HomeMy WebLinkAboutSewer System Maintenance Rpt-1998 " . ~ REPORT ON THE SEWER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE FOR THE FISHERS ISLAND SEWER DISTRICT DURING 1998 BY MICHAEL A. HORNE, M.S., P.E. DTC No. 98-067-200 FEBRUARY 1999 _OLD"O.. UI. ...,...... I'..OTU.'. WATII DIV.....IID TlOH.GLOaT COIIeULTAIltS sse WASHINGTON AVENUE NORTH HAVEN CT 08473 2032384200 203234 T370 FAX .' . INTRODUCTION This report is written to conform with the requirements which were outlined in Item IT of our contract to conduct maintenance evaluations of-the Fishers Island sewer district sewers, pump station, the community leaching systems and the wet well. In addition, the valving, generator, and all other operations were to be reviewed. The sludge in the all-septic systems was measured and records of expenditures for repairs were obtained and filed. BACKGROUND The Fishers Island sewer district includes the area of the south end of Fishers Island, which was established during World War II as Fort Wright. The sewer system consists of vitrified clay, ranging from 6 inches in diameter to 24 inches. Prior to 1985, a 24-inch diameter outfall sewer extended into Long Island Sound where raw wastewater was discharged based on the 1943 map. The map was traced by the Suffolk County Planning Department during 1964. Several copies of this map have been reproduced by DTC and sent to Louisa Evans for the District's use and for other utility information, which can be generally used by the residents, the highway department, the water department and others. During the late 1970's and early 1980's F.I.D. Co. purchased the old Fort Wright area from the Government, and the New York Department. of Environmental Conservation (NY.D.E.C.) issued an order to Southold to eliminate the discharge to the Sound. A wastewater facilities plan, which included an activated sludge system, was iuitially proposed. It was concluded that a plant would result in excessive operation and maintenance. Therefore, the current community septic system was developed, designed and constructed. SYSTEM GENERAL DESCRIPTION An alternative scheme was proposed and accepted by the N.Y.D.E.C. This plan included installing a pump station adjacent to the 24-inch diameter outfall, constructing a large subsurface disposal system near the airport, constructing another large subsurface disposal system to serve the cinema and finally, construction of a subsurface disposal system to serve the three houses which are on the hill above Silver Eel Cove. The system was constructed during 1985. Therefore, it will be 14 years old this spring. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION GENERAL This section addresses maintenance and operation of the system. The Town of Southold has contracted Harold's Construction Co. to maintain the system with consultation from DTC. Harold's has operated and maintained the system for several years and personnel are familiar \\fik:Icnoul~S)'llelllMalatlenlrlCCPilbcnIlllOd.cIoc 1 . . with it. During three field reviews of 1998, Harold Cook and his personnel assisted in obtaining access to facilities, testing them and relating important performance information about the system. In addition, Harold's obtained parts and services for repair of the pump station and transmitted invoices to both the sewer district and DTC. DTC has furnished technical information to Harold's including the pump characteristics. The maintenance requirements for the system in order of time required are: 1) The pump station and generator, 2) The Community Leaching Field, 3) The sewer collection system, 4) The Cinema system, and 5) The three Silver Eel Cove residences system. They will be addressed in the following paragraphs based upon three site visits, numerous telephone conversations and faxes, prior knowledge of the system, and examination of plans and specifications. A. Pump Station The major components of the pwp.p station are the submersible pumps, the wet-well, the controls, the valve pit and the generator. The fence, gate, small building, grounds and access form the remainder of this facility. In order to maintain the pump station and order parts, the plans and specifications are essential. The key maintenance requirements include continuous observation of the pumps and wet-well, checking the valves to assure proper seating of the check valves and operability of the plug valves, monitoring the elapsed time meters on the pumps to assure that the pumps are both working, check of vibration of the pumps, observe the wet-well for excessive debris and scum, clean the valve pit and wet-well, exercise the generator, replace components in the electrical control system and bubbler control system when they fail or failure is .ent, replace the generator battery as required, and control rusting of the facility by touchup painting with rustoleum and other corrosion inhibitors. Rust control and cabinet sealing are important because of the proximity of this pump station to Long Island Sound. During February 10, 1998, the writer visually inspected the pump station and other parts of the wastewater system. The primary purpose was to obtain flows for the annual Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) for the N.Y.D.E.C. The pumps were operating satisfactorily; the station ground and generator were observed but not tested. They appeared to be well kept, and the station compared well with other l5-year-old stations (See Enclosure #1). During May 3, 1998, the main electrical meter socket apparently corroded to the point where both pump windings were damaged and the pump station was out of order. On May 12, 1998, the Wise Co. representative reviewed the meter socket, pumps, control cabinet and generator. It was determined that the meter socket needed to be replaced, the pump windings needed replacement, the starters needed to be replaced and items in the control cabinet needed replacement. \\fi1CR1'VC1'I\dlxumcnt\S1~S)'lCCm~Pilbenlallnd.doc 2 , . . During this period Harold's obtained a trash pump, installed a temporary bypass piping system and continued to pump wastewater while the pump system was under repair. - Most of the cost of maintaining the pump system during 1998 was due to the aforementioned problem. This is not expected to occur again for perhaps another 14 years. However, other emergency repairs can and will occur. Harold's in this case, responded extremely well to prevent an extremely bad problem from occurring by implementing the temporary system for pumping the wastewater (See Enclosure #2). During June 24, 1998, the writer reviewed the pump station, Community Leaching Field and other system components. The spare pump was reviewed and the installation of the replacement pumps was discussed (See Enclosure #3). It was decided that we would return after the pump station was repaired and it would be inspected and tester at that time. On October 14, 1998, a field review and test of the pump station was conducted by Robert Cauvnoyer of Harold's Construction Company and the writer. (See Enclosure #4). Both pumps were tested by timing the pump the pump down time and computing flows. One of the pumps pumped below specifications and the other pumped well above the specifications. The pump #1, which is below specifications, was accepted . contingent upon continued review. (Note: It was pumping at the rate of 120 gpm compared to the specification of 180 gpm). (See Enclosure #5). No vibration was noted for either pump. It was noted that although the Wise Co. recommended that new compressors be installed for the bubbler system, they had not been installed. Therefore, one should be purchased and on hand as a spare. The following maintenance items should be addressed: o Continue to carry out the contracted operations and maintenance items i.e. on- going operation .and maintenance. o Observe pumps when the wastewater level is lowest to check for vibrations. o Purchase one compressor at $186.00 and keep on site. o Reconnect lower water level alarm. (Note: This one should seldom be activated). o Maintain bypass-piping onsite if possible for future use if needed. o Assist to pump. Test the pumps again this spring and conduct the DMR. \\5JICIa'WifI~SYlCCftlMEnteaaDcoFilbenblmd.doc 3 . . B. Community Septic System The major components of the community septic system are 3, 10,000-gallon septic tanks, 1,184 feet of 4-ft. x 4-ft. concrete leaching galleries and a complex flow distribution system. The wastewater flows from the pump station to the tanks. The grit and septage are removed in the tanks where it settles to the bottoms. The wastewater flows from the tanks into a distribution system and into 1 of 14 sets of galleries. The Community Leaching System was visited three times during 1998 in order to inspect various system components. These field visits were on February 10th, June 24th, and October 14th. C. Septic Tanks The initial system inspection revealed that the tanks and appurtenances are in good condition. However, septage or sludge depths were 20 inches deep in the West Tank, 31 inches deep in the center tank and 30-112 inches deep in the East Tank. (The center and East Tank are too full) (See Enclosure #4). It was noted that there was no flow into the West Tank. Investigation revealed that the West distribution manhole was clogged upstream of the tank. It was requested that this manhole be cleaned. (See Figure #1 enclosed). Further investigation revealed that to cause of this problem was poor distribution of flow. On June 24th we revisited the system to inspect the distribution system and inspect the depths of wastewater in each of 14 rows of chambers. The distribution of flow to the West Tank remained non-existent due to a problem with the Vee-notched weir adjustment and flow into the distribution box. During the October 14, 1998 field visit, the depth of septage sludge in the tanks was again measured. The West Tank had one (1) foot of sludge, which reflects the lack of flow to it. The center tank had 42 inches of sludge in it i.e. it built up 10 more inches during the summer season. The East Tank had 29 inches of sludge, which is about the same as during February. The conclusion is that too much flow is being transmitted to the center tank. D. Leaching System The leaching system covers about 1.25 acres with 14 galleries or rows of 4-ft. x 4-ft. chambers (See Figure 1). In order to evaluate them, manhole covers were removed at each end of the 14 rows and the depth of wastewater was measured on June 23, 1998. \\filClCn'Cl'I~S~MaUrteilncefisbenb1lDd.doc 4 . . The results were one (1) set of galleys was full to within 1-1/2 ft. of the ground surface, 2 sets were full up to 2 feet deep and two sets were filled to 1 foot deep. The conclusion is that the distribution within the field is uneven. Based upon the aforementioned reviews, the following are recommended: o Remove septage from both the center tank and East Tank to prevent a carry over condition which may clog the leach fields. o Adjust the flow distribution into the septic tanks so the load is evenly distributed. The existing poor distribution is causing the center tank to fill with septage sludge. o Clean out the West manhole upstream from the leaching system. o Adjust the system by fabricating "add on Vee-notch Weirs," and raising the center and East outlets. NOTE: It was determined that the original 1985 contractor skewed the entrance pipe or it moved since construction. This is the source of the distribution problem. A baffie may solve this. E. Cinema System The Cinema System consists of a 1,500-gallon septic tank and four by four leaching chambers. Inspection of it reveals it is in excellent condition and does not need improvements. F. Silver Eel Cover System This system serves 3 residences which in the past belonged to the Coast Guard. This system consists of a 1,500-gallon septic tank and a large precast concrete leaching system consisting of large leaching chambers. It is in excellent condition. No improvements are required. G. Sewage Collection System The existing system consists of vitrified clay pipe, which normally cracks at the bills or female fittings. Normally, groundwater flows into the system through these cracks. This does not appear to be the case for the Fishers Island System. However, at least four stormwater catch basins are connected into the system and contribute substantial amounts of inflow during rainstorms. Elimination of this stormwater from the system will be addressed in our long-term improvement report. '. \\ftJesencrl~7\2OO\ScwcrS)'ltemMaintelllDCCFilhcnlallnd.doc 5 . . Based upon review of the 1998 maintenance information, the following can be concluded: o The normal operation and maintenance of the system was good. Harold's personnel are familiar with the system. Therefore, they are efficient. o The electrical power failure due to corrosion and resulting emergency repairs was an expensive event. The cost of transportation and labor for specialist for repair during this emergency, contributed greatly to the cost of maintenance for the year. o The septic tanks should be emptied per N.Y.D.E.C. requirements and to prevent damage to the Community Leaching System. o Flow distribution into the Community System should be fixed. o Corrosion and other items listed herein should be done. o Harold's should coordinate with the written and sewer district prior to conducting the above work. An estimate of cost and discussions of methods of septage removal should be discussed prior to commencing. \\IUesawrl~S}'ItelIIMlin&eDlDceFlthenlllald.doc 6 . ENCLOSURE #1 FIELD REpORT FEBRUARY 10, 1998 . DTC FIELD RE:ttRT . Diversified Technologies Corporation Engineers - P1anners - Landscape Arohitccts - Surveyors 556 Wash;ngton Avenue North Haven, Cormccticut 06473 -, (203) 23~200 (203) 234-7376 (fax) Sent via: FaxlMailfE..Mail BY: Fishers Island Sewer System DTC Project No.: 98-067-100 February 10, 1998 1) Collect flow data and septage data 2) Preliminary maintenance and proposal preparation for additional work Michael A. Home, P.E. ~ d.~ PROJECT: DATE: PURPOSES: The field activities were coordinated with Harold Cook of Harolds Inc. Robert Caumoyer assisted the writer in the field . Flow measurements were obtained at the pump station by the bucket/time method at 8:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 10:00 AM. 11 :00 A.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 2:00 PM. 3:00PM. 3:45PM. Three measurements were obtained during each hour with excellent correlation. The data is attached in Enclosure 1. The flow correlates well with the previously reported flow. (DMR May, 1996). The pump station was visually inspected, but not checked for performance. (Tests will be conducted for the maintenance review). Each piece of equipment should be operated and tested prior to the summer high flow season. Sludge depths were measured in compliance with N.Y. D.E.C. requirements. The community system (001), the cinema system (002) and the Coast Guard Cottages System (003), were measured by locating and removing the manhole covers and using a lathe board measurement. Sludge removal and disposal should be addressed. The community system flow is backed up from the west tank. We located the possible reason by lifting manhole cover (see attached sketch). The bottom of the manhole contained caked sludge. The sludge should be removed and deposited in the west septic tank (Note: Estimate about 10 cubic ft. or less). The pipes should be rodded to be sure they are not clogged. Ifbackup persists, then we will check down stream of the tank. A depression in the road, which parallels Whistler Lane, was reviewed. The adjacent manhole should be accessed to lamp and mirror the sewer and' determine if the sewer is crushed. Equalization of flow in the community system must be addressed. Some rows of leaching chambers were overloaded in the past, after GADA dumped sludge into the tanks. The DMR and cost estimate will be completed. All 20-30 manholes should be checked during the maintenance review to determine the condition of the system. Ilfilcsemorl'<locumcnt\980671Field R.cportIFiIhcrs Island field report.doe ~CLOSURE 1: FLOW DATA 2/101 Fishers Island 2/10/97 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11 :00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00PM 3:45 PM 6:00 PM 23 sec. 40 sec. 40 see. 40 sec. 4.5 gpm 23 see. 24 see. 23 sec. 7.81 gpm 41 see. 42 see. 43 see. 4.24 gpm 22 see. 21 see. 25 see - 23 see. 7.8 gpm 51 see. 49 see. 46 see. 49 3.67 gpm 67 see. 68 see. 70 sec. 68 2.65 gpm 82 see. 81 see. 82 see. 2.2 gpm 102 sec. 102 see. 101 see. 1.76 gpm* 81 see. 80 see. 79 see. 80 2.25 gpm assume 5gpm *Base flow assume 1 gpm (based on sewerage observation) Avg: 4.19 gpm x 10 hours 2,514 Est. night flow: 1 gpm x 14hours 840 3,354 gpd Dry Weather Flow \\fileserverl'doc:ument\98067\Field RoportIFiJbers Island field report.doc . . .1.8INIIRID SOLUTIONS ~ .-' .~- . """. ~ ~,~ ." .~ d t c ......... L"'HD SyltUCTUltlS WATIR . May 20, 1998 ~ Mr. Harold Cook Harold's Construction Co. Fishers Island, NY 06390 RE: Fishers Island Wastewater System DTC Project No. 98-067-100 Dear Harold: I have had our electrical engineers review the enclosed field report by the Wise Company, and they have concluded that the Power Company should replace the meter socket and stated that the meter socket corrosion does occur sometimes. Also, replacement work must be done on the electrical controls and pump motors. Since the Wise Company charges overtime for travel ($95/hr.) and $.50/mile, it is suggested that your electrician do the on-site work if poSSIble. We recognize that his may not be feasible because of the unique nature of the work. I sent you the pump hydraulic characteristics under separate cover. Based on our conversation, you have a trash pump which can be used to temporarily pump wastewater to the leaching fields. Since the septic tanks are relatively full of sludge, someone should observe the outlets of the tanks when you start pumping to assure that solids are not pushed into the leaching fields. If they are, throttle back on the pump or pump intermittently. Since the leaching fields have not been reloaded with wastewater, we agree that it does not make sense for me to do the maintenance review yet. Ideally, the pump motors will be repaired and the leaching fields loaded with wastewater prior to my site visit Sin<;erely, DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS -"--'~q.~ Michael A. Home, M.S., P.E. Manager Enclosure .' pc: Justice Louisa Evans \\ft1escr.oerl\docurnent\9106IOCN:~doc ... . D,VltltSIFlID TICHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS sse WASHINGTON AVENUE NOATH "AVEN CT oe"73 2032394200 203234 1375 FAX 0&/08/1998 14:26 15167885549 . :-,~IS . PAGE 01 -, -, ~ AROLOWS 1 . . . MRS. LOUISA EVANS FISHERS ISLAND SEWERDISTRICT TOWN OF SOUTHOID 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 5 June. 1998 DEAR LOUISA AND TOWN OF SOUlH~~7j; IT IS APPARENT lHAT ON MAY 310, GIVE OR TAKE A FEW HOURS, TIlE THREE-PHASE METER SOCKET A.T mE FISHERS ISLAND SEWER DISTRICT SHORTED OUT CAUSING ClJNSIJERABLE DAMAGE TO TIlE ENTIRE SYSTEM. IN TllYING TO ESt..:..BW..ri ,:HE CAUSE OF THE SYSTEM SHUTDOWN, I SPENT SEVERAL DAYS fRYING TO CHASE DOWN TIlE PROBLEM. IN THE MEANTIME. WE WERE USING A TRASH PUMP TO MAlNT AIN THE FACILITY PROPE:u. Y. : '!1-tEN DECIDED TO CALL WISE (:0. INFRANKLIN,MA. JOHN MORRIS, ~\VI'::EREPRESENTATIVE, WASHI:.(E . ON MAY 12TH AND AFTER SEVERAL :?OURS OF PROBING, HE FOUND TIJ .!,T THE PUMPS SHOWEDTIlAT THE FIELD WAS SHORTED OUT IN EACH PUMP. AT TInS TIME I C..U J Pn TIlE POWER CO. AND MY ELECTRICIAN, ROBEl.T WALL, TO SEARCH OUT TIlE METER SOCIr.ET END AND THE SERVICE END. IT WAS DISCOVERED TIlAT A DEAD SHORT HAD OCCURRED IN TIlE METER. SOCKET PANEL IN TIlE THREE-PHASE ~OCKET. I HAVE THE BURNED 001' PIECES THAT CAUSED THE PR0~LEM. WH WENT TO USE TIlE STANDB~' POWER BUT THAT HAD TAKEN i. HIT TuO. I HAD KINSLEY POWER SYSTEMS COME UP AND TIlEY STi\AIGP <ENE>> OUT TIlE STANDBY GENERATOR AT A COST OF 5190.OQ. ~TIlEMEANTIME,ROBER.TWALI AND TIlE POWER CO. TOGETHER REPAIRED mE DAMAGE AND INSTAl. LED A NEW SOCKET AND A NEVI. TE Phone 516.788-5550 Fax 516.,788-5549, P.O. Box 661 Fishers Island N.Y: 06390 c:.c:. I? /I . 6~/a8/1998 14:26 15167.49 H.~'5 . PAGE B2 2 -. ~ - WHILE TIllS WAS GOING ON, WISE CO. SENT THElRESTIMATED COST OF MATERIAL AND LABOR TO PUT THE SY::iTEM BACK ON LINE. THE PUMPS HAVE TO BE PULLED AND SENT OUT TO BE REWOUND. THE COST IS APPROXlMATEL Y $1.700.00 EACH PLUS FREIGHI' AND LADl)R TO PULL TIIEM AND RE-INSTALL .'1lliM. THE MATERIAL AND LABOR Cf WISE CO. SHOULD BE FINAL UNLES~ SOMETHING ELSE SHOWS UP WHICH THEY HIGHLY DOUBT. SEE TIlE ATTACHED TOTAL BILL, WIDCH IS ALMOST 100"10 ACCURATE SUBJECT TO ANYTHING UNFORESEEN. SINCaEL Y, HA..\tOLD COOK HCIkb . . . LAID I..I....ID ,TIUOTUR.8 'OLUT.O.' WATlR -. REPORT OF MEETING June 24, 1998 June 23, 1998 DATE OF REPORT Fisher's Island DATE OF FIELD WORK LOCATION Name Harold Cook Keith Beardslee Justice Louisa Evans Michael Horne Company Harold's, Inc. Harold's, Inc. Town of Southold Diversified Technology Consultants ATTENDEES Maintenance Review. for Fisher's Islm).d Sewer District! Wastewater facilities SUBJECT 4f ~C?~~, 98-067-200 PROJECT NAME I PROJECT NUMBER PUMP STATION A. A temporary trash pump is being utilized to pump wasteWater. B. A spare Peabody Barnes Model4XS034A pump is available at the pump station. C. It appears that due to high flows, the station has surcharged to within 5 feet of the top of the concrete i.e. elevation +7. D. Harold plans to install the spare pump first and keep the trash pump for back up until the two plimps that failed are repaired. E. He will remove both faulty pumps and send them to WISE, Inc. for repair. F. He estimated 10 days to get on-line with the first pump. G. The town approved emergency repairs- Harold contacted the WISE Co. H. The generator started and ran for 15 minutes successfully. .NOTE: No load was placed on it. .- CONCLUSION: Repair pump station. After repairs, I will inspect and pump test the station. Estimated to be on line with one pump in 10 days. 1. 2. COMMUNITY LEACHING FIELD . Keith and the writer inspected the system. DIYI.IIPIID TIOHIIOLO.l' COIIIULTAIITI sse WASHINGTON AVENUE NORrH HAVEN CT 08473 203 23S1 4200 203234 7378 FAX . . IOLUTIO.. LAID ....I.IIIID 'T.UOTUR" WAnR -. ~ REPORT OF MEETING A. The West side manhole of the influent distnbution has about 3" to 5" of sludge in it and needs to be cleaned. No flow can be observed in the West tank inlet If a hose is used, keep the flow minimized to avoid suspending solids in the septic tank and damaging the leaching field. B. The distribution chamber was observed. The flow out of it is unequal. This is the flow distnbution to the leaching trenches. We developed a low cost alternative for this correction. Adjustable plates should be fabricated and bolted to the existing V-notch weirs. Harold should give an estimate for this work. c. All 28 leaching chamber inspection manholes were located, opened and inspected. Depths ofliquid were determined in the ones with wastewater in them, . The following were observed: Number sequence is from WhistIer Avenue. . Chamber No. L West: Dry Both Ends . Chamber No 2. West: 1 Foot of Liquid Both Ends . Chamber No.3 West: Full to Bottom of Concrete (which is several feet from the surface) . Chamber No. 4 West: 1 Foot of Liquid . Chamber No.1 Center West: Dry Both Ends . Chamber No.2 Center West: 2 Feet Deep Both Ends . Chamber No.3 Center West: Dry Both Ends . Cluimber No. 1 Center East: Dry Both Ends . Chamber No.2 Center East: Dry Both Ends . Chamber No.3 Center East: Dry Both Ends . Chamber No. 1 East: Dry Both Ends . Chamber No.2 East: 2 Feet Deep, High Flow into it . Chamber No.3 East: Dry Both Ends . Chamber No.4 East: Dry Both Ends TOTAL: 14 SETS OF GALLEYS -1 Full (#3 West) -(2) .1 Foot Deep (#1 and #4 West) -(2) 2 Feet Deep (#2 Center/West) (#2 East) -9 Dry Galleys .' DIYIUI'IID TICHIIOL08V CO.'ULTAllTI . . SOLUTIO.. LAMD I...N.IRID STRUCTUI". WA1'III -, -, R E paR ro F MEETING CONCLUSION: The system is not overloaded in total. The West side is taking too much of the flow. Keith should check chamber #3 west once in a while to determine if the liquid rises. Meanwhile, adjust the flow away from the West side to alleviate this condition. SOLUTION: Provide simple distribution adjustment. Fabricate (3) 1/S" thick stainless steel V-notch weirs and install. Harold to provide an estimate of time and materials. WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE: 1. Maintain the plugged manhole by removing sludge or washing and snaking the system. 2. Mow after summer season 3. Plug holes in covers if necessary during late summer if odors are evident. 4. Monitor Chamber No.3 5. Modify the flow distribution to flow East . ' 3. STORMWATER FROM FOX LANE . Four catch basins are connected to the storm sewer which empties into the sanitary. Temporary plugging should be evaluated. We must assure stormwater does not flood _ anything near Fox Lane. 4. POTENTIAL SYSTEM LEAKS . Check the manhole near GADA's old building to make sure that the sound waves have not reopened the brick and mortar bulkhead allC?wing seawater to enter the system from the abandoned outfall. . We attempted to inspect the manhole at the end of Fox Lane near the shore. This manhole could not be found. 5. PUMP STATION FOLLOW UP: . After the pumps are installed, the writer will test the pump station. .:. This is the fIrSt part of the maintenance and operation review project. Harold Cook, Harold's Construction Co., Fisher's Island wI Enclosure Justice Louisa Evans, Fisher's Island wI Enclosure Michael Casey wI Enclosure S;\9B06NOO\Rcpan ofMocQa&'Q62491.doc: pc: DIYIUI'IID TIOHNOL08Y CO.'UUANTI 558 WASHINGTON AVENUE NORTH HAVEN CT 08413 2032394200 203134 7378 FAX / :"~ I . \ / l.'-t..,.J ."- ----'-' .... ": If'l ": .L... . ',' . '. < , \) I) W ll: '. ~ \ ~ I- ~ \~ \., III ~'J \f '. ~ . , " , " CD , t '~ . 2 w l- ff) >- >- r- u: - CD Z ~ :l :JW III 2r- 2(f) <, .' " ., '/ ,I'~ I ;.; !.' .---I ~ ,---:Ii '" '; \ . ' ~"'~ ., . \.s.~ . \.""" ,f ,~~t. \ , ." '.---" - ~ -\ \- \ \\ '\ ./ .'/ .! ! i \ \. \ \ \ \ ~ '\ .\ \ :\ , . , '. .' 'j j ,j(:' il .' /i ~ _ I . ~ . . ~ --I-- ~ LAND I,,_I.,..ID aOLUTIO" s,aUCTUIU;. WAna FIELD REPORT October 14, 1998 September 30, 1998 DATE DATE OF REVIEW , Robert Caumoyer of Harold's Construction, Mike Horne PERSONNEL Second Mainteoance Review SUBJECT . Mike Horne, P.E. '?7;J At"'. "- REPORT BY Fishers Island Wastewater System Mainteoance . 98-067-200 PROJECT NAME I PROJECT NUMBE~ The pUIpOses of this mainteoance review were: I )to review and evaluate the improvements to the pump station by the Harold's Construction Company and 2) inspection of the community leaching field. This report is the second one for the mainteoance of the system. The first report was issued June 24, 1998. The pump station was under repair at that time and a temporary by-pass pump system was in place. Therefore, the first report focused primarily on the assessment of: A. The community leaching field chambers. B. Flow distribution into the community leaching field. C. Stormwater leaks into the system and; 3)potential seawater leaks into the system. This report includes: 1) Evaluation of the PUMP STATION after it was repaired 2)evaluation of the community disposal system distribution system 3)evaluation of the 10,000 gallon septic tanks and 4)a check for potential leaks into the sewers. 1. PUMP STATION A. Step # 1 check flow into the wetweU 8:30 AM. #1 25 sec. to fill 8.4 gpm -' #2 24 sec. to fiU 8.8 gpm #3 25 sec to fiU 8.4 gpm 9: 15 A.M. #1 50 sec to fiU 4.2 gpm #2 50 sec to fiU 4.2 gpm 10:32 A.M. 45 sec to fill 4.67 gpm DIVIRSI'IED TIOHNOLoa' CO..ULTANTI "". ''''~'..l1NI!lTn., ,l.Vc:t.JII&:: N/"lItTW l.l"V~N ~T O"41~ ?Oct '3Q .'00 20323413715 FAX . . . SOLUTIO". ~ ----J-- ~ LAID '..'.""'D aT_UCTUR.S WAnll "-. FIELD REPORT B. Pump test pump #1 (Left on control board) 2.5 min. x 16"/12" x 211 gaVft. = 112 + 8.4 = 120.4 gpm NOTE: Noise but no vibration ~ C. Pump test pump #2 (Right on control board) 1.45 min. x 16"/12" x 211 gaVft. = 193 gpm + 4 = 198 gpm Specification = 180 gpm D. Conclusion: 1 Pump; #1 is below specification but acceptable. It should be monitored. 2 Pump; #2 is better than the specification. The low water level alarm should be raised and reconnected because it now allows the pumps to pump too far down. It could damage a pump. NOTE: This alarm should activate very infrequently. E. Wet well inSpection reveals some floating material , but appears much better than in the past . F. The generator was started, we transferred power to it successfully and relocked it for weekend activation. G. Inspection of the control cabinet reveals that the new equipment was installed by Wise, Inc. with one possible exception. .The small compressors had 1993 and 1995 respectively stamped on them. The writer's wderstanding was that Harold's would be furnished 2) spares. A check of The Wise Company invoice reveals that they did not furnish, nor bill for air compressors. A spare ($186.00) unit should be kept in the shed at the site. H. Inspection of the valve pit reveals that the check valves/piping/valvesappear to be operational. A thin layer of mud in the bottom of the pit should be flushed out. -' DIVI..SIFIID TION.OI.Oay CONSULTANTS 1IIj,1IIj," WAll:UINnl'nN AVCN"!: NnOTU Ua\lCCN,..T "'...T'lI ""'lI"'UlO A.,nn ">t'I'lI ""<I 'f'll7,. CIY . ...I.I'RID SOLUTIO.S ~ --I-- LAND STIIUCTU"'. ~ WAnll .~ FIELD REPORT I. We inspected the entire community leach field dis1ribution system and septic tanks. All covers were removed and measurements were obtained. The west dis1ribution manhole is clogged upstream of the tank. It must be unclogged. The flow distnbution is 60% to the center tank, 40% to the east tank and 0% to the west tank. The diS!ribution must be equa1ized. We sketch up a report which will equalize it. During the review, we found that the two large' distnbution boxes are filled with sand. This sand should be removed where septage is pumped. The septage conditions are as follows: West Tank Inlet compartment 1 foot deep Outlet compartment 1 foot deep Center Tank Inlet compartment 3' -6" deep Outlet compartment 3'.5" deep I East Tam: Inlet compartment 2'.5" deep Outlet compartment 2'.5" deep The depth of septage increased by 15 inches in the center tank during the summer. The center and east tanks' should be pumped to prevent solids overflow into the leaching trenches. At the same time, the sand should be removed from the two major dis1ribution chambers. J. We checked the manhole near the overflow at high tides. No seawater was entering the system. K. . The next and final report in maintenance will summarize the existing equipment and operators conditions. Cc: Judge Louisa Evans Esquire Harold's -' S:\9I067\Ftdd Iteport\FUben IsIIDd W-=waer MI4.doc DIVIUI'IID TIONNOLon CO.SULTANTI 556 WASHINGTON AVENUE NORTH HAVEN CT 08473 2032394200 203234 7315 FAX . . . L.....D ...I....ID .nluc .OLUTlO.. WAT FAX SHEET DATE I TIME 11In~ l~ ATT NTI I )jAr I f/ani.-J. SENDER 114 i~ 1f,nc..t..J/"~ . .$. , 1"1;- . COPY TO ' " h'lL /1rr COMPANY FAX NUMBER (!(JtJ K - JI"lftJtd;' ~1I3IfJ. 234 7376 FAX NUMBER ~ S"/~-718.SStfr ,- PROJf:CT NAME PROJECT NUMBER ,c,"jl.vs .:r.s lalld 98'()6 ")-1,-,) NUMBER OF PAGES FOllOWING INFORMATION SENT .' CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICI THE DOCUMENTS IN THIS FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION MAY CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION WHICH IS LEGALLY PRIVILEGED. THE INFORMATION IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY NAMED ABOVE. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT. DR THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR DELIVERING IT TO THE INTENDED RECEIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISCLOSURE. COPYING. DISTRIBUTION OR use OF ANY OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS TRANSMISSION 1$ STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS TRANSMISSION IN ERROR, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY US BY TELEPHONE AND DESTROY THE TRANSMITTAL. THANK you. DIVERSIFIED TECHHOlOGIT CONSULTANTS 556 WASHINGTON AVENUE NORTH HAVEN CT 064T3 2032394200 203234 73T6 FAX --.. ." . . DIVISION 4: SUBMERSIBLE PUMPING STATION Fishers Island Sewer District Specifications for the components of this system shall be as follows: (a) Butyl Rubber Sealant - Shall meet Federal Spec. S5-S-0021O l II :1' 'I " . !j Butyl Rubber % by Weight Inert Mineral Filler % by Weight Free Carbon % by Weight Volatile Matter % by Weight (Loss after 5 hrs. at 325 degrees F) Sp. Gr. at 77 degrees f Ductility at 77 degrees F Softening Point degrees F Penetration at 77 degrees F Sag or flow Resistance Min. 50 30' Max. 70 50 15 2 1.20 5.0 320 50 None 1.35 l I I I stainless ~ ~ r tf/,~.~'(r I S/(,' ILt./~ ~ .~ 120 None Aluminum channels. and angles and plates, for steps, brackets, and weir plates to be anodized 6063-T6. Hatches to be size as shown, aluminum hatch and frame; with steel hardware. 4.3 PUMPS' The pump must have the necessary characteristics and be properly selected to deliver 180 GPM against a total dymanic discharge head 0 0 feet at a maximum pump speed of 1750 rpm. Minimum shut off head shall 55 feet. Minimum efficiency at duty point shall be 55%. The pump/motor unit must be non-overloading across the complete head/capacity range of the pump. COnstruction: Castings shall conform to ASTM A-48 Class 30 iron with tensil strength of 30,000 psi and capable of withstanding hydrostatic test pressure 1 1/2 times maximum working pressure. All assembly points shall be of machine register fit to assure proper' alignment. All exposed fasteners and lock wsshers shall be of 316 stainless steel. 1. Casing: Casing shall be close-grained cast iron of sufficient strength, weight and thickness to insure long life, accurate alignment, and reliable operation. Volute shall have smooth fluid passages large enough at all points to'pass any size solid which can pass through the impeller and provide smooth unobstructed flow. A large clean-out opening with removable cover, having its interior 'surface matching the volute contour, shall be located on the casing. Discharge connections shall be ANSI 125-pound flat face flanges. 2. Impeller: Impeller shall be single-suction enclosed cast in one piece. Impeller shall be particularly designed with smooth water passag~s to prevent clogging by stringy or fibrous ~~erials, and shall be capable of passing solids having a ~ximum sphere size of 3". Impeller shall be dynamically and hydraulically balanced. Impeller shall be keyed and se- cured to the shaft by a stainless steel cap-screw and .,~~-" /. ., ~ i' I I I- f f---- [ r ~ , . . p DIVISION 4: SUBMERSIBLE PUMPING STATION Fishers Island Sewer District 4.5 PUMP REMOVAL SYSTEM v -~, Each pump shall be furnish~d with a discharge connection system which will permit removal and installation of pump without the necessity of an operator entering the wet well. The submersible um s sna!! De read1! remo!: D!e W1t out ewater ng t e wet well or isconnecting any piping in the wet ~ell. I :\ :! A minimum 1/4" diameter stainless steel braided wire lift cable shall be permanently attached to the pump. Provision shall be made for attaching upper end of this cable to the wet well access frame. All bolts, machine screws, nuts, washers, and lockwash~s for complete assembly of access cover, guide rails, and discharge elbow shall be furnished by manufacturer in 316 stainless steel. 4.6 WET WELL ACCESS The wet well access shall be fabricated from welded aluminum sections. A hinged aluminum door shall be provided for each pump. Hinged door shall be fabricated from 1/4" thick aluminum with non-skid diamond tread on upper surface. All hardware on access assembly shall be stainless steel with flush upper surface without protrusions. Door shall be fitted.with a recessed latch requiring a ~pecial square tool for access. 4.7 CONTROLS Electrical power to be furnished to the site will be three phase,6O Hertz, 240 volts. .The control circuitry shall be designed to operate on 115+/- 10% volts, 60 Hertz, single phase current, and control two (2) pumps driven by 4.5 H.P. motors at maximum speed of 1750 RPM. The control panel shall consist of circuit breaker and magnetic starter for each pump motor actuated by a liquid level control system with all components mounted in one common enclosure. The control assembly shall provide means to operate each pump manually or automatically. When operated in the automatic mode, the control assembly shall provide means to automatically alternate the position to the "lead" and "lag" pumps after each pumping cycle. The complete control assembly shall be mounted in one electrical enclosure which is large enough to contain all control components. OPERATION A mercury float switch type liquid level control system shall continuously monitor wet well liqu~d level and control operation of the pumps according to levei variations. The system shall actuate pump motors on an alternating "lead" - "lag" basis, with idependently adjustable lead pump and lag pump start levels. One pump motor shall be actuated when wet well liquid rises to preset "lead pump start" level, and shall be shut down when wet well liquid has been pumped down to'the pre-set "stop" level. 'If, after the lead pump motor has been~actuated, wet well liquid continues to rise and reaches the pre-set "lag pump- start" level, second pump motor shall be actuated and both pump motor; shall continue to operate in parallel until wet well .....~-. 4-4 ~lr.' . . J. ...~ ':~:"" "-, . '.~.' '.":'4 . t..,..., l' , .~,..' ' J', ;e,' I II" ..'. :' " " . "j., '";:' " , " .-.- '.' . . I , .~~ . ,......"b.. , '"<:, ...( \}. . 1. j ,'.,,~ . .~ .,~.~ , ~ ..~~ ' .~~ ~lJ .\~ 19, 1. ' 1)- 3'~ . 0, J \Q,~ .' .' , I .. lJ ~. fi o r~--~-' , . 11- 'i' .. . II ' 'Of' .. '1 ;. .., '" llJ, :l Z \.J ~ .~. l't . , , , , , , , dl , () " , , . , (\ 'N ., , '~ W .J ""~" - + :I "3 '~ ..,. , . ''"'''. . ~l i~ .\1, v , i' . ~ '.' '~ ~~ \~ 1 ". '"~ ,.....--.... 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