HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/26/2002
; 2002
~oufhold Town Cferl
tWbor Committee ~~ina Minutes
Reaular meetlna 26 JulY. 20Q2
Attendance: Leslie Goss, Frank Bohlen, Allie Raridon, Louisa Evans,
Harris Parsons, Chippy duPont, Mike Posey, Elby Burr, Steve Malinowski,
luis Hom, Mike Conroy, and Karla Heath
By Phone: Bill Stengel, Margie Pumell, and Geb Cook
Guests: Bill Reed
Leslie brought the meeting to order at 4:45 P.M.
Luis Hom Report: Summer has been unusually quiet; No Anchoring and 5MPH
signs are placed too far away to read; the Yacht Club has been holding its
salling races in the middle of channel area making It difficult to get in and
out of harbor. Maybe they would move them closer to shore off of Three
Jet Skis: In October of 1995 the Harbor Committee decided to keep them
out of the mid-harbor area, they are complying according to Lou. If there
are any complaints, they could be pushed out off Isabella, no real
problems. Lou feels "5 MPH" and "NO WAKE" signs would be more
valuable at the channel split than where they are at the rock pile. After
some discussion, it was determined that Elby Burr and Chippy dupont will
work on new, larger signs on white cylinders.
Bill Reed presented the F.I.Y.C. present plans for dock work: Dock space
demands exceed the current capacity. The North side piers will remain
angled for larger boats. The outer finger piers will be extended South 60'
- 70' to accommodate 5 more slips. The stationary docks on the East will
be replaced with floating ones. The expansion will square up the existing
dock configuration. Additionally, there will be the need to do some
dredging of about 75,000 sq. ft. to remove approximately 5,000 cu. yd.
The permitting for the dredging will take upward Of 2 years to get. Then
there is the problem of what to do with the material once it is dredged.
The new dock slips will accommodate up to 32' boats. There Is also a
ramp extension to be included in phase one should finances allow.
Elby Burr questioned the impact the plan would have on the surrounding
landowners, PenelOpe Sharp in particular. Also that the Yacht Oub doesn't
want to grow bigger than the need down the road will be. Above all to
maintain the aesthetics of Fishers Island.
The existing retaining wall has erosion, which needs to be addressed. All
monies collected by the AYC go back into maintenance. The parking will
remain as existing - no problems there. FIDCO owns the parking lot and
the YC Is lessee.
Allie Raridon asked what the long-range plan was. Mr. Reed said Walter
Keenan was the head of that committee, and that they are looking to
professionalize YC policy, it is evolving. Currently dues are $210.00, if not
raised this or next year the accumulated dues will be $70,000.00 -
$80,000.00 by the end of the year. It Is under consideration to offer a 10-
year deal on slips to be paid In advance to raise the dock project money.
Leslie Goss said that only 4 new slips do not resolve the space problem~__
Frank Bohlen asked if there were 30 slips, would they all fill. Mr. Reed said
probably 15 would. Mr. Bohlen asked that with regard to the mooring grid
issue, what about Installing moored floating dockage for 25' and smaller?
Or, if dredging was to be done at the Jr. dock then pulley slips could be
installed for small boaters. This would necessitate the Jr. sailors' program
to perhaps move to Goose Island. As docks come up for replacement,
they will be redone with floating docks as phase 1 to maintain integrity of
all docks.
Chlppy dupont questioned how the pilings for the floating docks would
accommodate Ice.
Bottom survey has been run and will share results of samples of areas to
be dredged as to sediment content. Would like to dredge to 4' @ mean
low tide.
Mike Conroy Report: The east side of the harbor will be posted this weekend
with 5mph. The zone should start at the #8 marker. All quiet except for
one medical emergency - a man who cut his arm while cutting a line.
Leslie Goss: Southold budget proposal is worked out for the calendar year.
Louisa Evans asked to know the requested amount for the mooring field
grid work. Frank Bohlen discussed the history of the mooring area with
regard to the cost of the grid work. The Cornell Cooperative is already on
schedule for the mooring GPS study and will know by 1 September If
money is needed. Elby Burr said that In addition the grid work, the water
depths need to be known as well.
Six new moorings were discussed and approved. A third one for Ed Tripp, one
for Rossie Hutcheson's new Bullseye, and one for Bill Reed's 100 are In
West./iarbor. One'for Gaines Gwathmey's 18' Boston Whaler, Dr.
Campbell, and ROSS/Gl1,lner were approved for Iocatlon In the East Harbor.
locations will be worked out with Pirate's Cove. It was agreed that Mr.
Gwathmey .
should write his neighbors for'their approval as well.
DISCussion of the Public boat ramp and the new drains on Peninsula Road
ensued. It was suggested that perhaps John Ski could scrape the cement
ramp once after whrch no maintenance would be needed.
The problem of fill washing down onto It was stopped by the paving of the
Club Housing driveWay. The large sinkhole by two of the new drains was
Popeye was discussed. There needs to be some dock work done with plank
replacement and attention paid to cross members. louisa Evans will
put in a request for the work to be done In 2003 but she will need an
estimate of cost. It was questioned If the Town dock was permitted.
Chlppy duPont wants Popeye to use the Mobil dock Instead of the Town
. .
dock. Captain Andrew of Popeye had been concemed this summer with
congestion at the Mobil dock. He {lOW makes three runs a day not .
two and there may be concern with some of the passenger's language
being dose to areas where there are young children. Chlppy reiterated
that the dock is for Southold resldent.use only. Several members
reiterated that Popeye is serving Island residents and Interests. Chippy
said he would prepare a proposal for Popeye to use the Mobil dock. There
is the possibility of using the Mobil dock, which might work out well for
Captain Andrew.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Karla S. Heath, Committee Clerk