Plan Name of Business or Site: Location: Address: Name of Applicant: Address of ApPiicant: Telephone: Owner of Land: Agent or Person responsible for application: Address: Telephone: Site plans prepared by: License No.: Address: Telephone: . Town Ur;J1, :';3095 ::\'f~ad i".O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 ....._....Date ReCeived Date Completed Filing Fee f/(S-U PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD APPUCATlON FOR CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PIAN / .70V7'J../OLO AGt.JA'( (AG(.,.)A'I J'rJC) / 705 VOJ,JGS A V [; 50 (/ 7' I-J () / f) N'I /) 'J 71 ) [2;1 L-L VB~ -SeliA I cK ((})617.) /5~ fh;6~ ~b~0AS/JC, NY //956 __6__5 _ '-I3_(5/ot2~) Ar:;&.JA 'j T~c.-. !3/1_L \/f-},.J ~c;CJ-/AICK / flArJL6y S JG"J LA~e~ ~.~ .. ,SJ 7 3 / -~(f3o(3 You~r; 1- YOu,JG '19999 ' 100 O.s/I2.~,.JO{,Jl. Av6, /<1/ HO IVY 7;). 7 ;?3o,~ I I. J!.R,.JL6 '7) Q1 ;l'! . , rD) I" "';:. " f'I/ PI' I~ lL-;:~ :: '~i l_!~ I D l'"'-'--'''''-'~- ... Ir.",i 101' SEP IlIU i 2 1997 l~"_ . . . Page 2 Planning Board Site ?!an ApPlication APPUCANl'S AffiDAVIT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOlK tJ(l-, . r:. VA.,J ...5:.Ht)ICJ<lSeing duly sworn, deposes and says that he resides at /77 f"l-7AJ..J I7v~) f>7AS/IL, IV Y ~/95D ~ in the State of New York, and that he is the owner of the above property, or that he is the f17f}~,c.y.;f./Zfthe SOVJ'HO(..,.O /lGt,),qy :L~L, .SYolZ ~ (Title) (Specify whether PartnershIp or Corp.) which is hereby making application; that there are no existing structures or improvements on the land which are not shown on the Site Plan; that the title to the entire parcel, including all rights-of-way, has been cleariy established and is shown on said Plan; that no part of the Plan infringes upon any duly filed plan which has not been abandoned both as to lots and as to roads; that he has examined all rules and regulations adopted by the Planning Board for the filing of Site Plans and will comply With same; that the plans submitted, as approved, will not be altered or changed in any manner without the approval of the Planning Board; and that the actual physical improvements will be installed in strict accordance with the plans submitted. Signed ?Nner! % h SignedtJA{"(/ 2//~ fl7Gr2. (Partner or ~rporate Officer-and Title) Sworn to me this d..9'ddayof (}.u Y'A.JI- ~'''--:l GOJ'Pu,) (N ry Public 19 q-r UNDAJ. COOPER Notary Public. State of New YoIfc No.4822fiS3.Suffalt~ /)D Term &pi.... ~ 3t. Ul:....'! ~ . . Pace 3 Planning Board Site Plan Application 't, ~ ~3 7Total Land Area of Site (acres or square feet) Zoning District EXisting Use of Site Rf.. -r AI t..- S7'()(l.i:" Proposed Uses on Site, Show all uses proposed and existing, Indicate which building will have which use, If more than one use is proposed per building, indicate square footage of floor area that will be reserved per use, pf2.0 POSeJ) ;Vva.,~~tZY Gl?fJ_,JflOUSf.. IJ F ACAOf'., /500 s<{ f''1 ~,. Sa f7 I;). 7..50 Gross Fioor Area of Existing Structurels) l.~ ., .. Gross Fioor Area of Proposed Structure Is) q % Percent of Lot Coverage by Buildingls) Percent of Lot for Parking Iwhere applicable) Percent of Lot for Landscaping (where applicable) Has applicant been granted a variance and/or special exception by NO Board of Appeals - Case # & date " Board of Trustees - Case # & date h NY State Department of Environmental Conservation - Case # & date I, Suffolk County Department Health Services - Case # & date Case Number Name of Applicant Date of Decision Expiration Date Other Will any toxic or hazardous materials, as defined by the Suffolk County Board of Health, be stored or handled at the site? If so, have proper permits been obtained? Name of issuing agency Number and date of permit issued, NO ACTION (EXCAVATION OR CONSTRUCTlONJ MAY BE UNDERTAKEN UNTIL APPROVAL OF SITE PLAN BY PLANNING BOARD, VIOLATORS ARE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. _T_ ____- .,,-. 14-16..1 12'371- iext ~2 I PROJECT I.D. NUMBER . I . -. - ....: 617.21 Appendix C Slate Environmental Quality Review SHORTEN~RONMENTALASSESSMENTFORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I-PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) SEQR PROJECT NAME , - 3. . . //o~K MuniCloallty County __r:.... 4. PREClSE I_OCA-TJON (Street aadress and road intersections, prominent landmarks. eIC.. or provide map) /70S 0J/ '1ov~GS Av & 0; flu fl-J./'vj 6<.- Ii vb / 5. 15 PROPOSED ACTION: o New 0 Exoansion 5. DESCRIBE PROJECT 8RIEFL Y: ~diflcation/aJteration !,JSiRt.--i- J Al!:71R (.;L. - ~t;,t-> G/266,.J/-Joc.Js6 S/otZ6f~D;J7 S/6".)5 / .rJ .;J () tZ~ 6/2- 't 19 /2-DA 7. AMOUNT OF r....ND AFFECTED: ..... Initially L..~S '1.Hl:Jrl acres Ultimately 5pra-,t;, ac~es 8. W~:.JROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OA OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? ~Yes 0 No If No, rjescnbe brrefly :f 0bL-1 [.v[ 9. W~T ~RESENT LAND USE IN VIC:NITY OF PROJECT? ~sidentlaJ C Industrial ~merclat Descrrbe: o Agriculture o ParklForestJOpen space o Other Cof>10/;oJ Aj/o.rJ 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULilMATE!-Y FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (F~DERAL, STATE OR LOCAL)? ~ 0 No It yes, list agency(s) and permit/approvals SOt.J1'HO~r;> ;OW,.) 11. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVe A CURRENTLY VAllO PERMIT OR APPROVAL'? o Yes ~ It yes, list agency name and permiUapproval 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? DYe. DNa Siqnature: I CERTIFY THAT THE iNFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE tJ .~ / t: ~//'------ Date: 6';).<;.9 7 ~he action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER 1 ~ PART II-ENVIRONMENTAL ASS MENT (To be completed by Agency) ,-- A. aCES AC710N E.XCEEQ ANY TV?: I THRESHOLD IN 6 NYCRA. PART 617.12':' if yes. coordina.e the rl;n'IGW ;,. ..-:-:~:SS ~r:a 1.1$8 tfle FULL. f.:AF. [j Yes LJ No a. wrLL ACTION RECEIVE COORDINATeD REVIEW AS PROVIDED FOR UNUSiED ACTIONS IN G NYCRR. ?ART 617..5? :t ."40. a neqauv6 QBI;larallon ,'T\ay be superseded oy anotner invOlved agency. DYes DNa C. COULD ACTION RESULT iN ANY ADVERSE ;:,i=FECTS ASSOC:ATEO WITH THE FOllOWING: (Ans.....ers may be naOlawrltten, If legible) C~. :=xisting air quality, suriace or groundWater Quality or Quantity, nOise levels, ~xlstlng traffic oal1erns, saHel ,..,aSla prOQuctlon or cHsoosal, potential far erosion. drainage or flOOding problems? Explain briefly: J L OO~'I 0bL--I~V;; 5xJ _. _ C2. Aesthetic. a.gricultural. archaeological. i'listoric. or other natural or cultural resources; or community or neignoomood c:"laracter? Exolaln brtefly: A6/L1 CUi- -r <.J f2J1 L- A t2 6fJ co. Vegetation or fauna. fiSh, snellflsh or wildlife slJecies. significant haoitats, or threatened or ~ndang8red species? Exolain briefly: WI"-/f'70..-J \/2.G61?J//o-J, 06btZ.. f2Rcoo..J fZ~(3.l3r7S, E.-'1'C. / j c~. A community's existing plans or goals as otticially adopted, or a change in use or intensity at use at land or othec naturai resources? Explain briefly NO fl1A:5of2 CHA,JG{; CS. Grow,". subsequent development. or related activities likely to De induced by the proDosea action? :.xpiain anstly. (YJoObf2..,J/ z,6 r:t:}CIt__J 7''1 /0 t."J)-j~.rJG-E.- /0{;.J6f//3otZ/tOO cs. Long term. short term. cumulative. or other etfects not identified in Ci-CS? :xclain orie/ty. C7. Other imoacts {inCluding cnanges in use of either quantity or typa of energy,? ~cjain brietly. a. 1$ THERE. OR IS~~E~UKELY TO 3E. CONTROVERSY RELATED TO POTENTIAL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS? o Yes ~ If Yes. '!xolain briefly . PART III-DETERMINATION OF SIGNIF.lCANCE (To be completed by Agency) INSTRUCTJONS: For each adverse effect identified above. determine whether it is substantial, large. imoortant or otherwise significant. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its (a) setting O.e. urean or rural}; (b) probability at occurring: (c~ duratJon; (d) irreversibility; (e) geographic scope: and (f) magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reterence supporting materials. E.'1sure that explanations contain sufficient detail to show that aU relevant adverse impacts have been identified and adequately addressed. o Check this box if you have identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occut. T-l1en proceed directly to the FULL EAF anellor prepare a positive deciaratlon. ::J Check this box it you have determined, based on the information and analysis above and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action WilL NOT result in any. significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide on attachments as necessary, the-reasons supporting this determination: N.ame 01 '..caQ Aliena .~llnt or Type N.ame or itesocnslole OiTlcer ,n LeolQ ....gency ;-icle or ~esoonSlale QiriclM' 5'lIn.atUte or ResponSlole OltlCet In LeAO Agency :iilJnature or ?rl!l).rer (It ojnerent lrom re500nSIOU! alticer, OAte 2 lfj .... ..,.. 4". 'f', SOUTHOlD FIRE DISTRICT P.O. BOX 908, SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 December 14, 1997 Chairman-8eFmett OrIews\<i, Jr. Southold Town Planning Board PfrBox11Z9 Southold, NY 11971 Reo Agway, 'J.OOO-9Q-1-5 Dear Ben: Th& SoothoId- Fire- Oistfid Aas- revi8'Ned tAe-abavEHnemiOfled.map and has found that there is adequate fire protection at this time. This decision is valid' for Elfl&-year from the date-ot ~tter. Sincerely, Gjft1IHio (lop1bt Cynthia-Capfise District Secretary DEe I b S/.(BF ~K . t'. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Richard G. Ward, Chairman George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 SOu1hold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 ~ 1<(; PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 199 J Cynthia Caprise, Secretary Southold Fire District P.O. Box 908 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Ms. Caprise: Enclosed please find two (f,) surveys date ./ /7ffor SCTM# 1000- ~ The enclosed site plan is being referred to you for fire access review and for your recommendations as to whether any fire- wells are needed. Please specify whether firewells are shallow or electric. o The enclosed subdivision is being referred to you for your recom- mendation at to whether any firewells are needed. Please specify whether firewells are shallow or electric. Please reply by~, J-.j cooperation. 19~ Thank you for your d1~c/LJ} A v Chairman enc. . f.if;~UfF04;' . ?~\;.~"'" ,,~,J..;: ~~ "! =:, ....c:. " < Q ~ ,0' r:: en .:e .0 OJ.~ ~.:Y ",-"". '" \' '\ ~ ~'t-!). ~~L1~9 Town Hal!, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman WILLlAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHlE LATHAM, JR. RlCHARD G. WARD November 5, 1997 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD William Van Schaick, Manager Agway, Inc. Box 608 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed site plan for Agway SCTM# 1000-60-1-5 Dear Mr. Van Schaick: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, November 3, 1997: BE IT RESOLVED that the South old Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, establishes itself as lead agency, and as lead agency makes a determination of non-significance, and grants a Negative Declaration. Enclosed please find a copy of the Negative Declaration for your records. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Sincerely, ~ ~ftdj" Chairman enc. . 'tP--::rza:::r~~ . .(~~fj'''''. ,r~ ~;\ \.:::, ~~ '~Q - )..> ~cn ~G \~~ · '<t-~j '" ~'Q ,~<<:l jV ~ '.i + 't-".,y ~~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P,O, Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765.3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chainnan WILLIAM J, CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD G, WARD PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD State Environmental Quality Review NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice of Determination Non-Significant November 3,1997 This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Law. The Southold Town Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed action described below will not have a significant effect on the environment and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be prepared. Name of Action: Proposed site plan for Agway at Southold, Inc. SCTM#: 1000-60-1-5 Location: Youngs Ave., Southold SEQR Status: Type I Unlisted ( ) (X) Conditioned Negative Declaration: Yes ( ) No (X) Description of Action: This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 1,500 square foot greenhouse, and a 34 square foot gazebo, in addition to changing the front facade and sign. . . Page 2 SEQR Negative Declaration -Agway at Southold, Inc. November 3, 1997 Reasons Supporting This Determination: This project involves the construction of a 1,500 square foot greenhouse and a 34 square foot gazebo. The greenhouse and gazebo are permitted uses in this Light Industrial (L1) zone, thus the proposed action is consistent with zoning. An Environmental Assessment Form has been submitted and reviewed, and it was determined that no significant adverse effects to the environment were likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned. There has not been any correspondence received from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in the allotted time. Therefore, it is assumed that there are no comments or objections from that agency. The applicant will have to comply with the requirements of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code (SCSC) and all relevant standards of water supply and sewage disposal systems. Design and flow specification, subsurface soil conditions and site plan details will have to be approved by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS). This impact is not considered significant due to the anticipated project compliance with established requirements of the SCSC and the SCDHS and the required relevant permits. For Further Information: Contact Person: Robert G. Kassner Address: Planning Board Telephone Number: (516) 765-1938 cc: John P. Cahill, DEC Albany Suffolk County Dept. of Health Suffolk County Water Authority Judith Terry, Town Clerk Southold Town Building Dept. Applicant . ~..~;:.::::::.::::;:<:2<:-~ ,/~~UfFOL.t ;;~ "~'\; ~'" )'~ ':1-": :; == ::2 : 'j Q ~ ". :'< en .:z:- .'V ~~ J:!} " ~ . ...../ ~~- . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD G. WARD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765,3136 Telephone (516) 765,1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Edward Forester, Building Department FROM: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer ~ Agway Inc. at Southold Youngs Avenue, Southold SCTM# 1000-60-1-5 RE: DATE: October 23, 1997 As recently discussed, the certification step in the site plan approval process comes too late in the review to correct problems before they occur. As you had mentioned, Laury Dowd is working on formalizing this process. In anticipation of this, I would like your review of the attached Agway application for a Gazebo and greenhouse. Please feel free to call me if you wish to discuss this request further. . .-.' "",-,\;g:UFrOL,f ~;~ '.~ v _-~ ~--- - -,' .- .'-. ........ a -~ - ~ - . ~ ~ . r..r:" --.w - - =:: ~ o..J-o' -~." r-:-, -. C) - ,~~: - ,,' ~. ":.., "y, - , ". "'-_';7'0 ~"" '. ~c>~ ;-Js ~.' --:-'::-_~""::;.:7_:_'-- . PLlliNI:"IG BOARD MEMBERS BE::-;:-;ETT ORLOWSKI. JR Chairman \VILLIAM J. CREsIERS KE::-INETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE L.\.THA.M. JR RICHARD G. WARD Town Hall. 53095 slain Road P.O. Box 1179 Sourhold. ::-Tew York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLA1'INING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOumOLD ) -"I t:::t /1./ /;r 1'1 Re: Lead Agency Coordination Request Dear Reviewer: The purpose of this request is to determine under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act-SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617 the following: 1. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; 2. Your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency; and 3. Issues of concern which you believe should be evaluated. Enclosed please find a copy of the proposal and a completed Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) to assist you in your response. Project Name: Ce-r-/.5 rte<tCno/'f 0;: /, .\,.-OD ~t;!tI;ft€ Foo r 6"RGbilfo/.{S* Requested Action: 1J1"W 3'1 S<j>ttA,(lff ;::doT h'A;z.€ 11 Ore, k! 1J6U/f1j CH,4Nt:biE F /lonT .fI1CI'J,lJ~ 5/c;;f SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I (XJ Unlisted Contact Person: ~_ G, KftSSd;;R." (51 )765-1938 . . Page 2 Lead Agency Coordination Request The lead agency will determine the need for an environmental impact statement (EIS) on this project. Within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not you have an interest in being lead agency. Planning Board Position: ('f;J This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. Other (see comments below) Comments: THIS fttt>JEc r i.s T6 Ctf6i9-TE II Jj /14&/1 rO/r, 5GITSOi'lt1f.- J)/sfL-rfj of PLI'I/'IT.sJ,. T.o Cb/Y~TI("cl /'J /s-<so stfll(/7-/(G: l=aoTGt?G$/itlo'l{E /rl'{f) 1"1- 3'[S(j>, / Foo r C;; /tz t::.do . Please feel free to contact this office for further information. d~~~ Bennett Orlowski, Jr. / j Chairman cc: 6oaro r"\f JI,pp~als 8Garei of Trt..~lc:;t::) ;4 Building Department Southold Town Board ::/#:. Suffolk County Department of Health Services NYSDEC - Stony Brook NYSDEC - Albany Sw'Ffell( Ce~nty D~paFtR=li,.,t nf PllbHt ':V'OI k.s U.C. ,\rmy (>~rp Qf eJ '~;I n:::t::r~ - N8'N Yarl( Olal'l; Depa,'tlfleAt sfTr:lnsl5vllalion Thom"," ryc'i1ski, Grg9nf3eFt rlJl3li~ Utilities Bavmnnrl "",nFttpn C:;rppnrnrt Village AJ"llnlstrator ..stJffoll( CSl::lnty IJ'latcr A....t1'ul ily 'Maps are enclosed for your review rev. 4/94 . cC'>~ifFDl;' . ..,~~.~ t'a ~ )~ . ~~ ;:.::"J' ~:" ",e:;::) . . ,":' ':~ en ;e :/ C< ~ ' tr'7~"-I "' 0....' . ~.< ~_'" ~~.'.c ~f + ;:~-:~c ~"::;:T"':'::;':::;:J-"- Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR Chainnan WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR RICHARD G. WARD PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 16, 1997 William Van Schaick, Manager Agway, Inc. Box 608 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed amended site plan for Agway - Seasonal display area SCTM# 1000-60-1-5 Dear Mr. Van Schaick: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, September 15, 1997: BE IT RESOLVED that the South old Town Planning Board start the lead agency coordination process on this unlisted action. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Sincerely, &vu:tt &Ahws~;, ,A. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman . c":2.20",,>~ J;-~~UfFOl".. c;~ ./s::,'\,;II<::<':c .':~ ::e-':'. :::;::) ~':2, 'Ie::) . , " CI:I .i2: ,~ ~, ~ ~ /i ,,~. '<"' ""~ s::,'t-/Y ~ '0./ + -t.~6j"F ~ . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE L>l.TH,\M, JR. RICHARD G. WARD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 20, 1997 William Van Schaick Agway Inc, 1705 Youngs A venue Southold, NY 11971 RE: Request for site plan Agway of Southold Youngs Avenue, Southold SCTM# 1000-60-1-5 Dear Mr, Schaick, The Planning Board has received the enclosed letter from the Co-Chairman of its Architectural Review Committee regarding additional information required for their review, The letter is being sent to you for your review, please feel free to contact Mr, Strang directly at his place of business (516) 765-5455 or 'myself at (516) 765-1938, if you have any questions, or require further information, Your request to separate the review of the facade from the rest of the site plan will be reviewed by the Board at their meeting on Monday August 25, 1997, ~!"')!.A ~ \~~j ~, Kassner' Site Plan' Reviewer Garrett Strang, Co-Chairman, Architectural Review Committee Ene!. "-cc~..-: ~ro...., :..r~t':... 5c~ng . a:s.anme ic"c -;::Ul1l~t '.lemcen: ::;~nen ~ "~"<1 " --.=:::::..~ . ,,~:;~~FFaL" ~ .,,,~ ~ ~ - ./ ~.%'\ ,~~ -:';:"'-:, ,,~ :2'< 10 - ~: ': :tJ .72: ~ " . '-- .-- -V ... ~ :":"',,~! .....\",,00".. ~.- '" 4-AI ,,~ ;" ~ ''''1)' .~..... 'f ~_ '.l ;;L i-:'~..y ~- . "C:""""::7.!R.'L "''119 C=MMI~ . 't~VnQla ~r,IU. ;r. ~.rn~c:.C':~ '!husn ar~i~ IoQrOf1iC~r-=- Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 '.'~t1 .:Uec;='" :i...na 'I...n 3ur'tl1 Sou'C".oi<l/P~nic '""er:1U"':: !:-~'t: .,ceer: ,:]"!lct:t: PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD .'1_ :t.lTfoik/C:..'tC':O<Ne ~Qw...r1::'.'.irll(. :cnn ':. .:..:::l....'". ;r-. .'.t3r::~c:<:L.:iur-ej :.t.y.. iCUr:":UHO .tccer: :,..1:.' August 18, 1997 Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer Planning Board Office Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE: Architectural Review Committee Meeting 4:30 P.M., Thursday August 14, 1997 Dear Bob; The Architectural Review Committee held a meeting indicated above and submits the following report of findings: as it's Agway Retail Lawn & Garden Supplies Youngs Ave, southold New York Tax Map # 1000-061-01-05 This application is incomplete and will be reviewed upon receipt of the following "check list" information: * Elevation Drawing to scale of east side of the existing building showing any alterations to the store-front facade. The drawings submitted with application indicates a blank. ..,all for this elevation. 1/4" = l' preferred. * Details, photographs or color brochure showing the actuaJ greenhouse, decorative fencing, fascia, and awnings proposed for all aspects of this project. photographs of a completed similar project would be helpful. * Detail of construction joints for ABS material proposed to be used as the building fascia. * Color and material samples for components of the proposed work. all IIfinish" * Type, Color and Design of all exterior signage, both building-mounted and free standing. . . Page Two Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer August 18, 1997 In addition the committee would like the applicant to indicate the proposed use for the easterly front yard area between the existing building and the lot line along Youngs Ave. Upon receipt of the above, the Committee will re-convene and respond to the Board with its comments. Very truly yours, ~0 ~<__ Garrett A. Strang, Architect Co-Chairman ARC . . Sub'lllissi01l Without a Cm'er LeUer Setlder: 6i II Van 'Y..ha iJ:- Subject: A~ SCTM#: 1000- (,O-I-S' Date: 8/151'11 Commetlts: II P 1Q.()5 r;:"-'-'" . '1::1 Ie . \~)l~-'" LfU I AUG I 5 1997 L,;~.. ;",,'i,)iii~-...l Pl~j~.i:nG BOARD ~ 5-<lf ~ -..1 i"""'\.l ! \, \ . . :ftfJ ((.v- Sltlnllissiml J-f'ilh(Iul a CQ1'(W .IA~ltm' Stmdf'l": A~I S""ljf.ct: A~ sit pia/) eM ,lei ~""- 8C7'1PI#: J(}(JO- /Jute: g"!ll/ql Cmnnumts: .$ 750 tlff/' Fe€- """,",--- ~ I- I ~ '~~;\. ~-.~~ ~ ~l:E:,:,::E~NuMBER ... ~:,t- tt ~~t;,~~~":"o~;,~lc 0l-JQI1 _', .______~_ > ,,~ .~, ;;' ISIGNb "~_.,<.- WAS ,. o AMPAD NO. 23-176-400SETS NO. 23-376-2DOSETS , iOf--'." L_ ~ /~~ J~."~~""t'n~: ~ ~ :::, ;..c" ~ .~ ~ 1P 4r, · ~~ ~' - PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD G. WARD PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 8, 1996 Garrett A Strang 1230 Travler Street Southold, NY 11971 RE: Review of Agway elevation drawings and greenhouse Youngs Avenue, Southold SCTM# 1000-60-1-5 Dear Mr. Strang, Enclosed are elevation drawings for your committee's review. The greenhouse covering will be clear plastic. Call me if you have any questions. 6:?Jl~~ Site Plan Reviewer Enc!. Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 . . ~ R.t:: ( S",1IJui88if)1I Jf1ilhfntl a Cfn'fW Lelle,. Sf'"df"': 13 j 11 v Q. () 5chti,.ct. Sulljecf: H5wr 8CT,tI#: J(}(J(J- lluff!: g) I I en Cmunwnfs: I e-/eVCLtioY\ d.(GtwiYlJ' (fo.cad..c i- ~nhl!lu.u.-) n.--;;-, ,i"ri-:-"'\iI [5 Ql :sic.,,' ij n':.,! r11 ! : AUG I 1997 ~1.L ".'..J~! '. c, :~\.,;,::D , .~_m,._'~~,_ . . ~l~ g~ YOUNG & YOUNG Planning, [nglneetlng &I und SUlveylng 4-00 Omandl!l Avenue Rlvl!lhead, NI!lII YOlk 11901 Tllothono (51&1727-2~W9 ~.."mlle (51&) 727-0144 HOWARD W. YOUlIa, lAnd Sun_ THOllAS C. WOLP!;RT, PloIeai...1 ~.._ ~lIl1ITH ~. ABRUUO, L.nd S,..."", JOHlI SCHlIURR, L.nd Sunlyot HAND DELIVERED July 28, 1997 ATTN: Mr. Robert G, Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer Town of Southold Planning Department 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 RE: AGWAY, INC. At Southold, T/O Southold, New York (97 -0323) Dear Mr. Kassner: Enclosed are seven (7) prints of the Survey / Site Plan prepared for the above captioned, last dated Jul 25, 1997, for your use. KF~ Ene!. Very truly yours, ~~ F 4\6A-u----Q;r Kenneth F. Abruzzo ''''-''~--- cc: Agway, Inc. + 1 Print ATTN: Mr. William Van Schaick, Manager I'; ~. ! riiJ. j! i' JJl 301997 ~"~'"^~ 1.......-- .. . .. -.--i <::f}i ;-.'1:' i;;J)i~ Z;iL:!~:r~G i3(j~RD . ;~;'~~.~.'~UFFa4~;CCC ," -'" e;;:,. ' ~ ,;::- " .. .>:;:) ~.~ .'- -" ;j en ;.,,; \~ . !;JJ:~ ":.4:.- ~"':' " ""'I) ,'<::; " ~,'J + ~~c -:;~--Z:::::cc'::;::--':." . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR Chairman WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. JR RICHARD G. WARD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765,3136 Telephone (516) 765,1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 17, 1997 William Van Schaick Agway rnc. 1705 Youngs Avenue Southold, NY 11971 RE: Request for site plan Agway of Southold Youngs Avenue, Southold SCTM# 1000-60-1-5 Dear Mr, Schaick, The Planning Board has received your letter of July 3, 1997, containing three copies of a site plan, Before the Board can continue its review, the following is required: 1. A site plan application, fee of $750,00, and a shor:t environmental form, 2, Six additional copies of the revised site plan, 3, Elevation drawings of the greenhouse, facade and construction materials, (check list enclosed), 4-. DT"<;:dBag.. gale.u..luL~....n.e a.na rin,s. 5. Zoning district lines. 6, Plan must be as scale of 1" = 20', 7. Lot coverage of existing and proposed structures. 8. Key Map. 9, Location and design of proposed outdoor sign, . . 10. Proposed outdoor lighting, showing height of standard and type and wattage of fixture. 11. Location of handicapped parking. The above should not be considered a complete list, please refer to Town Code Article XXV for complete requirements. If you have any questions, or require additional information, please contact this office. QJt I.iJ~ Site Plan Reviewer Encl: cc: Edward Forrester, Building Department . . SlI,f""issioll 'Villund a C01'(!1" Lellfw Sfmdf''': IS'I/ VaA ScJ-.a ic..lC 7~S-3<f32. S"'ljf'cl: I~/ Sf'7'il1#: 1 (}(JO- Co-I-t;; lJalfl: 7/3./011 CO"UIlfllr.lS: .3 :3 /ie- fJans juUl . I I JlA.31997 SOUTHOLIl TOWN PlANNING BOARD 5W,f RK , 1Ui . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS RICHARD G. WARD GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS j~~ 'CYSS.~ t'~~'. 0~~ ~\'\ :::::l' -... '~ ;j c ::- '! ~. cr.> ~ & :-<. ~ ~,~, ~c:>..., . ,--~i'j '" "-b ~., .' ~Q./ + "1..::s....:/ ~-Qzz;:::::::::"p.~ . Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765.3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 15, 1997 William Van Schaick Agway rnc. 1705 Youngs Avenue Southold, NY 11971 RE: Request for waiver of site plan Agway of Southold Youngs Avenue, Southold SCTM# 1000-60-1-5 Dear Mr. Schaick, The Planning Board has reviewed your waiver request and plan dated January 28, 1997. The changes shown on the plan are extensive, consisting of three structures and development of an area of approximately 10,200 square feet. The Board will require a site plan application for this proposed project, A site plan application is enclosed for your convenience. If you have any questions, or require further assistance, please contact this office, ~~'.i C~;t~sn~ Site Plan Reviewer Enc!. cc: Edward Forrester, Town Investigator Gary Fish, Building Inspector . 4-/). 97 . S.h~ , f\), IX , Date Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 APR I I i99i Dear Mr. Orlowski: i I L. ~--~".,_..., I would like to request a waiver of site plan requirements. The following data is provided for your review: Tax Map # 1000- 060 o / OO~~ Location of Project (street address and distance, E,S,N,W, relative to IIcarc; '''t['~sectionc hamlet) / 7 0 5 Y()u,.JGS AvE; (W6S '/ 0 F f!ur>->(Y>i~/L-) , Brief Description of project and reason for waiver request (square footage of existing 1 building area and how it will be used; e.g. 4,000 sq. ft. total, 2500 retail, 500 storage, 1000 office at,) space).p / L..... . /) ,-- )-- Gv{t J.lASt -...J t;A50~ OJ S PI..- A Y r7f2-t:..-A O~ SALbS of f},J".JUAL-5 Pba.&-J~JRI..-S PLf1,JT!7 . ) 0f/(L. PJ-/ASf_ ;) - Aoo Grz.6P:.rJ/f (JUS!:. /0 S~~vvICj1 tf'Jvl2s fA?. Y ffaLA ArJo rao"..)i of 5'/0I2E. Existing and proposed uses US t.JJ P f2- J 0 r2.. Fo f2. S Ii L E s of 57()f2f:)GE oF' t3Ah66o (001)& B6H/~(} SIOr2t. Lot area Zoning District Parking required fl 0 05 (; SPo is Name (ir;QA y I "..Je Rente~?) (If renter, attach owner's permission to pursue this inquiry). Address /705 'yDU..-JhS f}VL- (PO. f'2;;o;< 608) Phone BILL \~,J ,SCHAlL-I< Sloat- (l-y(;a 76S3~3~ ------------------------------------------------------ Please attach a surveyor sketch of the property, at a 1" to 20' scale, showing the location of all existing and proposed buildings and required parking spaces, for all uses proposed and existing on site. Show which buildings will have which use. If you need any additional information, or have any questions, please contact Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer, at 1516J 765-1938 .\ . 3~7.97 . :YJ/JF . , ~6 tf{C (3 (; I~ If 19 S /if'JI/ ill Date Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 MAR I 0 Dear Mr. Orlowski: I would like to request a waiver of site plan requirements. The following data is provided for your review: Tax Map # 1000.. 60 - J - S Location of Project (street address and distance, E,S,N,W, reiative to nearest intersection, hamlet! YOu,.JG.S f}vC:- /7oS VOu,J/;S ,ql/r. SOLJYJ..JDL.0 N,w fJ-lu(L-,f1-7t:.1 I ) Brief Description of project and reason for waiver request (square footage of existing building area and how it will be used; e.g. 4,000 sQ. ft. total, 2500 retail, 500 storage, 1000 office space). CO~Si!2-uc, S;::J~50.-Jfll_ OISPLA~~Y At2.~A SAL;;S J,..)CLUO/~G GI2..F:..6;J flous ~ A..-J 0 tZ-{;G) SiEfL (8500 So rJ P,qv;:'O 570f2..R66 PI? a .N u t? 5 1Srz. y oP6rJ Sd/t:.,() r; A z.,~ Go ~D rL Existing and proposed uses r: u rL/Z.. f.,;J"1 11".:; 0 0 t2.1 v;::' u,(:) y S~' _ Lot area ,~.SOO Zoning DistrictL...L.Parking required [.Y-/SII---JG Name Ar;(.-.J~Y ::fNC. Renter~ (If renter, attach owner's permission to pursue this inquiry), Address /7D.S You~G5 /iv/'_ ,SDOY)..IOL/) J' I Phone 76S -:S'-t:"?,~ J3/L'_ \/Ad0 -SCJ-IA/GK -fl7GrL ------------------------------------------------------ Please attach a SUNey or sketch of the property, at a 1" to 20' scale, showing the location of all existing and proposed buildings and required parking spaces, for all uses proposed and existing on site. Show which bUildings will have which use. If you need any additional information, or have any questions, please contact Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer, at (516) 765-1938 ;',''-':'" '. '{t{t,ft;Jl, :",,\',.'j:.,' ~.~.I".~\-,\[ji"\'\'.'1j;:; ..,),"1:""1""""\ 14i~r'~',"I';" "I'" :i 'iYl(;Xr'!: <;.' is'f ~""'1'." ~.-~ W: ti!ii.;f.:~:~~ 1 JI;!fJ!i,"h1'l~'i":<: r, :~~~}tt<J3~\'h;':: i. ;!'l.t~;'V~i~&lJ' .,,\ 1~(lwii ,;l~li I; ~\~,':_.':"{lf,J..'?'; : I )J ~ ~ CJ (-I c: (' \' Q \ ::n (' (::> ---( \"'\ :tJ C) Q J;J t t;-. L, \1\ \' -...( 0\ '0 \T\ ,( () "t ~ -::t \J {j\ i,<".. :' .,'. '.'....,i:,. \;~~ I" I, :, :<~>-: -I '. , ".. "-.."...! CJ' ()Q ~ () ? ..::t:. - (f\ ~\ () :e: - .:b ? 2 C't\ '0\ C \r'. cr ~ c: \'\ G1 X i; C :t: 0\ 'i. " ? '-C' >\ " C) 01 <0 (' ~ t: ~ L \I, G\ (f\ ----I ':':., "- . , , WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD G. WARD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 SouthoId, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Edward Forester, Building Department FROM: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer ~ Agway Inc. at Southold Youngs Avenue, Southold SCTM# 1000-60-1-5 RE: DATE: October 23, 1997 As recently discussed, the certification step in the site plan approval process comes too late in the review to correct problems before they occur. , 1!i, ,", As you had mentioned, Laury Dowd is working on formalizing this process. In anticipation of this, I would like your review of the attached Agway application for a Gazebo and greenhouse. PI~, f~1 :ro~"'Lif yo: ) , D\ . / / /~ fJ0 / L---- to discuss this request further. 7i SLOG WN.Q . OEPJ: ':'sQUTH'O -~Lo ~ r--.. ' , '" 1...~ .... ., ~ ". f.\ ~ -i- .. \t) <:;} \.D \ ~..> '"' \I.J ~ Vl '....l. \ V) -{ J'1 \1J c:-, 0)'" () '" . (::l <::::- ct ::l f. <. <i ''- \.j" g ~ ':) '<. ~ Cl_' \.U i?' " J <. :> 'J) ::t ~" \ \U '.u Q ::s'<. ';:J:: ~'YJ <:) ....... (:)\.0 \\ \ f5~ ~ -C\~c;: ..~ -3\.I')Q:- \.t) \ I) 'l. ~\UQ: ~ <::->(<2 'D \.u :::s ~ ~-c:t Q::'~ N0)'{ ....}-~ - ..... ~0!<t ,\.) Vlr-)- ), 0)~ '-..J'\:! ~ ~cr: <;:;!Q: ~ ' ~ \.U~< \.II\!} '-r) '-l. '-.:) ....... C:\ ~ '}'l. \.t. C\ ~ \0 )-~"lc:t: >-- \[} \.u \.u ~ c:0 q::C) C:l..\!)'< <t '\::! '-I.) e>--<:::--.-> 0 ~ ~ {2~ \.u ~ "t" \~ -.1") \~ 'lJc:!S :};:. \~ ~ ~ '4J \.( \fJ\..( <:t. <:t <;t:<. <::> ~ -..J }-'V'l C) X ~ \.lJ<Z: ....) (') ~ <:S:" -r- ~ --.... )--.. 'U ,--...., ..,.'-.:l \.D C\ ':::) ...... 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ANO po _� L m FARM, HGF _ ) APDEN STORE REPROOUCTION• ALTERATION OR UEE OF THIS DRAWING WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF J ° 2 N .y Y � ; AGWAY INC. 19 PROH191TED. T 119 g7 AGWAY INC. SOUTHO' ` 71AYSTORE N N N = z YOUNGS P..3 SCX 608 THOLU MY 11971 SOU u i I i I I i C(2L i d y w _ SALES 4 AREA /V/1 ` Q a S� ORAC � o 0 / \ ooNj0o¢6oo3W�ma3a OZ! wo 0 rRSs Nz � 3 2 I 4 .rtW 1, 2 wo�° H ) GN W. � o� ` As G Q3rn''QW `"� s (30P14,`9-5t, o r r Z � 0 © R7UNTAM / / / uj co fVoG�-r✓ GNv0Sr✓ . l '� �. 0;,-j V ��'� - 1 61 � . Z, s � �� j�A2h � � G o ® 1Mt(� -Zo � Z/>7FJ6b p ?'Pee,2T �� 42Y1 ^�G lEM (7LUy � �s " G� ooO %� �S / ? AG � S YOLD 2 �� 6 " x6S � 7U J}oL0 Pta � IAL� / (7yLL � 75 O . WooO 57/grLf} 2Y rG. / . b� GWo ' 2 � LooKB 7U = Z O /7p C2 1 lloLo vA15 6; 'I' LI z x 01 D / . pp 1LLcl) co NURSERY LEGEND i MARK SIZE TYPE 07Y, T1TLe O 25' x 64' OHEMWN MIDWEST GREEN HOUSE I S I Tr PLAN e ` T F � A'� I O 6'kb" P.T.FLOWER BED SCALE I I" • 20' O ANNUAL BENCHES V OFOCAL DISPLAY onTeeT eHx.er 28-91 F.J.8. K.L. PROJ. NO. 4�1 -34�F-2'1 -58 OWO. NO, eHEET NO. 1 S- 1 E -2-I�✓' S IF I O LL H H SULLIVAN.INC 50 M2 ' 1 ry I I II elIrno Kae� ln N N E 377, ian O Barry LIGE„ 66/7�AG p Mary GE,153) I OEEO' I / JeNp 09 / �I U 1310 PP G R John II'DEED. LOFT? 7/27 Ebbifts / / ` formerly ! ll3 3 ' rIY Robert xEccEnoW 213 0� forme 89p2;'10 � No FENCE P06 50"E Miner N Q' Rose p RIVET NEp0E 331N6o' (33121' zl5_ M ,5181 ro CAU p�r0 GE I „�\ Glibe 1oEEo' 09 7 / loo°3" /SD 1 PorEell ,AfI , S ti m 179¢5620 I mer 1Y Mrs `A for N y5j c O \ fq '��r 0 a \ / 1 0 EVB F \ y5 o AIN m 5"29 00 OrrE ASCOLIC 10p Np0E 1 21",/,H p OLN ++pp055 F - \ \ / AVE�FENyE_ OpFICE0,," n E ° ✓ Ny FNPNEZ�p2 g F WPN EN O ( ,WSppENOUSE i y Z N M P N gP L NN pENC yP ES - 35v SPL 1 IL FENCE i gB.B q65 Fp0A0EE0 269 \/ + ,IA iPNN 0 3 \ \ 0 AREA S\ \ V I /EtPy'. / NU pSEpY SALES ' ypPe/ \\ \ \ NPL1 PANNING \ \ ?4 40 99 m O 5 P,P i 59 v,�u L 1y pOI,E EKISfIN \ \ \ \ 1 p2 \ \F \ \ QPIPE it iV r\ INOp EE4�EEFxOV3E 3A E`O o� \ \ \S 'y`5 \ IZ/r \ FEAYOpp s. SHEO \ 1 \ \ I5 rOLE Ny1 257 8e, I NTNGKZD s1 NE N ®GNPiE oY FNA p, 257 EBEGIN j ^ / I \ \ IPGNTo WANE Ng 55F a \ x102 E e \ I11E5 304 40Uy pOL ' �� // OVENHEADS KP I,IE FENCE ON C 64 'PIE 5o'W z 57V31 a C A" � rn Ny14 G I v' FENLE 50 265 �ofInc. O r 0 0 '0 .x y nPNLI„N 031 �( hl � � t p\ _ y52) 1 l✓ .1 th V' PAGE' \ x j N \ u\ GOI('ISp LIOE 12�S/7GG roihl n 3 O IDES NoWo rd 1 a o_ farmerlY Im /1 � I o PARKING CRITERIA �+ to RETAIL 4685 SF. = 200 = 23.4 STALLS A ' OFFICE I- 4 a 9l0 200 S.F. + 100 = 2.0 STALLS y4 2 WAREHOUSE \ 7831 S.F. + 1000 = 7.8 STALLS \„ GREENHOUSE 1500 S F + 200 = 7.5 STALLS TOTAL REOUIRED STALLS = 40.7 f 1 TOTAL PROVIDED = 41 355 II HEREON FXISTING ARE NOTARKING PAINTED) STALLS SHOWN 56 \ / plEs / - J'A o NPILflOpO /�� I J N re „cE INN SODTHOLD TOWN cM1 ixg4Ns� kl;n a92o 31 5dr NPI`_ / SURVEY/S/TE PLAN FOR: p CoN N N �g7a �, 5,"� /' AGWAY INC. formerly /� / j �" I AT SOUTHOLD / o / TOWN OF SOUTHOLD A W SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK ; ” <<N leeG SCALE / gy=30, o� �OOCT. /3, /983 a,�woxuee ,rr,,,, / NOTE l N- LONG MONUMENT FOUND JUNE /8, /997 P 40409 '4 rNls sunvn Is A 11111"ew,nr„w q G O=IRON RAIL ROAN MONUMENT FOUND rtv1oN noc of rrrt ruw rrnx nnrl 3 0=yAON PIPE FOUND A `P�CAND ..'Pre onT 4 AREA OFPROPERTY= 4233l"LIGH 7- 'I' emeus of wu sysvlr ID 11, elAuw 6 SUEFoL USED/STRICT- L/' L/OHT /NOUSTR/AL 7�+ - - �- VvrID'r rCOS yy:rp il,l bP uM .o ^ x 1eN I SUFFOLX.COUNTY TAX MAP' O/ST. SECT BLK PARCEL ,O /000 oxo oos Young Young, Land Surveyors (356') = 0/STANCES SET FORTH IN DEEDSS 400 OaLrande, Avenue. Riverhead, New York II901 5t5-727-2909 I ee” :a •rru l• A11 eUF Alden N Young, P£ & LS (19011-I59d) ON[v ,U rxt :a en"."lux Wrw.v'ixl mays Howard A. , P E Land Surveyor '1 H,tl nxi n, N o pa Ms GN+[F lu IIIf 1*4s a+rn�e:. Thome C W.1,V. Pro gine— , G.^.VF"a,rI:IAY Aovec,Yy rPa F0.nInG 4Ml,u.l1 , wir,N + O Ikl.Alc,i� a ur \ r..iiP,� rYSi r. Ruf £n Kenn Cell F. Abruazo, Land Surveyor Jahn Sch, Land NO 83-760 u nWill Y1A UwPN le! / l rxls I'M 1} A YIIX to N iC,lqu I'M OI IX' MW ,DIF NAR 9uc.,wni uw ., `NYIr WW MD)am 4 . d .,P,r+,a, ellman Koel1 n ro„sP uu 1.0 Xel u vain 'o N . run sur reel N Nenesle1111sa,v 1011 wa.M No 1BWr N, 61 Pp6E.3991 iIIIQn O se[wAxm, AM 11 ws MAY ,N ON Barry Ep-69 TI p, Mary 6E-15 � le le IZ:., aovsmme Al ANIr EEO LIB I /6/ pNIn95 / [/� Iv1 wo Pp I'llc. eavmoao u.,1MING A,1 (D ,/e N LIpEF" 7/27 bIt}5 .- n rw Asslmun or rNe u1u111c rN F 3 ,) John 1 DEEB 9 /Z e(f Eb / 'Vies.awuwe[s AY NOT n mwlrnAl w,Nuelore wr�Rw.W fOflRe f213 p2 A^ rIY ROb % NEGLERa' 213 N forme =_ 9BoZ3'10 A, FENCE FENCE m 50"E. Nu 05B Miner To (331 (331 ZJ- p MBrp 6Er 518) \\ 100 7 /o3400 pert l p. LI9EBi 155 /- IO Gll (DEE Cell a56'20'' \ e^ Mrs. Pur 4a1', Iy9 o formerly o , T fn /' T Pa1B E5 3 BUILDING mi Q PH'}M m 5029 85 5 00 E 'as�o _ aAeo NG GXaGE 1510", sHo WeX 4ia0 ss F e O ? N. 45 G rc vzo /'ToN 'L/ oD x b m" #.'_ RY ERPNE 1,IL01NF --a'- c NAp EHGUSE f 1 AVE GE E23, O MEI, N O }� Bi0 OUSE - I RapEH /M = m N Lj M 1 fi J D �{ LE tI 115' Z69018'20" 9 2 CNpv/�f N ST,106A9PNaL \1�5 35v Splli flPlI FENCE, ail BB.! pI65 PRCppEED O O \ 1 ,0., _ X > a m HD" (LINir j0 GONG w v®GpRON ppiE GPs 1ANX � V P AIEA � 1A;' ASI A V � \ � � �i •.� ♦ NN" 011 Nd E"Y SALES m a P\\Lpa \ \ \ 3pNp i FABANG 4 i / g11NG A iY PaLE EXI \ w BO uTIo ED PIPEpOBE �m \ 5 i� PpOPOB OFl ENN sALEs 1 AAA0000 A STALY Y i x Fit NEO B.6 SHED \ V 15 \j LE Yi 801 rOp SD 1 \ \ \ 86 ) NIN6 ,1 1 BANE - rE - \ \ / - 257 BEGIN ,I LOCATION MAP J, e1.UNOUsE m� ®EB_p�S1 \ / \ \ \ \ /\�/\�/\y \y� (POIN70� SCALE I" = 600' 1 NAPE s.F. 1 :1529 Y POLE z � o�� \ / -il LlilE PL �• Z 1 / 4 30 4 B ON 'oVEp, , E FENLE °O i, E u v o 19 iG XpG r O� ®Gppi 64 m t> ENY - C L 0.3 1 \ r Yi 14 ♦ \ 10 2 j E ` NA \ — G 0 39 P FEN,a6ASPH LTI� \ I nC O II y ON NXIGiINo 315 'k -( lhl 1zz �clr!Mli OF E p65 Q, 25p I o x U PAGE m N G�IIq5r LaERz 5 161j1 as 3 o- ILEE HOA'Brd G 1 o ffrm erIV \ 1 LOT COVERAGE TOTAL AREA = 184420 S F OR 4 2337 ACRES EXISTING STRUCTURES = 12750 SY OR 69% u\ N 257 8-8'1 ) PROPOSED STRUCTURES = 1500 S F OR '8% Oo TOTAL AREA OF STRUCTURES = 14250 S OR 7 77 w w = PARKING CRITERIA RETAIL 4685 S.F a 200 = 23.4 STALLS O 1` g � 0 /� OFFICE 94opB I 200 S.F. + 100 = 2.0 STALLS WAREHOUSE \ 7831 SF. _ 1000 = 7.8. STALLS / N - \ GREENHOUSE 1 W \ 169 1500 S.F. - 200 = 7.5 STALLS o01140 TOTAL REQUIRED STALLS = 40 7 \ M' TOTAL PROVIDED = 41 (NOTE: EXISTING PARKING STALLS SHOWN HEREON ARE NOT PAINTED) R i 1HaGXE O (/�n D o ppaHOpO �� I�/ O L� IN IS 0 V 6 rt FA v /�N ENCE i I` ip ,- �/ PLANNING DOARD SONTNOLD TOWN 11 r GoRkl D w N 81 o4920 /* AI_-870 50 W paapGPG / i N / SURVEY/S1TE PLAN FOR: y fprmerlY %GW%Y, 11VC. AT SOUrHOLD P r TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 3UFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK SCALE" / 1/- 301 OCT. /3, /983 } NOTE l 5= CONC MONUMENT FOUND JUNE /8, 1997 L AzIRON RAILROAD MONUMENT FOUND JULY 25, /997 3 0-IRON PIPE FOUND ii 4 AREA OF PROPERTY= 9 2337 MIRES ,L 1 5 ZONING USE PERrYz - L/ CRSS /NDUSTR/AL TL 1 6 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP DIST SECT Sl PARCEL 1000 060 oI 005 / Young & Young, Land Surveyors /356'/ = DISTANCES SET FORTH IN:LEEDS I fl 400 Ostrander Avenue, Rwerhead, New York 1/901 ' Alden W. Young,YP.E &SGS (1908-1990) fioward W. Young, Land Sumeyor 1 Thoma-, C. Wolperr, PIefemonal Engineer dl Kenneth F Abrezzo, Land Surveyor John Schauer. Land Surveyor NO. 83-760 „OMO'£Z£OL6„ - O O L 30 L ON 133HS (C31NlVd lON 3VN0383H NMOHS i S-nV1S ONINNVd ONLLSIX3 310N) - £Z£0 — L6u 'ON 80f wimisnONl 1HOn in, — 10181SIO 3Sn ONINOZ 'S ,OZ = ,,c 31VOSS3N0V L££Z'b — A1d3dONd d0 V38V b L66L '9 'onv 31V0 Lb = 0301AONd 1V101 ONnO,l 3dld NMJI = O '£ L'04 = Slltl15 03NIn03N 1V101 Slltl1S S L = OOZ + YS OOSI ONnOd 1N3Wf1NOW OtlON IIw a NONI = 'Z C ONnOd 1N3WnNOW = 'l 'i a 35 3NO :S310N S71V15 9'L = 000 �` 'd'S Wl£RL ' 3snOH3N1 M SlIvis 0 Z = OOL + 'd'S OOZ 301dd0 SllV1S b'£Z = OOZ + '3'S 9994 �1�r,rjJ,J';70� 1IV138 I'Ir 0NV089NINNvld ,qpm N5' VI83ildO 9NUR1Vd NMOL 010HIDOS \ qeB N L69 Cj * 6L'L NO '1'S OSZbL = S3Nn10n815 30 V38tl 1V101 s\ Roy ., ,y .•� r\ �� � _II rr11 �I Q iCc-o�y i a�• ..A2 %80 NO 3'S OOSI = S3Nn1OMS 03SOdWAI \\ NN SMOV LO£ £Z'b NOL J'S OZ448L = V38VNlV101 \ _ - 'm.a 30V83A00 iM NVd ITIS c / / d \°� a�=ie a=is°ia / pzsv.ye ;dour xol 'o0 'ilnS QA\d��\ / / / •. 900 l0 '°n°=s 090 000, \v MaN ' juno0 IlobbnS oJoa,\Ja / MOHinos :do uMol OIOHinos :7V d� / 1� S "3NI `AVMD :aoJ ,k3na'ris / / / es is cw`o' a s / 09 / RUN M, 0 i'6 y6 ONet. \u o\ B I N\ o \ °o \.o 0+I o \ Ma° \00 wnl c o CDpip X�\`�sP \ SJ oNos°'ay,�”\vN'� '�+ T ;say , \U,�!L � M°U \ u,JdN 3� /* \ � � CD Rog e '35a'BQ O d ° �• � / � / / /moi N t y,VHdSJ \ u 3pVN afiv 2 ✓"3'\pd ' / / \ \ \ I .j s o09� o 09 ti Of \ \ a35NNN 53-ws F / 1Pds Q� 006SJ /u 3yVa9 "\ L,VHdSJ J S\'A3 W .� 3ad Obd 59" 806 /a/ d / Ly,VNdS �.,aN3i N00 sus A\ �d N { 'eiZ /39vrNO1 35POyoyS / /* -mq �F6 OOObs°6() SAS ols� •ip £,g 0 \ is y9ps ONIOI\n9 £04 two Y N _ _ 3 • 6 w O 4All �e 9s ,009 = „L 37VOS dVW N011V001 O9 \� RN �' a�lo1 / .OZ956�N ^�pbCNON n.�z ✓ �I "r \, 3�93H y3Mad `\�\\\a SOI`JOV pU a .\cl f0} }O M C N i /v CDw 3pN3� 3 OS g0^ 'I / 38IM >�" �,a. .9N., /�1 li, � •N � s3oo3N io rooa O � s � m o,4z6e §��,�, a, e 'g \ }°a5 to Mo 10} „96u\a=mlbv} bupug4 loaar ns puny 'aenuyos uyop 'oaana auua aalLanans Pun? 9d '.4 W7 X 1 aaauy6ug ynu iuv7 o'fl }radlay D muaoyy i ' a1-80616 Puv7 •6Zd ' •dL A 'A u (4661-806!) S'7 8 X'd 'fiuno,[ •V uapyy EOEZ—LZL—O[5 � ' !0V< xaOA -RV 'pv9Va.aaly 'anuaay aapuva780 006 sAoftanans puro7 ',6unOA .F 6unOA 0 o � I