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Mission Statement:
The Fishers Island Community Board (FICB) works to facilitate the functioning of the
Fishers Island community by serving as the focal point for participation by individuals
and organizations in the determination and execution of goals for the Island. To fulfill its
mission, FICB will establish mechanisms to:
. Increase collaboration and communication between organizations and the
. Provide a forum, that includes organizations and the public, that encourages
community participation and dialogue surrounding the issues concerning the
residents of Fishers Island;
. Articulate and prioritize the community's goals; and
. Undertake, encourage, and support tasks to achieve those goals.
Community Board Role:
-- Act as a forum that listens to the community and discusses the issues raised
-- Address community issues through the creation of annual goals
-- Develop an Action Plan that outlines the steps necessary to achieve those
of the
Fishers Island Civic Association
P.o. Box 464 Fishers Island, NY. 06390
Tel: 631-788-7990
Fax: 631-788-7990
Emell: mharr@llsherslsland.net
To the Fishers Island seasonal Community:
The Island Community Board (ICB) was formed last fall as an outgrowth of work with The Island
Institute of Rockland, Maine. The Institute was formed 25 years ago to address and work to solve issues
that were affecting the year-round communities on the many islands in the gulf of Maine. During a visit
to the Island Institute by a group of 9 residents from Fishers, many of the issues the Institute addressed
were all too familiar...declining school enrollment, jobs, land prices, affordable rental and owned
housing, etc. One of the most interesting parts of the discussion centered on the nature of "governrnent"
on Fishers Island, there are approximately 29 organizations on Fishers that act in some way to benefit
the community. Presently, the quarterly meeting of the Civic Association is the only attempt at
coordination other than the informal meetings on the post office steps.
With the assistance of Nate Gray last year, and Mere Harr this year; the Island Community Board was
developed as a sub-committee of FICA. It is believed that this new structure will serve the Fishers Island
community well.
The establishment ofICB has three fundamental goals:
. Coordinate the activities of the organizations that serve the community with the best of intentions,
. Be open, transparent and representative of all residents,
. Maintain and staff the Island office as a resource for all residents and organizations on the Island.
The ICB will address issues and establish action plans for Fishers Island through the interactions of
Island organizations, the ICB and the community. The mechanism to insure balance and representation
is through the election of representatives.
The ICB will have fourteen members; eight will be the heads of the organizations that most directly
affect the daily life of the Island, and six will be elected by the general public, with three from the year-
round community and three seasonal residents. This is the most equitable way of establishing this Board
up in order to understand various elements of the F.I. community.
As a seasonal resident, we ask that you consider this nomination petition either for yourself or someone
you feel would be suitable for the ICB and please fill it out and send it back to the Island Office.
Nominating petitions must be returned by April 29th in order for the candidate to be placed on the ballot.
Ballots will be mailed after the following ICB meeting. Attached is a Nomination Form for your use or
that of a candidate you consider appropriate as a Board Member. The monthly meetings are held on the
first Friday of each month at 4:30pm in the Island Office, second floor of the Utility Company, unless
otherwise noted. There will be one vote granted to each member of the household over the age of
eighteen. Please copy the attached form as needed.
The ICB intends to be a way for the various activities and organizations to be coordinated and to make
better decisions that benefit the whole Island community.