HomeMy WebLinkAboutFishers Island Farms contract to maintain Lighting District Oeceeber 9z 2.955 Cot. Cresoeat at Ceat~aI Ave. opp. ~arbor ~ of Abbott m~ raa~ be~ ~aabi~ Cleaaea-a " o~p. Duplex Apta. Cot. Cen~-ai and Crea~nt Aves. ~r. fox ~ ~a~ Av~. ~ A~. at ~'s ~ ~ A~. ~ ~st O~ee 3I 31~ 33 ~66 L~l~k St. near ~ Ave. ~ " at Ooe~s_~ Ave. Oriental Ave. at ~ ~ At foot of N~dge Street ~. ~ ~ ~ C~. C~t ~d A~I C~ A~ ~ opp. ~e A~. 0~ Ave. ~ ~ ~p~e Ave. ~ ~ ' ...... -fnCl,'4~' ~o~or~y.'on *~shers rsln.n~ we~ o~-'~he ~ou'f~ :~ ..q~ ~ . . ~he ':;.~land ~n~wn ah ~orth Hill. ~'?- -be 5f~htfn~ District ~hcn. wou'ld h~e:the fo!!oslng~' ........ ~z.~ ......... · ,~ .... ~"'-.n.,~: ~.Borl.nd; ~.st by, West ~.rOe~-~ ~ouitr.~ '"~' - ' " ' ' "~: ' ' ' ~,~'b' "~& -: -- . ,. ,~. - ~"" "-'": " ' ' ' ' '~for t~e sum of forty dol]..~s ~P40' Do~ !.=p ;rs b~se~ on li~htih~ the l~s c,n~-h.1, hou~ .... %t~n~l~shin2 th~m on~ ho~ bofc~e :;unwise, ~!vin~ of .b~*% 3750. Any a~rcemen~ bet.-~een the 'iF{ mb ers Island fJ.n. '.1,~ 1924 v.~'ms,,:. ~,n,..-, sb~l] %o for . pe~:odf,,,.,., of,~ive ye're, to~.n. 1. ]9°9. ~ ", :~..'~h~ ~. T* ~ -' ' , ' 4.. ~"0~ ~'~-~ so~,~o fur ~ ~c~lo~ a_ ~z~e ~ . ,~ ; ,' 3 ' ' ~- ''~ :~ ' ..... '~ O~m-,'~~ ~,~,,~ ~0~' ~Lr~ ~tt O~ ~ ~ ......... ,,~-., .... '(~: ., .... ..~w~',---~'a~"- thc follu,~in~ bo~n~leef ~o~h b~ Finh~ra I~t BO~U~ ~t H~y H~bo~, %he nor%h~ly ii~'~ of ~, . ami F.11& .. Bel~u.t; Po~Y Y~: %u%h by no~%he~ly ~i4e ?f ~te~, , NOrtherly line of gnite~ SoutholA Town BoarA, SoutholA, N. Y. Gentl In aecorAance with a4vertiaement for seale4 bias for furnishing ant maintaining lights for the ]?lshers Islan4 Lighting District, we ~ropose as follows: To furnish aha ma~ntmin not more ~han forty 440) 60 c.. ~. lights mt approve4 locations in sci4 tistriot, for ~ perioA of five (5) years from the first ~ay of ~anua~y 19~.A, operating same every night on an all-night seheAule, llghttng the lamps one-half hour after sunset ant e~ting~ishing them one hour before snp~ise, giving a yearly, total of about $?50 hours, for the sum of ~orty(~AO.O0) Dol- lars pe.r.ltght, o~ ~ total of 81~teen ~ni~e~ a~t 00/100 {~1600.00) Dollars per year. The ac~al n~mber of l'i~hts now in use being operate~ ia thir~y-al~ [$6),~but we have lo- cations fo~ the rem~ning four (4) which will be ~uly lnstalle~ in ease the above bit is approva4. Fishers Islan~ Farms, Inc., At ~"~l~etl~g of the 8outholA ToWn Boa~d~, held 'at the office of .~u~ervieo~":T~thlll, Greenl~rt, ~turday, 5epteaber ~9, 19~3 the follow- lng reeolution wee l~eee&* Remolvid, That the~.oontra~t for fu~niehing ami ~lntaini~ forty 60 oandle l~er eleotrio l~a for ~.~er. , ..... ~k~Or a ~erl~ of-five 7ea~e,k~ro~. the firm.t day of JanUary., be :~imted tl~ The FXshere .Ia~F~, ~., for the oz& total of $1800.~ ~r year. ~id lt~t. ~e. ~'~ o~ir&ted ~ ~ll.~i~t ~o~ie ~nd are ~o be lighted ~-~ter.!~et ~d extin~lshed'o~ h~r bef~e .~rise. , ~i~ ~adfOrd O. 8~a~klin, Esq., Fishers Island, N.Y. November 18,1933. .~'~Dear Mr. shanklin:- ',~ '"~" . ~our le~er of November lath, relatiye to a~ldit£onal lights in your l£ghtinj~ distr£c~- reoeive~J £f you ~ish a~itional ~ights it is neoessary for a petition to be signe~ by 51~ o£ the t~x payers of the dlstriot requestin~ the To~ ~o~i to furn£sh th~ ~itional number of ligH~ required. _This means ~ l£st ~of the ta~ pmyers who own mocor~£ng to the ~ssessment books 51~ of the mssesse~ v~lum~ion ~n th~s ~£str~ot.. Congr~tul~tions on,your re-election. GCT:B. yours very truly,