HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/18/2005 (2) Fishers Island Community Center Board Meeting Minutes for 7/18/05, 6:30pm Fishers Island Office Next meeting: June 25 at 6:30pm in the Island Office. In attendance: Judi Imbroglio, Sara McLean, Gail Cyphard, Grace Burr, Jeanne Schultz, Karla Heath, Sarah Moody, Charlie Stepanik, Mere Harr, John Spofford 1. Band Update for Block Party -Karla: The ferry reservations for the band cost $209.00r0und trip because of their van and trailer. They are coming at 6:30 on Saturday and leaving 6:30 Sunday She is asking for a discount at Ferry District, and they will decide on Wednesday. They are bringing their own P.A. They will need electricity and Mike Conroy will help with this. Judi will also ask Bob Wall. Karla got the Round House for them to stay in and will feed them breakfast and lunch. The band is only asking $50.00 for their gas. 2. Clean up @98: Judi and Tyler have been working at 98, she feels like she is done doing that. Grace Burr said she would look into potted plants for the doorway areas. She can probably loans some from Race Rock. She will ask Dave B. 3. Other block party things: Tables and chairs will come from FIFD, at least 2-dozen chairs. FOOD: Karla figured on 250 people @ I hot dog and I hamburger each. She is looking into small chip bags and rolls. Grace will get the condiments for everything including cupcakes. DRINKS: We should ask Dave Denison where he gets his drinks. Gail has offered to go to BI's for h2o, Coke, Sprite and Diet. Sara McLean mentioned that what drinks we don't sell could be sold to the FIFD, they need drinks too. Sue Lusker and her help will show up at I 0:30am. GRILL: we need to secure the use of the FIFD grills and get the charcoal at BI's. Charlie has agreed to he the M.C. for the event. SIGNS: Mere will deal with signs on posts, using IPP wooden signs. Sarah Moody asked about tablecloths and Sara McLean said she had rolls left over and would bring them. We will need 2 tables for cupcakes, I for condiments etc., 6 FD tables. SHIRTS: John got white tees with color logo, 150 adults in multiple sizes and 150 youth sizes. It was $60.00 set up for silkscreen and $3.85/youth and $3.95/adult. It is decided that the shirts will sell for $1 O.OO/youth and $15.00/adults. 4. Other potential fundraisers: Karla mentioned that July 29th the movie theater will show Sideways the movie and it could be made into a wine & cheese event to make $. Thames Wines wants to do a tasting out here and would do it for free likely. We could charge $20.00/ ticket. It was decided that we should ask Liz Furse first so as not to offend. Grace Burr said that her son Matt's band was interested in doing a show as a fundraiser. Grace Potter ad the Nocturnals would like a Tuesday night in August. We need to talk about this more and firm something up. Everyone liked both ideas. July 25, 2005 meeting: 1. Fitness Path: It is decided that we need to find out what is going on with that and get a plan together for that. Mere will contact Jim McMahon at Southold for info. 2. Town Fathers Meeting: Mere basically has screwed several things up and let everybody down several times, she will try to rectifY this behavior. Mere will make a PowerPoint presentation for the meeting similar to the brochure and the FIDCO presentation and John will present it. It will be short and sweet. For a waIkthrough Jeanne will set it up for Mike Verity, Jim McMahon, Pat Finnegan, the 2% land lady, and Gary Fish if we can get them all there. 3. Fund raising: That sub-committee met today before the meeting and has a list of major donors that we should approach first. This sub-committee has a plan and is on top of it. Mere will send the brochure to Sir Speedy and get 30 copies made. Left over shirts can be sold at the IPP craft fare and Judi's shop, as well as the Nocturnal's show. 4. Other Business: Mere asked if we could pay James Hall a little something for the awesome tent he let us use for free, which he set up and took down with his group of volunteers. Everyone shot that down because none of the other volunteers got paid. The tent usually rents for $750.00 and he just got it. Jeanne and Grace suggested Mere try and give him a FICA tax write off. Mere found that FICA is not tax deductible, so James will get nothing, this is fine with everyone, but Mere is noticeably upset by this. Mere needs to get Gail's receipt for the drinks she bought for the block party and she has paid Karla for the dinner she bought for the band at the Pequot. Everyone else has been paid back for their expenses from the grant workshop and buying food and toys for the block party. Liz will do the wine and cheese movie and we need to get posters and info out about this event. Grace Potter and Nocturnals will play on Aug. 28 and will split the door with ICC. Mere will write this up in Horn and online. Next Meeting: August 8, 2005 at 6:00 pm in Island Office.