HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/2005VOLUME 1, ISSUE 5 FISHERS ISLAND’S MONTHLY COMMUNITY CALENDAR JULY, 2005 No Plan The Massachusetts registered boat, aptly named “No Plan” made an unexpected visit to Fishers Island on the night of June 7th. Lucky for these boat- ers the F.I. emergency response team was ready, willing and able to roll out the red carpet for them in the form of survival suits, ropes and ladders. At around midnight on the 7th Bob Wall was contacted by the U.S. Coast Guard, who had been called by the crew on the boat. The Coast Guard no longer responds to situations such as these so Bob was called and went to investigate. Upon arrival he discovered the shipwrecked vessel and its crew and decided that there was no pulling the boat off the rocks. He called his standby crew and ambulance to report to Race Rock. The men on the boat were stranded and there was just enough water between them and the shore to create a problem for them to evacuate. Joe Brock was suited up in the survival suit, as the waters were still very cold from our prolonged winter. The dark picture to the right shows Joe leading one of the crew to safety. Aaron Rice was also on scene with his wet suit. He went to the boat and helped the men off leading them along a seventy five foot rope that had been secured between the boat and the shore. The entire mission was a great success and everyone was safe and sound in the end. Everyone except the ‘No Plan’ that is. The boat was left bobbing in the tide for a few days until it was craned out and placed on jacks, where it sat for about two weeks until it was eventually taken back by a truck on the ferry. By 6:00 am the morning after, the word had spread and just about everyone on the Island had paid a visit to the wreckage to see the boat, survey the damage, and wonder how these guys could have missed the lighthouse. How could they have missed all the warnings and land themselves so far up on the rocks. Just another great example of the services Islanders provide for all of us, even those with little or no plans. The Island Community Board held their elections for representatives on Saturday June 18th from 8:00 am- 12:00 pm at the F.I. Firehouse and the turnout was remarkable. Through collecting ballots from seasonal residents via fax and mail and in person at the poll they were able to get 232 votes out of a potential 1,000 votes for the seasonal ballot. Even more impressive was the year-round turn out. Of the approximately 200 potential adult voters, 79 came to the polls to vote on their year-round slate of candidates. The entire process was a great expression of community concern and interest in the new structure of the ICB and the Island in general. The election process was a brand new experience for the Board and a lot was learned from this first election. Notes were made throughout and the process will be refined, making next year’s election even easier to participate in. This could lead to an even better turn out. The winners for the three seasonal and three year-round Board positions are listed below. The ICB thanks everyone who voted and especially everyone who ran. That level of interest is so important to this new body and bodes well for its future. The first meeting of the new Board will be July 8th and will be attended by Pat Cleary, the planner that the Town of Southold has hired to conduct hamlet studies for the other hamlets of Southold. This study has been a priority for the ICB since it began and having Pat here for the meeting is exciting for the Board. The study will provide the Island with important information about our land and land use, zoning, districts and future land use predictions. The ICB will represent the stakeholders for this planning process. Having this group established is an important step in getting the study rolling. As the study develops and the ICB moves along, The Fog Horn will provide updates. Year-round: Judi Imbriglio - 62 votes 3 year term John Spofford - 55 votes 2 year term Patty Faulkner - 47 votes 1 year term Seasonal: William Ridgway - 129 votes 3 year term Peter S. Gaillard - 104 votes 2 year term Audry Noyes Ludeman - 91 votes 1 year term ÌØÛ ÚÑÙ ØÑÎÒ Page 2 Ѳ Ö«²» îî²¼ô ·² ®»­°±²­» ¬± Ö»¿²²» êÚÕÈÑÉÃÜÏÙÉÕØ÷ÔÊÕØËÊôÊÑÜÏÙÊÚÕÎÎÑiÊ ÔÏÉØËØÊÉÔÏÉØÜÐÔÏÖÈÍÆÔÉÕÉÕØèÏÔÇØËÊÔÉÄÎ×úÎÏÏØÚÉÔÚÈÉiÊüÇØËÄíÎÔÏÉÜÖËÎÈÍÎ×ôÊ ´¿²¼»®­ ¬®¿ª»´»¼ ¬± ߪ»®§ б·²¬ øßòÐò÷ º±® ¿ ³»»¬·²¹ ¿²¼ ­»ª»®¿´ °®»­»²¬¿¬·±²­ò Û¿®´·»® ¬¸·­ §»¿® Ö±» Ý¿°®±²» º®±³ ßòÐò ¿²¼ ¿ ¬»¿³ ±º ­¬¿ºº ³»³¾»®­ ª·­·¬»¼ Ú·­¸»®­ ¿­ ¬¸» º·®­¬ ­¬»° ·² ¬®§·²¹ ¬± »­¬¿¾´·­¸ ¿ ®»´¿¬·±²­¸·° ¾»¬©»»² ¬¸» ¬©± ­½¸±±´­ò ̸» ·²¬»®»­¬ º®±³ ßòÐò ·­ ·² »­¬¿¾´·­¸·²¹ ¿ ¸·¹¸ ­½¸±±´ ±«¬®»¿½¸ °®±¹®¿³ò ̸» ¿°°»¿´ º±® ¾±¬¸ ­½¸±±´­ ½±³»­ º®±³ ¬¸» ­³¿´´ ­·¦» ±º »¿½¸ ¿²¼ ¬¸» °±¬»²¬·¿´ ¬± ¼»ª»´±° ·²¬»®¼·­½·°´·²¿®§ ½«®®·½«´«³ º±® ­¬«¼»²¬­ ·² ¾±¬¸ ´±½¿¬·±²­ò ̸» ·¼»¿­ ¬¸»§ ¸¿ª» ¿®»æ ­»²¼·²¹ ­³¿´´ ®»­»¿®½¸ ¬»¿³­ ¬± Úò×ò ¬± ½±²¼«½¬ ®»­»¿®½¸ ¿­ ·²¬»®²­ô ¾®·²¹·²¹ Úò×ò µ·¼­ ¬± ßòÐò ¬± ­¬«¼§ ¿²¼ñ±® ©±®µ ¿­ ®»­»¿®½¸ ¿­­·­¬¿²¬­ô °®±ª·¼·²¹ ­½¸±´¿®­¸·°­ º±® Úò×ò ­¬«¼»²¬­ ·²¬»®»­¬»¼ ·² ³¿®·²» ­¬«¼·»­ô ¸¿ª·²¹ Úò×ò ¬»¿½¸»®­ ©±®µ ±² ½±ó±° ½±«®­»­ ¾»¬©»»² Ú×ñßÐ 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NOT JUST KIDS; NOT JUST SUMMER By Cynthia J. Riley When you think of Island People’s Project (I.P.P.) you might think of our six-week summer program for children ages 4-11. You might think of our 4th of July Bike Parade, our two Arts and Crafts Shows held on the village green. You might think of our 12th Annual House and Garden Tour (see commu- nity calendar for dates). Or perhaps you think of softball games on the I.P.P. Ball Diamond and swimming at Dock Beach. I.P.P is all of the above as well as being a property owner and employer. We hope that you can take part in some of our summer programs, but we’d like you to know that we do so much more, all year round. I.P.P.’s mission, to provide physical and educational enrichment to the island, runs from January to December. What we offer differs from year to year. This is what I.P.P. did between September 2004 and June 2005, serving children, teens, adults and senior citizens: - fall tennis lessons for school children with Tennis Pro Mario Obando (Sept.) - co-funded “A PLAY IN A DAY” with Ct. Storyteller’s Association (Oct.)* - Halloween Parade (Oct.) - provided programs at two senior lunches, Don Sinetti and FI trivia (Oct./Nov.) - 10 veterinary visits, serving 72 dogs and 45 cats (every month) - Christmas Lights Festival and Contest (Dec.) - gave grant money to PEEP FROGS for craft workshops (Jan.) - co-funded PUZZLE OF LIGHT music show and workshops (Jan.) - co-funded “CHILDREN”S VOICES” theatrical performance/ writing workshop (Feb.) - Easter Egg Hunt (March) - purchased books for the FI SCHOOL elementary Library (April) - organized and co-funded two trips for adults to the Garde Theater- “Fiddler on the Roof“ and “Crazy for You”* (Jan./April) - underwrote portions of the cost of “BYE BYE BIRDIE” (May)* - sponsored and coordinated adult golf clinics (June) - spring tennis for younger elementary with Mario Obando (May) - basketball clinic (June) Many of the above were initiated and sponsored by IPP alone. *Several were the result of joint efforts with the following fine island organizations: The Fishers Island Library, The PTO, Island Concerts, St. John’s Church, The Fishers Island School and The Fishers Island Civic Association. We are pleased and proud to be working with them to enhance our island community. ײ µ»»°·²¹ ©·¬¸ ¬¸» ¹®¿¼«¿¬·±² ¬¸»³» º±® ¬¸·­ ³±²¬¸ò Ø»®» ¿®» ¿ ½±«°´» ±º º¿³·´·¿® º¿½»­ ×ËÎÐ÷ôêÚÕÎÎÑiÊÍÜÊÉéÕØÊØ ¿®» º®±³ ¬¸» Ö«²» ïçéí ·­­«» ±º êÎÈÏÙÔÏÖÊ ô ¬¸» §»¿® ¬¸¿¬ Û¼¼·» ͽ®±¨¬±² ¿²¼ ß²² ø²±©÷ Þ¿²µ­ ¹®¿¼«¿¬»¼ º±®³ ¸·¹¸ ­½¸±±´ò ÊÑÔËÓÛ ïô ×ÍÍËÛ ï Page 5 ̸» ­±º¬¾¿´´ ­»¿­±² ·­ô §±« µ²±©ÔÏ×ÈÑÑÊÆÔÏÖuéÕØÉØÜÐÊÜËØ ¼·ª·¼»¼ ·²¬± ¬©± ¼·ª·­·±²­ô ß ¿²¼ Òò ײ ¬¸» ß ¼·ª·­·±² ¬¸» ¬»¿³­ ±º ÞÜô ¬¸» Þ´«»­ô ¿²¼ ο½» α½µ ©·´´ ¾» ¼«»´·²¹ ·¬ ±«¬ º±® ¿ ­°±¬ ·² ¬¸» °´¿§±ºº­ò ײ ¬¸» Ò ¼·ª·­·±²ô Ø¿§ Ø¿®¾±®ô ¬¸» ׳°±®¬­ ¿²¼ ¬¸» л¯«±¬ ¿®» ®»°®»­»²¬»¼ò ̸» °´¿§±ºº­ ©·´´ ¾» ¸»´¼ ·² ß«¹«­¬ò ̸» ­»¿­±² ¾»¹¿² ©·¬¸ ÞÜ ½®«­¸·²¹ ¬¸» ׳°±®¬­ º±´ó ´±©»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» Þ´«»­ °«¬¬·²¹ ¿ ¼·®» ¸«®¬ ·² ¬¸» л¯«±¬ ¬»¿³ò Ø¿§ Ø¿®¾±® ¬¸»² ¬®±«²½»¼ ¬¸» ׳°±®¬­ ¿²¼ ±² ¬¸» ´¿­¬ ¼¿§ ±º ¬¸» º·®­¬ ©»»µ ±º °´¿§ô ο½» α½µ ©¿­ ­·´»²½»¼ ¾§ Ø¿§ Ø¿®¾±® ¿´­±ò É»»µ ¬©± ±º ¿ ­·¨ó©»»µ ­»¿­±² ·­ ¶«­¬ ¾»¹·²²·²¹ ¿²¼ ÞÜ ¸¿­ ¬¿µ»² ¿²ó ±¬¸»® ª·½¬±®§ ¿©¿§ º®±³ ο½» α½µò ̸» ¹¿³»­ ¿®» ¿ ¹®»¿¬ ¬·³» º±® ­°»½¬¿¬±®­ ¬± ¹¿¬¸»® ¿²¼ ©¿¬½¸ ¬¸» ¹¿³»ô ½¸»»® ¬¸»·® ¬»¿³ ±² ¿²¼ ª·­·¬ ©·¬¸ »ª»®§±²» ©¿¬½¸·²¹ò п®»²¬­ ¿®» ®»³·²¼»¼ ¬± µ»»° ¿² »§» ±² §±«® µ·¼­ ¼«®·²¹ ¬¸»­» ¹¿³»­ô ¬¸»®» ·­ ­¬·´´ ¬®¿ºº·½ ø©¸·½¸ ²»»¼­ ¬± ­´±© ¼±©²÷ ·² ¬¸» ¿®»¿ ¿²¼ µ·¼­ ²»»¼ ¬± ¾» ½¿®»º«´ò ̸» ­½¸»¼«´» º±® Ö«´§ °´¿§ ·­ ­¸±©² ¾»´±©ò Ô±¿¼ «° ¬¸» ½±±´»® ¿²¼ ¸»¿¼ ±ª»® ¬± ¬¸» ×òÐòÐò ¾¿´´ º·»´¼ º±® ¿² »ª»²·²¹ ±º º«² ¿²¼ ¿² «²³¿¬½¸»¼ ¼·­°´¿§ ±º ­°±®¬­³¿²­¸·°ò Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 4567 Blues V. 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As you settle into the rhythm of summer on our island, remember that the library is your special place to unwind and stimulate your natural curiosity at the same time. Serving the island since 1888, our cozy building maintains an old-fashioned island charm. Whether you are borrowing a new “beach read,” delving into a great new biography, checking out a video, DVD or book on tape, surfing the net, opening your e-mail or writing the great American novel on our computers, our services are free to year-round and seasonal island residents. Our adult lecture series and our family entertainment programs are open to all ages, again at no charge. We welcome you into the library; we hope you will feel at home. (See boxholder mailing and community calendar for dates of events.) Our Librarian, Ann Banks, and Program Director, Cynthia Riley, have been working hard throughout the year to provide the Fishers Island community with a library that truly celebrates books! Between September 2004 and June 2005 we paid for and received close to 200 new books, our computers were used 444 times and we arranged, coordinated and helped fund five events for children, in- cluding writing and performance workshops, explorations into how historical fact turns into a best-selling “fiction” book (the real story of BALTO), working with students from a Connecticut school and trips to the Garde Theater to see literature come alive! “Books and Tea,” nine adult book discussions and five creative writing workshops were held regardless of snow, ice and wind. While in the library don’t forget to say hi to the tiger. He needs a name and we’re asking for your help. FOR CHILDREN: The correct next tiger naming contest runs through July. FOR ADULTS: Can you supply the three lines to this famous poem? Who wrote it? Drop off your response at the Library. Tyger! Tyger! burning bright..... P.S. The pony would like a visit, too. Special thanks to Dr. Barbara , Sandy Towle and Deb Walters of the FI School for bringing children to the library weekly to browse the shelves and check out books. Very special thanks to three FI School children who have donated their original art work for display in the library. Thank you, Alex Tirabassi, Danielle and Krystal Murray. Thank you to the other great island organizations who worked with us throughout the year to enrich our island community: IPP, St. John’s Church, Island Concerts, FICA, the PTO and FI School. ò ß´´ ìóè §»¿®ó±´¼ ¾±§­ ̸» ²»© Ü·­²»§ Ý»´»¾®¿¬·±² ­¬¿³°­ ¿®» ·² ¿¬ ¬¸» ÐòÑò ¿²¼ ¹·®´­ô °´»¿­» ¶±·² ̸» Þ®»¿­¬ Ý¿²½»® ß©¿®»²»­­ ­¬¿³°­ ¿®» ­¬·´´ º±® ­¿´» ¿­ ©»´´ ¿­ ¬¸» ­«°°±®¬ ½·®½´»­ò ¬¸» Ô·¬¬´» Ô»¿¹«» Ûª»®§±²» ®»³»³¾»® ¬± ¾®·²¹ §±«® ¼®·ª»®­ ´·½»²­» ·­ §±« ©¿²¬ ¬± ©®·¬» ¿ ½¸»½µò ÞËÇ ßÔÔ ÇÑËÎ ÍÌßÓÐÍ ÚÎÑÓ Úò×ò ¹¿³» °´¿§»¼ »ª»®§ Ì«»­¼¿§ º®±³ íæððó ìæíð °³ ±² ¬¸» ¾¿´´ ¼·¿³±²¼ò Ö«­¬ ¾®·²¹ Ô¿­¬ ­«³³»® ¿¬ Ò¿¬«®» Ü¿§­ ©» ¸¿¼ ¿ ¹«»­¬ ´»½¬«®»® ¬¿´µ ¿¾±«¬ ¬¸» »²ª·®±²³»²¬¿´ ¸·­¬±®§ §±«® ¾¿­»¾¿´´ ³·¬¬ ±º Ô±²¹ ×­´¿²¼ ͱ«²¼ò Ø» ©¿­ ̱³ ß²¼»®­»² ¿²¼ ·­ ¬¸» ¿«¬¸±® ±º ¬¸» ¾±±µ éÕÔÊ÷ÔÏØíÔØÚØÎ×æÜÉØË ø©·¬¸ §±«® ²¿³» ©®·¬ó Ø» ¸¿­ ¿ ©»¾­·¬» ø©©©ò¬¸·­­°¸»®»ò¾´±¹­°±¬ò½±³÷ò Ú®±³ ¬¸·­ ­·¬» §±« ½¿² ®»¿¼ ­»ª»®¿´ ·²¬»®»­¬·²¹ ¬»² ±² ·¬÷ ¿²¼ ¿ ±²»ó »²ª·®±²³»²¬¿´ ²±¬»­ ¿²¼ ½±³³»²¬­ ¸» ¸¿­ ¿¾±«¬ Ô±²¹ôÊÑÜÏÙêÎÈÏÙôÏËØÖÜËÙÊÉÎÉÕØlËØÙÉÔÙØk ¬·³» º»» ±º üïðòððò °»±°´» ¸¿ª» ¾»»² ¬¿´µ·²¹ ¿¾±«¬ ¬¸¿¬ ¸¿­ ¿ºº»½¬»¼ ­±³» ±º ¬¸» ©¿¬»®­ ¿´±²¹ ¬¸» ½±¿­¬ º¿® ²±®¬¸ ±º «­ô д»¿­» ½¿´´ Õ¿¬» ¸» ­¿§­ ¬¸¿¬ ¬¸»®» ·­ ²± ­·¹² ±º ·¬ ¬¸·­ §»¿® ·² Ôò×òÍò Ø» ®»³»³¾»®­ ¿² ±«¬¾®»¿µ ­»ª»®¿´ §»¿®­ ¿¹± ¬¸¿¬ λ·¼ ¿¬ éèèóéðíé ©¿­ ¾®·»º ¿²¼ ­¸«¬ ¼±©² ½´¿³ º·­¸·²¹ ·² ¬¸» ¿®»¿ «²¬·´ ¬¸» ͬ¿¬» ½±²½´«¼»¼ ¬¸» ¿®»¿ ©¿­ ­¿º» ¿¹¿·²ò ©·¬¸ ¿²§ ¯«»­¬·±²ò ß­ º±® ¬¸·­ ®±«²¼ ©·¬¸ ¬¸» ¿´¹¿»ô Ô±²¹ ×­´¿²¼ ͱ«²¼ ¿²¼ ¬¸» ©¿¬»®­ ­«®®±«²¼·²¹ Ú·­¸»®­ ×­´¿²¼ ¿²¼ Í»» §±« ±² Ì«»­¼¿§ò ±«® ­±«²¼ ±² «° ¬± θ±¼» ×­´¿²¼ ¿®» ­¬·´´ ½±²­·¼»®»¼ ­¿º» º®±³ ¬¸» ®»¼ ¿´¹¿» ¬¸¿¬ ¸¿­ ¾»»² ¿ºº»½¬·²¹ ¿®»¿­ ·² Ó¿·²» ¿²¼ ¿´±²¹ ¬¸¿¬ ½±¿­¬ò Page 7 ÊÑÔËÓÛ ïô ×ÍÍËÛ ï HOCH FAMILY DOES IT AGAIN!!! 1982: Scott (Hoch) Peffley, age 11, wins Men’s Division of one-mile Sea Stretcher race. Rules change and a “12 and under” division is begun for boys and girls for 1983! 1986: Susanae Hoch Glovacki wins Women’s Division of one-mile Sea Stretcher race!! 1992: Dave, with son Zachary Hoch in jogger, wins Men’s Division of one- mile Sea Stretcher race!!! 2005: Timothy Hoch, age 10 (Dave’s younger son), wins the “12 and under” Boys Divi- sion of one-mile Sea Stretcher race!!!! This year it was Tim Hoch who won the one-mile race; twenty-three years ago his cousin, Scott Peffley, did it!! Then Dave Hoch entered the one-mile race in 1992 while pushing son Zack, then 9 months old, in the jogger, and they won!! Zack’s comment to- day: “And I crossed the finish line first!” We have a picture of Susanae receiving the tro- phy for the same distance in the Women’s Division in 1986. There have been many mem- bers of the Hoch family in Sea Stretcher races since Joe Rogan started these races way back when. Zack came in second in the “12 and under” division four or five years in a row. Dick Hoch has run in all the divisions except the one-mile and he’s also had a part in the training of all his nephews. Carol Ann (Hoch) Peffley has “walked-run” both the three-mile and the one-mile several times. Barbara Hoch cheers them all on as Doc Hoch did for many years after riding in the “little red convertible” as Grand Marshal of the parade. It’s all great fun and we look forward to it every year. There will be a full write up of this years race in the August issue with all of the fund raising info and the rest of the win- ners as we were unable to get all the info in time for July. ׳¿¹·²»ô ¿ ©¿®³ ½±¦§ »²ª·®±²³»²¬ ©¸»®» º¿³·´·»­ Þ§ Ù·¹· Ó«®°¸§ ®»´¿¨ ¬±¹»¬¸»® ±ª»® ¸±¬ ½±½±¿ ¿²¼ ¿ ¸»¿®¬§ ¾®»¿µó º¿­¬ô ©¸»®» ²»·¹¸¾±®­ ª·­·¬ ¹¿¬¸»®»¼ ¿®±«²¼ ¾±©´­ ͱ ¸»®» §±« ¿®» ±² Ú·­¸»®­ ×­´¿²¼ô ¿©¿§ º®±³ ¬¸» ¸«­¬´» ¿²¼ ¾«­¬´» ±º ¬¸» ³¿·²´¿²¼ô ¿²¼ Î××ËÜÖËÜÏÉÊÎÈÍÊÜÏÙÚËÔÊÍÊÜÑÜÙÊuÆØÑÚÎÐØÉÎÎÈË §±« ¿®» ©±®µ·²¹ ±² ®»´¿¨·²¹ò ̸» ±²´§ ¬·³» §±« ¿®» «°¬·¹¸¬ô °®±¾¿¾´§ô ·­ ©¸»² §±« ³¿µ» ¬¸¿¬ ÔÑÒÙ ª·­·±² ±º ¬¸» ¼·²»® ©» ¿®» °®±°±­·²¹ÿ É» ¿®» ´±±µ·²¹ ¼®·ª» «° ×­´¿²¼ò Ü®·ª·²¹ º¿­¬»® ¹»¬­ §±« ¬¸»®» ³«½¸ ­±±²»® ®·¹¸¬á Ò±¬ ²»½»­­¿®·´§ò ̸» ¼·ºº»®»²½» ¬± ½®»¿¬» ¿ °»®­±²¿¾´»ô ´±½¿´ »­¬¿¾´·­¸³»²¬ º±® ±«® ¾»¬©»»² ¼®·ª·²¹ ¿¬ ¿ ¸·¹¸ ø¼¿²¹»®±«­÷ ­°»»¼ ¿²¼ ¿ ´±© ø­¿º»÷ ­°»»¼ ·­ ¿½¬«¿´´§ ±²´§ ¿¾±«¬ º·ª» ½±³³«²·¬§ ±º ©·²¬»® ¿²¼ ­«³³»® ®»­·¼»²¬­ò ̸·²µ ³·²«¬»­ò Ò±¬ ©±®¬¸ ¬¿µ·²¹ ¬¸» ®·­µ ¾»½¿«­»æ ðÜÄÛØËËÄë÷ùÎËúÕØØËÊÆÔÉÕÎÈÉÉÕØÛØØËÊu ̸» ¼·²»® ©±«´¼ ¾» ±°»² é ¼¿§­ ¿ ©»»µô §»¿® ïò Ü®·ª·²¹ ­´±©»® ¹·ª»­ §±« ³±®» ¬·³» ¬± ®»¿½¬ ¬± ¬¸¿¬ ­«¼¼»² ¿²·³¿´ ·² ¬¸» ®±¿¼ò ®±«²¼ò ׺ ¬¸» ½±³³«²·¬§ ½»²¬»® ·­ ·² ¬¸» ­¿³» ¾«·´¼ó îò Ü®·ª·²¹ ­´±©»® ´±©»®­ §±«® ¸»¿®¬ ®¿¬» ¿´´±©·²¹ º±® ¿ º»© ³±®» §»¿®­ ¬± ´·ª»ò ·²¹ ©» ©±«´¼ ¿´­± ¸¿ª» ¸±«®­ ·² ½±²¶«²½¬·±² ©·¬¸ ¬¸» ½»²¬»®ò Ü«®·²¹ ©·²¬»® ¿²¼ ­°®·²¹ ­¬±®³­ ±«® íò Ü®·ª·²¹ ­´±©»® ·­ ´»­­ ±º ¿ ­¬®¿·² ±² §±«® ½¿® ø¹·ª»² ¬¸» ¬©·­¬»¼ ®±¿¼­ ±² Ú·­¸»®­÷ò ¼·²»® ©±«´¼ ¾» ±°»² ¿²¼ ­«°°±®¬·²¹ ¬¸» ¾®¿ª» ­±«´­ ìò Ü®·ª·²¹ ­´±©»® ±²´§ ¬¿µ»­ º·ª» ³·²«¬»­ ³±®»ò Ì·³» ©»´´ ­°»²¬ò ©¸± ¿®» ±«¬ °´±©·²¹ ¿²¼ µ»»°·²¹ ±«® ·­´¿²¼ «° ¿²¼ ®«²²·²¹ô ©·¬¸ º®»­¸ ½±ºº»»ô ¸±¬ ³«ºº·²­ ¿²¼ ¿ ©¿®³ ðîêéÔÐÍÎËÉÜÏÉÑÄnÙËÔÇÔÏÖÊÑÎÆØËÜÑÑÎÆÊÄÎÈÍÑØÏÉÄÎ×ÉÔÐØÉÎÊØØÜÛÔÚÄÚÑØËÜÏÙÖÔÇØÉÕØÐ ­»²­» ±º ½±³³«²·¬§ò °´»²¬§ ±º ®±±³ò É» »²ª·­·±² ïë ¬± î𠬿¾´»­ô ¿­ ©»´´ ¿­ ¿ ²·½» ̸»®» ¿®» ´±¬­ ±º °»±°´» ±² Ú·­¸»®­ ©¸± ©±«´¼ ®·¼» ¬¸»·® ¾·µ»­ ³±®» ·º ¬¸»§ µ²»© ¬¸» ®±¿¼­ ¸±®­»­¸±» ­¸¿°»¼ ­²¿½µ ¾¿® ¾»·²¹ ¬¸» ¸»¿®¬ ±º ±«® ©»®» ­¿º»ò ̸¿¬ ·­ô ·º ¬¸»®» ©»®» ½¿®­ ¼®·ª·²¹ ­´±©´§ò Û²½±«®¿¹» ¬¸¿¬ÿ д»¿­» ¬¿µ» ³±®» ¬·³» ¬± ¹»¬ ¼·²»®ô ©¸»®» ¾®»¿µº¿­¬ ¿²¼ ´«²½¸ ©·´´ ¾» ¿ª¿·´¿¾´» ¬± »¿¬ ·² ±® ¬± ¹±ò ß­ ©» ¹®±© ©» ©±«´¼ ´·µ» ¬± ½®»ó ÉÕØËØôÍËÎÐÔÊØÄÎÈiÑÑ×ÔÏÙÔÉÆÎËÉÕÆÕÔÑØÔÐÐØÙÔÜÉØÑÄ ¿¬» ´·³·¬»¼ ¼·²²»® ³»²«­ò É» ¿®» ·²¬»®»­¬»¼ ·² ¿²§ ¯«»­¬·±²­ ¿²¼ ½±³³»²¬­ ¬¸» ½±³³«²·¬§ ¸¿­ ¿²¼ ¬¸·­ ·­ ¿ ¹±±¼ ¬·³» ±º §»¿® ¬± ¹»¬ ª¿®·±«­ ®»¿½¬·±²­ò ݱ²¬¿½¬ Ø¿®±´¼ ¿¬ ̸»®» ©»®» ¬©»´ª» º·®» ½¿´´­ ¿²¼ ¬¸·®¬»»² ¿³¾«´¿²½» ½¿´´­ ¼«®·²¹ ¬¸·­ ¬·³»ò ̸» Í»¿ ͬ®»¬½¸»® ¸¿®½±àº·­¸»®­·­´¿²¼ò²»¬ ±® ½¿´´ ¸·³ ¿¬ ëëìêò É» ©¿­ ¿´­± «­»¼ ­»ª»®¿´ ¬·³»­ô ¾«¬ ¬¸» ²«³¾»®­ ©»®» ²±¬ ¿ª¿·´¿¾´» ¿¬ ¬¸» ¬·³» ¬¸·­ ©»²¬ ¬± °®»­­ò ¿®» ·²¬»®»­¬»¼ ·² ·¼»¿­ ±® ­«¹¹»­¬·±²­ ¿¾±«¬ ¬¸» ¼·²»®å ©» ©»´½±³» ·²°«¬ò ̸¿²µ­ô Ø¿®±´¼ Operation Hours ÌØÛ ×ÍÔßÒÜ ÑÚÚ×ÝÛô Ú×Ýß ßÒÜ Compost Facility: M-F 8:00am-12:00pm, 12:30pm-4:30pm ×ÍÔßÒÜ ÝÑÓÓËÒ×ÌÇ ÞÑßÎÜ Sat. 8:00am-12:00pm Ferry Reservations: M-Sat. 9am-12pm ÐòÑò Þ±¨ ìêì Ú·­¸»®­ ×­´¿²¼ô Ò»© DZ®µ Ferry Freight Office: M-F 7:45am-12:30pm, 1:30pm-4:45pm ðêíçð online at fiferry.com и±²»æ êíïóéèèóéççð Ú¿¨æ êíïóéèèóéççð F.I. Library: M&F 1pm-5pm, W 1pm-6pm Û³¿·´æ ³¸¿®®àº·­¸»®­·­´¿²¼ò²»¬ Sat. 9am-12pm F.I. Bowling Sat. 6:30pm-9:30pm × ©·­¸ ¬± ¬¸¿²µ ¿´´ ¬¸±­» ©¸± ¸¿¼ ¿²§¬¸·²¹ F.I. Museum Tu-F 10am-12:30pm & 2pm-4pm, ¬± ¼± ©·¬¸ ³§ ­«®°®·­» °¿®¬§ ¿¬ ¬¸» ½¿­¬´»ò × ©±«´¼ »­°»½·¿´´§ ´·µ» ¬± ¬¸¿²µ Ô»» ¿²¼ ß´´·» Ø¿²´»§ º±® ¬¸» Sat.10am-12:30pm,Sun. 11am-12pm «­» ±º ¬¸»·® ¾»¿«¬·º«´ ¸±³» º±® ¬¸» »ª»²·²¹ ¿²¼ Hair of the Dog: M-Thu. 10am-12pm & 3-5pm, Ö¿²·± ¿²¼ Û´·¿²¿ Í°·²±´¿ º±® ¹»¬¬·²¹ ¬¸» ¹®±«²¼­ ¿²¼ ¸±³» ®»¿¼§ º±® ¬¸» »ª»²·²¹ò F-Sat. 10am-12pm & 3pm-7pm. × ©±«´¼ ´·µ» ¬± ¬¸¿²µ ¬¸» °¿®¬§ ±®¹¿²·¦»®­ Island Hardware: M-F 8am-3:45pm, Sat. 8am-12pm Ô¿«®·» Ú·²¿²ô α¾»®¬¿ Û´©»´´ô ݧ²¬¸·¿ η´»§ô Õ»² Ü«¹¿­ô Ö»­·½¿ Ó¿¨¿² ¿²¼ Ù¿·´ ݧ°¸»®¼ò × ©±«´¼ Island Mobil: M-F 8am-4:30pm, Sat/Sun. 8am-12:00pm ¿´­± ´·µ» ¬± ¬¸¿²µ »ª»®§±²» ©¸± ½±²¬®·¾«¬»¼ ·² ¿²§ ©¿§ ¬± ¿ °»®º»½¬ »ª»²·²¹ò ̸¿²µ­ ¬± ¬¸» ¾¿²¼ º±® The News Café: M-F 7am-1pm, Sat. 8am-1pm ÍÑÜÄÔÏÖÐÄ×ÜÇÎËÔÉØlùÜÏÏÄûÎÄkôÊÕÜÑÑÐÔÊÊÄÎÈ Our Lady of Grace: Tu,W,Thu,F-7am S/S-6pm. Sun 10am ¿´´ò Ó§ §»¿®­ ¸»®» ¸¿ª» ¾»»² »²¶±§¿¾´»ò DZ« ©·´´ ¿´©¿§­ ¾» ³§ º®·»²¼­ò Í·²½»®»´§ô Rummage: п«´ Ú·¬¦¹»®¿´¼ Peepfrogs: Tu, Th, Sat. 10am-1pm, 2pm-4pm Pequot: M-F 4:30-close. Food M-F 5pm-10pm æ Í°±®¬­ ·²­¬®«½¬±® º±® ×ÐÐ ¬»»² ­«³³»® Lunch: Fri 11:30-2:00pm, Sat/Sun 12:30pm- °®±¹®¿³ò ײ­¬®«½¬±® ©·´´ ­«°»®ª·­»ñ½±¿½¸ñ®»º»®»» ¿ ­°±®¬­ ¹¿³» ´¿­¬·²¹ î ¸®­ò Ѳ» ¼¿§ñ©»»µô ½±«´¼ Hotel call: 7246 5:00pm, dinner 5-10pm »¨°¿²¼ ¬± ¬©±ò Ñ°»² ¬± ª¿®·±«­ ­°±®¬­ô ©»»µ¼¿§ ¬± Post Office: M-F 8am-5pm, Sat. 8am-1pm ¾» ¼·­½«­­»¼ò ¸¿®¼©±®µ·²¹ µ·¼­ò ×ÐÐ ·­ °«¬¬·²¹ ¬±¹»¬¸»® window hours: M-F 8am-1pm, 2:15pm-5pm ¿ ³¿­¬»® ´·­¬ ±º ¬¸±­» ©·­¸·²¹ ¬± ³¿µ» ¬¸»³­»´ª»­ Sat. 8am-11:15am ¿ª¿·´¿¾´» º±® ½¸·´¼ó­·¬¬·²¹ ¿²¼ ª¿®·±«­ ±¼¼ ¶±¾­ò ̸·­ ´·­¬ ©·´´ ¾» °±­¬»¼ ¿¬ ¬¸» ­½¸±±´ ¿²¼ ½¿² ¾» ®»ó St. John’s Sun 8am and 10am (1st&3rd) ª·»©»¼ ¼«®·²¹ ×ÐÐ ¸±«®­ øçóïî ©»»µ¼¿§­÷ò Í»²¼ ²¿³»ô ¼¿¬»­ ¿ª¿·´¿¾´» ¿²¼ ¿¹» ¬± Ù·¹· Ó«®°¸§ò Texaco: M-F 8am-4:15pm Sat. 8am-1pm ßÜËÔÌÍ ÑÒÔÇ Transfer Station: M,Tu,Th,F 7:30am-12:30pm, 1:30-4:30pm ×ÐÐ ·­ °«¬¬·²¹ ¬±¹»¬¸»® ¿ ´·­¬ ±º ¶±¾­ ¬± ¾» Sat. 7:30am-11:30am, Sun. 10am-1pm ¼±²»ò ׺ §±« ¸¿ª» ¿ ¶±¾ô ½±³» ¬± ¬¸» ­½¸±±´ ¿²¼ ¿¼¼ ÔÉiÊÊÍØÚÔ×ÔÚÜÉÔÎÏÊÉÎÉÕØÑÔÊÉÎËøÐÜÔÑöÔÖÔðÈËÍÕÄ Toppers: Everyday Noon-9pm n Thrift Shop: Union Chapel: Sun 10am. Thu 4-6pm, Sat 10-12 Ù·¹· Ó«®°¸§ éèèóéèéé Village Market: M-Sat. 8:30am-1pm, Sun. 8:30am-1pm ¹·¹·³«®°¸§àº·­¸»®­·­´¿²¼ò²»¬