HomeMy WebLinkAboutFishers Island Railroad 1 . - ~flillfoRb It' - / - J . J '-If/SheRS -LSiA'fc;L.. ---------------li:folP-- re y 1\1 H R REA S the "'ISHRRS ISLANj) RA.IU'<OAj) COMPA.1>lY, a street surface railroad cor:)oration, has made application b3' petition in writing to the Highway Com- missionerf of the Town of South'lOld, in the Count;;' of Suf- fOlk, State of New York, for consent to construct, main- tain and operate a railroad upon the surface of through and along certain streets and avenues in Fishers Island, in said Town of SoutIL"fJ.old, to wit: BEGINNING, at the Mansion Wharf thence to Crescent Avenue, thence upon Crescent Avenue to Equestrian Avenue to the Press Barn so-called, thence by Beach Avenue to and upon Heathulie Avenue and Ettrick Street to Oriental Avenue; on Oriental Avenue from its intersection with Equestrian and Crescent Avenues to Mount Prospect; thence by }[ontauk Avenue to the place lIIf ~ beginning at Mansion Wharf; and also that part of Crescent r/ Avenue which lies between the interseotion of first de- I scribed lines from Mansion Wharf to Crescent Avenue; by Crescen~ Avenue to the MunnatawketWhar.t and such side track~ as may be necessary and convenient thereto. And for con- sent to construct such switches, sidings, turn-outs and turn-tables and suitable stands as may be necessary for the convenient working of said railroad. And W HER E A S the said Highw~ Commissioner;{ before acting upon said application gave public notice thereof, and of the time and plaoe when such applioation would first be oonsidered, whioh notioe was published in said Town pursuant to law for at least fourteen day. i~ the ~ '" ~1ffl4""~~lR.^-.,- a newspaper published in the said Town of Southhold in conformity and in com- pliance with Section 92 of the Railroad Law. And , ; ,"i.),i:U,'k::(I:lJ~:');;i'.: ,,"I'f,""""A~' , _,' i':"i'r'~~'~t.~:;,!, ':._; it;" ': 1;,!,f)~;{~11j:I.:.; I' :,,:1, '!tC<1 .-. ......,---..,.,.....".-._~.._.,~ ~- l!i_! R_!_~_L- at the time and plaoe nwned in said notice tne said applioation was duly considered and the said railroad company and the persons appearing at said time and place were heard in relation to said appli- cation, and ( WHEREAS the said Highw~d Com- missioners of the To\'m of SO'.lthl-told, have dete'"l1lined that consent shall be siven to the oonstnlction, maintenance and operation of said railroad, and of such switohes, sidings, turnouts and t'.lrnt1l.bles and suit'.l.ble stands a.s may be nec'- " 6ssary for the oonvenient working of said railroad, there- fore, be it RES 0 L V E D that said oonsent be and the same hereby is given,pursuant to The Fishers Island Railroad Company, law, to the said i ,'" to erect, maintain , artl1./J / c', }/ ..1 I operate a railroad upon the surface of through and along the following streots and avenues of the said Town of South hold, to wit: BEGINHNG, at the Mansion Wharf thence to Crescent Avenue, thence upon Crescent Avenue to Equestrian \ I \ I, Avenue to the Press Barn so-called, thence by Be~ch Avenue to ~od upon Heathulie Avenue and Ettrick St~eet to Oriental Avenuei on Oriental Avenue from its intersection with Equestrian and Crescent Avenues to Mouat Prospect, thence by Montauk Avenue to the place of beginning at Mansion Wha.r1"i and also that part of Crescent Avenue which lies between the intersection of first described lines from Mansion Wharf to Crescent Avenue, by Crescent Avenue to the Munnatawket Whe.r.f and such side tracksas ma;y be necessary and conven ien t thereto. And consent is also hereby given to said Company to construct upon said st~eets and avenues ~- . "'~~1),"'''''''''el'(r >l";!:f~if!'r , &' f .., \ -~'.>~(f$~i7;,1!,?!~ . ., .,. . ., ~ ~', t ~" , " . J :,;~:, ' ',:,1 > .. ... ~ such swit~hes, turnouts and tu~n-tables and suitable stands as maybe necessary for the convenient working of said rail~oad: further RES OL ,.~, E. ~ ,;- }~j;,~);le"f,o+.iegp,ing co.ns~n t , ' .. . was given upon the following expressed condition, to wit: That the Provisions of Article IV of the Rail- road Law pertinent thereto shall be complied with. That th~ oonl:le.~ t~ shall \e 'r iled. in the office of the Clerk of '\ \ Suffolk Count;)'. ...., " ' <; . ',' , '.., -""----'- -' ~ '.. ......--------.'." ~~~6~L~ ~ . -- "., ~b- (/-L-~ ~. ~~.,~.~ j) ~~' , /"' ~ ~~~~ 1 u:;; ~.''b ~ ~~./ , ~.~., ~ ~~.~ &/n<-~ ~~ ~~..~ ~. ~;~ "~~~'-'~'~ ~,~-~\.~. ' ~ ~ ..,~ \ ~.~-~" ..u!- ~~ft ~, 1;\,. ~~. '~<~'( .~,n ',', '" '\ . D '" . 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Ie ~ d---.. I"~(/t'u--k- - / 'ff . ".'. ;'''::':\J'.~:J:vr7'' [ ~719 d .," ~ I /~ . 'to r":' . ~. ~r~ r' E-< I ~ ",? '7 ~- <t. ,~ f" c (.-; t:: 0 <:) "" r, 0 tQ P" C <:) E-< ~ ir; f:tE H ? ~ C' < Z 0 ~ H C H 0 ,~ a:' u:o ~', ~ .1 r=i tQ ~ H I H ;::> 4, ~, ~' I'-:~ ~ tQ 0 ",' 0 0 ~ I 0 n: ~ ,--, t) ~ ~ .~ ,.-..., ~ t:," (.-; ,- >; ..., ~ 0-1 4, i"'\ 1J) 0 '" {Q ~-':I H 5:' c- O po; H to U H 0 H ~ ~~ t..' '-' ~ t-.,... ..., !:r:: ~~ f;: it' tr.! ~. C H H .' E~ E-< 1J} " >, -"" Publio N otioe Is hereby stven tlursuantto" the losL tloos eontlJ,tned In a resolution duly' ad. ,- I tld on the 20th day of February, 1006. by t -J Highway Oommissioner of the Town of 8outhold. Bufl'olk. Oounty, N. Y.. that an application in writing has been made to the s&1d Htahway Oommissloner of the Town of Sonthold. by tbe Fisher's Island Railroad Oompany. for permission to con- struct. mainta.ln. use and operate a street surface raUroa.d for publ1c use in. through, upon a.ndalong the surface of streets, ave- nDelil Bnd highways 88 follows: Beglnninll' at the Mansion Wharf, thence to Orescent Avenue, thence upon Orescent Avenue to Equ8stda.n Avenue (;0 tbe Press Barn 80 called. thence by Beach Avenue to and up- on Heathul1e Avenue Bnd Ettrlck street to OrIental Avenue. on Oriental Avenue from itl!lintersection with Equestrian and Orescent A venues to Mount Prospect. thence by Montauk Avenue to the place of beginning at Mansion Wharf; and also that )t&rt of Orescent Avenue which lies be. tween the intersection of first described l1nes from Mansion Wharf to Ores~ent Auenue: py Orescent Avenue to the Mun~ natawket Wharf and such side tracks as may be necessary and convenient thereto. Notice 18. therefore. hereby given that the Highway Oommissioner of the Town of Bouthold wlll convene at the Town Olerk'.. oftlce. all Bouthold. in said Town of South- aid on the I:otb day of Marc:h. 1:906. at ~)lle Q'clock p. m. ot that day. at which time and place tbe aforesatd appl1catton will first be considered by the said Htgh- way Oommissioner and all persons who de- sire may be heard relative thereto. \ Dated. 20th day of ~~O=. H. Fr~EET Oommissioner of Htahwa"8.~uthOld Town f '-"'"~- STATE OF NEW YORK f SS. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I JO>)'f'k @f: dt:,/t,r/' "'f',? rlu~ .)11'0111, tkt k.e iJ tk.e jtll,dfd nJllI jtU/!/.;k.e1 ff 9/o1,? ~land ~:tvrtl, a jW//!f> llf4Jp.)- C;j} ~ M./... ~ ~ Ire';, jtiirtted at r&Orttt~otl, titll &:!/tllloII/ q;.Jotmty; cend ti:d tk.e no4re i wi:ri' Ii: rrJl- JU;,ud iJ a jtlt'nted Off'?' i:t.) leen jtu/l/ak.ed f,t . >J~" (1)) / d ~ / .) aUt ,- flJl~ Yo,lan _ ({JI i{}~ei -once , ~M.""4..-.-t~~ wee' Ill. ,I. . ................ . 1Uee'l1 iJflr~eiMi~rtJt.,f!tJll111U311e- Uf? 0" tk.e ,) o{ rial 0/ }-~~/ ,Jar-) ~?Vjl (C/he ti:, -ea'r' , /fOb (,-~ r L~\/ tnjk.~J ~~_I /1 ~'Ol1f to /!ole me .(-n~ /f()b y1" ( -,,1\ ___rlay ,/ ti:iJ '-I' 'I"';' /~ ~, 1_ ___II-___ I" f/" . -0./---"-'-1 '7 1..1,-/ t!J ? [Z- 2,,;2.,;: [ I~t;;,/'-cc ~.>'. ~+r . ..r:.. .,./.. <'.'.". p.. ' , f ,--~~~ \ Dated, I .' '~.="".~--._-- - - . . ~' r(i \ PUBIJIC NOTICE :~U;hUa.rlt to ~!1e is be,e ':1: given ;i 'I 11 instructions contained in a resolution duly '.l.clopted on the il <' '/. :,i '20 ~ da;y of -P~~11 1906, by th~_J{:;.~q~Vlay Com- il ~~""l"v." i missio!1er,t of the Town of SouthhOld1\ trlat an application in I II writing has been made to the said Highway CommiesionerJf of I C I' the Town of Southhold, by the 'Pishers Island Railroad om- il II pany for permif'sion to construct, mai!1tain, use and operate I[ a l:ltreet surf'ace railroad for public use i!1, tbrough, upon II il and along tbe sUY'fa.ce of stY'eets, avenues and highways as i! , follows :- BEGI~'a:NG, at the Mansion Whal'f thence to Cres- cent Avenue, thence upon Crescent Avenue to EquestY'ian Avenue to the Presf', Barn so-called, thence by Beach Avenue to and upon Heathulie Avenue al1d Ettrick Street to Oriental Avenue, on Oriental Avenue from its inteY'section with Equestrian and Cn,scent Avenues to Hount Prospect, thence by i! i! H I 1\ il ii .' Ii II 11 I, il Ii Montauk Avenue to the place of beginning at Mansion Wharf; and also that part of Crescent Avenue which lies between th~ intersection of first described lines from Mansion Wharf to , . Crescent Avenue; by Crescent Avenue to the Munnatawket Wharf and such side tracksas may be necessary and convenient thereto. NOTICE is, therefore, hereby given that the Town of Southhold on the F.~. 0' clock ...,0 f tha t at ~ aforesaid application will first u:: 0' _ da~r "' f./ '7 I ii /' / ~zp "7/ vr' :f,( L<' r ~.~IO ~~ '1, Of~~,1906. . - (~ ~ , ({I . 'ro t':le Honorable the CO!1ll!llsaione"s of' Highways, Town of f'outhhold., County of' SUffolk, State of 1,10"1 York. The petition of '''113 '\;'ISHERS 18TA'.;)JU\.IT.~OAJj CO"YldY resleotfu lly shows:- That your petitionor is a street surfaoe r&il- road. ooq'Jration, duly orga....,ized and inoorporated under and in lJUrSU!L1']oe of a..'l Aot of the :!.egislatll!"e of t'18 State of New York, entitled "Railroad Law". That the said oorpora- tion proposes to build, oonstruct, mainta.in and operate a "h~.rY'f ~. street surfaoe ral1roacafor public use in the conveyance of persons !L1']d property in cars for cOMpensation, in Fishers Island, Town of South':lold and Connty of Suffolk, upon and along the surfa.oes of tho followine; stroets, avenues and highw~s in said Fishe!"s Island, to wit, BEGIN~ING; at the " Httrick Street to Orienta.l Avenue; on Oriental Ave.me from its intersection with Equestrian and Crescent Avenues to Mount Prospect; thence by Monta.uk Avenue to the place of beginning at Mansion Wharf; and alsJ that part of Crescent Avenue which lies between the interseotion of 1'irst de- soribed lines from Mansion Wharf to Crescent Avenue; by Cre8cent Avenue to the Munnatawket 1\Iharfand such side tracll5 as may be necessary and oonvenient thereto. III I I I I I I I onl I I I i I ! Tha.t the ra.ilroad prol,08ed to be built, con- structed, maintained and opera.te' by your petitioner a.s hereinbefore set forth is intended to be o}er!l.ted by any motive power,other than locomotive steam power, Which now or at any time hereafter m~ be lawfully use' or amploy.' its route. -- 'i. I I I II II 'I I: 'I I, II I' 1 I , I 1 1 , , , " i !I I' 'I I '\ I , I II "1 t<, f 1 'I I d I' :j 'I ,I I. Ii t I \\ i I I ,.,-._~.........=.. -- --\ I Your petitioner further s~. that pursuant to \ I the laws of this State it i. nooessa!"y for it to obtain the \' consent of the Highway Commlssloners of the Town of South- . hold to enable it to construot. maintain and Olerate the railroad afor.sald. and accordln€ly your petitioner now applies to your Honorable :Body for such cOllsen t. W HER E 'q 0 R E your petitloner prays and makes application to the Honorable Highw~ Comui.sioners of \ the Town of Southhold for its consent and permi88ion to be granted to your petitioner, its sueceSsor, successor., lesseee and assigne to oonstruot. maintain and operate a street surfaoe railroad for public use through. upon and along the &yenues, streets and high~~S above set forth and describe.. together with all neoeesary oonnections, switohe , siding., turnouts. turn-tables. oross-overS and suitable stands for the convenient worklng of said railroad. and for the accOIIlIIloclations or the Company'. care whioh may be run oyer said railroa4 by your IJetitioner. its .ucceaaora. leasees or ..aigns; and also that oonsent and permission be granted to your pet1tioner. its aucees.or.. l...eea or as- signa to the erect10n upon said streets,avenues ~Jd high- II !i " Ii II I \ ways of the neoessary polea and the .tringing of wir.S so that the cars of sa1d Company ~ be moved by the meana or power of eleotr1city. Date4 ::t thil/O day ot 1906. .......,... I -il " G V.riM.-~ II I I I i I liy ~~. IST...AN~. RAlLROADOOMPANY ....... '~'~/H'~" .... Pres iden t. /' m ~ r I , ".. ~'-------'. ~ . . ~ {'t.-- -e.(-~ "\ e.. ~ ~ t;F: ~ . ~ o-"'~-"'~y~ I AA. ('.- ~ , '.~.YfJ~'~ ~~-~~~~ ~~. ~. ~ ~~r:JL-~~''', ~. I~ (0, '=::.r1.~ ~. _ _ lio," ~f ( .~ -. i' . . - ~, tU.-z;::.?i ~ ~. ~~~~ ~~~~,...:......u~ . . ~~ /" ~~c ~f ~ ~~~ ~". 1 ~~, ~ . ~, "- I'\..~ '-, .. ~ .. ~ '.., "'"""'~' - '\ /, "\ ,. ,. - .. iii.. l ~ :. f'" . " '" \......... " . ~ ~ _" .__~.____ _'~4--_C-_.~_ I, 4 ._._=----'..-,.-o.~_""_:..._ !~ i'-- I' t' . ~ \ i " . - " l'. ,