HomeMy WebLinkAboutFI Oil Spill - Admin Settlement Agreement .' . smr DEe 12 '97 12: 52AM 8 ;!O-22-~7 . .1~/1l/97 ~ 11: 4~ FAX 800 5~8 1349 ~.d~ 1'1.,)/ ;UUIl...nj'I",j, rmr.t.L-U\(,:ul ,--0 C'l' AG ErmR 011 "~"P:i3U'. '" flJ002 'r i ~ . ___~_______~______________________x ; 1 ) ) 1 .> ) ) ) ) ADMINIS TRAT:cv:E sEnUMENT AGllEEMENT "",--",,~' I:N THE MAT'l'ER OF: llARG3: l\TC 380 VESSEL SPILL OF DECEHllER 21, 1992. , ! . _________________________y-________X WHEREAS, on December 21, 1992, ~ &pill of number 2 fuel oil frOlll the lla~e RTC Jao occurred \/hich entered into the waters and " reached the shorelines of the states of connecticut and New York , and injurQd natural resource.s in :both states ("spill"): WHEREAS, Reinauer Transportation company (hereinafter . referred to as "Reinaue,r") owned and operated the :RTC 380 at 'l:ho .' aQ of the spill: "--'"' l'lHl:nAs, on or -- connectiC1J.t and New about June 18, 1993, the states of York and the unites states Department the Interior and ths united Stal~e& Department of Commerce, National oee~nic and ~~mosphe~ic A~~nistr3~ion. as tru~tees of the natural reSOUrce!; (hereinafter referred to as "the Gove.rnments"), jointly lUao.e a claim to Rainauer, alleging that Rein<Juer vas responsible for the Spill aJld ~or all r.esponse costs .;!.nd dalUagC!s !or injuries to natural rEsources rez~lting from the spill including the cos~ of asse$~1nq those d~magQ~ pursuant to, intp-r , !lolli, the oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA). 33 U.S.C. 2701 II . . .~ gfh: ''-,/ . 1 SUlT DtCiz-'97 "i.2:52RM B ;10-22-01 ," , U/U/~7 WE 11:15 F.\X 880 sse 1~4a .l."t. ell ,UU ll...d i \'1...), 1\ (ICL....LI\U'J...i I ,., CT .lG ENVIR 0.l..1 \.../""J.... ,,,.. '-"" .. P,14 ". ",,003 , , , :~, i.; f{ ','" .' . ~;,\i . '" WHElll;AS, the parties to this Agreement concur that '--.,./. settlement af ttle claims: in thi", matter against Rein<luer wi-r.llout resort to litigation is in the public 1nterest~ an~ WH~. the Governments and Reinauer have agreed that . settlement of the clams in this lllatter '{"Till not constitute evidence against or an acbDission by any party with re.spQCt to any issue or an acbDission of liability or fault: on the part of any party hereto, IT is ~FORE AGREED among the parties: I. DEFINITIONS The t=s use<:l in thil; Agree1lent shall have the lII4an1iiqs set forth in OPA, 33 U.S.C. S5 2'01 at ge~.. ." II . PARTIES TO 'I'HIS AGREElimll: . ',--" This .Aqreelllent ahall apply to and be binding upon and inure .. to 'the benefit of the Governments. Reinauer, and its present: and former ofticers, directors, employees and agents. III.. TOTA!, SUM TO BE PAm AS NATU:RAL Il.l':SOURCE DAMAGES mo RESPONSE COSTS On or be~ore.thirty (30) days folloving the exec~tion of this Agreement. Reinauer shall pay to the Governments the sua or two hund~ed thirty thousand nine hundred seventy-one dollars and ninety-riv~ c~ts (S230,971.95) in natu~al resource damages and response costs. PaY1Iients shall be IUade as set torth in paraqraph 'V bel a".. ," 'IV. REUAsE OF CIJ\IMS (al Except as provided in paragraph IV(b), upon payme.nt in \,...../.full of all the SUlll& requi:t'ad to be pa.id by R..inauer pursuant to . 2 SENI' -",M"-~97 "12:s3RM B , l'qA)ECIl7l211!t; 14:45 F.U 550 ,., : lU-~~-~ I 5BB IHB lq:'ul ;nUILnJI'l.). nnr.CLCr\O/.UI j-f CT AG EN"IR Ull 1J"tV ..e"u.". oj P.1S ~ ...00( . ,. , this AgreeJllen;t, the Governments release Reinauer trom all natura.:\. ',--", resource damage claims arising from the Spi~l thqt =ay be raised by the Governments in their capacity as natural resource trustees pursuant to OPA, 3:1 O.S.C. B :<!70~ at' sed.. F\lrthe=ore I the states of New York and Connecticut agree to release Reinauer fram all olaims arising from the Spill that may be brought pursuant to N.Y. Navigation LaW 5~ 173, 1Sl(1), and 181(2) (b); and Conn. Gen. stat. is :<!2a-6 and 228-438, respectively. (~) The ro1aase ot claiNs provided above in paragraph IV(a) shall not extand to any claims for federal removal costs, 'third . party claims paid or to be paid by the oil S};lill Liabili ty Trust Funci (hereinafter, referred. to as "the Fund"), or to response 'costs incurred by the state of connecticut M'hlchhava been . ',--",' sub1aitted to the Fund. .. "V. PAYMEN~ OF NATtJRlIT...m;.SOIJRCE n~)\(;ES AND COSTS (a) Payments to tha,Gover~ents pursuant ,to para~aph III above shall be made by c~~:ified cheCK as :ollows: (1) $102,676.70, repr~sehtinq $100,000 for natural resourOQ da~ge~ and $2,676.70 'for the cos~s of assessing those dalllag€s, to the II Tre..asurer , state of Connecticut"; (2) Sl12,SJ5.61, representing $~oo,ooo for natural resource damages and $12,535,61 for spill response and da~aqe ass.~sment casts, to the ~State of Nev York"; (3) $5,560.00, for the costs of assessing natural resource damages, to the "United states Department of thQ Interior"; and . '.'-.,..,.0" 3 .. - ;, U-",,-JI SENT I5tC.iZ-'97 '''12: 53AM B . 1~/21/~7 TUE 14:le FAX 8DD 5BB 1349 --- P:i6 ." ",,000 ~'r 'VU .jl\... 1 1..,,1. 1 I'...,). ,,,o.L.l..l.......\<.;......, . CT AG ENVIR ~ . VI. ~NALT'L .fOR LATt: l'AYMFN'l; ",---", If a~~ paymenUl agreed to in paragratlhs II::t and V above are not lIl/lde 01'1 or before thirty PO) days following the excc\.ltion of this A9re~ent, Reinauer snall.pay, in addition ~o all sU~s due and owing hereunder, liquidatllld damages in the amount of SSOO.OO per day until :tull pa.YJllem: 1s made. In tlJe event that liquidated daln.ll.ges are owed the GoVerlllllents pursuant to this paragraph, :Reinauer Shall divide the a~ount of tota~ liquidated da~ages by fou>: (~) and lllake equal payments to Qach of the four governlllenta~ entities, ,'VU. Rl3Pro:sFiNTATIONS Each undoxsigned >:eprcsentative of each party to this = , Agnelllent certifies that he or she is fully auth.orized to ,en.ter . .\.......-.. into this Agreement and 'to execute and legally bind such party to _thiS Aqreem.ent. . VIII. COONTEJUlARTS This <lgrcQlent may be executed in any nUlllber or co~nterparts. and Qach executed counterpart sna~l have t~e same force and effeot as an original In~trument. AGREED TO, ,foX' REINAuER, ~RANSPORTAnON COMP.ANY Oat...: I/j~</ .~... .Ail.t'll ~r'- w.~ 1.~oU'ltn.. .. lle/no_lhI' 'r bod'.dCb., 5 'r..~ ~ SENT Q~c_g. :,97._12: 54AM B ; 10-22-97 . 1~/:l/~7 TOE 14:~T PAl S80 SOO 1348 ~, ... " 14:53 :HUTCH1NS.WHttLtK&UI I~ c:r A.G ENVIR I fe . .. "-../ Date: " e , '-..../ . . , , "~/: for THE STATE OF CONNEC!lCUT <--~ ~::> d C... ;;(.' ;/' / ,_~, I .." _ _ .""-\.,_-...<('~(",A RICHARD BL.I:DfENTHAL . Attorney Ge~c=al by:Brian Co~erfor~ Assiztant Attorney Gener~l , , 1(1, /~,., . I ' ',.,' ~.' - (j - 011 v~Cl "I"\~.'" u P.lr Iii 007 !" -: " " ~ fl :1 :1'.' ,J f :' ; ',.. ". \~' . \ .. .......... . it \-.../' SENT Q.E;C;ug.~~? _!2:S4AM B :10-22-'37 1~/Zl/g7 TeE 1&'47 FAl .~O ~6' 134. 14:59 ;HUTCHINS,WHEELER&DIT~ c;T AG ENVIIt for XI1E STATE OJ;' NEW YORK ~~ Attorney neral, by: Haney stearns Assistant Attorney Genera~ '~GMk</ ' .J.......:, GOON KARSR ,. -collud,ssioner, Depa:rtlllent of Envirotullental COnservation.~nd Trustee for N6~ral Resources by: Marc Gerstman 7 , " ',' ..:,'" Date: 617 345p~i88:# ~ Ialooa ,. /J 4r-,/;tf ! . . Date: "'1 /~fy .. ..... .-: k- ~ :: . . . \....-'/ . ',-" .. \......-,' . SI:i'jDEC 12 '97' '12:S4AM B dU-"C~1 "lU/Zl/Y7 Jut: H:I"/ i'A.l nO 566 lJ411 .l."t'v.J ,IlL.. I \...il i''''::, 1\nL:.LLU\C<UII~' CT AG ENVIR for THI UNI~ED STATES DEPARTMENT OF lNTERIOR ~ R.,C",-~ ANTHONY R. NTE Regional Solicitor, Northeast Office of the solicitor .' V!I u,u uvru'w.v P.19 ~009 !- D~:te: J/ I J.L; /'1 ~ . 8 ~ SENT DEe 12'9712: 54AM 8 dU-u-~, . '1.\11 (.J.I tJ, J,UJ::, .1,.; ~'I..t"'AA. lUlU )08 1;'4~ ~. 0' . . .' , ';: '-if . J. 't . '-''-' .llV I \...... i 'v. !I~............l...il.""u j , cr A.G ENYlR . for 'l'lm UNITED"STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ......_> NA'l'IONAL O~ANIC AND 'I'HOSP1lElUC AOMI:tn:STRA'l';(ON "'."~.'.. :,...... . " . , . ."-/ .. ''\....,.1 . " ................ Counsel .' . '" " ,.,.,". ........:.'.' 9 ("-,. \.. .) '......' v.JUP.211'."..... ~010 e- Date: // 1~/7 cf 1 . '.~' :