HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/14/1956 i.JUtJ MEEEeC OF FEBRUARY 14, 1956 . The Southo1d Town Board met at the office of Supervisor Norman E. K1ipp:atGteenpcrt, on Tuesday February 14,1956. The meeting was called to order at 1:30 P.M. wIth the following present; Supervisor KliPPi Justices Tuthill, Clark and Demarest; Councilman Albertson; Super1ntendent of Highway Price; Town Attorney Terry and Town Clerk Booth. The Board sat at once as a committee on Audit to examine claims against the Town concluding the Audit work at 2:00 o'clock P.M. Moved by Justice Clark; seconded by Councilman Albertson: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the previous mee~ing be and hereby are duly approved as corrected. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Justices Tuthill, Clark and Demarest and Councilman Albertson. Moved by Justice Clark; seconded by Councilman Albertson: RESOLVED: That the regular monthly audit meeting of this Board will be held at the offcie of Supervisor Norman E. Klipp at Greenport, on Tuesday, March 6, 1956 at 1:30 P.M. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Justices Tuthill, Clark, and Demarest and Councilman Albertson. Moved by Councilman Albertson; seconded by Justice Clark: RESOLVED: That the Increase Certiticate of the Aetna Casualty and Surety Company on Bond No. lSl18994, Covering the Bond of Norman E. Klipp as principal,(the coverage of said Bond is increased from the sum of $5,000 to the sum of $5,500.00) be and the sema is hereby approved. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Justices Tuthill, Clark, and Demarest and Councilman Albertson. Moved by Councilman Albertson; seconded by Jmtice Clark; R~SOLVED: That the Police Report for the month of January be accepted by the Town Board and placed on file. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Justices Tuthill, Clark and Demarest and Councilman Albertson. Moved by Councilman Albertson; seconded by Justice Tuthill: RESOLVED: That the Supervisor be anrl he hereby is authorized and directed to arrange (in conjunction with the Board of Fire Commissioners of Cutchogue Fire District) for the installation of a well at the Southold Town Dump at a cost not to exceed $900.00, to be paid by the Town of Southold, I Vote of Town Board :Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Justices Tuthill, Clark and Demarest and Councimman Albertson. Moved by Justice Tuthill' seconded by Justice m.~rest: RESOLVED: That General BIlls in the amount of $7,249.77; Lighting District Bills in the amount of $1,439.59; Fishers Island Ferry District Bills in the amount of $6,110.44, be and the same are hereby ordered paid. Vote of 'Town Board: Supervisor Klipp; Justices Tmthill, Clark and Demarest and Councilman Albertson. The Supervisor reported to the Town Board that he received a telephone call from Justice Edwards informing him that the Fishers Island Electric Corporation ha~e no rates approved by the Public Service Commis iion and sU~gested that the street lighting contract be held up until such a time as the Fishers Island Electric Corp- oration has approved rates. M6v,edrlbY:llJust1.ee"lClarkld;econtled. by Justice Tuthill: RESOLVED: That Supervisor Norman E. Klipp be authorized to advertise for sealed- proposals to furnish the Town ~1'~ ~'outho!ldc,tJwo (2) 2-door sedan standard model automobiles, accordi'l:\.g,,'lto'. sT>eCifica tions, for use as Police cars, Said proposals will be opened at the office of the Supervisor at Greenport, at 2 o'clock P.M. on March 6, 1956. Vote of Town Board: Aye~-Supervisor Klipp; Justices Tuthill, Clark and Demarest and Councilman Albertson. Adjournment was at 4 P.M. Ralph P. Bodh Town Clerk