HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-59.-10-2 4 4 FOUND OR EQUAL 9 C�� CAMPBELL FOIN� OR EQUAL OTYPE 10 - 09 TO GRADE `fin\� TYPE lO - 09 TO ORADE FINISHED GRADE Few 4 JP FLWSHED GRADE ` \. . :. . , '� 20 -'r- 11dSH \- N• '/ , • COHAClEEYE 2' MAN- S�,�lnll1a �"J INLET —za•, FTo" � OUTLET INLET t� NDN h 4-0 4'/ APPROVED MIN. 4' APPROVED pre PIPE MMC I/B' .r A\' PIPE N4'PER FT. APPROVED PPE �SONN re' MIN. I/B' '\ 0 PER FT. PER FT. KEY MAP �. Scale: 1"=600 MAX 91 �e(` II EFCVE \1` SITE DEP 900 GAL. SEPTIC TANK + wN A#N ) o A-D S e' O y I1 J I 2• MIN ABOVE GROLWWA TER SANITARY LEACHING POOL a° DP Pa Q o ' tx0 6ti p / \ \ / THERE ARE NO WELLS WITHIN 150' OF r / THE PROPOSED SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM. Q" z F o 1 T V F O_ TEST BORING t 0� __ . ko G� TOPSOIL /J{�\'p\C P / LOAM WITH P _ GRAVEL _ _ SCHEDULc - � - __ SCAPE O• , LAIND - w - 2 n s / O �0 - - / JAPANESE MAPLES 3' HGHT. � � ?� 7 � O A n� v\ / 4 � SAND•WITH JAPANESE BLACK PINE 5'-6' HGHT. \\ ���0 ® o� _` SOME GRAVEL ALBERTA SPRUCE - 4' HGHT. / n� � - i31D IAX -SUGAR MAPLE - 2 1/2"-3" CALIPER --3g �• � / _ �`il Pp a p el SAND 0CY / /v� PLAN OF PROPERTY FOR I I D P & D C YC,�ES '7q 4 a AT SOUTHOI D M c� TOWN OF SOUTHOLD YO �} �- SUFFOLK COUNTY, N Y. Y 1000 - 59 - 10 - 02 / July 22, 1993? t) (b k S July 27, 1993 (Health def m Aug. 18 1993 (additions) I c / / Sept 7, 1993 (additions) Sept. 20, 1993 (additions ) 0 Oct. 14, 1993 (additions) 'ts l / / 11 I 5 0 `0 // 2s • / �' / ���o '� c Oct 19,1993 (revision) ou / Nov. 4, 1993(additions) ti 4 r�, ` L, 3 c" r r - SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES 4 ✓ @! / i/ ' m APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ONLY !� m H.S. REFAO. C/o -9-3 - cook FLOW /// -9,fs0 // I �. O G"nA Scale: 1" = 100' . afro 80 eF crt ro' TYPE �u - - ti I / 4 a r n ( A / - lv a 19 o�� o n,` 1' 1 s X ti Tfjis approv is granted for the construction of the sanitary ° DAF J q / k -Ta O al and water supply facilities pursuant to Articles VB and aM �° 0. O X66 7 of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code and is not an'expressed �,a.._ -, , r---'±• X m r nm implied approval to discharge from or occupy the structure(s)shown.THIS APPROVAL EXPIRES TWO(2)YEARS v' ), -�, i • i r i l 9•' a q` r lines must be Inspactet: ,u - FROM T BELOW.,,,,-) olk County Dept. of Heafti- m l��'�J / I`j'I, NOV 171993 ro r to a� 9 ��T, y. Vall 852-2100, 24 hours in aL. ,Vac / lbo a f P� DATE SIGNATURE E to schedule inspection(;. _ I - - Qd f' \ 4i c . J - o / br � AREA - 7.8'45 Acres dy\ / / o" t h" �0 'h O y( ZONING DISTRICT: LB & AC = TRAFFIC FLOW DIRECTION o / G �d \ ¢� J _ __ \ i FIRE DISTRICT SOUTHOLD / \t A A = DRAINAGE LIMIT LINE SANITARY DESIGN. / as (o X yrr OQ k ?a �� / p = PROPOSED ELEVATION POPULATION DENSITY ZONE IV „l ( 3' OWNER OR A PLICANT� L� x 7.845- Acres = 2353 gal. 300/g.p.d. �� D 8 D CYCLES J PROPOSED CONTOUR LINE �� \ \\ COX ANE 22355 TE 48 CONTOUR LINES 8 ELEVATIONS ARE RETAIL SALES 28OFFICE 225 - 12 96 - 0.03 g.p.d./sq.lL = 87 gal. / om b� �h � eiO� CUTCHOGL:, N. Y. 11935 H g.p.d. v o \ 1 900 al Septic Tank REFERENCED T 0 N.G.V. . s5 oQ \/ e PROVIDE LOT COVERAP. _ �� vn BUILDING p.91 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR PAVED PARKING AREAS 9 p ' I1 LANDSCAPINe = 14.50. L.P. 8'0 /2 deep 1/2' ASPHALT 1" = 20 2 }-1` Nz LINEER 1 NOV 1,019M � — STABILIZED COMPACTED BASE O� Q o- PARKING C' I TERIA — —^ 1 — -- PP OU UI TOWN 28 RETAIL SILES 96 sq-fl. - 14.5 spacesirmialmaaoaeo OFFICE —TOTAL 225 sq.11. 2.25spoaess BUILDING STORAGE TANK CAPACITY NOT _ APPROVED BY TO EXCEED 1000 GAL. ) 'x enc 3 , PLANNING BOARD 0/16 .5 r< (�F�a �a�' -r OX a�o-(e �o ° o DRAINAGE CPITERIA ✓ dp,5r TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AREA = 0.66 Acres � ;1F 9k LIC, N0. 49618 1 E Nov. 151 1993 ( / //// M • a c = 0.�5 �PECONIC', . RVE"_ , P.C. 2.5 I„"v4 NOV - 91.9J3 (516) 765. -'F'50`L�� tS o'r 0 = Aci �_,t'� �� 0.66 x D.85 x 2,5 x 60" 28 = 2356 CU. P. o. ROX90 -rga MAIN ROAD 2356/ -12.2 = 5t V.F. sourrloLD, N.Y. usn Provide 5- 8'0 /l ” deep L.P.S '93- 94.3 1 • J PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �� SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Richard G. Ward, Chairman - ' / George Ritchie Latham,Jr. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Bennett Orlowski,Jr. P. O. Box 1179 Mark S. McDonald Southold, New York 11971 Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone(516)765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Fax(516) 765 - 1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 16 , 1993 Steven DeFriest D&D Cycles , Inc. 22355 Route 48 ( Cox La. ) Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Site plan for D&D Cycles, Inc. SCTM# 1000-59-10-2 Dear Mr . DeFriest: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, November 15 , 1993 : WHEREAS, William Droskoski and Steven DeFriest are the owners of the property known and designated as D&D Cycles, Inc. ; SCTM# 1000-59-10-2 located at County Road 48 and Kenney' s Road; and WHEREAS, a formal application for the approval of this site plan was submitted on August 20, 1993 ; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, (Article 8) , Part 617, declared itself Lead Agency and issued a Negative Declaration on October 25 , 1993 ; and WHEREAS, this site plan was certified by Thomas Fisher, Building Inspector In Charge, on November 13 , 1993 ; and Page 2 D&D Cycles, Inc. November 16, 1993 WHEREAS , all the requirements of the Site Plan Regulations of the Town of Southold have been met; and be it therefore, RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board approve and authorize the Chairman to endorse the final survey dated November 4, 1993 , subject to a one year review from the date of building permit. Enclosed please find a copy of the survey which was endorsed by the Chairman. Please contact this office if you have any further questions. Sincerely, Richard G. Ward Chairman enc. cc: Thomas Fisher, Building Inspector In Charge Scott Russell, Town Assessor' s Office SITE PLAN Presubmission conference (within 30 days of written request) Complete application received (within 4 months of presub. conference) Application reviewed at work session3 ,ro` Q (within 10 days of receipt) Applicant advised of necessary revisions a (within 30 days of review) Revised submission received ,ro.` OK xro.Hca i OK Lead ,Agency Coordination y—/J _ 73 SEQRA determination £ftF 3E+rr r� J-,4,* r l -7 '3 �o12s93_ AJC,LNtr C) REFERRED TO: 0 tt F Zoning Board of Appeals oN (written comments within 60 days of request 3B Par A Board of Trustees F Wt o _sL, //—Y- 93� Building Department (certification) V _- oK Du- . Suffolk County Department of Planning ro.` oK c&x c w P4 Department of Transportation -State 7 ro.` OK Z �/ <, a o Department of Transportat bn - County ❑ R. ix�ro� OK F_ -' O Suffolk County Dept. of Health >� o _a� In�in.� OK VI s Fire Comt�1� h to-,q_9a �// r 7l3 33ss Sent: o - — 93 Received ,/�-�3 T wrl L' RECEIVED: Draft Covenants and Restrictions Filed Covenants and Restrictions Landscape plan �_Ixro� OK Lighting plan "AWL OK • Curb Cut approval 6 ` 1� Ix�o. OK f Health approval � Ix'�ro.` OK Drainage plan rAW__Q two. OK 0 Reviewed by Engineer Vo _5— y3 o uaL -� IMPo. OK Approval of site plan -with conditions Endorsement of site'plan JJII�k1 Certificate of Occupancv inspection wo` OK Ixro. One year review ETl n ITPV W. W 48 75 9/21/93 'VO. PERMIT UNDER ATION 136 of ARTICLE VI of AHWAY LAW Whereas.Section 136 of Article VI of the Highway law provides:Permits lm work within IM county told right of way,Except in connection with Me construction,reconstruction, maintenance or Improvement of a county road or Operation,of a CO,,.,AI m pWDWn110 Iha prOHegr+s OI Slexin beenty-!even of Me ItarsponallM d corporations law Or,Aores twenty-one,eighty-nine,ninety-one,ninety-three,nmety-three-a and Mnelylhree-b of the railroad law,his person,firm,corporation or municipality shall construct or improve.within the county rood right of way an entrance or connection to such road,or Construct within the county road right of way any works.structure or"Obfelton.or any overhead Or uAoofg,.und voaaing there.#.Or ley or maintain Mersin underground wins or conduits m drainage,aswer a,wale,Passive....of In accedence with the term$$nd Condition.W•work permit issued by the county superintendent or his duly designated agent.notwithstanding any consent or franchise ersnled by any town superintendent.at by anydlher maueipal authority.Any municipal corporation may enter upon any country,read ler the purpose OI widening the pavement Of Im any other purppke authorized by this saC60q,but only alter s,eunng a permit as provided herein.Notwithalanding the limitations inanygeneral or special law,every municipal coromation shall hen and is hereby given authority lodeposilwiM Mecount superintendent such sum of money or a security bond as may be required as condition precedent to the granting of the permit provided In Inds section.The cwnfy superintendent shall establish regulations governing the issuance OI highway work parmhs.Including the lees to be charged Merefm.•system Of deposits of monay Or bonds guaranteeing the pedormarce of the wars ono requirements OI Insurance 10 Pai the Interests of the county during pedormshcl Of the work pursuant l0 a highway work permit.With respect to drivewsy Chu.ce permits.the regulations shall lake info consideration the prospeqllvecharasfe,01 thedevelop ywra.the"file%mchwixbegenerated by she IaCillly within the nasomblylMseeable future,ihedesign and frequency of access fo the facility,the effect of the facility upon drainage$$rallied l0 existing drainage systems,the extent to which such facility may And..,the solely and traffic carrying capacity of the existing county road and any proposed Improvement thereto within Me reasonably foreseeable future,and any standards governing access.nonaccess or amded seen.which have boon established by the County superintendent,Upon completion OI the work wtshln the County road fight of way.suthonizeq by IM walk permit,the parson,firm corporation,municipality.ano his or its successors in interest,shall oa responsible far the maintenance and noir of such work or porion of such walk as set torah within the forms arc conditions Of the work permit.An ativantsing sign,display or device,or any pan thereof,erected in waotlon of this section shall ha removed from the county road right of way by the owner or the party responsible for its erection.The county superintendent shall make a demand by mail.10 the las knew0 address Of the owner,apparent owner or party responsible for the ereq tion of such advertising sign.display or device,ler Ila removal and,if it to not removed within twenty(gg)dogs from she date of the mailing of such demand,the county suparmlendenl may remove any such advertising sign,display or device.Or any part thereof,from the County road right of way.The Mm"county road right of way"shall.for the purposes of this section. mean the entire width between the boundary line of all property which has been purchased or appropriated by the County for county road purposes.all properly over which The county Superintendent or his predecessors hat assumed Jurisdiction for county road purposed,all prapany onelf which Me County superintendent has assumed jurisdiction during the exi of construction.reconstruction or Improvement and all properly which has became pan of the County road syalam through dedication or use.Any parson,firm or corporation wolatmg his section shall be liable 10 a fine OI not less then t ronly-Itve dollars nor more than Ona thousand dollars for each day of violation,to be recovered by the County Superintendent and paid In n the county treasury t0 IM credit Of the County read fund created under this article for the construction.reconstruction and maintenance of county roads on the county road system In accordance with the provisions of this aficle,and may also be removed therefrom as a trespasser by Ihecoumy superintendent upon million to the County court at the county or to the ,.Prime Gain dl the,late. WHEREAS,a certain highway known as the North Rd. CR No. 48 - has been improved and is on the Suffolk County Road System and D & D Cycles U E WHEREAS, 22355 Rt. 48, Cutchogue, NY 11955 requests permission to c Z build a commercial type asphalt access, as per plans, Typical Sections & County Specs. On C c at the a/s/o North Rd. , CR 48, 1,163±t s/o Tucker La. , Hamlet of Southold, Town of Southold. 0 0 m (D m O as per sketch or map attached. NOW,THEREFORE,permission is hereby granted to said NOTE: Sprinkler systems are not permitted to do said work upon the following conditions: on the County R.O.W. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS 1. When concrete Is removed,cul concrete with concrete saw two lest outside the limits of the proposed excavation and for the full panel width.W hen the cul Is made In pavement within 10 feel of the panel joint,the pavement shall be removed for full panel width from the cut on the far side of the excavallon to the panel joint. 2. Backfill and thoroughly compact fill using POWERTAMPER,placing soils so that various types of soil are In same relative position as before ex.:avaling.Grade to original surface. 3. Replace pavement,sidewalk or surface same as existing;It concrete,replace using 1:13/4:3 1/2 mix alone mix concrete;if bituminous material,replace using same type as removed. 4. It concrete curb Is removed,replace with similar curb 1:1 3/4:3 1/2 mix. S. Edge of Jacking PIIS or any other excavation shall be not less than 5 feet from Edge of Pavement. No undercutting allowed in Pit. 6. Notify the Department at Yaphank 924.3451 when the work is to begin so that an Inspection can be made of the operation. This permit shall not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the Commissioner of Public Works. The work authorized by this permit shall be performed under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works or his representative. Particular attention is called to the necessity of thoroughly compacting the back fill,which will be required by the Commissioner of Public Works, The Commissioner of Public Works shall be given one week's notice by said applicant of the date when it intends to begin the work authorized by this permit,and prompt notice of its completion. The said applicant hereby agrees to hold the State.County and Town harmless on account of damages of any kind which may arise during the progress of the work authorized by this permit or by reason thereof. Applicant certifies all persons concerned with actual work under this permit are duly covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance and the State,County and Town shall be held harmless on account thereof. The Commissioner of Public Works reserves the right to at any time revoke orannul this permit should the said applicant fail to comply with the terms and conditions upon which it is granted. The applicant agrees to pay all necessary expenses incident to supervision and inspection by reason of the granting of such permit as certified by the Commissioner of Public Works,such payment to be made within ten days from the rendering of the certified account. Work under this permit to be commenced within thirty days from the date of permit and continued in an expeditious manner. The applicant shall submit a detailed plan of structure to be built,with a description of proposed method of construction. It is understood that should future changes in the alignment or grade of the highway require changes in the work covered by this application and permit,the applicant shall on reasonable notice from the Commissioner of Public Works make such necessary changes at his own expense within the time so specified in notice. Traffic shall be maintained by the applicant on this section of the highway while the work is in progress and until its final completion. A C)9&ert�ifXnWed in the sum of S .. �> ^1- X •• •--•••••................ payable to the County Treasurer of Suffolk County is defile deposited assecurily at the highway will rest ed to its original condition where disturbed at the expense of the applicant,as soon as the work has be Is d,an the sai om ssioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to expend all or as much of such deposit as may be necess r in urp •sho the id applicant neglect or refuse to perform the work. In co slit r of nli this p it t undersigned accepts it subject to conditions described. - ...�.. . . ,. A licant Commi sinner of Public Works,S (folk County ........... 1 o .3 ....................... Date TO AVOID SERIOUS DAMAGE TO VITAL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES, PLEASE CALL LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY AT JUNIPER 2-9000 OR FOR TELEPHONE FACILITIES CALL N.Y. TEL. CO. FLORAL PARK 2-OFFICIAL 25 BEFORE STARTING THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT. / cc: Town of Southold V Form P-136 ez.+on ve3 ���SUFFOI,(-CpG 4► PS�F�c� RAYMOND L. JACOBS tai+ T JA.�IES A. RICh'TER SUPERINTL-YDE1T OF EiGINE'RLNG HIGEWAYS ��Ol �.a��I' INSPECTOR 763-3140 763-3070 OF-,TC:: CF THE ENGINE= TCWN OF SO=-HCLD M E M O R A N D U M TO: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer FROM: James A. Richter, R.A3r� SUBJECT: Site Plan for D h D Cycles Route 48 , Southold SCTM # 1000 - 59 - 10 - 2 DATE: October 13, 1993 As per your request, I have reviewed the drainage calculations for the above referenced facility. The calculations and the drainage design provided for this site is considered to be sufficient to meet the needs of the project. The short environmental assessment form will need to be completed by y o 1 If you have any questions, please contact my office. „c i p(s'r n� PL,ANNINO'BOARD C %+ TOWN OIC SOU HO D SUFFOL�I{ O NTY „ AUG 2 019M i Southold, N.Y. 11971 i (516) 765-1938 Pis> i � '�'°'`UUnRD 1 a �� APPLICATION FOR CONSIDERATION OF SITE PLAN Date of Application Filing Fee Date Recd New Use_Change of Use Re-Use Extension of Existing Use Revision of an Approved Site Plan (Date of Approval ) Other Specify ****************** Name of Business or Site D "L D C Y C L E S Location of Site 113 CovNT`/ 4S./. 1!ENNYS o!¢D Address of Site, if available Name of Applicant CLC L S Address of Applicant 5"S- /Qa c, . ir- o Gll Telephone_ 7,3y - 7,Y'040 Person to be responsible for Construction Telephone Applicant' s interest in site-check one: Owner of Land Under contract to purchase Owner of FeeTitle to Land n J� G � H-.44 It & Address 4 LL H V,4, NEY .f0 Telephone Site Plans Prepared by Pj6�, 414_ Sti 4rgy",e License No. q."79'/9' Address �_ �x 9* 7 AF;*/Y40, So(d'Ff-r-D Telephone Total Land Area of Site 7. Zone District L- C Existing Use of Site V fqc 0+H 7- Proposed Use of SitejjiG G�A+Cs� Gross Floor Area of Existing Structure( s) sqft. — sqft. Gross Floor Area of Proposed Structure(s) ,? 000 sqft. sqft. Percent of Lot Coverage by Building( s) % Percent of Lot for Parking (where applicable) % Percent of Lot for Landscaping(where applicable) % Datum(Specify)U.S.G.S. Other Has applicant been granted a variance and/or special exception by Board of Appeals HO Case Number Name of Applicant Date of Decision Expiration Date Will any toxic or hazardous materials, as defined by the Suffolk County Board of Health, be stored or handled at the site?_ ac If so, have proper permits been obtained? Number and Date of permit issued — NO ACTION (EXCAVATION OR CONSTRUCTION) MAY BE UNDERTAKEN UNTIL APPROVAL OF SITE PLAN BY THE PLANNING BOARD. APPLICANT' S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK D S�C J� Ver yes fibei g dy1Y swQ�no ePosgy and says that he resides at x305 w in the State of New York, and that he is the owner of the above property, or that he is the C�_Gi 0- o e- _ of the 1 C !4 G 1e5 ' (Title) ( Specifywhethee Partnership which is hereby making application; that the or Corporation) owner or his heirs, successors or assigns will, at his own expense, install the required site improvements in accordance with Article XIII of the Code of the Town of Southold for the area stated herein and that there are no existing structures or improvements on the land which are not shown on the Site Plan; that title to the entire parcel, including all rights-of-way, have been clearly established and are shown on said Plan; that no part of the Plan infringes upon any duly filed plan which has not been abandoned both as to lots and as to roads; that he has examined all rules and regulations adopted by the Planning Board for the filing of Site Plans and will comply with same; that the plans submitted, as approved, will not be altered or changed in any manner without the approval of the Planning Board; and that the actual physical improvements will be installed in strict accordance with the plans submitted. Sign (Owner) Sworn to before me this �i�` ay of St R3 - y Public) CWRE L GLEW Signed No"Public,SUnG of Now York (Partner or Corporate Officer and Title) No.48S960b Qualified in Suffolk County Commission E>�u se December 8.19 • IW-16.4'(2/87)—Text 12 PROJECT I.D. NUMBER 1 617.21 SEAR Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I—PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) 1. APPLICANT/SPONSOR 2. PROJECT NAME pc GLeS 3. PROJECT LOCATION: Municipality A.1 ne q d, E Hlu S Q� County s yY Fo,- K 6.. PRECISE LOCATION (Street address and road intersections,prominent landmarks,etc.,or provide map) tf�f}57'- 6J0t 1?0HTE LIT r-t3dy 6oyrof &v 0,s7- 0J B: y 's 4d,4D caYrr7 1 R� , f F) 5. IS PROPO CTION: New ❑Expansion ❑Modification/alteratlon G 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: O N 77/-�'-"7 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFF.CTED: Initially �• ��.5 acres Ultimately EY 1'- acres 8. WILL P SED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? es ❑No If No, describe briefly 9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF P ECT? ❑Residential ❑Industrial Likl5ornmercial OAgn..1ture ❑Park/Forest/Open.space ❑Other Describe: , 10. DOES ACTIO OLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY(FEDERAL, STATE O OCAL)? Yes ❑No If yes, list agency(s)and permit/approvals Do PT 11. DOES ANY ASPECy OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? El Yes No If yes, list agency name and permit/approval 12. AS A RESULT OF P SED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? ❑Yes MNo I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/sponsor name: Date: IR- 19-113 Signature: If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER 1 PART II—ENVIRONMENTAL ASSES T (To be completed by Agency) A. DOES ACTION EXC5peANY TYPE I THRESHOLD IN 6 NYCRR, PART 617.12? ❑Yes If yes,coordinate the review process and use the FULL EAF. B. WILL ACTION RECEIVE COORDINATED REVIEW AS PROVIDED FOR UNLISTED ACTIONS IN 6 NYCRR,PART 617.6? If No,a negative declaration may be erseded by another Involved agency. LO'Yes No C. COULD ACTION RESULT IN ANY ADVERSE EFFECTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOLLOWING:(Answers may be handwritten, if legible) C1. Existing air quality, surface or groundwater quality or quantity, noise levels, existing traffic patterns, solid waste production or disposal, potential for erosion,drainage or flooding problems? Explain briefly: C2. Aesthetic,agricultural, archaeological, historic,or other natural or cultural resources; or community or neighborhood character? Explain briefly: Hv C3. Vegetation or fauna, fish, shellfish or wildlife species, significant habitats, or threatened or endangered species? Explain briefly: / ( v C4. A community's existing plans or goals as officially adopted,or a change In use or Intensity of use of land or other natural resources?Explain briefly. V C5. Growth,subsequent development, or related activities likely to be induced by the proposed action? Explain briefly. / r C6. Long term, short term,cumulative, or other effects not identified in C1-05? Explain briefly. C7. Other impacts(including changes in use of either quantity or type of energy)? Explain briefly. D. IS THERE,OR IS THERE.6IKELY TO BE,CONTROVERSY RELATED TO POTENTIAL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS? ❑Yes No If Yes,explain briefly PART III—DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (To be completed by Agency) INSTRUCTIONS: For each adverse effect identified above,determine whether it is substantial,large,Important or otherwise significant. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its (a) setting (i.e. urban or rural); (b) probability of occurring; (c) duration; (d) irreversibility;(e) geographic scope; and (f) magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference supporting materials. Ensure that explanations contain sufficient detail to show that all relevant adverse Impacts have been Identified and adequately addressed. ❑ Check this box if you have identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY o Then proceed directly to-the FULL EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration. P11Check this box if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide on attachments as necessary, the reasons supporting this determination: Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Tit a Respon - lle�Oyicer y/���/� 61 Signature o Responsible O icer in Lead Agency Si fur o —0-ir,01 dilifirren,T10m espon,,ble o icer) Date 2 V/ . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK RK 0p ROBERT J.GAFFNEY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS March 14, 2000 CHARLES J. BARTHA, P.E. COMMISSIONER D & D Cycles 22355 Route 48 Cutchogue, N. Y. 11955 RE: Permit# - 48-75, CR 48, North Road Gentlemen: Please be advised that the above-referenced permit has been cancelled by this Department. The County Treasurer has been authorized to refund your security in the amount of$800.00. Very truly yours, William S. Shannon, P.E. Chief Engineer By: �y� M. Paul Campagnola Permits Engineer W SS/MPC/ln CC: Town of Southold D MAR 17 2000 Southold Town Planning awrd SUFFOLK COUNTY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER (516)8S2-4000 333 YAPHANK AVENUE 0 YAPHANK,N.Y. 11980 0 FAX(516)852-4150 PLANNING BOARD MEMB)A Town Hall, 53095 Main Road BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. P.O.l/y P.O. Box 1179 Chairman C t Southold, New York 11971 WILLIAM J. CREMERS y 2 Fax (516) 765-3136 KENNETH L.EDWARDS Oy Telephone(516) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. O RICHARD G.WARD PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 26, 1999 Steven DeFriest Mary Woznick 2305 Glenn Road P.O. Box 1401 Southold, NY 11971 RE: Request for Farmers Market at former site of of D & D Cycles Building, Route 48, Southold Dear Mr. DeFriest & Ms. Woznick, The Planning Board has received your letter of January 11, 1999, requesting the Board's permission to operate a farmers market at the site of the D & D Cycles Building on Route 48, in Mattituck. As you know, the approved site plan of November 15, 1993, was for motorcycle sales and repair. Your proposal for a farmers market is not a permitted use in this Limited Business (LB) District. A farm stand, not to exceed twenty (20) square feet of floor area is permitted, however the existing building of 3,121 square feet clearly exceeds this limit. In addition to the above, you should be aware that a moratorium exists on any change of use at this location. The moratorium expires on June 8, 1999. Further, the Board's final action in this area will be guided by whatever legislation may be enacted by the Town Board in the interim period. 0 0 If you have any questions, or require additional information, please contact this office. m er ly, t �a sner ite Plan Reviewer cc: Edward Forrester, Director of Code Enforcement STEVEN DEFRIEST& MARY WOZNICK 2305 Glenn Road P.O. Box 1401 Southold, N.Y. 11971 Telephone(516)765-6035 Fax(516)765-3591 January 11, 1999 Attention: Mr. Robert G. Kassner Site Plan Reviewer Town of Southold Dear Mr. Kassner and Board Members: Mary and I are writing to you regarding the piece of property on Route 48 in Southold which we currently own. We have included a copy of the survey on said piece of property. We wish to seek the Boards' support and approval to operate a farmers' market where we would invite local and neighboring farmers and bakers(strictly packaged goods) to sell their goods at our location. We in turn would rent them a specified amount of space in our building. We feel that by giving the vendors the opportunity to collectively display and sell their goods in one location they would achieve an increase in sales through an increase in exposure. This would also give our farmers another opportunity to sell their products locally, as well as shipping them great distances. We feel that the town also stands to benefit as a result of the positives that would come out of such a business. We believe that the vendors and town can capitalize on the existing and ever increasing tourist trade brought about by the Cross Sound Ferry. We also feel that this business conforms to the desire to remain consistent with the rural and historic character of the surrounding areas. We hope the Board shares our optimism, and agrees that such a business operating at this site would benefit everyone involved, including the Town of Southold. We would appreciate and are open to any suggestions and/or ideas that the Board might make to help us realize this project. We would hope, with your support, to be operating by this spring. If there are any questions at all please feel free to contact us at the above number and address. We look forward to hearing from you and would like to thank you for taking the time to read and consider our proposal. c�Sincerely, F Steven DeFriest � Mary Wozmck JAN 11 1999 -"n,! thoId Totvn F' -r, . .:, , , 1q Bo-rd a a0 a �" 19 Prb51 N " �0 �0 ° P � tidy' mN f y'O �p 6° y� 41 Y9� AREA = 7.845 Acres SURVEYFOR CERM" TO, D & D CYCLES °' 0 MMM AT SOUTHOLD `�`` ^` FAME MANY OF TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOM FOR BANK SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. WW-50- 10-02 Scale: I"= 100' July 21, 1993 a «� ,,.....y CER WICArAWS 7-26-93 ..a . Prepae0 In accorAonca N/A Me nxh(mwn � � ( NO. 996/6 elnnAn.Ae In. Bll. ewa.w ne ..IMdrA.d PLANNING BOARD MEMBE10OFF011 �� CD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. =.r� l/y� P.O. Box 1179 Chairman y - Southold,New York 11971 WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L.EDWARDS u• Fax(516) 765-3136 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. Gy �� Telephone (516) 765-1938 RICHARD G.WARD PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 18, 1998 Patricia C. Moore Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: Change of use for approved site plan for D & D Cycles Route 48, Southold SCTM# 1000-59-10-2 Dear Ms. Moore, This is in response to your letter of August 14, 1998, in which you indicate that the approved site plan for D & D Cycles will be built as approved, but the site will be used as a winery. A winery is a permitted use in this Limited Business Zone and the Board has determined that the on-site parking is adequate for the proposed winery. The Board approves the change of use from a Motorcycle repair, sales and retail store to the proposed winery. However, if during construction any changes are proposed to the exterior, the Board reserves the right to review them and to refer them to the ARC for further comment. Any change in the location of the parking must be brought to the Board's attention in advance, and when constructed be so noted on an as-built site plan. rely, i ;��e' � Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman cc: Edward Forrester, Director of Code Enforcement .� 7r"�114/_99�: . .5E 516765a5d'+ LAW OFFICES MOOPF PAGE 01 PATRICIA C. MOORS D al Attorney u Law v 51020 Mao Road Southold.New York 11971 Tel, (516)765-4330 AUG 17 ly5o Fax: (516)765.4643 Southold Town FACSIMILE COVER SHEET Planning Board The pages comprising this facsimile transmission contain confidential information from Patricia C. Moore. This information is intended solely for use by the individual entity named as the recipient hereof. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the contents of this transmission is prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify us by telephone immediately so we may arrange to retrieve this t ansmission at no cost to you. To- rd- I f/7ep-` RE :_ y, D cele DATE: TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET IF TRANSMISSION IS FAULTY OR INCOMPLETE, PLEASE CALL BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. CLIENT NAME: OPERATOR: MARGARET y � lel- ,yam LAW uFFI-E� 1100RE F'AGE PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Lw Main Rod Swdba d,New York 11971 Tel:(5 16)7654330 Fac:(516)765-4643 M"Vff t Rutkowski &Watffy August 14, 1998 Bennett Orlowski, Jr. , chairman Southold Town Planning Board 4s „” Town Hall 53095 Main Road " P.O.Box 1179 Southold, MY 11971 Re: C 4 D Cycle/Defriest Pi,a; rvitna P;,, r, l SCTM /1000-59-10-2 Proposed Winery Use Dear Chairman Orlowski; We would respectfully request that you review the above referenced site plan for the purposes of changing the proposed use of the existing partially constructed building from Motorcycle Sales and Repairs to a Winery. We believe that the proposed Winery in the existing building will be a more appropriate and less intense use of the property. No modifications are intended for the existing building and Planning Board approved site plan. Please forward a memo to the building inspector which authorizes the use of the building as a Winery. I can be available for your work session to discuss the matter. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. Verb ly yours, `-fretricia C. Moore 60SI-S9L (9jc) auuUu 'r` i 3 Won � iaS ��MaISP�nos LL6LLX1 mea t: 51 I m" yI �. • MSR 'ks� �V�\ �_ � I f�'-.. � ^m� I � wa• � .rtr \i r. I �VJlz'r": I: '". �.�� - � :k P(ry r~ �L S•i.G i Jt Z.4 x II 41 52 0 W 175.95' A = 1969.,3'6' I YIIC'C'I_ _ a. 48 IZ0 'HIDE �s ca--- PLANNING BOARD MEMBERSyO�O$UffU(�C RICHARD G.WARD v^,r`Z` Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Chairman o y4 P.O. Box 1179 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. Y ti v Southold, New York 11971 BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR-Fax (516) 765-3136 WILLIAM J. CREMERS y ' ��- Telephone (516) 765-1938 KENNETH L. EDWARDS '�O! � PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman, Board of Appeals FROM: Richard G. Ward, Chairman RE: Request for Coordination Request DATE: November 14, 1996 Long Island Lighting Company Main Road, Mattituck SCTM# 1000-122-7-6.6 The Planning Board has reviewed the preliminary site plan and finds it to be satisfactory. The compressors will be screened from view by a berm and double row of evergreens. The noise level of the gas compressoc• is not of major concern because it seems to be within acceptable limits and will be operating primarily during electrical outages. Also, the proposed elevation of the compressors and the berm should mitigate whatever noise may be generated. David Defriest Main Road, Greenport SCTM# 1000-45-3-2 As you are aware, the Planning and Zoning Committee has discussed the possibility of permitting used car lots and car rental businesses within the B General Business district. If the Committee were to move ahead with this proposal, the application before the ZBA would be unnecessary. However, since no decision has been reached, this Board is unable to comment further. Kid N' Round by Theresa Walker County Road 48, Southold SCTM# 1000-55-2-21 The portion of the property and building that the applicant wishes to establish her business in does not have site plan approval. The Planning Board recommends that the owner of the shopping center be required to submit the information necessary to complete the pending site plan application before a decision is rendered. This unresolved site plan has been outstanding since 1989 as per attached letter. : • • sem' APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS ��gUFFO�,��o h�Q Oy Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer,Chairman c 53095 Main Road Serge Doyen W x P.O. Box 1179 James Dinizio, Jr. O Southold, New York 11971 Robert A. Villa Fax (516) 765-1823 Lydia A.Tortora �Q Telephone(516) 765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD REPLY MEMO TO: Richard G. Ward, PB Chairman FROM: Jerry Goehringer, ZBA Chairman Z'1:7) G DATE: October 31, 1996 Cr/ SUBJECT: Your Memo/D & D Cycles Outdoor Display/Oter Business Uses I can understand your concerns raised in your October 2 , 1996 memo regarding 100-239.6 (accessory outdoor display areas) , and perhaps you were not made aware that the Appeals Board had already rendered a decision at our October 17, 1996 meeting (before knowing about your third letter arriving) . It would have helped if this was brought up earlier. A copy of the board's decision, which included approval for limited temporary outdoor display, conditions and time limitations included the same as an accessory use related directly to the Special Exception request. Therefore, I do not believe that action affects the rest of the town - particularly since this was not a variance request. Since you have questions about the future of the Town ad outdoor display, I would like to suggest that you and I together meet with our attorney, Laury Dowd, under the client-privilege rules. Perhaps t gether we can make suggestions on how the law can be better clarified t show the intent to prohibit, or not to prohibit, temporary outdoor display for business uses. Remember that business uses as referenced at Section 100 141A(2) , then 100-131A(2-5) , and then 100-101A(3-5) of the General Bu iness District are those additional business zone uses allowable under the Zoning Code in an LI Zone District. ('They may have been left out of the zoning chart which is not totally correct. ) Please let me know when you might want to meet regarding this zoning code wording - at the convenience of the Town Attorney in her office, if possible. CC: Laury Dowd, Town Attorney L__._.__ $DiiTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD X kas�(r�r- • APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS �o�OgOFFO��coG Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman c lt� 53095 Main Road Serge Doyen W x P.O. Box 1179 James Dinizio, Jr. Southold, New York 11971 Robert A. Villa y,� O� Fax (516)765-1823 Lydia A. Tortora * �a Telephone(516) 765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Appl. #4922-SE ACTION OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS October 17, 1996 APPLICANT: D & D Cycles, as Tenant LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Unit # 8 at 22355 C.R. 48, Cutchogue, NY. COUNTY TAX MAP DISTRICT 1000, SECTION 84, BLOCK 1 , LOT 26.3 ZONING CODE DISTRICT DESIGNATION: Light Industrial (LI) District. BASIS Ole APPEAL: Section 274B of New York Town Law and Southold Town Zoning Code, Article XIII, Section 100-131B(8) which provides for certain marine uses, as well as many business uses (unrelated or related to marine activities or sale items) . This tenant-applicant has been directed to file this Special Exception application pursuant to proceedings in Town Justice Court, and its requested use is in conjunction with an established workshop business zone use and accessory repair and display of items incidental to the workshop business. A limited, temporary outdoor display of marine items is specifically requested by applicant, although the town records show that the temporary display of other non-marine items related to the workshop business use is not inconsistent with the general wording of the code. RELIEF REQUESTED: Use for sales, repair, and temporary outdoor display of marine sport vehicles (known as "Polaris water sport vehicle," "Waverunner," or other comparable propellered/motorized marine vehicle). MOTION MADE BY: G. Goehringer SECONDED BY: J. Dinizio, Jr. ACTION/RESOLUTION ADOPTED: Granted as applied, with the following Conditions: (1) This approval will automatically and without further steps become null and void, and said use under this Special Exception shall cease, discontinue and be removed, when any one of the following events occur: (a) termina- tion of lease or other agreement by the applicant-tenant (D & D Cycles, Inc. or William Droskoski), and/or (b) one-hundred (100%) percent occupancy of this complex; and (2) Four parking spaces, as requested, is denied for temporary outdoor display; and alternatively, the temporary outdoor display shall be limited to that particular area requested by applicant and shown on the sketch copy of the formerly approved site plan, for up to three (contiguous) parking spaces in front of the applicant's present Unit; (3) The temporary outdoor display shall not interfere with public access or egress and shall not restrict the public right-of-way or be placed in the minimum required landscape buffer areas. Page 2 - File #4422-SE Matter of D & D CYCLES, INC. Decision Rendered October 17, 1996 (Informational Note: As per Section 100-239.7, it is understood that in the event long-term outdoor display or storage is proposed at any time, site plan approval must be obtained for such activity. Applicant has confirmed that this is not for long-term outdoor display or storage.) REASONS/FINDINGS: 1) The zoning code provides for authorization of this particular use, and its accessory uses, in this LI Light Industrial District; 2) the use requested is reasonable in relation to the District in which is is located, adjacent use districts, and nearby and adjacent uses (landfill, other industrial-type uses, and business uses nearby and on site); 3) the Special Exception use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties - commercial property directly to the west is zoned 1,10 (Light Industry Office-Park District) and is used for repair of all types of automobiles, trucks, etc. with repairs; to the south is a dual-lane major highway; to the east is a town street; in close vicinity are sites for transfer station, recycling, and other similar uses. Directly to the west on this same site (1000,84-1-26.3) is a unit occupied by S.C. Imports for maintenance, assembly and repair of imported and other motors, vehicles, etc. with temporary storage of vehicles (and other items) relative to the main use. 4) the use will not prevent orderly and reasonable uses proposed or existing in adjacent use districts, for the same reasons as noted in #3 above. 5) No evidence has been submitted to show that the safety, health, welfare, comfort, convenience, order of the town would be adversely affected, and it was decided by the enactment of this Code in January 1989, and subsequent amendments thereto, that this use is to be authorized; 6) all units and site access-egress areas shall continue to be accessible for fire and police protection, as well as right-of-way areas, and this unit must continue to meet all fire/building regulations. 7) no other adverse conditions were found after considering items listed under Section 100-263 and 100-264 of the Zoning Code. VOTE OF THE BOARD: Ayes: J. Dinizio Jr. , R. Villa, S. Doyen, and G. Goehringer. (Member Tortora stated that she needs more information before voting with this motion). This resolution was duly adopted by majority vote of four of the five members present. APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS �gpfFO(� �0� (9G Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman V' y``„ 53095 Main Road Serge Doyen w = " P.O. Box 1179 James Dinizio, Jr. O v� Southold. New York 11971 Robert A. Villa p'�O �0�¢' Fax (516) 765-1823 Lydia A. Tortora Telephone (516) 765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 24, 1996 Mr. William Droskoski D & 1) Cycles, Inc.. 22355 Route 48 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Appl. No. 4422 - Special Exception (Polaris Sales/Display) Dear Mr. Droskoski: Please find enclosed a copy of the determination rendered by the Board of Appeals and filed today with the Town Clerk's Office concerning your recent special exception application. A copy of this determination has also been transmitted to the front desk at the Planning Board and Building Inspector Departments for their information (although there is no application with them at this time) . Also, due to the proximity of this project within 500 feet of a state or county road, bay, sounds, or an estuary thereof, we have transmitted a duplicate of this Special Exception file to the Suffolk County Department of Planning for their determination as required under the County's Administrative Code. It is expected that once review is completed by the County, that the County will leave the LBA portion of the project for local (town) determination without further steps. We' will advise if there is a different determination. Very truly yours GERARD P. GOEH GER CHAIRMAN Enclosare Copies of Decision to the following on 10/24/96: Building tor ' Office Suffolk Countyounty Department of Planning planning Board Office (Attn: R. Kassner, Reviewer) PLANNING BOARD MEMBEIP f 't �$QFFN�� a Town Hall, 53095 Main Road RICHARD G.WARD hr0~ �G^ P.O. Box 1179 Chairma❑ O Southold, New York 11971 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. y 2 Fax (516) 765-3136 BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. WILLIAM J. CREMERS 0 Telephone (516) 765-1938 y • !� KENNETH L. EDWARDS PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman, Board of Appeals FROM: Richard G. Ward, Chairman RE: Request for Planning Board comments William Droskoski, D & D Cycles, Tenant of Pudge Corp. SCTM# 1000-84-1-26 DATE: October 17, 1996 This will supplement our memorandum to you of September 18, 1996, regarding the above Special Exception request to permit the sale of marine items. The Planning Board requests that no outdoor storage be permitted either in the areas reserved for parking, or in the front yard landscaped buffer area. Our request is based on the fact that the site contains the minimum required number of parking spaces needed for a structure of that type and size. Allowing the use of parking for storage will start a precedent which may result in an overintensfication of business uses and congestion on the site at some future date. Such a decision will also set the stage for individual businesses to request conversion of parking areas into outdoor display and storage areas which would function as a expansion of the business activity outside of the building itself. This, in turn, will force vehicular parking onto public roadways and road shoulders. If the applicant proposes a specific designated area for outdoor storage, this Board would appreciate the opportunity to review the location to insure that it does not conflict with the previously approved site plan. A copy of the approved site plan was previously made available to your office. APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS S�FFO(�-�oGy Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer,Chairman o ` 53095 Main Road Serge Doyen w x P.O. Box 1179 James Dinizio, Jr. O .F Southold, New York 11971 Robert A. Villa y�J/Ol �a0� Fax(516) 765-1823 Lydia A.Tortora Telephone (516) 765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 1, 1996 1 ly Mr. William Droskoski OCT 3190 D & D Cycles, Inc. 22355 Route 48 Cutchogue, NY 1.1935 Re: Appl. #4422 - Special Exception Use (Marine Sales/Display) v Dear Mr. Droskoski: Please find enclosed a copy of our Notice of Hearings for the 111 October 17, 1996 Regular Meeting. Also enclosed is a Poster sign, which should be displayed as soon as possible on a post, tree, or fence 10 feet, or closer, in the front yard facing C.R. 48. The sign must be displayed for seven full days (or more at your choice) , and after the seven-day period has passed, please sign the enclosed Affidavit of Posting before a notary public and return to us either by mail or delivery. With reference to the enclosed map (copy of the site plan on file with the Planning Board), please note, by scale, the area for temporary outdoor display. A copy of the law pertaining to permitted outdoor displays is enclosed for you to review before sketching the map - which restricts certain areas. Please feel free to call if you have any questions regarding this process. Very truly yours, i dalski Enclosures APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS ��o�OgUFFO(,�coGy Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman 53095 Main Road Serge Doyen w s P.O. Box 1179 James Dinizio, Jr. p Southold, New York 11971 Robert A. Villa Fax (516) 765-1823 Lydia A.Tortora �! * �� Telephone (516)765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTICE OF ADDITIONAL HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the Code of the Town of Southold, the following application will be held for public hearings before the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1996: 7:55 p.m. Appl. No. 4422 - D & D CYCLES, INC. as TENANT. (Pudge Corp. , Owner) . This is a request for a Special Exception under Article XXIII , Section 100-131B(8) for permission to sell, with temporary outdoor display of "marine items" (ref: Section 100-239.6), relative to Unit #8 at 22355 C. R. 48, Cutchogue, NY; Portion of Parcel #1000-84-1-26.3. 'bone: Light Industrial (LI) Zone District. The Board of Appeals will at said time and place hear any and all persons or representatives desiring to be heard in the above applications. Written comments may also be submitted prior to the conclusion of the subject hearing. The above hearings will not start before the times designated, and some may be carryover hearings. The files may be reviewed before 3:45 p.m. the scheduled date of the hearing for updates or new information. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call 765-1809. Dated: October 1, 1996. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, Chairman By Linda Kowalski x APPEALS BOARD MEMBERSO��gUFFO(� COGy Southold Town Hall .+ 53095 Main Road Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman -4 y. Serge Doyen ti 2 P.O. Box 1179 James Dinizio, Jr. O r" Southold. New York 11971 Robert A. Villa y�0 a0ll Fax (516) 765-1823 Lydia A.Tortora 1� j Telephone (516) 765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OFSOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM/COORDINATION REQUEST TO: Planning Board, Chairman, Members, and Office FROM: ZBA DATE: September 16, 1996 SUBJECT: Coordination on Projects (Possible Jurisdiction and Reply Request) This will confirm that the following three ZBA applications may need to receive a determination by the Planning Board under the site plan (or waiver) regulations pertaining to "applications" or "waivers." Your response (and suggestions on a "preliminary basis" about actual site layout/details) are appreciated: 1 . Variance :1ppl. 474389 - J. Gray and Jimbo Realty (amended plan previously coordinated - applicant is still working with amendments through PB) . We will need update for ZBA hearing to be held 9/19) . 2. Variance Appl. 114418 - Michael's Pontiac-Cad-Olds Replacement of Existing Ground Sign. 3. Additional Use proposed - Unit 48 by William Droskoski, D & D Cycles, Tenant, Pudge Corp.-Owner of record. The applicant has advised our office that as part of the enforcement proceeding, he wa not required to file for Planning Board site plan review for the h'0 proposed "outdoor display and sales of marine items." Please advise at this time whether or not PB will require an application. A Please furnish ZBA with a copy of the approved site plan for r reference by ZBA members during this proceeding. - - (Please also feel free to comment on a preferred location of outdoor display on the site which does not affect required parking or screening. ) �� r����� PLANNING BOARD MEMB yi�OSUff���-C N RICHARD G.WARD J (jG Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Chairman vl�� 2�`� P.O. Box 1179 GEORGE RITCHIE LATH",JR. -4 Southold, New York 11971 BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. v Fax (516) 765-3136 WILLIAM J. CREMERS Telephone (516) 765-1938 KENNETH L.EDWARDS 'yiJ'Ol �aO�yrf PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman, Board of Appeals FROM: Richard G. Ward, Chairman,4 RE: Request for Planning Board comments William Droskoski, D & D Cycles, Tenant of Pudge Corp. SCTM# 1000-84-1-26 DATE: September 18, 1996 This is in response to your request for this Board's comments on the above project. In reference to the above Special Exception request for sales of marine items in the Light Industrial Zone; the Planning Board requests that the applicant show the area for the proposed outdoor storage on the approved site plan for this Boards review. A copy of the approved site plan was previously made available to your office. 5�b Z K;K APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS S SOS CSG Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman y� y< 53095 Main Road Serge Doyen e�i� x P.O. Box 1179 James Dinizio, Jr. p _rft Southold. New York 11971 Robert A. Villa Fax (516) 765-1823 Lydia A. Tortora # Telephone (516) 765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM/COORDINATION REQUEST TO: Planning Board, Chairman, Members, and Office FROM: ZB t` DATE: September 16, 1996 SUBJECT: Coordination on Projects (Possible Jurisdiction and Reply Request) This will confirm that the following three ZBA applications may need to receive a determination by the Planning Board under the site plan (or waiver) regulations pertaining to "applications" or "waivers." Your response (and suggestions on a "preliminary basis" about actual site layout/details) are appreciated: 1 . Variance Appl. # 1389 - J. Gray and Jimbo Realty (amended plan previously coordinated - applicant is still working with amendments through PB) . We will need update for ZBA hearing to be held 9/19) . 2. Variance Appl. #4418 - Michael's Pontiac-Cad-Olds Replacement of Existing Ground Sign. 3. Additional Use proposed - Unit #8 by William Droskoski, D & D Cycles, Tenant, Pudge Corp.-Owner of record. The applicant has advised our office that as part of the enforcement proceeding, he was not required to file for Planning Board site plan review for the proposed "outdoor display and sales of marine items." Please advise at this time whether or not PB will require an application. Please furnish ZBA with a copy of the approved site plan for reference by ZBA members during this proceeding. s - - ' - ; I" , 5 (Please also feel free to comment on a preferred location of outdoor display on the site which does not affect required parking or screening. ) SSP 17 �o��gpFF04co �� Gy C= Fi PLANNING HOARD MEMBERS y '- SCOTT L. HARRIS supervisor Richard G. Ward. Chairman George Ritchie Latham,Jr. Oy�O®^_, �aO�� TowHall5 53 Main Road y.3' �p n Bennett Orlowski,Jr. �r�lQ"" P.O. Box 1179 Mark S. McDonald Southold,New York 11971 Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone(5161765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE rax(516)765- 1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM: TO: Laury Dowd, Town Attorney FROM: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer SUBJECT: Proposed Site Plan for D & D Cycles Motorcycle Repair Shop Route 48 , Southold SCTM# 1000-59-10-2 DATE: February 3 , 1994 A letter was sent to the above applicant on December 15, 1993, (attached) advising him that the sale of new or used motorcycles, snowmobiles, and jet skis are not permitted in this Limited Business (LB) zone. It is clear from a review of the elevation drawings and his present sale of motorcycles that this is the intended purpose of the glass showroom at the front of the new building. In order not to mislead the applicant into risking his capital in a venture that is not permitted, I would appreciate your interpretation of the code, "Retail uses supplemental to the service business establishment" , (attached) . I would also appreciate your review of my proposed new draft letter. ON § 100-81 ZONING § 100-81 (a) Retail businesses complementary to the rural and historic character of the surrounding area, limited to the following [11 Antique, art and craft shops and gallaries. [21 Custom workshops and machine shops. [31 Wholesale or retail sale and accessory storage and display of garden materials and plants, including nursery operations, provided that the outdoor storage or display of plants and materi- als does not obstruct pedestrian flow or vehicu- lar traffic and does not occur within three (3) feet of the property line. [41 Libraries or museums. (b) Professional and business offices. (c) Funeral homes. (d) Restaurants, except drive-in restaurants. Q (e) Personal service stores and shops, ioeluding barber- shops, beauty parlors, professional studios and travel agencies. a. `} (f) Repair shops for household, business or personal _23 " appliances, including cabinet shops, carpenter shops, electrical shops, Plumbing shops, furniture repair shops and bicycle and motorcycle shops, landscaping and other service businesses. ::0 Wholesale and warehousing. (h) Retail uses supplemental to the service business '. establishment. B. Uses permitted by special exception by the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as a special exception by the AM-1 Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided and,except for bed- and-breakfast uses, are subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board: s, 10073 to-zs-es � B�m LACK.. � C LAW = Al TIONAR- Y _ T � , . . Z I § o 6 21z . ti 2 : � � - , / :\ � • . fi � — p Fifth Edition � � f � } t f \ \ . �/ . \ ' \». / : . - \ / k . � SUPERSTITIOUS USE • • 1290 1291 The doctrine has no recognition in this country; and Supplemental bill. In equity pleading, a bill filed in in a bequest to support a Catholic priest, and perhaps addition to an original bill, in order to supply some the a other uses void in England, would not be considered defect in its original frame or structure which cannot 253. as superstitious uses. be supplied by amendment; or, for purpose of bring- Suppliciuo ing into controversy matter occurring after original ishment; Supervening cause. A new effective cause which,oper- bill was filed. called "u ating independently of anything else, becomes proxi- ally mate cause of accident. See also Intervening cause; Supplemental bill in nature of bill of review. A type of Superseding cause. bill employed to invoke jurisdiction of court of chan- Supplier. cery to recall one of its adjudications made while ing a co, Supervening negligence. To come within the doctrine some fact existed which, if before court, would have ble to co, of last clear chance or supervening negligence, four prevented rendition of final decree, and which, with. producti,_ conditions must coexist, to wit: (1) the injured party out negligence of party presenting it, was not earlier including has already come into a position of peril; (2) the presented to chancellor. supplier, injuring party then or thereafter becomes, or in the C.A. § 23 exercise of ordinary prudence ought to have become, Supplemental claim A further claim which was filed aware,not only of that fact,but also that the party in when further relief was sought after the bringing of a Supplies. r peril either reasonably cannot escape from it or ap- claim. See Supplemental complaint. ble aggr. patently will not avail himself of opportunities open Supplemental complaint. Under the Rules of Civil Pro. amount s mulcted to him for doing so; (3) the injuring party sorsa- cedure in the federal and most state courts, acorn- for use o, quently has the opportunity by the exercise of tea- plaint filed in an action to bring to the notice of the on hand. sonable care to save the other from harm; and(4)he court and the opposite party matters occurring after fails to exercise such care. See also Intervening the commencement of action and which may affect In Engl cause; Last clear chance doctrine;Superseding cause. the rights asserted. Fed.R.Civil P. 15(d). sums of house of, Supervise. To have general oversight over, to superin- It is distinguished from an"amended complaint,"in and the v.. tend or to inspect. See Supervisor. that an "amended complaint" is one which corrects Supply. To merely faults and errors of a pleading. Supervision. An act of occupation of supervising; in- aggregate spec[ion. Supplemental pleading. One consisting of facts arising yielded or since filing of the original. Supplemental pleadings furnishing Supervisor. A surveyor or overseer. Also, in some relate to occurrences, transactions and events which Port Mac! states, the chief officer of a town; one of a board of may have happened since the date of the pleadings Support, v. county officers. sought to be supplemented. Fed.R.Civil P. 15(d); nance; to In a broad sense, one having authority over others, McKnight v. McKnight, 25 N.C.App. 246, 212 S.E.2d continue; to superintend and direct. 902, 904. hood. To The term "supervisor'means any individual having Supplementary. Added as a supplement; additional; with aid o, authority, in the interest of the employer, to hire, being, or serving as, a supplement. Support, n. transfer, suspend, lay off, recall, promote, discharge, source or Supplementary proceedings. Proceedings supplementa- or living. assign, reward, or discipline other employees, or re- g- ry to an execution, directed to the discovery of the means of I sponsibly to direct them, or to adjust their griev- debtor's property and its application to the debt for de ree of , ances, or effectively to recommend such action, if in which the execution is issued. The purely statu- g connection with the foregoing the exercise of such y are p y cion of life. tory, are in the nature of a creditor's bill for the vacation, authority is not of a merely routine or clerical nature, collection of a judgment or tax, and are proceedings B. fe but requires the use of independent judgment. Na- I g p g vacation, G in personam and not in rem. See also Proceeding. purposes; tional Labor Relations Act, § 2(11). After an execution on a judgment has issued, the attendance Supervisory control. Control exercised by courts to judgment creditor may commence new proceedings See also M; compel inferior tribunals to act within their jurisdic- to collect the debt. This process includes a summons Support tion, to prohibit them from acting outside their juris- to the judgment debtor to appear and to submit to an ground sup; diction, and to reverse their extrajurisdictional acts. examination as to his property and the court is em adjoining ox powered under statutes to enter an order for pay. is of two ki Supplemental. That which is added to a thing to com- ment, for violation of which the debtor may be cited Port is the i plete it. See also Amendment. for contempt and imprisoned; e.g. M.G.L.A. (Mass.) which lies n c. 246, § 6; Mass.R.Civil P. 4.3(b). of land to b. Supplemental act. That which supplies a deficiency, _ adds to or completes,or extends that which is already Suppletory oath. See Oath. tt• in existence without changing or modifying the origi- liant /s3pl(i)yant/. The actor in, or party prefer. See also F: nal. Act designed to improve Obligation; existing statute by Suppringa petition of rightEnforcementobli adding something thereto withouttit , .changing the origi- Nonsupport. nal text. Supplicatio /s5plakeysh(iy)ow/. Lat. In the civil lax.a petition for pardon of a first offense; also a petition. Crime of no Supplemental affidavit. An affidavit made in addition for reversal of judgment; also equivalent to "duphea- meanor if h to a previous one, in order to supply some deficiency tio,"which corresponds to the common law rejoinder. which he c; in it. legally oblig. Supplicavit /s5plakeyvat/. In English law, a writ issu dependent. Supplemental answer. One which was filed for the ing out of the king's bench or chancery for talung Ground for d Purpose of correcting, adding to, and explaining an sureties of the peace. It is commonly directed to the so provide, i, answer already filed. See Supplemental pleading. justices of the peace, when they are averse to acting statutes. x s� PLANNING BOARD mr-.113FRS SCOTT L. FURRIS Supervisor `�.`.:�• LBehard O. ward. Chainnan George Ritchie Urtham.Jr. .t t ��_ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Bennett Orlowski.Jr. - P. O. Boz 1179 Mark S. McDonald Southold, New York 11971 Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone(516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE rax(516)765- 1823 TOWN OF SO=OLD December 15 , 1993 William Droskoski D & D Cycles Inc. 22355 Route 48 ( Cox Lane) Cutchogue NY 11935 RE: D & D Cycles County Road 48 , Southold Zoning District: Limited Business (LB) Agricultural- Conservation (AC) Dear Mr.Droskoski: This letter will confirm our conversation of today at the Town Hall in regard to the above referenced project. You have agreed that there will be no sale of new or used motorcycles, jet skis or snow mobiles at the above site. Further, you have agreed to submit an amended site plan for the Board' s review, showing the chain link fence that was not on the approved plan and that was installed while the stop work order was in force. If you are not in agreement with any of the above statements Please reply in writing immediately. If we do not hear from you within two weeks of the date of this letter, the Planning Board will assume that you are in agreement with the above statements. 5�erely, / Robert G. Kassner Site Plan Reviewer cc: Thomas Fisher, Building Inspector in Charge REGISTERED MAIL January 31, 1994H�% Av"`�% 7 D. Steven DeFriest William Droskoski D & D Cycles Inc. 22355 Route 48 ( Cox Lane) Cutchogue NY 11935 C� ., �,t�'/� ✓ ` I RE: D & D Cycles, Motorcycle Repair Shop County Road 48, Southold Zoning District: Limited Business (LB) Agricultural- Conservation (AC) Dear Mr. DeFriest & Droskoski: This letter will supplement our letter of December 15 , 1993 , to y6", , (enclosed) , regarding permitted uses at the above referenced project. The Board reaffirms the contents of its December 15, 1993, letter. In addition, the rear portion of the property zoned Agricultural-Conservation (AC) , must not be used for the testing, riding or other use of equipment repaired on the premises. If you are not in agreement with any of the above stateme s, or the content of the December 15, 1993 , letter please repl in writing immediately. ��,� . �. ., "° � � . «� ` �< �:, 5 4 S••" �� vCz��� 3! 5'� 0 ?f we do not hear from you within two weeks of the date of this letter, the Planning Board will assume that you are in agreement with the content of these letters. Sincerely, Richard G. Ward Chairman, Planning Board cc: Thomas Fisher, Building Inspector in Charge cc: Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman, Board of Appeals cc: William C. Goggins, Attorney for the applicant cc: Laury Dowd, Town Attorney �T �M U `..� G I� \ \ � \ \ J f_ n i N �:�. �� ,� P i S �r9. m y➢ I �El, I ` INSPECTORS ��gUFFO�,��O (516) 765-1802 hyo G,y SCOTT L.HARRIS,Supervisor VICTOR LESSARD, Principal CURTIS HORTON, Senior co y x Southold Town Hall VINCENT R.WIECZOREK,Ordinance p ^+ P.O.Box 1179,53095 Main Road ROBERT FISHER, Assistant Fire A �!� Southold, New York 11971 BuildingInspectors '�'Oj �0 Fax (516) 765-1823 Pe Telephone (516) 765-1800 THOMAS FISHER GARY FISH OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: William J. Droskoski & Steven DeFriest D&D Cycles, Inc. FROM: Thomas J. Fisher, Building Inspect RE: Stop work issued at 40535 County Road #48, Southold, DATE: December 16, 1993 The stop work order issued November 23, 1993 to D&D Cycles on work at #40535 Route 48, Southold, N.Y. , Suffolk County Tax Map #1000-59-10-2 is rescinded as of December 16, 1993. Please return to Planning Board for required amendments. A Certificate of Occupancy cannot be issued until site is in conformance with Site Plan as approved by the Planning Board. TJF:gar cc to: Robert G. Kassner, Planning Board, Matthew Kiernan, Asst Town Attorney PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Richard G.Ward,Chairman George Ritchie Latham,Jr. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Bennett Orlowski.Jr. =<,. .ts' P. O. Box 1179 Mark S. McDonald �` "��� Southold, New York 11971 Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone(516)765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE rax(516)765- 1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 15 , 1993 William Droskoski D & D Cycles Inc. 22355 Route 48 (Cox Lane) Cutchogue NY 11935 RE: D & D Cycles County Road 48, Southold Zoning District: Limited Business (LB) Agricultural- Conservation (AC) Dear Mr.Droskoski: This letter will confirm our conversation of today at the Town Hall in regard to the above referenced project. You have agreed that there will be no sale of new or used motorcycles, jet skis or snow mobiles at the above site. Further, you have agreed to submit an amended site plan for the Board' s review, showing the chain link fence that was not on the approved plan and that was installed while the stop work order was in force. If you are not in agreement with any of the above statements please reply in writing immediately. If we do not hear from you within two weeks of the date of this letter, the Planning Board will assume that you are in agreement with the above statements. in e?e3.�Rober Kassner Site Plan Reviewer CC: Thomas Fisher, Building Inspector in Charge L ' t 1 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS w r SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Richard G.Ward, Chairman George Ritchie Latham.Jr. - ��v( * y' Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Bennett Orlowski,Jr. P. O. Box ]l79 Mark S. McDonald �'�"'� Southold,New York 11971 Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone(516)765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE rax(516)765 - 1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Thomas Fisher, Building Inspector In Charge From: Richard G. Ward, Chairman dv�— Subject: Site Plan for D & D cycles Route 48, Southold SCTM# 1000-59-10-2 DATE: December 15, 1993 The Planning Board requests that the Stop work order, currently in effect, be keep in effect until an amended site plan application showing the recently installed fence is filed and approved by this Board. • j9A6FdLE5 P6 W1111JA r C. GOGGINS ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW P.O. Box 559 55000 Maks sheet Southold.N.Y. 11971 (5 16)7&5-9300 December 14, 1993 ---- FAX(516) 765-2752 Southold Town Building Department 53095 Main. Road Southold, New York 11971 Attn: Thomas Fisher Re: D&D Cycles, Inc.; SCTM# 059.00-10.00-002.000 Dear Mr. Fisher: In response to the decision made on December 3, 1993 at 9:30a.m. by Mark S. McDc-nand, Representative for the Planning Board, Alice Hussie, Representative for the Southold Town Board, and Thomas Fisher, Represezntative for the Building Department, giving D&D Cycles, Inc. the option of either removing the dirt from the site or seeking an amended Site Plan as a condition precedent to removing the "Stop Work Order", D&D Cycles, Ine. has decided to go through the expense of removing the di-t from the site. The} began removing the dirt on Monday, December 13 ' 1993, and the dirt should be removed by Wednesday, December 15, 1993, Accordingly, D&D Cycles, Inc. expects the "Stop Work Order" to be lifted forthwith, Please note that D&D Cycles, Inc. is still of the opinion that the "Stop Work Order" vias wrongfully issued, however, D&D Cycles, Inc. would like to proceed vvith the Construction of their building without further incident. V y y s,- cc: Alice Hussie If Mark S. McDonald Matthew Kiernan DEC 1 51993 4 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ° SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Richard G.Wald, Chairman George Ritchie Latham,Jr. - 9 A' ��� � - Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Bennett Orlowski,Jr. _ P. O. Box 1179 Mark S. McDonald _ - - Southold.New York 11971 Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone(516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Far(516)765- 1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 13, 1993 William Droskoski Steven De Friest D & D Cycles Inc. 22355 Route 48 (Cox Lane) Cutchogue NY 11935 RE: D & D Cycles County Road 48, Southold Zoning District: Limited Business (LB) Agricultural- Conservation (AC) Dear Messrs. Droskoski & De Friest: A recent inspection shows that a 1,200 foot chain link fence has been erected on the east and south boundaries of the property. This construction is in violation of the stop work order of November 23 , 1993 , and is not in accordance with the approved site plan. The site must be built in accordance with the approved site plan. The Board cannot recommended that any possible Certificate of Occupancy be issued for the future building unless the site is in conformance with the approved plan. Please submit an amended site plan for the Boards review. If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. ,5i er 4y v`RicHaYd G. Ward Chairman CC: Thomas Fisher, Building Inspector in Charge INSPECTORS 0 0 Victor Lessard Principal Building Inspector SCOTT L.HARRIS, Supervisor Curtis Horton �� " Southold Town Hall Senior Building Inspector ° n P.O.Box 1179,53095 Main Road Thomas Fisher ",p Southold, New York 11971 Building Inspector �,� ,°,y' Fax (516) 765-1823 Gary Fish - _�{ Building Inspector Telephone (516) 765-1800 Vincent R.Wieczorek �~ Ordinance Inspector Robert Fisher Assistant Fire Inspector OFFIC�E OF BU OWN BUILDING INSPECTOR Telephone (516) 765-1802 HOLD STOP WORK ORDER TO: - I&D CYCLES INC. 22355 ROUTE #48 & COX LANE CUTCHOGUE NEW YORK 11935 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED TO SUSPEND ALL WORK AT: 40535 ROUTE #48 SOUTHOLD NEW YORK 11971 TAX MAP NUMBER - 1000-59-10-2 he Town of Pursuant to section lou are notified to immediately 3 & 45-13 of the Code of tsuspend all Southold, New York, Y work and building activities until this order has been rescinded BASIS OF STOP WORK ORDER: GRADING OF SITE IS , DIFFERENT FROM SITE PLAN APPROVED BY CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH WORK MAY BE RESUMED: WITH APPROVAL BY PLANNING BOARD OF AN AMENDED SITE PLAN Failure to remedy the conditions aforesaid and to comply with the applicable provisions of law may constitute an offense punishable by fine or imprisonment or both. DATED: NOV. 23 1993 — THOMAS S J SHER BUILDING INSPECTOR ,.1 a j PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS w r w SCOTT L. HARRIS �,Richard G. Wald,Chairman Supervisor George Ritchle Latham,Jr. / _��ra X0;7 Town Nall. 53095 Main Road Bennett Orlowski,Jr. - - P.O. Box 1179 Mark S. McDonald Southold, New York 11971 Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone(516)765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Fax(516)765- 1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 10, 1993 William Droskoski Steven De Friest D & D Cycles Inc. 22355 Route 48 (Cox Lane) Cutchogue NY 11935 RE: D & D Cycles County Road 48, Southold Zoning District: Limited Business (LB) Agricultural- Conservation (AC) Dear Messrs. D>;oskoski & De Friest: It has come to the Planning Board' s notice when reviewing your file that your sign says D & D Cycles Repair, Parts & Accessories, yet your floor plan shows a show room. Please be advised that the Southold Town Code Article VIII 100-80 A 2 (h) permits the sale of items supplemental to the service business. Supplemental is defined as that which is added to a thing to complete it. Therefore, the sales of material used in the repair would be permitted. However, the sales of complete motorcycles, jet skis and snow mobiles would not be permitted. This information is being sent to you for clarification and for Your planning purposes. If You have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. Ce Y. iC r G. Ward Chairman CC: Thomas Fisher, Building Inspector in Charge �� � ,Su�f'tLLs' //TrA/, YR. ) . yllarA Pb .11arinIrl 86)gkp Chairman RK, , %gse �e advisfh/s jeer is ;'r7 re �crenee fo Me axr/cIe. � .T hive read 4ht, arb'e%e- concern ih s +hr. /yotor e yc�,-- 'hop 7-,y he- ,bu i'u r Z�'/) R )f-F Liz T was pleased �Mf Tm F s he r quit din /r2speeto>' is ;ULL 1 aware as 4o aLL _sL U,DC E thas pltie� URT��� more" s am very surprised -fha — f BoeArA teen cons ide rta 4his PLC(n Slnme. �oufh4z-1 u;otAAbSubj'ec,} ecA 4c -lie. pvl,J uti nj and nose wouLel crea+e- __/IMSf- �)o AfOT permit race frame f _At should �e within aur �trrrscl�tion Thank4ot, __. rot)ccned �5'c�uFho«x,Arx- DEC 7 •,•„ limy 4110 b m uroSKOSKI uay, •.,.•• •••- ---,- *4e new D&D Cycles on Rt. 48 in Southold on Mon- in background. Ar w Motorcycle Shotes By Ruth Jemick tion workers excavating at a local ma- er issued while he SOUTHOLD—Bill Droskoski is Tina, Mr. Droskoski concedes. He val- attempted unsuccessfully to renovate e e oil t*$ ,0 and reopen The Coffeepot restaurant mad as hell. say only that e an his partner intend during the 1980s. Saying that he be- The 28-year-old entrepreneur and to use the dirt to install a "track for lieves the building department was his 20-year-old partner, Steve De-\ customers to test-ride the motorc cl wrong to stop his construction on the Friest, had hoped to open D&D Cy- on" .n the fut Southold site, Mr. Droskoski opined cles on the North Road before Christ- ting the piles of earth on that building inspectors should "only mas. But building inspector Tom the site last month, neighbors ap- have a certain amount of mistakes Fisher issued a stop-work order at the proached town officials to voice con- they're allowed to make before eight-acre site last week, effectively cern about alleged "re-grading" an they're canned." halting all progress on the $500, the apparent layout of a race track, "We're trying to resolve it," Mr. construction project. Fisher said on Tuesday, declining to "We're young guys," said Mr. A eeting Was Scheduled s specifics if disics of the matter. Droskoski, who is the former owner of "What I plan to do in the future has disc s re trying if help him get back on Hobbies Plus at Feather Hill. "They nothing to do with what I'm doing track. We aren't here to hurt people." keep on saying how they want to keep now," Mr. Droskoski said on Tuesday Mr. Droskoski also voiced his sus- young people in Southold. And then of his neighbors' concerns and the picion this week that Planning Board do something like this. It's just so town's response. "They're not allowed members played a major role in is- frustrating." to stop me because of what they think According to Mr. Fisher, work was I may be going to do at some point in halted on the site when he became the future. They're assuming what 'in my opinion, the site aware that the two men were al- we're doing. They're not allowed to do plan iias been le edl deviating from a Planning that. I do have plans for the property, g Y g Y Board approved site plan by allowing but I don't intend to say what the are violated.' piles of dirt to be deposited on the now. Right now, we want to get our —Dick Ward, Light Business/Agricultural property, building up." Planning Board chairman which is located on the south side of Mr. Droskoski was scheduled to Route 48, east of Ackerly Pond Road. meet yesterday with Mr. Fisher to ask seance of the stop-work order by ask- But as Mr. Droskoski sees it, stock- that the stop-work order be lifted. in the building department to take "They want me to pay my architect action. Planning Board chairman Dick $3,000 to amend f site plan by Ward denied any such involvement `They're going to put drawing in files will dirt," said Mr. yesterday, but he also applauded Mr. Droskoski. `That will delay us until Y Y• us out of business the first Planning Board meeting in Fisher's action. "I'd like to take credit before we even get in January to go in with a revised site for doing that," said Mr. Ward. "I plan. We're still trying to get in by think [Mr. Droskoski] should clean his business.' Christmas. So I approached Tom act up." --Bill Droskoski Fisher, and I said: Why don't we just Ward. It's One Package go ahead and put it in writing that, if Any attempt to separate work i piling soil on the rear of the land is the Planning Board does not approve progress at the front of Mr. Droskoski' both permissible under the Town Code the stockpiling of dirt in January, property from that being done at th and does not affect the approved plan we'll remove it. But why should I rear is invalid, according to Mr. Ward for construction,of a 3,500-square-foot have to move it now? They're going `There is one ownership of the site, 5Th ahaand Polaris motorcycle deal- to put us out of business before we he said. "There was one plan submit p at the front of the property. even get in business." ted. There was absolutely nothin€ e problem may have arisen from And he compared his situation to shown for the rear part." quantity of dirt being deposited on that of Mattituck builder Charles See Cycle, page 40 the site, free of charge, by construc- Zahra, who sued the town, 'Eaird wonj h D Na " FIR �,14p 11 m QNG� a� F qL / 101wo k Dep. Q � n Servat 4r/ SupeC� s e vat5 ted` ®s in Sout j tsis .tartit 7 ravtder Est. igTk , is;' y4 ','. - not be a � � ��P�SaPp°n2Z2 vol ' =j R,yERoosky Cooter Vepos� "I hav, (USPS' v saying the Subscriptio37o) Published Weekly at Southold, Long Island, N.Y. 7R )oseeeILote �edf atdS. Ste problem t Per Year wes Valerie Scot Official Newspaper.o the Towns of Southold, Riverhead, and Southampton * The Official Newspaper of the . t°t .0,al, a o5a very ca „The (D & - �� v&IGowrc\ SaV6 p°sv\to Greenport's water supply, Y C\tatt ,Cc jd the adding that the board shoo:_ p\e is. oeCowS. assurances that the material is not Q1ao \S tb- contaminated. p pp '\- ct Droskoski, meanwhile, said Tues- v' ' ' Cows day that the whole affair has been blown out of proportion. As for a : . giant race track operating on the site, he said D & D has no such plans. Last summer, Droskoski said D & D applied to the Town Board of Appeals , to install a track to be used to test motorcycles repaired at the shop, but later withdrew the application - "because we didn't have the money. "We don't even know if we can do ' a - it" said Droskoski. "But if we decide _ to, we'll go to the town for all the c (necessary approvals):' s4 - Stockpiling Dirt e Droskoski said he failed to unders- tand "why the building has anything - to do with what we're doing in the s back" part of the property. He said . he believed that the site plan permit pertained only to the LB-zoned area. - - "Stockpiling dirt is not illegal;" - said Droskoski. "It's typical of town - bureaucracy.." t - As for the dredge spoil, Droskoski said the decision to use the material �� � AN,, n = � � was one of economics. The material .R �, i t �✓�. � dei H would have cost$35,000 to purchase, - so when Brick Cove offered to deliver r, the dirt free-of-charge, Droskoski said he took it. k N "It was going to the dump and it saved them three miles trucking it;, 1 said Droskoski. The new building is slated to be - delivered to the site on December 16. a William Droskoski and Steven DeFriest on their business property, •�'f Droskoski said he hoped that, by s now under a Southold Town stop work order. .... .m — then, an accord could be reached a Traveler-Watchmanrrim Kelly ---- with the town. He added that Assis- tant Town Attorney Matthew Kiernan had backed his position that the pro- s Town Issues Stop Work Order *� *� perty should be viewed as two parcels • ]_.� r �'+/ `and said Kiernan, "told them to lift ], 0t0 rnV/1 jP p�,p]/•Q�' �! tie stop work order" j � ,/l (' l.. 1. "That is not entirely accurate," said ,ian Tuesday. He last week met WILLIAM C. GOGGINS ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAV/ j P.O. Box 559 55000 Main Street Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-9300 November 24, 1993 FAX(516) 765-2752 Southold Town Building Department 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Attn: Thomas Fisher Re: D & D Cycles, Inc., Steven DeFriest, William Droskoski; Stop Work Order Dear Mr. Fisher: Please be advised that this firm represents D & D Cycles, Steven De Friest and William Droskoski. On November 23, 1993, you issued a "Stop Work Order" against my Clients at property located at County Road 43, Southold, New York 1 1971 based upon the accumulation of dirt. Please take notice that the accumulation of dirt on private property does not require a permit of any kind nor is it a violation of any Local, State, or Federal law. The issuance of the said Stop Work Order was arbitrary and capricious and in violation of the civil rights of my Clients. In addition, the Stop Work Order will cause damage to my clients if not vacated by November 29, 1993 at 7:00 am. Please review your actions and advise. VO / rl ors W CC: Southold Town Attorney Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Southold Town Supervisor Southold Town Board .. h PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS '' r SCOTT L. HARRIS --"' Richard G. Want, Chatr-man Supervisor George R(tchte Latham, Jr. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Bennett Orlowski,Jr. - P. O. Box 1179 Mark S. McDonald -"- Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York 11971 Telephone(516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE rat(516) 765- 1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Thomas Fisher, Building Inspector In Charge From: Richard G. Ward, Chairman Subject: Proposed Site Plan for D & D Cycles Route 48, Southold SCTM# 1000-59-10-2 DATE: November 19, 1993 A recent inspection of the above referenced property shows that regrading is taking place which is not in accordance with the approved site plan of November 15, 1993 . Town Code Article XXV 100-252 H provides in part, "that all site developments shall respect existing grades on site and on adjoining sites to avoid unnecessary excavation or filling" . All grading and drainage plans must meet with the requirements of the Town Engineer and/or Superintendent of Highways and be approved by the Planning Board on the final site plan. The Planning Board requests that you verify that regrading is taking place in violation of the approved plan. If regrading is found to be taking place, the Board requests that a stop work order be issued until an amended site plan is received and approved by this Board or the material causing the violation is entirely removed from the property. r REQUIREMENTS FOR SITE PLAN ELEMENTS & CERTIFICATION , SECTION—BLOCK—LOT TAX MAP NUMBERS ;NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER OF RECORD 4''�NAME & ADDRESS OF PERSON PREPARING MAP ' DATE, NORTH POINT AND WRITTEN & GRAPHIC SCALE DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY & INFORMATION TO DEFINE BOUNDARIES jLOCATIONS , NAMES & EXISTING WIDTHS OF ADJACENT STREETS & CURBS i ��- LOCATION & OWNERS OF ALL ADJOINING LANDS , AS SHOWN ON TAX RECORDS - , ;LOCATION & PURPOSE OF ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED EASEMENTS -- (COMPLETE OUTLINE OF EXISTING DEED RESTRICTIONS APPLYING TO PROPERTY ivy'EXISTING ZONING ' AREAS SUBJECT TO FLOODING OR STORM WATER OVERFLOWS i;WATER COURSES, 1,LARSHES, WOODED AREAS, TREES 8" IN DIAMETER OR :TORE ANY EUILDING WITHIN 100 ' OF PROPERTY ✓, PAVED AREAS, SIDEWALKS , VEIIICULAR ACCESS TO PUBLIC ST3EETS vi EXISTING SEWERS, CULVERTS, WATERLINES WITHIN OR ADJACENT TO PROPERTY ''FENCING LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING i L PROPOSED BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURAI. IMPROVEMENTS 'I fiOFF STREET PARKING AND LOADING AREAS ' OUTDOOR LIGHTING OR PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS `' ! OUTDOOR SIGNS • 239K SIDEWALKS LOCATIONS WIDTHS: SIZE OF WATER AND SEWER LINES / y� ✓ )cL " � -:Y!!r_�r' »._>%7�j �/j� `�LGG�Q?7��� .rf/ ,.L. /.r�r�� _-s, � /•-�.z���%7 �tr.� � � �•,i2"�� 1'�—ti %y1-���. �7f-' LLL:%'-f�'� .�'1� `/.i /!� �"P�� tom- h�o�oS�FFOL�-coGy� � < rC=/� PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS T SCOTI'L. HARRIS �y • � Supervisor Richard G. Ward. Chairman George Ri[chfe Latham,Jr. ,( `1aO Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Bennett Orlowski,Jr. P. O. Box 117J Mark S. McDonald Southold, New York 11971 Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone(516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Fax(5ts� 7s5 ls2a - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Thomas Fisher, Building Inspector In Charge FROM: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer. RE: Proposed Site Plan for D & D CYCLES Route 48 , Cutchogue SCTM#1000-59-10-2 DATE: November 9 , 1993 Please review the attached for certification. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS SCOTT L. HARRIS Richard G. Ward, Chairman Supervisor George Ritchie Latham.Jr. Bennett Orlowski,Jr. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P. O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York 11971 Telephone(516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Fax(516) 765 - 1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 26 , 1993 Steven DeFriest D & D Cycles, Inc. 22355 Route 48 , (Cox La. ) Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Proposed site plan for D & D Cycles , Inc. SCTM## 1000-59-10-2 Dear Mr. DeFriest: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, October 25, 1993 : BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, assumes lead agency, and as lead agency makes a determination of non-significance, and grants a Negative Declaration. Enclosed please find a copy of the Negative Declaration for your records. S mere fJ � /1 3 °' v cha d G.' Ward Chairman enc. f _ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS -� - SCOTT L. HARRIS Richard G. Wand. Chairman Supervisor George Rltchle Latham. Jr. Bennett Orlowski,Jr. 1 - Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P. O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York 11971 Telephone(516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Fax(516) 765 - 1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD State Environmental Quality Review NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice of Determination Non-Significant October 25 , 1993 This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Law. The Southold Town Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed action described below will not have a significant effect on the environment and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be prepared. Name of Action: D & D Cycles, Inc. SCTM# : 1000-59-10-2 Location: County Road 48 and Kenny' s Road, Southold SEQR Status : Type I ( ) Unlisted ( X ) Conditioned Negative Declaration: Yes ( ) No ( X ) Description of Action: This site plan is for a 3 , 138 square foot motorcycle repair and sales building on the 2 . 6 acre Limited Business portion of a 7. 845 acre Limited Business and Agricultural-Conservation site in Southold. Page 2 SEQRA Negative Declaration - D & D Cycles, Inc. October 25, 1993 Reasons Supporting This Determination: This project involves the construction of a 3 ,138 square foot motorcycle repair and sales building on an existing vacant 7, 845 square foot lot. Motorcycle repair and sales is a permitted use on the 2 . 6 acre Limited Business portion of this 7 . 845 Limited Business and Agricultural- Conservation site, thus the proposed action is consistent with zoning. An Environmental Assessment Form has been submitted and reviewed, and it was determined that no significant adverse effects to the environment were likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned. There has not been any correspondence received from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in the allotted time. Therefore, it is assumed that there are no comments or objections from that agency. The applicant will have to comply with the requirements of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code (SCSC) and all relevant standards of water supply and sewage disposal systems . Design and flow specification, subsurface soil conditions, and site plan details will have to be approved by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) . This impact is not considered significant due to the anticipated project compliance with established requirements of the SCSC and the SCDHS and the required relevant permits. For Further Information: Contact Person: Robert G. Kassner Address : Planning Board Telephone Number: ( 516 ) 765-1938 cc: Thomas Jorling, DEC Albany Suffolk County Dept. of Health Services Judith Terry, Town Clerk Southold Town Building Dept. Applicant SUBMISSION WITHOUT COVER LETTER DATE: SENDER: SUBJECT: SCTM# : COMMENTS: � .� ,_ SUBMISSION WITHOUT COVER LETTER DATE: jq3 SENDER: �1 � rasrost( SUBJECT: b cycle-S SCTM# : SI- 16 - 1- COMMENTS: I_ 16 _ ZCOMMENTS: ��101v Of i I P u v I L � SaugF��6 `�'illa9e of �reenpor� R3 — SUPERINTENDENT OF UTILITIES Officers INCORPORATEO1838 NEW INCORPORATION APRIL).18W JAMES 1.MONSELL MAYOR RE INCORPORATION UNDER GENERAL LAW MAY 38.1894 ASST.SEPT.OF UTILITIES STEPHEN L.CLARKE Cil+' WATER I WASTEWATER GERALD W.HICKSON TRUSTEES �,. y ELECTRIC IC II ARTHUR L APICELLO JOHN A.cosrELLO N .. ( S L A N JOANNE DOLINAR t`fwl� ""'"" '9r UTILITY OFFICE GEORGIi W. HIIHHARU15[b)4TL1748 VICTORIA SWENSEN 236 THIRD STREET FAX 1516,477 1707 VILLAGE ATTORNEY GREENPORT. NEW YORK 11944 POWER PLANT DANIEL C ROSS 15161477-(1172 November 10 , 1993 To Whom it May Concern: RE: D & D Cycles County Route 48 Southold, NY 11971 In reference to the above-mentioned property, all up-front monies have been paid to the Village of Greenport for their water service hookup . If you have any questions , please contact me . Sincerely, Gerald W. Hickson Assistant Superintendent of Water and Wastewater GWH :dm NOV 1 2 -y4: Over 100 Years of Community Service PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS "' SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor r x , Richard C. Ward. Chairman ` i George Ritchie Latham.Jr. _ ��/ '.� "���,. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road a ; Bennett Orlowski,Jr. P.O. Box 1179 Mark S. McDonald Southold. New York 11971 y ,.y,,. Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone(516)765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE rax(51s) 765- laz3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Thomas Fisher, Building Inspector In Charge FROM: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer-- RE: Proposed Site Plan for D & D CYCLES Route 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-59-10-2 DATE: November 9, 1993 Please review the attached for certification. r 0 � `� 5qmcwMmo Pat& Ae lee .s A -��2��uce 5 yOU C_ See OAA .vecJ z ,'c) 1 /VU !Je cXo Na ` cc3 �?� c `74-o s(J �/I[/ lao �oRe-yc /e5 NOV 81993 _ �i COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS JOSEPH P.HURLEY--COMMISSIONER YAPHANK NEW YORK RAMP ADJACENT TO C. Q• 9 .; THEORETICAL CURB LINE I I EXISTING SHOULDER) f,� TO PROPERTY LINE W TO ROAD OR _ PARKING AREA I s I VALLEY GUTTER e PITCH 1 " PITCH DOWN —► �4 PER FT—► �-P1TCH 11W' PER n Z EXISTING PAVEMENT BUILD PAVEMENT: _ 4"BITUMINOUS MACADAMM 0pg E I c ITEM NO. s{g 9PX 1 `o Z"OITUMIUOUI GONCR&T&ljo. 151 TOP & SECTION THROUGH RAMP NOT TO SCALE) REv1yE5 84- (FORM 2-65 REVISED: 3-10-G7 2 \d ` L / - � � r .T� r � � I 4 � q Oo q v n M 0 5'� PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS y' SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Richard G.Ward, Chairman George Ritchie Latham.Jr. '�J +� -';,° _ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Bennett Orlowski,Jr. - P.O.Box 1179 Mark S. McDonald � �� Southold, New York 11971 Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone(516)765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE rax(516)765- 1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 5, 1993 Steven De Friest D & D Cycles Inc. 22355 Route 48 (Cox Lane) Cutchogue NY 11935 RE: Proposed Site Plan for D & D Cycles County Road 48, Southold Zoning District: Limited Business (LB) Agricultural- Conservation (AC) Dear Mr. De Friest: This letter will confirm the Board' s discussion with you at its work session on November 1, 1993 . In addition to the items contained in the Board' s letter to you of October 27, 1993 , (copy enclosed) , the following changes/additions must be made before the Board can proceed with its review: If outdoor display of merchandise is planned the location should be indicated on the plan. If outdoor display of merchandise is not planned a letter to this effect should be provided. �Percent lot coverage and percent landscaped should be V shown on the plan. 3 . Architects signature must be on the revised elevation drawings. 4. Materials, type of lighting, including wattage, and a — color rendering of any proposed sign must be provided. The maximum height of the sign must be shown on the sign sketch. — 5 . Signed contracts with Village of Greenport for water and sewer. A letter of authorization is required if an agent is authorized to act on your behalf . The board will require five copies of the revised site plan for review. ..,f.Six copies of the final site plan with Suffolk County Department of Health Services approval stamp must be submitted before any possible final approval can be granted. The single copy of an earlier revision, (October 14, 1993 ) , with the Health Department stamp which was delivered by Mr. Victor Lessard cannot be approved by this Board. Upon receipt of the above changes/information the Board will proceed with their review. If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. inee o rt G. Kassner Site Plan Reviewer cc: Thomas Fisher, Building Inspector in Charge V PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS `� .� �-� SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Richard O.Ward, Chairman George Rltchic L.itham,Jr. - ,•��f 'S �;j- Town Hall, 53095 Main Road ., Bennett Orlowski,Jr. _ - P.O. Box 1179 Mark S. McDonald '-- Southold, New York 11971 -- Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone(516)765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Fax(516) 765- 1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 27 , 1993 Steven De Friest -:' D & D Cycles Inc. 22355 Route 48 (Cox Lane) 7" Cutchogue NY 11935 RE: Proposed Site Plan for D & D Cycles County Road 48, Southold Zoning District: Limited Business (LB) Agricultural- Conservation (AC) Dear Mr. De Friest: The Planning Board has received your revised site plan and elevation drawings. The following changes/additions must be made before the Board can proceed with its review: 1. Floor plans showing uses and entry and exit doors. 2. Evergreen screening around dumpster. /The site plan shows a concrete walk in front of the building, yet no entrance is shown on the elevation drawing? Do you plan to have an entrance in the front of the building ? /Do you plan to have any outdoor storage or display of merchandise? Upon receipt of the above changes/information the Board will proceed with their review. 'i If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. V re4rr G. Kassner Site Plan Reviewer CC: Thomas Fisher, Building Inspector in Charge SUBMISSION WITHOUT COVER LETTER DATE: 10 II'Z9 19 5 V SENDER: (1Cioy' Le-ssarC( SUBJECT: L b cycles SCTM# : S I - 16-2- COMMENTS: f'maf )/ �� 1 l �. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS SCOTT L. HARRIS Richard O. Ward, Chalr`nan Supervisor y i George Ritchie Latham,Jr. j'��:" Bennett Orlowski,Jr. _ -I 1' Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald '=r P. 0. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold,New York 11971 Telephone(516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE rax(516)765- 1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 27, 1993 Steven De Friest � M D & D Cycles Inc. 22355 Route 48 (Cox Lane) Cutchogue NY 11935 RE: Proposed Site Plan for D & D Cycles County Road 48, Southold Zoning District: Limited Business (LB) Agricultural- Conservation (AC) Dear Mr. De Friest: The Planning Board has received your revised site plan and elevation drawings. The following changes/additions must be made before the Board can proceed with its review: 1. Floor plans showing uses and entry and exit doors. 2. Evergreen screening around dumpster. The site plan shows a concrete walk in front of the building, yet no entrance is shown on the elevation drawing? Do you plan to have an entrance in the front of the building ? Do you plan to have any outdoor storage or display of merchandise? Upon receipt of the above changes/information the Board will proceed with their review. `'a If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. V re4rr G. Kassner Site Plan Reviewer cc: Thomas Fisher, Building Inspector in Charge dv(S Fla c DISTa�t SOUTHOLD FIRE DISTRICT P.O. BOX 908, SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 October 23, 1993 Mr. Richard G. Ward, Chairman Town of Southold Planning Board Office PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: D & D Cycles 1000. -59-10-2 Dear Mr. Ward: This is to notify you that the Southold Fire District Board of Commissioners has reviewed the survey for the above mentioned parcel. At this time, there is no need for fire- wells on this property. The Board of Commissioners feel that there is adequate fire protection for that area. Sincerely, Cl�l'F�11Q Cynthia Caprise Caprise Secretary OCT 2 61993 4: e, �• 1> PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ✓� 4 ' SCOTT L. HARRIS " " -� Richard G. Wald, Chairman ::.-, . .. �';' Supervisor George Ritchie Latham,Jr. - Bennett Orlowski,Jr. - �� ''� Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald - ' P. O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York 11971 Telephone(516)765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Pax(516) 765- 1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 19, 1993 Steven De Friest D & D Cycles Inc. 22355 Route 48 (Cox Lane) Cutchogue NY 11935 RE: Proposed Site Plan for D & D Cycles County Road 48, Southold Zoning District: Limited Business (LB) Agricultural- Conservation (AC) Dear Mr. De Friest: The Planning Board has received your letter of October 15, 1993. The following changes must be made before the Board can proceed with its review: 1 . Dumpster moved to the location shown on the enclosed sketch. 2 . A landscaped area in the rear of the building as shown on the enclosed sketch. 3 . Parking area moved north in order to have 22' between the parking area and the landscaped area. 4. Texture, materials and colors of the proposed building must be provided. If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. Itrul you ��Kassner Site Plan Reviewer Encl: CC: Thomas Fisher, Building Inspector In charge i J j � N b 0-r o of i 10 O\ � bbl (IV c� q ��� no Qe rIV iQ p� S£ �r tet% r T S r � IU \ �vs�l SU aFic� SUBMISSION WITHOUT COVER LETTER DATE: y- SENDER: SUBJECT: 0 ,�, 0 G y G LBS SCTM# : COMMENTS: �� OCT 1 51993 • OCT 1 5 !"- , VILLAGE OF GREENPORT VILLAGE OF GREENPORT 236 THIRD STREET 236 THIRD STREET P.O. BOX 2095 P.O. BOX 2095 GREENPORT, N. Y. 11944 / GREENPORT, N. Y. 1 1944 DATE CI 1 I`� C) F.�VED ,1 19DATE l� IN T,� 'k •i RECEIVED ADDRESS ADDRESS ` 'L AMOUNT AMOUNT WGRE�� DOLLARS 100 —&—DOLLARS N OLD 100 UNT BALANCE PAID ON OLD LESS IN FULL ACCOUNT BALANCE AML PD. LESS NEW AMT.PD. BALANCE NEW K DRAFT BALANCE MONEY CHECK ORDER CASH DRAFT MONEY FOR ORDER V Re dqnFRESS ING GREFNPoRI,NV I IBGI 201)32 fit W;M FORN PRESS MC GREEN V .N. I19GC 2011329/ 0 i W � � a G W � I o i FFO(,��o� PL RAYMOND L. JACOBS tC=ii T JAZES A. RICHTER SUPERINTENDENT OF ENGINEERING HIGHWAYS 'y�Ol � �.a�� INSPECTOR 765-3140 763-3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHCLD M E M O R A N D U M TO: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer FROM: James A. Richter , R.A. SUBJECT: Site Plan for D & D Cycles Route 48, Southold SCTM S 1000 - 59 - 10 - 2 DATE: October 13, 1993 As per your request, I have reviewed the drainage calculations for the above referenced facility. The calculations and the drainage design provided for this site is considered to be sufficient to meet the needs of the project. The short environmental assessment form will need to be completed by your office. If you have any questions, please contact my office. OCT 14 is 93 Southold Town Planni0Board 8 ober 4, 1993 Whereas, a formal application for the approval of this site plan was submitted on July 21, 1993; and Whereas, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, (Article 8) , Part 617, declared itself lead agency, and issued a Negative Declaration on September 14, 1993; and WHEREAS, this site plan was certified by Thomas Fisher, Building Inspector, on September 29, 1993; and WHEREAS, all the requirements of the Site Plan Regulations of the Town of Southold have been met; and now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve and authorize the Chairman to endorse the final survey dated July 26, 1993, subject to a one year review from date of building permit. Mr. McDonald: Second. Mr. Ward: All those in favor? Ayes: Mr. McDonald, Mr. Latham, Mr. Orlowski, Mr. Ward. Mr. Ward: Opposed? Motion carried. (Chairman endorsed surveys) ******************** Mr. Ward: Being no further business before us tonight, is there anybody here that would liL;e to address the Board? Bill Goggins: located at 55000 Main St. , Southold, NY. I represent D&D Cycles. They have an application for a site plan approval before the Board. I don't represent on this application but I do represent them on a real estate transaction which involves the site plan approval-. The trans- action is subject to them getting a building permit and time is running out. From the information I've received from D&D Cycles they have not submitted all the information needed for the application, however, we would ask that the site plan be approved subject to any information that the Board has not yet received. I understand they have not yet received the Health Dept. approval yet and some other minor things. Would the Board be willing to give site plan approval? Mr. McDonald: Who do you represent? I 'm confused. Mr. Goggins: D&D Cycles is the applicant. Mr. McDonald: Who do you represent? Mr. Goggins: D&D Cycles. Mr. McDonald: Now I understand. You said something that made me think you weren't representing them. Southold Town Plannirbard 9 C•ber q 199? Mr. Goggins: I stated I represent D&D Cycles, not on this application, I represent them on the underlying real estate transaction. They are purchasing property for which the site plan approval is being asked for. The real estate contract is contingent upon them receiving a building permit within a certain amount of time. In order to get the building permit, they have to get the site plan approval. What I'm asking the Board is to speed up the process to give them site plan approval tonight, subject to any information that they have not yet submitted to the Board. The most important one being the Health Dept. approval. And I was wondering if the Board would consider giving the approval tonight? Mr. Ward: Bob, could you just give us a rundown from your point of view, as to what and if anything is missing at this point? Mr. Kassner: Yes. As I think I discussed with Mr. Goggins this afternoon, some of the things we're missing of course, the major point as he pointed out, is the Health Dept. approval. We're also missing a copy of the curb cut approval from the County. We're also missing a firewell notification from the Southold Fire Dept. We're also missing certification because we can't send it to the Building Dept. for certification until we have Health Dept. approval. We're also missing a signed sketch which is a minor point; and we're also missing a report from the water contract with the Greenport Water Co. Mr. Goggins: It's my understanding, at least with respect to the water, that that's not within the Greenport Water Authority District. I believe that ends at Tuckers Lane. Mr. Kassner: The site plan indicates that the Greenport water main is in front of the house. Mr. Goggins: Does it? Mr. Kassner: Yes. Mr. McDonald: The district goes all the way to Mill Lane, Peconic. Mr. Kassner: As a matter of fact, I coordinated with the Greenport Water Co. , and they sent me a letter saying that a contract would have to be made with the Greenport Water Authority. Mr. Goggins: OK. I do have the .?_39K approval I could give you now. I'll give it to Bob. Again, I'm not really familiar with the application, but I am familiar with the transaction and I was asked by D&D Cycles if I could, on their behalf, ask for the Planning Board to give them the approval subject to the conditions. . .submitting the further items that are missing. Mr. Ward: Did we get any building elevations at this point, Bob? Mr. Kassner: Yes we have, but we haven't reviewed them yet. Mr. McDonald: How long !,ave we had them? Southold Town Planni*10ard 10 ober 4, 1993 Mr. Kassner: I think Mr. Defriest brought them in about ? or 4 days ago since our last meeting. I guess the major point, and I don't want to speak for the Board, is that we don't have Health and we don't have curb cut approval. These are the two major items, plus we don't have certification from the Building Department. So we don't have Health and we don't have the Greenport water contract and we don't have curb cut and we don't have the firewell approval. Mr. Ward: What's the pleasure of the Board at this point? Mr. McDonald: I'm not inclined. Mr. Orlowski: I don't see how you can. Mr. Latham: No. Dir. Ward: I think that our condition here is that there are just too many things outstanding. We haven't even seen building elevations -- I mean the Board, we may have gotten them into Bob's office a couple of days ago. We certainly have some concerns about that in terms of what it looks like on the North Road and to push something through that we haven't really seen and reviewed, we wouldn't feel comfortable doing. Mr. Goggins: Well., that's understandable. When is the next meeting? Mr. Ward: Well, we just set October 25. Mr. Goggins: Is there anything else happening refore then, where the Board is getting together? Mr. McDonald: What's your deadline? Ts there a fixed date? Mr. Gogging: Well, the date actually ends October 8, but I relieve I can get a two week extension of it, possibly a four week. Mr. Ward: Well, you wouldn't be the first one that we've made a special meeting for if things can be in order. If in fact, you can get everything in to Bob and we can do the proper notice, we meet besides the regular meeting nights like this, we do meet often enough that we could hold a special meeting if that would help. So I leave that open for you but we certainly have to do our reviews too. Mr. Goggins: I understand that and I appreciate the help that the Board can give us. I really don't understand what's going on with the firewells and I don't think they understand either. T 'mow there's some 'cind of thing going on in Town. . . Mr. McDonald: We'll send it over for them for their review. We make the decision, but we will ask them for their recommendation. Mr. Goggins: And that would be the Southold Fire Dept? Mr. McDonald: Yes. This would he more a matter for a hydrant really than a well, right, if it was requested. Southold Town Planni*oard 11 ober 4, 1993 Mr. Kassner: I don't think it's a problem, just a matter of getting the letter back. Mr. Goggins: The only problem I forsee is the Health Dept. approval. They've had it since early July and I don't know whats holding. . . Mr. McDonald: Since early July, you're kidding me? Mr. Ward: Something sounds wrong. Mr. McDonald: What's wrong? Mr. Goggins: We don't know. Mr. McDonald: How did your water test come out? Victor Lessard: There's no water test been made. Mr. McDonald: You're talking about Greenport water, of course, they're waiting to see what's going to happen with Greenport water. Mr. Goggins: Mr. Lessard has been helping D&D Cycles, Mr. Defriest and Mr. Koskowski, and giving them a hand. Maybe he can address the Board as to what's going on. . . Mr. McDonald: They're probably looking for the Greenport water on this. . . Mr. Goggins: Again, I really don't have that much knowledge. (everyone talking) Mr. Lessard: I want to clarify my position so we can stop walking on eggs around here. Officially, I've got a contract with the Town for three years as a consultant. Now, I have sat in with Dick and Benny on these legislative meetings. This site plan came along, which looked like a very simple thing at the time, and I thought well, this is a good chance to look at the other side. We've always been sitting on your side, I wanted to see what things look like on this side of the fence. I want to see what causes bottlenecks, what causes the holdups, the fast track thing that we spent so much time and money sending in (inaudible) bas no rails at all once it gets to the Health Dept. Mr. Kassner: I know that well. Mr. Lessard: The number that's been assigned to this case, which has been on file in the Health Dept. since the end of July, has three numbers on it C1.0--93--009. What does that mean? C]0 -- commercial. 93 is 1993.. 009 is the ninth building this year. Now convince me, because I'm gullible, that somebody can sit in an office for better than nine months and not get to this thing yet? Of course, they always have an argument about the Health Dept. First off, I'm not working for this gentleman, I'm only trying to help him out. It's the only way I can find out what's wrong on this side of the fence. We have arguments about the Health Dept. You have your version, I have my version. I will give you my version again, hopefully. Southold Town Plannioard 12 ober 4, 1993 If you look under 100--254F, something to the effect that when the Planning Board feels that they can go ahead with this site plan, they're to notify the applicant about the 2?9K, in writing, that's technical. It also says that they will notify the Suffolk County Planning Commission, the fire department on wells, and the 239K from the County. It does not say anything about the Health Dept. Leave that alone for a minute. I don't know what the Planning Commission said. The firewells you're never going to get an answer on because the Councilman Mr. Lizewski has created a riot in this town, putting his nose in where it doesn't belong. . .and that's my opinion. Southold advocates that everybody. . .on firewells the taxpayer should pay for everything except possibly a major subdivision. You're not going to get any action there, but the 1-id is going to pay for it. The kid is going to be penalized because these people took lots down the road and did not put anything down in writing until the smoke clears. Now I hear tonight something about Greenport water. I don'-t know how you found out, but I didn't hear anything about it. The Health Dept. still has to submit the septic system. OK?. . .the devils advocate. The building contains two bathrooms -- his and hers --and requires a sink in each one and a water closet in each one. If this guy decides that he wants to have his drinking water brought in, Greenport can't tell you not to put a well in, the Health Dept. can't tell you not to put a well in, unless you're drinking it. So, the only thing the Health Dept. can do -- if this is what you're telling me, we're inside (the last T knew) was Tuckers Lane -- maybe there is a pipe running down 48. There's a hell. of a big well that they sneaked in in Greenport on the other side of the nursery, it could be. All T'm saying is that what the kids are lacking now is a letter from the fire department they're never .going to get. You have the 239K. 1 don't 'mow what the Planning Commission said, but the code says under site plans. . .let's talk certification, we missed that. Certification is also in there under 254, I believe and that is strictly from the Building Dept. to say that what they want to do there is permitted in that zone, as far as the zone is concerned. ?'hat's it. Under 100--281 it says the Building Inspector will not issue a permit until you get Health Dept. approval. Why is it there? Why isn't it in the site plan? It's very simple. You people meet once a month, or twice a month. The Building Dept• is there five days a week. There's no time line in the Building Dept. We have now a simple application that's almost three months old. You 'morn what we said at the legislative meeting. It's up to you guys. Hopefully we can get the guy off his horse there in the Health. . .I called the head horse in the Health Dept. You know what he told me? He didn't tell me anything. He had the secretary tell me he was on special assignment. I called him the day before -- they're in a meeting.. I called him the day before. He's on the telephone but he'll get back to you. He finally talked to me. His head boss, the big guy in Hauppauge, says don't take anything out of turn. He had it seven weeks, and I called him up and said what happened? Oh, we mailed it today to the engineer. Not there, to the engineer. And he had a couple of things he wanted to correct from the engineer. You know what it was? An old drain in the floor in case you spilled oil or something. These kids have been in business what, five, eight, ten years. No Health Dept. , no drain in the floor. What's wrong with marking another site plan as a condition? They send it back three weeks ago, you can't take it out Southold Town PlanniWoard 13 ober 4, 7993 of turn. What's out of turn. That's what you're up against. And by the way I'd like to have that guy's name and number on that fast track. I think I'll pull the wheels off this freight train before I. . . (everyone laughing) . Mr. Ward: Well, what we will do, as I said, if you can put everything together in a timely fashion, we'll see about scheduling special if we have to. If you can get it in before the next meeting. Mr. Lessard: The big trick right now is the sale of the property and God knows what we're going to do with the Health Dept. (everyone talking) Mr. ard: We have a worksession following the meeting tonight . If anybody would ike to address the Board before we do that, you're also welcome to addres us at the end of that. John Roma el Just one quick question. I represent Burt's Reliable, Romanelli alty. I just want to get one thing clear. Can I apply for my building pe it tomorrow? Mr. Ward: If y�ave a signed map. Mr. Romanelli: Y 've said alot and this is all new to me, so I really don't know. Where do I stand? Mr. McDonald: The ans7 is yes. Mr. Kassner: If you pick\p the map tomorrow you can take it right over to the Building Dept. \ Mr. Romanelli.: That's what I 1,Tanted to hear. Mr. McDonald: I make a motion to\\4close this meeting. Mr. Latham: I second that. Mr. Ward: All in favor? \\ Ayes:/Mr. McDonald, Mr. Latham, Mr. Orloi,ski, Mr. Ward. Mr /Ward: Opposed? Motion carried. There being no further business to come before t\l�e Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. \ Respectfully si3�mitted, Martha A. Jones Secretary Richard G. Ward, Chairman „ .3 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS SCOTT L. HARRIS Richard G. Waal.Chairman Supervisor George Ritchie Latham,Jr. Bennett Orlowski,Jr. _ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald ''= .��`' P. O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold,New York 11971 Telephone(516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE rax(516)765- 1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 5, 1993 Steven De Friest D & D Cycles Inc. 22355 Route 48 (Cox Lane) Cutchogue NY 11935 RE: Proposed Site Plan for D & D Cycles County Road 48, Southold Zoning District: Limited Business (LB) Agricultural- Conservation (AC) Dear Mr. De Friest: The Planning Board has reviewed the elevation drawings for your proposed building. The Board would like to see the architecture of the proposed building more in keeping with the architecture of the surrounding area. The following changes must be made before the Board can proceed with its review: 1. Relocate the dumpster south east of the parking lot and screen with evergreens, (see enclosed sketch for location) . 2. A description and diagram of all proposed outdoor lighting, including wattage, must be provided. 3 . Three street trees placed on the north side of the parking lot, (see enclosed diagram) . As mentioned in the Boards letter to you of August 11, 1993, a sketch of any proposed outdoor sign is required before the Board can proceed with its review. Enclosed is a letter from the Village of Greenport regarding water supply. f Health Department approval must be obtained before any possible approval by the Planning Board. If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. r ru y yours, Obert G. Kassner Site Plan Reviewer cc: Thomas Fisher, Building Inspector In Charge LANDSCA; JAPAN. O JAPAN ALBER n -SUGAR . ol 0 � v nJ9 !\ )( 0 / / J r G F l0 - F� y / uQ o Q 6 \Y w 1 lv � i U � _ o. e C -e�l�.eloiucy.� � A - ��. ile iv I'! 'i IJ \ _ At. M r: cels L111 Or/% .n 1 nl uu. . 1 I.1 rl\ 1 /11111/ - •.IIN \.I.N\IIR al n\I It N IINA\rr\ i�jrn Y IN,IF,l• > .`".�a�-�; ^' 11lrT1l( 1 -*+iM..... KM\ \ llnlll lu �. , :^f Q�"�-. ,0�....�2Y.y 1N IIIfN 1 1I'I1"1'110 I S L A N KIAI.\f I N N 11\N L _ '1 I'TILITY I1tFICF. I:IIKI(:1 M IIl I1N.\NII j.•�� -T I ..ar.•. 5161.177.11JM YI(TORIA]w F1tikN FAX 1516147).1718 ?ih THIRU STREET YD.LACK ATTORNEY GREENKORT. NEW YORK 11414 P0N'FR PLANT DAFIFLC ROSS :SIrrIJ77-017_ September 23 , 1993 Richard G. Ward Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold ,New York 11971 RE:D&D Cycles 22355 Route 48 Cox Lane Cuthchogue, N.Y . 11935 In regard to the above referenced property site plan if approved by the Town of Southold, the Village of Greenport will have to supply water• to this property. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this plan . Sincerely, Gerald W. Hickson Asst . Superintendent Water and Waste Water GWH : fka cc. Mayor Stephen L. Clarke Village Board of Trustees Utility Committee James MOnsell -Supt . of Utilities Rich Caggiano Over 100 Years of Community Service _ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ' SCOTT L. HARRIS P� Richard G. Ward,Chairman Supervisor George Ritchie Latham,Jr. Bennett Orlowski.Jr. y,3 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald -'"�-z� ��"' P. O. Boz 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold,New York 11971 Telephone(516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE rax(516) 765- 1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: James Richter, Engineering Inspector FROM: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer / RE: Review of drainage calculations for Site plan for D & D Cycles Inc. Route 48, Southold SCTM## 1000-59-10-2 DATE: October 5, 1993 Please review the attached Site Plan drainage calculations. If you have any questions, please contact me at 765-1938. Enc. cc: Raymond Jacobs, Highway Superintendent a. qt PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS \ ,•: SCOTT L. HARRIS 1 Supervisor Richard G.Ward,Chainmn George Ritchie Latham,Jr. ',' .t Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Bennett Orlowski,Jr. P. O. Box 1179 Mark S. McDonald -- Southold, New York 11971 Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone(516)765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Fax(516) 765 - 1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD _ y J773 Zy/YTffi/� �/pf R�S� Secretary Southold Fire District Main Road F o. Ro x yo 8 Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Weber: Enclosed please find ( 2) surveys—C ' for �� , T�c P0Srl� LfT / r4�1�_�— /../'C 5cro4icw Please notify this office as to whether any firewells are needed. Please specify whether shallow wells or electric wells will be needed. Please reply by . 193. Thank you for your cooperation. s,/� �+/�f / V • �'6�C1A1�,� 1�N �P V G , wYlK� Chairman enc. ✓A/'� cam,/c^ rG"il_ �/y:),• /.° _�r<.!�.� jy7 ,�C .rya • f • • l PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS " -" 4 > ,: SCOTT L. HARRIS Richard G. Ward. Chairman i, ,._� "Y ,�.., Supervisor George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Bennett Orlowski,Jr. ,'eft aV,:p Town Hall, 53095 Main Road - Mark s. McDonald ` - P. O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York 11971 Telephone(516)765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Fax(516) 765- 1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: James Richter, Road Inspector FROM: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer RE: Review of Short Environmental Assessment Form Proposed sire PLA"A,c. De-[) c y,�,4eS SCTM# 1000- DATE: Please complete part two of the attached SEAF. If you have any questions, please contact Robert Kassner of this office. Enc. cc: Raymond Jacobs, Highway Superintendent - . �1-t;e(=7)-Text 12 40 PROJECT I.D. NUMBER 617.21 SEOR Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I—PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) 1. APPLICANT/SPONSOR 2. PROJECT NAME p c GL ES Sfl� � 3. PROJECT LOCATION: y q Municipality �u4TE 4 d �i/// S F f� County scl p'Fo L K 4., PRECISE LOCATION (Street address and road intersections, prominent landmarks,etc.,or provide map) �f}S7- 6y00 1?oHT6 LIT c-t -o / S o vrrf �rEsr 0 ),:7 's P� 4 0 �Ll0 is-e rLr y Rr� , q i?) S. IS PROPO ACTION: New ❑Expansion ❑Modification/alteration 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: y S T!4 kC- r/0'�'7 O/L CIS 7. AMOUNT OFLAND AFFFCTED: Initially 7- acres Ultimately 21/1- acres B. WILL P SED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? es ❑No If No, describe briefly 9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF P ECT? ❑Residential ❑Industrial M160mmercial 2 Agriculture ❑Park/Forest/Open space ❑Other Describe: 10. DOES ACTION OLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL,OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY(FEDERAL, STATE O OCAL)? Yes ❑No If yes, list agency(s)and permit/approvals 1- 0.4;4,r// 00 PI 11. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? ❑Yes b NN1 It yes, list agency name and permitlapproval 12. AS A RESULT OF P SED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? ❑Yes No I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/sponsor name: Date: Signature If If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER 1 'DART If—ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESS*T T (To be completed by Agency) - L DOES ACTION EXCEED ANY TYPE I THRESHOLD IN 6 NYCRR, PART 617.12? ❑Yes F-1 No If yes,coortlmate the review process and use the FULL EAF.• S. WILL ACTION RECEIVE COORDINATED REVIEW AS PROVIDED FOR UNLISTED ACTIONS IN 6 NYCRR, PART 617.6? If No,a negative tleclaratlon may be superseded by another involved agency. ❑Yes ❑No 1 C. COULD ACTION RESULT IN ANY ADVERSE EFFECTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOLLOWING:(Answers may be handwritten, if legible) C1. Existing air quality, surface or groundwater quality or quantity, noise levels, existing traffic patterns, solid waste production or disposal. potential for erosion, drainage or flooding problems? Explain briefly: C2. Aesthetic, agricultural, archaeological, historic, or other natural or cultural resources;or community or neighborhood character? Explain briefly: x. C3. Vegetation or fauna, fish, shellfish or wildlife species,significant habitats,or threatened or endangered species? Explain briefly: ZVI C4. A community's existing plans or goals as officially adopted,or a change In use or Intensity of use of land or other natural resources?Explain briefly. C5. Growth, subsequent development, or related activities likely to be induced by the proposed action? Explain briefly. , _ C6. Long term, short term, cumulative,or other effects not identified in C1-CS? Explain briefly. C7. Other impacts(including changes in use of either er quantit Y or type of energy)? Explain briefly. } D. IS THERE, OR IS THERE LIKELY TO BE, CONTROVERSY RELATED TO POTENTIAL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS? ❑Yes ❑No If Yes, explain briefly A. PART III—DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (To be completed by Agency) INSTRUCTIONS: For each adverse effect identified above,determine whether It is substantial,large,important or otherwise significant. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its (a) setting (i.e. urban or rural); (b) probability of Occurring; (c) duration; (d) irreversibility; (e) geographic scope; and (f) magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference supporting materials. Ensure that explanations contain sufficient detail to show that all relevant adverse impacts have been identified and adequately addressed. ❑ Check this box if you have identified One Or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY OccIR_ Then proceed directly to.the FULL EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration. u Check this box if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide on attachments as necessary, the reasons supporting this determination: Name of Lcad Agency Print or I ype Name or Responsible O(bcer m Leal Agency Tn e o Responsible O t¢er �— Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of P:rn D Ji i :r it It :1 responub a of icer 1 ' Dme 2 ;V a i JHQ IVi1Vv - J Icc • ,Ll + zS,UBMISSION WITHOUT COVER LETTER DATE: �Ol IBJ SENDER: IPJV� he I ocS+ SUBJECT: SCTM# : /U- COMMENTS: Z Cin?,rS OCT 419% Su5Fi L }�??y/EE *LLacfe ol green port Pp6 OJJ.Cet.S INCO RPORATEO 19Ge SUPERINTENDENT OF UTILITIES RK- ��ll NEW INCORPORATION APRIL 7,1888 JAMES I.MONSELL MAYOR RE,INCOPPORATION UNDER GENERAL LAW MAY 38,1894 ASST.SUPT.OF UTILITIES STEPHEN L.CLARKE ` �i WATER I WASTEWATER GERALD W.HICKSON TRUSTEES /y/'� ELECTRIC S ARTHUR 1.APICELLO JOHN A.C'OSTELLO O N G I S L A•N O -�V JOANNE DOLINAR L`" ,^'� UTILITY OFFICE GEORGE W.HURRARD pA4a..a 4a i4 151614771748 VICTORIA SWENSEN 236 THIRD STREET FAX 151 61 477-1707 VILLAGE ATTIHINEV GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 POWER PLANT DANIEL C.ROSS 0161 471.11171_ September 23, 1993 Richard G. Ward Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 RE:D&D Cycles 22355 Route 48 Cox Lane Cuthchogue, N.Y. 11935 In regard to the above referenced property site plan if approved by the Town of Southold, the Village of Greenport will have to supply water to this property. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this plan. Sincerely, Uj'j — Gerald W. Hickson Asst . Superintendent Water and Waste Water GWH: fka cc. Mayor Stephen L. Clarke Village Board of Trustees Utility Committee James MOnsell-Supt . of Utilities Rich Caggiano SEP 2 8 n Over 100 Years of Community Service • • R� SUBMISSION WITHOUT COVER LETTER DATE: /l SENDER: �� G ro (� G �� SXWD SUBJECT: I� oC // N/a /o Q SCTM# : COMMENTS: SEP 16 ., PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS °"' >_ SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Richard G.Ward,Chairman _ tasp�•+' George Ritchie Latham,Jr. '. '��t .3 ? Town Hao 53095 Main Road Bennett Orlowski,Jr. P.O. Boz 1179 Mark S. McDonald Southold, New York 11971 Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone(516)765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Fax(516)765- 1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 14, 1993 Steven DeFriest D & D Cycles, Inc. 22355 Route 48 (Cox La. ) Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Proposed site plan for D & D Cycles, Cutchogue SCTM# 1000-59-10-2 Dear Mr. DeFriest: The following resolution was duly adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, September 13 , 1993 : BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, start the coordination process on this unlisted action. Please do not hesitate to contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. S' cer Richard . Ward Chairman PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairmantst SCOTT L. HARRIS George Ritchie Latham, Jr. ��' �.. Al Supervisor Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Town Hall, 53095 Main R, Kenneth L. Edwards P.O. Box 1179 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Southold. New York I19i Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 (�'7y✓ t / �� 193 RE: Lead Agency Coordination Request Dear Reviewer: The purpose of this request is to determine under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act-SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617 the following: 1. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; 2. Your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency; and 3. Issues Of concern which you believe should be evaluated. Enclosed please find a copy of the proposal and a Environmental Assessment Form (EAF completed to assi�t� you in your response. Project Name: co Requested Action: T SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I ( x) Unlisted Contact Person: � ( 516) 765 1 The lead agency will determine the need for an environmental impact statement (EIS) on this project. Within thirty ( 30 ) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not yo, have an interest in being lead agency. Planning Board Position: ( X) This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action ( ) This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. ( ) Other. ( See comments below) . Comments: Please feel free to contact this office for further information. incprely, c tN�(l�ra/�iy CC: sward-ef�A�,pea�s u„'.-a "=-T-r--ustees- Building' Department Southold Town Board .4 Suffolk County Dept. of Health Services NYSDEE-- r�azavk NYSDEC - Albany -,tS. C. Dept. of Public Works ng}neers- N �,r. 'S kept :-of-I'r-as G,?I: Pow T Jv/tri,q LTi p ry ll t PA<rXV01= 7 * Maps are enclosed for your review Coordinating agencies su�FicE PB RK.. SUBMISSION WITHOUT COVER LETTER DATE: LlM93 SENDER: V (C Le-SSQrcl SUBJECT: yc Ie5 SCTM# : � �- IU - "Z_ COMMENTS: c � a K 0 �i -9 -� I a� 'Flora� i br f- ol+e�v�ucyr. Orr Oar _71 'J ___.--- ` o sx- ,U PECONIC SURVEYORS, P.C.* ppm P.O. Box 909 54655 Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 516-765-5020 FAX 516-765-1797 John T.Metzger,L.S. TO: Bob Kassner FROM: John T. Metzger, L. S . DATE: September 7 , 1993 RE: D & D Cycles , Inc . 1000-59-10-02 Attached please find revised survey map of the above captioned. Please contact me if you have any questions . SEP 71993 SUBMISSION WITHOUT COVER LETTER DATE: 81210 193 SENDER: Sfcve.n )Ie- Frl'csi- SUBJECT: L C"yoles SCTM# : Szj - /0 - 2 COMMENTS: Site Plan a,ppl — Tie — 7Pap22 Pflvlt3 f ' ,�V'aTZL1 o��;siFFO(,y'c0 C= PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Go [ SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman � Supervisor George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 August 11, 1993 Steven De Friest D & D Cycles Inc. 22355 Route 48 (Cox Lane) Cutchogue NY 11935 RE: Proposed Site Plan for D & D Cycles County Road 48, Southold Zoning District: Limited Business (LB) Agricultural- Conservation (AC) Dear Mr. De Friest: The Planning Board has reviewed the site plan that you submitted at our recent presubmission conference. Following are the Boards Preliminary comments: ✓" 1. Twenty five foot (251 ) front yard landscaped buffer in the front yard. / 2. Five foot ( 51 ) landscaped strip in front building area. ,3 Twenty foot landscaped evergreen buffer between the ✓ Limited Business(LB) district and the agricultural-conservation (AC) district. Landscaped area of four foot ( 4) ' in width along the perimeter of the parking area and at least one ( 1) tree of not less than two-inch caliper for every forty ( 40) feet along the perimeter of the parking area. 5!. Entrance drive and parking lot to be paved. Handicapped space moved closer to building. �7. Show any proposed dumpster. 8 . Show any proposed outdoor lighting. All lighting must be shielded to the property. 9. Building elevations. 1 r10. Sketch of any proposed outdoor sign. 11. Percent (s) landscaping and lot coverage. The above list should not be considered a complete list of requirements. Southold Town Code Article XXV 100-250 should be consulted for all site plan requirements. In addition to the above please indicate all uses (type of items sold or repaired) . Curb cut and Health Department approvals must be obtained before any possible approval by the Planning board. If you have any questions, or require further information, Please contact this office. Wery4e . y rs �(,G-K ss erSitReviewer cc: Thomas Fisher, Building Inspector In Charge APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS 'J. SCOTT L.HARRIS Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman -Z L < Supervisor Serge D ' oyen,Jr. an James Dinizio,Jr. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Robert A.Villa ``_ '� 3�`` __' ( . � do �y' P.O. Box 1179 Richard C. Wilton = Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1809 � t Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF APPEALS Telephone (516) 765-1800 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 30, 1993 William C. Goggins, Esq. McNulty-Spiess 633 East Main Street P.O. Box 757 Riverhead, NY 11901-0757 Re: Proposed Filing of Special Exception Contract Vendees: W. Droskoski and S. Owner-Seller: C. Charnews DeFriest Dear Mr. Goggins: In reviewing the documents left with our office for review, we find that they are not acceptable processing for .the following reasons: for filing or further p a) Application Form 2B2 - You have modified the form. The a -1 pplicant for the Special Exception is re non-profit organization as interest of the propertythe owner or tenantuhahaving a direct to be the . The owners in the excerpt from the neitheshed shows that contract of sale furni nor the contract vendees, are the non- r the the special exception use; Profit organization for owner b) Section 100-30B(7) - A minimum of three acres of is required for a non-profit membership clubland . please delineate the three acres which would be applied strictly to this use Please delineate the uses and purpose of the remaining areas and whether they are , and ea enclosed within aPrimaror secondary, including such as office building and proposed Outside ofhany at abuilding- etc. usually shown oonga�sitekPlan. screening; egress, ingress, C) A certified Copy of the certificate of incorporation, in complete form, will be needed. d) A copy of the current deed of the premises is required. i 1Q� Z' - July 30, 1a William C. Goggins, Esq. ec Proposed Application - DeFriest & Droskoski e) If applicant is a tenant-corporation, a copy of the signed lease, together with a written consent, from the property owner is necessary for the processing of this application. f) Application Paragraph B must be completed which will list the reasons this use would be in harmony with the standards and guidelines established in the Southold Town Zoning Code and applicable law for approval of this special exception. g) Letter of intent as to whether or not any other buildings or structures are proposed for this property. h) Notice Form with proof of mailing of notices to adjacent property owners and postmarked certified-mail receipts. i) Written disclosure of officers and directors of the Long Island Sports Committee Inc. and any and all other persons, groups or entities involved with property or these uses is requested. For the above reasons, the documentation and personal $400.00 check from D & D Cycles, Inc. are returned. You may submit new forms and the above documentation at a later date when you feel it is appropriate under the circumstances. Very truly yours, Linda Kowalski Clerk of the Board Enclosures cc: D & D Cycles, Inc. Corner of Cox and Route 48 Cutchogue, NY 11935 4 SUBMISSION WITHOUT COVER LETTER S ^ DATE: -- �` SENDER: SUBJECT: SCTM# : COMMENTS: 71 —73,V - 73- c) c� i p JUL 2 6 p� § 100-71 SOUTHOLD CODE § 100-81 (c) One (1) bulletin board or other announcement or identification sign for uses permitted by § 100- 31B(3), (4), (5) and (6), not more than eighteen (18) square feet in area, located not less than fifteen (15) feet from any street or lot line. (3) Accessory uses set forth in and regulated by§ 100-42C(3) of the Hamlet Density Residential District. § 100.72. Bulk, area and parking regulations. No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the Residential Office (RO) District unless the same conforms to the Bulk Schedule and Parking and Loading Schedules incorporated into this chapter, with the same force and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein in full.la ARTICLE VIII Limited Business (LB) District [Added 1-10-89 by L.L. No. 1-198916] § 100-80. Purpose. The purpose of the Limited Business (LB) District is to provide an opportunity to accommodate limited business activity along highway corridors, but in areas outside the hamlet central business areas, that is consistent with the rural and historic character of surrounding areas and uses. Emphasis will be placed on review of design features so that existing and future uses will not detract from surrounding uses. The additional uses must generate low amounts of traffic and be designed to protect the residential and rural character of the area. 3 100-81. Use regulations. In the LB District, no building shall be used and no building or ;':lrt of a building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, I fitors NIfle: Th, R"lk 81h,dol-is inef.ded at the end of this chapter.and the o e: This local law also repealed former Art.VIII,C Light Industrial District. 10072 ' "; so 4bl i § 100-81 ZONING § lUu I intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part. for any uses except the following: - A. Permitted uses. (1) Any permitted use as set forth in and regulated by§ loo- 31A of the Agricultural-Conservation District. (2) The following uses are permitted uses subject to the site plan approval by the Planning Board: (Cont'd on page 10073) 10072.1 1-_u-911 i F/ § 100-81 ZONING § 100-81 (a) Retail businesses complementary to the rural and iistoric character of the surrounding area, limited to he following 1] Antique, art and craft shops and gallaries. 21 Custom workshops and machine shops. 31 Wholesale or retail sale and acces�)ry storage and display of garden materials and plants, including nursery operations, provided that the outdoor storage or display of plants and materi- als does not obstruct pedestrian flo« or vehicu- lar traffic and does not occur within three (3) feet of the property line. 11 Libraries or museums. (b) Professional and business offices. (c) I uneral homes. ( E ttaurants, except drive-in restaurants. i S e .c ersonal service stores and shops, including barber- cops, beauty parlors, professional studios and travel sfJ 1` CL/ a;encies. c (f) ]i epair shops for household, business or personal s 5( cpliances, including cabinet shops,carpenter shops, rt S i� el-etrical shops, plumbing shops, furnitcre repair sl ops and bicycle and motorcycle shops, landscaping a d other service businesses. V, 5 / �6/' °)(g) `i holesale and warehousing. U i f ental to the services business B. Uses Perm 1 ted by special exception by the Board of Appeals. The followir g uses are permitted as a special except i)n by the Board of AF peals as hereinafter provided and, excepu for bed- and-breakfa it uses, are subject to site plan approval by the Planning Bc ar : 10073 ra-zs-ae 81 SOUTHOLD CODE ;`i 100-81 W1 (1) Any special exception use as set forth in a slated by § 100-31B of the Agricultural-ConserN IAstrict, except wineries are not required to be in ton with a vineyard. [Amended 8-1-89 by L.L. N MC-41 C. [Amended 5-9-89 by L.L. No. 6-19891 Acce n;es. The following uses are permitted as accessory uses et>ept for residential accessory uses and signs, which a Q!ned by Article XX, are subject to site plan review: i (1) Any accessory use as set forth in and regu § 100- 31C(1) through (8) of the Agricultura 2vation District, and subject to the conditions set . § 100- 33 thereof. (2) Signs, subject to the following requiremer (a) Freestanding or ground signs: where i i Bing is set back twenty-five (25) feet or n rim the street, one (1)sign, single-or double-f o; more than eighteen (18) square feet, the ulga of which shall be not less than four (4) 6:ve the j ground, unless attached to a wall or ! .;id the upper edge of which shall not exte n! than fifteen (15) feet above the ground, wl ;u shall be set back not less than fifteen (15) f nm all street and property lines and shall adi only the business conducted on the premises. A i: n this subsection, the word "premises" sli term all contiguous property in common owner (b) Wall signs: one (1) sign attached to o: pwa.ted in each building wall on a public e; and advertising only the business condi a such building, Provided that such sign doe, A&W (11 Exceed one square footin totes` Ic each Ire horizontal foot of such wall. [21 Exceed in width one hundred per-. I(s M of the horizontal measurement of su, 1, 10074 c 25.89 JF"! APPEALS APPEALS OARD B MEMBERS ~' SCOTT L.HARRIS Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman ( ` Supervisor Serge Doyen,Jr. ' James Dinizio, Jr. `� �" a� Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Robert A.Villa air' P.O. Box 1179 Richard C. Wilton �x ' J f.f — j Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1809 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF APPEALS Telephone (516) 765-1800 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 30, 1993 William C. Goggins, Esq. McNulty-Spiess 633 East Main Street P.O. Box 757 Riverhead, NY 11901-0757 Re: Proposed Filing of Special Exception Contract Vendees: W. Droskoski and S. DeFriest Owner-Seller: C. Charnews Dear Mr. Goggins: In reviewing the documents left with our office for review, J we find that they are not acceptable for filin processing for the followingP g or further reasons: The a) Application Form ZB2 applicant for the S - You have modified the form. pecial Exception is required to be non-profit organization as the owner or tenant having interest of the the contract of salefurnished showsy. The that neither the excerptchpresent othe wn direct nor the contract vendees neither the the special are the non-profitPresent owner P ial e exception use; organization for b) Section 100-3013(7) - A minimum of three acres of is required for a non-profit membership club. the three acres which would be a land Please delineate applied strictl Please delineate whether the the uses and purpose of Y to this use, and enclosed they witare aprimaryor secondary, the remaining areas and including that area such as office building and proposed outside of an etc, as ' storage, parking, screening; Y ingress,shown on a site plan. egress, ingress, c) A certified copy of the certificate of incorporation, in complete form, will be needed. d) A copy of the current deed of the premises is required. I I I QZ0 r 7PropJ 2 - July 30, 190 William C. Goggins, Esq. e: osed Application - DeFriest & Droskoski e) If applicant is a tenant-corporation, a copy of the signed lease, together with a written consent, from the property owner is necessary for the processing of this application. f) Application Paragraph B must be completed which will list the reasons this use would be in harmony with the standards and guidelines established in the Southold Town Zoning Code and applicable law for approval of this special exception. g) Letter of intent as to whether or not any other buildings or structures are proposed for this property. h) Notice Form with proof of mailing of notices to adjacent property owners and postmarked certified-mail receipts. i) Written disclosure of officers and directors of the Long Island Sports Committee Inc. and any and all other persons, groups or entities involved with property or these uses is requested. For the above reasons, the documentation and personal $400.submi00neweck formsoand the abovesdocumentationtatnadlatero datey when you feel it is appropriate under the circumstances. I Very truly yours,. Linda Kowalski Enclosures Clerk of the Board cc: D & D Cycles, Inc. Corner of Cox and Route 48 Cutchogue, NY 11935 I ' L i § 100-31 ZONING § 100-31 stand in existence on the effective date of this --u su�mustst, within—one-- Sl)year fro-- m such date;em pry wi IFthe provisions hereof. (b) The keeping, breeding, raising and training of horses,domestic animals and fowl (except ducks)s on lots of ten (10) acres or more. (Q.eP?0Vlomy7) • //00 (c) Barns, storage buildings, greenhouse's�inc uding plastic covered) and other related structures, provided that such buildings shall conform to the yard requirements for principal buildings. (3) Buildings, structures and uses owned or operated by the Town of Southold, school districts, park districts and fire districts. B. Uses permitted-by special exception by the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as a special exception by the Board of Appeals, as hereinafter provided, and,except for the uses set forth in Subsection B(15) hereof, are subject to site • plan approval by the Planning Board: (1) Two-family dwellings not to exceed one (1)such dwelling on each lot. (2) Places of worship, including parish houses(but excluding a rectory or parsonage, which shall conform to the requirements for a one-family dwelling), subject to the following requirements: (a) No building or part thereof shall be erected nearer than fifty(50) feet to any street line and nearer than twenty (20) feet to any lot line. • (b) The total area covered by all principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the area of the lot. (3) Private elementary or high schools. colleges and other educational institutions, subject to the following require- ments: fi Edilur NM, also Ch. 11, Durk,c 10039 2-25-Nil § 100-31 SOUTHOLD CODE § 100-31 • (a) No building shall be less than fifty(50)feet from any street or lot line. (b) The total area occupied by all principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the area of the lot. (c) Any school shall be a nonprofit organization within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Act and shall be registered effectively thereunder as such. (d) Any such school shall occupy a lot with an area of . not less than five (5) acres plus one(1) acre for each twenty-five (25) pupils for which the building is designed. (4) Nursery schools. (5) Philanthropic, eleemosynary or religious institutions, hospitals, nursing and rest homes or sanatoriums for general medical care, but excluding facilities for the treatment of all types of drug addiction, subject to the following requirements: (a) No building or part thereof or any parking or loading area shall be located within one hundred (100) feet of any street line nor within fifty (50)feet of any lot line. (b) The total area covered by principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the area of the lot. (c) The maximum height shall be thirty-five(35)feet or two and one-half(2V,) stories. (d) The entire lot, except areas occupied by buildings or parking or loading areas, shall be suitably land- • scaped and properly maintained. (e) Sufficient exterior illumination of the site shall be required to provide convenience and safety. All such illumination shall be shielded from the view of all surrounding streets and lots. 10040 2-25-89 § 100-31 ZONING § 100-31 M Any nursing home, hospital or sanatorium shall meet the following standards: [1] All buildings shall be of fire-resistive construe- tion. [21 All such uses shall be served by adequate water and sewer systems approved by the Suffolk • County Department of Health. [3] Patients suffering from communicable diseases shall not be permitted in any nursing home or sanatorium. (Communicable diseases are de- fined by the Sanitary Code of the Public Health Council of the State of New York.) [4] Eight thousand (8,000) square feet of lot area shall be provided for each patient bed. (6) Public utility rights-of-way as well as structures and other installations necessary to serve areas within the town, subject to such'conditions as the Board of Appeals may impose in order to protect and promote the health, safety, appearance and general welfare of the community and the character of the neighborhood in which the `F proposed structure is to be constructed. (7) Beach clubs, tennis clubs, country clubs, golf clubs, public golf courses and annual membership clubs catering exclusively to members and their guests and- accessory playgrounds, beaches, swimming pools, tennis courts, recreational buildings and maintenance buildings, subject to the following requirements: (a) No building or part thereof or any parking or loading area shall be located within one hundred (100)feet of any street line or within fifty(50)feet of any lot line. (b) The total area covered by principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the area of the lot. (c) Such use shall not be conducted for profit as a bu iness enterprise. 10011 _ 25-ss • i § 100-31 SOUTHOLD CODE § 100-31 (d) No such use shall occupy a lot with an area of less than three (3) acres. (e) The direct source of all exterior lighting shall be shielded from the view of surrounding residential lots. (8) Children's recreation camps organized primarily r seasonal use and subject to the following requirements: (a) No building, tent, activity area or recreation facility • shall be less than two hundred(200)feet from any lot line, and any such building, tent, activity area or recreation facility shall be effectively screened therefrom as required by the Planning Board. Buildings intended for use as sleeping quarters shall be not less than thirty (30) feet from each other, except tents, which shall be not less than ten(10)feet. apart. (b) The minimum lot area shall be not less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet for each cottage, tent or other thousand rind pal ng an not less than three ( ) square feet of land area shall be provided for each person accommodated in the buildings or tents on the premises. (c) All outdoor lighting shall be arranged and/or shielded to eliminate the glare of lights toward nearby residential lots, streets or other public facilities. residen- tial(d) The sound level of all outdoor public-address systems neighborhood. (9) Farm labor camps, subject to the following requirements: • (a) All farm labor camps on farms shall be construed in conformance with applicable laws and shall not be located nearer to any other residence than the residence of the employer, except by specific review and approval of the Planning Board. 10042 2-25-99 • i •> § 100-31 ZONING § 10431 (10) Veterinarian's offices and animal hospitals, subject to the following requirements: (a) The housing of all animals shall be in a fully enclosed structure, if nearer than one hundred fifty (150) feet to any lot line. (11) Cemeteries. • (12) Stables and riding academies. (13) Wineries for the production and sale of wine produced from grapes primarily grown in the vineyards on which such winery is located. [Amended 8-1-89 by L.L. No. 15-1989] (14) One (1) accessory apartment in an existing one-family dwelling, subject to the following requirements: (a) The accessory apartment shall be located in the principal building. (b) The owner of the existing dwelling shall occupy one (1) of the dwelling units as the owner's principal • residence.The other dwelling unit shall be leased for year-round occupancy, evidenced by a written lease for a term of one (1) or more years. (c) The existing one-family dwelling shall contain not less than one thousand six hundred (1,600) square feet of livable floor area. (d) The accessory apartment shall contain not less than four hundred fifty (450) square feet of livable floor area. (e) The accessory apartment shall not exceed forty percent(40%)of the livable floor area of the existing dwelling unit. • (f) A minimum of three (3) off-street parking spaces shall be provided. (g) Not more than one (1) accessory apartment shall be permitted on a lot. 10043 10-25-89 i t IML § 100-31 SOUTHOLD CODE § 100-31 1W (h) The accessory apartment shall meet the require- ments of a dwelling unit as defined in § 100-13 hereof. iii The exterior entry to the accessory apartment shall, the maximum extent possible, retain the existing -:aerior appearance of a one-family dwelling. _.I exterior alterations to the existing building, .rcpt for access to the apartment, shall be made on • - c existing foundation. ha certificate of occupancy shall terminate upon' '110 transfer of title by the owner or upon the owner 111sing to occupy one(1)of the dwelling units as the wner's principal residence. In the event of an mer's demise, the occupant of an accessory �:partment may continue in occupancy until a new 4wner shall occupy the balance of the dwelling or one (1) year from date of said demise, whichever shall first occur. All conversions shall be subject to the inspection of • the Building Inspector and renewal of the certificate of occupancy annually. (m) The building which is converted to permit an accessory apartment shall be in existence and have a valid certificate of occupancy issued prior to January 1, 1984. (n) The existing ng, together with the accessory apartment,shall comply with all other requirements of Chapter 100 of the Town Code of the Town of (0) Notwithstanding the provisions of§ 100-31B hereof, no site plan approval by the Planning Board shall e required for the establishment of an accessory apartment. (p) Approval by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services of the water supply and sewage disposal systems shall be required. 10044 to-zs-ss • § 100-31 ZONING § 100,41 (q) No bed-and-breakfast facilities, as authorized by § 100-31B(15) hereof, shall be permitted in or on premises for which an accessory apartment is authorized or exists.[Added 3-14-89 by L.L.No.3- 1989] (15) The renting of not more than three(3)rooms in an owner- occupied dwelling for lodging and serving of breakfast to • not more than six (6) casual and transient roomers, provided that the renting of such rooms for such purpose is clearly incidental and subordinate to the principal use of the dwelling, subject to the following requirements: (a) Adequate off-street parking spaces shall be provided for such rented rooms in addition to parking spaces for the use of the family of the owner. (b) No accessory apartment, as authorized by § 100- 31B(14) hereof, shall be permitted in or on premises for which a bed-and-breakfast facility is authorized or exists. [Added 3-14-89 by L.L. No. 3-1989] • C. Accessory uses, limited to the following uses and subject to the conditions listed in § 100-33 herein: (1) Any customary structures or uses which are customarily incidental to the principal use, except those prohibited by this chapter. (2) [Amended 4-9-1991 by L.L. No. 10-1991; 7-28-1992 by L.L. No. 14-19921 Home occupation, including home professional office and home business office. In permit- ting these uses, the Town Board recognizes that the residents historically have operated small businesses which provide services to the community from their homes. The Board finds that these businesses have not impacted negatively on the appearance of these residen- tial zones. In the Board's judgment, it finds that in order to maintain the economic viability of the town, to maintain the rural quality of life and in the interests of the welfare of the residents, these businesses (or home occupations) should be permitted to continue. In setting 10045 9 25 .,., • TUCKER LANE r A a- \ [ - — ac E (',ORP N�O�F P��G 5' 34.4030' lD Icl • ZQ i 1 KS UN 1 I 0 44'485NfO�F .. ... .......... Ile le SUYFOLK COUNTY IYC t STEEL F+-LC T±C3LfQ.e SwriA4. - i i i PArY -_ o ■ SCALE: DRAWN BV: DATE: _ _ � D �°{[s,Eg pFFICE /� SHEET NO. CHECKED BY: DATE: MORTON BUILDINGS, INC. .tee Np. a, M REVISED BY: DATE: - _-- ---- _--- 1 �C W _. END -FLEVATS0,6.- OFAWN BY: �, i' of IL- �.. LIII � � FE � � �i�i l . I� ', /►.A rl � C.. �� _ _.___ OFFICE /L0 SCALE: - I i 1 e X14° • � s n ,KEY MAP k Scale: 1"=600 F r � N � SITE op bltb / r e/ / / �O• h)DO' p G �0. / N TEST BORING P -- / t P°i / _ GOA ° Torsorc X NAVEL Q 4 — LOAM *77H SW SOME DA/E WA VEL t. OV '--3S =• t"� \\ /3 SAW WITH mow` `,� ryp P4 I GRAVEL OQ- C f PLAN OF PROPER/ Y FOR 1 D. & D. CYCLES v �� •PF �\ �_ .tel �\, - / // AT SOUTHOI D 1P Q' /?i TOWN OF SOR70LD O / SUFFOLKC,OUN& N. Y 1000 - 59 - 10 - Q' July,22, 1993 09 01 / J CP ,�• Scale: l = 100 LP d a `���k AREA = 7.&45 Acres 0 / \ ' q / ZONING DISTRICT: LES dr AC = TRAFFIC FLOW/ DIRECTION FIRE DISTRICT: SOUMOLD py A SANITARY DESIGN DRAINAGE LIMIT LINE . t 2g POPULATION DENSITY ZONE IV OWNER OR APPLICANT' 3s c PROPOSED ELEVATION D. D. CYCLES 300/g.p.d. x 7.845, Acres = 2353 gal. / t' 22355 ROUTE 48 a� PROPOSED CONTOUR LINE COX LANE OFFICE 225 x 12 DQ \ CUICHOGUE, N. Y. 11935 CONTOUR LINES 9 ELEVATIONS ARE RETAIL SALES 2896 24 gal 0.03 \� \ REFERENCED TO N.G.V.D. g.p.d./sq./l. = 87 gal. 111 g.p.d. fl ® PROVIDE y U Q / \� \� MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR PAVED PARKING AREAS / 900 gal Septic Tank ID Scale: 1" = 20' O / L.P. 8'0 /2' dee ® �� p \ 2 I%2'BINDER T I '1 STABILIZED COMPACTED BASE PARKING CRITERIA. y RETAIL SALES 28;36 sq.11. - 14.5 spaces \ JUL 2 6 1993 J OFFICE f'25 sq.11. 2.25 spaces �O�O 1 \110 TOTAL / 7 spaces I souTNOLDmoaWN PLANNING DDAND 1 DRAINAGE CRITERIA �-9 O�AAJD S I AREA = 0.66 Acres �f� c _ 0.85 oZ i - 2.5 0 = Aci \ 0.66•x 0.85 x 2.5 x 60" x 28 = 2356 Cu.P9. *No. asa+0 oQ . 23561 42.2 = 56 �.F. SOF NE`N Provide 5- 8'0 /2' deep L.P.S i o � 4 4 CAMPBELL FO!@1D OR EQUAL CAMPBELL FOUND OR EQUAL IO - 09 TO GRADE TYPE /O - 09 TO GRADE �( \ G TYPE l�l J\Q° F/IJ/SHED GRADE FW/SHED GRADE T CONCRETE 20 C=7 2' INLET —z°•, FY0' OOTLEr �— L' WO APPROVED r INLET I}' p� IY A PIPE N4•PER FT. APPROVED APPROVED PPPE ER AWL "t 118• 1/8' -T. I b PER FT. ,KEY MAP MAX. Scale: 1"=600 e° C� 4 4 EF� avE SITE Q' � s•-a• — 1 _ pplp 900 GAL. SEPTIC TANK , A4V 331 I �' s�D B e• 4 I, 2' AIUJ ABOVE CROIAVOWATER \ 1 n SANITARY LEACHING POOL 4 pp �(b\ 6ry• 0' w D TEST BORING rovsox 0 CAPE SCHEDULELDau w�rH LANDS 10* / GRAVEL �, - - -- 0 - -- 0. /// � - JAPANESE MAPLES 3' HGHT. � � � JAPANESE BLACK PINE 5'-6' HGHT. /� � �anb �' � SAND•WITH / \O t 0 �G� SOME GRAVEL ALBERTA SPRUCE - 4' HGHL \_ �`1O ,g°� - _ _ _ __ " y1� _ S' ID i / i -SUGAR MAPLE - 2 1/2'-3" CALIPER SAND WITH GRAVEL t 8 Q20 �1 / / r�/ ° �N , SAND V 0 PLAN OF PROPERTY FOR / 1 a° D & D CYCLES ti �B AT SOUTHOLD Fpp i PO /�/ 9 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD S/O SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. i ' / - - -- 1000 - 59 - 10 - 02 ; July 22, 1993 July 27,'1993 (Health dept.) li l .yam Aug. 18 1993 (additions) 0—,2.1 cats: l" = 100 m J—' 0 / 0 ti O�k3'\ AREA = 7.845 Acres o rrc El' air, \fib _ tiU ZONING DISTRICT: LB $ AC # = TRAFFIC FLOW DIRECTION I FIRE DISTRICT: SOUTHOLl7 p AL = DRAINAGE LIMIT LINE SANITARY DESIGN POPULATION DENSITY ZONE /V OWNER OR APPLICANT: [> = PROPOSED ELEVATION 60 D & D CYCLES 300/g.p.d. x 7.845, Acres = 2353 gal e`L9 y. \\ (e 22355 ROUTE 48 —z — PROPOSED CONTOUR LINE / e tp \� e V COX LANE RETAIL SALES 28OFFICE 225 x 12 96 0.03 d/s /1. = 87 gal. 0 1' et \ CONTOUR LINES 6 ELEVATIONS ARE g-p, q• s5 P Q' CUTCHOGUE, N. Y. 11935 0 \ REFERENCED TO N.G. V.D. //I g.p.d. n/ Y. \ PROVIDE Q i \/ �r rr r \ MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR PAVED PARKING AREAS 900 gal Septic Tank \a Scale: 1 = 20 2� / 1/2' ASPHALT L.P. 8'0 12' deep I Lj (h; ^�d u 2 112' BINDER 'h• a —z-- STABILI7ED COMPACTED BASE �(lj J SEP 81983 f PARKING CRITERIA a y RETAIL SALES 2896 sq./l. - 14.5 spaces L OFFICE 225 sq.11. 2.25 spaces W sullTlmLBTowN -Q-✓ 1 2 �1 , /o, d TOTAL 17 spaces ot. ME =C�a•/jI- PLANNING BO/IN0 0t• 1 g � DRAINAGE CRITERIA * ,`'i Vis^ -k AREA = 0.66 A cres ql U c = 0.85 t, Ys. c1c. NO. 49618 S'O 1 i = 2.5 y� 0 = Aci PECO ORS, P.-C. 1\ ' ` '\- 0.66 x 0,85 x 2.5 x 60" x 28 = 2356 Cu.FI. P. 0. 765 BO - 5020 / . 2356/ 42.2 = 56 V.F. SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 MAIN ROAD �,p Provide 5 8'0 12' deep L.P.S - 93 - 009 h 4 / Qy\ !`nuo9F1�L F«w 01EQUAL CTYPE 10 FOUND OR EQUAL Jk,\\C TYPE lO - 09 TO 6RAOE TYPE/O - 09 TO GRADE lV Q° FM%ED GRADE FYBGHED GRAD Ax V 20 T MAX ACET rzo'-1 Fes' OUTLET ,4 r °j 4N APPROVED r \, INLET p� N PIPE N4'PER FT. AMM 4' 0 AML O V APPROVED b Ir PPE W4119' Aft PPEI/g' P' PERFr PER PT. KEY MAP k A1A'L� Scale: 1"=600 �n ,1 EFFECTIVE \ e 4. 6,_g, 4. DEP 11 _� SITE — -- --- - - - - -_ - -- -- - - - - - — - 900 GAL. SEP—TIC ------ --_ - - - -- - - - - - — -- - - _-- -- -- �FPT_ N� f - - -- 3 UPI 4-0 Or Mw aeovE GRouvowa rER n i SANITARY LEACHING POOL °r 0 /\4 THERE ARE NO WELLS WITHIN 150' OF / THE PROPOSED SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM. \ r N . z Jrw �O qti0 s, G � De P, '= TEST BORING 4 C Ap 'O 4 P "e --- Q, 0TOPSOL .� '9 V LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE — � COAM WITH GRAVEL JAPANESE MAPLES 3' HGHT. — / 40 - JAPANESE BLACK PINE 5'-6' HGHT ^'\� k ,pJx `�'� �'O ALBERTA SPRUCE - 4' HGHT. \\` �O ��\ --- - _ _®_ - _ - „051` _ 5 SOME GRAVEL fpr f�, -SUGAR MAPLE - 2 112'-3' CALIPER SAnn WITH GRAVEL SAND {I PLAN OF PROPERTY FOR \\ wP mA o & S SOUTHOLD �0 PO /0 / 9TOWN OF SOUTHOLD F iso. o Y N. - - - SUFFOLK COUNTY, Y. �c 1000 - 59 - 10 - 02 3 S July 22, 1993 July 27, 1993 (Health dept.) Aug. 18 1993 (additions) Sept 7, 1993 (additions) Sep t. 20, 1993 (additions) b N Oct. 14, 1993 (additions) zz ti e� �` �Oy / Jp9 s\0 �/ / ® k1q�h �\ \ �F� 46 0�\\`� yyw v r` �s�i Scale: l" = 100' — \ / 5 n �� J eQk raM -Sc' 66Py- �C \ � � 0� n) 0Q M �\ elb Otk��, �, 7r1� eG AREA = 7.845 Acres o/ _ _ . - °d ZONING DISTRICT: LB & AC 0 - TRAFFIC FLOW DIRECTION \°l� (1 t i _\ o FIRE DISTRICT: SOUTHOLD \ DRAINAGE LIMIT LINE 2s _— SANITARY DESIGN Vcq . mN CSP / / \� \ \� �xr \ POPULATION DENSITY ZONE IV \ y. OWNER OR APPLICANT: s>. = PROPOSED ELEVATION e� D & D CYCLES / L e —i— 9.p. . 9 ® ( � � 22355 ROUTE 48 �� PROPOSED CONTOUR LINE _ 3001g.p.d. x 7.845 Acres = 2353 al COX LANE OFFICE 225 x 12 g.p.d. -- = 24 gal. \ CONTOUR LINES 8 ELEVATIONS ARE RETAIL SALES 2896 x 0.03 g. d/s 11 - 87 gal. fl 9 JSGbs °e*\ MDQ ® 7 \l Qa \\ CUTCHOGUEI N. Y. 11935 REFERENCED TO N.G. VD. p' 9 // g.p.d (1 X PROVIDE r� \� MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR PAVED PARKING AREAS / 900 gal Seplic Tank �� 0 ® \7 >� U � Scale: 1 = 20 / L.P. B'0 12' dee + 1/ 112- ASPHALT p yYa 2 //2' BINDER y� 1 PARKING CRITERIA. — STABILIZED COMPACTED BASE v `— 1 2d°rr g RETAIL SALES 2896 sq.tl. - 14.5 spaces rn) F[; OFFICE 225 sq.lt. 2.25 spaces BUILDING TO BE HEATED BY OIL �p TOTAL / 7 spaces I OIL STORAGE TANK CAPACITY NOT1i5^ h L v 2 s 0 1 e d TO EXCEED /000 GAL. 1 v - �'' OCTc o i p \`1,11 1 51 3 'Iry P O DRAINAGE CRITERIA a P \ o AREA = 0.66 Acres C = 0.85 ` �'. . N.Y.S. LIC. NO. 496/8 v / = 2.5 O = Aci " C a 0.66 x 0.85 x 2.5 x 60" x 28 = 2356 CB.FI. (516) 76 RVEYORs, P. 1516/ 765 - 5020 P. O. BOX 909 . 2356/ 42.2 = 56 V.F. MAIN ROAD Provide 5- 8'0 12' deep L.P.S SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 93- 243 0 (OFFICE. CUTCHOGUE , NY MORTON E3lJOLDIf�BGS GEPJE �? AL �' E. CIFI �:ra � lOP� S B ND, -- _ 128-0326 LAMINATED COLUMNS - NO 1 OR BETTER SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE NAIL LAMINATED 3 MEMBER S4S / T COLUMNS USED IN MORTON BUILDINGS ARE PRESSURE TREATED BELOW GRADE TO A RETENTION OF .s K 3 POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOT WITH CHROMATED COPPER ARSENAIE TYPE III, OXIDE TYPE.. AS LISTED IN � FEDERAL SPECIFICATION TT-W-5711, THE TREATED PORTION OF THE COLUMN EMBEDDED IN G'RI1U1ID SHALL BE LAMINATED WITH STAINLESS STEEL NAILS. I• EQO ING5 AND ANCHORAGE - COLUMN HOLES ARE DUG 4 FEET DEEP MIN. DEPTH BELOW GRACE AND I READY-MIX CONCRETE PADS OR DRY CONCRETE MIX PADS ARE POURED IN PLACE (NOTE PLAN" FOR SIZE & TYPE). TWO GALVANIZED STEEL BASE ANCHORS ARE PLACED 1" FROM BOTTOM OF COLUMN. % 7) Z I ADDITIONAL CONCRETE MIX IS POURED AROUND BASE OF COLUMN THEN BACKFILLED WITH a31I_ AND i COMPACTED AT B" INTERVALS. SPLASHBOARDS - SPLASHBOARDS ARE NO. 2 OR BETTER SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE 2"x8" E2F AND CENTER W D it MATCHED, PRESSURE TREATED TO NET RETENTION OF .6 POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOT WITH CHROP'ATED COPPER ARSENATE TYPE III, OXIDE TYPE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH AMERICAN WOOD PRESERVERS' ASSOCIA:IION SPECIFICATION O �..,.."' W I C2 DIVE ROW IS FURNISHED FOR BUILDING ON A LEVEL SITE ~ �N I FRAMING LUMBER, - SIDE NAILERS ARE 2'X4" SAS 2100 MSR SPACED APPROXIMATELY 30" O.0 WITH ALL JOINTS STAGGERED AT ATTACHMENT TO COLUMNS, ROOF PURLINS ARE 2'X4" SAS N0. 2 OP BETTER ONS° I EDGE SPACED APPROXIMATELY 20° O.C. ALL OTHER FRAMING LUMBER IS N0. 2 OR FETTER. e ROOF TRUSSES - FACTORY ASSEMBLED WITH 18 OR 20 GAUGE G.4LVAN17ED STEEL TRUSS PLA IEG AS i REQUIRED AN() KILN DRIED LUMBER AS SPECIFIED. IN-PLANT QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTION IS ;ONDUCTED 1 I UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE TPI INSPECTION BUREAU TRUSSES ARE DESIGNED IN ACCORE Ad,i :E WITH SHEET INDEX BUILDING DESIGN CRITERIA E CURRENT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE STATED LOADING. USE GROUP C 4.2 !, BKAC 4 - 0035" x 1 1/4" HIGH TENSILE STEEL CONSTRUCTION X-BRACING III ALL UNOBSRU:TED CORNERS. SHEET DESCRIPTION — - r%) CONSTRUCTION TYPE 5 B �J,C11NG PANFC,$ (I�YNARI - 0019" MIN , G90 GALVANIZED STEEL WITH AN ADDITIONAL BAK70-)IPJ KYNAR 500 1 OF 4 SPECIFICATIONS & SHEET INDEX - LIVE ROOF LOAD DESIGN 30 PSF 2 OF 4 COLUMN PLAN & ELEVATIONS ] FINISH. PAINT IS NDM. 1 MIL THICK. ON EXTERIOR. (KYNAR 500 IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK (,F ELF ATOCHEM 3 OF 4 SECTIONS WIND LOAD 80 MPH L.> p --•- a FLOOR LOAD 250 PSF NORTH AMERICA). 4 OF 4 TRUSS )DRAWING -� FLOOP. AREA 3150 SCS F1 R OOF!I, F'%N[l S_ PLASTISOL) - 0019" MIN., A755 GALVALUME STEEL WITH AFI ADDITION/\, d� KED-ON PLASTISOL COAT WITH A MINIMUM PAINT THICKNESS OF 4 MILS e y lw ji F ! >; 99 ! TRIM - DIE-FURMED TRIM OF 0.019" MIN., A7_55 GAL`✓ALUME STEEL OR G90 GALVANIZED S'EEl ON GABLES, ROOFS, COP,NF'RS, BASE, WINDOWS AND DOORS 149TH THE SAME PAINT FINISH AND STEEL AS HDOPING AND __TYPICAL LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS — 1991 NDS SIZE DESCRIPTIONBENDING VALUE Fb SIDING PANELS. 2"x4-" N0.1 &2 SPF 1313 PSI CUTTERS - 5 DOX TYPE GUTTERS, COLOR TO MATCH TRIM, ON BOTH SIDES OF THE BUILDIUS 2"X4' 2100f MSR SPF 2100 PSI 2"x6' NO 1 &2 SPF 1138 PSI ADDITIOi:.AI. NOTES 2"x6" N0, 1 SYP 1650 PSI 1.) ALL PLOT PLAINS AND RELATED DETAILS SHALL BE PROVIDED BY OWNER UNLESS IIVCOFFOR\TEG AS PART 2•'x8" NO. 1 SYP 1500 PSI i 2"x10" NO. 1 SYP 1300 PSI OF THESE DRAWINGS. 2"x12" NO. 1 SYP 1250 PSI - o ALL 1950f MSR SYP 1550 PSI .._.._~-� .• _ .•...V-,«,--..Y 2.) ALL INTtF.'IGR PARTITIONS AND ROOM FINISHES IF NO'C INCLUDED YJITH TI-I_JE D�.AWIPI GS SH 1LL BE PROVIDED .�-__. P- - - 88' ° 1 1 2"x16" LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER 2800 PSI (`DRnu'N BY: Mss BBQ I BY OWNER. STANDARD FINISHES SHALL HAVE LESS THAN 200 FLAME SPREAD RATIN ' AE F;CQUIRED BY 3 1 2"X15" GLU-LAM 1650 PSI _DATE:_ 06-lo-93 I ASTM E84 FOR ORDINARY CONDITIONS AND 25 OR LESS FOR EXITS, PASSAGEWAYS, AND GhRRIU0R5. S 1 4'x16 1/2" GLU-LAM 2400 PSI d CHECKED BY: - m~ 51 4"x191 2" GLU-LAM 2400 PSI - 3.) FLOOR COVERINGS JUDGED TO REPRESENT AN UNUSUAL HAZARD SHALL MEET THE SAG-0E. _,:STING PROCEDURES NOTEHIGHER GRADE MATERIAL REQUIRED AS NOTED ON PLANS DATE: I _ tI -�•fi[:-,,, REVISED DATE: ---!!E AS REQUIRED FOR WALL AND CEILING FINISHES. !i, �(p1' h�•.��g��"_,)�:' ' —� .i_,- ; REVISED DATL. 4.) MORTON BUILDINGS GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS APPLY UNLESS INDICATED DIFFERENlL1 ON SF ECIFIC •-^^�•_ � 4 REVISED DATE. If JOB DRAWINGS OR SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. SF 161993 ` gLy1SED DATE: C 5335PK 6-93 ,._..•,_xx`OUCpnu°°ep..1z OF ]HISRBUUILDINGTIFY WASTHAT THE PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY p�xx,Sp4 p'L"a'�fi'�bT'• � ` - - - - - . oJiV Ty •9 DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT M A DULY E ISTERED �� s PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER / / --� S RONALD L. SUTTON), P.E. % a •. �, xe/ ``; - - - - - - JERRY M. CFIRllS7ENJSEPJ, F.E � •••P�•���'°�, `\ - - - - -- DATE: (o - I I -`{ S REG. $ i I� SL CAI_ SHEET NO I k � I i OFFICE: P CUTCHOGUE NY 's �— VENT-A-RIDGE JOB NO. I _ 12B-0326 5" OG. GUTTERS 4 1 Y a T#138 TRANSITION TRIM 1#'64 BASE TRIM U) Z 4 SOU —FH E: L— EVAT � ® VN W w Q � f 0 ( M > r F4 f 2'-9 3/4" 2'-9 3/4" ~ 7'-6" 7-6" 7'-6" 7.-6" � 12'-0" 7'-6 3/4' 22'-4 1/2" 55-2 1/4" 7'-5 3/4" 19'-6 3/4" 29-10 1/2" '"7-4 1/2" 44'-10 1/2" 52'-41/2. 67'-21/4" 74'-9" B B 2'-D" OVERHANG (SIDES VENTED) B —�� 22"0 O — Q 22"0 d A C�6 B —^ n COLUMN PLAN LEGEtNdD I - ❑ - 3-2"x6" LAMINATED COLUMN LOCATION HEADERED TRUSS LOCATION ON I I— __I _� —ry -vmawmrx�.c wex..smmy-i — L J - 6068 PMW M-34 WALK DOOR ' t I I DRAWN BY: MSS 886Y 0 o p - (2)3066 PMW M-1 WALK DOORS DATE: 06-10- C) - 12'x12' OVERHEAD DOOR ---- ` — CHECKED BY: p - (4)7050 PICTURE WINDOWS DATE: r 7 - 30"x30" ATTIC ACCESS PANEL REVISED DATE: L J REVISED DATE: O❑ - 24" DIA FOOTING W/ REVISED DATE: I 24"0 10" THICK READI-MIX PAD. PLACE REVISED DATE: o (4)5O" BAGS OF SACKRETE PRE-MIXED W/WATER AROUND COLUMNS WHEN OO SETTING k OF 7'-4 1/2" 14'-10 1/2" 22'-4 1/2' 29'-10 1/2" 37-4 1/2" 44'-10 I/2" 52-4 "I/2" 59'-10 1/2" 67'-41/2" 74'-9" T-41/2" T-6" 7'-6" 7-6" 7'-41/2" P — - ��rrivaudiainopl:,:do SHEET NO. 2 of 4 I i I OFFICE EE , NY VENT--, RIDGE �� JOB NO. -- - 1'i2�,,�^ 128-0326 41 / \ T//16 GABLE TRIM - 5" O.G. GUTTERS r T#21 CORNER TRIM n T#64 BASE TRIM HI-RIB STEEL WAINSCOT � p I� -I� �I I�— p I�-- � ® '-I� ,�--q I� p � q � Imo- I� p IE- y� I� p � yl ® I \ u u u I: IL_ IG_ @B" .A u � CD 1 vl V V E: c _T IL IL_ E \I .�'--'1 7 C) 1 vl I�•I SCALE. 1/8" = 1'-0" SCALE 1/B" = 1'-O" W D 0 C PLASTISOL HI-RIB STEEL W I 2"x4" PURLINS ® 24" O.0 > (NO. 2 SPF) INSULATION STOP/ U i' AIR DEFLECTOR 2"x4" BEV. PURLIN �u r FILLER STRIP 2"x6" BEV. FASCIA 5" O.G. GUTTERS �) p T#144 & 146 FASCIA TRIM 42' S.C. TRUSS (2)1/2"x5 1/2" M. BOLTS - r ,. EA E ALUMINUM SOFFIT BLOWN-IN INSUL (BY OWNER) HI-RIB/SOFFIT CAP 4 MIL VAPOR BA 4RIER r� f 2"x6" OVERHANG NAILER INTERIOR HI-RIB STEEL ( 2 ) 1/2"x5 1/2" M. BOLTS & 2"x4" TOP BLOC,,ACOUSTICAL (( 8 ) 20d R.S. NAILS _ ACOUSTICAL HI-316 STEEL (TOP 4' OF WAL' LINER) _ INTERIOR Iii-RIE STEEL 42' S C TRUSS _ 3-2"x6" LAMINATED COLUMIU 2"X4" STRIPPING AT 24" O.0 TO 8' (2)2"x12" HEADERS •"� T#64 BASE TRIM (NO. i SYP.) HI-RIB STEEL (k YNAR) ( 3 ) 2"x B" STUB COLUMN FLAT STEEL 7/16"X4'X8' OSB STRUCTUREWOOD HEADER NAILING SCHEDULE ( 3) ROWS 2"x4' NAILERS (2)2"x12" HEADERS EEI 2"x10" HEADER HEADER STUB JAMB 2100f MSR SPF (N0. 1 SYP.) MEMBER COLUMN COI UMN 14'-0" (NO. 1 SYR) GRADE TO HEEL 6" BLANKET INSULATION W/ 2"6" BLOCK EA 2"x12" 7 4 4 MIL VAPOR FARRIER T, 15 - T1# 124 EA. 2"x10" 4 3 - T#138 TRANSITION TRIM T# 129 � 0.H.D. 2"x 6" NOTCHED NAILER PROTECTIVE LINE.f ALUMASEAL NOTES: �T,#64 BASE TRIM T// 151 T�/ 152 1. NUMBERS ABOVE ARE 2Dd R.S NAILS I( - �(1) ROW 2°x8" SPLASHBOARD T# 754 REQUIRED PER CONNECTION. `. Tx3" JAMB BEYOND 2. PRE-DRILL HEADERS AS REQUIRED 2"x4" NON-TREATED (BEYOND) TO PREVENT sauiilNc 1 1/2"x1" BLOCk & T#109 BASE TRIM (3) 2"x6" JAMB COLUMN (BEYOND) 3 HF NUMBERDER TO JAMB NAILS RMQUCOPIDNECTFOR ION """"""•" "`- """ IS EXCESSIVE TO CAUSE SPLITTING, ,,,,,_„„®M_....... ....... „J, J 4" CONC. (BY 0!'/NER) 2"x6' BLOCK (BEYOND) THE EXCESS NAILS MAY BE IN, TALLED DRAWN BY: MSS' 880 �� IN HEADER SUPPORT BLOCKING . - --1,y PERIMETER INSUI .TION (BY OWNER) DATE: 06-10-9,3 II, "--- 2"x6" TR. BOTTOIA PLATE [REVISED HECKED BY: , - L--� FADER p''� ATE: CORNER AND ENIIWALL COLUMNS WILL r p SECTION ICS I�T DATA:4'-0" HAVE 15' DIA. H7LES W/4" THICK READI- II MIX PAD. PLACE (1)50# BAG OF SACKRETE SCALE 1" = 1'-0" EVISED DATE: AROUND COLUMNS WHEN SETTING. EVISED DATE: 46M BASE ANCHORS EVISED DATE: 8" THICK READI-MIK PAD. PLACE (2)50// BAGS OF SACKRETE PRE-MIXED FYI W/WATER AROUND COLUMNS WHEN _ SETTING. �x F A A. SE ® EWALL SECTION A -- @ fes . I _ - SCALE: 1/2" - i'-0" 80 MPH WIND LOAD '�A'P,C SCL[. : �j.!••''•�o`` SHEET NO, ____ _ 3 OF I i OFFICE: CUTCHOGUE NY JOB NO. 126-0326 E� } C-3 V) z TRUSS SPACING 7'-6" O.C. LIVE LOAD 30 PSF NN DEAD LOAD 4 PSF CEILING LOAD 3 PSF W e, TOTAL LOAD 37 PSF d 10x15 PL. O ' q 670, W 0 W F.� 11x15 PL 4 T C" #2 83 WEB #1 ri 2" 4" WEB 12 �n STIFFENER 4 \ WEB $2 3x5 PL. WEB //3 2110" 16x9 PL 18 GA 1x PL. 18 GA. W f 16x10 PL. \ ,. WEB #4 18 GA - p ° A 11x11 PL. 9x9 PL. H B ;, ,.... ...,. 6.A xa 15-1/z" U � 4iLOWER CH O osf;e: 2,.x6.. .t o. .°... ..... .... Y t CAM 1- 1 BER AT 4 50-1/4" �- 12'2-13/16" -n CENTERLINE / 20'10-1 /2" r� c TRUSS DESIGN SPECIFICATION: T Truss has been designed by computer using the Purdue 42 LL S. C. TRUSS Plane Structure Analyzer IAW current standards and -� specifications of recognized engineering principles Output data will be provided upon request. I( LUMBER SPECIFICATION (1991 NDS for Wood Construction): �J Lower Chord -- 1950f - 1.5E MSR Southern Pine Top Chord -- 1950f - 1.5E MSR Southern Pine Top Chord --- No 1 K.D. - 19 Southern Pine . , Web Members -- No. 1 K.D. - 19 Southern PineDP,AWN BY; MSS 8568 TRUSS PLATE SPECIFICATION (ICBG Evaluation Report No 2929): ° DATE: 0610.93 ASTM A-446, Grade A 20 Ga. and 18 Go. where noted. CHECKED Bl': galvanized steel Morton truss plates identified by a { hexagon stamped every 1-1/4" along the center of the plate. DATE: RAFTER LENGTH 22'0-1/16" REVISED DATE: Webs are 2x4's REVISED DATE: _ REVISED DATE: REVISED DATE: o. P y�" 1 - Yrylr4llipii''�4 SCALE: 1/2" V-0" SHEET N0. I 4 of 4 If I u i OFFICE: CUTCHOGUE NY ' � iGR ITON BUIILDHf SGS GENERAL �� PE�' {{=!_CAI IONS Joe NO. 128-0326 ;r LAMINATED COLUMN - NO. 1 OR BETTER SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE NAIL LAMINATED 3 MEMc:_R S4S Z COLUMNS USED IN MORTON BUILDINGS ARE PRESSURE TREATED BELOW GRADE TO A RETENTION OF .8 � t POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOT WITH CHROMATED COPPER ARSENATE TYPE III, OXIDE TYPE, AS LISTED IN FEDERAL SPECIFICATION TT-W-571J. THE TREATED PORTION OF THE COLUMN EMBEDDED IN GROUND SHALL BE I_AM INATED WITH STAINLESS STEEL NAILS. e 1. FOOTINGS AND ANCHORAGE - COLUMN HOLES ARE DUG 4 FEET DEEP MIN. DEPTH BELOW G,%ADE AND k READY'-MIX CONCRETE PADS OR DRY CONCRETE MIX PADS ARE POURED IN PLACE (NOTE PLANS FOR r SIZE & TYPE). TWO GALVANIZED STEEL BASE ANCHORS ARE PLACED 1" FROM BOTTOM OF COLUMN cf) ADDITIONAL CONCRETE MIX IS POURED AROUND BASE OF COLUMN THEN BACKFILLED WITH SCIL AND fffrWr- S COMPACTED AT B" INTERVALS. W W S _A.SW90ARDS - SPLASHBOARDS ARE NO. 2 OR BETTER SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE 2"x8" S2!S AND CENTER PI 'a' N MATCHED, PRESSURE TREATED TO NET RETENTION OF 6 POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOT WITH CHRGMATED COPPER / O Y ARSENATE TYPE III, OXIDE TYPE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH AMERICAN WOOD PRESERVERS' ASSOCIATION SPECIFICATION W I C2. ONE RDW IS FURNISHED FOR BUILDING ON A LEVEL SITE. W F FRAMING LUMBER - SIDE NAILERS ARE 2"x4" S4S 2100 MSR SPACED APPROXIMATELY 30" C C. WITH ALL [—t JOINTS STAGGERED AT ATTACHMENT TO COLUMNS. ROOF PURLINS ARE 2"x4" S4S NO. 2 OR BETTER ON 0 EDGE SPACED APPROXIMATELY 20" 0 C. ALL OTHER FRAMINC LUMBER IS NO. 2 OR BETTER.' ROOF TRUSSES - FACTORY ASSEMBLED WITH 18 OR 20 GAUGE GALVANIZED STEEL TRUSS PLATES AS f REQUIRED AND KILN DRIED LUMBER AS SPECIFIED. IN-PLANT QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTIONIS CONDUCTED BUILDING 7 II II I � I UNDER THE .AUSPICES OF THE TPI INSPECTION BUREAU. TRUSSES ARE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH INDEX— B U I L D I V Gj DESIGN C R I TE R I A SHEET �-� CURRENT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE STATED LOADING. USE GROUP G 4.,2 I I RRACN¢ - 0035" x 1 1/4" HIGH TENSILE STEEL CONSTRUCTION X-BRACING IN ALL UNOBS'IRUCiED CORNERS. SHEET DESCRIPTIONB W ! CONSTRUCTION TYPE 5 1 sLOINS'—P�.hSEL�� N - 0.019" MIN., c90 GALVANIZED STEEL WITH AN ADDITIONAL BAKED-ON KvrJAR soD 1 OF 4 SPECFCATNONS & SHEET INDEX I IVE ROOF LOAD DESIGN 30 PSF 2 OF 4 COLUMN PLAN & ELEVATIONS WIND LOAD 80 MPH L - FINISH. PAINT IS NOM. 1 MIL THICK ON EXTERIOR. (KYNAR 500 IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF ELF ATDCHEM 3 OF 4 SECTIONSN FLOOR LOAD 250 PSF V UDR1H AMERICA), 4 OF 4 TRUSS DRAWING FLOOR_ AREA 3150 SQ FT U g if'CL21 ING PANELS PI -,STISOL - 0.019" MIN., AZ55 GALVALUME STEEL WITH AN ADDITIONAL. BAKED-ON J w P'LP51iSOL COAT W1FH A MINIMUM PAINT THICKNESS OF 4 MILS. t '11Y — DIE FORM'11 TRIM OF 0 019" MIN., AZ55 GAL`/ALUME STEEL OR G90 GALVANIZED aIEE_ ON CABLES, TYPICAL LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS - 1991 NDS FIDGI_S, CDRN\ERS, BASE, WINDOWS AND DOORS WITH THE SAME PAINT FINISH AND STEEL P+ ROOFIN AND SIZE DESCRIPTION BENDING VALUE Fb SIDING PA.hILLs. 2"x4" N0.1 &2 SPF 1313 PSI Ci!'iTEkS - 5' BOX TYPE GUTTERS, COLOR TO MATCH TRIM, ON BOTH SIDES OF THE BUILDING 2 'X4" 2100f MSR SPF 2100 PSI 2"x6" N0.1 &2 SPF 1138 PSI r~, NOTES 2"x6" NO 1 SYP 1650 PSI ! 1 ) ALL PLOT PLANS AND RELATED DETAILS SHALL BE PROVIDED BY OWNER UNLESS INCORPORATED AS PART 2"x8" N0. 1 SYP 1500 PSI 2"x10" NO. 1 S_YP 1300 PSI OF THESE DRAWINGS. 2"x12" NO 1 SYP 1250 PSI _ -�»• -----<•"»�--� 2.) ALL INTERIOR PARTITIONS AND ROOM FINISHES IF NOT INCLUDED WITH THESE DRAWINGS SHALL BE PROVIDED ALL 19501 MSR SYP _ 1950 PSI I 1 1 2"x16" LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER 2800 PSI DRAWN BY: _Mss 686 BY OWNER. STANDARD FINISHES SHALL HAVE LESS THAN 200 FLAME SPREAD RATING AD REQUIRED BY 3 1 /"x15" GLU- LAM_ 1650 PSI DATE: 06-10-93 i ASTM E64 FOR CRDItJARY CONDITIONS AND 25 OR LESS FOR EXITS, PASSAGEWAYS, AND CORRIDORS. `J 1 4X16 1 2 GLU-LAM —2400 PSI -CHECKED BY: 51 4"x191 2" GLU-LAM 2400 PSI DATE: 3.) FLOOR COVERINGS JUDGED TO REPRESENT AN UNUSUAL HAZARD SHALL MEET THE SA.h TESTILV6 PROCEDURES NOTE: HIGHER GRADE MATERIAL REQUIRED AS NOTED ON PLANS. REVISED DATE: AS REQUIRED FOR WALL AND CEILING FINISHES. j i REVISED DATE: I 4.) MORTON BUILDINGS GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS APPLY UNLESS INDICATED DIFFERENTLY CIN SPECIFIC REVISED DATE: JOB DRAWINGS OR SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. REVISED DATE: L l j�a c 1yoN•' 1mwlup CS335PK 6-93 U LTA1E1A' 'vy, I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN FOR a`' •Q'°•:p'L THIS BUILDING WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY G'••.7• y•ZY�' r0:, ,% k DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY FOSTEREDy4 e f � GLa 2 �L/�/T� nUiC? C' ��� � PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. ROiJ?,LO L SUTTON, P.E. 011No'•• ?, [T?p•'"'''��'.•`, G JERRY M IHRISTENSEN, P.F. I. 41 U � birySSOr :x^xx � � S I ( 19 0L �C" DATE' (cN.93 REG. . Q ° SCALE: OCT 41993 SHEET NO, PrJ z - 1 of 4 I n OFFICE: CUTCHOGUE , NY , �— VENT-A-RIDGE JOB Nor 128-0326 k 5" O.G GUTTERS 1 t o tl T#138 TRANSITION TRIM } x T#64 BASE TRIM Z 9 SOUTH EL_ EVAT Q � � r 2'-9 3/4" 2'-9 3/4" F—I 7'-6 3/4" 12'-0" 7'-6" 7r-6" 7--6" 7,-6" 12'-0" 22'-4 1/2" SS'-2 7/4" 7'-5 3/4" 19'-6 3/4" 29'-10 1/2" 3T-4 1/2" 44'-10 1/2" 5Y-41/2' 67'-2 1/4' 74'-9" 3 3 2'-0" OVERHANG (SIDES VENTED) m � C 22"0 O ° ° O 22"4 I f o 7 13 A � 6 � T r - --� _" COL. l,_1MN PLAN LEGEND \ ❑ - 3-2"x6" LAMINATED COLUMN LOCATION .o ^ c o - HEADERED TRUSS LOCATION - L _J N ° - 6068 PMW M-34 WALK DOOR 37 C - " M - (2)3008 PMW M-1 WALK DOORS `LD BY: MSS 8v6 V o _ 06-10--93 c> O - 12'x12' OVERHEAD DOOR D DYp - (4)7050 PICTURE WINDOWS 30"x30" ATTIC ACCESS PANEL DATE: L _J DATE_ 24" CIA FOOTING W/ DATE.24"0 10" THICK READI-MIX PAD. PLACE DATE: I (4)50# BAGS OF SACKRETE PRE-MIXED L.�_..,..aa.. ' p p p p W/WATER AROUND COLUMNS WHEN �����_-�_^•, SETI"ING. „ n•. T-4 1/2" 14'-10 1/2" 22'-4 1/2" 29'-70 1/2" 37'-4 1/2" 44'-10 1/z•• s2'-4 1/2" 59'-10 1/2" 6T-d 1/2" 74'-s" 7'-4 /2" 7'-G" T 6" T 6" T 6" 7' 6" 7'-B" T-6" T-41/2" T 74'-9" 511LEI NU.� I I u I i OFFICE: CUTCHOGUE , NY �- VENT-A-RIDGE JOB N0. — -- --- 12 128-0326 4 � T#16 GABLE TRIM Ir - 5" 0 G GUTTERS t T T#21 CORNER TRIM ° } T#64 BASE TRIM HI-RIB STEEL WAINSCOT s W t VAI O FR 7 H E: L_ E: \/ ,zS, 7 ® IN W E S; 7 E d— E \1A, 7 CD N W W � c SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" SCALE1/B" = 1'-0" F V d k p E W I � F PLASTISOL HI-RIB STEEL > O 2"x4" PURLINS Co 24" G.C. r (NO 2 SPF) t INSULATION STOP/ AIR DEFLECTOR 2"x4" BEV PURLIN FILLER STRIP '� f 2"x6" BEV. FASCIA 5" O.G. GUTTERS (2)1/2"x5 1/2" M. BOLTS �i• r� t T#,144 & 146 FASCIA TRIM 42' S C. TRUSS ALUMINUM SOFFIT BLOWN-IN INSUL (BY OWNER) - HI-RIB/SOFFIT CAP 4 MIL VAPOR BARRIER 2"x6" OVERHANG NAILER INTERIOR HI-RIB STEEL 2"x4" TOP BLOCK, ( 2 ) 1/2"x5 1/2" M. BOLTS & ACOUSTICAL HI-RIB STEEL ,r'-� ( 8 ) 20d R.S NAILS (TOP 4' OF WALL LINER) y - a INTERIOR HI-RID STEEL 42' S C. TRUSS 3-2"x6" LAMINATED COLUMN 2"X4" STRIPPING AT 24" O.C. TO B' (2)2"x12" HEADERS T#64 BASE TRIM (N0. 1 SYP ) HI-RIB STEEI (KYNAR) ( 3 ) 2"x6" STUB COLUMN - --- —FLA1 STEEL 7/16"X4'X8' OSB STRUCTUREWOOD HEADER NAILING SCHEDULE ` L 5 I (2)2"x12,' HEADERS --� HEADER STUB JAMB p/� R '� r f v ( 3 ) RO'NS 2"x4" NAILERS 2'x1U" HEADER MEMBER COLUMN COLUMN ( 2100f MSR SPF (PJ O. 1 SYP.) (NO. 1 SYP ) -- - 14'-0" - G' BLANKET INSULATION W/ 2"x6" BLOCK V_ T ,5 EA. 2"x12" 7 4 GRADE TO HEEL 4 MIL VAPOR BARRIER T$ 124 EA. 2"x10" 4 3 7#138 TRANSITION TRIM T# 129 0,H.D. � �— 2"x5 NOTCHED NAILER "—ALUMASEAL NOTES: PROTECTIVE LINER T#64 BASE TRIM T ' 151 _ T 1, NUMBERS ABOVE ARE 20d R.S. NAILS Jf i 1 ROW 2"x8" SPLASHBOP,RD T 154— # 152 REQUIRED PER CONNECTION. ( ) ' 2. PRE—DRILL HEADERS AS REQUIRED 2"x3" JAMB BEYOND) TO PREVENT SPLITTING, / ( ) 3 2"x6" JAMB6'COLUMN (BEYOND) 3 S HEADHEADERS EXCESSIVE 70 CAUSELOCK SPLITTING,TO JAMB COLUMN FOR . ,--..,.._.,.._�...-..�.r......�` 2"x4" NON-TREATED _ 1 1 2"x1" BLOCK & TP109 BASE TRIM ( ) ( ) � 4" CONC. BY OWNER (BEYOND) THE EXCESS NAILS MAY BE INSTALLED DRtiNI•I DY:G. MSS 836 D.ATC: 0670-93 ` PERIMETER INSULATION (BY OWNER) CHECKED BY: l " 2"x6" TR. BOTTOM PLATE ee I�- IImo�-- pp--�� I�- -I� p p--� DATE: } CORNER AND ENUWALL COLUMNS WILL H E A, ® E R S E C I 0 I '�'I F 3 B REVISED DATE: 4' 0" HAVE 15' DIA. HOLES W/4" THICK READI- — SCALE1iREVISED DATE: MIX PAD. PLACE (1)50,# BAG OF SACKRETE ' " = '-0" AROUND COLUMNS WHEN GETTING. REVISED DATE: 46M BASE ANCHORS REVISED• DATE: .�• 8" THICK READI-MIX PAD. PLACE (2)50// BAGS OF SACKRETI. PRE-MIXED �HyettnxrwttrNtn�, I a W/WATER AROUND COLUMIIS WHEN xa0Or,pF� SETTING. • �S �4oLs�� /. q�q�••, QQ,,•3 20"0 SI ® EWALL SECTi I0I�,l fes. — _ E SCALE: 1/2" = V-0" 80 MPH V.1N0 LOAD - - - - - - Ftrr``A:QscmuIJo SHEET Z ..,...,.....�. ..�..d..._,._.....�._,.r,_..�.._„e.._._..._,.._.,_...�_....._......_._.._,��._....__._...._..,..,_...�.�..,..._...,..__...a...__._,...__.. �......�...-,._._.�.�..�....�._.�v.Y.._,.,.,...,�..ra..��r_._._.__....,,.n.......__..e-,.,.,.e..�...�,._.v.....�_,._.e.,...�..�,....._._..�._.._..,_�...._ -r J OF 4 R I OFFICE: CUTCHOGUE , NY J0D NO. ! 128-0326 I+� I � f e U) z o TRUSS SPACING 7'-6" 0.C. W LIVE LOAD 30 PSF DEAD LOAD 4 PSF W CEILING LOAD 3 PSF �T•; F W ei TOTAL LOAD 37 PSF 10x15 PL. P� f 6'10 1/4" ✓ UFy W � rc\ 1105 PL 3.. WEB #1 TC. ,z \ 2..x4" WEB-"' 4 4 STIFFENER 4 r WEB #2 3x5 PL. i 16)(9 F'L. 18 GA f WEB #3 21, 16)(9 W 13x8 PL 18 GA. 16x1D PL. WEB g4 P 18 GA. 11x11 PL Eg^`sei::,:4 ••°, — �)' `^ . r s 9x9 PL H.B. ^..,.p T ✓_' A4. � - t T .�q C..,.. a 2x4 _ 12 ...... ,..e ^.^.. ..... ,,. .:°.:poi.. . • 2,.x6.. . LOWER CHAI Ilil �l CAMBER AT p0-1/4" 12'2-13/16" 1 CENTERLINE 1-1/4" 20"10-1/2" TRUSS DESIGN SPECIFICATION: n e t Truss has been designed by computer using the Purdue xl I S. C. TRUSS lal JC` sPlanepecs Structure Analyzer IAN/ current standards and 't LL J l� f lJ J � ! specifications of recognized engineering principles � Output data will be provided upon request. LUMBER SPECIFICATION (1991 NDS for Wood Construction): 4 Lower Chord -- 1950f - 1.5E MSR Southern Pine Top Chord -- 1950f - 1.5E MSR Southern Pine Top Chord --- No. 1 K.D. - 19 Southern Pine Web Members -- No 1 K.D. - 19 Southern Pine77 4M DRAWN BY: MSS 886 � TRUSS PLATE SPECIFICATION (ICBO Evaluation Report No 2929): DATE 05-10-93 4i4 ASTM A-446, Grade A 20 Go. and 18 Go where noted, CHECKED BY: galvanized steel Morton truss plates identified by a hexagon stomped every 1-1/4" along the center of the plate. DATE: RAFTER LENGTH 22'0-1/16" REVISED DATE: Webs are 2x4's REVISED DATE: REVISED DATE: REVISED DATE: _ ft I 4 SCALE: L4 SHEEI OF N0. _.r,_,..,.. .. .w,......__..a.y,_.._............. — - -.T.__.._. ._. ._.._. _._..,....a..._.r_,..._.._ .. _.. .. ...,._..v,....s...___.....,. .�___._�......�.�M...,.�....e.._.. �.,. .. -----...__. m., ... _._..........�,_...._�.........,.m,._an. L4 --`^r a