HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/28/2005 Fishers Island Community Center Board Meeting Minutes for 2/28/05, 4:30pm Fishers Island Village Office Next meeting: March 7, at 12:0Opm in the Village Office. In attendance: Judi Imbroglio, Sara McLean, Gail Cyphard, Jeanne Schultz, and Karla Heath, John Spofford, Mere Harr 1. Welcome 2. Dropping the movie theater idea: Sara had sent a letter to FIDCO about 98 and Peter Crisp now wants the community center group to submit a proposal and some sort of plan for the building. John said that CME, formerly CPK would be coming to FI on Monday the 7th to give a rough estimate on the engineering that needs to be done for both buildings in order to bring them up to code. From these numbers we can better discuss our plans with FIDCO. Judi wondered if having various uses in 98 would even pass code. She also worries that having the building owned by FIDCO would give the year-round people a bad taste in their mouth, make the center seemed to be a summer entity. We want to keep this project in the hands oflocal people, she said. John hopes that we can order this project in such a way that this wont be an issue, we will do this better than other projects, keeping it legitimate. Charlie agreed because of the direction we want to go with this, this is a new beast and there are different attitudes, we should be able to keep it under control. Karla wondered if the lease could help protect us, in that it could be worded in a way that keeps the building under our control during our use of it? It was then decided that as a committee, we would drop the movie theater, as an option and CME will look at it only if they have time. Everyone still very much likes that 'campus' idea that 98 creates. 3. Assignments: a. John will be talking to Steve Hamm soon about the non-profit/5013c status. Hamm is familiar with Southold issues and we hope will do this work pro-bono for us. John will also work on funding for CME and their time on the project. b. Exercise facility- Sarah Moody reported to John that she had an example of a good-sized (2,000 sq.ft.) workout room she had seen that cost around $100,000.00 finished. She is also getting information about a used equipment place. It was agreed that this much space would fit [me into the right side of 98 with room to spare. This could be a good phase I for the project, happen faster and draw a crowd. c. Moving the bowling lanes- Jeanne was asked, who at the school needs to be involved in this decision? Karla will look into this. The overall feeling is that the school could use the space and would like to have it, be behind the move. Karla will also talk to Bill Faulkner for more history and ideas on the alley. 4. Meeting adjourned. Thank you for coming. Next meeting will be with CME, and after that we will be in contact as to when to meet and discuss their findings. Minutes submitted by, Meredith Harr, Note taker for FICC Board ADDITION: The meeting with CME was held on March 7th at noon as discussed above: . At the lunch Karla, Jeanne, Gail, John, Charlie, Mere and Sara met with Evelyn Smith and Michael Culmo of CME. He CC group gave them a brief history of their ideas for the CC and showed them the original plans for the new building by Kinlin and Co. They discussed the programmatic elements they would like to see and started to talk a little about numbers, for instance, an elevator traditionally runs about $40,000.00 dollars. Things like this were discussed and the CME people made many notes about the groups desires for the center. . After lunch everyone went to 98 for a look at the building. The CME people had not been inside before although they are very familiar with the Island and several buildings. He had done a structural assessment on the movie theater, which was visited second; a few years earlier and CME when it was CPK did work for 98 several years ago. . The general feeling was that both buildings were structura1ly sound, but 98 would require significantly less initial destruction to get started, before all the required updates. Thus, making 98 more reasonable for use. . Several measurements were taken of 98 for consideration of windows, HV AC and plumbing. There was little concern for some spawling that has occurred inside 98 and on some of the exterior, this was thought to be easy and cheap to fix, basically cosmetics. . The movie theater seemed to become even further ruled out as the day moved along. The CME folks explained the costs that would be involved in simply beginning that project in terms of gutting and cleaning, just to get it ready for work to begin. . They will take a week or two and get back in touch with John with some numbers and estimates on the project. This will help the group be able to compose a proposal or plan to FIDCO with more certainty of the parameters of the project.