HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/20/1999 . . ~ CALL TO ORDER MEMBERS PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES SUPERINTENDENT REPORT PUBLIC FORUM FINANCE REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF EDUCATION FISHERS ISLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT July 20, 1999 Meeting was held in the Social Swdies room of the Fishers Island School and was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Board of Education President James Suedmeier. Christopher Edwards, Jeffrey Edwards, Susan Horn and James Suedmeier K. Koehnen, Superintendent, and M. Pankiewicz, Treasurer J. Suedmeier led the Pledge of Allegiance Motion by C. Edwards, seconded by J. Edwards, and carried, the minutes of the regular meeting of June 15, 1999 were approved after corrections. Motion by C. Edwards, seconded by J. Edwards, and carried, the minutes of the special meeting of June 16, 1999 were approved as submitted. Motion by C. Edwards, seconded by S. Horn, and carried, the minutes of the reorganization meeting of July 6, 1999 were approved after corrections. K. Koehnen reported on summer activities and programs at school. There were no member of the public present. Motion by S. Horn, seconded by J. Edwards, and carried, the bank reconciliations prepared by the secretary for the month ended June 30, 1999 were accepted. General Fund savings # 1 General Fund savings #2 Repair Reserve Fund #3 Repair Reserve Fund #4 Faculty Housing checking Faculty Housing CD Alumni Scholmhip Fund 6,799.13 1,189.55 67,234.44 24,966.51 58,446.59 30,000.00 2,881.97 Motion by C. Edwards, seconded by J. Edwards, and carried, June 1999 General Fund warrants/checks #23701 - #23711 in the amount of $5,829.91 were approved for payment. July 20, 1999 page two FINANCE Mor':'"n by S. Horn, seconded by J. Edwards, and carried, July 1999 General Fund warrants/checks #23745 - #23760 in the amount of $16,522.10 and Faculty Housing warrant/check # 751 in the amount of $4,923.00 were approved for payment. . CORRESPONDENCE Requests were received from Island People's Project and Island Concerts to use the school vans. It was noted that CDL licenses were required by non-employees. RECOGNITION Copies of newspaper articles about student participation in the University of Vermont College of Engineering and Mathematics summer program and the sailing trip on the Schooner Harvey Gamage were distributed to the Board members. OLD BUSINESS: LEGAL COUNSEL The Board appointed the firm of Cooper, Sapir and Cohen and as school attorney. Fees to be on hourly basis. SPECIAL ELECTION Motion by C. Edwards, seconded by J. Edwards, and carried, the Board canceled the special meeting and election of August 1 0, 1 999 because no petitions had been filed for the Board vacancy. RECREATION POSITION USE OF BLDG. OR EQUIPMENT BY INDIVIDUALS NEW BUSINESS: COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS PLANNING FOR MISSIONS AND GOALS POLICY #2310 Tabled to August meeting . At 6:23 p.m. J. Edwards left the meeting. K. Koehnen presented guidelines to follow for use of the building or equipment by individuals. K. Koehnen and the Board discussed the various committees. K. Koehnen and the Board discussed setting the charge for each committee, changes in committee composition and appointment of committee members. K. Koehnen and the Board discussed planning for missions and goals. Board members are to bring ideas to the August meeting. Motion by C. Edwards, seconded by S. Horn, the Board approved a first reading of revised Policy #2310. ., . July 10, 1999. page three RATIFICATION of TEACHERS' CONTRACT PUBLIC COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION SUPERINTENDENT'S CONTRACT . ADJOURNMENT . 08/13/99 Motion by S. Horn, seconded by J. Suedmeier, and carried, the Board approved the 1999-2002 contract with the Fishers Island Teachers' Association. No members of the public attended this meeting Motion by C. Edwards, seconded by S. Horn, and carried, the Board adjourned to Executive Session at 7:25 p.m. to discuss personnel. Motion by C. Edwards, seconded by S. Horn, and carried, the Board returned to Regular Session at 8:27 p.m. Motion by C. Edwards, seconded by S. Horn, and carried, the Board approved the contract of the Superintendent, Kathleen Koehnen, for the period April I, 1999 through June 30, 2002, with language to be finalized between C. Edwards and K. Koehnen; and further authorized Board President, J Suedmeier, to sign the contract on behalf of the Board of Education. Motion by S. Horn, seconded by C. Edwards, and carried, the Board adjourned the meeting at 8:28 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Koehnen School District Clerk