HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-6.-3-1 "'---"--'_._~--"~-'----"~----'--- --- - . D Southold. N.Y. 11971 JOHN WICKHAM, Chairman FRANK S. COYLE HENRY E, RAYNOR. Jr. FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL July 11, 1977 TELEPHONE ~ 765-1938 Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held June 27, 1977. RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town'Board denial of the application of Henry and Annette Zabohonski, Application #235, for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Light Multiple Residence'District based on the following: 1. There is not water capacity enough in the municipal plant to provide for this use, as per Fishers Island Utility Company, Inc. report. 2. At this time, this type of use cannot be justified because of the declining population of the area. Yours truly, pj;~~ MurterBrush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board . . Suffolk County ~ep~rtMent of Planning H. Lee Dennison Executive Office Buil~in~ Veterans HemriaJ. !Ii~huay l:au;>pauee, ,,~U Yor!: 117!17 July 18, 1977 Town of Southold Planning Board Petitioner Henry & Annette Zabohonski c/z "A" Residential & Agricultural 7ortin" ^,ction~ to "M" Light Multiple Residence !Iun, FHe '10.' 235 Gentlemen: Please be advised that pursuant to Sections l3~3 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, tae above captioned a~plication will not be reviffile~ because of noncompliance uith requirenents for notice ani naps as stipulate~ in Informational Bulletin tio. 8 of the Suffolk County Plannin~ CoRmission. TI1e followinc information will only be accepted upon submission throu~h the of,- fices of the municipal referrin~ a~ency Please submit a map of the premises indicating land uses and zoning within 200 ft.; report of the Fishers Island Utility Co.; and a site plan if available. Thank you. Very truly yours, Lee ~. :,oppelnan Director of Plannin~ by ~, ,...'.1'_ 9-1 Geral~ G. ~et~n Chief Planner \,', f-';..'_,,;"'~'~ GGN: jk .;.~ .~-_.._---- ...--_...., ,_ _.~_.._ n.__. ___.______...__'. ----",-- T . Southold. N.Y. 11971 JOHN WICKHAM. Chairman FRANK S. COYLE HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr. FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL TELEPHONE ~ 765-1938 July 11, 1977 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zabohonski Fishers Island, New York 06390 Re: Application #235 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Zabohonski: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held June 27, 1977: On motion made by Mr. Gordon, seconded by Mr. Raynor, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board denial of the application of Henry and Annette Zabohonski, Application #235, for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Light Multiple Residence District based on the following: 1. There is not water capacity enough in the municipal plant to provide for this use, as per Fishers Island Utility Company, Inc. report. 2. At this time, this type of use cannot be justified because of the declining population of the area. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Raynor, coyle, Gordon Abstain: Wall I am forwarding this application to the Suffolk County Planning Commission for its review. After its report has been received, the Town Board will place the matter for a public hearing. Yours truly, t/)/~ Muriel Brush, Secretary T . D Southold. N.Y. 11971 JOHN WICKHAM. Chairman FRANK S. COYLE HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr. FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL July 11, 1977 TELEPHONE ~ 765-1938 Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held June 27, 1977. RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town'Board denial of the application of Henry and Annette Zabohonski, Application #235, for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Light Multiple Residence District based on the following: 1. There is not water capacity enough in the municipal plant to provide for this use, as per Fishers Island Utility Company, Inc. report. 2. At this time, this type of use cannot be justified because of the declining population of the area. Yours truly, 0~~ k Murt Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board ...........- -, T . D Southold. N.Y. 11971 JOHN WICKHAM. Chairman FRANK S. COYLE HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr. FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL TELEPHONE ~ 765-1938 June 30, 1977 Suffolk County Planning Commission Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11787 Re: Application #235 Annette & Henry Zabohonski Gentlemen: Pursuant to Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the Planning Board of the Town of Southold hereby refers the following proposed zoning action to the Suffolk County Planning Commission: Amendment of zoning map (change of zone) Location of land within 500 feet of Fishers Island Sound, at Fox and Crescent Avenues, Fishers Island Comments: At the regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board held June 27, 1977, the following action was taken: RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board denial of the application of Henry and Annette Zabohonski, Application #235, for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Light Multiple Residence District based on the following: 1. There is not water capacity enough in the municipal plant to provide for this use, as per Fishers Island Utility Company, Inc., report. 2. At this time, this type of use cannot be justified because of the declining population of the area. I am enclosing the report of the Fishers Island Utility Company, Inc. Y~ ~rU1Y~.p ~ / / _ J2~-A'-"/__ "_ .' -. ._~,~. __.~.___.,_.__~~~..'_~.~_n__..~..~_J"_______~_~____'______ . . T D Southold, N.Y. 11971 JOHN WICKHAM, Chairman FRANK S. COYLE HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr. FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL June 30, 1977 Mr. Gordon Ahlers, P. E. Manor Lane Jamesport, New York 11947 Dear Mr. Ahlers: Would you please send me an additional copy of the property of Zabohonski on which he proposes a change of zone. This is the larger piece on Fox Avenue. I need this for submission to the county. Thanks a lot. Yours truly, j-))}~';(~ Muriel Brush, Cretary Southo1d Town Planning Board TELEPHONE ~ 765-1938 - . . ryo;J."", ., 0- ....__~"".. J'~.~,~~, _,.., . ........~...~~'I"::~(!'('!~\':li~.::"f;i~n;;"ilf; .. . . ..- xxxxxx 765-1938 June 21, 1977 Mr. Robert ,T. Hiller 12 East 88th Street New York. New York 1003/3 Dear r'lr. Hiller: In an,i'tler tc your Letter of June 7th, the Planning Board only recommends to the 'rmVYl Board but our on the 51.te study arid information meeting at Fishers Ii~land indicates that recommend- ing against this dO\'iTIzoning will be in ordeJ'. Thank you for your interest and support. Velry sincerely, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board JW/mb 'H'"'__~_""_'___~"'-"'"":';;:::'''''~'''''':;';'''''_''~''''''"'~~~''~~-~ .4 17 - .. J2~.L -- k--<.-.-cf}::;:.., hi~~ ){.L4 -- P'~-- r- r:.J7 . 450 PARK AVENUE June 7, 1977 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York, 11971 Dear Mr. Wickham: I understand that a proposed subdivision and a request for zoning changes has been filed by Mr. Henry Walsh of Fishers Island. I am a homeowner on Fishers Island and also Vice President of the Hay Harbor Property Owners Association, which counts among its members approximately twenty-five homeowners whose property is in near proximity to that of Mr. Walsh. I believe that most members of the Association would share my feeling of concern and apprehension about any change that would enable the construction of anything other than single family dwellings on one acre lots on Mr. Walsh's property. I would very much appreciate your advising me of the current zoning situation and the nature of Mr. Walsh's proposed changes. I request that every attempt be made to have public hearings held on this matter and notices circulated during the summer months, on weekends if possible, since the vast majority of homeowners and tax payers on Fishers Island are not normally on the Island except during the summer months and on weekends. RJM: DA Yours very truly, ;t>r4vf ./' ;Jkl~ -c_= ~"""' ". , ~,~ ~.'~ ,p~ ~ ., .,~, ~'"" . ~ '~'--~""""~,. ~~ ":""~,;. r . . xxxxxx 765-1938 June 21, 1977 Mr. Stm"e C. Phelps 149 East 73rd Street New York, Nevi York 10021 Dear Mr. Phelps: Thank you for your letter of June 7th to our F:Lshers Island member, .James ',vall, on thelsubject oi' the application of Zabononsc;i for a change of zor.le. Since the place of th8 Planning Board in T-ezoning cases is only advi ~ory. we gather in.:t'ormation and recommend to the Town Board. 'J'hey~>i 11 ho ld a publ ic hearinp; in due course but. generally, our recoffi'llendation is given considerable weight. Our information meeting on June 9th on Fishers Island developed several areas of concern to this board. First, the proposed change would make possible over 70 new living units if the multiple zone were granted. Assuming three nersons per living unit, this would allow 210 more people. Since the present resident ,population is 3:>5 or thereabouts and declining, this would allow: over a 60% increase in resident population. On the face of1;t, there seems only the most remote possibility ~at this much growth would occur. It was further brought out that there are two family living quarters available at very reasonable cost and not now occ'Upied. In this town, the availability of fresh water is the single most limiting factor i:q.}>lapningfor growth and development. It was brought out attp.ta liieeting that the present water system is inadequate by flre1'1ghting and insurance standards and it is to be expected that additional load could only aggravate the situation. The Planning Board has secured a copy of the recent water study made for Fishers Island and we are using it to update our town study made in 1965. ,~J '._~ ."...._.....,.,"'..;;,.-"\IIl(!i'J.o~...",.... , ".~._,""'"_f.,..:?F,nr-;?C', '''IN'!f'''''''''.'"''''lPo-:\ '(;~'l;j ~. .,--..~_~...._..,~-:;'<'~i-y,'(1i!~~}~U"<l:~T{1"'';!J[;m:,:~':<t'!(l'';-~~!<~~:':"tf:',~~' "'"i'iI;.r':~ r .> Mr. Stowe C. Phelps Page Two . . June 21, 1977 An on the site study of these properties showed that the larger of the two includes a large swamp area which has been filled. Since the swamp area stood some ten feet above sea level and only a short distance :from the beach, it is evident that there is clay or other impervious material here. This means that both private water sources and sewage disposal would pose problems for high density development. Since most of the> above is ,similar to your views on the subject. we are indeed grateful for your support. '<C' '" c..... Very sincerely, ".....;0 Hahn Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board JW!mb l'~ '". 'I. >' . if. ~~/ f)~ ;v ~ o/5'r~ ,?cr ..P..,~;k~ ~""'::>~ (; ~tJ,-. P7-e..p6 4<~~~ STOWE C. PHELPS 149 EAST 73RD STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. 10021 June 7, 1977 Mr. James Wall, This letter confirms in writing the views I expressed to you this morning on the telephone about the application by Mr. Henry We.lsh ror a zoning variation to permit him to construct multiple-ramily dwellings on two sections or land presently owned by him. It is my understanding that one or these sections fronts on Fox Avenue close to the borders or my own property; and insasmuch as my own property shares the common boundary or Fox Avenue with much or the total acreacge owned by }k. Walsh, I have a strong interest in his application rora variance. It is my hope that. my views on this matter can be made an official part or the Planning Board's hearing on Fishers Island on Tursday, June 9, 1977, at. which I regret I cannot be present. Briefly stated, I oppose any recormnendation by the Planning Board that a variance be granted I1r. Walsh at this time, for the following reason: to my knowledge, no study has been made of the effect of the requested variance on the water supply and electric supply on which I and others are dependent. Until such a study is made, and tl,e results promulgated, I believe that Mr. Walsh's applicat.ion should be tabled. I also believe that the study should be m~le by the utility companies concerned, and such experts as are necessary, and the cost. of such a study borne by Nr. Walsh and not by the utility companies nor their customers. In the absence of such a study, I can report from personal observation. over many years that the water pressure in our dwelling is at. present less t.han optimmn, and is often extremely weak. I greatly fear that any additional demands upon it such as those as would inevitably be imposed by multiple- family dwellings could present. us and other neighbors with serious water supply problems. The same to a lesser degree can be said, I believe, of the electric supply. There are ot.her ractors which should be considered before such a variance is recommended for approval, inclu(ling size and shape of the proposed mult.iple- family dwellings, their height., size of the lot on which each dwelling is to be constructed wld so on. Consideration of these factors, however, can await completion of the st.udy, and assurances that. the supplies of water and elec- tricity on which my neighbors and I are depenrlent will not be diminished. Thank you f'or consideration of these views. Mr. ,Tames Wall Member, Town Planning Board Fishers Island, NY 06390 truly y~Sr LL1 Phelps if / /~ ~~_ ii- -/, ..... ~ -/."" _ ..".-, ' r- / c> ' /"- ~~t:,.A'~ +",--.->2-;7 to' ..,k '" I.:,' ~ ~'(: '- t">-/;:>-j',,( ,e<~7 '(<f---- ",~_. cec. ~" ~r 2' '/'.... e I ) z:-~' .,::''1;' ~ F ( /2~..~ (~ P') ( r~~',( ~m (J ( /).? . /' - .----' ----- r L. ('~ . ".( ...1 c;"'" cC_ 6.',..J/.k,~., ..__~'L.".v.-..-.--..::- / . ~- IF' ~ /d~ ..~.-,...__- -c' .~'.... '-;0 '~;r-;-- - - i' ' , lL /. ~Z ;1?~ "~<i"-"-<- -----, _.. v - /)> Z__I! ""~ ~.-<.~ --l:b ~ .h., ,., ~_'__., t:);o'~ - e;'r - .i .-4~<~...{.I. r-,Qi,_k I--~ J""'--- ~--<I//J-1, t~ ~r-" - ( ") ~.,..,...~, ~h"'" ~ ," "." e-'-c_'=-. .,. .._.IT' ~ .~ _~--''''_''''''i'~ '''''!f".--....._...--"~_ * . . xxxxxx 765-1938 June 21, 1977 Dwight F. ;'liller, l1. D. 324 Juniper Drive Orange, Connecticut 06477 Dear Dr" HE,ler: In answer to your letter of June E\th, the Planning Board only recommends to the Town, Board but our on the site study arid informa.tion meeting at, F'lshers Island on June 9th, as well as our past experience "lith the petitioner, indicates that recommending against this downzoning will be in order. Thank you fo,ryour interest and support. Very sincerely, JohpWickham, Chairman South old Town Planning Board JW/mb . -.;.. . . -.-------------------- DWIGHT F. MILLER. M.D. 324 JUNIPER DRIVE ORANGE. CONNECTICUT 06477 8 June 1977 Planning & Zoning Commission Fisher's Island Town of Southold Long Island, N.Y. Dear Sir: I would like to speak against granting any waivers for multiple dwellings on small lots in the North Hill section of Fisher's Island. I understand the request for a variance is initiated by a Mr. Walsh. Thejfsland has a problem. The economy is shrinking and taxes are going up. However, the problem is jobs and I see no way this will create any permanent jobs. In actual fact, it may hasten the decline of the winter population and only make matters worse. I live fairly close to the proposed area, the area under consideration for re-zoning. I would probably support it if I thought any permftnent or lasting benefit would accrue to the ~sland as a whole, even if it would adversely affect me. However, from all I can see/changing the zoning would only benefit the owner at the expense of the neighborhood and in-no significant way contribute to the Jsland as a whole. I am therefore strongly op~~~ ~ granting any waiver. ~~.~ ~ ~4I!J;n;~t~"~~~,jij;".\~:::;'~~~,~;,:",,:'~~1';'~'f!I'~~~_'~~;!\f'~(Y~,;),;~":!r\L" '~~;:':;'7~~il'jfl't,~'fil':~-M'-~:;~-";',':!'\~>'~':lr::"'-":'~'<x~:~n~iS'lJIr,j:'1"'lj!!,~,~~Br."~'~ ~'::>:'~!ti- " ~ . . xxxxx 765-1938 June 21, 1977 Mr. Robert A. Campbell 33 Kent Drive Harnden, COilllecticut 06517 Dear Mr. Campbell: In ans\.er to your letter of' June 7th, the Planni.ng Board only recommends to the Town Board but our on the site study and information .meeting at Fishers Island inddcates that recommend- ing against this downzoning will be in order. Thank you for your in.terest and support. Very sincerely, John Wlck~am, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board JW/mb , ~~ ,P~~;;-t-:. l-t--<- ~'~ - . r ROBERT A. CAMPBELL 33 KENT DRIVE HAMDEN, CT 06517 ~~ 7;/177 ~~1 . r<1- t{}..t~L ~-U,~ p&,~ ~( J-~~ ~., n. v- tJ6310 ~~ n1n - fA} cdfL J lk 1Ld4 ~ -Iv '11 ~ ~--tW Ui1 _ I~ tJ M~ rf,~ Ii (Y-~ ~ ~ ~ -t--h ~+.r.' ~"-~ A-<> ~ -Iv- "'-7 huV ~ dwe~ ~. 0tA '-Ln~~ /-€ trU/)rlA-~' --t~ __ r.(_!< -r.- I, r ~'. ~FC+J~I c.P'~ ~ ~f IV? /,~ h ~ t~ -tll t.;d2.J _ err---- ~ b- CAL L'i fs ;;..... ~ 't' tt2-uLj- ? tb p...... +- J'" - ~"'-~ w-d<;A rw. - '. ...... ~- b. IA.:..2 1 tr>'I-iL a. cA..JLi ~ ~cl.. .), ',J".r I <0'\. I'''~'~''' _ . ) ..""..t. I . t.(,;' ~:Ai. / _ _ ' , \I'll/i' ~ /w- c rL-<7-.... ,'I~):!;,~1it I ."""''''41 j 1'f...7 fA~" ." J . .::... t: ~ c'f h.b'XI 61. .,,~>~!';}!i~;~ I YL _ -t7-<J, '- "- f . '-r'" . .' f ; r '~'I'\ 1 . ..h'_ a . .; JI lI.rz.ij..' h yo (JY<- /u ~ LUJ.-t/ ti.r-...---. .... 'u.e~~"'- "1 t6 ~ I ~ 13t",~ ttL .kt~ ~-yJA ~ h L0Uj c~ ~ if; ~'f- r0 r~~'7U~. ~ ~1~. "7 /,/ \ IJ ).p A ~ , ' fw tu wA tl-l7L_7 diz..... / ~'<p &.~ ';b .eV'r: ~ 1; ~-r- 6J<- '?;~4.I$"-- lut.e ~ .~ u.nruJ!.:J) r Ot<-4.SL W e:../)~~J:J ~;H- ~~. ~/I~/)~-fL d ~~ ~l-f I '6 (j~ 1; itMj jY'AJ?,;t;; ~ r~ 1] 1I~ LM.' tb ifl~/h~ ~ F,ft; Lutuc~1 -1 /J--Ue-t. a..- -Av.lir r--<'rL f- j. a.1-l~~. ~ H;; f. /Ji= t'.u~e:~ ~J ,C JAmlr r ~ --;f.". 0 '/h,o J1w#df~~ 1- fv7~ ~ .-h ./v.d.t djd/.?~~ ~r w ~ Iv fl.€ -.r...e.- /#,.. tJ ~ ~ I-uk hIs ~-1- ~ aM df/.n~ ~U;;. n~u~ c.ymA . . f ~6b1~ f:ru~1 !J J, ../J- L:.' /.:::,:". . 1.1 j,/J ;:.:a>-U7J. Q ,. ~/-d-e2.~_ /h'-t/Y./-LP B h~/1 2~'{.a.[J -. CC}z-P-s> " .......,~~..~~.._~."-- ?- ....-L.. .~",.."'1'~ ., ,~ ..- -~._. ,,~'"!' ~ ",,-..,._.. . }~;~"""~. -.-=...,..." ~ . . xxxxxx 765-1938 June 21, 1977 Mrs. Thomas F. Oakee. Cider Brook R.oad Avon, Conm,cticut 06001 Dear Mrs. Oakes: In anr3'.81' to your le.tter of June 8th, the Plarm:lng; B09.rd only recommends to 1;be Town Board but our on the si te stud.y cl."d information meeting at Fishers Island on June 9th, '15 well fiE' our past experience with the petitioner, indicates that recommending against this downzoning will be in order. Thank you for your interest and support. Very sincerely, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board JW:MB ~ . . MRS. THOMAS F. OAKES CIDER BROOK ROAD AVON. CONNECTICOT 06001 June 8,1977 Dear Mr. Wall: As I cannot attend the Planning Board Meeting on Thurs. June 9th., I hope you will take this letter under consideration. I would like to voice my opposition to Mr. Henry Walsh's request for a change of ~ane to permit multiple dwellings on his land. More population density per acre runs into many problems which include added burdens on water and power companies, traffic congestion and wear and tear on roads. I feel this proposal must be thoro1y researched and I don't really believe it to be in the best interes10f Fishers Island. Sincerely, CJ[C(UI ~. Oat~ - tlinor R. Oakes (Mrs. Thomas F. ) .\ i - . '''' ,- - ~~,~ - ,~. ,r- , , ! . ( . f xxxxx 765-19"38 ,_,_.~.............--_~~'oII. June 21, 1977 Mrs. William C. Ridgway, Jr 250 Hartshorn Drive Short Hills, New Jersey Dear Mrs. Ri.dgway: Thank vou for your let James Wall. We, not only a";J" to agree wIth them perfectl Mr. Walsh consistently unc() to our Fishers Island member, eiate your comments but haDpen As a board, we, too, have found rative and so share your feellng. Hov,rever. it is the fac and, in this case, all of t meeting at Fishers ::sland this do\,mzoning. in each case that are important information received at our lead us to recommend against Since town polley is c the town in general looks 1 ment. to water availabiltty, high density develcm- A final decision has n and then we only recommend now that we welcome your su been reached by this board Town Board but I can say sincerely, ohn Wickham, Chairman uthold Town Planning Board JW/mb I,"," ;.."" :\{~.~ ;fii;e .t.;:?~ i~ l' "'f' jl . . . .. MRS. WILLIAM C. RIDGWAY, JR. 250 HARTSHORN DRIVE SHORT HILLS. NEW JERSEY 07078 ~~/97/ ~'I:'?~""'- 9r~ V ~ ~I?I..,~ :d:c ~ 7-~ ~/ ./yy b If: 590 ~~.9t-~: t4. ~ ~ t.. /~=- ~ ~ bd' %..,./~ ~/d-A-.J ~. ~ ~ J2 L n (/ Ar/. t: ~~t~ ~ . . ~a.)?~ ,,?~ ~ ",) ~ d d ~ ._~-.: y ~n~7He ~"" ~~ ~~~~,~-/~ ~ ~ ~ -2.0 : elj- 7I-~. ~- .-....",.-........,--...... ------'.~ ~~~Ya-~ ~~~~7~ftQ~ ~~~. ~~~r7~j~, I;.~~~~ ~ ~ P.9 -p~t-,~ ~H~'<-~-"",-'~ ~4~~~ --:z.:?~~~~ ~ ~~ C<>.'-~ ~ /2.0 )~_;!.j;;~!' ~~!::~/-7_ il ~~~~ . I ~~JJl~. ~. . , J'...- -~ ~ I ~~.1v~~~~i ~~~'~J~~ a::t, ~ ~..._ JJ.. ~ ~ ~,:}.~. . . -t: . 2_ - - ~. T ~ :..;t:- -"'" :.t;"",. ~~ / ~ --le- '. . / I<'~~~~j' 70'~l?~~j ~,,;~~'WC.f"~~~-~"""_'~'''''''''''''~'_'_~' ll1f~,.~,~;>;-;~I,VJ~::<l'i""~'}~C,'"Y~::~~~';'!!'~:C-!~~lI.''''~'''''>'~'\'I>''c~~'!:~;o;,.~_~~~~'t'~~w . . . xxx:xx 765-1938 June 21, 1977 Mr. John P. Gaillard 350 East 57th street New York, New York 10022 Dear Mr. Gaillard: In answer to your letter of June 8th, first let me say that its restrained tone is most; refrE~shing. Since the place of thE' Planning Board in rezoning cases is only advisory. we gather intorma"liion~$:rid recommend to the Town Board. They will hold a public hearitlg".in due course but, generally. our recommendation isgivel'l considerable weight. Our information meeting on June c'Jthon F.ishers Island developed several. areaS of concern to tfi'is board. ]~irst, the proposed change would make possible over 70 new living units if the multiple zone was granted. Assuming thre.EI Persons per living unit, this would allow 210 1IIQre.>*ople., Sihce th~present resident population is 335 or thereabouts and dec1ining, this would allow over a 60% 'increased.n resident population. On the face of it, ther.e $eems only' the most remo:-e'e.po$sibility that this much growth would occur. It, was further brought out that there are two-family living quarters available at very reasonable costs and not now occupied. In this town, the availability of fresh water is the single most limiting factor in planning for growth and development. It was brought out at this meeting that the present water system is inadequate by fire fighting and insurance standards and it is to be expected tha~ additio~l load could only aggravate the situation. The Planning Board has secured a copy of the recEmt water study made for Fishers Island and we are using it to update our town study made in 1965. _-,>~~:;~~~~.~'l"'i'l,._. . .....,,""""'.. YA..'~;~~~X:"::>II'?ID~_....~_~.~,..-__,:;:-',\'IO'S(~.::".'1'll~"~,i"~;c,;-~j'l~~'~~I'i'~,~~;~j'~:r,~;V:Y::~~,.:~;~1..i;i1'j-;~~j;! . . Mr. John P. Gaillard. June 21, 1977 Page Two Vi",1;t. An on the site study of thei3e properties showed that the largeraf"'the two includes a large swamp area which has been ~., filled. Since the swamp area stc)od some ten feet above sea level and only a short distance :rrom the beach, it is evident that there is clay or other impervious material here. This means that both privi;te water sources and sewage disposal would pose problems for high density dl~velopment. Since the Planning BOElrd hal3 not yet acted on this case, we cannot give you anytlUng definite but if there is anything to be said in favor of the larger, in particular, this board is not aware of it. Very sincerely, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board JW/mb Copy to Town Board , . . ,. . g June 1977 Chairman, Town of Southold Planning Board Main Road,Southold,New York 11971 Dear Mr. Wickham, Subject:Mr. Zabahonski's applications Some weeks ago my attention was drawn to applications by Mr.Zaba- honski requesting reclassification from A Residential to Light Muliple Dwelling of two lots near his supermarket.To understand the implica- tions I requested by letter from the Town Clerk a plan of the areas involved and data on the projected buildings.I received no reply. I also studied as an amateur the Town Zoning regulations. Today I telephoned your Board office. Miss Brush informed me that actual construction plans were irressvant to the Board's public hear- ing and its consideration of whether the lots were suitable for mul- tiple dwellings and of community views on the subject. Without knowledge of the type of buildings contemplated by the de- veloper I find it difficult to understand how Fishers Islanders can express on June 9 considered views on the applications.Mr.Zabahonski has told me orally of plans for 2-family units of a type prefabricated by National Homes. Of the number allowed or planned per 40,OOOsq.ft. I did not ask. Miss Brush and other sources were uncertain as to whe- ther 4 or 6 such units were allowable. Another alternative is,I under- stand,one building not longer than 125 ft. containing the allowed number of units.Questions of utilities' availability and road access are auxiliary factors which may be exposed at the hearing. Another un- known is whether reclassification would set a precedent for other acreage owned by Mr. Zabahonski westwards towards North Hill. Without more information I was unable to consult with fellow directors of the Fishers Island Civic Ass'n of which I am President. Hence this letter reflects only my personal view that inadequate data makes it impossible to support or oppose the requested reclassifica- tion. Presumably classified as A Residential for once valid reasons,I react now with great caution to a change to more than one dwelling per acre. I believe my concern and apprehension may be shared by other islanders who also l~cl~ ~~t,il. of ~h~ r~oject.I believe this in spite of what seems general recognition that the economy of the island would be help- ed by an increase in residents which is presumably one pnrpose behind Mr. Zabahonski's plans. I greatly regret my inability to attend the rescheduled meeting. Although Miss Brush informed me that community views might later be expressed before the County Planning and the Town Board in the light of further information,I urge your Board to take note of general lack of information on the island prior to the hearing before taking a de- cision-if it is within its terms of reference to do so. The Notice of the Hearing was too brief to permit concerned islanders,unable to be present,to express an informed view. '" ~'~T''''''""'''~'''''-'.''''_ ,. "_W_.,,~'__'_""';:;;;""'_,'.~~~L"~' T - .........~.;c"-'.._.~._--'.,~.,~.:..oo~....... ._-_.~- ~ . -2- . .- I am sorry that lack of sufficient information results in a letter so negative in tone,on a questivn of importance tv the island of which I have been a lifelong summer resident.I trust that you will accept its sincerity and appreciate that its purpose is to try to ensure a decision based on full exposure and understanding of the facts and the intentions of Mr. Zabahonski.If it shows ignorance of your procedures,be kind enough to suppose that it is the result of our island's isolation which makes it difficult to keep in touch with the rest of the Town. ~ncerelSi-Y urs, ~. ...:.u~ hn P. Gillard Box 542,Fishers Island,N.Y.06390 N.Y.C.address: 350 East 57th Street New York,N.Y.10022 ~~!:VTf~t~}~;'I'~I';:ir-~hr'!~~~)'~;A{:~-!;~,'~~~l"t~(~:;~~,;~;~~~';~f;:~~.,,!,.f.', """C'"~.,.<,,,,-,,.,--...._,,..._,. __,_, .,.__ r . . xxxxxx 765-1938 June 21, 1977 Mr. Richard S. Baker, Presi.dent Fishers Island Utility Co., Inc. Fishers Island, New 'York 06?90 Dear 11r. Baker: It ".ras a real pleasure meeting you again on June 9th at Fishers Island and I deeply appreciate your loan oJ the I<'ishers Island water study as well as your part in the infol'Illati.on meet1ng. Further, we appreciate the copy of your letter to i1r. Zabohonski of April ?lst and, in particular, the second paragraph on page 2 in relation to the additi.onal load on a heavily loaded system. All of these factors in addition to those brought up on June 9th are important and will bie considered in making our recommendations ,a;tan early date. Again, my personal thanks for your kindness and help. Very sincerely, Johrl Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board JW/mb ~____,_~_''''''--'~.___'__'_____ -'-~---'-"--'_._-"--.--"-"l'-- - . . . / FISHERS ISLAND UTILITY COMPANY, INC. FISHERS ISLAND NEW YORK 06390 AREA CODE 516/788.7251 April 21, 1977 ltt, Her~7 Zabohonski Fishers 1s1ar1d, Nell York 06390 Dear Henry: This is in response to your telephon'3 call of April 18, 1977 Dnd YCtlr visit to my office this morning regarding a proposed sub- division in the area of Fox and Crescent Avenues. It j.." my lmder- standing that the plan has not yet been approved by the TOlin Platu1ing Board, that you intend to build duplex residences in part. of the al'ea. aYld therefor a change in zone application is pending 01" raquiredl' You indicated that Hark could begin Oll this project, "soon" and that utility services l10uld b3 required" For your clarific<:l"tion wd u~)e the follm'Jing are the rules, requirerrients aflcl docum8nts l'egardin~ the extension and installation of the three utility services: Electric: The enclosed three Sh82tS from tho: Electric Corooration" t~X'D'1'-.-cover in detail the rules for extendi.ng facilities . . ;:md S8I"Ves as an agre8rnent to be s:LVnGd by tho applicant.. Basicnlly, slJ,rcht1.rpes apply to construction he,yo:ld 3'~'O .feet. (trr.ree phES8) rmd 500 feet (single phase). Any tmd.8rgrounrliag of elect.ric lines, if desired, lIQuId bp. at customerq expense. All required rights of .Hay are to be provided by the applicant, at no expense to the co;opany. Additionally, enclosed are recent Hell rules ordered by the Public Service Commission regarding sub-metering and i.nsulat.ion standards for nnr,.1 residential d:;elJ.in~sCl Telephone: Lines ",ill be extended 125 reet, beyond existing fncilities -a:C'-compaI1Y expense" Beyond th<:lt, construction charges, at comp~lY cost, are billablo to the applican~. Telephone lines may be undergro'~nd8d in subdivisions at no additional cos t, proviiling legal rifhts of '--lay a.'ld clean underground routes ere providedo ti2.ter: The enclosed sheets from the l-fater Compa'1yt s tn.riff cover jn d;-t'3Ilthe rules for extsn:::l_ing f.:lsilities Cl.ncl ':-jervcs as a~l c~;-rc8ms.Tt t,n oe e:cecuted by bot~ par tie:: 5 i3~:sically thi~3 c~;;reement. ;)J::'ovicies for the .?.ppJiC:Ult to (h~posi t. 'i!i_t.h th3 Uat.9r COf'l.p:~my 2.:1 i?..Inou..'1t c;qu2,1 to .::,.rw cst:L.r:3.~,:;:J CQ~;t of V-::a c_xt.c.~n':iGn 3nd is }.'C1j\E,L_'j.'),bJ.c ;-lS ()'..tl'iti{;~l" .. . . . . Page 2 Mr. Henry Zabohonski April 21, 1977 The nearest point of access to an existing \-Iater main \-JOuld be the cor:1er of Fox and Crescent Avenues (at Harbor Tavorn). ft.pproxi- ~ately 1400 feet in a westerly direction uould reach the corner of Fox "-nd Crescent leading to "llort.l1 Hill". Another 2000 feet (approx.) along Crescent Avenue, north, ~JOuld reach the limit of the subdivision near Hr. Guest's residence. Another 1800 feet of nm' road is proposed in the subdivision area. It appears, then, that up~ards to 5200 feet of 6inch main might be required. Conservative estimates for'plncing the pipe might be $12.00 per foot. ,$,". The investment ~~d, therefore, the deposit required of the applicant, is considerable. We are concerned, of course, with the efforts of adding many additional customers to an already under- efficient water system. In light of these points, has a well system been considered for supplying this development with water? __:,u Considerable lead time would be required, obviously, for the Water Company to provide for construction of this magnitude. It would appear that the various utilities involved vrould pro- cede when the following have been accomplished: 1) The Companies have been assured that the project vJill procede and permanent customers provid'3d. This could include such conditions as: a) All Planning and Zoning permits or changes are in hand. b) Documents providing necessary new rights of way have been received by the Companies. c) Subdivision r02.ds have been corrtolet8d. 2) The applic211t has made the applications in writing for services, signed necessary agreements as provided and made the financial deposits required. (The latter would be iE the case of the '\-Jater Company and dependent upon estimated construction costs for the amcunt of wain requested) . I believe this substantially covers the basic foc'IT.al requirements. All of us will be more than ',rilling to lwrk with you to produce good result~; for the planned development. Sincerely yours, ..-../ , , ,.. '.... .'.--L--- R:\.chrlrc1 :.., rlakcr, Prc~dd8nt W:JI/"" r~Ile .. cc: H. H" Par::onu;l Cha:il1ilUO, ["TueD s. Eo G~Ncil, Preuidont, P. 10 Wo Wo C. 1Y':":OIl, Supt.., 1\'.. 101....10 i.J" J ',lm r"ndleton, Supt., F. 10 )<;1. CD. H. .Jonsson, Supt.., F.. 10 'fclo Coo J. '\',;all, (faun Plannirw Boc".rd G. Doyen, Jr., Zoning Board (Appfw,ls) -"'" '.~~I- ""-. ~,- ~ ~~ _. .,--" ~.. ~. ~.- ,. . . xxxxxx 765-1938 June 10, 1977 Mr. John P. Gaillard ~~Q East 57th Street New York, New York 10022 Dear Mr. Gaillard: I am in receipt of your letter of June 8, 191'7 cont,gining your observations regarding t..he applications of Mr. Zabahonski. I am forwarding a copy of the letter to each member of the Planning Board, the Town Clerk and the Supervisor for their consideration. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southbld Town Planning 'Board , .' . . 8 June 1977 Chairman, Town of Southold Planning Board Main Road,Southold,New York 11971 Dear Mr. Wickham, Subject:Mr. Zabahonski's applications Some weeks ago my attention was drawn to applications by Mr.Zaba- honski requesting reclassification from A Residential to Light Muliple Dwelling of two lots near his supermarket.To understand the implica- tions I requested by letter from the Town Clerk a plan of the areas involved and data on the projected buildings.I received no reply. I also studied as an amateur the Town Zoning regulations. Today I telephoned your Board office. Miss Brush informed me that actual construction plans were irreeevant to the Board's public hear- ing and its consideration of whether the lots were suitable for mul- tiple dwellings and of community views on the subject. Without knowledge of the type of buildings contemplated by the de- veloper I find it difficult to understand how Fishers Islanders can express on June 9 considered views on the applications.Mr.Zabahonski has told me orally of plans for 2-family units of a type prefabricated by National Homes. Of the number allowed or planned per 40,OOOsq.ft. I did not ask. Miss Brush and other sources were uncertain as to whe- ther 4 or 6 such units were allowable.Another alternative is,I under- stand,one building not longer than 125 ft. containing the allowed number of units.Questions of utilities' availability and road access are auxiliary factors which may be exposed at the hearing. Another un- known is whether reclassification would set a precedent for other acreage owned by Mr. Zabahonski westwards towards North Hill. Without more information I was unable to consult with fellow directors of the Fishers Island Civic Ass'n of which I am President. Hence this letter reflects only my personal view that inadequate data makes it impossible to support or oppose the requested reclassifica- tion. Presumably classified as A Residential for once valid reasons,I react now with great caution to a change to more than one dwelling per acre. I believe my concern and apprehension may be shared by other islanders who also l~~k ~~~~'J. eP ~~~ "~oject.I believe this in spite of what seems general recognition that the economy of the island would be help- ed by an increase in residents which is presumably one pnrpose behind Mr. Zabahonski's plans. I greatly regret my inability to attend the rescheduled meeting. Although Miss Brush informed me that community views might later be expressed before the County Planning and the Town Board in the light of further information,I urge your Board to take note of general lack of information on the island prior to the hearing before taking a de- cision-if it is within its terms of reference to do 50. The Notice of the Hearing was too brief to permit concerned islanders,unable to be present,to express an infermed view. .' . -2- . I am sorry that lack of sufficient information results in a letter so negative in tone,on a questien of importance te the island of which I have been a lifelong summer resident.I trust that yeu will accept its sincerity and appreciate that its purpose is to try to ensure a decision based on full exposure and understanding of the facts and the intentions of Mr. Zabahonski.If it shows ignorance of your procedures,be kind enough to suppose that it is the result of our island's isolation which makes it difficult to keep in touch with the rest of the Town. tndcer~t1J:~ $;: P. ~;llard Box 542,Fishers Island,N.Y.06390 N.Y.C.address: 350 East 57th Street New York,N.Y.10022 ~ . C FERGUSON 27 I' ARMSTUD LN FARMINGTON CT 0&OJ2 · 1&1... M -I .... @ western union 81 gram ~V'>TES POST"" @; e Q~~ w m ~ . - < Z _ n :l U.S.MAIL m . * - * ******.. . ... . - - . 1-052q~OE15q002 0&/08/77 ICS IPMMTZZ CSP NVNA 2 201&77805& MGM TDMT FARMINGTON CT 0&-08 0518P EST .- - .~ - - . JAMES WALL CARE TOWN PLANNING BOARD FISHERS ISLAND NY O&Jqo - - . . THIS IS A CONFIRMATION COpy OF A PREVIOUSLY PHONE-DELIVERED TELEGRAM . UNABLE TO ATTEND ZONE CHANGE HEARING ON THURSDAY JUNE qTH. AS A LAND OWNER AND CLOSE NEIGHBOR ON NORTH HILL WE OBJECT TO CHANGE OF ZONING TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING UNITS CHARLES AND ALICE FERGUSON . . 17118 EST MGMCOMP MGM . . . . . . . . . . . ~~"'~~_",.,..r'-T.~ ~., . ~_"~..",,...~."'lt_~'~1"""""'''''''f__",,:''''''''''''"'''''''-_'''''''___'.''''''''''''' ._".v:~" .......~ ........f;~~-..,..."'-'..,.~'...'-'-,....n"..v,._""'_,_~,,_.. ;,""""',"."r'"",<". ~ . . .. xxxxx 765-1938 June 10, 1977 4: Mr. C. Fergulen 27 Farmstead Lane Farmington, Connecticut 06032 ,Dear Mr. Ferguson: I am in receipt of your mailgram of June 8, 1977 containing your observations regarding the applications of Mr. labohonski. I am f'orwar~iing a copy of the ,mailgram .to each member of' .', \.. the Planning Board, 'the To~ Clerk and the Supervisor for their consideration. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board . MRS. THOMAS F. OAKES CIDER BROOK ROAD AVON. CONNECTlCOT 06001 June 8,1977 Dear IIr. Wall: As I cannot attend the Planning ard lIeeting on Thurs. June 9th., I hope you 11 take this letter under consideration. I would like to voice my opposition , IIr. Henry Walsh's request for a change of ~J. to permit multiple dwellings on his land. More population density per acre uns into many problems which include added urdens on water and power companies, traffic ongestion and wear and tear on roads. I feel this proposal must be thoroly 'esearched and I don't really believe it to be in the best interestf Fishers Island. Sincerely. C'i'("llll ~,Q(ttVJ- Elinor R. Oakes (IIrs. Thomas F. ) #1";;::<i:,~,'''''''~-''~?'.~ n~IT:r ,< . ~~,.. ....,.,.....", " .:a:jl'\..,,.,.....,.,._~~;f~.io1!l1lIII'."""'~, _~~ ."'~;'1!S~,.,.__r'. .,......~..i~;,..~,,~ " ;. . . =xxx 765-1938 June 10, 1977 Mrs. Thomas F. Oakes Cider Brook Road Avon, Connecticut 06001 Dear Mrs. Oakes: I am in receipt of your letter of June 8, 1977 containing your observations regarding the applications of Mr. Zabahonski. I am forwarding a copy of the letter to each member of the Planning Board, the Town Clerk lrnd the Supervisor for their consideration. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary South old Town Planning Board . DWIGHT F. MILLER, M. D. 324 JUNIPER DRIVE ORANGE, CONNECTICUT 06477 8 June 1977 lanning & zoning commission isher's Island own of Southold ong Island, N.Y. ear Sir: would like to speak against granting any aivers for multiple dwellings on small lots n the North Hill section of Fisher's Island. understand the request for a variance is nitiated by a Mr. Walsh. 'he .::fsland has a problem. The economy is ,hrinking and taxes are going up. However, he problem is jobs and I see no way this ~ill create any permanent jobs. In actual -act, it may hasten the decline of the winter ,opulation and only make matters worse. I live fairly close to the proposed area, Lhe area under consideration for re-zoning. ~ would probably support it if I thought any perm~ent or lasting benefit would accrue to the .lsland as a whole, even if it would adversely affect me. However, from all I can see/changing the zoning would only.benefit the owner at the expense of the neighborhood and in-no significant way contribute to the jsland as a who~e. I am ~herefore strongly op~~_~~ ~ grantJ.ng any waJ.ver. 4~T~ ~.. '...--....... ~. .. ".-~...... _.,~_.,~'. .~ ,.. ..~ . ., " ~-,..,--,~.- . . . , xxxxxx 765-1938 June 10, 1977 I Dwight F. Mi;Ller, lit; D. 324 Juniper Drive. . Orange, ConnectioJt. 06l~7? Dear Dr. Miller: I am in ~cej:pt of ,y'6dt lel~te.l' of June S, 197'7 conta.ining .. "... '-,. ,. . your observationsregari;i1ng the appl1cations of Mr. Zabahonski. , .~ I B!Q fo:rward~ngaeoP3f of 1;he letter to each member of 1;11e Planning BOa,r$:t, ~e Town Clerk 4rtd the Supervisor for their consideration. Yours truly, .~ ;" Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board " . . ~ STOWE C. PHELPS 149 EAST 73RD STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. 10021 June 7, 1977 Mr. James Well, This letter confirms in writing the views I expressed to you this morning on the telephone about the application by Mr. Henry W..lsh f'or a zoning variation to permit him to construct multiple-family dwellings on two sections of land presently owned by him. It is ~ uoxlerstandirlg that one of these sections f'ronts on Fox Avenue close to the borders of' ~ own propert.y; and insasmuch as ~ own property shares the common boundary of Pox Avenue with much of' the total acreacge owned by Mr. Welsh, I have a strong interest in his application f'or a variance. It is ~ hope that ~ views on this matter can be made an official part of' the Planning Boar,l's hearing on Pishers Island on Tursrlay, June 9, 1977, at which I regret I cannot be present. Brief'ly stated, I oppose any recornmenrlation by the Planning Board that a variance be granted Mr. Walsh at this time, for the following reason: to ~ knowledge, no study has been made of the effcct of the requested variance on the water supply and electric supply on which I and others are dependent. Until such a study is made, and the results promulgated, I believe that Mr. Walsh's applicat.ion should be tabled. I also believe that the study should he mHJle hy the utility companies concerned, and such experts as are necessary, and the cost of such a study borne by Mr. Walsh and not hy the utility companies nor their customers. In the absence of such a stlIdy, I can report from personal observation, over marw years that the water pressure in our dwelling is at present less than optimum, and is often extremely weak. I greatly fear that any additional demands upon it such as those as would inevitably be imposed by multiple- family dwellings could present us and other neighbors with serious water supply problems. The same to a lesser degree can be said, I believe, of the electric supply. There are other factors which should be considered before such a variance is recommended for approval, including size and shape of the proposed multiple-- family dwellings, their height, size of the lot on which each dwelling is to be constructed and so on. Consideration of these factors, however, can await completion of the study, and assurances that the supplies of water and elec- tricity on which ~ neighbors and I are dependent will not be diminished. Thank you for consideration of' these views. Mr. James Wall Member, Town Planning Board Fishers Island, NY 06390 ,.....~ -,... . ~ ; ,.,. ~ , -~ 'tJ'.' " ~" ~- ~- ~ -= .--,., -. ,. .-." Mr. Stowe C. Phelps 149 Ea!'lt 73rd Street . New Yorlc, New York 1-0021 Dear ",fr. i'l1elns: .. - . ~ xxxxxx 765-1938 June 10, 1977 I am. ill rec~lpt'Of your lErtter of June '7. 1977 contaln.ing,.", your observations regartllng thE~ applications of 14r. .lebohonskL ., ~.', . . I am forwardi~8; c.ppyof thelil'tter to each member of the Planning Board, the Town Clerk and the Supervisor forthelr consideration. YOUI'll truly, f1uriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board. . . June 7, 1977 Mr. James Wall Fishers Island Planning Board Fishers Island, New York Dear Mr. Wall: My wife and I own property abutting that of Henry and Annette Zabohonski on Fishers Island on Munnatawket Road. I understand that the Zabohonskis have applied for a change of zone concerning that property from A-l to M. Both my wife and I strenuously object to this attempt at interferring with the well conceived zoning plan of the area. The proposed zone change would adversely effect the single family residential character of the neighborhood. It would also create adverse parking and traffic conditions on the very narrow and winding roads which serve the neighborhood. Most importantly, however, is the fact that there is no need for a multiple family dwelling to serve the housing or other economic requirements of Fishers Island. Consequently, interference with the existing zoning plan absent a countervailing public need would constitute a disservice to both the summer and permanent residents of Fishers Island. AG t::/ /"c Robert C. Sorenson '.-/c/,.J ' .j ,[/;2' ,/" '/, t; .. /.,1'-'.? -,'~-'> "v v Y/:f l~ch ;7 " .- . June 7, 1977 Mr. James Wall Fishers Island Planning Board Fishers Island, New York Dear f1r. "JaIl: Please be advised that on May 13, 1977 I entered into an agreement to purchase property owned by Robert C. and Donna-Marie Sorenson located on Munnatawket Road, Fishers Island, New York. (The property was formerly owned by Father William J. Hilliard of West Hartford, Connecticut ). I have learned that the Fishers Island Planning Board will hear an application brought by Henry and Annette Zabohonski concerning a change of zone from Al to M. The subject property abuts my own. Since I will not be able to attend the hearing, will you kindly present this letter to the Planning Board and make the following objections part of the record: 1. The proposed zone change is not in conformance with the comprehensive zoning plan of the island. 2. The proposed zone change would constitute spot zoning. 3. The proposed zone change will adversely affect the single family residential character of the neighborhood. 4. The proposed zone change will create adverse parking and traffic conditions on the narrow and winding roads which serve the area. Your kind attention to this request is appreciated. Very trUlY.. Yo~r , 1!fA ^ 11 Jt- IJ Edwaf~: tos m~ EFR/bf -7--'~-'-'-"'--"""""'=~~~'--""'-'!''!''''''' ,~~, ~..~ _ ~m'"~'~3!"~'~.l~.,;tW{~~~~"~'~~~~~~~~.$~~,~,v'7~1; . . xxxxxx 765-1938 June 10, 1977 Mr. Edward. F. 'ROf$enthal 21 Riv!lrside Road Simsbury, Connecticu~ 06070 Dear Mr. Rosenthal: I am in receipt of YOu~ leltter of June 7, 1977 containing your observations rega~ding thel applications of T'l1'. Zabohonsk1. I am. forwarding a copy of the letter to each member of the Planning Board, the Town Clerk and the Supervisor for their consideration. Yours truly, J\1uriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board Edwa~d F. Rosenthal :n Ri ve:rside Road 8i~sbury, Connecticut 01. 070 , ~Hmu~ RECEIPT ""r:!!"!!:~TEn li~''''-.eJII:.U iJ REGISTERED NO,; Y)'3 IS- . . ' " Mr. James Wall Fishers Island Planning Board Fishers Island, New York 06390 '- . <':1_ . .....,.. <J"S-" -. , ,F. /<, _..J_=/~ .,") JI/N\1~\ 8 ' )" . i? /<>..1 _._."...-,/\n/ ./' ---- ,/- ,of,-, '~ ,'V'\l< v .~.::-:--.. ~, '...~;..;'". '~_"- () tj '-., -- -'''"...-'~- ~~ ~~<<-.;_.'... <l'c~''''-''''' ~N'.,{"r ...." ,.".I!ft..' ^'. .'J'1i'-;-,' - .~. ~".~~":-;";;:"",,_,:c.~,_,, - . . . ~ . I \ June 7, 1977 Mr. James Wall Fishers Island Planning Board Fishers Island, New York Dear Mr. Wall: Please be advised tha~ on May 13. 1977 I entered into an agreemen~ ~o purchase property owned by Robert c. and Donna-Marie Sorenson located on ~tunnatawket Road, Fishers Island. New York. (Tho property was formerly owned by Father Wtlliam J. Hilliard of West Hartford. Connecticut ). _.,. H .. I have learned that the Fishers Island Planning Board will hear en application brought by Henry end AnnGtte Zabohonski-concorning a change of zone from Al to M. The subject property Bbuts illy own. Since I will not be Bble to attend the hearing. will you kindly present this letter to the Planning Board and maJ~e the foll~lin9 objections part of tho record: 1. Tho proposed zone cha.'1ge is not in conformance with the comprehcnsh-e zoning plan of the island. 2. The proposed zone cllange would constitute spot zoning. 3. '1'ha proposed zona change will adversely affect the single family residential character of the neighborhood. . - 4. The proposed zone chango will create adverse parJ;ing and traffic conditions on tho narrow and winding roads which serve the area. Your kind attention to this request is ~p. rec1ated:; 41- .Ii j i/ ---If- F'i veif{~ .,tJofifJ;!U.1'( iV,-{ Edward F. Rosenthal EFR/bf :~- ~ - -' . . ROBERT A. CAMPBELL 33 KENT DRIVE HAMDEN, CT 06517 J ~~ 7;/177 1'r4.- t c:u.L 0 -.- u,~ p~ ~( ~A4- ~, n.tj_ C'639o ~ ~- tJ~ , 'U!-- 1Ld4 Cb.'~ -Iv ~ ~ ~~ -d.ect Iko tJ~ ~ II ~~ "- re- ~ -t6 ~'f-. ' ~l-u~ 'U -Iv ~ .t..J..I~ b~ 1- 07A. ~.~ ~ ~ j~ ~ ", ~C+~~I cP UAJ.L'k1.~ ~f ~ h ~. td!1~-J. -Iv ~ C17A- ~\, tYt0'\.JL ~k ~~ tf' ~~ ~ ~f- ~~a~ w-II< J,. f'd,!- ~ 6'{ ~ 1 ~ a UU-. fn /.W-c4- wc~. , ~ - ) j ~~ l4. ~C~ Ju,,./p,'1'-< .} k~ h fV QY\- IU ~ M"/j; tie ~ "1 r6 ~ jJ~ Ih~~ ~~~ ~Lh~~ L1Afi;fY'.L4Jd"'--< (. ru~tz- eft u-et!I!L~r- 4)) t u eLM ttt>lit.L(..,lj i ;1 ,rVA-"'-:- "y , . '/ l ..li:~'4 { ,,' t. t' r . - _-_-~ /. '/ ,.v(l...{J7 13r 'J"<" I ; {i G 1... _en....' ( !-t.{)1;'\.. ~1 {-:'i-i-~..t'("- C'~ -b.L.. "'", i //"1.1 ,''> <-....... ~ C~~ (.L.(" /'1' d ,1...,' k/)-r/.u,~, ul!A<t.i.A' .,f , ' Ii --":1. LAC- ~Q ( , 7h.Li ,~~ tb u~ zrr: "'1 ~~ d/-LJ lM~ !Jt:h/IA ~ rb !;'?C~JtJ'L/lfff-~{,-_"VL..At ru-i.u c"-<!li -14-<-U /.. a- -8-uJ' JtL""1 !Yet?'" U cU1-~!-A.)...e:i. ! ~~4fU€~A ft.,1 (; /) i U"f-~""' t~ -f/,s 6 11", Nk-rJvtf-" rw' &=<-dL- -h I, . ,I.,' i_ :.... ,h, i'Vl./[)/ r UI ,f/\..r- t,./ wh i~ is ~~ 7/ " "J..r'- ''14 ' /~'-' ') /, , \~L~~ .&>vT 6 '. !li'J4 w,(.u./~;,<ft- d Il-t .- ~-Y....e_ oj ,<h"~ '1. ti.-&.AA t:t/t.-I: /1i/k dj dtA,t,d- ct-"P /11,1 t"L; tt..t:#V1 J: ,.1.1(((, tf'U ')A- .~/ /-'~:," ",J,.g " /U ~v -~-~ ~ -1,-",/)", tC !J~ 1~' fJ., ,h TI t, '-C 11.-U-J 0, . I-L~/i/1 t ;;m-~,. " _~~~.. .""""..,ifG" -"'~ , .- , Mr. Robert 4. Campbell 33 Ken.t Drive Harnden, Connecticut 06517 ,,"'" .!:la,ar Mr. Campbell: I am in receipt of' your ]~e. YOur observations regarding - ~-""_"'~---_.-.- -'-"~".-- '-.-..~-- . June 10, 1977 r of June 7, lC177 GOnt1'iining plfcations of' Nt', Aabohonski. I am forwarding a copy of' Planning Board, the Town Clerk consideration. letter to each member of the' uae Supervisor for thsir truly, Secretary Planning Boa I'd , <.,~.\ ,- -, ~, "j, 765-1938, . . 450 PARK AVENUE June 7, 1977 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York, 11971 Dear Mr. Wickham: I understand that a proposed subdivision and a request for zoning changes has been filed by Mr. Henry Walsh of Fishers Island. I am a homeowner on Fishers Island and also Vice President of the Hay Harbor Property Owners Association, which counts among its members approximately twenty-five homeowners whose property is in near proximity to that of Mr. Walsh. I believe that most members of the Association would share my feeling of concern and apprehension about any change that would enable the construction of anything other than single family dwellings on one acre lots on Mr. Walsh's property. I would very much appreciate your advising me of the current zoning situation and the nature of Mr. Walsh's proposed changes. I request that every attempt be made to have public hearings held on this matter and notices circulated during the summer months, on weekends if possible, since the vast majority of homeowners and tax payers on Fishers Island are not normally on the Island except during the summer months and on weekends. RJM: DA '.J ..E. S r5-z-k __ dz /)?y- //.1-"-6' Yours very truly, ;ft1t/1.Y.I ;J~lle./) . MRS. WILLIAM C. RIDGWAY, JR. 2150 HARTSHORN DRIVE SHORT HILLS, NEW JERSEY 07078 ~'" ~ ~97/ "r"- ~'" ~~ ~ ~/?~- I '-";:r ;f~ ~ ~..1 ./YrO.';-S90 ,,~~"~~: t2.t, ~ ~ {.. ./J~ ;-..J.. a-.J..~ "~-"" i:4J:' ~ ~..," l:? ". - ~ I .~ ~J ~"~~ ~'1".d-.O 04- ::;~~~t--7i~~:_ ~ , "~~~ .",J ~j)..-i ~ -cr-" - Y ~7: -4 4<...P , t: ~ ~ :..10""" ~:~ Z;-..... .~ "'. _J_ ._~ Q,... --- - - u --..I ~, .J cr- ~~ Z:-~2c> .,~ ~,~ I" , , .~. "1':. ,~" .~... .-#' .~:.:._J.L...:.;.,.,.. >~'~.~<""l-;..... :>~~; "--<1/)"''''''''-''''' ",A_ l'__"$l!<-_~ .,i.--4....~,)O-.~;.L "'h~~, ~~''J' :41- ~~,~~ f-j; "..I.- "h-' ,,",.-"~..........-!:':; I ',,- "J" ......l.. >Y" - ......,'". "',-"L.-_ '-"-L__ -..- ~i~~,... ;:'9"'-~, ""'.~. + -',"-'-, .d~", f';?>_ . ;;4~_" "",""')lO-"!l:" -~~ ,,,;;.... ";t "",-;;.,"'~" E, ''I- -~_.r;;s...,,-, ~~,_""';~\>. ,;,.;,,,.;;...' ::;..:t_ ,~p~~ ~~ ',~ ".~ U:-:.- .;'........ ;-"'14-,'<1..." {~~-- - "~,,;;..> _._~._." ~^ ,~ ....,."-,,, If ~%.-~.,"'- . hp.,- .j. .("~ .,~- :':";..;-~;. i'.-' " r ""~ '- .~" ] :;';:"."~"'; ~ ....~'QIf~_.- ''',:e''1- ".,." " "-, , ".",I.l!lllJ" ~A~...., I1lr%l'i, '. " ' ,June 10, 19'77 .S. William C. Ridgway, Jr. ,0 Hartshorn Drive ort Hills, New Jersey 07078 ,r Mrs. Ridgway: r am in receipt of your letter of .June 6, 1977 ' Observations regard,ing the apPlications of Mr. r am forwarding a COpy of ling Board, the Town Clerk ; dera tionl the and letter to each the, Supervisor Yours' truly, member ot;' .'t"; for the1~ MUl"iel BrUsh, Secretary Sout~'old~Pow.n Planning Board JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS . TELEPHONE 765-3783 May 2, 1977 Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Re: Petitions #235 & 236 Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith are the original petitions of Henry & Annette Zabohonski requesting a change of zone on certain property situated at Fishers Island, New York, from"A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Light Multiple Residence District. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petitions and determine the area so affected with the recOmmendation of your Board. Very truly yours, ~ ~.J-J~ Judith T. Terry Town Clerk r JUDITH T. TERRY T OWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS . lELEPHONE 765-3783 May 2, 1977 Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Re: Petitions #235 & 236 Transmitted herewith are the original petitions of Henry & Annette Zabohonski requesting a change of zone on certain property situated at Fishers Island, New York, from"A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Light Multiple Residence District. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petitions and determine the area so affected with the recommendation of your Board. Very truly yours, ~J-~ Judith T. Terry Town Clerk ., ~~'r .. .. ,I Cr< "L . 1..... II:' " 1-1 <t\] .;-.':.J \-J 1\ ~' t:- ."'~ , :;, I ,:; ,.' ,- '-~ c: ",j' Y f '.: 'r ():'~, .-, "') r;:y,., t.0 'yon:, teJ:r; :, Y';' ;c. PJ~: i,,:.'U;;" >.:~ n ".' I' -;t b: hi:' "1 :-aXJ'-~' C(111! ,,) ] ')" {'C' "1_,-; ,( n'-~'-:'-; ," -1 'h ,'j' :1 .,!!, :,"] 'L ry\'",,;, ";';f:: -.,' :xI:UL ~ ./ I, L _." ,,~ (_,I'ie'I!' i_, <:7'c /' I? V\, S "',"1" ~, I, ",' J'/:: ";-, :Jj,.;, l' ~ - -" - '1 ~ ;,) -i-,}~ (; '.t):-, '4 ~ n; ,,1, --':,,1 l,q.,-,;,,:: I'! J:~~ r. ',-.,J I, , ~ .~.,' ;. ~.' I ,:l, O~-l C"lJ 1 ,', Fn '~J_'i; I " l' :1'" () ;";,1 ,,1 :ji', v /:#' '/\( ,~ ~-. ' ,.. " "l MOh? . "j (,' ..... , . FIi',' 'J." !\ - ~ ' '-',\' 'C;" " " P-;', :r::!_{i ';'lr' ,-;C t:i: " , !(;- ';,Y :-~ . ,- ,,' ., ~j .' i i'i,)';? Lv): r . j 1'-"" !y ,i l:t (I ~-. (', r,c' /.'I.i (", , , C "',-, '..' C( 1;1 l' " , , ) C 'if ) CT' n , ) :~t; ,.,n "'l}] ': ':-Il(tf~ ....;.--'-., 'J:)" (/" c:, ,'1-,:, 'd:J "1"1- thO) d'.'; I;~( , ., "\.r~~. ",": n,';- ;;Ti" i-it Ci;" ;'.7- ~~; c::: :1",-,,'.1 '.,! '~? T.'1mId he ." ,"n,', '.15 for' "r;:w ~ ~~; (1 "'f';;.t ;--hJ ,'j" "r f):t\"'..'; '):::;.n -iC l"l:ici3 ","1('3 h'x.',n ;( ~ n' /;" (j ') ;-! ('I; ;, ii n ::-:.0 '-.Q ;"}V-1nl ;(:::;i\,'~"? "'j .':' Ii n./;", ;-;,'-d u" ~'-;) -':;' ~ ,':J) ::.1 (; tt'i (' ", "i"),'in q-; " ;C~" (' ~ 1"",\/ n, V.r ';('{) l'J,. 1,1 i\,i)' 1,1, I> ',' ! 0 l">,, '(I >'1 J f (~ " -~ , (. " .~ n,t <1, (1(,_ .-. C; i'- J('t' )'1,~ .~' c. / ~! --';~' tF ]" C'I,:'; c . i'I, . ~-) 'i -I 'r) " f1l'. .~~"-~-_.- ---.--- ~- , .....'\..~.. ... " - " CASE NO: ..<?f..:~..~..... STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MA'lTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDM~''l' OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF' THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. ............................................................................. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1 I 7-:[1'2'1'-"":1 :;~ .l~l.Lnette Zabohonski resldm' g t .:.8'..J._..:::..;.'...2..~..'..s....._...o~.._.:....:...1.'.~.C..'...... ............... . ,..u~r.'f1."~'7._....................................................._, a (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at ..........."!:!:-.::!~::;.;:;:...;::;:;.~~~~::................ and more Particularly bounded and described as fonows: ;,:y,.-~. :..::_,- ~):/ ',;1'0:': .:.\ve. 'f~~~~o; :J~~~:~~~~;'~]~~~:;oa(": >'.ODert ~f. DOi'lna L2rJ.2 l' '''t " ''-'"'1'1-,.- 1'-,.,-....., '.... .3o~~"C.:_..:.80::~ Portn oy .!:.{ooe::. _ ,: "..,,_d.~Lr' ._L.':" .l..... 8orenGon 'c.~'~~,::; ~G..-,'")O~'i.'.)l1G;.~:!.. / 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of South old to change, modify and amend tht: Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: Al . .-, -.., ,--:-;....:' ..:-:'1 -;:::.; 1 ~ Zone. ..'>.. -- -~ . 1\ . .'. ',j -.._..._.~._~,.._.'"'"'._H.._.___.__ ------ eoe...,""'.,. ,,:1fi;.,:;~..i'~- ;..~,~-'..ic.,,__ '--4- ---_. ":'f_W:",l.--,:~.".- ' . :<:(-~,;;:r:'~:7:\!~~' . ~ """'.., ,~'. ... ., , 3. Such request is made for the fOllowing reasons: D.l, to a , . (lOU,s~nE~'~ o ho':-....~.~ ~'e l..;> _ Le", . (L,S.)~,t?t ~7/t. STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) ,[C:Ill'"? <''!llet-;:c Zaboholl"ICJ. ',BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that . . . . . . . . . . 4wo . . . . . ~l"-. . . . . . . . . . if. . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and be lief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true, Sworn to before me (L S) ~.?J.... . th'll! "d f ,\;)-.., J 1-77 IS.,..,....... ~yo ;I-.t....-:.-................, '::1'.... \\~".).'" " '" / " "':../, .'1"""','" '. ..-?...)y~.... ' "I I ' . ' - I ' :. Notary Pubhc, ' I, I :',) I ,.l . ,/' \ ,.'EILEeN G. \....'l\I_L N,\;~T'y':pu~lj~. /:,-~~,_ ::.}.bw Yor" ~,'- ",-"..,", ..,.,. QuaU:sd in S:.Jti';;.!k. ,.C01:.ntn (f' Term Expire~ Match 3J. 19--L..J , ._~--------_.__._,-- -'-~ .. -. -'." ,. . ~ . ? k5332.t34}/. W7Z~.:J.3 ./'1 !J J ~ " \ ~ ~I ~ ~ It G . b ~\r (<I' \ -~. or; f; /ff;J' ,....- f (\ L"'-;/~I J-.. .... '-J ~_.. ~.- ~ ~ ~ :) ~ ri't/ .1' S 71" ... 0/' ~ ~Vv ,.q I.. S <$7./0, /-.; I ~,' 0;' \}! ';(j .~/ ~I \71 ;(, y/~/ '\ / V) I {: / / {'!; l{,j I -:sJ, ~ I '~l (j, I . ()" \\, ~I .'15175 '1~ ] Q'" (Iv; ~ I . W(,](j 84 \~0. V.~. , ,( . S .,(". or 89.s~, c; I ~3l.!_AC.et;S AVENUE lie r -f/Lv Ale 7T..e -Z.%tJ1.tJ.NS.!<. I PLA;I/J/' PPOPERTr' 0F ;-iE1dC:y' JA..;L;.~SI-l 9/VFO-< AVE~ ,'k:E5'E/^J' .q1'F : v 'IJ,V/'-A :('ET.eD. rU 51/ ~;.;:~ 3 /5_~,.1 - ,,/~ ,lv. I. ~ s(;!~~;.: I - 4(~ C '~,~,/[cE~;'-::/,.LI. 1{.':-....;_,~ ,eve /13 :vf......~. / I~' / -'\t',: ';:'-~~-t.' , . ,.... .::. T s 890 14' W"w Fox :::... ~ \<:. ."...1'-....::" ~ r -', "t,'_ ~ <..,I......P' .-_ ;.l,y.I~>~_ 'f~-""":J , '.....'(...",1''-. .'>'~' - ---------..--.-..--. - \ \ "/>Vv'E2GeOU;t./~::; 2/4./9' ~1 ,'/502s.co7.. I HI {.;.oo.oo; h... ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :.sIT: , I ! I , . I I ; I i i I , , I I .J