HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/20/1993 .. IT po 100 . . MAY 20, 1993 radio link from Fishers Island to Groton, Connecticut. The problem is is that the cost has increased from $282.27 per month to $1,307.29 per month. There has been a proposal by the Fishers Island Utility Company for 911 calls to be forwarded to Southold Town Police Headquarters, and the dispatcher would .then page the firemen on Fishers Island and the signal would be received by 15 portable radios and over 20 pocket monitors, all of which currently exist. The Town Attorney will research the background of this matter and work out a resolution of the problem. (16) Offer of dedication of a 19,685 s.f. parcel, along with a 15 ft. access easement in TooBee Realty approved subdivision (see resolution 25. accepting). (17) Memorandum from Planning Board Chairman Ward to Councilman Wickham, Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Committee, setting the agenda for the May 25th Planning & Zoning Committee to discuss the general question of whether past subdivisions of land by deed in accordance with the zoning of the time may be recognized by the Town without obtaining current Zoning Board or Planning Board approvals. The Town Board agreed that this question should be addressed by Planning & Zoning. Councilman Wickham sa.id he is generally dissatisfied with getting things on the agenda of various standing committees. There should be a general policy, or the rules relaxed whereby the Chairman will inform the Town Board rather than require a majority vote to move forward. Councilman Penny said he feels the chairman of a committee should come for the Town Board's blessing on any major topic. Supervisor Harris said he thought there was an informal understanding on this. The Board finally agreed that major topics to be taken up by standing committees should be run by the Town Board for their interest. (18) The question of a custodial worker replacement, placed on the agenda by Councilwoman Hussie, will be discussed at a Personnel Committee meeting at 4:00 P.M., Tuesday, May 25, 1993. (19) Request from the Board of Town Trustees for the Town Board to approve $5,000.00 in funding which they shall use to survey existing user-based groundwater regulations. This will be discussed further at the June 1st work session after the Town Attorney has had an opportunity to research the proposal. . 12:50 P.M. - Recess for lunch. 2 :40 P.M. - Work Session reconvened. The Town Board discussed the request of former Ordinance I nspector Vincent Wieczorek to be reimbursed for time spent at the' Zahra trial. Town Attorney Arnoff stated that the Town Is under no legal obligation to pay.' As for the request of former Principal Building Inspector Victor Lessard to be paid for return travel expenses from Florida to testify at the Zahra trial, it' 'was- denied. as he would have had return travel expenses regardless of when he returned from his' vacation in Florida, however, Mr. Lessard asked for reimbursement for money expended for lunches for himself and other individuals attending the Zahra trial, and the Board agreed to reimburse him. . . . EXECUTIVE SESSION 2:45 P.M. - On motion of Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was Resolved that the Town Board enter into Executive Session. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Supervisor Harris, Justice Edwards, Councilman Penny, Councilman Wickham, Councilman Lizewski, Councilwoman Hussie. Also present: Town Attorney Arnoff, Assistant Town Attorney Kiernan, Town Clerk Terry.---The Board discussed the pending appointment to the Planning Board and negotiations of the rate per hydrant for the next five years for the fire hydrant agreement with the Village of Greenport for the East-West Fire Protection District (see resolution no. 27 setting a public hearing). . . . 3 :00 P.M. - The Town Attorney discussed the bill of Joseph Frohnhoefer for consulting services to Commissioner of Public Works Jacobs for preparation of bid specifications for the emergency generators for Police Headquarters and Town Hall. Mr. Frohnhoefer wishes to be paid $5,000.00 for his services in preparing the specifications. The Board will meet with Commissioner of Public Works Jacobs to discuss Mr'. Frohnhoefer's request. I I I ---l 3 :25 P.M. - The Town Board reviewed the resolutions to be voted on at the 4 :00 P.M. Regular Meeting. 3:45 P.M. - Work Session adjourned.