HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/2005VOLUME 1, ISSUE 7 FISHERS ISLAND’S MONTHLY COMMUNITY CALENDAR AUGUST, 2005 The Town of Southold has funded a study about Fishers Island that should prove to be a useful tool for us as we evaluate our growth for the coming years. The Hamlet Study is a collection of maps, resources, and various important data about the Island. Since we are a hamlet of Southold Town and that the Town has already paid for and conducted studies on its other hamlets, it is now our The dedicated group of turn to benefit from these useful planning services. A professional planner people working on the Is- from Long Island, Pat Cleary of Cleary Consultants, will be meeting with a land Community Center group of stakeholders from Fishers and pulling information about what the outdid themselves in July. On Sunday the 24th they held a Block Party in front of their Island needs from them in order to conduct the study. The “stakeholder group” proposed new center at Building 98. The day was a great success, drawing in around being used for this process is the Island Community Board and some of the 200 guests to eat free food, listen to the band and tour the space that is being proposed FICA directors. This group is widely representative and good for the study as the workout facility. T-Shirts were sold by Sara McLean as the first fundraising step because most of these people were voted into this position by Island residents for the project and donations were accepted for the food. The band, The Everyday during the ICB elections held in June. Cleary had suggested we use a group Visuals, played for free due to the hard work of Committee member, Karla Heath, who that pulls in people from all ends of the Island so that the study can represent orchestrated several of the day’s details. Committee Chairwoman, Judi Imbriglio was various needs and desires for the growth direction of the whole Island. The on hand to listen to suggestions and give tours. She and her grandson, Tyler Rogers, study will focus on our “Hamlet Center” this is the area (or areas) that the stakeholders identify as important centers of activity on the Island. These areas also spent hours cleaning up the building for the day. Charlie Stepanek was the M.C. will be focused on and evaluated for land use potentials, existing land uses and for the event adding his typical color to the day. Grace Burr and Jeanne Schultz’s sister, ownerships as well as infrastructure and capacity limitations. Louise conducted the cupcake decorating events for the children, which was greatly enjoyed. As for food, the day would not have come off without the help of Joe and The first meeting with Pat Cleary was July 8th at the ICB monthly meeting. Sarah Hirschfeld, Joe Brock, Sue and Aaron Lusker, Greg Cypherd, and Mike Imbriglio There the group began explaining to Cleary what Fishers needed from this who master minded the grilling. Mike Conroy wired us for sound! study, as the whole thing will be driven by this stakeholder group. Cleary made notes and had a mapping exercise or two for the group. It was generally It was a sunny and warm day and the decided that Fisher’s “Hamlet Center” spreads throughout the west end. dedication of the volunteers and Com- Cleary left with the task of collecting as much information as he can on the mittee members made the whole thing a areas of importance on the west end and will return for the next Hamlet Study success. There was one element in the meeting with information for the group to think about and build on. Cleary mix of this that was most crucial, stressed several times that he needed the group to focus on “worst case scenar- shade. Marlin Bloethe helped to shade ios” for the Island and to wonder where growth should be concentrated if the band and James Hall saved the day growing were to occur at some point in the future. Be it residential or commer- by swooping in thirty minutes before the party began with his huge new party tent. He cial growth, it should be guided. He wanted the group to think about how to assembled a group of volunteer helpers and had the tent up in no time. The tent made control possible growth on the Island by giving ideas about where that might standing outside on asphalt in June perfectly pleasant. This tent is usually rented out for happen. a fee and he was kind enough to donate the use of it for the party. The whole day was a There were questions about the Island’s environmental resources as well as great display of community and gave a good feeling to the committee about the fate of water, electric and other infrastructural capacities. The study will last several the Community Center. As long as we have an active community that helps and cares months with periodic meetings of the stakeholders. In the end, Fishers will for each other like this, the center have a document that evenly states the desires of the Island in terms of dealing can be a success. with the next thirty to forty years of life on Fishers. To keep this project in perspective, let’s all think about what it would have been like to have had this kind of planning tool when the Fort was being disassembled. It always makes good sense to do good planning and we are lucky to have this opportunity and to have such a good group of stakeholders to work on this task. The Fog Horn will keep you posted on the findings of the study as they come into being and all of the findings will be available in the Island Office for anyone interested in having a look. The completed studies of Southold’s other hamlets are avail- able there now as well. 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They were world famous Jungle Explorers. Suddenly loud voices and the sound of running feet startled them. Turning around, they realized they were surrounded by Radiation Mutated Pigeons imitating Muckmen. Big muckmen yielding silver sabers and nasty knives! Soon, the Jungle Explorers were rounded up and tied to a tree. It was clear that the loud, scary looking Pigeon Muckmen meant to harm Danielle, Krystal and Charlie. This was not good. Not good at all! Danielle and Krystal cried out, “Seor Geraldo, Seor Geraldo!” Charlie told the bad men, “Our friend is going to come and save us.” “Yeah, right” said the scariest of the Pigeon Muckmen. “What can one guy do to help you? There are nine of us, we have guns and knives.” He chuckled nastily. Heh, heh, heh.....His gold tooth glinted in the sun. Krystal, Charlie and Danielle looked at each other and exchanged a small smile. Even though they were tied to a tree and found the knives and guns rather frightening, they knew that their friend would come. Charlie called out, “Seor Geraldo!” Krystal joined in , “Seor Geraldo, Seor Geraldo!” Danielle looked up, peering into the dark jungle forest, “Here he comes.” With the full fury of an angry tiger, Seor Geraldo came leaping out of the trees, sprang into the air, showing his long fangs and sharp golden claws. With a mighty roar he landed on the back of one of the bad guys, eating him up. Then in a wild swirl of orange and black, he sprang from man to man to man, until one by one each of the Radiation Mutated Pigeons pretending to be Muckmen was flat on the ground, begging not to be eaten. Seor Geraldo licked his lips, then calmly, quietly went about chewing the ropes that held Krystal, Danielle and Charlie tied to a tree. Once released, the three jungle explorers leapt on the back of their tiger friend and stalked into the jungle. With a giant push off of his hind legs, Seor Geraldo lifted up and flew into the sky. Since he had eaten a mutated pigeon he could now fly! The Jungle Explorers and Seor Geraldo flew off into the wild blue yonder in search of Alaska, Nepal, Texas, Macchu Pichu, The Sierra Nevadas or Stonehenge. In other words, to seek adventure.......It is always good to have a tiger as a friend. 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Museum Tu-F 10am-12:30pm & 2pm-4pm, Í«²¼¿§ ß«¹«­¬ îï Sat.10am-12:30pm,Sun. 11am-12pm ì°³ ¿¬ Ù»±¹®¿°¸·½ ײº±®³¿¬·±² ͧ­¬»³­ô ±® Ù×Íô ·­ ±²» ±º ¬¸» ´»¿­¬ µ²±©²ô ¾«¬ º¿­¬»­¬ ¹®±©·²¹ ¬»½¸²±´±¹·»­ ·² Hair of the Dog: M-Thu. 10am-12pm & 3-5pm, ¬¸» ©±®´¼ò Ûª»®§¼¿§ ­±³» ¿­°»½¬ ±º Ù×Í ·­ º«®¬¸»® ·²½±®°±®¿¬»¼ ·²¬± ±«® ´·ª»­ ¬¸®±«¹¸ ¬¸·²¹­ ´·µ» ª»¸·ó F-Sat. 10am-12pm & 3pm-7pm. ½´» ²¿ª·¹¿¬·±² ­§­¬»³­ô Ûçïïô ±® ½±³³»®½·¿´´§ ¼»ó ª»´±°»¼ ´±½¿¬·±² ¾¿­»¼ ­»®ª·½»­ò Island Hardware: M-F 8am-3:45pm, Sat. 8am-2:00pm Ô»¿®² ©¸¿¬ Ù×Í ·­ô ¸±© ·¬ ·­ «­»¼ ½±³³»®½·¿´´§ô ¿²¼ Island Mobil: M-F 8am-4:30pm, Sat/Sun. 8am-12:00pm ¸±© ¬± ¬¿µ» ¿¼ª¿²¬¿¹» ±º ·¬ ·² ¬¸» º«¬«®»ò ß´­±ô ´»¿®² ¸±© ·¬ ©¿­ «­»¼ ·² ¬¸» çñïï ®»½±ª»®§ »ºº±®¬­ ¿²¼ ·­ The News Café: M-F 7am-1pm, Sat. 8am-1pm ½«®®»²¬´§ ¾»·²¹ ·²½±®°±®¿¬»¼ ·²¬± »³»®¹»²½§ ®»ó ­°±²­» ¿²¼ ¸±³»´¿²¼ ­»½«®·¬§ò Ú·²¿´´§ô ´»¿®² ¸±© §±« ½¿² ª·»© ¬¸» ´¿¬»­¬ ¿»®·¿´ °¸±¬±¹®¿°¸§ ¿²¼ ±¬¸»® Our Lady of Grace: Tu,W,Thu,F-7am S/S-6pm. Sun 10am Ù×Í ¼¿¬¿ ½«®®»²¬´§ ¿ª¿·´¿¾´» º±® Ú·­¸»®­ ×­´¿²¼ ¿¬ ²± ½±­¬ò Rummage: Þ®«½» Ñ­©¿´¼ô ¿ ´·º»ó´±²¹ ­»¿­±²¿´ ®»­·¼»²¬ ±º Ú·­¸ó Peepfrogs: Tu, Th, Sat. 10am-1pm, 2pm-4pm »®­ ×­´¿²¼ô ·­ ¬¸» º±®³»® ß­­·­¬¿²¬ Ü·®»½¬±® º±® Ñ°»®¿ó ¬·±²­ ¿¬ ¬¸» ÒÇÍ Ñºº·½» ±º ݧ¾»® Í»½«®·¬§ ¿²¼ Ý®·¬·½¿´ Pequot: M-F 4:30-close. 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