HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/21/1998 REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF EDUCATION FISHERS ISLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT . July 21, 1998 CALL TO ORDER Meeting was held in the Social Studies room of the Fishers Island School and was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Board of Education President James Suedmeier. MEMBERS PRESENT Christopher Edwards, Jeffrey Edwards, Susan Horn, Aaron Lusker and James Suedmeier OTHERS PRESENT Cornelius O'Connell, Superintendent, and one community member. PLEDGE OF J. Suedmeier led the Pledge of Allegiance ALLEGIANCE SUPERINTENDENT C. O'Connell stated that the meeting was being recorded and then REPORT reported on summer work and activities. PRESENTATIONS ---none--- . APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by J. Edwards, seconded by C. Edwards, and carried, the minutes of the regular meeting of June 16, 1998 were approved as submitted. Motion by J. Edwards, seconded by J. Suedmeier, and carried, the minutes of the reorganization meeting of July 1, 1998 were approved as submitted. FINANCE Motion by S. Horn, seconded by C. Edwards, and carried, the reading of the bank reconciliations prepared by the secretary, for the month ended June 30, 1998 was accepted. General Fund checking $529,620.56 General Fund savings #1 6,708.35 General Fund savings #2 ], ] 68.5] Repair Reserve Fund #4 64,443.46 Repair Reserve Fund #4 54,689.82 Faculty Housing checking 45,943.35 Faculty Housing CD 30,000.00 Alumni Scholarship Fund 2,765.00 . Motion by J. Edwards, seconded by J. Suedmeier, and carried, June 1998 General Fund expenditures (checks #23050 - #23100 and #22101 - #22235) in the amount of $218,069.70 were approved. July 21, 1998 - page two FINANCE Motion by J. Edwards, seconded by A. Lusker, and carried, July General Fund warrants/checks #22254-#22285 in the amount of $23,842.45 and Faculty Housing warrant/check #719 in the amount of $21 .77 were approved for payment. . CORRESPONDENCE C. O'Connell read a letter from the Fort Wright committee thanking the school for its participation in the centennial celebrations. OLD BUSINESS: SCHOOL ROOF BOWLING ALLEY ROOF GYM FLOOR C. O'Connell reported that Mitchell Contracting will return shortly to repair a leak over the 3 & 4 grade room and to collect final payment. C. O'Connell reported that tarps have been secured over the worst leaks and that the architect is working on specifications. C. O'Connell reported that he is waiting to hear from the architect. SUPERINTENDENT'S J. Suedmeier shared Information he had received from Joseph Reeves. SEARCH CIVIC ASSOCIATION SURVEY C. O'Connell reminded Board members of the quarterly Civic Association meeting to be held Saturday, July 25, at which the study by Dr. Lerer would be discussed. . SCHOOL BUSNAN There was nothing new in this area. NEW BUSINESS: COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMITTEE PROGRAM PERSONNEL: Resignation CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT GRANT REVIEW OF AGENDA C. O'Connell reported that no committees had met recentiy. The Board assigned themselves to the various school committees. (list attached) Motion by J. Edwards, seconded by A. Lusker, and carried, the Board accepted the letter of resignation from Barbara J. Comstock, part-time Music teacher effective June 30, 1998. Motion by J. Edwards, seconded by A. Lusker, and carried, the Board approved a Curriculum Development Grant for Kathleen Barrett in the amount of $ 1,000 (40 hours @ $25) for curriculum development in Wi. elementary foreign language area. . The Board reviewed the agenda. . . . July 21, 1998 . page three PUBLIC COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION ADJOURNMENT 07/27/98 The Board spoke about getting the area around the school building designated as a School Zone with a lower speed limit. Motion by J. Edwards, seconded by J. Suedmeier, and carried, the Board adjourned by Executive Session at 8:59 p.m. to discuss negotiations. Motion by J. Edwards, seconded by A. Lusker, and carried, the Board returned to Regular Session at 9:35 p.m. Motion by J. Suedmeier, seconded by A. Lusker, and carried, the Board adjourned the meeting at 9:36 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cornelius O'Connell School District Clerk