HomeMy WebLinkAboutIsland Institute Report ISLAND INSTITUTE REPORT IMPRESSIONS I. Life on Fishers Island is not like life on the mainland and it never will be. Residents should protect the things that make it unique. 2. We need to focus on the Island's strengths. Our natural resources and human resources must be preserved and protected. 3. The answers are not going to be easy. All island communities face many similar problems - declining year round populations, lack of affordable year round housing, transportation issues, overextended volunteer forces, etc. We need to learn from our island's history and from other communities. 4. All members of the community (year round, seasonal, child, teen and adult) must have a sense of ownership. 5. Good and accurate information is a community's most valuable resource. Bad and erroneous information is the island's greatest enemy. We must replace the TUmor mill with a central information source. 6. Members of the community must make decisions for the community. The current structure has us part of a town and state government that is inaccessible and does not properly serve the needs of the island. ISLAND STENGTHS . Children maintain their youth and innocence longer . The community takes care of its own . The physical beauty of the landscape is special . The extended island population is financially supportive of all community endeavors and programs . Size of the community allows for involvement in many different types of activities . Sense of physical and geographical isolation leads to more connected and involved families and often a more connected larger community . The volunteer structure is the island's greatest asset - no one wears just one hat THINGS WE CAN LEARN FROM THE MAINE ISLANDS I) Small K- 12 schools can work! The successful ones in Maine seem to have a central theme, i.e.- place based education, marine science concentration, performing arts concentration (some kind of hook, that sets them apart from traditional state public schools.) 2) Many communities have private educational foundations that work closely with the schools - enhancing educational opportunities for all ages. ..:to., .{,>''''' . " . 3) Islands that are serviced by two ferries often have one based on the island. 4) Islands in Maine have an on island government structure - a community council, or town planner that oversees the life of the community. Even those with governmental ties to mainland have greater representation than we do. GREATEST CONCERNS FOR FISHERS ISLAND (Results from the March 3rd and April 12th meetings) 1) Declining year round population - need to attract a diverse group new residents - different generations and backgrounds. Like other remote communities we often loose our younger members. How can we keep them? 2) Declining local student enrollment in the school- quick fix is to increase the magnet student population -long term we need to increase family population. 3) There is no island based ferry (concerns for safety evacuation & more flexible transportation). No commuter ferry. 4) Lack of affordable year round housing options, to purchase or rent. 5) Within 5 years 25% of the year round population will be over 65 - can our services sustain this population? Can our health care structure handle it? 6) More diverse jobs needed for men and women. The employment options are limited. 7) Large number of organizations dedicated to individual missions, but with no central focus. Too many players, but no chief to coordinate goals, resources of manpower and money. ACTIONS Redo FICA mission and board composition. Create an on island governing body that can ACT rather than simply discuss. Create a staffed town office that acts as ministry of information. Pursue eldercare options - utilized the bodies on island willing to be certified for Home Health Aide. Explore our options of a senior center or facility. Establish a foundation that works closely with the school and other educational and community programs. A fund from which community organizations and groups can apply for grants for programs that will benefit all members of the community. Attract a boat captain to live on Fishers and run a commuter ferry based on the island (Can we attract the captain of Pop eye - Andrew Hublein? He has a family with 4 children and has expressed interest in moving to the island. Housing is his issue.) Intensify efforts for more affordable year round housing to attract new and retain island residents. Get profiles from Maine island schools, health care facilities and utilities. Organize visits to island schools in Maine and maintain relationship with Island Institute. Obtain an oral history from long time residents (year round and seasonal) . , 'j ISLAND INSTITUTE SUMMARY Notes About the April 12,'03 Meeting Rosemary Dysart Baue OBSERV A nONS BY NATE AND LESLIE _ Community! Community! Community! The focus must be the health and welfare of the overall community. This is not the mainland, nor should it try to be. Look at island history. Extract its strengths. The island is regulated by a town and state that is not accessible and does not properly serve the island. All residents need to have a sense of ownership. IMPRESSIONS - No easy answers Lack of financial constraints for fund-raising Perception is 90% of impression Rumor mill needs to be replaced by solid, good information Strong island values are care for each other and care for island as a whole Need affordable housing to attract and to retain residents FACTS - "Kids can be kids longer" Children and Elderly feel safe The island is beautiful. Volunteer EMTs and FIREFIGHTERS are excellent. There is no island-based Ferry Residents want more flexibly scheduled transportation There are no Business Class rates from Utility Companies Small K-12 schools work in many places There are ample and a variety of island activities for all ages There is a lack of leadership continuity. The population shift is to a greater number of senior citizens GOAL: A central office in which an Intem/Director leads and manages the island affairs for a representative and uniquely non-government governing body . . ACTION - Redo FICA mission and board composition Find an Intern with help of ME Institute Pursue Eldercare Develop an Educational Foundation ? Assist Popeye to live and work from island Keep working on housing to attract and retain island residents Maintain relationship with ME Island Institute Found a Community Fund to which money can be donated and from which grants can be given Obtain an oral history from long-time residents and 'summer' folks