HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/17/1998 . . . CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF EDUCATION FISHERS ISLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT March 17, 1998 Meeting was held in the Social Studies room of the Fishers Island School and was called to order at 7:31 p.m. by Board of Education President Susan Horn. MEMBERS PRESENT Jeffrey Edwards, Susan Horn, George Horning, Aaron Lusker and James Suedmeier OTHERS PRESENT PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Cornelius O'Connell, Superintendent, and approximately twenty community members S. Horn led the Pledge of Allegiance SUPERINTENDENT C. O'Connell reported on school programs and activities. REPORT PRESENTATIONS -None- APPROVAL OF MINUTES FINANCE Motion by J. Suedmeier, seconded by G. Horning, and carried, the minutes of the regular meeting of February 12, 1998 were approved as submitted. Motion by G. Horning, seconded by J. Edwards, and carried, the minutes of the special meeting of March 10, 1998 were approved as submitted. Motion by G. Horning, seconded by J. Edwards, and carried, the reading of the bank reconciliations prepared by the secretary, for the month ended February 28, 1998 was accepted. General Fund checking $502,875.91 General Fund savings #1 6,668.45 General Fund savings #2 1,160.73 Repair Reserve Fund #4 64,443.46 Repair Reserve Fund #4 54,443.16 Faculty Housing checking 50,283.83 Faculty Housing CD 5,000.00 Alumni Scholarship Fund 2,725.74 Motion by G. Horning, seconded by J. Edwards, and carried, February 1998 General Fund expenditures (checks #22597 - #22701) in the amount of $91,839.09 were approved. March 17, 1998 - page two FINANCE Motion by G. Homing, seconded by J. Suedrneier, and carried, March General Fund warrants/checks #22741.#22794 in the amount of $41,654.05 and Faculty Housing warrants/checks #714-#715 in the amount of $405.86 were approved for payment. BUDGET CONTROL Board members received copies of the February 1998 budget control REPORTS reports. CORRESPONDENCE S. Horn reported that she had received letters concerning drama proceeds, Regents math passing grade and BOCES candidates. C. O'Connell stated that he had received a letter from IPP requesting use of the new athletic field from April 13 to May 22 for a softball program. PERSONNEL: RETIREMENT OLD BUSINESS: SCHOOL ROOF TOWER LEASE BOWLING ALLEY ROOF USE OF SCHOOL GYM REGULATION 1500-R POLICY 8211 GYM FLOOR S. Horn also reported that she had received a letter from Cornelius O'Connell stating his intent to retire in March of 1999. C. O'Connell reported one small leak near the weather station mast that the contractor has inspected and will repair. C. O'Connell reported that he would send copies of the lease to the . Telephone Corporation. Several people reported that the roof leaked badly in the last rain storm. C. O'Connell will ask Mitchell Contracting for an estimate. Motion by J. Suedmeier, seconded by J. Edwards, and carried, the Board approved a second reading of policy change for Regulation I 500-R, changing item 10 to read: It shall be understood that the Superintendent and designated Board of Education members have authority to grant or reject requests for the use of school facilities and equipment. Motion by S. Horn, seconded by J. Edwards, and carried, the Board approved a second reading of policy change for Policy 8211, adding Board of Education president and designated Board of Education members to the list of school officials having keys to the school building. It was noted that Guidelines for Access to School Gym are now in written form. C. O'Connell reported that one floor company had visited the school and submitted an estimate range of $43,000 to $53,000 to replace the gy. floor. The Board directed the Superintendent to get additional estimates and to also find out whether roller-blading and other activities are appropriate on the new floor chosen. . . . March 17, 1998 . page three BIENNIAL REVIEW Motion by S. Horn, seconded by J. Suedmeier, and carried, the Board OF NEW COMPACT accepted the Biennial Review, authorized the Board President to sign it FOR LEARNING and instructed the Superintendent to sent it to Albany. PLAN ALLOCATION OF DRAMA FUNDS NEW BUSINESS: COMMITTEE REPORTS SUPERINTENDENT'S SEARCH CIVIC ASSOCIATION SURVEY 1998-99 SCHOOL CALENDAR JUNE 1998 MATH REGENTS REVIEW OF AGENDA Motion by S. Horn, seconded by G. Horning, and carried, the Board approved the request of the Drama Advisor to use the donations collected at the Adult Drama Production toward the purchase of lighting and sound equipment. C. O'Connell reported the Magnet Program Committee had met and that they are currently working on advertising. C. O'Connell reported that Joseph Reeves of the NYS School Boards Association will make a presentation to the Board on Friday, April 3, from 12:30 to 2:30 P.M. concerning the Superintendent Search services available through through the NYS School Boards Association. Sally Cashel of the Civic Association Education Committee was present to urge the Board of Education to accept the Civic Association's proposal to fund a study to Conduct an Assessment of the Educational Program of the Fishers Island Union Free School District. Motion by J. Suedmeler, seconded by S. Horn, and carried, the Board approved doing a survey like the one proposed by R. Lerer. Motion by S. Horn, seconded by J. Suedmeier, and carried, the Board accepted the proposal submitted by Richard Lerer Educational Consulting Services to conduct an Assessment of the Educational Program of the Fishers Island Union Free School District. The total cost of the study will be borne by the Civic Association. Motion by G. Horning, seconded by S. Horn, and carried, the Board approved the 1998-99 school calendar submitted by the Superintendent and staff. A request to lower the passing grade of the Math Sequence I Regents from 65 to 55 was presented to the Board because new State requirements will eliminate the RCT in Math and will require students to pass the Sequence I Regents to qualify for a local diploma. The Board requested more information before they would make a decision. The Board reviewed the agenda. March 17, 1998 - page four PUBLIC COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION ADJOURNMENT 03/20/98 Several members of the audience had comments and/or questions about the Civic Association survey, the availability of tutoring, transportation for the April 7 K-6 field trip,the bowling alley roof leaks, gym use and a . student exchange with a Maine island school. Motion by S. Horn, seconded by J. Edwards, and carried, the Board adjourned to Executive Session at 8:56 P.M. to discuss personnel. Motion by J. Edwards, seconded by A. Lusker, and carried, the returned to Regular Session at 9:20 P.M. Motion by G. Horning, seconded by J. Edwards, and carried, the Board adjourned the meeting at 9:21 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cornelius O'Connell School District Clerk . .