HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/24/2005 Fishers Island Community Center Board Meeting Minutes for 10/24/05, 5:00pm Fishers Island Office Next meeting: Nov. 7 at 5:00pm in the Island Office. In attendance: Sara Mclean, Karla Heath, Sarah Moody, Mere Harr, Bruce Kinlin, Charlie Stepanek Scrapbook: Karla read an email Judi sent her about Carolyn Garrison and the scrapbook. It was decided that we would deal with this much later and could even do it ourselves. Bruce and plans: Bruce talked about the plans again and explained things to Charlie, who had not seen them since we flipped the bowling. He explained that the next step is to get the engineers for heating, plumbing, stairs and elevators, roof and the sort to place bids and to come up with more real numbers. He said that these drawings represent resolution of process and program elements. It was agreed by all that the spaces have become more useful and user friendly. It was suggested that we could have a naming contest for the cafe. There was a motion made by Sara McLean to approve the plans as they are. Sarah Moody seconded it and all were in favor. Year-round Fundraising: The year-round fundraising committee might need an extra person on it. Karla will ask Laurie Finan. This committee should meet with the other fundraising committee soon to talk about strategies. Fog Horn and Gazette: We need to write something for both. The FH should be a simpler update and the Gazette perhaps should have a set of plans in it. Charlie will help mere write the FH article. Mere will ask John if the Dec. ICB meeting could be the unveiling of the plans to the community and we could take comments then. The most people could "change" then would be the program ideas for what goes into the spaces. We do not intend to have the place redesigned. Other: Peter Crisp sees the timeline looking like things could start next summer for construction and shoot for 2007. BK said that timeline makes practical sense because of all the permitting that will have to happen on top of the construction. If things start over the summer we should expect 9-12 months until it opens. Everyone liked the idea of getting it open for the year-round population before the summer. Mere will look into more in depth information on moving the bowling alleys. Next meeting: Nov. 72005 at 5:00pm in Island Office. Minutes submitted by, Mere Harr Secretary