HomeMy WebLinkAboutMunicipal Electric Study .'... .>.b-_ "!: =" P ~~ r-.., -~ R.W. BECK AND AsSOCIATES ....."._",ZrS;0iJf -'. "; n E>..:GINEERS AND CONSULTA,'JTS ; I"'" -~:- ;.;;:'/' - I ''"'f'" i 1,''';''''J7 51 SAWYER ROAD T"W.... --..........--., V l'ti OF C:J~" l..~.. ;..., ..GE~ERALOffICE '''''J V f 1-',' . ;SfAITLf, WASHINGTON ... ~ri:l;hOne: 206-441-7500 Telex: 4';190402 8ECKSEA Waltham. MA Telecopier: 617-899.5460 PLANNING OESIO-l RATES ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS ,'o\ANACEMEN r TWO UNIVERSITY OFFICE PARK V\lALTHAM, MASSACHUSmS 0215-1.3448 617.899-0100 filE NO. MM-6474-EAl-CX -~. . .~.'---t/ ~ April 29, 1987 :. '. V",) pf"'lP Mr. Francis J. Murphy, Supervisor Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Supervisor Murphy: J_~~ ;':'; kk_ft(/b.~--- /7~ Subject: Fishers Island Municioal Electric Utility This letter sets forth the results of the engineering study authorized by the Town of Southold (the Town) regarding the establishment of a municipal electric utility to serve Fishers Island. This municipal electric utility would be operated by the Town and would result from the purchase of the electric distribution system currently owned by the Fishers Island Electric Corporation (FIEC or Company). As set forth in the written proposal approved by the Town in September 1986, certain basic assumptions were made in connection with the scope of the proposed study. The most important of these assumptions are that the operation of the electric distribution system will be the same under both forms of ownership and that the transaction will take place between a willing buyer and seller without significant litigation. As part of this assumption, the Company will retain any cash in surplus 'accounts and be responsible for outstanding debt resulting from its operation to the time of transfer of ownership. This study focuses upon the engineering-economic feasibility of the project and the authorized scope of services did not include a field surveyor a technical analysis of the electric distribution system. Scope of Services Upon receipt of a copy of the 1986 Annual Report of the FlEC to the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) from the Town on March 27, 1987, R. W. Beck and Associates undertook the following Scope of Services as set forth in the Professional Services Agreement approved by the Town: ''''all',- '.'.~. o,."1\t'f. ''':0' "",opnl'. .-,z. oJrianco. i'L. Columr'u". \,E. '-)O,tVl \\A' In{JIanapoih. I~' \,ljfmt>J[}(1iIS, ,\\'\J. ~dcramf'nto. c-\. -\u<,tm. rx. 'dsnville,:~. \Vashmgton, D.C . . Mr. Francis J. Murphy -2- April 29, 1987 1. Reviewed the reported operations of the Company and made appropriate modifications to items which would be affected by the proposed change of ownership including power supply cost, income and other taxes, and equity return. 2. Es t ima ted the hydropower and Fishers Island. cost of a power supply program based upon NYPA the associated cost to wheel and deliver power to 3. Developed operation operating a comparison of the estimated cost of with the reported cost of Company year covered by the PSC Report. proposed municipal operation for the 4. Based upon the comparison of the relative costs of municipal and Company operation, determined the amount that the Town could invest in establishing a municipal electric utility and not exceed the overall revenue requirement under continued Company operation in the operating year covered by the PSC Report. This "break even" investment amount is based upon repayment of a 20-year bond issue at a nine percent interest rate. 5. Provided the Town with this letter report detailing our findings. Review of Reported Companv Operations In reviewing the Company's operations with regard to identifying areas of potential savings under proposed municipal operation, it is useful to refer directly to certain schedules of the Annual Report beginning with the Income Account included as Attachment 1 to this letter. The items in the Income Account which are affected by the proposed change to municipal operation are: Operation and Maintenance Operating Taxes Operating Income Income Taxes Certain other items in the income statement will be discussed not because they change under municipal operation but to indicate that they "wash out" of the comparison. The following paragraphs will be a line by line discussion of the Income Account. All amounts are rounded to the nearest dollar for the sake of clari ty. The line item for Operating Revenues is in the amount of $712,932. Referring to the Operating Revenue Account (Attachment 2), we note that $654,408 is from sales of electricity and the remainder of the income would be from other sources. In developing the comparison of proposed municipal and existing Company operations, this additional income will "',..rash out" as not included in the determination of the average cost of electricity sold to consumers. . . Mr. Francis J. Murphy -3- April 29, 1987 The next line item is Operation and Maintenance in the amount of $501,245. Referring to the Operation & Maintenance Accounts (Attachment 3), the accounts include $254,430 for power purchased from Groton, Connecticut, the Company's wholesale power supplier. In comparing Company and proposed municipal operations, the rest of the Operation & Maintenance expenses will be considered separately from purchased power and assumed to be equal to $246,815 in each case. Purchased power costs will be discussed in detail in a later section of this letter. The line item for Depreciation will be the same for both Company and proposed municipal operation. The line item for Operating Taxes will be changed significantly under proposed municipal operation. Referring to the schedule for Taxes Charged During Year (Attachment 4), we find that the $76,388 shown on the Income Account includes all those items except Federal Income Tax and Deferred Federal Income Tax. Under proposed municipal operation, Operating Taxes would be reduced to $43,684 as a result of the elimination of the New York State Gross Earnings, Sales, and Gross Income Taxes and the Metropolitan Transit Tax Surcharge. While municipal operation is often described as tax-free, most municipals make a payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) to the community which, in this analysis, is assumed equal to the $34,776 Real Estate Tax item on Attachment 4. The remaining $8,908 is comprised of FICA, Federal and State Unemployment, NYS Disability and a truck license. While these may have different names under municipal operation and may not be called tax items, they are expenses that will be incurred in one form or another. For convenience and to keep clear where these items come from, we will carry them forward to the comparison of Company and proposed municipal operation as Operating Taxes. The remainder of the Income Account is not of particular concern for this analysis. The Company shows a pos i tive Total Utili ty Operating Income which indicates that it collects sufficient revenues through its rates to cover its cost of service and achieve a return on its equity investment. The Total Utility Operating Income is split between Income Taxes and profit (Balance Transferred to Surplus). In the purest form, the operation of a municipal utility would cover its cost through its rates with little if any "profitll and, of course, Income Taxes would not be paid on any surplus income. Cost of Power At present, the Company purchases almost all its power from Groton, Connecticut's municipal electric utility. In its Annual Report (Attachment 5), FIEC indicates purchases of 4,511,439 kWh and generation from the Company's own diesel generators of 4,000 kWh. The two operating diesel generators the Company owns are apparently only run in the event of a loss of the submarine cable from Groton as indicated by the small percentage of the total energy (0.1%) supplied by its own generation. The level of generation in the Annual Report would be in keeping with incidental operation during 1986 . . Mr. Francis J. Murphy -6- April 29, 1987 These costs total $487,225 and are shown in tabular form in Figure 2 at the end of this letter. Compared with the Company's revenue from sale of electricity of $654,408, this indicates a difference of $167,183 available to pay debt service and reduce electric rates under proposed municipal operation. Break Even Investment To this point, it has been calculated that the proposed municipal operation could be approximately $167,200 less expensive to the electric ratepayer before considering acquisition and startup costs if municipal operation had been implemented in 1986. This amount would be used to finance the purchase price of the utility from FIEC and associated startup costs and to reduce electric costs depending on the purchase price. The Scope of Services calls for the analysis to assume that electric service was offered on a break even basis to the ratepayers, that is the amount of bonds that could be issued with a first year debt service of $167,200 would all go to purchase the system and cover associated startup costs. Financing such a purchase in New York State requires the issuance of General Obligation Bonds (GO Bonds) with declining principal amounts such that no single principal payment exceeds any other payment by a factor of two. Of course, as the remaining principal decreases so does the annual interest payment, creating, in this case, a built in decrease in the cost of electric service, all other things being equal. Using a term of 20 years, a nine percent interest rate and assuming the first year's principal payment equal to twice the last year's; a first year debt service payment of $167,200 would support a total bond issue of $1,067,250. Assuming minimal startup costs due to the nature of the transaction, on the order of 10 percent of the issue, it appears that a purchase price of approximately $960,000 could be supported on a break even basis. In their Legal Report, Duncan, Weinberg and Miller suggest that the cost to purchase the properties would be more appropriately calculated based upon the Original Cost less Depreciation or Net Book Value method. In its 1986 PSC Report, the Company indicates Original Cost of Plant in Service of $1,052,127 and Reserves for Depreciation of $532,778 or a Net Book Value of $518,349. Allowing for $100,000 startup cost, a total bond issue of $618,349 would be required. The Net Book Cost calculation has been presented because the Legal Report indicates that a lower price than the break even cost can be justified. Also, we would anticipate that the ratepayers of the Company would expect some reduction in the cost of electricity to justify the effort of undertaking the municipalization of the electric utility. Under the Net Book Cost, purchase assumptions, a first year debt service payment of $96,874 would be required, yielding a first year total revenue requirements of $584,099 or 10.74 percent less than the 1986 income from sales of electricity reported by the Company and the amount used in the Break Even case. . . Mr. Francis J. Murphy -7- April 29, 1987 Swrunary Based upon the analysis conducted in the course of this study, it was determined that under the assumptions of a negotiated purchase of the Company by a municipal entity: 1. Certain taxes now paid by the Company could be eliminated under municipal operation. 2. The cost of NYPA hydropower and associated wheeling and delivery charges is es tima ted to be lower than the cos t of power paid by the Company to the wholesale supplier. 3. The level of savings in operating costs we have estimated could allow the proposed municipal utility provide electric service at the same cost as the Company in 1986 and allow the municipal system to pay the annual debt service on a GO Bond issued in the amount of $1,067,250 to cover purchase and startup cost. 4. Under the assumption that the Company's properties would be obtained at a cost equal to their Net Book Value and that total acquisition and startup could be financed with a GO Bond issue of $618,349, the municipal utility could offer ratepayers a savings of approximately 10.74 percent compared to the cost of power purchased from the Company in 1986. We are pleased to have been given the opportunity to prepare this analysis for the Town and would be glad to discuss the information presented in this letter in the event you have any further questions. Very truly yours, R. W. BECK AND ASSOCIATES GJM/pjl:0880e Attachments (/ /1:; / .( /.::-:/-:n../ (It.. h.-:,"".J_t..J.. . 9rego~y/J./Magarie , ,iJ i '''' pupe~~ing!Engineer I' / I , v v . \..,' . . Figure 1 ESTIMATED COST OF POWER FISHERS ISLAND MUNICIPAL UTILITY 1986 Char!;e Amount Quantity Cost NYPA Capacity $l2/kW-yr. 1,528 kW $ 18,336 NYPA Energy $ 0.00206/kWh 4,520,000 kWh 9,311 NYPP Wheeling $ 20/kW-yr. 1,528 kW 30,560 NEPOOL Wheeling $ 18/kW-yr. 1,528 kW 27.504 Groton Delivery $51. 84/kW-yr. 1,528 kW 79,214 Total Cost $164,925 . . ESTIMATED REVENUE REQUIREMENTS AND AMOUNT AVAILABLE FOR DEBT SERVICE PROPOSED FISHERS ISLAJID MUNICIPAL UTILITY FIEC Revenue from Sales of Electricity (1986) Revenue Requirement - Proposed Municipal Utility O&M Less Purchased Power Purchased Power, Wheeling and Delivery Depreciation P nOT Operating Taxes Total Amount Available for Debt Service Total Revenue Requirement Under Break Even Assumotion Total Revenue Require~ent Under Net Book Cost Assumotion $654,408 246,815 164,925 31,801 34,776 8,908 $487,225 $167,183 $654,408 $584,099 Figure 2 No reduction in cost to ratepayer 10.74% reduction in cost to ratepayer .~_..... -,., ~::::o. [r\~OME ACCOUNT. t ,. Show hentUnder the varioul itaml of the Income Account for the ye.r. 2. Corpol'3tions operating one decartment only may rntriet entrin to the calumn appllClble to that claa of operations; eO",orltionl opel'1lting more thin one dlClartment may show entri.. in the total column onlv for itlml of Other Income, Income Line No. 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1521. '1523. 1524. 1528. 1530. 1531. 1532. 1534. 1535. 1538. 1538. 1539. 1540. I tom 1501. 1502. 1503. 1.1 UTILITY OPERATING INCOME: Operating R.....nu.. (PP. 3()'31) Operwricn and flotaintlMnca (PP. 34, 36-371 OClrec:iat:ion Tau' Operating Expenta Amortlzation of Plent ACQUisition Adiultm.-ms (P. 101 Property La_ Charg.ble to Operations (P. 12) Opel'llting Tax. (Po 21) Total Operarinv RwenuI Oeductions N.r Opreming R_..,u. Income from Plant L.sed to Others (Po 38) Operating Income- Other Utility Operating Income- ToQl Utllitv.OPlming Income- OTHER INCOME: Income from NOrMJtility OPl1'1ltions Oividend R8Yenun (P. 12) Interest Rwenu. (P. 401 Mi.scellllneous non-operftina Income Toal Other Income Groa Incom,- INCOME OEDUCTIONS: Imenn on Lo~term Debt (0.181 Amortization of Debt DilCCunt and Expenses (P. 141 Amortization of Prwnium on Deet-ClWdit (P. 141 Imerest on Debt to Aaociat-=l Compeni_(p. 401 Other I ntlll"ltIt Charges (P. 401 Internt Cherg-=l to ConstrUction-Credit (P. 401 MiscaUanllOUslncome Deductions (P. 40) Incom. Taxes (P. 21) Total Income Deduction, Nit Incom,- DISPOSITION OF NET INCOME: Misell1l1neous RellNationl of Nit Income (P. 401 Salane. Transfwrld to SUt1)'us- . - . 1505. 1508. 1507. 15al. 1509. . A 1/71C /-li>! EN;. :1 v Deductions, lInd Disposition of Net Income, except in the cue of it4lT1s which can be identified with a partiCular department. 8S, for example, credits to aCCount 1536. 3. Companies distributing miXed gas only may make suitable change or insertion in a column heading to indicate that fact. Electric IbJ Manufactured I 00' lei x X)( X 7iOl,'kf'.n ~ 3'r&;,;: ~~,0iI.S.5'J o o 7' JIi&.n ~}..'?< I '''!J, "'f!~~ '" '" n 1t93, <f"f/!'.(). 0 xxx x xxxxx /D::! "'180[; 0 xxx x xxxxx () 0 o 0 ~~3 0 8:f,./]b.7!, n 14'f~,71!1 0 II ~;; 0 xxxx xxxxx ';.,;5:7. Sl- o o 4J '.<17 €I o 3"'.~,,~ .j4. :1" ~, /5v..:;l{y,,1 xxxx o .;~ M?N I -' 1. Show hereunder the information flQUlllted in I'1ISPICt to the Surplu. Account. 301. SURPLUS. Line No. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 46 49 50 Account 1.1 1271. 1400. 1401. 1410. 1411. 1412. 1413. 1414. 1271. Surplus fat beginning of y..r) Credit Salanea T,..nsflrred from Income Account Miscellaneous Credits to Surplus (P. 281 Debit Salanca T"nrierred from Income Account Dividend Appropriation$-Pret,rred Stock {P. 281 Dividend Appropriations-Common Stock {P. 281 Miscellaneous Reservations of Surplus {Po 281 Miscellaneous Cebits to Surelus {Po 281 Surplus (at and of Veld TOta11 xxxxx S 0 o & o o <=' o D o o o <0 C) o o o o o xxxxx ~ (). Natur'lJ go. Idl xxxx $ 0 C; o o '" o o o <::) n I X X ;'x I 0 xxxx o o o o " (") xxxx o '" o o <9 o ~ U I I? xxxx o I . t) Oth.,. - (s"ecifyl 1.1 Total If) Debits Ibl $ - xxxxxx XXXXXX 3l.>-76 I tf,.;b 3L.1..~ I s '-. -"-)" I I".,,, ,~<- _ if. 182A.79 t5how for each deoartment the oeriOd ot operations covered by the income account if for other than the calendar V8ilr. xxx X XXXX S 0 $ 7t o So I.:~_'N.SI o ."?I1'J!)I.nr o 5.E,o'f,S;fj o -e ~ 76-3fx.., o W,O<J:a-rL ~ 1"5,'f9~'~ 0- X X X X 1/0.i'l'f& () 0 o IO!J~ xxxx XXXX c:> '" o 0 o -?;?~. 03 o D_b9-!?,..,':: " 14~ I CLt/~ X X X X X X x:: CLC o ;J.?57"'C7 o '" o '" o 0 o ",97 o e "b 3;;;,J'lo, o ,x.ol 0- b R aJ/C.1!J1 I xX"ox I xxx~ sO~~& 2. Enter the Closing balance on the smaller side to cring the total, of Columns fbl and lei into agreement. :6 Credits lei s ~3Z IN'S"7 g3, 3lfc. tJ S xxxxxx XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX (;~O,71?SIf .~~ss In fl!O. I . . IfrmeN/tENT z. v 305. OPERATING REVENue ACCOUNTS-ELECTRIC. 1. Show the r.,.,enun from electric oP8l'11tions tor the estimate., that fact should be rotted and the basis of enimau VNr and quantities of electricity sold during the year. should be shown. 2. If .ny quantities of electriCity .,Id an based on Average Lin. Number of kW.h. Total revenues net No. Item sold revenue. Cants I,) Ibl lei Idl 1 1600. Residential Sales i<., fM,;.. 95r9... $ J./-c, ii, .537. 1<>1- $ 17 :;-"-7/ 2 1602. Commercial and Industrial Sales 7f?3. /37 I';s' (,,71/, 7(" /~ t?.5b, 3 '603. Public Street and High~ Lighting 49. '1(,0 '1, d'(,s-.s~ 11 Q'f6S 4 1604. Other Sal" to Public Authoriti. 3;/, q;? 5"6,3''f,..7~ 1'1 7'f~~ 5 160S. $II.. to Oth.,. Electric Utilities 6 '606. Sales to Railroads and Rail-MVI 7 '607. Interdepartmental Sal.. 8 1608. Other ~u 9 Tot" Sal.. of Electric Enervv .3 p,,-.,. 5.37 GS<f *K,,;Jfr.1 I'" ~<-, 10 1610. Aem from Electric OP4tr'ltll"l9 Property $ 9,7/7.7"^ xxxx " 18'2. Cuttomert' Forl.n-1Id Oix:ounu - xxxx '2 1613- Sal. of Water and WIltW Pow. - XXXx 13 16'4. Servicing of Cunom..-s' Inn.llations ~g. 80S. 81 xxxx 14 16,S. Miscellaneous El.:tric Revenues xxxx '5 Total Oth<< Electric Rev,nu.. .::;8 5i<.J,S3 I xxxx 16 Tot.1 Operating Revenues-electric $ 71c;193 1,79 1 xxxx 306. OPERATING REVENUE ACCOUNTS-MANUFACTURED GAS. ,. Show the revenun loom mIInufactum gas th.- fact should be stilted and the buis of Inim.t. shown, oP41nltions for the yl.. .nd the Quamiti. of 9&1 sold during the J. If respondent distributes mixed !lO' instead of v..... nraight menufectured gu. the title of tnis scheauie may be 2. If any quantiti.. of gas tOld are bUld on lII'timatltl. /8'(iSad to. indicete that fact. .. I I Average Line Item Number of M cu. ft. Total rWlnue net No. soid revenue- lei Ibl , lei I Idl 2' 1600. Rnid,nti.t'Saln "/llIr ~III.JCA;!'E' - $ 0 $ (:) 22 '602. Commercial .nd lndurtrial s..les 23 '603. Public Strwt: and Highwev Lighting 24 1604. Other Slles to Public Authorities 25 '60S. Sal.. to Oth. Gu Utiliti.. 26 1607. I nterdllCl.mnlmal 5,1.. 27 1608. Oth... Sal_ 28 Total Sal.. of Gu 0 I 0 29 1810. Rent from G. Opennin; Prooerty xxx X 30 '612. Customan' Forleitld Olcouna xxxx Jl 1614. Servicing of CUllomers' Installlltiona XXXX 32 1615. Miscellaneous Gas RlYlnu_ i XXXX J3 Total Other Gas A..,enues , , X X X X 34 Total OPlf'lIting R..,enun-Manufaetured Gas I $ 0 ! XXXX , .Per kW.h. to ".rut hundreoth of a cent. I.g.. 5.45 cents; or ;>er M cu. ft. ~o nearest cent. e.g.. S1 .32. 182A.79 JO 0' ~ )> " <0 312. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ACCOUNTS-ELECTRIC. 1. Show hereunder tha icen15 applk:abl. to each 01 the operation and O\.iinltiuance accounts 1100 to 1811 lor the year. Oelilgnatiooli in columns (iJl. fe), Ifl, and (gJ Indicate the accounts applicable to 8&Ch cIa" of utilities. 2. All credle entrlalln Ihls 5Chedule should be made In red Ink. ---. ---- . .. .. lint! 110m ------9a~- Amouru llem Clan Amount Nu. lei Ibl lei Cdl 1.1 Ifl 101 (hi -.. ----- . - -- I 1700_ SupolVision and LBbar D $ " Forward from line 28, c~umn tdJ D $.3 f}l,L II f?:J.eJ3 2 1701. Supervision e 15,"'~".'N 1780. Ma.er Reading, Accounting end Collecting 0 4 3 1702. Opliuation laLor C -MiA&;. 1781. Moter Reading C ~,.p7.;;" 4 1703. MdinlOllance Labor C II{, "5.1./~ 1782. Accounting and Collecting e 3. 9S8. 7 5 1710. Fuel C 0 87.53 I 1783. Uncollucli~. Account' e 0 <{D. ~7 6 1720. WOjler Purchautd for Power C 0 0 1784. Rents e 0 I~.v;'/.fo 7 1730. Mcllllrials. Supptia. and Expense. 0 0 TOlal Customers' Acetg. and Colltg. Exps. t9.3. /;. '.08 8 1731. Dperdtian Supplie1 And Experuas C 110./5 1786. Sal., EXpeOMS C 0 0 9 1'132. M..iinl. Miuella", Supplies and Expenses C '6.<11 1789. M",chandblng, Jobbing, and Contrect Work e 0 .r1, o,;t" 'II 10 1735. Refl,U C 0 0 Total Sal., Promolion expenlO. ~T. 0"'<1-1 II 173d. Stllam Purchased C 0 0 1790. Salaries of Generat Officers e 0 01,;1, B1~,o.f 12 lJ:l8. Eleclricity Purchased e 0 OlS1{.,'P'U.s 1791. Olher Genllr.1 DUlce S.I.rl., C 0 I$, "lJ.~O 13 --f,;'JJ Other Production Expensas ....1fl!A.,. C 0 I.tw$.~j 1793. Gener.' OUlco Expense, C 0 ~.~.'f-7 14 114:l. SledlH Produced-Credit e 0 0 1795. Special Servke, PR"Fe:~S'&N FEE-Or-I!c-R 0 31fi.~ - 15 T alai P'Oducllon Expalnses .;(873'5'."'1 1795.1 MaouQoUloOl and Supervision e .. 16 1 JfiO. .::iupllrvilion and Labor 0 0 1795.2 Lagal 50......lco. C ~ ~ 17 liB I. Supervision e IS; <lc5..33 1785.3 Olh.r Special SelVle.. . f) ('('I>(JIf,I 'TIll C; e 1 ". O..n, 00 .d 1162. DPtlHillon Labor e I. 901. fr~ 1797. Regulalory Cornmlnlon Expense, e 0 p..&xf.~.5 19 1/63. latun un CUllorne,,' Promlstl. C 8.;11.,,;1. 1798. Insuranc., Injuria, and 08fTlagll e 0 17, 'Ns atb 20 lW4. MdiuIllOanc8 L...lJor C 10. 6-01.7<> 1600. Olh.r General Expenses C 0 3a,785.S. 21 1765. lp':P:r,pn s.!~.!t~~~9-,-nd p"em C .iI.'? 9,F.oG 1602. Oper.lion and Malnl. of G.mer.' Property C 0 fl 22 ~ M41&. ...1., ~TI'Io... ...~ ,~&. D I, "177.'1-1 1803. Genera! R.nls e 0 0 23 17)1. Optllalion Supplies and EXj.)OOIie' C 1.(J8.J. (J'f 1805. Fnochlse Requirements e 0 Q) 24 1"112. Maint. Materials, Suppl101 and Expense. C 3.'1.:;0. 'f 1 1806. Duplk:i1le Chwge.-Credit C 0 0 25 In). SI. Lly. and Sig. SV" Mils., Sup. and Exp. . C 1,'/5'(..3(. 1807. Admlnlurallve rlOd Gen. f:xp.. Tr.nL-Cr. e 0 <:> 'lk: ~ I?Pll</fTII'/G.t./IkR-7R$:l c/H.. ~C 0 t,,9r.!l.5o 1808. Jolnl Expemo.-Oobil e 0 '" 26 1 ^. 21 Total TUlIs. and Dlslo Expllnso' ..!tZ /6>7"fil 1809. Joint EXPIIOlos-Credh e 0 0 2d ForwaHJ 10 line I, column (ht ~1'83.QJ 1810. Slores, Shop and Laboralory Expense. e 0 El 29 1811. TranipOnallon Expanse. e 0 'I.7~7.'f.6 "0 TOldl Admlnlslfillive!lnd Genaral EkpenH. ....li!t"kl'LE.E... " I T olul Opelallon Mild Malnlenance $301'''#.57 :c ~ r,) Z ~ ~ "1 Gj. ~ 225. TAXES CttARGED DUlliNG YEAR. \. Shaw the ,l':counl alsl.lbullon of 10'.1 '.KO$ ch.ll,yod to op.r.llo"s .nd ollie. '.1.KIl' chug.a to utllllY pl"nt. show onlv th. numbe, 01 lIlIi. .pp,oprl,ilo bol,,,,ncll sheel IIn.l "ccounU (Ju,ln~ lIl11l v..r. II nacon.,v. us. .. Slip.,.,. lubdl\lhlon of Ihe "heaul_ IOf pill'" .u:;count. ...", opo,.llny (JClp.arlmonl. .. Ch.ll,yO$ 10 account 15]9, Income T.xCls. should be .Uoulod to each 2. 00 001 InchuJo 9uolll\. .ruJ othO, UIDS ,.xo' which h...,. boon chug_a to iIoPPI!C.lbICl ullmv dop"tmont .od to oon-utltllV Incomo, .nd tho buh of .lIoc.llUon should .,,;uulIh to whle.. W.ll:io ch.,yocl UIO m.IDd,d 011 which the lilX w., le"lod. It Ih. .clLl.. o. be "lOwn undor pUillIf.ph 8 below. In respect to dl.f911S to Such ",ccDunt. on tries In this C1ullll.ICtJ .moun'. of ~lJch '."'0. ilIro knuwn, "1.11 .Ilouh.l 1I0 .Ilown ill' ~ loolnuto ilIlld $cllu\.lulo $houlLl W Ihown .op~r~toly tor .ilIch kind 01 I~" which Iho .ccoun' h IntondeLl to oo~l!>>n.lol.l whotllor ollllnalo\.l 0' .ctal,.! amounU. covo'. ,. E.ch kilH.l of lilI. Ihuuld 1I0 Ihlad ,opua,ol)', "":llllo noml Ihould bo grouped 6. Tha 101.1 a...al cha,god U Ihown In column (1I) IlIould .g,aa with Iha "mounU 10 ., 10 t.IlQW whoUlor tlli. 14.al .,a toaanl. lI.iIlo. 0' loul. ,hown bY column ta) 01 IChadulo 224. Accru.d .od P,.p.ld T ....,. e. Tho "ccounl' 10 which 1""0' c".,god wo,. dlUrlbul.d ,hould be ,hown In 7. Itom, m.lI bo 'hown to tho n...ot.1 doll., only. culumm (clio (k). Show both tho utility dep~'lm'nl and numbo, 01 .ccounl ch.,g.d. Fa, n~ OIt.lrlbuUon 01 I.".. ch~'90d TOI.tlla.ot. (Show ulllUII dop.t,lmonl who,. .ppllc.blo .nd ~ccounl chjlfg'd) LillO t<lnd 01 l.tlll ch.ug.d No. during II..' Accounl Aq.ounl Acco~nt ?CCO~I AS';un~ 5 ACCO:z")P A~'t Ac~unt 9 ~/'!P~-.s ISt:l7~' 1:l0.1-#- 1059. ~3 ~.::'f 1 P.?- IS:Q .-. (. .-7 I i?7.- f.) (01 (<I (dl ('1 ('1 (01 (hi (II III ,"I . FICA $ 7.g...(.~! $7,NI.81 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 FEP ilNEI>1ti;I(~IEA/T 0'7.5:6, .. l$.., , N,!S. 6h INCQ,t/E :II,3S1C() cill.:J57.Do . tV ty,s, 6'Ra5.S EARNIJlltS".s S33.t>c ~.33r"'o . NqS. UNf;'71~/l1EAlr .'f"l-7.f8 '1"'17.98 5"0.10 6 Nf.~' D,S IlI3ILIT'I 50./0 7 R -'It. ES7;;Te. 3<1, 77~54 ..!l4. n5:,l?t. . Tl<.tiCt< I-lcEyS.E t!) 7J 0'9;1.1.5 . 'L"I.5 .sALe-,- I,f~f.,'j& /'/5"';. '10 10 11 11:07-1(- .2 IfW7RO TRI,NS TIi" .s<l,ectlA~ - 13 ;; 'f8S10(. 'f;iSI,o& .. Ft'/)t:RttL I'VCI.>n7 e r-'tlo( 01. Ii,' ." S.. IS.J'L .. wJ',o~oo .. FEDERtlL 11I{'ot1jE ili-<--PfI 'I!Rf:t) 'f. ;$.Q /l)39tJ 1/ -~. ,;2,f'tt.", .. ." 20 2. 22 " H I 2> :.!o " I 2. , .. , JO 31 l2 fulolh yo a '19. 1 $.7 1i'4t8 $. ;1 7S/-2 __ $<2fJrz Ot $ ,f~'t39.'" $ i!fz.fl'i $ s;,,1O $3'f.VJ:" $ :l'i~ 'Jf.E1t'lc -- .. For .11)'1.1( which I~ w..~ 1IllCfuur.,. to .ppo,Uon 10 mo,o th.n on. utility aep.tltlllent or .ecounl. ,hi. he,eunde, Ih. b.'h 01 iPpo,lIonlog lucl' I.W:. b :-1 't) 'i- ....:... '. " I i' '" ., '!' " '" I , . hi IA_7.C.'l-(Eh'T'S' ./ 506. SUMMARY OF PRODUCTION AND SALES ELECTRIC. Show the reQuested summery of electricity produced, and f8C8ived from others; the quantity sold or otherwise disPosed of during the Yllr: Ind the connected load It the end at the v.r. " "--', Number of Number of Lin. Itom kiJowect.hours Item kilowan-hours No. (al Ibl (el Idl Generated by hYdraulic pawt," () Sold to auociated com~ni" 0 1 Generated bv Iteam powe," 0 Other sal.. a,799:""77 2 Generated by other motive power" 'f; l!~() Transferred to 8SCCiated companies C '3 Purchased from auoc:iaud companies 0 Supplied without dirKt charge 1(.9, "'''a 4 Purchued from oth.r than auoc:iated coml'8nies 'I-~II,'Ia'l Transferred to other departments 0(, ~S-O 5 Transferred from associated campani_ a Used by rllPondent-Eleetric department-. 1'0,73" 6 'nterenenge power received 0 ,7 Inten:nlng. pow" sent Ol..!t- !') a 9 Toal supplied and used ~ f~()..,,;.I,, 10 loR end unaccountld for {"5'''!l 5',"1: 11 TotallV.iI.bl. for distribution 'f.S'5.1f.3 'I! Total '/-.5'/ !;;<f..J' 12 Connect~ lo.d It end of v.lt-kllowlttS 13 607. MAXIMUM DEMAND. 1. Show thl rM:Iumld infonn.tlon conceminv monthly maximum coincident dem.nd upon company's outgoinv linn Including demand supplied bv PUrchased power, but axeludlng secondary or dump POwer .1.. to other utility compani... Show in column (hJ the amount 01 flnn power sold to other electric utiliti.. for distribution Ind to ,..ilroad. and J'tntet railrOld. for the propulsion of can or locomotiv.. and Included in I'ISPOndent's maximum d..-..nd of the v.r. Show in column {gJ the lITlount of pow.,. purchased from OttUtn included in the demand. 2. It respond.nt's territory is not inun:onnlCted. the maximum d.-n.nd should b, turnish~ seolrlt.ly for each Insol.ted district. O."lnd "'PPli~ by Sold to other Maximum 10Id utilitiu during Month Oat. Period Mlnutll on outgoinv Com!)8ny Purchuod period of Lin, endld duration lin.. facilities. power, m.ximum demand, No. kw. kw. kw. kw. \....-- (.1 leI (dl (.1 If) (gl Ihl January IS- S3 S'~+ 21 February ,S- S- ,,-'I- 4.8'0 22 March IS" .:7 OUJ $~g. 23 April 1;;'- S~8- 6"'0 24 Moy IS 7S-b qt- If. 25 Jun. IS t f)"~ !O&.; 26 July 15 I':" (;) +- I~C 27 Augult I~ I~Qr '~.~ 2a SlOtlmber IS- I~O +- 101'(,:, 29 October I eDa ,~ 30 Novemb.r I~ 75'? ~O ~ 31 ~ Docomber 'ST 41(P S, 32 ..... 3. Stitt power factor at tlm. of mlDCirnum demand during vear and how dlltermined INi)IC....TlA/& OVsti?tJhlEAl7 /ro L..A-G- ~ .enter In red Ink Ind deduct from tOt". ..excIUdlng current ustld In station auxllt.ri... Step-up tranformen are not to b. considered stltlon auxiliaries. 63 I a2A. 79