HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/18/2005 Fishers Island Community Center Board Meeting Minutes for 7/18/05, 6:30pm Fishers Island Office Next meeting: June 16 at 6:30pm in the Island Office. In attendance: Judi Imbroglio, Sara McLean, Gail Cyphard, Grace Burr, Jeanne Schultz, Karla Heath, Sarah Moody, Charlie Stepanik, Mere Harr, John Spofford 1. Grant Update/trip to Southold ~Jeanne Shultz: Jeanne reported that Louisa, Mere and herself had been over to Town Hall and met with several people about the C.C. project. Jim McMahon was the most helpful and toured them around a lot and met with them about the grant, as he is the contact person for us and the state. He said it looked fine but Jeanne needs to change one number to make it work better. Next they met with the Building Dept. and talked about the site plan we would need for 98. Mike Verity said that we could use the site plan done in 1996 if we can find a copy that had final planning and building dept. approval stamped on it. This will save us a lot of time. We can apply for amendments to that plan as well as doing things with incremental permits applied for through the building dept. We can get Bruce of CME to do an update when need be. They met with the Land Preservation (2%) woman next. She said that traditionally, for the town to give money on a project, the town would like to own the building. The way around this is to register the building as a historic property within the town of Southold. In fact 98 and most of the fort are all considered eligible for that determination based on a list the town already has. This will allow us to access the 2% money without the town owning the property. Pat Finnagan, the town attorney, met with them next and explained that there may be no parks and rec. money available because that money comes from subdivisions built within the town in order to pay for lost open space brought on by the building. It creates parks and places for those people who have inadvertently paid for them. This means the parks or recreational services need to be near the subdivision that 'paid' for them and F.I. is nowhere near these places. John mentioned that when he and Sarah Moody talked to Pat over the phone about the ownership of98, she said she would get back to them and will fmd where to fit it. He will/can get anything in writing from FIDCO that they/she needs. 2. Brochure How do we get it out? Mere needs to add mention of cost savings on back because the brochure was made 'in house' and was cheaper. She needs to check with Quality Printers and compare with Sir Speedy prices. We will make 20 or so for certain people we will ask for contributions. 3. Block Party It will be on the 24th as a Sunday lunch. Someone needs to talk to Sue Lusker. Judi suggested a subcommittee for the Block Party, Sarah, Sue, Judi, who else? It was discussed that we should have food for free and sell merchandise and take donations. Jeanne said 1hat Z&S needs to get a letter from someone (FIDCO, CC) asking him to move his junk off of our property. She mentioned 1hat we would be leasing 1he whole lot, including 1he drive out back. As for 1he other tenants, no one there has a lease so FIDCO needs to write them each and deal with them, not us. 4. Legal stuff -John White and Case will help on this. We have a huge stack of 501 c3 papers to fill out. John said he would take care of1he papers. 5. Bruce and 241h: He is sending a letter detailing how to proceed. He could help for 1he 24th wi1h plans and posters, but 1hat will cost us. Karla suggested that Heidi duPont could help us with logo designs and posters. We need to cut comers, as we don't want it to appear that we have already spent a bunch of money. 6. Logo Sara has been dealing with a guy in NL and his colors and sizes are limited. They want to stick to the color scheme we decided on, blue and green. Karla will get us Heidi's contact info. Grace will find out where Walsh Park gets 1heir shirts done. Everyone likes the idea of polo shirts at about 40$ each and cheaper t -shirts for kids, all sizes as well as baseball caps and visors. The merchandise subcommittee will be Grace, Karla, Mere. They need to find out shirts available and logo designs. Submitted by, Mere Harr, note person