HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/12/1999 . . . CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MF.ETING BOARD OF EDUCATION FISHERS ISLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT May 12, 1999 Meeting was held in the Social Studies room of the Fishers Island School and was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Board of Education President James Suedmeier. MEMBERS PRESENT Christopher Edwards, Jeffrey Edwards, Susan Horn, Aaron Lusker and James Suedmeier OTHERS PRESENT PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES K. Koehnen, Superintendent, M. Pankiewicz and eight community members. J. Suedmeier led the Pledge of Allegiance Motion by C. Edwards, seconded by J. Edwards, and carried, the minutes of the regular meeting of April 20, 1999 were approved as submitted. Motion by C. Edwards, seconded by S. Horn, and carried, the minutes of the special meeting of May 3, 1999 were approved as submitted. SUPERINTENDENT K. Koehnen reported on activities and programs at school. REPORT PUBLIC FORUM FINANCE There were no comments. Motion by A. Lusker, seconded by S. Horn, and carried, the bank reconciliations prepared by the secretary for the month ended April 30, 1999 were accepted. General Fund checking General Fund savings # 1 General Fund savings #2 Repair Reserve Fund #3 Repair Reserve Fund #4 Faculty Housing checking Faculty Housing CD Alumni Scholarship Fund $243,316.85 6,785.07 1,186.39 67,234.44 24,924.82 45,259.31 30,000.00 2,863.39 Motion by S. Horn, seconded by J. Edwards, and carried, April 1999 General Fund expenditures (checks #23271 - #23429) in the amount of $146,176.37 were approved. Motion by A. Lusker, seconded by J. Edwards, and carried, May 1999 General Fund warrants/checks #23463 - #23486 in the amount of $17,345.91 and Faculty Housing warrants/checks #736, #744 -#746 in the amount of $2,869.72 were approved for payment. May 12, 1999 page two BUDGET CONTROL Board members received copies of the budget control reports for the month ended April 30, 1999. . TRANSfERS Motion by C. Edwards, seconded by J. Edwards, and carried, the Board approved the following transfer within the 1998-99 budget: $3,000.00 from 1621.4 to 1010.4 900.00 from 1320.4 to 1240.16 5,000.00 from 1910.4 to 1240.4 1,000.00 from 2110.2 to 2110.4 500.00 from 2630.2 to 2630.4 500.00 from 2855.15 to 2855.5 CORRESPONDENCE none RECOGNITION K. Koehnen announced all secondary students participated in the Island clean-up day. She also reported that Sarah Evans was recently in Philadelphia with her winning Science Fair project. Christine Rogan, Katie Bioethe and Belinda Colgan were present to give brief talks on their research papers. OLD BUSINESS: GYMNASIUM flOOR fACILITY OVERVIEW fACULTY HOUSING fACULTY HOUSING RENTAL REQUIREMENTS fOR TRIPS 1999-2000 MAGNET TUITION RATE LEGAL COUNSEL The Board discussed the rules for use and clean-up of the gymnasium floor. Rules will be posted in the gymnasium area. . The committee is scheduled to meet shortiy. BD is continuing work on the housing units. Motion by J. Edwards, seconded by A. Lusker, and carried, the Board approved keeping the faculty housing rental rates for all units at the current rate for the lease period September 1999 to August 31, 2000. K. Koehnen reported that the committee is still working on this. Motion by J. Edwards, seconded by S. Horn, to raise the magnet tuition rate by 4% (motion defeated - J. Edward, S. Horn, A YEi C. Edwards, A. Lusker, J. Suedmeier, NAY) Motion by J. Suedmeier, seconded by A. Lusker, and carried, the Board raised the magnet tuition rate for the 1999-2000 school year by 5%. . The Board agreed to request a proposal from Cooper, Sapir and Cohen. . . . May 12, 1 999 - page three AP COURSE IN SPANISH NEW BUSINESS: COMMI1TEE REPORTS PERSONNEL: Non-instructional staff salaries PUBLIC COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION ADJOURNMENT 05/14/99 Motion by J. Edwards, seconded by A. Lusker, and carried, the Board approved offering advanced placement courses in Spanish as long as the new class or classes have no impact on the current foreign language program, especially the program for elementary students. K. Koehnen reported that the New Compact for Learning Committee had met. Motion by J. Edwards, seconded by A. Lusker, and carried, the Board approved a 2% salary rate increase for the non-instructional staff members effective July I, 1999 based on consumer price Index. Peter Rogan requested that the Board take a positive attitude toward students who pray in and around the school. Linda Bean reported that twenty-seven students, faculty and parents will participate in the white water rafting trip this coming weekend in Maine. Motion by S. Horn, seconded by A. Lusker, and carried, the Board adjourned to Executive Session at 7: 12 p.m. to discuss personnel. Motion by J. Edwards, seconded by A. Lusker, and carried, the Board returned to Regular Session at 7:55 p.m. Motion by C. Edwards, seconded by A. Lusker, and carried, the Board adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Koehnen School District Clerk