HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/15/1998 . CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF EDUCATION FISHERS ISLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT December 15, 1998 Meeting was held in the Social Studies room of the Fishers Island School and was called to order at 4:46 p.m. by Board of Education President James Suedmeier. MEMBERS PRESENT Christopher Edwards, Jeffrey Edwards, Susan Horn, Aaron Lusker and James Suedmeier OTHERS PRESENT PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES C. O'Connell, M. Pankiewicz and approximately seven community members. J. Suedmeier led the Pledge of Allegiance Motion by C. Edwards, seconded by J. Edwards, and carried, the minutes of the regular meeting of November 1 7, 1998 were approved as submitted. . SUPERINTENDENT C. O'Connell reported on school activities and programs. REPORT PUBLIC FORUM FINANCE . D. Denison asked about Housing policy concerning noisy neighbors. L. Edwards and A. Thibodeau spoke about the library committee recommendation. Motion by S. Horn, seconded by J. Edwards, and carried, the bank reconciliations prepared by the secretary for the month ended November 30, 1998 were accepted. General Fund checking $306,493.95 General Fund savings #1 6,750.37 General Fund savings #2 1,178.40 Repair Reserve Fund #4 65,759.63 Repair Reserve Fund #4 32,766.65 Faculty Housing checking 54,296.33 Faculty Housing CD 30,000.00 Alumni Scholarship Fund 2,815.87 Motion by S. Horn, seconded by J. Edwards, and carried, November 1998 General Fund expenditures (checks #22655 - #22788) In the amount of $187,966.17 were approved. Motion by S. Horn, seconded by J. Edwards, and carried, December 1998 General Fund warrantslchecks #22829-#22868 in the amount of $12,126.05 and Faculty Housing warrants/checks #729-#732 in the amount of $ 1 ,709.23 were approved for payment. December 17, 1998 - page two BUDGET CONTROL Board members received copies of the budget control reports for the month ended November 30, 1998. . TRANSFERS Motion by J. Edwards, seconded by A. Lusker, and carried, the Board approved the following transfers within the 1998-99 budget: 40.00 from 2110.49 to 2330.49 1,200.00 from 2610.16 to 2610.2 CORRESPONDENCE --none-- RECOGNITION OLD BUSINESS: GYMNASIUM FLOOR RECOMMENDATIONS FROM HOUSING COMMITTEE FACILITY OVERVIEW C. O'Connell reported that the Holiday Concert was a huge success. He also reported that the Wal-Mart teacher of the year grant was used for the clown workshop. He reported on the efforts of C. Giles and S. Hall in securing a $1,500 grant from Pfizer. C. O'Connell reported that the material has been ordered for the new gymnasium floor. Motion by J. Edwards, seconded by A. Lusker, and carried, the Board approved awarding the contract for jobs at Faculty Housing to BD Remodeling & Restoration for their quotation of $24,849.00 . C. O'Connell reported that a committee meeting would be scheduled soon. SUPERINTENDENT'S J. Suedmeier reported that there are thirty-five applications. Interviews SEARCH are scheduled for January. NEW BUSINESS: COMMITTEE REPORTS TIME OF BOARD MEETINGS LIBRARY CONSULTANT CUSTOM POLICY UPDATE ---none--- Motion by S. Horn, seconded by C. Edwards, and carried, the Board set the time of future regular monthly meetings at 5:30 P.M. on the third Tuesday. Motion by J. Edwards, seconded by C. Edwards, and carried, the Board approved hiring Laurel Goodgion, a professional Library Consultant, for one day of training with staff and volunteers at $ 125/hour. . The Board will discuss the recommended policy changes at the January meeting. . . . December 17, 1998 - page three TDA CONTRACT CSE PUBLIC COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION ADJOURNMENT 12/18/98 Motion by A. Lusker, seconded by C. Edwards, and carried, the Board approved the following: WHEREAS, the Board of Education of Fishers Island School District, has assembled in a meeting this 15th day of December 1998; WHEREAS, the Board of Education established the plan to provide benefits for the employees of the School District; WHEREAS, the Board of Education is exercising the right to bring the plan into compliance with the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and subsequent legislation; WHEREAS, the Board of Education has reviewed the provision of the Plan document attached hereto; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1) The attached Plan and all provisions contained therein is hereby approved and adopted. 2) The appropriate officers and agents of the School District are hereby authorized and directed to take such further actions as may be necessary, appropriate or advisable to effectuate the foregoing resolutions. Motion by S. Horn, seconded by J. Edwards, and carried, the Board approved the recommendations from the Committee on Special Education from the meeting held December 14, 1998. ---none--- Motion by J. Edwards, seconded by A. Lusker, and carried, the Board adjourned to Executive Session at 5:43 p.m. to discuss negotiations. Motion by J. Edwards, seconded by A. Lusker, and carried, the Board returned to Regular Session at 6: 1 5 p.m. Motion by J. Edwards, seconded by S. Horn, and carried, the Board adjourned the meeting at 6: 1 5 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cornelius O'Connell School District Clerk