HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-7.-3-6 . - . . PLANNING.BOARD ," f { '\.#. ;::-~ -:,; ~\ ....~ " TOW~ OF\ soul~().LD SCFFOLK COUNTY SouthoId. N.Y. 11971 (5Hi) 765-1938 September 25, 1984 Mr.James Volney Righter Architect 58 Winter Street Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Re: Set-off for Anne Borland Dear Mr. Righter: The Planning Board took the fOllowing action at the Monday, September 24, 1984 meeting. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the set-off of Anne Borland located at Fishers Island, dated Ocotber 17,1983 subject to covenants and restrictions filed with the County Clerk as to no further subdivision of either lot in perpituity, and the review of the Suffolk County Planning Commission. Prior to filing the covenants and restrictions would you please forward a copy to our office so that we may have the Town Attorney review them. Our office will make the referral to the Suffolk County Planning Commission; and when we are in receipt of notice that the above conditions have been met the Chairman will endorse the maps. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR,CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD . -\\C u..<tT (:>-lJoJ:):)~l \Al cJ. '<v) "!ty Diane M. Schul tze, ..Secretary . ~ECEIVED BY SDUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD JUN 18 1985 DATE Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions This indenture made this \Lt day of -JUI\E , 198~ by Anne J Borland residing at 66 East 83rd st., New York City, hereinafter called the Declarant. Whereas, the Declarant is the owner in fee simple of a certain parcel of land situated at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and designated on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000/, Section 7/, Block 3(31) and Lot 6 (lla & 11c), containing approximately 4.58 acres, being thE! same premises acquired by the Declarant by deed dated 10 November 1983 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 9466 of deeds at pages 183 & 184 and referred to herein as the "premises" and Whereas, the declarant intends to create a set-off for residential purposes and desires to subject said premises to certain conditions, covenants and restrictions in order to preserve the maximum open space, natural scenic beauty and natural vegetation and to prevent overcrowding and to conserve the ground water resources of the Town of Southo1d, and Whereas,the Declarant had applied to the Planning Board of the Town Southo1d for approval of the set-off and development of the premises as a minor subdivision, to contain not more than two lots or parcels. . . Now, therefore, the Declarant does hereby declare the aforesaid premises and every portion thereof is hereby held and shall be conveyed subject to the conditions, covenan1:s and restrictions hereinafter set forth, and that every purchaser of said premises, or any portion thereof, by the acceptance of a deed thereto, covenants and and agrees that the premises so purchased shall be held subject to the covenants, conditions and restrictions hereinafter set forth. 1. No lot or plot as shown and designated on the Minor Subdivision map approved by and filed with the Southold Town Planning Board shall be further subdivided, in perpetuity. 2. That all of the covenants, condtitions and restrictions contained herein shall be construed as real covenants running with the land and shall continue and remain in full force and effect at all times as against the owner of the premises or any portion thereof in perpetuity. Said covenants, conditions and restrictions shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Declarant, their heirs, successors and assigns: any <Dwner of any portion of the aforesaid premises their heirs, successors and assigns, and the Town of Southold, and its successsors and assigns, and the failure of any of the foregoing to enforce any of such covenants, conditions and restrictions shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. . . In witness whereof, this indenture has been executed the day and year first above written. ~:r1sY\~ state of New York ss County of New York On the Nt}, day SfylPIl mrl 1 of YUJr'J. ,1985, before me personally came to me known to be the individual described in and {L"mf 0 . iJ who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she executed the same. /11 ,_,n', j' ,(1 J_ ~_ ~LL1..' _ AJf)f) V{) r~ I /J{I Notary Public SlJSAr-; L IlAlHlAHlSr Notary Puhlil', SInh> of Nt'w Ynrk No. 41.1f7(."l.f.\/f QuaIUit,.J in ]\:IUSlHl County Commi~5ion .b:pi.res Mardi 30, J91L( .^,>, . , , ..' Southold. N, y, 11971 (516) 765-1938 July 15, 1985 Ms. Anne Borland c/o Profiles 380 Lexington Avenue Room 1901 New York, NY 11944 Re: Set-off at Fishers Island Dear Ms. Borland: Enclosed is a copy of the correspondence received from the Town Attorney indicating that the COvenants and restrictions are approved for filing with the County Clerk. When we have received notice that they have been filed, the Chairman will endorse the survey. Very trUly yours, enc.. BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD k~ ~Yvt~~~l:h~ By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary . .., 151985 ~ c;y y~ ATTORNEY AT LAW 425 MAIN STREET P. O. BOX 10 GREENPDRT, NEW YORK 11844 516-477-1400 July 11, 1985 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Re; Set-off for Ann Borland at Fishers Island Dear Mr. Orlowski: I have reviewed the proposed Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions relative to the above subdivision and approve the same as to form. Yours very truly, ;~FJ J-~!(t (.C) ROBERT W. TASKER , I ~~./..L1c: (:U'-. RWT :aa . Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 June 20, 1985 Mr. Robert W. Tasker Town Attorney 425 Main Street Greenport, NY 11944 Re: Set-off for Ann Borland at Fishers Island \ Dear Mr.Tasker: , 1,. We are in receipt of thE' enclosed covenants and restrictions regarding the above mentioned proposal. Also, enclosed is a copy of the Board's request for the covenants and a copy of your .letter wherein you reviewed the deeds submitted by the applicant and recommended that covenants be prepared. Would you please review the covenants and restrictions and let us know if they are in order for filing. Thank you for your assistance in the matter. Very truly yours, ~\urt OY'lcw~1u) (\ j rvY BENNETT ORLOWSKI, J~~ CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary enc. . . [\';\1 ,J"}r-" , Iq'ii ROBER T W, TAS KER Town Attorney OFFICE OF TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTH OLD TELEPHONE (516) 477-1400 425 MAIN ST. GREENPORT, Lt, NEW YORK 11944 November 20, 1984 Mr. Bennett Orlowski Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Re: Anne J. Borland - Set-off of premises at Fishers Island Dear Mr. Orlowski: By your letter of November 14, 1984, you have sent me certain deeds to premises which are the subject of the above application, as well as a copy of the Planning Board's resolution which requires covenants and restrictions to the affect that no further subdivision of either lot shall be permitted, which covenants and restrictions are to run in perpetuity. The applicant has sent you copies of deeds containing restrictive covenants and has requested that since the COvenants in the deed prohibit more than one residence on each lot, that no further declaration of covenants and restrictions is required. I call your attention to the next to the last "Provided, however," paragraph of the deed which permits a waiver or change of the Covenants with respect to anyone ,lot with the consent of the grantor, and also a waiver or change of the covenants with respect to all lots with the consent of the majority of the lot owners. By reason waived or restriction perpetuity, restrictions of the above clauses in the deed, the covenants may be changed. Since the Planning Board desires that the on the further subdivision of each lot is to run in it is my recommendation that a declaration of covenants and to this effect be prepared, executed and recorded. RWT :aa Yours very truly, J </5 " /.'. '. /;:; / / /.' l ?// /'.A' ~--<:./ / X ~ ~Ry-;f ?~" / (~/.,< ,./Jf..P ROBERT W. TASKER /'\~ + . . l~tqgs- 'kar~ } ~ ~ ~~ k~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~. '~~. ~ 'Cfu\~ l1;Jlfqt) r 6~8~ " d ~. 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DATEITIME For ederal Express Use , -'i ZIP """",j .:"- AL'C"HA:, ,,> Wl'l t." '~l""" '''II~'I'RN,U'l 'WI'." l"EDERAL EXPRESS USE FREIGHT CHARGES DATE EMP.NO DECLARED VALUE CHARGE to~ , I AGTIT'f\O~------r-;;,-ovANCEDEST1NATION 1 CASHRECEIVEO AGT/PflO ~E~SH_1 THIRIlPAHTY DIG.IOOH U DIG. ro HlX.O STREET ADORfSS OTHE'l CITY --------.l TOTAL CHARGES STATE ZIP --- ,RECEIVEOBV:(Signature) ~ :PAW _20,11730751 IFEIS0751DiO'B !lEVhION DATE " 83 ~ Ii'HINIEOUSA OATHTIMERECEIVEO Fl.C.EMPLOYEENUMBER .~;J"( E<>.n:';n :it ;:1 IUOnurncnt s{'r ('u he N- t'thC'cly sic> of a 40 foot pr'lvat/;' t"c:1d, ~n !l!( L JlWt'tPI,('.1 1;:'; (1\ ll<ltC' ~(1\ Lll 2;-:;) i. 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I' il " 'I Ii r;H\) of ,he sccunu part, I, I! \i'iIT1\<jr~s.ETHf tL~l, th- V: i il I I II [I 'I I I I I L ", !'10,13 FiECEIVUj' -, ~ -< l F /-e I :" '_o.-'{,;:jJ -:.,., I :;:t .:~~~~:~ I HUINS'F:Pf:; M SUFFOU, I C()mJXL__ dy u:' tht' fIr:;! p~ut, ill ccn:;idcrat;',;, 01 - TI'j ~lld OO!1GO (,,10. DO) uo:lars, Lv.-~:d 1,IOJl(':' qf lh~ lTrii!ed St3.tf',;, ~.nd otller i~ood ':>I)t! v 1u:_; bll'~:\>1L:l(i, ~';::;ition paid Ly U~,,, [i,in) (If the ~"'UI'HJ ::ia;"t, doc~; Lereb)' grant ;ldfJ 1':'1:',1'.(' tiTi "~ p:lrty uf rh:' .~>;' '(IT,d part. th~ hei.-" (), 5l:(.'(' ,<,j s ,'net :Lsi;::!Js of th,-' party of nw <;{''':'',il1d l'::rt f.)rc\cl', ALL, :h:1t ({'r1a:n r:]ut, pit..-'-'..:'c:: Jr pare-l (f biH1. v.ith the bu:!cb'g:i and j,lij_,rU\ ;l1ell!" then'(lil t'fcded. sit.u:l.tt", 1)'];);; d'\ lx:ir:g ;1:-1L: :il Fi,.;hpl' b-::l end, Town uT' ~~,)uthold. C:,_'un :," of ~:;',tfL)lk ,In(~ ,(~tate of ~C'\\ YU;'l\, JilOl't' .'-;r:cf'iUc:dl:j' br.!ilK!C'C: J~]d c;ef-;criJ,,':I-! :\S f(Jl1L',: ,12:;t) (':<;1. [,J !'N.L~~-r'; feet of 11k' U. S. :)~ side of an 11'On pJpc'; 1d''''NJ~JG THi ,citY 91 feet 1 ,) :'~i) t':_il :n Jt.~gL L'I.'~~ 2G Ini l~lt(-'S 40 ~:;l' cc);-td:~ W",c.;! 201. 11 II; ;l.!'i il'lJfJ pi; i hf' ~~ I' '1,( l (' I' , f F)](:.,.1 1 f ''.',' t' ~:i t' t' 1.> ,',_)' ')1 :';11;11 !.U;I--([\li\:G .t]11.;:-<'C1< N'it'U: 2;) cj"L;l'l'lS if) tilll:I!) ":.; 00 '(l:ld'~ \'v'('.~)t 309. .1.1 feet f,) ,'~ln it'Cla plpC' ::.Jf" ,)n tn,> SOlllhv.!:;tc'r'ly ]i:h\ OJ' ';idi' of a ,'.0 f(',lt pr'iv;:jtl~ i.'uad; HI >~NIN(; THL~'~Cf~ the' fn.ll\l\-.'i:lg f(li1l' (--n (",)L1r~;c;'J dJ' dL_-;LdU l~~'; nlol ;.~, tlH' ~:"Jl1tlH'['1', lin!.' \.)[' ~,Jdc- Ui ;-:;;-j1'J ,10 fc,)[ !~:',V:-lt~> in- l!; \1) _Nii['tll ..:)~) cki:~t'"",,; .)~j trllF.t(;:--; j() :'l'('und:.; i,';l I;j L'l,.t to ,I puir:t; (2) ,),1:,'. ,1[e ,;1:1 "'P'Vl' 1__ 111' 'ight "i'I, !"",l".' "r ;'i,G! jc','! illld V" "'" ('fL)pj IS ::-::()t~~: .1.1 d'~i~l'l', ~-; ;,;n IJiln\ 1.(' ~)O :-1 C'(>l;(~;-: F,',~:t 7J. f.2 fe'pi to J. pulllt; I , , (3) (4) R F r 1'1 rJ '"." it. I'" \} I" II, I; , ,':\)! ; Ii ;,~ j IT i i:-T , I !I ~ II 'I Ii Ii I 'I li . '_._'-"-'-'~~---'''''-"" . , " ". ~f II :1 I' ,I Ii ~ ~ ~ , t', '~ i' f'JiJ.';j"/; 1'1 ' "I" i"\I' I"~ "I, , I 'I' , \', ,-', ~_~' ,.. .. I "" -' """da dcgn'cs GO" 1fI1I,(:-i 00 sl":,,e,: ;':,1,,1 :)G7, ~4 f"\" 'l tl'\JL ti e: I, ,jUNC .1,!;:'>lCE SOLth Btj di.'i'.cT~L'b :;~~ rninuil'S 10 ~ccCUT1d:,: East 216 feE-.l hi l'l i l~d~1 pl :-jt; dl'-;NINC TfiENCI': c' '~n iron pipe; Nol'lh BO d"l;l'C"" 07 fIlinlltc2 ;;U ,'3l?cunds F,lst 10:;.5] feel , i! I' Ii ! ii.LP-JI\!lNG TILENCE' 00UUl 07 dc{_'.;c'C':.-; E; nlinutcs 50 ~\'condsEast 237. 89 fc-,~)t 1\" ~.lle n.1()JlliJn~nt ~;L't ;~it iiit_" li0int O~~' j:.1;1(:t.: ()J 13j.;CINI'\lN(}. :;lJIsJh:C'T T() c'u\"':'n;~nt:;, J-cs+r'jc;'-;'\lJlS ':nd l'C';('1'v3t1(11;:,' ill Liber 141S cp "~J ':.;, n'j(<.hfit,u by T HH'':' lE~:;:~ cp 232 ~:.nd J'Jihl'r ]7:~O cp 244, :ind to (ar:C'ln{~nt to F ::/1-'1'S lsl'lnd Tc'.JerhcHh; COln!)alrv in LiIH'J' 21:15 LP ,J3:3J nd Cd~)f'ln(-:,nt to F' .j,{'l'S L-d:.d1d .\~t'ctl'ic Ccr~lpallY ;n J,ll.H'r' 2i;):j l'p ,14:)_ I I I I I I ~-< jJ (J[". !.-ni~l~:-; being alldlr~lcllJ(:d tu Lc :111 (.: the r(dl pt'oflt.,' f.l !"l1U!' by dCi>d l'('CCl',J 'II in Liller HD42 .:,if ri,';:-d::; ~lt .t,dg"=~ Hi on conveyt-:,d tu ~.he 1'1' "']'\' Q iOOl <, ,', I O-.~. {' ,;. J (1.i.~ r('OCETIIEH l.,i:Ll:.h thQ h(~;'l"-:>+i+"'" -,;:;: ". f . .J." eCL. ,,':::. Ul.. an I:a~';.~.,'ml~n':': 0:" 1.noress dnn c~'Jr:;'s:~ to tIle Dub'"!.1c ilii.,J'}lwa~,t i3S c.'on1,al'n(.'o" I' d j ~ ' 4 .1 - '_.1 a 'eec mau~ lj~ Fis~ers 1~;'~ and CDrpOr,'lt: Lon tc 81.d.i.r hl"il.~, : :~rp:', d El ' , . ,'Ill 'Le S. Wi 111Clms, his wl.fe rec:oliJ d i.n J~,iLcr 1415 P ]'71. ! ~ 'I II II ,I II I Ii ~ II ~ 'I RFCOFlDPfJ ;;011 n,nl. ,'. "j' fYlI/llR ! ii' !IT,. (" f Southold, N. Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 December 6, 1984 Anne Borland c/o Profiles 380 Lexington Avenue Room 1901 New York, NY 10168 Re: Set-off for Anne Borland at Fishers Island Dear Ms. Borland: The deed restrictions which you sent to our office were reviewed by the Town Attorney. Enclosed is a copy of his correspondence regarding these. As per his recommendation, we request that you prepare covenants and restrictions stating no further subdivision in perpituity. Enclosed is a form which you can use as a guidline for your covenants. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. When you have prepared the new document, would you please forward it to our office, so the Town Attorney can review it prior to your filing it with the County Clerk. Very truly yours, ~~.4--I,-.d1 C)vi..b"""S~\~ E&NNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING CHAIRMAN BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary enc. -=1:0 &,\'Fau~~ P..F~...",N~I~i{;..~'. ,1~.q;~jRn TJ~ Q{ii~~);1i ~ LD i\ u,.,,,,.f,. '.".'.'il<.:;j.. ....!.} Q ~. ~' .J.~.,~,I, .~rt/.~l:lf ",'\I, !l SUFFQJ~K. '::C(lt.I'~TY ~1Ji .....~ ';>\o~}Y ~_.;~: ~T'-A1Y .,--,~ . Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 November 14, 1984 Mr. Robert W. Tasker 425 Main Street Greenport, NY ll944 Re: Set-off for Anne J. Borland located at Fishers Island Dear Mr. Tasker: The Planning Board approved the above mentioned set-off with the condition that neither lot be subdivided in perpituity. (see the enclosed correspondence) . The applicant has forwarded a copy of the deed (see enclosed) indicating that the covenant requested is included in it. The clause, on page 3, states in part that only one residence can be constructed on each lot. The Board requests that you review this and let us know if it is in order as submitted or if additional convenants should be required. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, ~v.:...-d Dv lO,JJV\.'\., !R cL iV'-o BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary enc. . . NOV 1984 7 November 1984 Dear Ms. Schultze, Thank you for your help on the telephone today. I am enclosing a copy of the restrictions and covenants which apply to the deed for my property. I believe these restrictions, particularly where I have marked them, preclude any possibility of subdividing the original two lots, which the approved set-off re-establishes. require. Please let me know if there is anything further you ~~I A -.~ (. (i l\~(:~ Anne Borland c/o Profiles 380 Lexington Ave. Room 1901 New York, New York 10168 212-490-6688 '- (r: \. .' . _~f,F;t"~f."lh\'[~~-:; ,}12~~;;~ t~~~:'~lr~'\',',.jt" "ii31'lJJiJ1_J~r . .t:rr,;., l\ .....\~ ~~~ ""C"1r~'" ~.-:- :'"4~"~t.;:.:_l-.'~ ".......~.., > '7 'I.. ~,_ _ ,..~..'*l" ~'r.f ~ ~.... r~"'t .-;:.,~,;" '~-:.k::' Wi t ,_" ~'tf'y ~ '~~'7-""-'Jo~,.!!' .:;..\_ ._' -~ ~~I ",.:J 1<". :!; -----=:;;-.,.~ .~,,f.. ;;~. . ,',' .... ;..'~ ,I.,' ~") :r"':..'.)., ..,' '-..' '......A' _1J . .... ~/ """,_",.'" t",~;:r,. -~, , , ". """'" . -:."C' daf f .. -' ,',' ~,. _~~~..'\.,,!.' 'l'lUllNXlmvalJ8da,l!>Il:..., ..."".~-- ~. ,14..0"<='1'" ~ !:\'~;1i :~,,:-....... .iocIred '1M,_1.,.~l-.."tll3;, " b<tw...nll,Sl!ERS JS~N RP . TIO~. a tOl'JlD' ; :,::' 1;'.;' . , " \ :')'." ,:.~ l*'c b4d'.4ct 1M la..., of tbe Slate" :New York; WI\6 ItJ pnlll;tpol p10cc of buaintst .. tbt Ci~, ..; ,~!. I..;r-f'~' i: 0:: Slai& oj N... York'lJetcill&fler the ~rinlor. porl)' of thdrtt port. aad '::Ali S. .,l.,.l...... .-~,:.,;. .1-...~~f...&:-~ -& 3 "W.m ':10 'lIlr.; or ~te ~.dtlgton .\1""0., Olt1. COCUltT .,d ',' ~\~ of. ,', ::'l:'" i ",' ~'''I'~'~::~i:'~;~'fl:7~~' ,.t,.. ~ . hereinafter ~~ltd the crantee. party o( the at(.OOd pat.t". .~,,:~,J:~;..:.rk~. J ~~' -~.,,~,.....,~- ',.. .. .\, ~ ',- ~ '" .' . ~'I' .- -"i. .~j':':"'}irITHBiS~tb.(the \>arty o! t first port;III'~..idm~.n.f ,"". .'...., .'';::, , ~.. t1'\ ~;. .~. ~'..; ."",. "~, . ~....J '^-. "'-"r.d ... _ .. .. _ _ _ _ - - ,. - - dollar.. " fA "~'~ . ~.f"'" ,.. ~ .,"-.Jl; A "'" __ ~';~:..-.n:-., .... ..... ""." ,- - .. -''''''''&4 O~ ". '"' ' ..... ~., ~~." _ -,. ,~..:i!t, ~.;~,;.~~::',",;-io'I';l;;';;.:,L.'''':'t'''' . ~'". oth".'lt -04 ell nll>&b1e conslo.ntlolli .::) "H~'. ~'{~~~~t~ ~~~Jilw._...,.....,. Ell- . "' r'") _ I, ..,'.~ .. ,-r', . ~ III Il1o parl)'.~1 t..~ pot" doct h"1'grool ~n<I rel.... unto the I""Y 01 the ><<-9od port, '" ". ~'. :~* ~-- j',J" -:~'"l"','~.ltt~."'...&taiCnaf<n..... a. ...&Jltl.bt.tbi ;:"t1r.t, . ~ ...:t;~ 1.,- !~'i'l ~ . ALL..,..... '(ili<dlOf land; witIa Itc. buildinp and'impro..menu thmOll. In the Town ~"f "": '; -' ';{ , . . 'ScMiI6oll1d, Sdolk COUllly. St>le of Ne'" Yorkj being a parI of that portJon of Fi,t",,, h!.nd belo-.ngmg to "; "~}:'j~"l..~J ~ &rut~ ("'hic~-~rtion 1, hereittaCter call~d lh. "'rarkU) lying J.:.asterly of l~ fuIlowl~ tine. .11 ' . !......".;.~'..~.t:ro.!..i,t.'-..')'li."....;'.:...r.'..~..:.'\'!'.'<BE. 0 1.101.. nro ; al'the"1OUt1tca.. 'IOTlycJ.a e.r.. of. tan. d.''''''. .ned. br'."" Vnited. States. k. """n as Iht :............r... ~;4~~t::n~.:,Fort ~.,.c. WriCht ;Military-, ReseNafion, ~rourit Prosped:rract~on the shore of Block Island Soond ~ ,the ,:.,J"- .~.~~ " .~l'k~"'~f.~;,; Atloa.1t Ocean and)'ulIninglltcna: portbtrly f~l"wing the. Eut bowldary of .he-.,.;d land. of the Un'led . .:';'.;;",; . ,'~;!"3i!'-!;$Iateo totbe -"<<lylillCof .EooI' Ead. Roo.d! (oomell....."'lIed OntDtoI Avtnue) aad which pOlO' I',~ ":';..'"C,- '~'~~t{:;~;:~:~~;r:','~t7~oHUci'~fthe.,J1niled Sta~~thencecr~sai_ng tbeEut End Road and f?Uowing the '~:'\,'-:~f': '. ;t..,<. .~..'" _ ooUno II the Jut to the tbore Qf W.... lLj.rbor or Fisherl ..t.1alId. Sound; , . ..,' '" ,,~ . ..-'......., :""',_"'0<-,-) , ." .',' ", .' .' ..... - 'IL~___~_...I ,', .' '-.',.' . ',.' '_"'._~' . ::t::,\,,:.~_,-.c:"_,"::"':,_ _~S.i4.JoIIDr: "_1_1 Jaa4~bCiAr ~ &Del ck:.Kribed.-u. f~l: -.;c...:; ::;"l~,.':'_~:~ ;'f~j)~:t:::..;> HOMaHe llO:l:.. . f;''',~.7.:.',j '",4;,,~(,:_ .'.'_ 3tOlnl~' ,o.~ ';.. ~\.o~.".moQ~~:i',;tet :J:~ttl(-J_c...thdtl:; aide ~! .-. 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M ~e~r..~_::&.ndi.:n.ln. a:.lnutl' ~I\- \.l'Iree hiU.d,ret' aQd I~l'\-l__. 'f.-- :~~.,}!~..;~:~.< ,...eaallcl..Il1M",.toul' hUDd redt.h. f.,\. \.0 ..tail.; thecae roc rth 61 ~~~ t7-.~~~ci.~re..::,.'\\\ \ 1 ;~~-::-.r,,,.:~~..:)bll'~7:t.o ta1aat..:.auit-ea- '~UDd"'l"a\, :\~..t-,uncr.d M~ "..~\.7-.1~ &:.~ ~1rt.1-1'''.n::>.~~~ 1..}~;:.~tl';,b-."'dth..~t..t ,\. o......t~.. t~...r.o. ~orth t....~.. t1~t1v. jl&t"t.. &:'1= lilt'.n 1f!1n-:;t...__.~. .;.. i~', ,,"~~~~~jirI1Y..L...'b".. hlmdft4"u4Dl~ ~d tOttl~!,~Qr.hdtd""4thl feet \';; & l\"cI; t.~no~'}'OI"t.:~:. J)!~):~Vf;.l.~~~ta~~n'l". 4~.....:-tl~\1~.lllA' "I1nQt'Is..'1("'tt~ .eo;)~. -:~It O~~ ~'.l.."'~l"ltj a:'.::! fiftlen-,..: I.\,:.;,~~j>:,r.,,.. l' to ...t~...~ 00 ~be SO~tlt.r11 Ildl. or 1M" rJa~; th.oo. 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Tbal the, af~ pras:ri_ shall be oc:c"pi<<t-"<t,uoed by tht {un'....''!l.lr bel.. .nd ".,tt".. lor'''<;,,'' .' , !:.* r~~. ~ pnftle ~ JUIPOIa only. and not othe~1 and lhere ,hall.be rfC'tttd t~e:;eon-}mly a pflva~ tesi'" .'! ' '..:" " ~io,l.;~~:~i?~.for !be u-of t;me~'amD1 otd1~ t~ with. 't'he ~sarv ourbuildmCI .Wtu'lmant Utento. ' J. '. < ~'~};:t:'i'>~~" that__il ~.~ one ~ it. Mfeby"con~ed. o11Ji ~~~ s~L t~ ,haIl be ~r<<ted, Of;'. t:~i~~'~,~.. , ~~,;,:,.~...--t-l.... eooch' of,oada bqmoSl'''' wInch i....hc.-.mbof01'!. r..~:,~I'...Jn'rn.ttd .. H,"""'.,..'.... . 'fe'";.:,, : :{' ,i:'fi1;~t~r~(~~'~~~otber ~~.:....U~. ,,!~:d"0ll 'he '101...~.'pr~.M aket.wns'lhan. ...~:~::~.~~\ ~..""i~:;\f~.,'. .llt'~ In the _ ",'any boiIdioc or othet ..'."ctlu.~rm<<l ,he,wn. .nd -oc 0\,. ohaU :.. ~.":'::;4 .tort[. ifr..:.iiaIeriaIIr., !lf~ the. . ~. 1'1'"".' nnce'. o( .'he al~e...." 1'<.. ~...exc<p., ,C<Q,din, t~pIaM (lIle.' udoOC ~~:'..>"". '.'.,:. '~.:.1.< ~ ......".1.':l'~.\ '-"~.'.'. ..-"lot '"'--. rnd."'C plan, planl"'C p.lan,.ad. ...Iocation... pl. '..Ol. ",hicIt .hal: Ii... be....... i'I"o,<<I '~.' ..::'.:.'....'...1<.'...1... 1~~"C.~;1'~ "" tile 1JU1M. t...oua:aanr.... usil'1+'c,' ,'. '.. . .. . ", ;,:/<~:~,;~;'"l." . .~:.~...~..t.~.'i...~.':.'~...~'.'.:'!:.~~'~.:~. '" t~,,~. ~ JOr..,.~~~ .t~ .hail..bi ~n!ctc"L~:~inlaintd. '."'.-!b.,.e. ar.,:)re-.aiJ, ~ e~i!l<S..b,.tM g.~~.ct"_':~.'...'.....~.,.,:~.:.(.~}'f:.".::-"""" : .::~.~~if~~~I:1.:-.'''.IJ''''''. ~,arad. DO li"~,,~cock',baU-J;.e kcp~ OIl any part I)l th(p:.>~rt,. M!~~)Y C()lh'(l~, W1th:",;'-~''I.\':;''i'')<,,: :.{~.~~.::.:;,_lIIewritlea_'..,.thep'lDIOt.i"IU<C<t"'.O' .Slims. .:.. .....- .'. ' . . 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'-_~. ~~tbi, ~ bereiDcon'.~l'~. th~ ~ imp~~_\~ 11,)' th~,,~,r~ti~:~o( & ~iy.te ruidence__. ~,,_" , ~f,~-:~\~i~'tf~, tbe,IIIe'of_c.Ie'.fuW,...oaI1 t~tOCI L~ .,(or,~~: W1thin~ tht~e( )car'_!~~ the date bcreo~'_,.~~_,JrantOf':;--\,.:.'.';;.;.'~...:~:.:_'~.':...1 -,~''',~-iy:t~j~:,''JJ''~:)acu1lOl'! or. auipa,~~shtJj. haye luc rlcht i~~l?,!: optlvn T) Jepurc.~!l~C ~~~. s~ UpoD 'l'JO;: pay~n,t:' "",~ ~ ~~._~t!~:~St;,~f,,~oriciul,parcbue, ~. thereof. without! truer~t. an..J J~~,.cra.,t~..\~.t~~',.,~~irJ <<~l~S. cO\'tn:lI1~ ~y?,;'. , * ""~"')F;;_ .,.. .lbal.--.t1l<T ..ill.......t.. ,ckn!>"ledJc .nd 4e"~"iOI"U" '0, bo ,~<e<u:<d.w.nu.I~<.<!.",,,,,,,,;'. _ :,;,;.4j~7J~::)-/'::aad'ddhtnd.-~nQja~:.~l.-~ praNac._ fn!~ and (I~~r ~f &nr.m,){1i~gt,::~,&X~'~':.9t'.cthcf~: ).i~n~_tbAri_tl;~;_":~'~ ;}..Z~~~} ~i-~~~'~w-::r~~_'~' ~ IpiD. ..~ prtmIICI. u~. t~~:y.l',mt'n: Or .~ntl(!' 01 tn~,_a~n~:~~,,!lald ,onccmll~ poh:~;e, v'-- , , _.,.c.,;.' -~1i:'J~~;~~,~~ 'h~r:i:~;..~~ .G~a~:i f~'~ ;..~~.:t:~\~';';r~.';;}~~i~.l~' ~,~pl..\<e ~j'hi. .'~, ;':}t;' {~~1/ "{~~~(}'o,,~ap~:_~, l&I'eeato' pal. ~ ~ CJ'&(ll~(~'lS',~~~.u()r",,:.?! ~I~rn':'--~ 'a~~_Jtl&U~t~~ ~~~et.~~;t~::~;,;:.~k1~;;: ~ijf ~ .j;~,h\~"'edlJ7"lhe I'lDtot,J..~uec"'o",6r ,ulcn~,~~~h cho.rre~~c.pl~!,htht.COIUen' .Qt.. 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",~~j\\J''''~I.'_'',,,,,'. :~\~_J;''\':;;j'},~,: ,;~~~):~, : . Thi~~l~~\:nd~..;J'b:i~'{.;;;ii;r~;m~';~~'~";\;t ;{,~' 1,1 ," = ' :~df~~'l-=ililiu jOt".~t.ll~d1~'.1 all ~~,Dricin..ltllf...,i&id)':OI!'i"',u4.r~~ ',.:t.; ~ . , '~~~~ttf:r....,":,'oW\".~....~. i1iliil ... :~\leSt ~1;t1lt ~1lIr;'",."l<foli'-er .cobnocrJODW/lit,. ~""J-;iI: ';~' ,;.'j' ",.._...t I~ .~~, I'tMI, ~o aid pre ~I,~ \nIIIk tti>O'.......... ...... ~ ~"! ~ 'ff,}~,~_ :'~:rop<"1IiIlf'~~:~:,J'b<< ,r lee riar\h.... CO_IS ...heT,!"": ~,~,,~.IO. ~1".""'~,Hq -. MpIIc laIlIc;:,fAClIl_~.or\~I.ral...... .COIlfteCtlOD III cood r"POi!' ~,;,t'~aperatillJ!r'-.!II/......,...tJ'; .P'loni' amf .~' rorr,ll,e 'tor,,,, rlon"andtpr' ilUWlalioofol ..... 'Itplicc 1Mb, J~ .u4/ot!!i; ..' !eral ....;~~l<In"ih.lI fin. be lpp oYed Iii ,writinr by lhe rrant...~ .- ',' . ' "" ':, i " . ';;.t- :i~'i:"~ . 1"., ~Jii; lllr.hf" di...,.;,i,' and ""rea tIi.\~~u hot.bo~ j;'hIIltlht ......... ... ~::', ,.,rSJ,"~ 1"'~.~,~;~,ltiei~rhi.lo rreah~t"'~~':~'~ttm!~t""Id~"""!!PI'"'" ' ,.'; ~\'Omlxo ","3!)(Jl\lnywa,..pjillul<d Qf .iIIlfil ,rOl' P91abl€ parpc...,; ".,b., , '~,\::., ~:. '_, ", ". ' ';!'2,: .'AII.It)~'~~~t..',,~,a~r.'llle iti:IiliJ:~~".kpr.""":.:ih~1J .he,;blMla'l' up.;" .tJii!'crarJ.tIaUrI'~ . ,. " .;.~.;rs ailda"lrno;'ln.Vr.balt,he beICI'tt!' . ~!b'u4,bIrJd,lhrlar..nllld ..........'1Ior<by'-'t..._1~... all. .'! '~~''':~,\~;<_~Ufl~\lt\t"nt CJWnt't, and '(1(C\tJ1Auts tll f, Unlit Arril: IS. 1~5; and theia.fttl' Irma term lID InWI of !. ' .,,::, '.;" ,wenty y.~rs'~,he ~I'ol lhe,o "'..'lI1Ijority'ili acreage 01 aJilail4'withiu dle."Pan:..~. ,. .~, ;'t~,.; '.. A".rilliu"ilrid ealtrnOnl. oIatt. ' Implied:or .xpreuedt,1o !hO:'p..+-1)- htreia'"-:.,,,,, 1Iall~ "Po, :' ,j' limll<d..by IJI4 aabjecqo iu.h 'rul.., ~llon""n" ,..rietl"", fOYer:ninr the __ 01 -Ihtnaf.". ~~~~. L~"*"~'~:.;:' ,the ptr'OII. tiret!il;dot re~milt~ to ux 'the",""'"l,~.~ihaJ! Irom'tlme to,lime be ~.ClI' .....'lb.4~~"';l .~' :-'-~ ~~~'f,':;;.-.~~ the Jrantor"fts ~t'UOfl or IU1(tU. I' ~ '':' ~^ _ " ( ... . .__" ~l _._ ~ ':"'" _ ".^ i\t-; ~1f,t'.-;;,,;;7,""O. " The rilC'htl,~ed.l*tin to~ Cf8btOr.; or to the crantor, its !uctason' or a.u:icut <aad Ibe ~~.'.: ~.~~;. 'i ~:?"&f1)ent 0,. approvtJ qf ..tbc &fantOT, itl tIttUJOt~ or ~ herein ~ferred. ... ihaU ~ ,to",IIIaa" ~..: ,_ 1'~; ',~':.'i:__':';'}<qwr.,9n1y tbe riCht OP4 01 lhe . Fjshcrt hlarld Corporadoa.,o'ittcorporate sacc .....lD4lb..jc.,':!'if: f~';. .~;"J~:"'~, /lot. rden. ... ,i'.":lu~. · person 0' eor ~.t~~ hol~inc ~i; asCran~ ",lancIfrom ~ ....~..... _ ":',:,'&,' .,'.\.'~.,' :~'~~';'ic.':" PROVrD~. HOW;SVER, thOI)~Y 'ol.Uic.loruaid coycnanullld...........laC\lDtliIlttl ~.,~ ,.",,,. ~~:" ~~,;,,;';'; ~""thi,:d<~~f con~e>..n<C rlilY be ~. in>: l'm.lndjn.nymlna...wai.~~ cb~ willa tbe,COUCDI... :\;:',r" ; :,- 1:,;~,;ri-2'~:*:.t,~~-,_fT3ntM~"I,tJ 1\~~e~S(~.~_~ Qr, ~fo!ll~~. a~~::th,e__:~..,.ncr .~.t _o.wnen f6t.,~~~..~mc ,beiAr _of the ~.b~ '; ':" :~~~3t~i'~ ' t..:~, ~._~;:>:~~C_~~ '''~~~~~~~:(,~td, and:,t~.-~'''~,~~~~r,_' ~Jor'~Y)f ,~~' o! ~ ~ p~~~y. WJt~ the-:".Pn""'~'~-'.:'''-~_.\ - ._:"" -;:, ,~~,'~:\:~f"Y; i'):i i l~r~_:~., t:-'/~.;'."-::- ~., 1:',~('.pr~".'''~.I~n);u.1 r.~~td',,:~..~h~.lljl..PP... .,.1)'._._10. ,.c.,~~.. ,,:ht~e .th. c ,.~.haOC'c topt~pJate4 ltifQ:.aw." ~..,.,. ~'j-.l~..~.'"',)i. . ':"i:) .:'. '. '.~'/.(.f{:~. ..'......iIi)..;:...!......Jl tha~.. all. tfi.......J...". d~.~ thr .....~"rk.. ~h'c:hlha. .).,,>f. ..p. .~~. \"ey. ed ~y .t~.. e gran. . tor. ',lO.. ~r~.Iwin..' .!-. . .bcr..;..~:.:F.::..t;--.;-::..:,I.~.i.. '1'." "fl~ Ii' '1' ,:;<:~-:'.,:"~-, ..;'Hu-h wal\'ltr ~r c'h!ngc JlWI.apply ~o andl all<<:t-tU tt,~ land wlthl. tbe "Parka. wb.d. has beal coaYeJe4,-.",~ 1" '\!:r~f ~ ~ . >~;~~{~ ~ ~,'>~: h.)' ~t"e gra,n16r:Jubjtct to' th, 'ro"~naDt~ a~d 'er~~t-nt3 ~~r~A H.t 'f~ftb. I4id ~"cnan~ ~Dd...... caDCDtt.:'~.": >If:}' '~.,"~ t~ f:4;!f:f . >;'~'r b. ~vai.<dor.~h.,nr<d with the co~~: D~ ,lh. gr."."" pr itl IUCC~I. lad the COIl....t oI.lbc. ,:t}~~, & : ;;~\i;~~;::.".ner.\o'~e~,.thl~l~e, cnntor) or: m.1l~r~'Ylll~.cr;ag. ()1,.II:~~lai14 .,..cb.a lhe "('artr." ':.': '.;<~7,!:,ii'l< I "~';:'>tt:.;:';;;..< PRO\(I.Dt;:J:l;;.ij9,WEVER, Iha':Ilj'thinf;itClhi. de<d"eontain..tllllalllimil ,... ricbta' tb&.':,..~~~.;= ; !;j~:;;" "" i:!'~"l'''; Ii. ~u,~<~~"'rS.o<:.~~ign., ,oj .... o~;"r.l""t~})ar! ol.i.,. I.ondo, oituilt<l within lh..lor~"Park. ":-.~. ;~r~ '. ,l_ -:\-,~~~';;.,~..~~:~,~s'.tt cr:tl!eY;.I11:IJ!.A~em' ,u;~abl~<.rt4'..'_golf'toa~,.-_~uh_-hou5eS. ,ba_tbinr, beaches 9f ,other _~ "77: ;<"\:i~;.,.\;!t: ~~'1;,1::1~~.T'$:;:%ti\arr ~J~i~:ilfi~~n.~(~t~ ,he,r(t~. at- ~Ilc!~.th~< T~,~t to:~~: .~ri.in t~ ~Par~,ochtr ~ ~:,t:;,_~;-~~?*:>;~: ;fil:i~1.;i!'};s..,~t,I.lor the ,c,~.,:~~~ !lllherCS,de. (~;o(~..r,ark. t. beU><d ."<, opc<at<d. lof ..~ or ~"\>1.: I}. /,'.:-~:,,_.....~ '/~'."\U~J)(N'S; ~ut-tbt &tthn; I.part of !,m."j(Il{' 1a,1<f~ "'_rtd theIr wer'shall (\(ot optrate to con'" ,or, WIll: ...par... '. Ii-_',:, 1 ~-<:,;: ~. .:;:.~i~::.~<;Y:_~_ha.M'rs (;r ;)>rpfl(rt). '~"""'Pf:'rt aui' ~i).:hh M'! iQt~rt5t;_,"rt'-tlud lao4,>' . ~'i, '_.' ._' : :'-" " ,,'. _ c_.: Ji.:,:,;, :"'~'_ , : -;':::.~:".:.>~.':~'~":-Z~~_~_~.-\'>: :.'.;.' xv.'' ~r'r.,.u,rt,~~.;aJi.I.' ',._.r j_::~1~~ _~ni,~rtSI~. i...~'.\>."t1i~r'. r cat ,~r~~,I.~ ..~t)' p~_'~~~. gra~tor not .elt~rUsf1. Ie t 10f1. h. h?,: ,.'~:~':l;';~.?~~f.~~~:'l1.:;) . t~-~J../ .~hI5...n5tr,unH:Ul' ~.('~..~t~-:bJ,C;~Jn\""f"l or ~,r;a~!If,err,ed ta;,the rn:.~!r'e-' herein. and It IS PP~Nl, COYe-_-. j;> : ~~'~:":;~ ~ ~~~;;..~.:,~.~~.,'....i.~~ed. b y. l.h.,C"F..,,~-.~.,">:.~,ll!~..el~.tl .!,at n. ~ rig. .h...II. s..:llPPU. t~...n a~{"('5;'p.. .rh.',iff1le. or per.. ~rial aclV&n.taca..ia ,or CO....<'.:I:l,~.......~~..'.'_~.;J~-'.'J~.. . .->rD~~p(t.-Jtd_. witl~. .~aJd- oU\ff~rt'at 'propNIY.~ -lij~,grintor. rlut' nf'rcin ~xl.re..\'>ed;' ru~ ",,'it" or are attached..to ". f';-- :"_:; ~':: I 'w. let .'mplc, ~od has iodd >\~':;;;$,.EijlJk711,~~i'~'~r!i'~I 'tl,. fir;t';,ltn'-;ai ~rr::~~~w;.;ri.; ";,t'l.liJ#'~ ..i<ll'~i_. pro';'NI 11.;': :'::-':~:~~l J~Otf~'1$':\\1I!Yl1.f~.:JI)' tint b:llJ hd,~"' 1~1,h"w.tttJ'lNrk. ,~-;: ~. :~i:. - --, ~"' '..:"':~ ; ~~--:-_" ~~ :-l.,~ Z\ ~', ..:;a-;...\ :~.;"i[:~'::':--.i'{~!-: .....,~,,' . j;: - ...~..:: "'i'" , )~ ,.' ~,,~... '-'---.~, "~"'_" _' . ~ :-,:':.."'<. '. .;-1~~I!((W.I;TrJK8~'~l;Iil:~I!OF,'I~' J~i~ ~~'f~.:R'"t i';~ i,.~ - ca?~~ ~, ~rate ~~~,,,!~! ,<' ~~,.-\ ,. . 1 e~!\.'tt'!;!t.;.;;~~~1:;~!!t",~J~.~'1~o~~~t~";~T~~'~",~"l~I!O~~i',::~:';ii~'::l' '. ~-rr-~.u.~..t\~~~~ ~~~::;-f<~S.~.::.C~~~,v.~.;''''''''/"''> ~\"'!.';";::;"'t.,.. >:~:,'<i1:::.~~.!r \'li~T" ..... , c.t '. ~-~~"'- of~~':.'.;.\-t,'.:~ .......~~ ~ ..... , "',,' ~ .._ .... ~._ ':"'I~~"'" ':.'"..-.1....;..Hk>.! 1>0... - ~..;;~;.i''''~-,,~.~ ~...".~~~\'-:.,. .__~. .' _<t-. ~"'_... '>~..t'\> '~".. .~"."'. - "';'" "'~~' ,'~ ,;","..-i<", ,.... ",_'., ..".,,~, '''j''- ';:.:;.-;~ ;"~,- ~"".;.7~i:t:.. ."'''::!..J.itt:.>" .~~:;;:;-:"'. .~~. . ..... -, '" . .t:'t.r~t; .-4\... ~.:."'; ~.,: .: .:,..t.\#i'~~ fr~ :~:~_"41'18HE,!S ISLAND COJlPOltA'l:~OJfJ." ?i:r{r :iJ:. ..~~ .';" ..,~ -,~, ~ '-~~' ':t~...~..,._ ':~ - , '" ,.. ~"", .' _i'" -"'~,<, '\.,'li~.:rff':i'. A0~__~ -o.:.,~-'"~ i ~-- """T~',~ :- -~ ... ..~,. ~"~" ': ~.:.~ 'i7~ {':;':f~~\"J~ .-...... 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':l~.';J<:.~~,:;1t ~5;;~i';~;~;::Y",. .... ,j; vI ~ IAz1A(toa lyta....CHJ.ck.~'T :.;:';<;'~~ ~~~;~r~'f~~~:~':~ '~i,~~,.t~r;t ".. hrrfilt3frer ~Ial "tht gr~tc!~,p'::'~:r"the"" t'~l,!~~i~.~i';; . ..... ., ~, _.. ",:0:.:, _' ..,:1> " , , \'~~:';",:WHEREAS"1".:;':J ~t'rtain ,Ice,! ma.le h)' 11~b~r. Iel~d,:CorporatlOA t"'1.';j<1:/::" -;."".:', .f:~ . ,,""' -.>;H I- .; ,,~~., ~ t ,; '- "'t.:,. ":';r.,;.;-~~.~;:.:-,.-, ;~.' -- i.." .- ..;,,~ -<-,~-," > ;i, .I( ;....UUaa.. ~f';:':'~:-:'-_>;'~:_~: ,.' - . _ _:,;i:~r" -~. ',. ',~~-~.;~ ai~l X~lf~t.",l tll,,~f:L('.Jll~-_~ {.,.f rl> Ble11' S'. .illi..... 'p4 Ibi. 8.: dated J\1l1' 8.. 181' "j t~~ Uak - 1\ f 81.ir S. willI.... !J1d Xla1.S.' .1111.... ~/' , e.., . -,,-'~7 'l:._: .. ,.7 ',_;A ,- ~'~~t;f4<iJ'" t'''lii..tir~' ....... ~~. 'Q',~"iVw::~'i-J.''"'~M~l~'-' t.:k'~.\~;;t:'-'l' J~~ ~, .~~" ..~,{iA"'Jtt..~r:':;;'~ t<~::r~'~~- \_~~"'!'...t 'rr~~ :J,~.:f'>.~'1t~~~~ A-.t'!' ,i"!'f'I,"1;):'1i<<,:i""ftt"k~..~jf-1"' :.i"'1.iI!.... i ;,~ t: ,'11.' J.'_;'<:~-i';/ .~., "':i,):. ~ ~~~,~'f1' ~~''';;.,'. \:;;;'Jil~~(~' j ., ,;( , i'~1" ..:~)"i)7~"; r"~'3:t'~-~Jf. ~~; .~",~'I.~_"~"""'~"" -.......~~:t""'lV':l-^',.'~<''\v~..,,<~. c;_.!,\ ......; t~ ~~41'" ;:' ~ <''''J;-~~:'T "{....\1.~.....~ .i.;'ll'>~J,.:t'<',';~,..'},- .t~ ..~!Jtiti v. "~"I~. ~.:t ;(\ '1<":.l' "'u' '#-4t.", F~ _ ,!,r~; .-~- ,,:t4.""~~,J._~: lfi<::,:"1f~; J ,~~ ""'" \'!t QW. JUIRijro..S;.p, '(O""k1.,a1loD;~ oiJ'~'-":'~'.~'~I.d~t.Il4I ~~. "~' ,~_.,-."...;.t...". ,'. _'P..,", ....,.",.II.":..,..'ti,......';."'_"'iil.. ',"..' ".1 ~. ,.'~..... .y . ..: ^ ~'rr..u;u..'l*rti..""".au'CO_f ~ ar;~...1~oll6w1i;!?'~'.'. . . ".'~ . ":i' ,;If?:t~~~ ii..Ju;.,.'~lthin ~hicn'~ ~~.~l:r;~:~:;"'i'';'.; i;"pr~ ~i~'i~tmi'H in'~. .."0"'. .. ',~;fo~PM'liIOqJtf~;ddeod. j.;;re~:J;~!o.;~ 'l, ~'.ll. '.' "dol,,! ;,... ~ 7~ - '." " -t:i931...:-;.",.and 'f~ an addititll1al'kfm-'Of ;~t::'y.t.lhrr~aftC'r-"~kt>!'_~ "1 ( ",,~f I,!Hni;U~~~' , .'!t;. ~~ ~ ~~.";oaid ellt.u." ",'l;Y~i;~i .... ''.1~~1 "'.;u;'~r "ii:(~i~L . iIio.:''''p.rt'..-ullOci,."u..'r'~t~.... ..t-I1"'l''"'' 1.., Ih~nn(D<tj',\..)t <lira 1'''01'\0. th<. '. ..;;~j:,~'?,~ ~. .~!,.~~~ .-~{'~~t~i;rld, . . .: .' ".'.19J1~",.:t~.l.J.tl("f~.: :f~'rt-rurdIA~ :~i\I~JTl.~~J.~~,.I!~.__~~?~;:~~:~1'~~~~_- ~9;~.,IIJCr.~. ~,~~ i,n ~.~. deed,' and ror:,_a:_,'>til1)~r t~r!n{)(:om:}~df d'(~rt":1ftt"f~ n~"~!l:t.1;r~ ~?1'~~;~I~'2S ";'~~i(I!;,.~ll~~.ha..,:il<k.bo<n....l"'p;;tcdll)',n..;'1.1'ilaUl.. .... . 'do,~.;I;;'..'/:, . ,~'-',. .:.... :.;il9J..::'i.lbe.Jl&r!1Pt!l~.lirst.:i"ri~~;~ltt1k 8-~~ ~r~~;~;~ '''', ." -'. l' . '. , . ~ . it-:.. '. ~ -, '. ,'. "'.,..'l'~~: -~~nlDctrs(9?):da)'l.~"'t~.l.\lt~'''''ot.NI'.. ....~~J~ ;~.it.~'.I.O~T;;,.. ~ .u""" '1 -'-'s"'--'"'"' ....1 "_,"'--,.. ~'c..u,-,.., 0' ~ 'tl';:'~ ;;'';l;,,';<I~ ~.......__0Il'uc: el'TntlRN~abOl1't'~v"V'O'\fIllMW~.. '-:1- .~ . ';".'~j.H-~ ' k';t;..--;;':j.......,,~' J~",".s. I """~.' ~'...' ~i"'-~~" oi....~-'1... ~W _:'; <. ...':-"'"t"~~~Y: - ~~-.~ 'p.I"~ li"',~ 'l'v.:~~." ~,...."."~ .::~~_~ -..... A.1.~ ~t~";';';'.u ~ 'I LA'1t. ..." :"--<1 . ,,{..~f!t.. . ,. ;L,,' :':; ~. _... ,.::\...."":".:--~,<>Ix! nn":" .....~ .... t... .Jl&rty ~ I~ "rot. port' to tltere'~, ,Is oploon tn ,op"m'''',".: ,{:~. -,fl!:... ~'.' ,.'.,":,' 'aid 1>0 '.... iii ~ .itlllaid .... 11..\ the Itnns ".,...,1 shall be d.emcd to be ,ullki<ntly pro by ,,: ,'.\'1...- .....~"...,", . '. '.' panl..". putt..-'. "'" l~'t >~~ . - mlilinc". written notke to that eft'ect.,dit<<lcd to thc..,....,....of Ihe HCOIId part. at the ad<1re$s of th~ ~. ,.' ii ' Af. rt~~f~f.~~':.S.:.;...;iOt.Ihe:~.p&n Civtu"abOftand ~u_';of It.;. rrpuftbaR p~e-lhan~, ma~t:'~.t 'hl: umt' pta~~' :"';thiD:;;.:,:r_'t,':"I~ . ;0!;';f~;'~~0.;r7'(~)~,~~Itr.he da~ o(.uci.,~mrig. . . ..,.... ....,. . ..' ."Port1~~~.',~J~~~ d'~~.~~:':::;>_Z::::_":i~r:::~:";.!llr~~~_,.~;?'_.t~.~~__of tb~ ~Ycyan<<:f aH,o~, any ~~:o~ttM::afo.~~id pr~ises b~ ;the~..~t;.,~:~;~~:i--'~ '1:~;rt~,<,,;.....icc<lnd port,or&DJ...~t crantttsaid ~ ol,.ltdJon,lll.he ngbt ...r=ch~~d ~';11o-P"" '. '~....i.;.'. '.":.."..?:.' ~~i, he .uIlid"" i.1 moi.l. : <<I.' 'to I.he 0";"" o. ("<COrd, al tilt .lirnt..:o..I. lWOilinr .... 'a 'nOti..., 01 tho 'pr"",.' i......io..~. .', 'j~ ",".".,'''.. ."'" .,..,. . . .' ....u.. ... ,., . \beir .' .... . '>_::,:~;i~\::: ,-=--:"~' ,~dfrected'to SUdotmer in a.re'to"~ ~Lt~,~rwJ part. a,t 1\1- I __;addr~ as'a~~~::,'>~ ",t8i t'.~~~,~:':;{:~::~. ,::~,'imieU taidOWDrr 'of _ r<<:OnJ ,h..Jl ha"e ^pn:viousl): (H.~'\~,~rty ~_f 'the first' P=l.rtnot,~~in,...rr;tinr~'.' '/:tL,~ F:~{J):.~;; of'a ail....... odd'todorlh. ,~. ol.bii arr.....nl:runhe~ in JIlC o~.,.t of tho, I~ilu'.of th.~aid.' '>.:.,.E~~.1 ' .<}\{'"..:::-;;,,:' ~ c;.ner of ~rd' ~o 'eiYo '/;:.uch address. tendt": or"tbt r~rcha!leJ>rkedwt be...J~~ t~ ()( ,buff!c'itnt!r maTk"'~~:;~ . ""-;,"1: ,: "...,<,;': ':,. -:'11, depoeitinC tbt QInf' with. re....lf1.ibl,. 'HankOI' Trust C~n1 in&:t~tr (\f Sew Ynrk 'f~ lh~ a<<:('>I1(lt~."~~-; '". }~i~ ~~i~;S:"j-;~'~~...'~.ot~ ~ o.~.~rd ~by, .n~ling-to. ~ic1 t?.~r or r<<i}rd to, hi, 1.. ~ - aQd~r..~. ;}'tc.:~T1:~I~\o/, 3j'-.&,t~r ,;!t: I:; \~ ;~~i~.i~:"~",~.~ ~~orsUch tender. . ':.,~ . .2;::,\~ ~~K','~:~it,}".~. ' . '., Fowt',~ This agrtt1nmt_).~a~lllC' d<<tOt'd 16 be a co\'~nant running with the l1nd,a~d)~~1J':J~\r~.'_~',:'" ,,:'-';f,~~:t "{}i;(': lhe '-'6t 0' and be bindii1c upon tho h<ir.. '~OC\I'ors. admin;.',.'ors, .0<<..",,, and ...i."11'Qlin.I"~li~;;;::.tii;~ t:;'.,;,~\.; . .~'b>. . . ." '.' . '.:-:.{ ;::'~,;:; " ~y: '.~l:'-. ..~~- -+.>",.~ 'IN WITNW WHBRKOFlhe 'Pl~tit'. heretG-- ha"e si4."Oe~Cand :.~alcd th~ -f~r~iric "g,~~'jtni ;~f.~H~~l~: ~ ~~~I~:~Y)L~'ck1~' ~l\~l ~"rill"" ':: ..~,\,.., .....; ..'i;""'e.. 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F~"'...j"l~-~!...4ii"\-J",' :....-t'~..:'f'" '.~),,."H ". , '~M ..~,'l;~.:i."i'l2:!..~1,pl ~ ..,::"'--;",1 ,~~ ,$,......' ,..~....~ .~ . ,,,..-.~,,~,;i ,,'\'t<! .~ _(, y<.:; ~ :"k ~ "...."..r~'~.'r,., ,.~.:t,:;;'::'-;;_~_'-.",~'l-;:-':: r~" ".$-<10 ,"Y' }"'~~:~~~~~~::2t..r2,tr:;.~~t~~~ '~ ~~~If'::;a~~~..~:\?'" l.~'t ,~"".-~-",~' ".~: ::;~1....': -~ j''''''''--"-''--' ~"---'-"--~ ..............~~'-'.Mj~_ ~. ":'r ? I 1 ,J,":,' ~ I" . ' ;. .~'~-":'-., ",,~, :c.if,i' ~,~,Ii.,",;,' :,;, ",' .,"'# ' II~: ~ ;;1 , ,~~ ,,~. ~~ iff ~:qii' il ;;1 .., -,t." ,"", t J. lj~,.. ..' ,;s",. , , ~ ~- I~.' :;~ i I IE ii ~ ~ . ' . . < ... ,. ~. ,., ....'\ ..-, f' .. , '~., '" ~ ,''-,. : ........""" , ..~, ,. ,,::,...,,-;:- . '~ ~ ':. <~.>': '~;. ~,:'~} ~.':":;; 7'. . .-.C-' c ~ ., (. -~.-..- . \""1.- . ,....1i30 "Jr,(U; 24! .L '. E. ). ;:-. t , ,. ~ .' ~" . ~.. \'-. ~, .., !f:. ~l ~Z". !!! ~ ':""" :;1'.;~', "'.':-~ ,';." ! Ii! - !! ':..:; = .~ (,.~ .....= " ,':'.;-". ;~!.~~c:}__:,_t~ \ ~ ~= ;:=- ',;;= , [ . , -::tJo R. L.o. N D ~ef12cV,"" tv/ ctA! '$ No rC,.2I1I6~ 5i/li!Jolv/~/ON 1 .5VI-Ajl/Cl , /7 .~ 84 IL:: .CC.......::t-.4T'-1- 'f l T Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 &p-juJJuL. 12 I ;01lLJ Environmental Analysis Unit DEC, BUilding 40, Room 219 SUNY Stony Brook, New York 11794 Gentlemen: and Qt Enclosed find a completed Short Environmental a copy of the map of the minor subdivision of .;j./6 h.ut.J) T\S/.r.l.Jd- . . Assessmen72 Xorm ~~ -..). \..JOf\lAr,cL, This project is unlisted and an initial determination of non-significance has been made. We wish to coordinate this action to confirm our initial determination. .::,........" May we have your views on this matter. Written comments on this project will be received at this office until~~nLbuL~~, 1984. We shall interpret lack of response to mean there is no objection by your agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act~ and our agency will assume the status of lead agency. Yours truly, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD ~ (1.L~1\ ~ c1-/l'\.o) 11'- By Diane M. SChultze, Secretary ~ment of Health Services ... ~i:.__.: I Fl';',' l :~U::~.H:f';T..\l_ ,\SS::::':J~/I::i; I t, ~/:", (;~ r.U;".i.\ iJ; L~'\::>,i. -- -'-~"';f.'\' J::Sr::'!CT 10:15: (a) 111 onlt::- to ons\'Ier the qu"stions in this short EAF it is as:;ur that the p:-cparcr viII us~.cur~ently available infornotion concerning tl pra'cct (JncJ the li1;ely ir.lpacts of the oclion. It is not expected that odd1lional stucJic~. rc:;earch or othcr investigations viII be undertaken (b) If any quc:;tion hos been answered Yes the project may be ::ignificc1nt ~nd 0 cO::lplelcd r::1vironfi1~ntCJl AS5c5smcn't Form is. nccc5sary. (c)_ If all queslians hove been answered No it is likely that this project is nol significant. . (ci) Envirofl~~n~al ^s~c~~m~nt 1. \'Il,n [l"oi'~ct resu.Lt in a large phydcol change " . . to the [lrojcct site or physically alter more thon 10 tlcrc:; of land?........................ Yes V"'No 2. \'Iil1 there be c mojor chonDc to tinY unique or - . .u.,u:;uo1 land form found on th'.: 5i te?. .. ...... Yes V" No 3. \'lill project alter or he'le a large' effect on - ;- C'Y..istintJ body of \Yolcr?.................~..... Y..r::.sv"No 4. \'lill p:-ojcd hove 0 potentially lor,;" impact -:-' -:-:- " , .. ? " v - ~N on 9roun(I~{J~cr quo_1~Y. ....................... ICS~ 0 5. \':ill project significcntly eff"cd drainage ' -:-- -.-:- flo~ on adjacent site~?....................... Yes ~No t. \':ill project affect 0:1)' "threoten"d or - - -' cncJcmgcrecl plant or tlnimol species?.......... Yes 010 7,. \'/ill project result in a rnajc'r oove:-:;e effec:l.-;- :-:-- . 1 . ~? ' . . Y .' "'N on O~r CIUQ.~I,.)'....................................' csy 0 l). \'/ill prnject hova 0 mojor effect on visual - - character of the com~unitv or scenic views or vi :d05 known to' be import~nt to the comr.luni ty?~YesLl-lo 9. \'1ill project odverse1)' i::\l'o::l any site or .' structure of historic,'" prcllistoric or : .. pal con t 01 t'ui ct,l imro r t al~CC 0 rOilY si t e . dC$iUnCJte:d os a crit.ic"l environmental crca . 1"yo local agenc)'?.............,.......'.~..'.'.,..,..,. YcsVI'k 10. \'/ill pl"oject htlvC (I major effect on existing - -:-- or fu lure: recrc:ationnl opportunities?...... .".. YcsLNc 11.' \'i,ill project result in .I:'\ojor traffic problems - " . o~ couse 0 major effect to existing, '" tron::pnrtatitlfl ::)'s1.Cril!:.?........~............. . YesVN~ 12. \'iill projcct .reGulorly couse objectioneble - -:-- oelors, noisc, glore, vibration, or electrical, ; di:;turGo~ce os a result of the project's, " opcroliorl?.... eo....... ......................................................... YesV Nc 13. \'illl project hovc on)' ir.'pocl on puGlic health - - Cir .sofely?...................... .................................... '"............ Yes VNc 11,. l'/lll project "ffect th~ existinD cOlJlmunity by - - directly CO~5inD 0 growth in [lermcncnt population of more than 5 perce~t over a one yeor period ~ hove 0 r.\ojor negcJtive effect on the chol'<;,ctcr of the co:omunity or neighLo:-llood? ........ ,. . . ....... ............. YesLNc 15. I" lhcJ"c pul,lic conlroversy conr.el'nina the ---:- . p ,,' () j c c t '! .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. eo.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. _ Yes Vt~ (: Pr.Ei'Id~Er.'S S]G;I,"lU'r:~ REJ>P.ESEIITIllG_~t,(. . . . '.C.#'. OATE3:j rLwf ~ . . S. 'EP 1 ol . u '984 , . ","-(" " t ." - I \ ,~ ~ ., ,'-I" ~. RESEPARATE MERGED LOTS APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAT . To the Planning Board of the Town of Southold: The undersigned applicant hereby applies for (tentative) (final) approval of a subdivision plat in accordance with Article 16 of the Town Law and the Rules and Regulations of the Southold Town Planning Board, and represents and states as fcHows: 1. The applicant is the owner of record of the land under application. (If the applicant is not the owner of record of the land under application, the applicant shall state his interest in said land under application.) "set-off" BLOCK 31 LOT ItA ANNE J. BORLAND 2. The name of the .....U. i.;. l is to be ..!l-LQGK..31..bO'l'..I.IG...AIlNE..J....!lORLAN.D..J\S t?. ~.~..'\':.~~ Y.~~.~~. .(~.~H. !'.t!'."~J.~!'.~!'.". .P.~.r.C;~.l! t A!,.~~.r.,:,!,.~. .,,!,:.d.. P.q?qT.f!~. X:..... BORLAND as to an undivided (1%) one percent interest, as tenants in common. 3. The entire land under application is described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. (Copy of deed suggested.) . 4. The land is held by the applicant under deeds recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office as follows: 8942. . Liber ...".................... Page 16 On 01/09/81 . .............................. ......................... Liber ........................ Page .......................... On ..~~:.-~....; ----- On ........................ Liber ..."................... Page Liber ................... ~e Liber~.....Page ....................... On ......................... ...................... On ........................... as devised under the Last Will and Testament of ....................................... or as distributee ......................................~~~....~......-r.~-~"........ -- -- . .................."............ BLOC'K"i i "iilT' ~i i A" i'~' 2': 2'i~' .~~.; ~.~ . ;'-~d" i:'h~"8 ;;t':off 5. The area of the land is .................. acres. (BLOCK 31 LOT l1C) is 2.31:t acres 6. All taxes which are liens on the land at the date hereof have been paid except ............ ..... ............................................................................................... 7. The land is encumbered by ....l'l9.t).>;i.l)g.....The..~9J1.<;l..:i.~..\lP.i'i!'.C;\l!l!l,l!=.r:!'A:......... mortgage (s) as follows: (a) Ivrortg-agc recorded in Liber .............. p;)g-c .................. in ~motlnt of $. . . .. .. . . .. ... unpaid amount $ ..... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . " held b .. . . . . . .. . . . .. address ........................... . .. P:tgC' ....................... in original .amount (b) ~[orti:afie recorded in Liber ... amount $...................... held by of .............. UI ...................... .............................................. -i- . . '. . 1,.1\. , ", , " . 0'. ~ .....,. ," . . (c) 1Iortgage recorded in Liber .............. Page ................ ~~~a1 amount of .............. unpaid amount $...................... .............................................. 8. There are no other rances or liens against the land except ........................... .................................................................................. 9. The land lies in the following .zoning use districts ..r.e.<;;;i.c1l".nt.i.al.!. ..ag,r;iJ:.u~tu.ral. east end of Fishers Island. .......................................................................................... 10. Xo part of the land lies under 'water whether tide '\vater, stream. pond water or otherwise, ex.. eept .-;:- ;-.-: ;-.-;:-. . .... . . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . 11. The applicant shall at his eXl'ense install all required public improvements. 12. The land (does) (does not) lie in a Water District or Water Supply District. Name of Dis. trict, if within a District, is ... .F.i.s.Ql".J:s.. Island..Wate.r.. Dis.trJ.<:.t.................. 13. \Vater mains wiII be laid by ~:~:-.--':-..................................................... and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 14. Electric lines and standards wiII be installed by ......................................... ..................................... and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said lines. 15. Gas mains wiII be installed by .;-. -; ;-.-::-. . . ~. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .... . .. . . . ...... . . .:. _ and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 16. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by th.e applicant to be existing public streets in the Suffolk County Highway system, annex Schedule "n" hereto, to show same. ]7. If streets sho\V~ on the plat are cIail!led by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Town of Southold Highway system, annex Schedule "e" hereto to show same. 18. There are no existing buildings or structures all the Ianu which arc not locatcrl and shown on the plat. 19. \Vllerc the plat shows proposed streets \\" hich are extensions or streets on ~llljoinin;: sub. division maps heretofore filed, there are 110 reserve strips at the end of the streets on said existing maps at their conjunctions with the proposed streets. 20. In the course of these procccdill;;s, the :1ppJiC:LlIC will Idler proof of titl~ :1S rt:quircd Ly Sec. 335 oi the Rc~l Property L~IV, 21. Suu:nit :l cop::-" of proposed <..Iced for lots sho\':i~~ all rf'striclions, covenants, \:tc. ^I1n~x Scbcclule OlD". +- . . . . . . ',"'\.. .... .". . . ,.. . .c. \ ,. ,,:'" .. .. 22. The applicant estimates that the cost of grading and required public improvements will be $.......... as itemized in Schedule "E" hereto annexed and requests that the maturity of the Performance Bond be fixed at ............. .. years. The Performance Bond will be written by a licensed surety company unless otherwise shown on Schedule "F", DATE '* .J1...~...............19. ... By . .~:.C;J;.i. ~~.C;~.. ~ ?':... ,!,n.<;..--! :..~.(n' .l.~!l.cj. (Signature and Title) .. .5.~. .\O!~g t~.r:. .~t..... .Il9.E\tP.IJ.. .I:l.a..... 0.2 LQ8 (Address) /)/11<>" ,:.~ Iii STATE OF N"CW"YORK; COUN'TY OF ...:':J N. :... ( t':-:.. . ..... .. .. .. .. ss: O th S-(c....ljf-uJI./d. f -:;"~/fr('{.I{~t'y 19 Y'lb f 11 n e r...... .......'.. ayc ....-J......................... ......, eoretnepersona yc::tme J"'1>,.,,'. IC. "l~"' . i It'''' t k b h" d"d Id '1 d' d'h .. ~.... . . . . . .."...4. . .. ."'; .. ... ".. \}. .1.. O'....:--:.. ... . . . O'.. .. 0 me "nown to e t e Jl1 IVI ua escn Je in an w 0 executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that.. .l.i ~. " . executed the same. ~>">)/.. . ?/ ,J .,,'--c ';;"" ."ir ,,' -: ":';""" .... .... .i.cfft... ..Cf'.70I...7..'/'.,:".....7rp'1... ..... Not~ Public ~r,~hl.~-.~.Nu" M,;l.i:;?T~N - ." , " .- ...:j ~ STATE OF NE'V YORK, COUNTY OF ........ . . .. .. .... . . . . . . . ... ss: On the ................ day ....... ..... of ............... came o being by me dul)' sworn did de- pose and sa)' that..... .. .. ... resides at N-". ....... ........................................... .......................... is the.......... ....................................... the corporation ties . ed in and which executed the ioregoill~ instrument; that........ .,... knows aiel corporation; that the seal affixed hy order of the bO;1rd of directors of said corporation. ............ sig-ned .............. name thereto by like order. 1\ otar)' Public..... > . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . .", , NYTT $3'''~ TAX '-l.'\P DE"IG:'\;\ TIO\' D..l 1000 s., 007.00 8" 03.00 l.oll'l 006.000 ,....... TO F.~ "". "'''''M-_ ... .... -. .... ......,.., 0_.... ....-h...W.., M ,,"-NO... CONilAT YOW LAwY.. _&0. 11GMNCa"... ..nuM....._TMII .uTI'UMINT 'HOULD. Vlm.y I.AWY... OM,Y. THIS INDE'NJ1JRE, mack tht If) rt day of November. mncltm. hundred and eighty-three IIE1WEEN JOHN C. MAXWELL. JR.. and ADRlENNE MAXwELL, his wife, both now residing at 485 Park Ave.. New York, N. Y. 10022 pony of the 6... part. ODd New York, N. Y. ANNE J. BORLAND, now residing at 66 East 83rd St. , 10028 party of the Iccohd part, Yt'J"TNESSETH, ttat th~ pany of th~ fin.t part. in ronsidenation of _ " TEN and 00/100 ($10.00) - _ doll",. Iawfol mon.y Oflh. Un;lod 5....,. and other good and valuable consideration pa;d by the party of the second pan. dots hereby ennt and ~lea5t unto the party of the second part, the htirs or SUCCC'S.IOrs and assigns of the- party of the SttOnd part forner, AU...that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, ....ith the buildings and improvements thereon erect~. situate, lyin.r and bei~.... at Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more specifically bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument set on the Northerly side of a 40 foot private road, which monument is situate North 2597.02 f :lind East 1021. 55 feet of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "NIN"; RUNNING THENCE from said point of beginning along the Northerly line or side of said 40 foot private road the following four (4) courses and distances: (J) (2) South 87 degrees 42 minutes 40 seconds West 212 feet; On the arc of a curve to the right with a radius of 205. 21 feet, and whose chord is North 02 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds West 105.16 feet; North 62 degrees 55 minutes 40 seconds West 63.15 feet; On the arc of a curve to the left with a radius of 215. 33 feet, and whose chord is South 27 degrees 04 minutes 20 seconds West 104.18 feet to an iron pipe; (3) (4) RUNNING THENCE North 41 degrees 20 minutes 40 seconds West 204.91 feet to an iron pipe set at the Southwesterly corner of Block 31, Lot IIA; RUNNING THENCE North 25 degrees 16 minutes 00 seconds West 309.44 feet to an iron pipe set on the Southeasterly line or side of a 40 foot private road; RUNNING THENCE the follOWing four (4) courses and distances along the Southerly line or side of said 40 foot private road: (J) North 45 degrees 59 minutes ]0 seconds East 115 feet to a point; (2) On the arc of a curve to the right with a radius of 75.61 feet and whose chord is oouth 44 degrees 00 minutes 50 seconds East 71. 62 feet to a point; (3) South 79 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds East 109.35 feet to a point; (4) On the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 191. 11 feet and whose chord is North 10 degrees 15 minutes 30 seconds East 43.95 feet to a nlOnument, which monument is situate North 3174.52 feet and East 584. feet from the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station liNIN"; Cont'd. . r . , RUNNING THENCE South 09 degrees to an iron pipe; 09 lutes 00 seconds East 367.94 feet RUNNING THENCE South 88 degrees 32 minutes 10 seconds East 246 feet to an iron pipe; RUNNING THENCE North 80 degrees 07 minutes 50 seconds East 105. 51 feet to an iron pipe; RUNNING THENCE South 07 degrees 19 minutes 50 seconds East 227.89 feet to the monument set at the point or place of BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO covenants. restrictions and reservations in Liber 1415 cp 371. as modlfled by Liber 1532 cp 232 and Liber 1730 cp 244, and to easement to Fishers Island Telephone Company in Liber 2135 cp 433. and easement to Fishers Island Electric Company in Liber 2135 cp 449. Said premises being and intended to be all of the real property conveyed to the grantor by deed recorded in Liber 8942 of deeds at page 16 on January,. 1981. TOGETHER wi~h t~e benefits of an easement for ingress and egress to the publ1c h1ghway as contained in a deed made by Fishers I~land Corpora~ion.to Blair Williams and Elsie S. Williams, his w1fe recorded 1n L1ber 1415 P 371. " TL wilh all rirbl, till. and int...It, il "y, ol.ho lit ol.Ix fi.. PA" in ..d '0 ..y It..... ..d roads abuttinr tht above delCribrd premiit. to tilt t:mt~r li~. thereof, TOCEllIER with the 8ppUrtmancc. and .U the utate and rieht. of the party of the fi,rlt part in and to Mid praniaes. TO HA. VE AND TO HOLD the prmURS herein rranted unto the party of the lerond part, the heirs or SUtte.lOrs and "liens of the party of the JeocOnd part forner. . Arm the party of the first part coVmants that the pl.rty of the fint ~rt bas not done' or suffered anything whereby the said premises ha~ ~ incumbered in any ....y whatever, ucqrt as aforesaid. AND the: party of the first part. in compliance with Section JJ of the Lien Law, COVenants that the party of the first part will rettive the consideration for this convcyanee and win hold the right to ftCeive .uch consid- eration as a trwt fund to be applied first for the purpose of parine the cost of the improvC'ment and will apply the same fir.. to the payment of the COlt of the improvement before wine any part of the total of the llIn1e for any other purpose. The word .'party" abaJl be construed .s if it read "pIJ"tic." whenever the ICDSC of this indenture ~ requires. IN WlnIEsS WHEREoF. the PA"Y 0/ the finl part .... duly ex<<uted dU. deed the day UIC! year fin. abo.. writtm. INnu&JIfCl:OJ': J1:~,1~U:Jr. ~.:-...... ~/ Adrienne Maxwell ~ nAn or MIW '0."'" Of NEW YORK _I On the ,0 .y III Novembe r llll3. be,,,,,, .... pmon.n'...... JOHN C. MAXWELL, JR. and ADRIENNE MAXWELL to 1M Ic:nowa to be the individual S described in aDd who al!ICUted tht forecoinc instrument. aDd admowledp:l that they executed the -. otary Public nlZAlETHA.aTT ~.,,"'bht,Stltf"""'" He. 30-1243600 Qullifit~ in Nuuu ClIt""J CoMft",ission f.qll,.~ Marth!tl, uW STAn Of .... 1'.1. covwn Of On the ., 01 19 . be,,,,,, .... perlOnall)' came to me known, who, bcinc by me duly .worn, did ~ and My that be resides at No. that he: i. the of . the _ration clescribed in and which executed 1M foregoing insttunJft1t; that be knows the seal of aid corporation; that the seal .ffixed to said instrument is such corpontc ltal; that it was 10 affixed by order of thr board of directors of -.id corpora.~ aon, and that he: Jicned b aamc thereto by like ordet. "rgain anb ",Ie ...b ""IIH Co\lE.N 1 AC.....1NSl GlAN10k"S AC1S rlTIENo. .() JOHN C. MAXWELL, Jr., and ADRIENNE MAXWELL TO ANNE J. BORLAND P__AU ... Of .. YOU. ....... Of ftIU _wunu ".,.... ..,. ~ TITlE GUARANTEE- =u NEWYORK A'IlCOII_ I I III . l'i 5 I ~ i !: I . ITATI Of ....... cou"" Of On the . III ponoaoIIy ...... .. 19 . bef~ me to me Imcnm to bit the incfi'liduat descnDed in and who executed tht forecoinc instrument, and u:knowlqed that Qccuted the ___ .: "Aft OF NIW YOK. COUNn' Of g, On the ., 01 19 . bo'o", me personally came the lubscribinc witness to the forqoing instrument. with whom I am perlOMUy acquainted, who, being by me duly Iwom, did .depolC and ..y that he resides at No. that be ....... to be the individual delcribed in and who executed the forqoinc instrument; that he, raid subseribinc witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness. at the same time lubscribed h aame as witness thereto. SECTION lLOCI: LOT COUNTY Ol-TOWN- SUFFOLK TAX BILLING ADDRESS Recorded....t R~a""sl 01 TM T,ue GU1111'I!ee Compl"y "TUIN IY ~AJL TO Winthrop, Stimson. Putnam & Roberts o Wall St. ew York, N. Y. 10005 Attention: Benjamin Gertz, Esq. z'p No . . James \hlnev Righter SEP 6 1984 Arc h t c c t s 30 August 1984 Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 To the Southold Town Planning Board: My client, Anne Borland, owns two lots at the East End of Fishers Island which she bought from the Maxwells. She is intending to build a house on the upper lot and wants to make sure that the two lots are in fact separate. We are therefore asking for a "set off" and have in- cluded the following: 1) 12 copies of the two lots showing contours 2) A copy of the curre~t FIDCO map based on the Olmsted Plan and others 3) A short environmental assessment form 4) A form letter re: grading, roads, and drainage 5) A check for $50.00 Thank you for your earliest consideration, ~R4~ 58 Winter Street. Boston. Massachusetts. 02108 . telephone. 617.451.5740 25-4. K 1-:5' '1 29-2 . /' / Fl-t'. ""'. 25- 29-3 , '" I '~(' Miller - .\ Cushman 22-4 i> i ke. / LOING LOT )F FIDCO .. 1981 ~. LOCK \SLAND - SOU N Q ,i. " '----i CONNECTS LOTS OR PARCELS WITH COMMON OWNER ...:. _ LOT LINES FOR CONTIGUOUSLY OWNED LOTS . APPROXIMATE. DWELLING LOCATION .' . APPROXIMATE LOCATION FIDCOBUlLDING IE:! MAP _BLOCK-LOT FROM COUNTY TAX,MAP ~~., ,FIDCO LOTS _,' ;FIOCO LAND (undesig'natedla GoLF COURSE 'i:.:~:,::;~f:.:: \.JNlMPROVED ROADS :/: ;', HI S . MAPCQMPh..lEo FROM 1. OLMSiED,'.9ROtHERS pretimi1lXY plm,revised 1928 . .' .2, W. N.,BROW~~INC.,; lot and road plan 1929-1931 '.' ".i. v, ; 3.CU'RRENi 'CO~;TAX MAPS . '. f, ,'< ",:\';':f"if;:;:',;:,,, " "'~;.C~N~;~Al.~~K1NG Jots~ 1945-1981:i ~:~",,'h"'_""" ,_;.0)_."..-....."..... ".," .,""...."'''''''''.''''............................... ..., ...",'"," "".-. '...~... ... '.... .<u" .-' F\SHE FISHERS IS SCALE: 290 SHEET2 of 2 . . ~,., "',. r: ~"""'! I ~.. ~ .." , Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 . .. Re : hJl.JE..::r: /?J Ote. U1J D P~PDSEp SEr-DFF- of Gentlemen: BLed:. 3/ I-oT51hf t-/!G ~X AMi> '/: /Ol>O. 7, 3'(P The fOllowing statements are offered for your consideration in the review of the above-mentioned minor subdivision and its referral to the Suffolk County Planning Commission: (1) No grading, other than foundation excavation for a residential bUilding is proposed. (2) No new roads are proposed and no changes will be made in the grades of the existing roads." (3) No new drainage structures or alteration of existing structures are proposed. Yours truly, J:::.~ I1C1wjM .' , \ ~ . , -'"........ r . n:ST::'!CT 10:lS: (0) JIl orde::- to on!>\;,:,r the qU<o~lion!> in thi!> short E^F it is assu Ih~1 the p:-Cporer viII usc, currently ovoiloblc infor~(Jtion conCerning t project (Jnd the: li1:cl)' ir.lpocts of the oclion. It is not expected thot odditionol studic~. re~ccrch or olher investigations will b~ undertaken (b) If On)' qUcsti0n has been answered Yes the project mo)' be significnnl and 0 CO:,1pl"led Env,irol)f.1ental ^s5essm"nt Form is necessary. (c)_ If 011 '1u"slion5 hove b"'en on5\'1ercd lio it is like1"y that this project is ~ Significant. (d) Envil-ont':"l:ntol 1\5~c~~r"~n-t 1. 1','.i.np",:oT-"~ct result in a large physical chane_,e . , to the: project site or pn)'sically alter more th<:n 10 Clcres of land?....................... Yes ""'No 2. I'/ill there be c major change to (In)' unique or _ _, 'Ur.usual land form found on the si te?. " ...... Yes V'" ~lo 3. \1ill project olter or he'/e 0 large' effect on _ ,_ existi:1" body of Waler?...................... YesVNo ~ -. , 4. l'/ill P:-ojcd, hove 0 potentially lor>;e impact .' -:-:-- " 1 '. ? .,,, -: iN on 9 r 0 u n (j ''lC1't e: r quo - ~ ,y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ',' . _ i e S 'V" 0 S. I','ill project significcntly ciTed drainage , _'-:- flol" on adjacent site:;?....................".. Yes VNo t.. \','ill projecl affect any .threotened or _ _ _, cIldc1l1Dcrcd plont or onim01 species?.......... Yes 0-/0 l'/ill projed result in 0 lnojc'r oJve:-se effect. -;- .-:-- On oir qualit)'?......... .'... " . '........... .'. '~Yes VNo C. Will prnjcct hove 0 major effect On visual _ cherocter of the COr.1r71unitv or scenic views or vi:;lo:; kno\'ln 1.o'be import~nt to the community?~Yes~No 1'Ii 11 project odver:;el). i.':1poc I any site or .' structure of historic,' prehistoric ai' : . pa.leontole'Uiccll irnpcl'to:~cc Or OilY site , desig:1C1ted os a crilicol enVironmental crea . by 0 10c01 oge/l-)'? '" '",.......... .. Y~s. ./'t,.o . ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "_ ~ V , 10. l'/ill PI'oject hove CI major effect on exist.ihD _ or fulure recrc:at.ionol opportunities?........._Yes.~...t-.,o 11.. Will project result in ?ojor traffic problems . , o~ CO~se 0 major effect 1.0 eXisting. '. , transpnrtotion system....?...................... YesVNo 12. I'/ill project ,reGularly cause objectioncble _ _ odors, noise, glore, vibration, or electrical : disturGo~ce os 0 result of the project's , . Opera lion? ...,.... ..... . '" . ...... ...... ... . ..... Yesv No I'/ill projcct hove on)' ir.:poc I On public heollh _ _ "1' ,sofcty? ..... ..... ......................... Yes vNo 11,. l'Iil1 project offect the cxistinn community by _ _ directly ca~sino a gro~lh in permcne:nt population of more than 5 perce~t Over 0 One ycor period or hove 0 mojor negotive effect On the cl1or"~er of the Co:om~ni t)' or , nci ghLod,ood?.. .. . . '" .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . '" '" . . . . .... \'esLNo I:. lhere public controvC'rsy concerninG the - ',J#. P " 0 j c c I ? . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes V No - - i:"!-;',' f :~(J':.'.F:l.iL\L J\S s:: ~ ~).~:~j,' I t:" rU;'.I.\ (. t.\'SI:c.. , 7.. 9. 1', .J. 15. . Pr.Ei'Id~EP.' S SlG://\ TU'r:~ REf>:-( SEIIT 11IG_\l.41M~ V~~ DA Ie 1.-9 l1ANf '&t- ---0 "f, I; l,q'MI f" '1(-','-' ^C(Illl~r >JI!~)P.FR! Ii B/i ! 9 3 11 !L151 \~-,"c.: ..... '.,-".~_~._:J L_Jm~I~IIIIIII[mllll~Jlllllllllllljl II Hold For Pick-Up or 5atllrclay,[leIivery, Recipient'5Ptlone~mber .. .. '''i,., DEPARTMENTIFLOOR NO ~. PL,A"E:: COf.M'I,Fll t,lL !f'jf HMAliUN IN :>-jE 5 BLOCKS OUTLINED It.j ORA.r-,Cf Sr:E 8ACK OF fORM SET H, COMPLETE r'REPARATION It.STRUGTIONS !(!q ,,~.\ltJ 1'/...., 1I'.iATF,'- . 'i' t ~~ , ;'; "-_../ TO (Recipierit's Name) DEPAATMENTIFLOORNO STATE I COMPANY i i I STREET ADDRESS (P.O. I __,;, i , CITY ',\ . .1''''''11 lj :<rn'Ull I STREET ADDRESS I I "II ,*1f1ff'''' .P I CITY I ROIHC': ~~_~___~n__. · !::IS a. 3, , h 2 5 r ~~~Ao~Mlrl~~fc~~gUI~ED AIlBLL NO. 1010 j oM"lll i' I II ~ : I YOUR NOTE5nlEFERENCE-NUMBfRS-ifjRST t 2 CHARACTERS WILL ALSO APPEAR ON INVOICE) i tA;MEN')i(:.Jl'IIShiP;;~ " , o CaslllnAdvance , SERVICES CHECK ONlY ONE BOX PR1URITY1 OIlERNIG,HlETTER 1 Dm~~nN~oHI:tCrAGES) ,'~UP In 2 'lZ I '" f4f HI'. TI, .CT BOX NUMBERS ARE NOT DELIVERABLE) I,; ; /l L L, \.~ , STATE ~A t, ~, -L~LJ_ IN TENDERING THIS SHIPMENT. SHIPPER AGREES THAT F,E,C,SHALLNOTBElIABLEFORSPECIAL,INCIDEN- TAL OR CON E TIAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM CARRIAGEHEREOFH,C_D1S. CLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THIS SHIPMENT, THIS IS A NON-NEGOTIABLE AIR BILL SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT SET FORTH ON REVERSE OF SHIPPER"S COPY UNLESS YOU DECLARE A HIGHER VALUE,THELlABILlTYOF fEOERAL EXPRESS COR- PORATIDN IS L1MITEOTO $10Q,OO_ FEDERAL EXPRESS DOES NOT CARRY CARGO LIABILITY INSURANCE ! FEDERAL EXPRESS use FREIGHT CHARGES o Bill Recipient'sF.E.C.ACCI. o BIH3rdPartyF.E.C,Acct. o BiUCredltCard Accouni NumberlCreditCard Number DELIVERY AND SPECIAL HANDliNG CHECK SERVICES REQUIRED DEClAREDVAlUECtlARGE () I- e '" ~ "- 'J. ~ >- "" o 'J >- Z UJ ;i: (.1 !JJ 0: I ,1,: HOLD FOR PICK-UP AT FOLLOWING FEDERAL EXPRESS lOCATION SHOWN IN SERVICE GUIDE. RECIPIENTS PHONE NUMBER IS REQUIRED PACKAGES WEIGHT EeLA OIS EMP.NO. DATE VAlue o CASH RECEIVED AG'IPRO [JRET\llNS/tflIlBIT 0 TlIADP....n AGTn'flo U CHG,TOllEL 0 CHGTOIIJI.D TOTAL TOTAl TOTAL STREETAOORESS ADVANCEOfI!GIN COURIER PAK 70 ,0 ,0 ADVANCE DESTINATION 20?J:~N1GtJsErV!lOPE 30:tY:~.N1GtJlpx 4DfJ:~,N~GtJsTluBE STANOARDAIR 2'",-OELIVER SAlURDAY5ERVICEREOUIREO S..R''''''IEXI'''n''i''PllII..1fJr~'M'',1 ~EST~ICTmARTlClES SERVICE (P_I '"~ 5UnClardAiof>l<koQOOonly,"Ir.CIIOrjj.1 555 (5<i""'"IO 501:",",,80"'1<0 '..."....,...",..rjj..ppl..., OTHER s 0 ~WTh~{J~?N~U~~~_{;j, (UplomlBSI o~v ICE co, RE IVE A SHIfIPER'S DOOR o REGlIlARSTDP o OH.cAlL SlOP F..C.lOC. ' \, Fedefal Express CorporatilXl EmployeeN01 , y STATE ZIP TOTAL CHARGES -...., RECEIVED BY: (Signature) X OVERNIGHT IS NEXT BUSINESS DAY (MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY): TWO OAYS FROM ALASKA/HAWAII. SATURDAY DELIV- ERY AVAILABLE IN CONTINENTAL us SEE "SPfC1Al HANDLING' OnlE~5PECIAL SERVK:E DATEfTlMERECflVED F.E_C. EMPlOYEE NUMBER PART #2041730751 FEC-S-0751DIOIB REVISION DATE 2183$ PRINTEDU,S_A . < ''''~._-~. -. _. -----....-....:... _.---..-.~.~.- -.- -- - .-.--.-.--.-.---.-.-.-.------.-.----.--.-.--.--.-._._. ! TOWN CLERK i ! TOWN OF SOUTHOW i ' Suffolk Couuty, New York 516 - 763-11101 . N!! 13636', ' . · Southold, N. Y.l!971 ,jZ{'r. (, 19Ki I""",,,. "'2fw>~n ,I. /~'y. ~1<<." a h. A. ii, 1;, <p- I tf--,~ ~~b IluUareS ~o i ,"- :",.:; '. 'rn.~""",,,L"'~,,, (~""'/''''''')-I Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk i ! Ca.h 0 Chf'Ck.g. / <IS- Y ~~O/~ ~ ~ t ._-----_..I.~_._--_._._. ___._ _..._. _._._.____.. ... . 01 '" ., - - '" II) - o .. 9/11 2 II: S 79044' . 109 E .36 ( ~ '" ::. Ul ~ S () ~ 7' 01 ~ :!.' ~ '0' $0 i '" .,.. -. NOTES - I. Owner a Subdlyidtlr : Ann J. Borltlnd 66 E83rdST NEW YORK, N Y 2. Site is loctltH In Suffolk County I Towtl 01 Southold I Ttlx Mtlp ., Block ~ Lot 6 ~. Contours Are Approxlmtlte And Btls<<lOn MSL 4. Coordil1tlt. Disttlllc.s A,.. M.osur.d From U. S. COtlst And GHd.tic StlYBy 7Titlnfll/k1t1on Sttltion "NIN" ~~ ~.~. o '" ^- " '" ,.. ">,f 5. Contour In,.,.ytll = 51..t Dtltum - NGVD 1929 6. Tottll A,..tI = 4.58.! Acr.s 7. S. wogII Disptl$t1l 10 8tI On 51,. 8. Site To & S6ryictld By Municipol Woter And Eltlt:fric IS l.4 ND .--l 'ill r- :;. % r- Brenda Essex BLOCK ?>\ LOT I V! .,0 ( . .. oOl-$-. ti80. jfrpB / \05.51 ..... ,/ " '1:--0 _.. . IS./s' ~ l\; .. "'~ o - ;\!. / - -/ S 81" 4 MAIN ROAD w x;-;'- POND RECEIVED BY SOUTHOlD TOWN PLANNING BOARD SEP ~ w'~ DATE I. B~~( .._4 .M-4 \ $1-6 FIDCO LAND ISLAND POND Locotion Mop Scale /" = 400' "'- IS .... 0 ~. .~ : '" \ '" '" .... "... "': Fishers Island Deyelopment Corporation , .\ ~ 'j I ! mOftiiinont TO EAST END PROPOSED SET- OFF PLAN MADE FOR ANNE J. BORLAND "TAX MAP "" IOOO'7.~.(, BLOCK 31 LOIS If A 8111C FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK SCALE- I": 100 ft. CHANDLER,PALMEREl KING OC T 17,1983