HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/13/1974 - "-~~. . I j I I TOWN FATHERS'~iliETING August 1). 1974 After Mr. Martocchia opened the meeting by introducing the visiting members of the Town Boards ~~s. Rafferty brought up as local issues the questions in her letter to Mr. Martocchia. 1.What proportionate amount of property taxes in the Fiscal Year 7)-74 returned to Fishers Island? Answer I Lots of money was spent on Highway Department for road repair and maintenance, for salaries of representatives to the Town Planning and Zoning Boards, Board of Appeals, Town Justice. etc.. Also a great amount is spent on transportation to and from meetings. He said that it was impossible to tell what percentage of taxes comes back. 2. How much revenue sharing has returned to the Town and how is it distributed? Answer; The Town received $)3),000.00 over a 5 yr. program and this money is earmarked for a new Town Hall. 3. How many tax-payers are there on Fishers Island and how many in the Town of Southold? Answer I There are 693 taxpayers on Fishers Island and 15,330 total in the Town of Southold. 4. Where can we find the definition of Orient Mosquito District? What is the size and population? Answer I The Orient Mosquito District was created by the Southold Town Board in 1916 for mosquito elimination and includes 5 sq. mi. (),OOO) acres, and has a population of 87). Orient is exempt from Town Mosquito Control and the difference in the tax rate between the two districts is one mill. 5. Are we part of one of the 3 street improvement districts mentioned on the Information for Taxpayers Sheet and how many miles of roads are maintained in the County? Answer I The county maintains 178.5 miles of roads. are in the county also 400 miles of county roads and 650 lanes.. The improvement districts are all mainland. 6. We are concerned about the purity of water particularly of West Harbor, but in fact all our harbors. During the weekend when so many boats are at anchor. could we have a weekend testing system set up working with our health officer? There miles of TOWN FATHERS' MEETING - Page Two Answer I Mr. V said that he would be willing to have the water tested any time we could deliver a fresh sample to him. He stressed that the collection procedure was very import- and and the time between collection and refrigeration and delivery to the lab should be as short as possible for and accurate testing. 7. We have been asked to bring to your attention the new tennis court-less than 1 year old- cracked surface. poor drain- age and infirm fencing- Would there be a contract guarantee which would immediately make possible the necessary corrections? Answer I over and said court was put not so bad. The Commissioner of the Town Council looked them that they were told that it might crack if the over the slab and he thought that the cracks were 8. We have been asked to remind you of your promise of another court which we feel is warranted by the interest here in tennis. The Board of the Civic Association would like to urge that the plans be worked out and overseen by specialists in tennis court construction to avoid the headaches accompanying the building of the first. Answer I Mr. Martocchia said that he made the commitment for a new court last year and that he will do everything he can afford to do. Questions From the Floor: Rick Ahman asked if there was a budget for a town Park and Recreation Program and was told that $12,000.00 was set aside for a Director but they couldn't find one. Catherine Jenssen and Nacy Kelsey asked if it would be possible for IPP to receive funds for recreation. Mr. Martocchia said that Vince received money for his school recreation program. Mrs. Arthur Walsh said that local children should be given first preference in any recreation funds obtained, Mr. Greenleaf stated that the school was open every Thursday night for recreation, etc. The Town gave $}OO.OO for this program. Mr. Hines said that State money for recreation was not available. Mr. Greenleaf further asked if the Town provided facilities for recreation apart from schools, i.e. boat launching areas. Mr. Martocchia said they had some facilities such as ball- fields and they co-sponsored baseball leagues with the Mattituck TOWN FATHERS' MEETING - Page Three Parks District. Mr. Greenleaf asked about the street designation around the school and was told that the signs for this and the Ferry Dist. area are here. Mr. Canio Toglia questioned his alleged violation of Zoning because of shrubbery 2 ft. beyond an existing fence.He complained that he was unable after much effort to obtain the new Zoning Booklet. N~. Martocchia replied that he had Zoning Booklets with him and Mrs. Rafferty had just been given one. Mr. Gaillard complained that the reply about town taxes was incomplete. Mr. Martocchia stated that the total Town Tax was $168,000.00 and 10.5% of this tax was received from Fishers Island. Mr. Gaillard further stated that the Ferry rates continue to go up. Since part of the tax goes to it and Since we are residents of Southold, why don't they assume the burden of the Ferry as they would with mainland roads. N~. Martocchia equated the Ferry with private roads on the mainland which are exempt and said that someone else may help on the Ferry problem. N~. Gada stated that the same question was entertained last year and Speaker Duryea said he might help by getting state money. Mr. Gada further stated that we needed more street lights particularly around the school. N~. Doyen said that this problem had been brought up and the budget for the lighting district has to be reass~ssed. Mrs. Russell Complained that she was very disappointed that the Town did not protest when the Army Corps of Engineers received permit to dump. She requested their public support in writing in backing the Civic Association Conservation Committee in their entering a suit against the U.S. Navy, etc. Mr. Martocchia said that they would give their written support and N~. Homan said that they did protest it (before the permit) and that he would resume this protest (written). Mr. Duryea addressed the audience. He stated that the Subsidy for private transportation did not originally include Fishers Island but it now does. The District Engineer looked at the Ferry District problen and ~~. Duryea is convinced that we can qualify and our application for capital improvements will be considered. Town Fathers' Meeting - Page Four ~~. Vaughn Ferguson asked what chemical was used in our mosquito control program. The chemist replied that two chemicals were used. Flit (MNLO) was used to control the larval stage of the mosquito population and Melathion was used for control of the adult mosquitos. Both Chemicals are considered very safe and should not harm any fresh water ponds used for drinking water. Mr. Leyland asked that what steps have been taken to prevent dumping in order to protect our health and our fish and wildlife. He was told that the permit for dumping actually is not a NYS problem. The representative from the Marine Culture Resources Division said he opposed it because of lobsters, etc. His agency did not approve of the policy of dumping and then studying. When Mr~ Leyland asked Mr. Duryea what his office had been doing y~. Duyea answered that for the last It years his office has continually opposed the dump site. There was a postponement. They have opposed it but they are limitsd because it is a Federal issue.