HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/03/2005 Fishers Island Community Center Board Meeting Minutes for 10/03/05, 5:00pm Fishers Island Office Next meeting: Oct 17 at 5 :Opm in the Island Office. In attendance: Judi Imbriglio, Sara McLean, Grace Burr, Jeanne Schultz, Karla Heath, Sarah Moody, Mere Harr Inc. Status: Still waiting to hear back from people on this, more as we do. Scrapbook: Judi reported that Courtney Carolyn had offered to do a scrapbook for the ICC in order to trace our development from the beginning. It was thought that this is a good idea but the costs were not clear. It was assumed that we would pay for the materials and Carolyn would put it together for free as a gift. We will find out more as that moves along. Shirts: Judi will have the remaining ones available at the Union Chapel craft sale and at her store. Next year we will reevaluate how and what sizes we order. A word from Judi: Judi read a statement she had composed that detailed her feelings about how the ICC has been moving along. She wanted to clarifY that complete and open communication is necessary for the committee and what/who the sub-committees are. She felt that certain things were out of her control and she wants everyone to be able to remain in the loop on all developments. She praised her good committee and thanked everyone for their work and asked that we all respect each other during this process basically. John on Crisp donation: John reported that in his conversation(s) with Peter Crisp, P.C. wanted to know certain things before he made his pledge. He was interested in the governance of98, both currently and in the future as well as year-round buy-in for the project. John said that the reasons for what we do/plan for 98 need to be clear and out in the open when everything is finalized. We need to figure out what makes sense, what is doable/manageable and go from there. The ICC committee needs to take time to think things through and make sure feelings and people don't get polarized on the Island over the ICC. There should be a sense of ownership by the year-round community ofthe ICC. He reminded all that this is a very large (Frs largest) undertaking and it should be approached in a mature manner. Sara McLean said that we do have the whole building and the tractor will be dealt with up east, John will follow up on that. As for Harold, FIDCO thinks that there should be only one management crew responsible for 98 and that should be the ICC. The ICC can take bids for concessions at the snack bar, which will be run under ICC management. Building Committee: Sara McLean reported on last week's meeting with the Crisps and explained that some of their requests were fewer offices, and combined bathrooms to save on superfluous plumbing. They wanted to see more of a combined teen/child area that is more multipurpose use. They wanted smaller dedicated arts and crafts rooms, perhaps near the upstairs multipurpose rooms. As for daycare, this space should be allocated and not written off totally, but not planned on in the budget now. Gail asked if we could sub- contract that out to a licensed person if the need arose, like we are planning for the snack bar? Sarah Moody said that an idea like that would need a good business plan to show if it is feasible or not. Either way, the space is there and we can approach this in the future if we need to. John mentioned that he had spoken with someone from North Haven, Maine where their community center has become a bit of a problem. It has polarized the community. Our finance committee shouldlwilllook into what went wrong there and how we could avoid these problems here. Sara McLean mentioned also that the Crisps did not like the idea of 'phases' for the ICC project. They want to see the whole idea and plans as well as money upfront, not piecemeal. Fundraising Status: Gail said that everyone who believes in this project needs to be able to contribute and this is a way to show that the community is behind the project. John will continue to look into off-Island support. An on-Island fundraising committee was suggested and Gail was suggested to help with this. She said there should be a letter to the community. Different approaches are necessary for different populations. Gail and Karla will work on a list of off-Island support and an on-Island mailing list. Other: Charlie asked what, if anything, has been done for Jay Scanlon? John said that there are three options for him to move to and that FIDCO has tried to contact him to discuss. Jay will be taken care of if he is willing to cooperate. Next meeting: Oct. 172005 at 5:00pm in Island Office.