HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/25/1964 MEETING A~FISHERS ISLAND - AUGUST 2~ 1964 055 The annual Fishers Island meeting of the southold Town Board was held on Tuesday, August 25, 1964. The meeting was held in the Fishers Island School and was called to order by superv:Ls:>r Lester M. Albertson at 1:30 P.M. with the ,following present: ,supervisor Lester M. Albertson: councilmen Demarest and Valentine: Justices Tuthill, Clark and Edwards: Town Attorney Tasker: Supt. of Highways Price: Town Clerk Richmond and Deputy Town clerk and Registrar Dorothy Edwards. supervisor Albertson introduced all the state, County and Town Officers present. I L Moved by COuncilman Demarest: seconded by Councilman Valentine: RESOLVED: That the reading of the minutes of the last meeting of August 11, 1964 be dispensed with at this meeting. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson: ~ouncilmen Demarest and Valentine: Justices Tuthill, Clark and Edwards. Moved by councilman Valentine, seconded by Justice Edwards: Whereas, the Local Law Intro. #3 of the Year 1964 entitled "A Local Law in relation to the Term of Office of superintendent of Highways, Town Clerk and Receiver of Taxes" was heard pursuant'-t6 a,-'lt'es9lution' fQr a public hearing on-the matter of the adoption of the following local law on the 24th day of August, 1964 at 8:00 P.M. in the Supervisor's Office, 16 South street, Greenport, N.Y. at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be hear9 THEREFORE, this Board deems it in the best interest that the following local law be enacted: SECTION I. The term of office of the superintendent of highway, the town clerk and the receiver of taxes shall be four years. SECTION 2. Any of the town officers mentioned in section one hereof elected at a biennial town election held after this local law takes effect shall hold office for a term of four years commencing on the first day o~ January next succeeding such election, except that the receiver of taxes shall hold office for a term of four years commencing on the first day of December next succeeding such election. SECTION 3. This local law shall supersede section twenty-four of chapter six hundred thirty-four of the laws of nineteen hundred thirty-two, an act relating to towns, constituting chapter sixty-two of the consol- idated laws, as amended, and section sixteen of ohapter three hundred eleven of the laws of nineteen hundred twenty, insofar as it is incon- sistent with such sections. SECTION 4. A proposition for the approval of this local law shall be submitted to the electors of the town of Southold at the general elect~on to be held in November, nineteen hundred sixty-four, and this local law shall become operative only if approved by the affirmative vbte of a majority of the qualified electors voting upon such proposition. SECTION 5. This local law shall take effect immediately. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson, Councilmen Valentine and Demarest: Justices Tuthill, Clark and Edwards. Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Justice Clark, RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold be and he hereby is directed to request the Fishers Island Lighting Company to install one (1) 100 cpoh street light on Pole # on in Fishers Island, New York Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson, Councilmen Demarest and Valentine, Justices Tuthill, Clark and Edwards.