HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/06/1946 'ii,i,~:r""""-'- l~i 1,'~ r: 0 II;; 1,,', .) , :i~~J~ iiJ! ,~. " ~ .~ I ' ." ,'" ~. ',' j ~:: It\ . . Meeting of August 6, 1946 \I~ 1, " ll-,," ~'" LI f;' jl,\ ;~ f F;1i;;l.. ~,;~ ,;,' ~I'i "~~J.~ '~1 ~l;"~ ..~~ .,~J! ',iJ '0,1 11 ,I .~ Th~ southolJ TO";'ill 3oS1"d net:: t !l1e .)ffic~ ..')1' .3u1-~ervt$...')r ...,~). :1ent- worth Eorton, !it GreeE~'('rt, .'n l:lesd;,y, ~ue:. 6, IP46~ lhe meet- ing If!l.S ..)~lled t:'l t"\:-der e t 1 :..:0 ?~~. ~i th the follo-:-;1I:1~ rres~nt: su~,~'rvtsor E.:'rton; .Tusti0~$ :'!:'r'~'r, E~7;"~i:1S ~:1J ::lip}."I; lO'lrn SU11- f!'rtnt~nJ"nt of' :HF~~,;":,~1~~:~ :':.f,..~e-. .i'...".";";'Il :.ttoru:,y -=-erry ~n1 I"';..~':"'n ]lerk Booth. 'rhe !\oorll !1nt nt L'I\()(' n!1 l\ oommittee on ~\ldit to ex~mine cloirns ngnlnst the 1\)\'11I, Q,'rllll\l,ll.l\f'" the 1lI1dit ~t 2:00 F.M. The minutes of the previous meeting were read anrl duly approved as read. A communication was read from the Secretary of the Southold Fire District, requesting more powerful lights be installed in front of the Fire House. Moved by Justice Klipp; seconded by Justice Terry; Resolved: That the Town Clerk be directed to request the Long Island Lighting Co. to install two 1000 watt bulbs in place of the existing bulbs now installed in front of the Southold Fire House, said bulbs to be ins talled on poles 378-5 and 379 in the Southold Lighting District. Unanimously adopted. t i-: , , 1 I I I il Il .' ~\1 ;!Il 'n III . ,j 'I; ':~ 'I,' \'11 'jl" '. ) "I , 'i I'J , ::r,;,di! . Wi,: ",1'1 ,}~ ,:il i~'+ [!'iI' ,ll' I, "~, tl! .,1 :1 J ',,1,-,1 :J,,-:I FLi "1'1 ',"'i ;:' I ,~! i rI"l:,!:.; ',\'11" "f,f:1 ,:'f; A communication vms read from Justice Shanklin requesting a change and also additional street lights be installed in the Fishers Inland Ligh t iug Db tr ie t. Moved by Justice Hawkins, seconded by Justice Terry; Resol ved: Tha t the Town Clerk be ins truc ted to reques t the Fishers Island Electric Corp. to install four (4) additional lights on Gloaming Ave., these lights to be taken from i:mother location where they are not needed. Also to illstall four (4) additional lights on Cresent Ave. and two (2) additional lights on Central Ave. in Fishers Island Lighting District. unanimously adopted. Moved by Justice Hawkins, seconded by Justice Klipp; Resolved: That General Bills in the amount of $2074.55, Re- imbursable 'Welfare Bills in the amount of $4.75, Non-reimbur- sable Welfare Bills in the amount of ~16.50 be and the same is hereby ordered paid. Unanimously adopted. A request of resident~ of E"st ~~rion that there be installed speed limit signs through East Marion Villare on the Stflte High- way. Moved by Justice Terry, seconded by Justice Klipp; Resolved: 'fhnt the 'l'own no "rd of the To\vn of Sou thold res pec t- fully reques ts the ~3to te llie;hway Departmen t of the Gte te of New York to install speed limit signs reading thirty (30) miles per hour, in the Villllge of Eas t Marion, Town of Southold, SUffolk County, New York, said signs to be installed at Rocky Point Rd. and Dam Pond Bridge on Route 25 New York State Highway. unanimously adopted. Adjournment was at 4 P.M. Ralph P. I300th 'fown 01 erk '- I . , L':'i~ ,"",' . ~ - ,; } '..- _-=-" c~