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fEB 1 1999
Fishers Island Harbor Committee
Friday, October 9,1998 at 4:30 P.M.
Utility Offices
Southold Town CIerI(
Elby Burr, Tom Doherty, Leslie Goss, Steve Malinowski, Bobbsie
Macleod, Harris Parsons, Ali Raridon, Bill Ridgway, Nina Schmid,
Scudder Sinclair,
Nancy Hunt
Frank Bohlen, Chip DuPont, Kenneth Edward~ Jr.. Lo'!;sa Eva'1S. Dick
Hale, Tom Johnson, Marguerite Purnell
Next Meeting: November 27, 19984:30 P.M. Utility Offices
Agenda: Hiring of2 Bay Constables
The meeting was opened by Leslie Goss inquiring of Tom Doherty how the summer
went. Tom answered that he felt there were no adverse moments and that overall, things
went smoothly. There were very few calls to Bay Constables and only a couple of jet skis
sighted. Nancy Hunt noticed the Glendon mooring was not moved and Musser's had no
boat on their mooring. Elby commented that 30-40 boats were noticed beyond the
rockpile each weekend in West Harbor and many in East harbor - "packed each
weekend". Bobbsie mentioned there was anchoring at Hay Harbor but noticed none
Tom Doherty formally submitted his resignation and thanked everyone for their
cooperation and support. Dick Hale also resigned by previous notice. Files will be
transferred to Nina Schmid for coordination of clerical duties. Tom volunteered that Elby
is now certifed to teach the boating course.
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importance of avoiding that situation next year. Leslie intends to advise future applicants
that their mooring is in jeopardy if no check or an incomplete application is received this
A discussion followed regarding Fishers Island Bay Constable duties. The Committee
decided that there should not be an assistant and head bay constable and, furthermore, FI
Bay Constables should have the same duties and levels of compensation. The salary of
the head bay constable should be adjusted, as some of the duties are being passed to the
clerk, which may cause an increase in clerical hours/compensation. Leslie said this is
being worked on.
The Committee then queried: Is the job description unreasonable? Are the constables
performing the job description? Are the number of patrols reasonable? Were logs kept
this summer? Constables could work out their own schedules and submit to the Harbor
Committee by May 15th.
Some names were brought up as suggested candidates: Luis Horn, Mike Conroy, Paul
Skinner, Larry Horn, Todd Pezzolesi. Once applications are in, committee members can
discuss qualifications, etc. Should they be required to be licensed or certified?(Boating
safety literate?) It was expected that these would all be considered at the November
meeting. Harris commented that there is really no one keeping the constables accountable
to the Committee. Ali suggested that the Committee prepare a log and give it to each
constable indicating that they are required to list activities as they perform their duties.
Nancy Hunt said they should do as in Southold, and at the end of each month, the logs be
reviewed by the Committee.
It was decided the job description and compensation levels Leslie drafted and read was
acceptable and that Nina would post a notice on the Post Office bulletin board
announcing that the positions are open.(See attached) Horefully, potential applicants and
their qualifications will be reviewed at the November 27t meeting, with a final decision
made shortly thereafter, so that Louisa can provide the information at the town meeting in
January. Nancy asked ifthe Committee felt that college students might make good
candidates for the positions and that we might get more applicants if it was made known
to them. There were some reservations expressed that the bay constable's position should
be filled by someone who is from the Island and who is familiar with the Island, etc. and
that a college student mayor may not be able to provide a strong enough presence for
difficult situations.
The procedure for hiring bay constables was decided as follows: discuss requirements,
advertise, solicit names, meet and discuss applicants at post-Thanksgiving meeting, and
recommend 2 proposed names to Louisa Evans in order for her to submit to the Town
Board on January 4th, 1999.
The subject of the boat ramp was brought up for discussion again. Leslie asked if
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for direction and assistance. Some suggestions to deal with the situatior, were: remove
sand and silt for betteraccess; contact Town Engineer for assistance; Steve Malinowski
wondered how extensive the job is - 2 hours, 2 days? Has permission been obtained from
FIDCO to correct offending driveway? Will the Town dredge? Every time a heavy rain
occurs, the problem re-occurs. Will creating berms help? Should there be a trench with a
grate built? Elby suggested fixing the ramp first in the event boats have to be pulled
before a storm. Leslie said she will contact Louisa to determine possible Town assistance
to alleviate the problem.
1999 terms were the next point of discussion. Bill Ridgway ofFIDCO and Harris Parsons
of the FI Club need to re-apply for a second term or forward the names of delegates from
those organizations for replacements.
More discussion ensued regarding Elby and Frank completing the mooring survey. All
moorings on the aerial photo were identified. Elby pointed out that 80% of them were in
the same locations as indicated on the mooring map. Numbers on Elby's list indicated
missing moorings. The next step is to match the existing mooring list data sheet to the
mooring map and update.
Leslie indicated that she had received the EP A Region 2 Manual on applying for a no
discharge certificate. She said there was still a lot of review and research required before
the situation could be discussed. She is in the process of reviewing the manual and will
work with Chip duPont before making a full presentation to the Committee.
Nancy Hunt announced that there had been an agreement reached bet\"een the Town and
the property owner for purchase of the Dock Beach area property. Some discussion was
had about the proposed uses for the property (town park, etc.) and some concerns were
expressed that there about docking facilities. Isn't the dock in a no live aboard zone?
Should the dock and liability for the dock use be turned over to the Yacht Club? Should a
Fishers Island group have control of the dock? Bill suggested that Mobil run it. There
was some discussion that the property be made into a public Town Park with all Southold
residents having public access and use. Nancy suggested it become a Fishers Island
project, with the residents pitching in and donating landscaping services and shrubs, etc.
There was a consensus that the premises should not be used for a money making venture,
but for overall public enjoyment.
Leslie briefly went over the mooring list with a discussion regarding enforcement of the
empty mooring policy (no boat no mooring), etc. and that letters regarding these issues
will be sent with 1999 mooring application solicitations.(See attached)
Meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m.