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"Alteration of this Document ,
,,r, ?�,r trniml u:e of drawing.
except by a Licensed Profes- , a:'er4hrms or revelons to
clonal Engineer, is Illegal". i i f drawings without En.
Section 7204, Subdivision 2„ '1 - !'pproval voids real and
ll Y State Education %cw on Same.
February 15, 1977
Mr. Howard Terry, Building Inspector
Town Clerk' s Office
Southold, New York 11971Dear Mr
,.,,,,,Terry: »...
The following action was taken by the Southold
Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held February
7, 1977.
RESOLVED to approve the site plan of Gunther
Morchel dated January 18, 1977 and revised January 25,
1977. -
Yours truly, ;_
Muriel Brush, Secretary '~
October' 31, 1978
Rudolph Bruer, Esq.
Main Road
Southold, New York 11971
r ,
Dear Mr. Bruer:
This is to confirm the result of your discussion
with the Southold Town,Planning Board regarding the
amended site plan of Gunther Morchel with parking in
front of the building,
The Planning Board wants compliance with the site
plan originally submitted,
Yours truly,
Muriel Brush, Secretary
Southold Town Planning Board
October 18, 1978
Miss Sharon Rogers, Director
North Pork Head Start
P. 0. Box 574
Greenport, York 11944
Dear Mies Rogers:
In answer to your letter to the Southold Town Planning Board
of October 4, 1978 and in reference to the Certificate of Occupancy
for the offices which you are using, you seem to be under some
Mr. Morchel can obtain a Certificate of Occupancy tomorrow by
simply complying with the parking requirements of the approved
site plan. The Planning Board pointed out to Mr. Morohel or his
representative many months ago that parking was a mayor problem in
connection with his addition. He not only agreed to our stipulation
that the parking be at the rear and side of the building but accepted
the site plan which designated the parking in these areas. It seems
inconceivable to us that eighteen months later he should come and
say it was all a mistake.
Very sincerely,
John Wickham, Chhirman
Southold Town Planning Board
Copy to Gordon Ahlers
Rudolph Bruer, Esq.
P.O.BOX 574 • GREENPORT,NEW YORK 11944 • 15161 477.1511
Octor ^, 19717
Sout:zold To,;n Planning : oar_d
rout§old Toi.!n call
ain Poac'
Southold, Nesr Pori, 11471
ATT: 1+r. Joi1n wicknam, Chairman
Dear SST. :iicr:har:1,
I am Fvritin_ in 17.7I capacit7 as a mer,:-er of toc
.^_B.visoru Loard for. the Nort', Fork Counselliny Service
s✓Izich Lias it 's main office at 11550 ,fain Road in Mattituck .
It seems tzat a Certificate of Occupancy for the
building is being r✓itheld due to lack of a curb and bushes
which appeared in t_ze architects drawing of the . uildirg.
this ; s t_he area 1-here, car; are rzresentlu oarked and
that 'jus;,eS are really extraneous it seems unnecessary
for reasons of healt?, or safety to den,, Mr. 'Tcrchel a C. O.
for this building.
^his matter is of importance to the Advisory Board
of iiort-1 Forx Counselling _cervices aecause of our need to
?,e licensed through Far.;ily Services League. Such licensing
is incumbent upon much documentation, of which a C.O.
for each ::uilding occupied is one such document.
I am sure that the Planning -Board, knowing how very
valuable the —ork of Nortiz Fork Counsellin_a Services is
to the people of the Town of Southold will be able to
come to a resolution of the problem and clear the o✓ay to
grant the C.O. for the iiorchel building speedily so that
ve can continue to serve the Town of Southold's people
through our many counselling services .
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Sincerely yours
f i
,/ Sharon Rogers
cc: Melissa Gould, Administrative Assistant
July 27, 1977
Mr. Howard Terry, Building Inspector
Town Hall
Southold, New York 11971
Dear Mr. Terry:
An inspection was made of the property of Gunther Morchel
and the following was the report made at the regular meeting of
the Southold Town Planting Board on July 18, 1977.
There are no plantings in the front. There is no front
grading and gravel where necessary. The fence is not constructed
on the easterly line to stop traffic flow to Sigsbie Road.
There have been several reported accidents on that intersection
and as soon as possible the fence should be set up to correct the
":-,"Ole problem.
Yours truly,
Muriel Brush, Secretary
Southold Town Planning Board
Copy to Gunther 'Xorcr el
TEL. 765-2660
SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971
July 15 1977
Southold Town Planning Board
Town Hall
Southold, N.Y.
I have a request for certificate of occupancy for
Gunther Morchel job, Main Road & Sigsby Road, Mattituck.
Will you kindly make an inspection of the site plan which
you approved for this project so we can issue the C/O, and send
me a report of your approval for my file.
Yours truly
Building Inspector
FO�C� TEL. 765-2660
SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971
Jan. 26 1977
Southold Town Planning Board
Town Clerk ' s Office
Southold, N.Y.
I have reviewed Gordon Ahlers master drawing with
overlays for parking layouts at G. horchell shop with addition.
The plan dated January 18, 1977, and revised Jan. 25th,
with 11 "head on"spaces , 20ft deep & 350 Sq Ft seems to be the most
practical, one space would double as loading dock when trucks are
loading & unloading, and regular parking when not used by trucks .
I would favor this plan, over any other suggested plans
as there would not be enough space with diagonal or parallel
Yours truly
Building Inspector
January 25, 1977
Mr. Gordon-,K:, Ahlers
Manor Lane
Jamesport, New York 11947
Dear Mr. AHlerss
The Planning Board reviewed the site plan of Gunther
Morchel at a regular meeting held January 24, 1977. Mr.
Larry Liso, the contractor, represented Mr. Morchel at the
The following are comments that Mr. Wickham made to me this
morning after discussing the matter with the building inspector
and asked me to pass on to you.
Twenty foot slots cannot be used as most cars are 18 feet
long and will not park hard up to the building. You might use
diagonal parking but parallel parking would work out best.
The building inspector says that the two places are indicated
for the old building and nine for the new which leaves eleven
times 350 04Ma feet or 3,850 square feet. It is obvious t2fh"
he must use all of the alongside area and all of the back and
possibly most of the front for parking. In your computations,
you were fIgtWing 200 square feet instead of 350 square feet "rt<lmw
for parking slots. The building inspector said to tell you
that this in and out parking wouldn't work.
Yours truly,
Muriel Brush, Secretary
Southold Town Planning Board
. Copy to Building Inspector
Mr. Lawrence Liso
December 28, 1976
Mr. Lawrence Liao
Boisseau Avenue
Southold, New York 11971
Dear Mr. Lisos
The site plan of Gunther Morchel for his building on
Main and Sigsbee Roads in Mattituck was reviewed at a regular
meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board held December 27,
It was determined that sufficient parking has been
provided for the existing building and the addition thereto
and was suggested that the parking be on the diagonal along
Sigsbee Road because the width is not adequate for longer
cars. The parking area should be covered with a dustfree
hardened surface to the specifications of thw building depart-
It will be necessary to present a planting schedule and
an exterior lighting schedule.
Ingress and egress should be restricted on the Main Road.
There should be shrubs between the Old Main Road and the new
building and shrubs between` Route 25 and the Old Main Road.
There should be ingress and egress from Silisbee Road only.
Yours truly,
Muriel Brush, Secretary
Southold Town Planning Board