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. . T D Southold, N, Y, 11971 (516) 765-1938 May 22, 1984 Mr. Anthony Marshall Bouton Services, Inc. P.O. Box 506 Fishers Island, NY 06390 Dear Mr. Marshall: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at the regular meeting of May 21, 1984. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board refer the site plan of Anthony Marshall located at Fishers Island to the Building Inspector for certification. Please forward a check for the filing fee in the amount of $50, payable to the Southold Town Clerk. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN P9UTHOLD, TOWN PLANNING BOARD ,Q..Uu..ctl.. 0" (n 0'"3 [.~ PL ~ By Diane M. Schultze, SJbretary cc: Building Inspector with enclosure ':) to ~1:0{ 12 ~\)CQ) i\l ~) L.~ " 1f3\ l~\-~ ~ ~ 5\9-19\ . . .. TEL. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 ~,. , "r-t"""'\VED BY 1'--\--'- ,_, " r:-n;n " \ _;;,,;.l>\J L,,,nl\U 'JAN - 6 '984 DATE -.,. DATE: January 5, 1984 TO: Victor Lessard & Planning Board Members FROM: George H. Fisher, Sr. Building Inspector SUBJECT: Anthony J. Marshall, Section 6, Block has applied for a B.P. dated Dec. 16, panied with check #11335 for $25.00. a disapproval dated Dec. 28, 1983. 6, Lot 20.6, 1983 accom- I have issued Proposed: To relocate a building from 6-6-21.1 to his lot located at 6-6-20.6 to be used as a storage bUilding, accessory to Bouton Services, Inc. Bouton Services business operates on this lot and the adjoining lot, 6-6-21, owned by Bouton-Atlas Holding Corp. Zone: B-1. This proposed building location complies to today's set backs. A xerox copy of the Zoning Map is attached to the Disapproval. Site Plan: He enclosed a letter to the Planning Board dated Dec. 16, 1983 with 3 site plan copies of the Bouton Service Inc. area of operation and 3 surveys of the location of the existing metal building to be moved. There is an existing occupied cottage dwelling on 6-6-20.6. In the Disapproval folder, I have put B.P. issued to Paul Edwards on April 18, 1977. building was never completed or finalized. is the building to be relocated. 9193Z This This ~qJ;J~ ~ 13.:/. ~' ,...,\ / - ( .- \ .N 12 1984 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECfOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 . TEL. 765-1802 DATE: June 13, 1984 Members { Administrator (~ , TO: Planning Board ) FROM: Victor Lessard, SUBJECT: Anthony J. Marshall, 006-06-021.1 OWned by Bouton, Atlas Holding Corp. '. The property in question is situated in a B-1 Zoned area. The proposed building (accessory storage) complies with todays I, requirements for set-back location. The Building Permit that was attached to this building, B.P. 9l93Z and issued 4/18/77 for its erection on a different piece of property has been declared null and void because of expiration of time. Therefore there are no attachments to said building. This is to certify that the proposed location of the storage building is permitted in this zone. cT7:trrw ~ II ::, 1 '15y VL:ec . I . FORM NO.3 . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No. To f.711i:1:~~~'"~.. 7i7' . Jri~' . . ~; . . ;;U~"Il; . ., . ., .. . . . . .. ./. . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. :.. . PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated . .. ~ ( f fe, ~...3 for permit to construct . .f~'~~~~..~ .fII!:o.~~~. .':. .~I~.')~~~~,?: :~': :;:~: :'.~::: ~~ Location of Property ............ (J-u... Cbo,r- ~ .;t.., ~ "4/,,....,d House No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'str~~i . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / /. Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section .........../!..B1ock .......u:.....Lot .,;10. ~ . . '0 ...... _.... M( .:z? ;.;) Date..........................,19 ".. . ()&"3 ';;0 Subdivision. . .. . . . .:--:-:-. . . . .. Filed Map No. .... .-::-:. .. . . . .. Lot No - . ...... ........... is r.eturn~ herewith a~d disapproved on the following grounds :: . . ~ . e:. .r~ ....~ -r.. . ~~ . ~ ~"J,~",~",~~~"..~p~~..!r.~ dttA'--':*~~Ad ~ I ., /... /1..... ~r ....I.......V ~.r.... ... ...~~~.~. J.'l I.. ~.............................. ::::::: ::::: ::::: .... .......~ ~A:-, Buildi~~ 'I~~~~;t~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . RV 1/80 ~'f.t . '~f...,/'., '. Ru.t...4 /.t!i'o cr.. P.B. ..,IL-r./'~/",/r.7 ",...,~ 3", /, r"""~ Ai ft I'''''','' 1f ;flu ~"". ~ l.t.t~ ~ "lu'^rfl,N"-! ~ . . '. n~ BOUTON SERVICES, INC. BOUTON P. O. BOX 506 . FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 . TEL: 516/788-7268 RECC::'-. ('I'"'' ~'~:...') , "'.'; . '. :,o', ;~,_, ---jA I,' ~-Q':f'Iq 4 ,:. L..\-;t; t, December 16, 1983 PLANNING BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: Enclosed are three site plans for your approval. I would like to move metal building from Section #6, Block 112, Lots #19 and #20 to Section #6, Block #6, Lots #10 + to be used as accessory storage building for use with Bouton Services, Inc. which occupies Section #6, Block #6, Lot #2 which adjoins the lot we would like to put the building on. Si ncere ly, ~ ,. ,I, / // ~.t~ ",/ j //~ ,;.;/vt'tC_ ::--,</./l~~/ ,,'/ , Anthon'y/J. Mat-sha 11 Enc. ~, ,. , ,t\ ,_t" L, . I' \, GENERAL CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE REPAIR SERVICES ,,-,J.-r, . :"'-"L'lc,-"t "LL1',' .~ T.,'t-r~' TO E:.",\'>t:TH ' L 1_--" -' --'''-! I~ _.....>> \. 1:_....... ........ , _ . ~ . i 1~~_-::\.Y~ LIc..E:i("'-'>::~ !~I r:,...tJlo:- IS'"? A.lJG 'J )(.1.34 I' ./\.I::.'H(,)\( !:"l':rJ/,IJD '0-0 ,\1:"...\'>'( r::::'LN.'UD A..lt> L-I/d:>E\_r::Ih.jg , A.I(H.I'\UO 1,IGf'l i.7DI flee,\.' 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"'." - or .., . ~ y ~~ , 0 I ). ~ .... ,t. ~ t rI :t: 0 <: ~ , .. !' ( " 01 "!'I l , ) ( 'I ~ , , .), ~ 1"\ o '" I ~'t , ~ () I., ) t ~ ~ i , ~ 't , ~ ' \\ ~ o I>; ~ -.I ~ Q " -II ~ lit . )> ~~ \... ~ '\)~ '" . ~I\ ) N < 0 " 0 c.. I'., "- , ft\ 1 ~ ~ 11\ " " " I., b N \ '" \l> ~ :-l ~ '" ~ C> ... "'1'> '< ". ~'" '?\,. .(...""':>-, '/", S 5/ ~o . S::> :I- " , rJ \ r:: IS> 0> .,... \' l , , '. ."~ J:;$d4 . , f TEL. 765-I~02 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 DATE: June 13, 1984 TO: Planning Board Members ~ Victor Lessard, Administrator ~~ , ) FROM: SUBJECT: Anthony J. Marshall, 006-06-021.1 Owned by Bouton, Atlas Holding Corp. The property in question is situated in a B-1 Zoned area. The proposed building (accessory storage) complies with todays requirements for set-back location. The Building Permit that was attached to this building, B.P. 9193Z and issued 4/18/77 for its erection on a different piece of property has been declared null and void because of expiration of time. Therefore there are no attachments to said building. This is to certify that the proposed location of the storage building is permitted in this zone. VL:ec "J." '['I'-C""i7t6',,,, ."~l L".'. ~'..T"""-Y' T.EL.i2Ar"':':TH '-'-t'l: h.; Ly/o..~:.:'i[,~""(z.., .<:tj'r<;:;): '; <:;:3," ;'~'LJG I J 19.3 /.1- J. "'<:::~' ~[)\( COe:")'\L:D..' 1~~_ ,\\,~\I::S: i:':Ci-),'..\)D ^..."" H/,.;',c \.C IhJp-. . A. l,U.I\tJD 1,/[,[.<1 ,./Dt \ II,." D':l An~JL ;:8) I')<i''( --.b)r:>Tr~.~ n'lI'. l-....,-JO ",(")J.-\cl-~,xr Tc:> TIle Wlo~',n~ ":L.y LI f.) '" 0\" ~ll/f~ FI('u'">".L r'\:C\'.:cl.(.TY" 1.:. ~[!'iLCQ',-":'L'O 'TO....;:; (>."-1 ....~'.Vc.pl.~n. H'.J. "'r~-\!l ..J'-~f'~C:),\/L':: y:;-, f...-Y':..c><:... ~ c; -1- ~(, ( ~\~ Ct"-...: CO'IJ , .t, ..-! 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