HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/15/1999 . . . CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF EDUCATION FISHERS ISLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT June 15, 1999 Meeting was held in the Social Studies room of the Fishers Island School and was called to order at 5:34 p.m. by Board of Education President James Suedmeier. MEMBERS PRESENT Christopher Edwards, Jeffrey Edwards, Susan Horn, Aaron Lusker and James Suedmeier OTHERS PRESENT PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE RECOGNITION APPROVAL OF MINUTES K. Koehnen, Superintendent, M. Pankiewicz and ten community members. J. Suedmeier led the Pledge of Allegiance Mrs. Edwards and two Kindergarten students were present to read to the Board and audience. Motion by C. Edwards, seconded by A. Lusker, and carried, the minutes of the regular meeting of May 12, 1999 were approved as submitted. Motion by C. Edwards, seconded by J. Edwards, and carried, the minutes of the Annual Meeting of May 18, 1999 were approved as submitted. SUPERINTENDENT K. Koehnen reported on activities and programs at school. REPORT PUBLIC FORUM FINANCE There were no comments. Motion by S. Horn, seconded by A. Lusker, and carried, the bank reconciliations prepared by the secretary for the month ended May 31, 1999 were accepted. General Fund checking General Fund savings # 1 General Fund savings #2 Repair Reserve Fund #3 Repair Reserve Fund #4 Faculty Housing checking Faculty Housing CD Alumni Scholarship Fund $188,244.14 6,791.52 1,187.89 67,234.44 24,945.31 48,091.00 30,000.00 2,872.51 Motion by J. Edwards, seconded by C. Edwards, and carried, May 1999 General Fund expenditures (checks #23430 - #23528) in the amount of $101,847.04 were approved. June t 5, t 999 page two FINANCE Motion by S. Horn, seconded by C. Edwards, and carried, June 1999 General Fund warrants/checks #23567 - #23648 in the amount of $387,121.59 and Faculty Housing warrants/checks #747-#749 in the amount of $299.84 were approved for payment. . BUDGET CONTROL Board members received copies of the budget control reports for the month ended May 31, 1999. TRANSFERS Motion by J. Edwards, seconded by C. Edwards, and carried, the Board approved the fOllowing transfer within the 1998-99 budget: $4,500.00 from 7140.15 2,000.00 from 7140.15 1,200.00 from 1310.4 to 1010.4 to 1240.16 to 1310.5 CORRESPONDENCE Motion by C. Edwards, seconded by A. Lusker, and carried, the Board approved the request from Town Justice Louisa Evans to split the cost of the DMV visit to Fishers Island On July 14 with the Town of Southold. OLD BUSINESS: COMMUNITY SERVICE K. Koehnen presented the Board with copies of the faculty committee's . minutes and recommendations concerning community service. LEGAL COUNSEL K. Koehnen presented the Board with information received from the NYS School Boards Association concerning legal counsel. NEW BUSINESS: COMMllTEE REPORTS CSE RECOMMENDATIONS CSE CHAIR RECREATION POSITION K. Koehnen reported that the fOllowing committees had met: Library, Faculty Housing, Space, EAC, Magnet Program and Magnet Selection Motion by S. Horn, seconded by C. Edwards, and carried, the Board approved the recommendations from the Committee on Special Education from the May 14 and May 21 CSE meetings and annual reviews. Motion by A. Lusker, seconded by C. Edwards, and carried, the Board approved the Superintendent's recommendation to eliminate the CSE Chair position contract with Dr. Harmon Cohen. K. Koehnen proposed a part-time position to organize and run the after school recreation program. . . . . June 15, 1999 . page three BOARD POSITION SOUND EQUIPMENT PLANNING FOR MISSIONS AND GOALS COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ADVISOR APPOINTMENTS INDIVIDUAL USE OF BUILDING STUDENT ACTIVITIES ACCOUNT PREK REQUEST PUBLIC COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION The Board set Wednesday, August 11 from 2 to 8 p.m. as the date and time for voting for a Board of Education member to fill the position vacated by Aaron Lusker. Motion by S. Horn, seconded by C. Edwards, and carried, the Board approved the request from Island Concerts for the old soundboard and speakers. Equipment is to be removed by Island Concerts. The Board discussed planning for 1999-2000. The Board discussed committee appointments to be made in July. K. Koehnen presented guidelines about how advisors' positions come to recommendation. K. Koehnen presented guidelines to allow individual use of the building. Motion by C. Edwards, seconded by S. Horn, and carried, the Board approved establishing an account for Grade 5 & 6 Study of the Ocean with the excess funds raised for the Schooner Harvey Gamage trip. A request was received from parents to allow their four-year old to attend the PreK program less than full time in 1999-2000. The request was noted. C. Giles reported on the white water trip and the physics class trip to Riverside Park. J. Weil presented the Board members with copies of the 1999 yearbook. T. Lema requested permission to use the school's darkroom. J. Weil expressed his concern about individuals using the darkroom equipment. Motion by C. Edwards, seconded by S. Horn, and carried, the Board adjourned to Executive Session at 7:41 p.m. to discuss personnel. Motion by C. Edwards, seconded by A. Lusker, and carried, the Board returned to Regular Session at 8:00 p.m. June 15, 1999 - page four ADJOURNMENT Motion by A. Lusker, seconded by S. Horn, and carried, the Board adjourned the meeting at 8:01 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Koehnen School District Clerk . . .