HomeMy WebLinkAboutClosure Cost Breakdown (2) FISHERS ISLAND LANDFILL CLOSURE COST BREAKDOWN . . I - Closure Investil!ationlFanniDl!. Phillios and Molnar . Hydrogeologic Investigation; . Monitoring well installation; . Groundwater sampling and analysis; and . Preparation of Closure Investigation Report. 2 - Predesil!n Studies and Closure Plan/Dvirka and Bartilucci Consultinl! Enl!ineers . Test Pit/Waste Delineation Program and report preparation; . Preparation of Variance Requests [resulted in $300,000 savings in construction cost and $240,000 savings in long-term monitoring cost]; . Slope Stability Analysis, including geotechnical borings; . Hydrologic Modeling for design and support of Variance Request; . Wetlands delineation, including surveying; . Groundwater and surface water sampling and analysis; . Aerial photographic and topographic mapping; . Preparation of grant application; . Preparation of Project Management Plan for State Assistance Contract; . Preparation of Final Closure Plan and preliminary cost estimate; and . Assistance in property acquisition. 3 - Desil!n/Dvirka and Bartilucci Consultinl! Enl!ineers . Preparation of contract documents, including construction drawings and specifications, contract "boiler plate" and final construction cost estimate; . Pre-award services; . Bid document printing; and . Bid review and assistance in contractor selection. 4 - Lel!al Services/Twomev. Latham. Shea and Kellev (consent order and property acquisition). 5 - Accountinl! Services/Albrecht. Vil!l!iano and Zureck (cost accounting and preparation of reimbursement invoices) 6 - Bond Insurance . Bond Counsel- $15,000; . Preparation of Environmental Facilities Corporation loan application! Munistat - $15,000; and . Borrowing and issuance cost - $20,000. 7 - Survevinl!iChandler. Palmer and Kinl! 8 - Construction 9 - Construction Suoervision . Full-time inspection for 6 months; . . Review of contractor submittals and payment applications; and . Preparation of Project Certification Report for reimbursement. Contingency (15%)" . "On Items 3 through 9, which are not complete. o 1468rro829001(R02) $112,000 118,000 80,000 30,000 30,000 50,000 10,000 1,500,000 250,000 320,000 $2,500,000