HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/13/2005 Fishers Island Community Center Board Meeting Minutes for 4/13/05, 5:00pm Fishers Island Village Office . Judi started the meeting by announcing that we needed to get a proposal to FIDCO as soon as possible. Sara said that what they are looking for is a more precise idea of what we are putting in the building and how much space we are looking into. We will need the info from Kinlin for plans for the proposal. We need to prioritize what we would like built first. Sara will try to arrange a meeting with a few FIDCO Board members to discuss the proposal. . From there we began to discuss the space within the building and drawing up what we wanted where to give a visual to Kinlin and for our own sake to better understand how he space will lay out. o I st floor . The right half will be the bowling alley and some storage space. This comes to about 4,000 sq. ft. · Harold can use about 2/3 of the left side. . Aaron's tractor will use about 1/3 of the left side. o 2nd floor . The view is better on the right side end, so this should be the workout room. With an office, bathrooms and the dance/aerobics area, this will use about 4,000 sq. ft. [2,000 = fitness room, 2,000=dance/aerobics. ] . The left side of the upstairs will be a kitchen, movie viewing/meeting room, a larger open space for meetings or parties (multi purpose). These rooms can almost be moveable or shape shift as needed. We can have temporary walls to divide space. Part of the left side could evolve into a senior/teen center area. . Harold: We need to have him in on these conversations as soon as we can. We would like to nix his plans for coin-operated machines of any kind, especially the video games! There is unanimous distain for that part of his idea. We may ask the ICB to back us up on this and take a stand against that kind of thing on F.I. . A laundry mat that the C.C. would run was discussed as a moneymaker for us. We will try to contact Bruce Prescott and find out what the pros and cons were of running it as he did. . Judi mentioned a fund raising idea. Selling bricks in order to raise funds. Each brick has the donor's name on it and could be used in a walkway or another area where they will be seen best. This will be looked into again as we process. . Jeanne is going to reinvestigate the 'Small Cities Grant' that she had looked into once before. . Meeting was adjourned and the next one was planed. Mere will continue to try and get Harold to come to one.