HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-12.-1-18 ,V la -l- I ~ Mw York State Department of Environmental Conservation g Division of Environmental Permits, Region 1 SUNY @ Stony Brook ~r 50 Circle Road, Stony Brook, NY 11790-3409 Phone: (631) 444-0403 • Fax: (631) 444-0360 Website: www.dec.nV.QOV Joe Martens Commissioner May 17, 2013 E C ~ Christen M. Craig MA.Y 2 1201 C & S Engineers, Inc. 499 Col. Eileen Collins Blvd. Syracuse, NY 13212 Re: Comments on Scoping for Environmental Assessment for Improvements at Elizabeth Field Airport, Fishers Island, NY Dear C & S Engineers: Thank you for offering the Department of Environmental Conservation the opportunity to comment on the scoping for the Environmental Assessment of the proposed improvements at Elizabeth Field Airport. The proposed project will require Tidal and Freshwater Wetland permits from this agency. The following comments apply to the Environmental Impact Categories (as provided in your letter of April 22, 2013) of Wetlands, Water Quality, Fish, Wildlife, and Plants, and Coastal Resources: The proposal to lengthen and widen Runway 30 and the associated seawall stabilization and relocation must be assessed for potential adverse impacts to wetlands, water quality, fish, wildlife, plants, and coastal resources in general. • The relocation of the seawalls 100 feet seaward of their present location would result in the filling of a substantial area of tidal wetlands classified as coastal shoals, bars and mudflats, and littoral zone. A specific assessment of the biological productivity of these areas should be conducted as some coastal shoals, bars and flats and some littoral zones are areas of extremely high biological productivity and are nearly or equally as important in this respect as intertidal marshes and coastal fresh marshes. Even in less productive areas, however, values other than marine food production are often present, and these areas often have the potential to become more biologically productive in the future. Because of their location at the land-water interface, coastal shoals, bars and flats and littoral zones play an important role in flood and hurricane and storm control, cleansing of the ecosystem, and absorbing silt and organic materials. The potential impact of the project on these values and functions of the tidal wetlands should be assessed, and project alternatives such as relocating the runway to be expanded toward the center of the airport and away from the coastline should be examined in the environmental assessment. This assessment and evaluation of alternatives will also be necessary when the applicant applies for a Tidal Wetlands permit from this Department. Filling of tidal wetlands is classified as a "presumptively incompatible activity" by the Tidal Wetland regulations (6NYCRR Part 661). Section 661.9 b (v) states, 1fa proposed regulated activity is a presumptively incompatible use under such section, there shall be a presumption that the proposed regulated activity may not be undertaken in the subject area because it is not compatible with the area involved or with the preservation, protection or enhancement of the present or potential values of tidal wetlands if undertaken in that area. The applicant shall have the burden of overcoming such presumption and demonstrating that the proposed activity will be compatible with the area involved and with the preservation, protection and enhancement of the present and potential values of tidal wetlands. " Thus, the applicant will need to clearly establish the need for the project, and if there are compelling reasons why the project cannot be redesigned to avoid the destruction of tidal wetlands and the disturbance and increased coverage by impervious surfaces in the tidal wetland adjacent area, these reasons must be clearly and fully set forth in the application for a tidal wetlands permit. • The New York Natural Heritage Program database indicates that several endangered or threatened species have been identified in the project area and vicinity. A "marine rocky/intertidal" community classified as "critically imperiled" is identified in both areas of proposed seawall stabilization and relocation. The piping plover, a NYS endangered/US threatened species, was identified in an area south of Runways 7 & 30. Purple Milkweed and Northern Gama Grass, NYS threatened vascular plants, were also identified in the area immediately adjacent to the western ends of ends of runways 7 & 12. Surveys should be conducted to ascertain the presence and location of these endangeredtthreatened species so that potential impacts can be assessed and appropriate mitigation measures identified. • The increased coverage by impervious surfaces in the tidal wetland and adjacent area is likely to result in an increase in surface water runoff to tidal waters. This impact should be assessed, and alternatives such as installing drainage/stormwater treatment systems should be examined in the environmental assessment. • The proposed project is located in the Fisher's Island Critical Environmental Area which was designated to benefit human health and protect drinking water. The potential impact of the project on the Critical Environmental Area should be evaluated in the environmental assessment. The following comments apply to the Environmental Impact Categories of Coastal Resources, and Historic, Architectural, Archeological: • The proposed project must be assessed for its consistency with applicable coastal policies as set forth by the New York State Coastal Management Program. • The project site is located in an area of known archeological sensitivity and in the vicinity of the World War II era Fort H.G. Wright. The New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation must be consulted in order to identify historic and/or archeological resources. located in the project area, and to assess the potential impacts of the proposed project on those resources. Please forward any further correspondence regarding NEPA and SEQRA reviews of this project to my attention at the above address. Sin rely, -1 a ~ Sherri Aicher Environmental Analyst cc: Brian Cummings, Town of Southold TRUSTEES John M. Brcdemeyer. III, President Albert J. Krupski. Jr.. Vice President Henry P. Smith John B. Tuthill William G. Albertson Telephone (51(,) 765-1K92 Fax (516) 765-IKn ~plLl "1.1., 1993 . .. c. K .Et;>w/IR!J:)-, 7"lU< . $t{~Fit.-~ t/S -~ SUPERVISOR SCOTT L HARRIS ~'l.dU:'">. . f ----<":i' . \\ <;,UfFOl.t "c.o;. c" ~JI't'''' ".. j ~v ~"" ~',9 " ~ '\' Cl.:::::. :....c:. (, - N en ;ef! '~eo ~r; ~~Q ~~ ".19 '.l + i' ,fl' "C22. _ .{}r' ~~Qa'-:I7-J-f;J.J-" BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD li,wn Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 117') SoutlHlld. New York 11971 Ms. Valerie Scopaz, Director Town of Southold ')3095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Ms. Scopaz, Enclosed please find an applicat:ion packet as submitted to this office by C&S Engineers, Inc. on behalf of the Town of Southold for both a local Wetland Permit pursuant to Town Code Chapter 97 and a Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Permit under the local law provisions of ECL Article 34 as implemented in Town Code Chapter 37. This office would like to assume the role of Lead Agency as provided for in the State Environmental Quality Review Act. Please contact this office no later than May 25, 1993 with your agency comments with regards to the instant application. Should your agency wish to aSSlline lead agency status for this application we must have your w:ritten comments received in the Trustee Office no later than May 26, 1993 for consideration at our May 29, 1993 regular meetin9. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, ll--t- ,- ~'-"r~T Jo~JM. Bredemeyer, III. President, Board of Trustees JMB/djh ~D--'if--;')'-'r'i-l1'~~ '" "1 Lt '(! ,I ,I I Ii:: II"<) ror~;-1~';"" : soun~' . Pti..," .,..... , I ,..1 ~r . ljjj- / .'i~:JI leSS Engineers, Inc. March 18, 1993 John M. Bredemcyer, III President Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 1020 Seventh North Street, Liverpool. New York 13088.6199 (315) 457.6711 fax (315) 457.9803 Re: Elizabeth Field Airport Runway Overlay and Riprap Berm Project File: 211.006.002 Dear Mr. Bredemeyer: On behalf of the Town of Southold, C&S Engineers Inc. (C&S), is providing professional services for the design of a runway overlay project which includes the construction of a riprap berm and the option of installing a temporary asphalt plant at the Elizabeth Field Airport on Fishers Island (please see Attachment" A "). The riprap berm is proposed to be situated within the Town's Coastal Erosion Hazard Area, near a tidal wetland. The purpose of this letter is to request a Coastal Erosion Management permit and Town Wetlands permit from the Town of Southold Board of Trustees for the previously mentioned project. C&S will secure a tidal wetland permit for the proposed riprap berm form the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the Corps of Engineers (if applicable) prior to construction of the rip rap berm. Part 1 of the State's Full Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) is enclosed so that the Board of Trustees, as Lead Agency, can initiate processing of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA). Also enclosed is a completed Coastal Erosion Management Permit and Town Wetland Permit application, site plan, riprap detail, location map, and copies of correspondences between C&S and other agencies. If the Board has any questions or needs additional information, please contact me. Very truly yours, fr!S' . .-;:: 'i") Ifil ULI! APR 2 2 1993 L---- SO~.JT: ;,; -, PL;\~; ~.l i, ;'; C , " ,..-........ """"'^\ l 1',: C&S ENGINEERS, INC. L... /1 I ^ /}7 r'f 'I c::TC1...\.Ll I -a jA/ Sara S. Freda Assistant Planner ssf enclosures cc: Scott Harris, Town Supervisor, Town of Southold Phil Knauff, Manager, Fishers Island Ferry District CofJ1 __I. 'J JJ;:~ ~nf - pd.~1 OJ (04.... .., ' . . ATTACHMENT "A" PROJECT DESCRlPTION RUNW A Y OVERLAY ELIZABETH FIELD AIRPORT FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK The proposed runway overlay project consists of overlaying both runways at Elizabeth Field Airport with asphalt in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) specifications. In an effort to minimize disruption of ferry operations and runway closure at the airport, the contractor will have the option of constructing a temporary a~phalt plant on airport property. Locating the plant on site will provide the Town with more control over the installation of the asphalt. The temporary asphalt plant, if constructed, will be located northeast of Runway 30, approximately halfway between the ends of Runways 25 and 30 on an existing gravel road. The temporary plant will be completely dismantled upon completion of the runway overlay project. The contractor will choose which type of plant to build as there are basically three types of plants currently in use: batch, mix and continuous mix plants. The major components of an asphalt plant include the cold feed system, the asphalt supply system, the aggregate dryer, mixing tower, and emission control tower. The plant tower consists of several elements: hot elevator, screen deck, hot bins, weigh hopper, asphalt cement weigh bucket, and pugmill. Aggregate will be stockpiled at the plant. The proposed riprap berm is approximately 220 feet long and will be constructed in accordance with the enclosed detail. The proposed berm shall be sihlated between the west end of Runway 7 and the Atlantic Ocean. The riprap berm will be constructed from existing boulders located on airport property. Beach grass will be planted in accordance with NYSDEC specifications in the sandy area that is situated between the west end of Runway 7 and the eastern edge of the riprap. The purpose of the riprap berm is to alleviate the build up of sand on the Runway 7 end. C'I,S d . TRUSTEES John M. Bredcmeyer, III, President Henry P. Smith, Vice President Albert J. Krupski, Jr. Jolm L. Bednoski, Jr. Jolm B. Tuthill Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516)765-1823 . SUPERVISOR SCOIT L. HARRIS TO\'onllall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTI1OLD COASTAL EROSION MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION TOHN WETLANDS PERHIT APPLICATION TRUSTEE LANDS PERMIT APPLICATION Office Use Only: .ICoastal Erosion Permit Application" St11(ftOi>i o:JL'I ) Hetland permi t Application ("1'1/).41-- ;Jv,,1 ' Trustee Lands Permit Application Grandfather Completed Apps. Date: J~Variance Required, Neighbors notified Date: / SEQRA Type UNLlJ il!P ;,.; Ctfi Coord. Review-opt. mand. Date Rec. by Office 7Illsp. comp./date: :i;i6tr3 SEQRA Determin./date: Public Hearing/date: Findings: Permit Vote: (Y/N): Special Conditions: (also see file) Application Fee: Application Nwnber; SCTI1 #1000-. Froject Name (If any) Elizabeth Field Airport - Runway Overlay Date Prepared: 3/18/93 Applicant: Town of Southold Addre.ss: Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 Phone (516) 765-1800 Interest: (m.;ner, consultant,lessee,etc.) Owner of Property: Address Same Owner Town of Southald Phone ( - Subject Property Location: Elizabeth Field Airport, Fishers Island, NY (Provide LILCO Pole #, Distance to cross Streets if not on lOcati.on map) , . . Yds. to be excavated: N/A Yds. to be filled: ~/A Manner in which materi al will be removed or deposited: /ihs existing sand that is located on the runways will be returned to the beac y means of a back] Width of canal, creek or bay fronting property: N/A Depth a t low tide: N/ A Aver. rise in tide: Distance to nearest channel: N/A Distance project extends beyond similar projects in area: N/A Area zoning: R-40 Land area in acres: 193 acres = Airport Property Is project for private or business use: Public Use Intended use of property: Existing Public Use Airport Describe known prior operations conducted on premises: Existing public use airport Has any prior license or permit been issued to erect structures, dredge, or deposit fill on said premises: A building permit for the electrical building was issued by the Town in 1992. An Article 25 Wetlands Permit for the runway lights & runway sand removal was issued by the DEC in June 199; Has any license or permi t ever been revoked or suspended by a (permit II Governmental Agency: Not that we know of. 1-4738-00506/ 00001-0) Project Description The project description must also include plans for reclamation of land disturbed during construction of the principle and accessory structures and underground structures (i.e., pipeline and septic system; make additional attachments if necessary). Runway Overlay Project. Please see enclosed cover letter to Mr. John Bredemeyer for project description. Authorization (Where the applicant is not the owner) I Scott L. Harris Town Hall, Town of Southald, (Mailing address-phone) residing at (Print-owner of subject property) 53095 ~lain Rd., Southold, NY 119/1 do hereby aUl:horize CiS Englneers to apply for Coastal Er~sion permit(sJ from the Southold Town Trustees " .] /() (' c_ // ./ I 4.- ./'CI'/~:~... i::2~ q;~_~ . . 617.21 SEQR Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequently, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasurable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may be technically expert in environmental analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic project data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and 3. Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that mRY occur from a project or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially-large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFIC.t\NCE - Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: [X] Part 1 [ ] Part 2 [ ] Part 3 Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF (Parts 1 and 2 and ~~ if appropriate), and any other supporting information, and considering both the magnitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: [ ] A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will not have significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will bE~ prepared. [ ] B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in Part 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared. * [ ] C_ The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. * A conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions Elizabeth Field Airport: Runway Overlay Project Name of Action Town of Southold Board of Trustees Name of Lead Agency John M. Bredemever. III President Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer 2-rL{CL, -T1l.Lf{J...., C?-(S ~nqli~c<0(S ,.=tf\C- Signature of Responsible Office in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer (If different from responsible officer) Date -1- . . PARTf-PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared! by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whethl3r the action proposed may have a significant effect on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be considered as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additional information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent all information currently available and will not involve new studies, research, or investigation, If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and specify each instance. Name of Action Elizabeth Field Airport: Runway Overlay Project Location of Action (Include Street Address, Municipality and County) Elizabeth Field Airport, Fishers Island, NY (Town of Southold, Suffolk County) Name of Applicant/Sponsor Business Telephone Town of Southold (516) 765.1800 Address Town Hall, 53095 Main Road City IPO State Zip Code Southold New York 11971 Name of Owner (If different) Business Telephone Town of Southold ( ) Address City IPO State Zip Code Description of Action: The proposed runway overlay project consists of overlaying both runways at Elizabeth Field Airport with asphalt in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) specifications, In an effort to minimize disruption of ferry operations and runway closure at the airport, the contractor will have the option of constructing a temporary asphalt plant on airport property, Locating the plant on site will provide the Town more control over the installation of the asphalt. The temporary asphalt plant, if constructed, will be located northeast of Runway 30, approximately halfway between the ends of Runways 25 and 30 on an existing gravel road. The temporary plant will be completely dismantled upon completion of the runway overlay project. The selected contractor will choose which type of plant to build as there are basically three types of plants currently in use: batch, mix and continuous mix plants. The major components of an asphalt plant include the cold feed system, the asphalt supply system, the aggregate dryer, mixing lower, and emission control tower. The plant tower consists of several elements: hot elevator, screen deck, hot bins, weigh hopper, asphalt cement weigh bucket, and pugmill. Aggregate will be stockpiled at the plant. The project also includes the construction of a riprap berm approximately 220 feet long. The proposed berm shall be situated between the west end of Runway 7 and the Atlantic Ocean. Beach grass will be planted in accordance with NYSDEC specifications in the sandy area that is situated between the west end of Runway 7 and the eastern edge of the riprap. The purpose of the riprap berm is to alleviate the build up of sand on Runway 7 end. Please complete Each Question - Indicate N.A If not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas, 1. Present land use: ) Urban ] Forest J Industrial ] Agriculture f ] Commercial [J Residential (suburban) [] Rural(non-farm} [X] Other Public Use: Municipal Airport -2- -, . . . 2, Total acreage of project area: the airport site is -193 acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) Forested Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland,pasture, etc.) Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of EeL) Water Surface Alea Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces Other (Indicate type) beach AFTER COMPLETION 2.5 acres acres acres acres acres .05 acres acres acres PRESENTLY plant site 2.5 acres acres acres acres acres acres acres riprao berm 7 Runwavs = 7 ,05 acres 3. Vv'hat is predominant soil type(s) on project site? BridQehampton silt loam (Bml at the asphalt plant location and a combination of Dune land (Du) & Beaches (Be) at the r10rap berm location. a. Soil Drainage: {X] Well drained (8m soils) 100 % of site [ ] Poorly drained _ % of site [ ] Moderately well drained _ % of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soi'l are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the NYS Land Classification System? N/A acres. (See 1 NYCRR 370) 4, Ale there bedrock outcroppings on project site? [ ] Yes [X] No a. VVhat is depth to bedrock? > 4' ~n feet) 5, Approximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: [ ] 10-15%_ % [X] IJ.10% 100 % [ ] 15% or greater _ % 6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or the National Registers of Historic Places? [ ] Yes [X ] No 7, Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? ] Yes [X J No 8. What is the depth of the water table? ~ On feet) 9, Is sIte located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifl~r? Unknown ] Yes [J No 10, Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? ] Yes [X] No 11. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? [ J Yes [X] No According to: US Fish and Wildlife Service, Cortland, NY stated that there are no Federallv listed, endanqered or proposed species: however, the Fishers Island Nature Conservatory indicated that the Tern, roseate (Sternadouqallii douoalliil & the Pipino Plover (Charadrius melodus) may be present at the airport. The Tern is listed as ~EndanQered" while the PipinQ Plover is "Threatened". Both nest durinQ the late sprinQ throuah earlv summer. In order to minimize any potential conflict between the proposed proiect and the birds, construction is planned to start after September 1st. The NYSDEC indicated that there may be the presence of a State endanqered olant Anoelica (Anqelica Lucidallocated .on Fishers Island: howevN, the aqsncv did not specify where on the Island. 12. Ale there any unique or unusual land forms on the project sHe? O.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) [ ] Yes [X] No Describe: The beach area where the ripr.ap is proposed is rocky and at times (dependinq on the weather) sloped which is typical (not unique) for the island. 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? [ J Yes [X] No If yes, explain: The site is an existina airport 14, Does the present site include scenic views known to be impclrtant to the community? [ ] Yes [X] No 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: lY..8... 3. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary:~ 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: a. Name: NYSDEC Tidal Wetland (Classification: SM) is approximatelv 15 feet from the proposed riprap. There are other State and possiblv Federallv requlated freshwater wetlands on airport property: however, none of which are adiacent to the Runwav or temporary asphalt plant. b. Size (In acres): The tidal wetland continues siano the shore of the entire Island. -3- ., . . 17. Is the site served by existing public utilities? [X] Yes I No a. If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? [X) Yes ] No b. If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? IX I Yes I No 18. Is the site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-M, Section 303 and 304? [ I Yes [X I No 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental AIea designated pursuant to Article 8 of the EeL, and 6 NYCRR 6177 [X]Ves I ]No 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? [ ] Yes [X] No B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor airport property is 193 acres. b. Project acreage to be developed: asphalt plant = 2.5 acres, RunwaY overlay = 7 acres, & riprap berm 220 linear feet initially; N/A acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped ~ aGres. d. Length of project: the proposed riprap is 220 linear feet (If appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of Bxpansion proposed ~ %; f. Number of off.street parking spaces existing ..J::Yl.L ; proposed N/A g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour .Bm.roximatelv 2 trucks per day for less than one month for the construction of the asphalt plant. The trucks that utilize the asphalt plant will remain on airport property durinQ the runway overlay proiect Upon completion of project? There will be no permanent traffic Qenerated as the asphalt plant is temporary and a riprap berm does not oenerate vehicular traffic. h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: i~/A One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium Initially Ultimately i. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure the hiQhest part of the asphalt plant will be 70 feet and the widest will be 150 feet. The riprap will be apProximately 220 linear feet. 6 feet hioh and 10 feet wide at its base j. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? ~ ft. 2. How much natural material (i.e., rock, earth, etc.) will be removed from the site? ~ tons/cubic yards 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? [XIVes [INo [IN/A a. If yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? all disturbed areas includino the asphalt plant area will be returned to their orioinal condition at the completion of the Droiect. b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation ] Yes I No [X] N/A c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ] Yes I No [X ) N/ A 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? ~ acres. 5. Will any mature forest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? [ ] Yes [X J No 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction _ month, (including demolition). -4- ., 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. . . 7. If multi-phased: one runway will overlaid at a time: therefore, there will be two phases for the overlav oroiect. a. Total number of phases anticipated ~ (number) b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 ~1:.. month 1993 year, (including demolition) c. Approximate completion date of final phase Jan._ month 1994 year. d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? IX] Yes [ J No 8. Will blasting occur during construction? [ I Yes IX ] No 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction ~; after project is complete -L. 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project..2-. 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? If yes, explain; [ ] Yes IX I No 12. Is surtace liquid waste disposal involved? [ J Yes IX J No a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount ~ b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharge-:! -.1:1i..A.. 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? Type: N/A [ ) Yes [X I No 14. Will suriace area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? Explain: N/A I ] Yes [X J No 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 1 DO-year flood plain? IX] Yes ] No 16. Will the project generate solid waste? On Iv durinq operation of the asphalt plant. [X J Yes [ ] No a. If yes, what is the amount per month 2 tons b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? IX] Yes I ] No c. If yes, give name N/A ; location JQJ)e determined bv the contractor d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or iinto a sanitary landfill: I ] Yes IX J No e. If Yes, explain: N/A Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? I ] Yes IX] No a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? N/A . tons/month. b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? .l::1JA years. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? I J Yes IX J No IX rYes [ ] No Will project routinely produce odors? (Only durinQ the runwav overlay project) Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? (durinq construction) IX J Yes I J No Will project result in an increase in energy use? If yes, indicate type(s) electrical power is required to operate the temporary asphalt plant [XI Yes I I No If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity N/A gallons/minute. 23. Total anticipated water usage per day beach crass will be maintained with imported water to be provided by the contractor. [X J Yes [ ) No 24. Does project involve local, state, or federal funding? If Yes, explain: Federal (FAA 90%1. State (NYSDOTl & Local (Town of South old 5%l -5- . . 25. Approvals Required: Submittal Type Date Town Board of Trustees [X] Yes I ] No Coastal Erosion ManaQement Permit March 1993 Town Board of Trustees [X] Yes I ) No Town Wetlands Permit March 1993 City, Town Zoning Board I ] Yes [X] No Other Local Agencies [X J Yes [ ] No Town Fundino State Agencies [X] Yes [ ] No Coastal Consistency (DOS) June 1993 State Agencies [X] Yes I ) No Article 25 Tidal Wetlands Permit June 1993 Federal Agencies IX] Yes I ] No Section 404 Wetland Permit June 1993 Federal Agencies IX J Yes [ ] No AlP Fundinq C. Zoning and Planning Information 1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision'? 11 Yes, indicate decision required: [ J zoning amendment [ ) site plan I ] Yes IX] No J zoning variance ] new/revision of master plan ] special use permit ] resource management plan ] subdivision ] other 2. What is the zoning classification{s) of the site: R-40 (Aesidl~ntial 10 acre minimuml 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if dtlveloped as permitted by the present zoning? Residential 10 acre minimum lot size (approximatelv 19 lots if no airport) 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? N/A 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site jf developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? ~ 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended USEiS in adopted local land use plans? [X] Yes [ ] No 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a % mile radius of proposed action? Public Use (dump) & Residential Uses surround the airport. surroundinq zoninq is RAOa (residential1Q acre minimum). 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surroundin!~ land uses within a '/4 mile? [X ] Yes I ] No 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? ti.ffi What is the minimum lot size proposed? N/A to. Will proposed action require any authorization (s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? [ ] Yes [X ) No 11. Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police, fire protection)? [ ] Yes [X) No If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demcLnd? !iffi ) Yes [] No 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? ] Yes [X ) No If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? ti.ffi ] Yes [] No D. Information Details Attach any addition a! information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. E. Verification I cenify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. Applicant/Sponsor Name I.) > ",,{, Signatur~,/""; C :' c."'/(-,/ ~ /%.~...' ___ ~ I~ . ~ If the action is In the Coastal area, and you are a state agency, comph~te the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. Scott L. Harris ff:, . '., ~ Date" '. Title Town Supervisor -6- . . January 15, 1993 1- Re: Elizabeth Field Airport Environmental Information Request File: 211.006.002 Dear 2 - : On behalf of the Town of Southold, C&S Engineers, Inc., is providing assistance in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment Form (loAF), as required by the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) for the following improvements at Elizabeth Field Airport, Fishers Island, New York: · Runway Overlay Project · Riprap Sea Wall Elizabeth Field Airport is situated within a Critical Environmental Area (CEA) designated by the Town of Southold. Pursuant to 6 NYCRR Section 617.4(h), SEQR, an unlisted action occurring within a CEA must be treated as a Type I action; therefore, coordinated review and a full EAF are required. This letter is a request for your office's assistance in identifying any possible areas of environmental concern at the airport. The proposed runway overlay project consists of overlaying both runways at Elizabeth Field Airport with asphalt in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) specifications. In order to minimize disruption of ferry operations and runway closure at the airport, the construction of an on-site temporary asphalt plant has been proposed. Locating the plant on site will allow the town much more control over the installation of the asphalt. The temporary plant will be located northeast of Runway 31, approximately halfway between the east ends of Runway 25 and Runway 31 on an existing gravel road. The plant is temporary and will be completely dismantled and removed from the island upon completion of the runway overlay project. The selected contractor will choose which type of plant to construct as there are basically three types of plants currently in use in the United States: batch plant, drum mix plants and continuous mix plants. The major components of an asphalt plant include the cold-feed system; the asphalt cement supply system; the aggregate dryer, mixing tower, and emission control system. The plant tower consists of several elements: hot elevator, screen deck, hot bins, weigh hopper, asphalt cement weigh hucket and pugmill. Aggregate will also be stockpiled at the plant. . . 2- March 18, 1993 Page 2 The proposed riprap sea wall consists of approximately 220 linear feet of large boulders (approximately) 2 tons each) placed on the existing slope between the west end of Runway 7 and the Atlantic Ocean. The rip rap will be approximately 15 feet wide at its base, placed at a I: I slope, 6 feet in height, measured from the existing grade. Beach grass will be planted in accordance with NYSDEC specifications in the sandy area that is situated between the west end of Runway 7 and the eastern edge of the riprap. The purpose of the riprap is to alleviate the sand washing onto the runway end during small storms. A tidal wetlands permit application pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1977 and Article 25, 6 NYCRR 661, for the proposed rip rap sea wall will be filed with the appropriate agencies at the completion of SEQR. A location map and site plan are enclosed for your review. If you need further information, please contact me. Very truly yours, C&S ENGINEERS, INC. Sara S. Freda Assistant Planner SSF:beh Enclosures cc: Me R. Phil Knauff - Manager, Fishers Island Ferry District Me Scott L. Harris - Town Supervisor, Town of Southold Me Bruce W. Clark - C&S . . ELIZABETH F1ELD AIRPORT, F1SHERS ISLAND SEQR DISTRIBUTION LIST Mr. R. Phil Knauff Manager Fishers Island Ferry District Fishers Island, NY 06390 Division of Regulatory Affairs NYS DEC, Region I SUNY Campus Building 40 StonyBrook, NY I 1794 Mr. Scott L. Harris Supervisor Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Mr. Thomas Jorling, Commissioner NYS DEC 50 Wolf Road Albany, NY 12233 Mr. John M. Bredemeyer, ill President Town Board of Trustees 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Mr. Philip Brito, Manager Federal Aviation Administration New York Airports District Off. 181 South Franklin Avenue Valley Stream, NY 11581 Mr. Stanley A. Pauzer District Manager Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation Riverhead County Center, Room E-16 Riverhead, New York 11901 Mr. Russ Vachon Bureau Head, Aviation Bureau NYSDOT, 1220 Washington Ave. State Campus Albany, NY 12226 Mr. Arthur H. Kunz, Director Suffolk County Planning Department H. Lee Dennison Building, 12th Floor Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11788 Mr. James Kuzloski, Director Planning & Development NYS DOT, Region 10 NYS Office Building Veterans Memorial Hwy. Hauppauge, NY 11788 Ms. Valerie Scopaz Planning Director Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Mr. Kim Blot, Director NYS Depl. of Agriculture & Markets I Winners Circle Capital Plaza Albany, NY 12235 Mr. John Thatcher Fisher Island Nature Conservancy P.O. Box 132 Green Village, NJ 07935 Mr. Leonard Corin Field Supervisor US Depl. of Interior Fish & Wildlife 3817 Luker Road Cortland, NY 13045 AIR \^ \ DisU)Q. \ Eliabct.1l January15,l99J . . Mr. Robert Hargrove, Chief Environmental Impact Branch US Environmental Protection Agency Region 2 26 Federal Plaza New York, NY 10278 Mr. David Gillespie, Director Field Services Bureau NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Peebles Island P.O. Box 189 Waterford, NY 12188-0189 United States Army Corps of Engineers Department of the Army Attention Chief, Regulatory Branch NY District, Corps of Engineers 26 Federal Plaza New York, NY 10278 Mr. Burrell Buffington Significant Habitat Unit NYS DEC Information Services 700 Troy Schenectady Road Latham, NY 12110-2400 AlR\A\Dl.llLCkk.\Elizabet..b Ja.nuary 15, 1993 p------. J-o-""'....t . ***SIG~IFICA~T COASTAL FISE A~J WILDLIFE HABITAT**" PROJECT D2SCRIP~IO~J THS RAC::: LOCAT ION AND DESCR! PTIOr, Of HABITAT: The Race is an area of open water located between Race Point, at the I-Iestern end of Fishers Island, and Valiant Rock, located approximately one and one-half miles southwest of Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County (NOAA Nautical Chart No. 13205). The fish and \'.ilolife habitat is a very deep channel (over 150 fee:: in depth), ap?roximtely one mile ,:ide, and bordered by steep under~ater slopes rising up to relatively shallow'water (less than 30 feet deep) on each side. This approximate 2500 acre area is the primary opening in the underwater ridge separating Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound, and is an area of very turbulent tidal exchange. FISH AND WILDLIFE VALUES: The Race represents a very unusual physical environment in Ne~ York State. The deep, turbulent, waters and shoals combine to produce a productive and diverse habitat for marine fishes. Signif icant concentrations of many species forage in this area, inClUding striped bass, bluefish, tautog, summer flounder, anci scup. The Race is also one of two primary migration corr idors for striped bass, which move into Long Island Sound in spring en route to their breeding grounds, and return to southern wintering areas during fall. As a result of the abundant fisheries reso~rces in the a re a, The Race has beco;;,e a na t ionally renOI>'l1 ed spor tf is1:ing area with heavy fishing pressure occurring throughout spring, sumr.1er, and fall. ~luch of this pressure is brought in by charter boats from Greenport, Montauk Harbor, and Connecticut. In addition to sportfishing, The Race supports a commercial lobster fishery of regional significance. IMPACT ASSESSMENT: The fisheries resources of The Race may be most affected by any activities that would substantially alter water currents in the area. Also, installation and operation of water intakes would likely have a significant impact on juvenile (and adult, in some cases) fish concentrations, through impingement or entrainment. The significant human use which this area supports is dependent upon maintaining or enhancing opportunities for cOr.1patible recreational and commercial fishing, within the productivity limits of the fisheries resources. . . In k:...CL-f ~iU'tk1 0, /'1"7 ~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COASTAL FISH & WILDLIFE HABITAT RATING FORM Na.ae of Area: The Race County(ies): Suffolk FEe 1 6 1981 Town(s): Southold ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.5' Quadrangle(s): N/A: See NOAA National Ocean Survey Chart 113205 (IS) Individual Score (R) Rep1ace- ahili ty (ISxR) Final Score --------------------------------------- ECOSYSTEM RARITY (ER): 64 x 1.2 = 76.S A priaary area of tidal exchange between Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound: contains a deepwater channel with Tery turbulent currents passing through it. Rare in New York State. . !f\tcn:S l'DUlKRABILI TY (SV): 0 x 1.2 = 0.0 --------- --------- ------ No endangered. threatened, or special concern Bpecies reside in the ares. HUMAN USE (HU) : 40.5 x 1.2 = 48.6 --------- --------- ----- This area is na t ion ally renowned for its Sport fishery and is a commercial lobster fishery of regional significance. Additive division: 36 + 9/2 = 40.5. POPULATION LEVEL (PL) : 16 x 1.2 = 19.2 --------- --------- ---- Concentrations of finfish foraging in and migrating through the area are unusual in New York State. ----------------------------.--------------------------------------------------- REPLACEABILITY (R): 1.2 Irreplaceable -----------------------------------.-------------------------------------------- SIGNIFICANCE = [(ERxR) + (SVxR) + (HUxR) + (FLxR)] = 144.6 / . KNOvlLEDGEABL.!: COr~'AC':i'S: Tom Hart or AndrE~ Milliken ~.Y.S. Dep~rtlnent o~ S~2te Division of Coastal Resources & Waterfront Revitalization 162 Washington Avenue Albany, t~ 12231 Phone: (518) 474-3642 John Poole, II,arine Resources Specialist IV Bureau of Marine Finfish and Crustaceans NYSD2C - Region 1 State University of Nc~ York. Building 40 Stony Brook, NY 11790 Phone: (516) 751-7900 John H. Thatcher, Jr. 2ishers Island Conservancy Fishers Iclan~. New York 06390 Phone: (516) 788-7437 (sUIT,,"Er) P.O. Box 132 Green Village, New Jersey 07935 (201) 635-5470 (winter) Christopher Percy The Sounds Conservancy, Inc. Marine Sciences Institute - OCONN Groton, CT 06340 Phone: (203) 445-1868 Louise Earr ison Suffolk County Department of Health Services Bureau of Environmental Management County Center Riverhead, NY 11901 Phone: (516) 548-3064 NYSD2C - Significant Habitat Unit Wildlife Resources Center Delmar. NY 12054 Phone: (518)439-7486 . " " \ 1:- f).JJ J~ l' \ ~, " , I,,! I '-" " '6C '.....-:: --"'![', , '" ~O ". \"n ~ '" \ y,D, h' , ----- .~ 1~-~~~.. ~ - . ><::: J. . ~9' ~ ',- 8~ ;: Ci ------ / , ~. --. .~~~ ?J ~ -- .---" .'- - ~ ....::-/ -~ <> " ~ v \' '\.: ~ > l' " ---- ~~ ," ,'.. , n :\.; " " 10 " \ \ - " ;'. ", 64 ,6S'~......... (\ C ~~'~::: ti ~9::'. ~ ..----. ~ !)~ - ~ ~ ~ " / __ $.. 1- , " ' " " 0, ,~ ~---- f..1 ..: ,. Quad: NOAA: Chart # 13205 Area Name: The Race Habitat Boundary Palle 1 of 1 r . " ,. / -- ~.O' . '.' ,.'... ~ "' ... ) . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennctt Orlowski. Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. JL Richard G \Vard Mark S. \kDonald Kenneth L. Edv.ards SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Tderhnnc (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 .\lain Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 March 2, 1993 Sara S. Freda, Assistant Planner C & S Engineers, Inc. 1020 Seventh North Street Liverpool, New York 13088-6199 Re: Elizabeth Field Airport Fishers Island, N.Y. SCTM # 1000-12-1-18 C&S File: 211.006.002 Dear Ms. Freda; Your inquiry of January 15th and Trustee President John Bredemeyer's letter to you of February 16th, 1993 were discussed with the Planning Board members. The Planning Board agrees that the environmental concerns about the runway overlay project and the installation of a riprap type of sea wall are under the Trustee Board's jurisdiction. If either of these projects should necessitate changes to ground (non-runway) lighting,the parking field or the existing hangar/office, then the Planning Board would like to notified. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, J:d.t!?u<-. q...1:72.., Valerie Scopaz.-/ Town Planner cc: Scott L. Harris, Supervisor Judith Terry, Town Clerk for Town Board Planning Board Board of Trustees R. Phil Knauff, Manager, Fishers Island Ferry District Robert Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer .' ) . . New York State Departme. of Environmental Conservation Wildlife Resources Center Information Services 700 Troy-Schenectady Road Latham, New York 12110-2400 ~ ~.... """ ',. '.-: . Thomas C. Jorling Commissioner March 1, 1993 Sara S. Freda C & S Engineers, Inc. 1020 Seventh North Street Liverpool, New York 13088-6199 Dear Ms. Freda: We have reviewed the New York Natural Heritage Program files with respect to your recent request for biological information concerning the proposed improvements at the Elizabeth Field Airport, Fishers Island, as indicated on your enclosed map, located in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County. Enclosed is a computer printout covering the area you requested to be reviewed by our staff. The information contained in this report is confidential and may not be released to the public without permission from the New York Natural Heritage Program. Our files are continually gro'W'ing as new habitats and occurrences of rare species and communities are discovered. In most cases, site-specific or comprehensive surveys for plant and animal occurrences have not been con- ducted. For these reasons, we can only provide data which have been as- sembled from our files. We cannot provide a definitive statement on the presence or absence of species, habitats or natural communities. This information should not be substitut,od for on-site surveys that may be re- quired for environmental assessment. This response applies only to known Occurrences of rare animals, plants and natural communities and/or significant wildlife habitats. You should contact our regional office, Division of Regulatory Affairs, at the address enclosed for information regarding any regulated areas or permits that may be required (e.g., regulated wetlands) under State Law. If this project is still active one year from now we recommend that you contact us again so that we may update this response. Encs. cc: Reg. 1, Wildlife Hgr. Reg. 1. Fisheries Hgr. Sincerely, ~ Burrell Buffington NY Natural Heritag OD/rntedon'p.cvCIf'd.....""" }, . . . , .. .........r.1'1'.rr.-t. ,,!'''''~~/' .1PO.I....,p'<1~f ',-I.!'I, ;', ," l"/~.' ~;' ~. "',,,;:,., " ',,-, ..'..,::"... ,'" " .:;:::. ~ J,. it..".,.- [;',1 i~ ':- '" ',\ ',';' ~:. Ii ~ ~ "i ~. .;. .~.~ 2( (''::L:j'~.l }'~.'i~'-:. . . '/'--."r ~1;;'W '{.~n~, ~:f;'')) ..,( - I.. FEB 1 7 1993 Mr. Frank L. Squeglia Airports Division Federal Aviation Administration Federal Building John F. Kennedy International Airport Jamaica, New York 11430 Dear Mr. Squeglia: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reviewed the scoping document regarding the proposed runway overlap project and riprap sea wall for the Elizabeth Field Airport, Fishers Island, New York. Unfortunately, the lack of detailed information in the scoping document makes it difficult to provide specific comments on the scope of the proposed project. Therefore, we are enclosing a list of the basic types of information that EPA recommends should be included in this documentation. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Should you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Ms. Joanne Arenwald of my staff at (212) 264-6718. Sincerely yours, Laura J. Livingston, Assistant Chief Environmental Impacts Branch Enclosure ~: Sara S. Freda I' . . FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVlCE 3817 Luker Road Cortland, New York 13045 . Tm"""""" - PRIDe IH;,,_ AN..9lKA - __..u_. Er..;.... _ United States Department of the Interior '....... - - . February 5, 1993 Ms. Sara S. Freda Assistant Planner C&S Engineers, Inc. 1020 Seventh North Street Liverpool, NY 13088-6199 Dear Ms, Freda: This responds to your letter of January 15, 1993, requesting information on the presence of endangered or threatened species in the vicinity of the Elizabeth Field Airport, Fishers Island, Suffolk County, New York, Except for occasional transient individuals, no Federally listed or proposed endangered or threatened species under our jurisdiction are known to exist in the project impact area. Therefore, no Biological Assessment or further Section 7 consultation under the Endangered Species Act (87 Stat. 884, as amended; 16 U.S.C 1531 et seq,) is required with the U.S, Fish and Wildlife Service (Service). Should project plans change, or if additional information on listed or proposed species becomes available, this determination may be reconsidered. The above comments pertaining to endangered species under our jurisdiction are provided pursuant to the Endangered Species Act. This response does not preclude additional Service comments under the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act or other legislation. For additional information on fish and wildlife resources or State-listed species, we suggest you contact: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Region I Building 40, SUNY Stony Brook, NY 11794 (516) 751-7900 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Significant Habitat Unit Information Services 700 Troy-Schenectady Road Latham, NY 12110-2400 (518) 783-3932 ." .... . . DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NEW YORK DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS JACOB K. JAVITS FEDERAL BUILDING NEW YORK. N.Y. 10278-0090 January 26, 1993 Eastern Permits Section SUBJECT: Elizabeth Field Airport Environmental Information Request Elizabeth Field Airport Town of Southold c/o Ms. Sara Neda C&S Engineers, Inc. 1020 Seventh North Street Liverpool, NY 13088-6199 Dear Ms. Neda: We have received your letter dated January 15, 1993 which requested environmental information for the proposed work at Elizabeth Field Airport, Fishers Island, New York. Pursuant to Federal laws enacted for protection and preservation of waters of the United States, a Department of the Army permit is required for the proposed construction of seawall and breakwater. An application for a permit consists of a completed Joint Application Form and its supplemental form NANY-201. The completed forms should be accompanied by a set of drawings prepared in accordance with the instructions contained in the enclosed booklet. One set of original reproducible drawings (8 1/2"x 11" in size with a 1" margin along the top 8 1/2" side) and photographs of the site are required. The name and addresses of property owners adjoining the proposed work must be indicated on the application form. The foregoing represents the requirements of the Department of the Army to process a permit application. Any questions can be directed to Ms. Sophie Ettinger of my staff at (212) 264- 3912. Sincerely, Enclosures ~: J1j~iJ! {if:;tc},,- ''!J!...-'James W. Haggerty / Chief, Eastern Permits Section , , . 0'1 ~ ' . . If you have any questions regarding this letter, contact Tom McCartney at (607) 753-9334. Sincerely, . ../]v) ~L 4J. C \ ~-..c.~ L. ACTING FOR Leonard P. Corin Field Supervisor cc: NYSDEC, Albany & Stony Brook, NY (Regulatory Affairs) NYSDEC, Latham, NY COE, New York, NY EPA, Chief, Marine & Wetlands Protection Branch, New York, NY 2: " . . "New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Ii\M'\ of Soc..Ji..o Id Sea 1+ H()./(iS, 5"flfViSO; I()V-,-^ Hc--{( s~ 9:J /0/'(.11; J-.::r:J /,z5113 ? iJ !:x-cx 117 C( SOL'th<.!/d. ,11:(. /1971 .. '" ':,. ~ ~ Dear ~~(. liu({I~: Nom (Ji-5 "L--;''j/~~e;;''!J This letter responds to your communication of 'p j / <; J . regarding lead agency coordination for the above-noted project. under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review - SEQR) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617. "The Department has the following interest in this project: Re: LEAD AGENCY COORDINATION RESPONSE E/'z.c.-Aeh-.. field C2""ft.,rf- ,';-" DEC Permits (if any): .,,,,~o ; a....-hae .2 5" MidI! It 7"1dc.-/ he/f~ 4,; /l//~();' 0,~i--d / D EC Contact Person: SEQR Classification: [] Type J D(] Unlisted O~11 DEC Position: Based on the information provided: K DEC has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for . this action. [] DEC wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. ~DEC needs additional information in ordeC' to respond (see comments). [] DEC cannot be lead agency because it has no jurisdiction in this 2ccion. C~ents: l/(. see attached [ ] none If you do not concur with the DEC position indicated above. please contact this office to resolve designation of lead agency within the time allowable under Part 617. Please feel free to contact this office for further information or discussion. cc: (attach distribution list) SlJ1cerely. ~1JC'- ~n10 " )r: j:fll-,,'O/1rf1ew!<,..j 0..'14 ~S/ ';,1!) 1 11'1,',-:- .111.1 . ~ ER.OFFICE SPEED MEMO (USE ONLY FOR UNOFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE) ," . '.,IW H)fH: 'iT-\II. DIP,\Rl,....If~~T rNVIRO'J\\I'.,'l,\1 (O~SIRV^T)O~ Rl(;u.o.lnRY,\ff.\IRS llJ CiS .E/'l'pr1eef5 A~C. 50.\ ~_. 5' ~_ ~fedc.... DAH. ./ / /3"-/7'3 ,0 .' I ' - --f:--!?ft/:::r .E vCv-r-5 , REI'L Y REQUIRED BY __. U ..c /1 a_ be.I-:,-.:.FldcL..CL;;,-f~'i.l- DME RE TURNED REPLY AT BOTTOM OF THIS FORM rRO\1 I I SL P; Ie r I --.!::LD !;\z .S:,."c ft,.{)/c! //1 SEQ~ ft<.- CO%~"'cJ~r .,{," r ~ __ I / tJUd1 ot /H ;;//~~f<.; () ~/5-::IUC;. hc:"'s () fh (> - ~/ /hC~ :z: ,/-1-0,,/ e ,\ (j i ::: ~-f/~01~L'-M. _ ~ 110 (-'-" A; f2-e//H (Ir (lU''!~QL C4- d .c.?J..u ,'iL I u ,/) u' /?-4S-C I )' I "'. (y~/'/;c ('/>'.9-- l-L,/I ii!f'tl/a:' ~ /!,J ~ ~ I t(/eff~ ~) 4/1 IZII.-p'l/ (') /roJ"kJ~ c:.ve/lc~/.s ./ ;..,L_C! /Mrc /116/,(j{..<~'-_Jei/J~ c.J YL't.Vi O/~'OdSa./ .. /1 / /. !p " (J:,,:"_j,'2~'6c(-I(' )"1 ~ {}(~f),....6.J.~ YrJu. s[<. "_,T ( .f" . { r--- / O,.J.L. ~Ir C4t:~11.......k::..Ji'1.._-.A:i/ S(O~ /;J~H/L5 . I j_r~(i 1r 4(' COO (dr~--.d /C'.u/&,-, C("41. (J/? ~ be !d{}j1((y~d ;1 {uf.. ;{O..v-f: (~ c,f~/ICc<.IM/I \.'Of of- IcCiJJ- a ;2"f ~ 7-r:;j1/,cJ~n). ~ d __CkL_.(2--~S/;~ a.:7~/c;)1C'c/, i-TC ~~ ':'-'/o~Fcf ~ -r/'-<~h IA"" C'a.....'\. ~^ {'UM~~-I,011-1 I I J '.(.I ..1 'f .. L . ~ -lIv. (j l R'\ c>v,-"f ._Q.'_0_~- 0-:.1,.-"'" c.'...-,:S..JJ..; ( / h "'" ~ _d.e~.__...",~. I ....m.. J-:, _.' , "Q J); 1;, ::'a./. iL, n; "/"$>2Fj ,t1y"j,~""J .I'~I~~C't~T .. S;::Ct..K.._(.~.JL..fl.cCtJ be Co 1"T1ek ~ ~'-C:J_-1u("_m~.c.L~'( li1 v"lucd ~3"--v\CIC'.5 De"~J , I ' f - C.l;"J\__'jA~ (', t7{J;.( '-,",.V~"" L re.\';,:A.'. ~_Cd'jJ/,cc<..'h();""'_ .' r- I . , -1(- 7 U___. ..n__C!;' r~..,..c.. 1 . '- -', .'-~._.. L ,1,vJ . , .. il:.,.. / I ptf\JCt'O.f1. EIOWL k2FLM Ncl--b i..'1\MeJertJOrl~\'-::-' .r(l~~n\::cr~ . l)r-\..{~' d '7\:\'1['/.-0 l~y)..l. iJb 1:+L -=-kr1,.;r EZEfJ15P ,0 M21'LM LOCK ISLAND .41'15' 12"00 --~-------------------- . '''TI::'''OR_(.E:O~O(;.'C'''L "u..~n ",."..,.."TO" 0 C ,~ NEW LONDON, CONN-NY. NOTES TO THE USER . Wetlands which have been field exar.lined are indicateo on the map by an asterisk (.). Dominance type (either vegetative or sedentary animal} can be added to the map by the interested user. . Additions or COlfections to the wetlands information displayed on this map ale solicited, please forward such information to the address indicated. Some areas designated R4SB, R4SBW. or R4SBJ (intermittent streams) rnay not meet the definition of wetlands. /;'~,.-~~. ~'{,f:~~-'--1~~ ;.:;'-/ ...~ A~.....,;.-"'::, (1'; (t./7-"~"" \\-'":\\ ~...~: \" r'-.. '~ \:?',' -' , -' -. ~/./ ~. ~....__..JI' ,,~~~,-(~~~,,/ "~/- AEmALPHOTOGRAPHY DAn 3 I /80 I 80 000 B-W u.s. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERI( FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE SCALE TYPE' Prepared by Office of Biological :;'ervic8S for the National Wetlands InventOry Of\Ti:: . / SCALE: TYPE. DATE / SCALE' TYPE: 1'> // .... This i~',() su:tion of the,,/'/ .',' .$ ,. fenbtive Fresiy~,'~kr Wetkrtlds [,lap , ~~ {' 4' ' .pO~ () 0 ", ,/ Cl'l,:lty Prepared pursmnt to t.,rt1Cic",2[f ot the Cnvir.:.nmental VCQnservotion \:~>'J-/ 'f:?,!,~_ J9 Nio ~~Slote Depar'.ment' of Enviror.mer.tal ~\'=\' , ' ,,~'''\'; "",,,rva lion ' y'" "2 " I T tl./>Ill(}J',! 1993 , 1- .~ "- ,," ',,\- '~ ~ " /r 1-...) DlI:'~;;llnR' \ \ . 9 ~ " " I , I " I , J9 ~" 1'10(1( " " 67 I ,,----""'-, '\NL-~{j( . 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SUBJECT TO REVISION 28 . 82 I ;"oooo-~----I u , I SCAl [ 124000 '-II~'.,: ~~:,;=~~~,,--- ~_~~_~J~;~~~~~~~='o: ",,' ,1-- 1'.::1 -1.:_-1-=1~--, __ _ 1 K~O~'[lffl .' -_-=-===--==-~:.J :1 I. Polyt:onic rroiccti~fl. 19" f7 North Americiln datum II"~ I'" 1,,/ I" "', 1'1' "r! nil 11 \ , .1~,I}~_w !nlk Tr~n<;VN~t' ~-1crc"lor IFid nOADS. lowinR nOli!!' mil,I<l'fS' Inl!:r<;I" I~ iI/I ! I ': ,l ~n \ ni\lit!l.d hq~hw.jY<;' .HId "'/I~,.t'. Wldl'IILIII r LlrlOVI 'ILoIl '" I..", "', .J.... - .~,.'. .. r-- " ' ~::::/ \ ZONE C I ] 1 i :, FIshers 1 IONS NGVD. COAST AL BASE FLOOD E LEV' APPLV ONLY LANDWARD Of ~ , a c . ZONE V9 IEL 151 ; , ! / , I I , ! WILDERNESS POINT BLOCK /SL.LVD COASTAL BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF 0.0 NGVD. /l Y SOU.V/J nl- , KEY TO MAP SOD.Year Flood BoundJry __u ZO:llE B ZONE A1l /ZO~E A6 / ZONE B IOO.Year Flood Boundary /nn.. np"i"n~Tinn<.. I OO-YcJ( Floud Bound.Jry )OO,YcJr FlouJ lJuundJry Il.nc 11000 L1n.lllul1 LIIl(" 's Ilh elevation In ~ C'L'!" 513 IL.l>C '-Iood ElnJ!IOlllfl I"n:l WI,ere UnillJlITI Within j,)n..:" IEL 9871 !::lnJtion Rl'Incn'l'~lJr~ RM7x ;<>f1l' 0 Bourh.l.,r\ R"cr Milt .M1.5 Undeveloped Co,)~t<lt BJrrll~rs eJ . 'Rdcrenll'J III 11ll' ~JII{JnJI GL'odtll( Vt:rticJI Datum of 1929 * EXPLANATION OF ZONE DESIGNATIONS ZONE EXPlANA liON A Arcn Id Inn\cJI tl"'hl tl.j'.r: fh)r'11 (.Irv.llion'l ,IOn Huud hJIJIJ IJl..!ul\ flul Jcttllllined. AD AreJ\ or lOO-'yt:Jr ,hJllow Hooding where depths are bel....an one (1) Jnd lhra (3) feet; average depths of inundation are shown but no tlood hJ.1ard factors are dderrnined, ' Areas of IOO-year shallow flooding where depths are between one (1) and three (3) feet; base flood ele~Jtlum .lrt ~tlO....n, but no flood halard factors He dell"rmined, AH Al,A30 AreJ:. ot 10U-Yl"Jr flood; base flood elevations and !lood haIJrd factor; determined. A99 Areas of 100-ye.H flood to be protected by flood protection !.i's1t:m undu construction; base flood eJe...ations and tlood hJlard factors not determined. AreJS bet....een limits at the lOa-year flood Jnd 500- year flood; or certain areJS subject to lOo..year flood- ing with a\ierage depths le!.s thJn one (1) foot or where the contributing, drainage JreJ is less lh.m one square mile; or HeJS protecled by levees from the base flood. (Medium shading) Areas of minimal flooding, (No shading) Areas of undetermined, but possible, flood hazards. AreH of 100-yeJr eOJsta! flood with ...eloeity (wa...e Jction), ba.se flood eleyations and flood hazard faClors nOI determined. Areas of ] OO-year eOoUtal flood with velocity (wave action); base tlood eleYJtlon!. and flood hazard factors determined. B c o V Vl-V30 NUlt::.IUu::.Lk ll'll~lfl ,nCJ, nul in the ~pecjJI flood hJ1Jrd Jrea~ (lanes A and V) 'l1-l\ Ill. !"H\Jlecll'I.l by flood conrrol ,>lrU(lUrc~. lhl~ nlJjl i~ lor flooJ in,urJncl' JnJ rldlHJ plain nlJn.lgcment pur.- pO>l:~ only; il JUtS nOI n"(t'>~J,ily ~h()w JIJ .lreas subject 10 flood. In>: in lhe communilY or JII rl.Jninlctric features oUl,ide special IluuJ hJlJrd JICJ'>. The ,-oJ,I-l1 IluoJin.: ekvdlions ~hown mJY Jillu si!;nlfil-lnlly Irorn rhu)e Jnclupc:d ':Iy !tle !\rJlionJI Wealher Ser...ice lur hUlIi, Jn~ l'\iJ<':udliun ill-lnnin~. I I I ! I ror JdlOinino: mJr r.JnL'h, ,>,'e ,e;l.lrJlcly printed Index To Map f'Jneh. COJslJI bJse rload l'IcYJlions sho....n on thi~ mJp include [he effects ...1 .... . 2000 0 ~'- ...~ '.. ''',~ 2000 'i;~ Sullo...,er Reef ,,',.hI 4000 Ft. ~"~ tl V ~ . . .'-l'i!!l_ s \; \ 6J 6, I 1- 33 l' S f, 67 .---~ c'Ilc\.\1 ~ ~l~'i~ " ~ tlf,VI .---- ,. ~ /' / .s /' / tl V U t j " ,A, . South ~~ '::nmOCk V Oumpllna: . . " 3' \\ \ S f 5? //~/, .---~ + " . ~North /,," L'ihlhOU~-:,,-! Dumpllna: ~ ~ /' .6 " <5 55 7' s 0 ., /' ~ /,' ~ ~ /' /'/ ~ ...6/" " 3. " JO 13 Z5 58 -+~---------'- I 2'30" Race Pt '" '~~ '~.L. 16 39 ., 36 29 <~ ." S 0 , 3' . <2 JO 16 .. 13 .' " ,-~( 01 o " <. 70 " BLOCK ISLAND ". Wilderness Point SOU ,. IV/) I ---j 15()OOOm.[ ELIZABETH FIELD VICINITY MAP ms FIGURE 1 . .".. ." / ". / .' , " .~ //._._.-;::<>~ ' /,'" t ~ ...._ // Q -----, h~ r'l ~ Ii (," j ( UjjJJ~ \. OQ ,~~~~, )" (' ,/, I '-J () )::-.:', " i I ,~/ / "'''\~):o ~I // \~. ~.'/,"~-- , -_ ~r\l\)J ~_/ ~~ \/ '~Eill""'" I' .."'\ -:;1 If !IlIllOJlC.] .....". .... ~ , ..... \ ....... 99 I '.~'../' -~, I NYSCE:CNL-13 ?-9 COIfTRACTCR'S 6-- I / FRESHWATER ~9 ST.lG.DlC ftA I / I . ~ ~ WETLAND 4'4- , / NATIONAL wETLANO ~ ~ ..... k (uSOOll PQWF ",'" _-_---..:--/ II '_-~ I<Rt OIO ....~ /1__.:-':-;':-':-;-- ,J ----_-__ _~?"- I(R{ JJV. '9'" --- --_-__-_/..... II ( ).... ~ II PRCPOSrn TnF'CRlA ! :, X '_. Iao< OIO 'C" . Q ~A~",!,,-~ ) j! ~ i2.~~~----:t:~,.<:<':,\---- ~=. ';'i.,. /f /,'J. Rl,tflAT WAaIMC, SEE OCTAD.......-~ ---------- " nus SIfl:T /~ \ --- ./ tI ,./ 'I<B AiEA "A- .; I' ,-' ,,/ ~ ,:/ /// J I ''...,--~''--/j 'f. / I l I' )", 'I " /" J~..... -/\\ / ,);.",- II "-"~ I ;/ lUWNOFSOUTl<<:lt.Or ~ t I I ~ COASTAL EROSION I I {II HAZARD AREA I I &QuN DART \.. ! ( ! \ ,-' (~SU~ ,~s=.::/ I \lIE H.ANOS BOUNDARY \ ,...------- " . ,-,,/ \ , , ,~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 1 Q\ ~ t! ! --- ~------ ----- ............. .- "'... - ------ rowN OF SOUTHOLD COASTAL EROSION HAZARD AREA BOJNOARY PROPOSED RIP-RAP BERM -- s. /----~- ___----ELOCl' ISl,UCf- sro<l s. / / ./. ~ ~1oN01OR 9lRIHC.lDES IlOnt SIDES .rnt S l. ~ TIf<(S!<l.OS USE IolETAL STRAPS AN:l-IORlO A~ BARRlCACE: TO; l.A.AT.BIDrRfCTlCH.l.L'~ LWlT'S 4.CCJtfllIoCTCfI TO M~.tU.lMORUIl;:[ Fl.-' 5.IlMllIIClOES91Ioli.!IE'iPAal)rlllU.'" / ""'" ~ OR......cEA..aG ~ T[}oF'QlUJtI Cl.osro~.lTw.RI.nc;s 5tW.l !IE AW!.ITIC>>I T[U~. lEd TO.lCll'fl..I9lUC .15 Il.lMSACTl.KOIII R CA1.NO..21'1'5~OR' 1.~lRTCl.0'XtlIl\J<U1WARllnc;s 5t<.ll~!l[ IS w,o.~AcrlRUl BT ~lVUI t/o.':'irRUs. llOC. HCU_ ~AU..s. 5.ll. OR .IPf"<lono {j)j.f,L r'''ua I '![fUeT :LASS. 1'-",. <-~ TEMPOR~RY CLOSED RUNWAY MARKING DETAIl I~ C~"RGE OF, R.L. P~ClH"W P.E~ ..:r '0 "''''''-i WA.)( BY, P.l.l. WUIC1~I C!-ECIl.EO BY, alii'. CLARK, J.A.SAWMLLER TYPE IT rc:1 ~J~..&I..l 'ISIOS ISLA,lo(! ~ ,-~/~-,c~ "~i:\ c/ /c, '~--::;:?o<- -> / '- / /> -;;: ;:( ..... \jj t~;;;~;/ /'" 'fYSDE:C"L-!O FRESHWATER llIf.TLAND--. \ . '. ...... \ ) PROPOSED APPROXIMAT( :::::::--.. LOCATION OF TEMPORARY ASP,"AU ;;;-:::..'-.... MANUFACTURING PLANT ~. '" " \\ '.\ \" //-:>-:-. \~. /,,::J>:< ) ";:::/ r(~\____/' ,,-,~ " , \ \\ '\ 'D \\ ~L \\ ,\ \~ " , \ . \ , ,\ ~7-~'~, '-..~i!" --'i ~'I' "I- ~- , ~ ____ - --- -"'- .,'...... _ ._,~"...J , ,fOP<'(>1J.-l0X':<.(JJ(;r:...-:. Pl\""<;~~ H, 3( J.(CU'I..ar. C:::R:'AAI(1'("MACM,'"\J/'O-1t lIIC41'iTIUP-";JJ( [ll'_l6f(llj '-'00" 11".;--,.. UGl<T r~'M'l lCl.:....----..Jl,. IE,,,,_ l' .-... '1 't'j-.~'1:- Pl'., ",., 9' =tL~;::;Q;..:;:~ Q --i' " J ------,-------.-- ',"i::l..\ --(~~~-.,-> r~' <r :.- - T uu.. PY( ~tP1.. '>OIl 7'01< ';.:Jl X ''''lTf; '1RICADE DETAIL '. -;;.;:.<:>-;.,. - " F.'.; ?C" , ", ~ " T ":f .,-..'). AN')~, .",i'''' ':'; 'If _~ '" r 'j{1~ "'j(" ",.'~- P-!'IAP ik:'lM "",-1'_,,_, J:'c-'Q'" '" M,,"- 'C:-'" .Id;" u ('X""M.~.;."~ c..... ~~ E=:_-~~ ~-=-=i t---~.-i E~~J t---H"-----' >-----,,-~"_. \~--..._-.". l::::::..._, ,,,:.l.fi-,", Nt h',D._ ,...._'----~,-~-_.- C S fee'""" ,~-''-~ ,,,; . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards ,:,:ill" . . f.?) ..~':. r'~?I",~~+'" ;::J.,: t. :i\.<Yi. ~ ~;:_" ,,"' ': ,':j~:;.~, ~ \,1-- i",~,'" >',~{~'~",. ,.,., >:-'? /"'.,. '~,,~ ""'~ ., ;.~ '),: ,,' '. h''';''' .>",,,,,.....-. 0' ".' l , ..'>0> '. ..'1. ,~ SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 March 2, 1993 Sara S. Freda, Assistant Planner C & S Engineers, Inc. 1020 Seventh North Street Liverpool, New York 13088-6199 Re: Elizabeth Field Airport Fishers Island, N.Y. SCTM # 1000-12-1-18 C&S File: 211.006.002 Dear Ms. Freda; Your inquiry of January 15th and Trustee President John Bredemeyer's letter to you of February 16th, 1993 were discussed with the Planning Board members. The Planning Board agrees that the environmental concerns about the runway overlay project and the installation of a riprap type of sea wall are under the Trustee Board's jurisdiction. If either of these projects should necessitate changes to ground (non-runway) lighting, the parking field or the existing hangar/office, then the Planning Board would like to notified. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~.cF1'~ 1alerie scopaJ Town Planner cc: Scott L. Harris, Supervisor Judith Terry, Town Clerk for Town Board Planning Board Board of Trustees R. Phil Knauff, Manager, Fishers Island Ferry District Robert Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer .. . .~zzv" \)'l>UfFO~, 5:)'\; ~'i\ ~ ~ :::> ;..c. Cl . en '"" ~ ~ . . ~FIU Pb - tI.-U--. v4S SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Alberl J. Krupski, Jr., Vice President Henry P. Smith John B. Tuthill William G. Albertson Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 lbwn Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 1197 I BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 16, 1993 Sara S. Freda C & S Engineers, Inc. 1020 Seventh North Street Liverpool, New York 13088-6199 RE: Elizabeth Air Field SCTM #1000-12-1-18 " 1993 Dear Ms. Freda: This letter will confirm receipt of your letter of January 15, 1993 and provide some information which I hope will be useful to you in light of a recent corrununication I received from the Planning Department and an inspection I made today onsite with a representative of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council (CAC) (not to be confused with the Fishers Island Conservancy, the Town CAC provides the Trustees with a mandatory advisory opinion for all wetland permits). As the Town Planner believes that most environmental issues properly reside with the Trustees (copy of her January 25, 1993 memo attached for your information) you will be able to limit your future corrununication in this area to this Board. However, if any changes to airport parking or lighting thereto or other planning related issues become apparent, I would corrunend you to contact their office directly. In your letter of January 15, 1993 you gave us credit where it wasn't due; Fishers Island was designated as a CEA by Suffolk County. The Southold Trustees designated areas on the "mainland" of Southold as CEA's which they hold in the public trust. However, because our charter does not include Fishers Island only the Southo1d Town Board, Suffolk County or New York State Legislative bodies having jurisdiction over lands there, could make such a determination. As the proposed asphalt plant is beyond the jurisdiction of the Trustees under the ordinance we administer {Coastal Erosion (Chapter 37) and Wetlands (Chapter 97 of the Town Code)}, we will not be involved with the plant at the site you propose. i. . . . . Rf'cently, the president of the Fishers Island Conservancy, John Thatcher, communicated concerns too me on the plant location which I believe have been relayed to you directly. I would request that any reasonable alteI:native proposed by this group which will not affect the cost of the operation be assessed. Should alternatives raise additional concerns or problems they should be discussed with the Town Board and Supervisor as the Trustees are not empowered to make such decisions. with respect to the revetment I believe I may have greatly overstated the storm potential of the site and the need for 2 ton stone given the general sandy condition of the beach. In inspecting this site and discussing it further with both Mr. Thatcher and our CAC representative Bruce Loucka I believe it might be appropriate to down size the stone size to 3/4 to 1 ton stone or eliminate it completely. If it is required it should be placed at or slightly below grade relying on beach stabilization with beach grasses to prevent sand movement onto the runway. In any instance, stone work, if planned, should be constructed in a tight fitting lattice as is usually done in jetties and elevated revetments subject to considerable force. As soon as the location and scope of the various structural elements of the project is decided you will want to submit your applications for a permit so the involved agencies can conclude SEQRA as quickly as possible. Provided there is no controversy the Trustees could conclude permitting in approximately 3 months. If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Jv~erY tr~l_~__~ours, _. ~ J ~'" , .r- '-. hPI0v'~"/~'" , .~, J-~ John M. Bredemeyer, III President, Board of Trustees ene. JMB: jmd cc: supervisor Harris Town Clerk planning Board CAC Mr. R. Phil Krauff, Manage:r F. I. Ferry District . .~nc .f::,,~'i>~O~ 1# ~t'~) "" ;.c. Q . en :0: ~ ~ ~. ~ ;aX . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards SCOIT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New Yark 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 ".'IEMORANDUM (D)ma;~D'I!J~rn1 UIJ ,11\ii 2 7 1993 I~ TO: Jay Bredemeyer, III, President x'ROM: Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner Is RE: Elizabeth Field Airport DATE: January 25, 1993 ! HW/NQL.S.QVfHOLD ....--.....-..,...... .", After reading the attached letter, a copy of which was sent only to the supervisor, it appears that this information request ~roperly lies within your Board's jurisdiction and interest. The Planning Board session this afternoon. Engineers, Inc., a copy will be If the of same reviewing the letter at its Board sends any comments to will be sent to your Board. work C&S cc: Planning Board Supervisor Town Clerk . . . ~UI3A U'T . ((1!~f'.6?Ud. ~CQJ~ vS ./ Engineers, Inc. 1020 Seventh North Street. liverpool. New York 13088.6199 (315) 457.6711 Fax (315) 457.9803 January 15, 1993 Re: Elizabeth Field Airport Environmental Information Request ;:-:-, , r'; . (p ~ ~ ~frf,\~-~\. In'" '.'2.--, ,.-, '," ~' , \illl---- , \ l t , 2' ,--.", , -- \~ . ~:.._-'~ 'I)j ... ' . .I : SOU1HOLD-;:j\ii,- ~ l'W!IIlNG BOARD Ms. Valerie Scopaz Planning Director Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 File: 211.006.002 Dear Ms. Scopaz: On behalf of the Town of Southold, C&S Engineers, Inc., is providing assistance in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment Form (EAF), as required by the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) for the following improvements at Elizabeth Field Airport, Fishers Island, New York: . Runway Overlay Project . Riprap Sea Wall Elizabeth Field Airport is situated within a Critical Environmental Area (CEA) designated by the Town of Southold. Pursuant to 6 NYCRR Section 617.4(h), SEQR, an unlisted action occurring within a CEA must be treated as a Type I action; therefore, coordinated review and a full EAF are required. This letter is a request for your office's assistance in identifying any possible areas of environmental concern at the airport. The proposed runway overlay project consists of overlaying both runways at Elizabeth Field Airport with asphalt in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) specifications. In order to minimize disruption of ferry operations and runway closure at the airport, the construction of an on-site temporary asphalt plant has been proposed. Locating the plant on site will allow the town much more control over the installation of the asphalt. The temporary plant will be located nortbeastofRunway 31, approximately halfway between the east ends of Runway 25 arid Runway 31 on an existing gravel road. The plant is temporary and will be completely dismantled and removed from the island upon completion of the runway overlay project. The selected contractor will choose which type of plant to construct as there are basically three types of plants currently in use in the United States: batch plant, drum mix plants and continuous mix plants. The major components of an asphalt plant include the cold-feed system; the asphalt cement supply system; the aggregate dryer, mixing towell, and emission control system. The plant tower consists of several elements: hot elevator, screen deck, hot bins, weigh hopper, asphalt cement weigh bucket and pugmill. Aggregate will also be stockpiled at the plant. rc-, lJ--J0 ~- ".,--' "..,_.. . . . . Ms. Scopaz January 15, 1993 Page 2 The proposed riprap sea wall consists of approximately 220 linear feet of large boulders (approximately) 2 tons each) placed on the existing slope between the west end of Runway 7 and the Atlantic Ocean. The riprap will be approximately 15 feet wide at its base, placed at a 1: 1 slope, 6 feet in height, measured from the existing grade. Beach grass will be planted in accordance with NYSDEC specifications in the sandy area that is situated between the west end of Runway 7 and the eastern edge of the riprap. The purpose of the riprap is to alleviate the sand washing onto the runway end during small storms. A tidal wetlands permit application pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1977 and Article 25, 6 NYCRR 661, for the proposed riprap sea wall will be filed with the appropriate agencies at the completion of SEQR. A location map and site plan are enclosed for your review. If you need further information, please contact me. Very truly yours, C&S ENGINEERS, INC. - /! I :;~01{l m[UL Sara S. Freda Assistant Planner SSF:beh Enclosures cc: Mr. R. Phil Knauff - Manager, Fishers Island Ferry District Mr. Scott L. Harris - Town Supervisor, Town of Southold Mr. Bruce W. Clark - C&s CcBJS """~ ,......., . . -:;;'l/',AUT c 'oct. "~J.p~ '-CQJI;t) v:S v Engineers, Inc. 1020 Seventh North Street, Liverpool, New York 13088-61S9 1315) 457-6711 fax (315) 457-911(3 January 15, 1993 Ms. Valerie Scopaz Planning Director Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 -.,---~---- p , ,l '; .. .~,....j' Hi 1\ ,L" , u; \ ,.,,)\ Uti ,IAN 2 : \993 i,.. Re: Elizabeth Field Airport Environmental Information Request File: 211.006.002 Dear Ms. Scopaz: On behalf of the Town of Southold, C&S Engineers, Inc., is providing assistance in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment Form (EAF), as required by the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) for the following improvements at Elizabeth Field Airport, Fishers Island, New York: . Runway Overlay Project . Riprap Sea Wall Elizabeth Field Airport is situated within a Critical Environmental Area (CEA) designated by the Town of Southold. Pursuant to 6 NYCRR Section 617A(h), SEQR, an unlisted action occurring within a CEA must be treated as a Type I action; therefore, coordinated review and a full EAF are required. This letter is a request for your office's assistance in identifying any possible areas of environmental concern at the airport. The proposed runway overlay project consists of overlaying both runways at Elizabeth Field Airport with asphalt in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) specifications. In order to minimize disruption of ferry operations and runway closure at the airport, the construction of an on-site temporary asphalt plant has been proposed. Locating the plant on site will allow the town much more control over the installation of the asphalt. The temporary plant will be located northeast of Runway 31, approximately halfway between the east ends of Runway 25 and Runway 31 on an existing gravel road. The plant is temporary and will be completely dismantled and removed from the island upon completion of the runway overlay project. The selected contractor will choose which type of plant to construct as there are basically three types of plants currently in use in the United States: batch plant, drum mix plants and continuous mix plants. The major components of an asphalt plant include the cold-feed system; the asphalt cement supply system; the aggregate dryer, mixing tower, and emission control system. The plant tower consists of several clements: hot elevator, screen deck, hot bins, weigh hopper, asphalt cement weigh bucket and pugmill. Aggregate will also be stockpiled at the plant. . . Ms. Scopaz January 15, 1993 Page 2 The proposed riprap sea wall consists of approximately 220 linear feet of large boulders (approximately) 2 tons each) placed on the existing slope between the west end of Runway 7 and the Atlantic Ocean. The riprap will be approximately 15 feet wide at its base, placed at a 1: 1 slope, 6 feet in height, measured from the existing grade. Beach grass will be planted in accordance with NYSDEC specifications in the sandy area that is situated between the west end of Runway 7 and the eastern edge of the riprap. The purpose of the riprap is to alleviate the sand washing onto the runway end during small storrns. A tidal wetlands permit application pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1977 and Article 25, 6 NYCRR 661, for the proposed riprap sea wall will be filed with the appropriate agencies at the completion of SEQR. A location map and site plan are enclosed for your review. If you need further information, please contact me. Very truly yours, C&S ENGINEERS, INC. "-::':\ /. ' '-.?' .... l " '-' \.-<.. /~...., / . C tL t Sara S. Freda Assistant Planner SSF:beh Enclosures cc: Mr. R. Phil Knauff - Manager, Fishers Island Ferry District Mr. Scott L. Harris - Town Supervisor, Town of Southold Mr. Bruce W. Clark - C&S C"S \':.J' ((JJ . . 2000 0 ~ 2000 Se.llc)W!1 Reef dL'ahl 4000 Ft. ~ p ~ 1l -1 .,. -~ ct~"~ ~J:~'lO?y. " -' 1l"~ --~~- 1 " ,,// "f- T .. /-/--:~~"'"'~:'~'"'. . j. // \J1l I /." 19 ,,-0 rJ ~'.t _,/ ;J ~ -South Hammock ~ . ...- Oum~lInl _ s V \ OJ ., JJ ~ S f. ., 3. S \1 f \ Z5 ., / , /' , /' , , / , 46/' " 39 " 30 " .. "~'10 cO. 2t ,. ,. 39 .. 3. . . . H3W~S Nest o. Point!ll " . I " J )1 /I /'// .0 /// .000 " / " <? 36 ? <0 S 0 <? ,-~( "') o " .8 10 +--- 54 Wilderness Point So UN/) ,. -+--~ ELIZABETH FIELD VICINITY MAP C8S FIGURE 1 / i I , 1 / , I .' . ,.." J--' I . I . I i I i I, . " ! ~ , I ~ q . IJ // " ~t m:POS[D ~ Q.05[D I l UClAT IiWW.DICr, SEI 1Vm.. / ,I nus KET ,~.. /I /,./,1 II ,.. 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IlIll AREA,;o P9U'O!im TDI"(JURr a. O'SED r:J =A;""'!";\DG. SEE ,mn. ~ ID<<tJI: MfJ ~QOTED CDlQ.E --- ~ ------- ------___._ I ----L . I -~----_,"'_:... --~6' .... --- ,< - \ -- ,,< - \ ----. ---- ----. --- ---- ICRl. .uv. "'to. ~~~--_._._--~-~,~ " ,- ,- ,- -----....... ..oa l5UIIl SlUII lIOlDo ~ l'EW'!:IU<<'I C,.-"iEIl IUtIr~T lIoIoIIlIJl;'S SMM...llll....UTlIlill'fllQII. L TDIP'OIUJlT Q.cr.;(D "'-MAY IWllDCOS 9W..lll( AS lU./lUAcr\#lE!l n lU'l'Ol DOJSTIIU'),OlC.'iIW. f'U'>.s.AlJl ~VU)EOUoAL !!!!1l! 1./itDt01llNlllICIolXS lIOTlI 'iIOCS ITTlt SMClllAGS 1'0 P'IlEiOT on..CGGDC. L IE.UI nH:SltCIJtS I.ISE METAL STRAPS AHO EXPANSIOfiI .&H:H:::It 10 >>DOl: BAR'UC.ADE TO PMw'E1IIENT. J,JU,T.IIDDlECT'I.CIIIM.'AIlIU)Ij, lmrT'S 1m elf.,a(l:[I"ToWL 4CC1tTllllCHlII TO DlSaUMCJl.w:l:F'UGIJIIICCQIlOAM:[IIl1l1i1C ~K S...ltMlO '.iHtIIU.1!IE Sf'loCUlrWo1.Q.L. """""" >>0" 1'tIJ..0I n.ASMDlC .ANlOC LIGKT ls-..nCT\IlEDBlIlLOrETlcrJil'JNf CJT.1C1.2lOl-55200CJlAWROYEOEIJUM. CflAIO:.ucl ~rn: "lJl..[CTMSlfiT!Ml;, Q.,t,SST- n u lII[TkSTIlU'SiIIl [Jil"U6IC1l MlClCIl5 mo, z .... )'Ol4.I"'IC'go[, SDl21lJlSUll2l-.rm TEMPORARY CLOSED RUNWAY MARKING DETAIL IH CHARGE CFI A.1... I'f:CIOUW I".E:.. IlCT TO SC.....[ .....OE 8f. P.... WAI<<.:HU CHECI((O IT. 8.*. ClARK, J.A.s,l,WIIlLLER TYPE II BARRICADE DETAIL IlllTfOseU . .- I I I HO i,L TEfU TION PERMITTED ;;(ji(~ EXCEPT ..S PRO~II)[D i..,t(>fJI S<:::TIOfII 17O<J SlEOTYI5ION 2 Of ~I€ "1:':" '0RIl 51 UE EOUC..&TICJIiII LJ.. . -1l----J "''^' - --- 200 R(!ISIONS ,e'N Of SOIJHtCJ.JI ,?T_ FISHERS ISLAND, NE' YOO~ B.1ZMIE1'If Fm.D AI~T RUNWAY 7-2!l AND 12-30 OVERLAY GENERAL PLAN ~..~ CaIocOOnos&Spina ~ erv-.,.c. DATE: JAMJARY 19'3] SCAlEl .I.S SHOWN nlE ~. 2Il00f..DCVOO2 C.IlD rru: "lO. 6~6AXI02 SHfET "-10. 2 "-"" . . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Benl!ett Orlowski, Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards \.i..... ,? "" !:!! ""... , ' ,,\?.)~dY 'c ,~v,,;~;' SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor "- ,,-;cf/" Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 :>JEMORANDUM TO: Jay Bredemeyer, III, President x'ROM: Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner Is RE: Elizabeth Field Airport DATE: January 25, 1993 After reading the attached letter, a copy of which was sent unlyto the Supervisor, it appears that this information request properly lies within your Board's jurisdiction and interest. The Planning Board session this afternoon. Engineers, Inc., a copy will be If the of same reviewing the letter at its Board sends any comments to will be sent to your Board. work C&S cc: Planning Board Supervisor Town Clerk . . 7;;Ui3HUT blL 1:." iC.. .fu!w~ 7'i!i?-7"'S'O Engineers, Inc. ~~~;1 ./ 1020 Seventh North Street, Liverpool, New Yorl< 13088.6199 i315) 457.6711 Fax (315) 457.9803 January 15, 1993 Ms. Valerie Scopaz Planning Director Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 ~~. \,;, ~ IlJJL f,(~\ 'U) \""-- \ \\ '\illl , -, .----.." \..'J ' ""1 'j I ,..',1 [.. \ . ,,~ I ' L ------',-_.. SQU1HOLD ,)\ii, l'WlNltlG BO,\RD Re: Elizabeth Field Airport Environmental Information Request File: 211.006.002 Dear Ms. Scopaz: On behalf of the Town of Southold, C&S Engineers, Inc., is providing assistance in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment Form (EAF), as required by the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) for the following improvements at Elizabeth Field Airport, Fishers Island, New York: . Runway Overlay Project . Riprap Sea Wall Elizabeth Field Airport is situated within a Critical Environmental Area (CEA) designated by the Town of Southold. Pursuant to 6 NYCRR Section 617.4(h), SEQR, an urdisted action occurring within a CEA must be treated as a Type I action; therefore, coordinated review and a full EAF are required. This letter is a request for your office's assistance in identifying any possible areas of environmental concern at the airport. The proposed runway overlay project consists of overlaying both runways at Elizabeth Field Airport with asphalt in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) specifications. In order to minimize disruption of ferry operations and runway closure at the airport, the construction of an on-site temporary asphalt plant has been proposed. Locating the plant on site will allow the town much more control over the installation of the asphalt. The temporary plant will be located northeast of Runway 3 I, approximately halfway between the east ends of Runway 25 and Runway 31 on an existing gravel road. The plant is temporary and will be completely dismantled and removed from the island upon completion of the runway overlay project. The selected contractor will choose which type of plant to construct as there are basically three types of plants currently in use in the United States: batch plant, drum mix plants and continuous mix plants. The major components of an asphalt plant include the cold.feed system; the asphalt cement supply system; the aggregate dryer, mixing towcr, and emission control system. The plant tower consists of several elements: hot elevator, screen deck, hot bins, weigh hopper, asphalt cement weigh bucket and pugmill. Aggregate will also be stockpiled at the plant. ,..,., '"'";I) ,. , 'r- -r -,...."s: Ms, Scopaz January 15, 1993 Page 2 The proposed riprap sea wad conslsL:-, ut approxlfnaldy _~_~'() iinl'ai 2 tons each) placed on lie eXisting ~jope between (he wei'Jl l,:!:u ;i! RU1)\\,i rip rap will be apprOXlllately i5 feer wide dt ll.:-. i1a::;t;, pla",;c,j ;l~ from the existing grade, Beach gra,s will h~ planted In acwrdaI"',' 'y. it! sandy area that is situated hetween the west end of Runwa, tile ille' purpose of the riprap is to alleviate the sand wa'lhing dnto it'!..;; niIl\v:., "'Sl"'!] ',-[..Xi ,Lj{ii; A tidal wetlands permit application pursuanr IO Section 404 "I Ihc litaL 'V lid 25,6 NYCRR 661, for the proposed nprap sea wal! wdi (lied WH'ill ,ii',e, completion of SEQR .\ location map and <.:,He plan an: t':ndosed 1')C,:Uji" \.Olltact me Very truly your" C&S ENGINEERS, INC i ;' Sara S, Freda Assistant Plannl'l SSF:hch Enclosures ee: ML R, Phil Knauff ML Scott L Harris ML Bruce W, Clark Managt.::l', Fishl:l';j Island t t:;!TV Ui:-'U t" , Town Supervisor. Town df SilUU1\));' C&S :;C': . ! n~i: (, " c".....~ ,... .- <.. .' . - v p. tl OJ 2000 0 ~ "T-,,. ~a 'fc~' Sul10wtr Reef 2000 dL"hI 4000 Ft. - -- r~~._ __. . S \.0 \ ~".~~~ C'\~1~--~- ~>-lJ."'lO\l.'{. -' tl';~ -- " //-~--~+ /' , "" , ~"North "" lllhthoUS~Oumpllni /' " ~ , /' , , ,/ " .. /' , 51/"" , /' , , /' , // , .6/"" , -1- ., 57 y, S ~ J' ~ r · Ai'" ~.mmock .. 30 \\ \ S f .. " .. tl V U 55 79 s 0 ~ASouth y Dumpllni , ' '.." .. JO " Z5 " " " '~'f> _'f>...... ,. ., .~ J' ,. , . Ha.,.,.~<j Nest P' II .. olntll 1..1 " ,/l J) ;',/ .' ./,/ "0". " .' / /I .. .. '0 S 0 ,. . "' ~ .. /:-~ Q . .. 10 50 Race ISLAND ;<< Wilderness Point SOU .. NO I BLOCK '5()OOlm. E. I EUZABETIi FIELD VICINITY MAP C8j" fS',. . (] "'. , , FIGURE 1 ........- . - <:: ,. :u '" ~ z C> '" m; r~ ,;01 ,I ~ ,"~I ,! F~[ p ';p ',I il ~j,' 'i f.... :iI ~ ~~ i . i '"3 3 ~ ,. ~ I .. r~ ii~li"l~ ..I~ I ' g 8 i ~ L" ," ~ !'II ,~ " ,'l! .'1" -u '"' .1, I .3' .' fT1 . ~.~ ~ 'Ii f.. i' l'I .rwl' ~ ~~li A e s: i 1I~;/ ~ I'\...ll p.\I~i~ 'ilile~ '""'" ~~~\I;~ i!~~~" ~ ~~LtJ'j!l'! ~,:'!1 ~ ~.!G~~ Ilehi ;:; ni" i;~'! g; ,2!! II ~rU :/i -i ,.. ~ il ~ ;i ~-I. ,~ ~. 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