HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-141.-4-40 . ;"~g~iIlFFal: "% , ';~;,,' "', ' ~," :~:::..: ~-. ..0 . " "" ' :;e " '<.~ ~- !::!:!. ~ .. :.:: 'l'O-, + i-~r:::; . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman WILLIAM J, CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD G, WARD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P,O, Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (5161 765-;3 136 Telephone (5161 7605.19;38 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 15,1997 Donald G. Feiler 600 Old Jule Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: Request for site plan waiver for Donald & Patricia Feiler SCTM# 1000-141-4-40 Dear Mr. Feiler: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, July 14,1997: WHEREAS, Donald G. Feiler is the contract vendee of the property known and designated as SCTM# 1000-141-4-40 located on Rt. 25 in Mattituck; and WHEREAS, a professional office is a permitted use, by Special Exception in this Residential Office (RO) zone; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals granted a Special Exception on June 19,1997; and WHEREAS, the professional office would require seven parking spaces; and WHEREAS, provision has been made for seven parking spaces, including a handicapped space; and WHEREAS, an examination has been made of all uses and the existing parking was determined to be adequate for all uses; and . . Page 2 Site plan waiver for Donald Ferler July 15, 1997 WHEREAS, any violation of the conditions of this resolution may be grounds for rescinding this waiver; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grant a waiver of site plan requirements. Please contact this office if there are any questions regarding the above. Sincerely, 6J~Odj Bennett Orlowski, Jr. ~ Chairman cc: Building Department Zoning Board of Appeals Ed Forrester, Town Investigator Homan Realty .. ()iJo-/ '/- IWNER ~ 'ORMER OWNER , LAND ? cl't? ! $0 () .50 C) rPCJO (000 AGE lEW ARM liable 1 liable 2 lable 3 )adland ampland Jshland ,use Plot .... ..... tal ;;:> :.:;10 IMP. :3 N :;ZOO 0 Od NORMAL Acre ..................... .......'"-"'-'......:r'Ci' ~ -'I"t:::I-::::'- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD P:OPERTY ~~t6~DN.~A'~~ 4?! Z VILLAGE , DIST. : SUB. LOT -...J --1/ t-a;;t:;C f E~~ W r $AA-- ) TYPE OF BUILDING ) t I t ! , t i I VL. I<Ar.=:FDR.b FARM COMM. CB. 'Mkt. Value' TOTAL DATE REMARKS " ~~ ) ~.o..I'X- S")/7 J(, 9 r . .:. i I , ......, ! BUILDING CONDITION , BELOW ABOVE Value Value Per Acre I ,/ , FRONTAGE ON WATER FRONTAGE ON ROAD DEPTH BULKHEAD -- .1/ p:-e; c::E- r ~ (' 'r 0 DOCK " .It ~ ~-'~" .: :-:; ~ ' - ..1 . .. '~ ":::" ~. " . Bldg. /6 J5...d..b = I//~" :tension 7 X /1 ::. ./3.3 v _ :tension :;2... 0-0 - rt,{ Y Ii ;.:.iK... ,tension I J... y -:>-f!.:;;. ~ L( J.tO cJ/ ,d) .,,- L/yt ... V ..J'O >rch -' / Irch reezeway lroge G'-Ctl -- (/)e,,,,, ) atio . B. J. Ml o-Cl ~ji J~C V€ ~ol I u /' ltol - L COLOR ley I (lij,,,,. TRIM <. ------. '., ~. " Foundotion 2,.. Al;' B"}ement ti '/-;;: flXt. Walls ~.0':+{ire Place I vjfype Roof F -'1Ltf / ~/ II/: L 3/ X , 1 (l 2.3-/ lh.~ 3~ .c7.;; .~t,,;t"- 7S;b ~:~1f' Recreation Room Dormer Driveway '. ~ I . . 7 ,';I, 1 1'/ $ 'R lc/C.,. f 4- 1--1 l!~,.,\.e. ~yV .e- Ir; J+ h J~ .-. \.-;-" . , - /, -l ~. I'" , I.-r ~ "-"1'11 I '1/~ , I' II' Bath Floors Interior Finish Heat tJ, L. Roams 1st Floor Rooms 2nd FlOOr I.., ,. 'f k/ ( \' "q'-. '<J:: ? , Di nette K. LR. DR. BR. FIN. B. '/ S'4.bf PB (( .~,. .;,... " .. ". . STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OFFICE BUILDING 250 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. 11788-5518 CRAIG SIRACUSA, P.E. ACTING REGIONAL DIRECTOR ..JOSEPH H. BOARDMAN COMMISSIONER November 4, 1997 Mr. Donald Feiler 600 Ole Jule Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 Your October 14. 1997 Letter House Conversion to Office Complex Route 25. Ea~t of Pacific Street Mattituck Our Case No. 97-181 NOV I 0 Dear Mr. Feiler: This is in response to your concerns for the installation of concrete curbing and sidewalk, as part of the permit requirements for the conversion of an existing structure from residential to commercial use. In our letter of September 4, 1997, we indicated that a new concrete apron, concrete curb and sidewalk must be installed at this location. In your letter of October 14,1997, you requested that these requirements, specifically the installation of the concrete curb and sidewalk, be eliminated as a requirement to secure a Highway Work Permit. After a re-evaluation of our requirements, we find that the existing sidewalk, although not in excellent condition, is acceptable. The installation of concrete curbing along the frontage of Route 25, will not be required. However, concrete curbing must be installed on either side of the proposed curb cut as indicated on the enclosed sketch. The installation of this curbing will require vehicles entering and exiting the site to do so perpendicular to Route 25, not on a skew. The fact that this driveway services two separate properties necessitates this installation. We will require three copies of revised plans showing the installation of a new concrete apron and sidewalk. The permit fee [or this project will be in the amount of $200.00, check payable to the State of New York. The enclosed Surety bond in the amount of$l,OOO.OO must be completed and returned. A certified check;, in the same amount may be submitted in lieu of the surety bond. The enclosed Perm 17, Certificate ofInsurance must be submitted or an additional fee of$150.00 . . Mr. Donald Feiler page 2 November 4, 1997 submitted, which will satisfY our insurance requirements. Questions concerning this matter may be directed to Mr. Lena of my staff, at 952-6025. V~ry trulyyouts;- - O1'i!tl1al Signed By THO~AS' F. OElERiCH . . THOMAS F. OELERICH, P.E. Regional Traffic Engineer cc: ~. Kasner, Town of South old Planning Department TFO:VFL:BT Attachment . . ~ RK STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OFFICE BUILDING 250 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. 11788-5518 CRAIG SIRACUSA, P.E. ACTING REGIONAL DIRECTOR JOSEPH H. BOARDMAN COMMISSIONER August 19,1997 Mr. Donald G. Feiler, Architect 600 Ole Jule Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 Your Au~ust 11. 1997 Letter Proj:lOsed Architect's Office Route 25. Mattituck Our Case No. 97-181 Dear Mr. Feiler: This is to acknowledge receipt of your submission on the above permit application. The subject material will be reviewed by Mr. V. Lena of my staff. He can be contacted at (516) 952- 6025 if you have any questions. In all future correspondence, kindly refer to the subject case number. The plans must indicate the appropriate county tax map number. Thank you for your cooperation concerning this matter. Very truly yours, Original Signed By THOMAS F. OELERICH THOMAS F. OELERICH, P.E. Regional Traffic Engineer cc:~. Valerie Scopaz, Town of South old a TFO:JH:BT 'I' ,r 2 I 199" H,IJU " I l....".~....".. ._...._j . j SOUT.>j:.J.~.Q..DYVN~ ~ P!,A:'W;~':G (;OARD ' "'.'''=''''''''''-'~~-'''''-'''' ,,,.~.~.- ~'.'- ~ . Gerard P Goehringer. Chairman \J \(1 Serge Doyen \, ;~ James Dinizio, Jr. ~ ~~ Lydia A. Tortora Maureen C. Ostermann ,">c;,IlFFOlt''-c_ , ~,,~ ,,~ Co ~ ~ ~ 2~ : ~ . ,CIO ;;e' '~ ,.."". '~." -' ;,;.' '::. +,..- ~~.,. ~O,f + i:~>J -.:cz.~:;.::~_---- Soulhold Town Hail 53095 Main Road PO, Box 1179 SOuthold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765.1809 S-llc fi' ~, ~\~PEALS BOARD MEMBERS. _."."- --.----.,.-- . BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 23, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Feiler 600 Ole Jule Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: Conversion to Office Building Use (Special Exception) Dear Mr. and Mrs. Feiler: Please find enclosed a copy of the Board's determination rendered at our June 19, 1997 Meeting. A copy has been forwarded to the Pbmning Board Office and the Building Inspector's Office for their records. Please be sure to obtain approvals from the Planning and Building Inspector Offices before occupying the building with the new office uses. Should you have any questions, please call our office at 765-1809. Very truly yours, Linda Kowalski Enclosure Copies of Decision to: Building Inspectors' Offic,:---- 7> Planning Board Office ~ Suffolk County Planning Commission JIf 2 4 I9lJT mrnowrn rn SOUTHOLD 10WN PLANNING BDARD . . . .-\PPEALS BOARD MBIBERS C~rard P. Goehringer. Chairman S~rge Doyen James Dinizio. Jr. 1bi!M00\I~ Lydia A. Tortora Maureen C. Ostet'munn ::Z:J ~ .~ .;::.: ,~ .....( ~~"'".:/ i' ."/ _::_4..... Southold Town Hall 53095 y(ain Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOlJTHOLD FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION ADOPTED AT REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 19, 1997 Appl. No. 4487-SE - DONALD AND PATRICIA FEILER PARCEL ID: 1000-141-4-40 (Owner: Homan Realty) STREET & LOCALITY: 11725 Main Road, Mattituck DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: June 19, 1997 REQUEST MADE BY APPLICANT: This is a application made by Contract Vendees for a Special Exception to establish pt'imary business offices in an existing two-story frame building which is situated on a 14,400+- sq. ft. parcel of land, having a frontage of 80.47 feet along the north side of Main Road, 1vlattituck. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION): DESCRIPTION: This property is located in a Residential-Office (RO) Zone District and contains a total lot area of 14,270 sq. ft. The April 6, 1985 survey submitted with this application shows two buildings: (a) a two-story frame dwelling and (b) accessory frame garage. The northerly and easterly side lines show existing fences (post and rail style; and stockade style). A Certificate of Occupancy for Nonconforming Premises (Pre-C. O. !fZ13534) dated June 18, 1985 was issued to George H. Gildersleeve, former owner. BASIS OF APPLICATION (CODE PROVISION): "Zoning," under Article VII, Section 100-71 B (2) , follows: "Uses permitted by Special Exception" approval of the Board of Appeals for the following: (2). Professional offices and business offices." Chapter 100 which reads as upon receiving REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION, DESCRIBED BELOW: 1) This use as requested is reasonable in relation to the District in which it is located, adjacent use districts, and nearbv and adjacent uses because it is a neighborhood consisting of' mi.'{ed residential and commercial uses: business office, professional office, retail, and others; 2) The Special Exception use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties and there are yard areas available for parking, egress and ingress; 3) The primary occupancy for business offices will not prevent :','_:~'<. ,~~~: ' Page 2 - June 19. 199 Appl. #4487: 1000-141-4-40 (Feiler) Southold Town Board of Appeals orderly and reasonable uses proposed or existing in adjacent use districts; 4) No evidence has been submitted to show that the safety, health, welfare, comfort, convenience, order of the town would be adversely affected; 5) The enactment of the new Master Plan in January 1989, with subsequent amendments thereto, confirm business office uses to be authorized after full reviews; 6) No other adverse conditions were found after considering items listed under Section 100-263 and 100-264 of the Zoning Code. RESOLUTION 1 ACTION: On motion by Member Dinlzio, seconded by Chairman Goehringer, it was RESOLVED, to GRA1\jT the application, as applied. VOTE OF THE BOARD: AYES: MEMBERS DINIZIO, DOYEN, TORTORA, OSTERMANN, and GOEHRINGER. This resolution was unanlmOUSlY/~~//~ GERARD P. GOEHRINGE , CHAI N RESOLUTION ADOPTED 6/19/97 ******************* Actions. 97/141-4-40 _..._..~.W .,.,.~' ~.__,~..,_~_~__.__'~'~' ,. . .,.._""~.....",~,,...'r_..",,_~__"'-"_ , .'- ''^'~--"'.,"--"_' "","'".._'..'~"-' ,,', - . ,~.'.,",.,,,,, ,.;""""'~"""""-'~''''''-''''''''''''''''-''-''''' ~ Page 2 of 4 - Agenda . Southold Town Board of Appeals Regular Meeting of June 19, 1997 . 1. PUBLIC HEARINGS, continued: front yard location for the accessory buildings. Location of Property: TM 3705 Alva!1's Lane, Cutchogue; 1000-101-2-24.5. A-C Zone. \v;r~d, Oc1i;.r.:~ -~ 7' .P08ti-'UIl~UleuL R<:.ej14'1;:;;::,tt::U Ly W. Sambal..;}!. (tv.- ) I 7:35 p.m. Appl. No. 4480.LT - NICKHART REALTY. This application J is based upon the September 18, 1996, updated April 28, 1997 Action of Disapproval by the Building Inspector which states: "... 1l Insufficient lot area and depth in an R-40 Zone. A lot is required to have an area of 40,000 sq. ft. .. and depth of 175 feet Article III - A, Section 100-30A.3, 2) Insufficient front yard setback for a non-conforming lot _ Article XXIV-;- Section 100-244B ...." 53400 C.R. 48, Southold, NY. Parcel 1000-52-2-13. R-40 Zone. Lot width at 150 ft. for each. (Remaining yard areas shall be according to code requirement, and front yard reductions according to ZBA ruling.) P....'y, 7:Mp.m. Appl. No. .!487.JD - DONALD AND PATRICIA FEILER (Owner: Homan Realty). This is a request for a Special Exception under Article VII for conversion of building from single-family to "business and professional offices:' as provided. by Section 100-71B, subsection 2. (I RO Zone. 11725 Malll Road, Mattltuck; Parcel 1000-141-4-40.!t;-,c..-voc/, 0:1.. \, ^ 8:Qlr p.m. Appl. No. 4469.GG - RAYMOND FEDYNAK. (Carryover). ,c,~'\' Requests for: 0) approval of Waiver under Section 100-26 for a single ~",01.~~ :r,nonconforming lot identified as 1000-123-5-15, which is vacant, or . ~ V '5.'" (2) alternative relief under Article III-A, Section 100-30A.3 by .~ \:J. variance for approval of lot sizes, as originally created, which now \ w'\ have insufficient lot area, depth and width in this R-40 Zone. ~ Court, Mattituck. ) ~t' . \1;:, ~~\ , ~v Fay ,11,0- 8:15 p.m. Appl. No. 4489 - DOUGLAS W. McGAHAN (Owner: \... Fleet). Applicant is requesting a Waiver under Article II, y' 100-26, for nonconforming lot identified as 1000-103-07-11, which ) nonconforming lot 1000-103-07-12, under Article II, Section 100-26. .;- The lots in question were created by a deed dated 2/1/1923, and dated 0\'\ 10126/1964; under Section 100-25 the lots in question are nonconforming ~'. and have merged because they have' been held in common ownership at some time after July 1, 1983." Location of Property: Stillwater Avenue, Cutchogue, NY; also shown as Lots 7 and 8 on the Map of Green Acres filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office November 3, 1971. l..!;,Ct""c, Evelyn Section adjoins t s \..P \\- . +'"'" . . \.'~ ('j'......" '-", I' ~ , .'\.I\".:.' 8:18 p.m. Appl. No. 4491.JD - LOUIS MOORE BACON. This is an application requesting approval for modification, in part, of Variance Project #4354 approved by the Board of Appeals on March 6, 1996. Location of Property: Robins Island; Suffolk County District 1000, Section 134, Block 3, Lot 5, of 434+- acres. The specific areas requested for consideration are: (1) AREA C FARM CENTER: Modification as follows: (A) C.4 Agricultural/Maintenance Compound: Reduce size, scope and reassignment of sleeping quarters, and location slightly to the east. r ~'.")' j1f .-!: e-Fp v . .~l- ~~~~ '.~,..-""'A:J""" ~/ - (p, (If ~L~\ ~JU-' I ~-O .~~"'\ ""Jli ~ ~~" 'V. ,,--IY 9. . J), ~.l-~r '/ '/ . ,~-::.::.:;z:'Z:::C-:..... ",'{~i.\lfFOlk~ .lvss.t><::1 ~. .~ .'$ ~- ~ V~ -~'" .0 ~ ""'" ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ en ~.~ .... ~ ~:v ~,,-- ~ .- ~ A_ ._ .....--<:,,: ~.~ ~,"e ~Q./ + '+-~V---J-- ~-Qr-=,,-C'-- . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS RICHARD G. WARD GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman, Zoning Board of appeals Bennett Orlowski, Chairma{LC;. Request for coordination Donald & Patricia Feiler Main Road, Mattituck SCTM# 1000-141-4-40 FROM: RE: DATE: June 10, 1997 The Planning Board has received a waiver request for the above project. The Board is in favor of granting a waiver for this project. It has advised the applicant that the driveway and parking lot would have to be paved. In addition, handicapped space and access to the building must be provided _ The applicant was also advised that review of the curb cut by the New York State Department of Transportation would be required. Date ~ (2? (. . Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Orlowski: I would like to request a waiver of site plan requirements. The following data is provided for your review: Tax Map # 1000- 14 I - 4- - 40 Location of Project (street address and distance, E,S,N,W, relative to nearest intersection, hamlell I Ii '2. '5 Me-IN r<:o~ I Mp..rr/TUC1C: ~()"n+ 5, oe. J ''l4-' ~f>.Sr (31l11/oo1.e) OF' P~CI 'PI c. STREET Brief Description of project and reason for waiver request (square footage of existing building area and how it will be used; e.g. 4,000 SQ. It. total, 2500 retail, 500 storage, 1000 office space), , SEE. SNCi.<l Sfl:Q ~ ~8 Kt::rct\ 'PL.i>N D w6r. - rn Existing and proposed uses E~IS11 /\Ie:, S/NtD/..€ 'fI>mU-'(,DNeLLIN<:f r~POS'EO PRoF~ON.t><l... OFFICE. Lot area \ + 'Z i 0 Sf Zoning District ~C Parking required 1 / Name _ ThN f> L...'O. G. k'L-12t<. ~c.eT' VQ..l\?6B Renter/Owner? (If renter, attach owner's permisSion to pursue this inquiry). Address Co 00 6l-E ::r UL-E. Lf'J 1 MP<:"TI flU q::. Phone 2 ~ b - 52.'5 0 -------------~--'----~------------------------------~-- ?Iease attach a surveyor sketch of the iJrOf)erty, at a 1" to 20' scale, Showing the location of all existing and iJrOiJOsed buildings and required parking siJaces, for all uses proposed and existing on site. Show which buildings will have which use. If you need any additional information, or have any questions, please contact Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer, at (516) 765.1938 / I --------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- rtNAlD G. FEilER · ARCHI-!:T 600 01. Jul. lane . Mattituck. NY 11952 . (516) 298-5250 Y.l~~ /& ~ April 23, 1997 Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: PROPOSED OFFICE FOR DONALD G. FEilER. ARCHITECT 11725 Main Road, Mattituck, New York Dear Mr. Orlowski: I am the Contract Vendee for the above mentioned project, an existing two story residence that I plan to convert to my own Architectural office. My business has been located at my home offICe for the past 10 years. The property is zoned Residential Office, and I am in the process of filing for a special exception use with the Zoning Board of Appeals. There will be no additions to the building. Improvements will include the removal of the vinyl siding and restoring the original board and batten, an accessible entry and lavatory, and paved parking area. Total building area is 1350 sq. ft., with 645 sq. ft. to be used as office space. The remaining 713 sq. ft. will be lavatories, stairs, halls and storage space. I plan to keep the residential character of the building and site intact. There will be little traffic in and out during the day and none after business hours. I hope that these minimal changes will allow for a waiver of site plan requirements. I have included sketch plans of the project for your review. Thank you for your attention into this matter. 0:;;L Donald G. Feiler 00 ~ +. I ~7L , rj ~ , , I' ~!I'" I ~'il' ~:h5 : ~:;~: j.II,' , ill'l, .... .. : ~ .;.~ " 11 ~: ! i : ; H,II 0,:1': ~. I.: i : d~~~ i i;1Ji' r' ~ 11 , id~!! ~ . , I ~.. 11 -i~' :L t < . ,,= ~< g.~ ~ ~ ~! ~ ~.z ~ .' o xU-' D".... >-1'-".... z~.H ;:." ;; o CI. .~ ve '" ~ ,- l il, :~' ~~iH . f ; I t ! , , f i ? , .f-' IjJjJd , h ii ii@IlS " !! '- f ~ J ~ ~ 1 t! Jill i fHJj ,,<>,:,11 ~. ' :;! ~ J J J -nni .." .. ~ " d ~~ 1 1/llj 1'::1' II,T J :ldj! ntH Itm dl 'J' Li1 Hbl ~ \1'0 of,'-i N/\ d'~' Ao z: ~()~ r;..O oc~ ",5:.1 ; 51 \,\1 O,1.. f" <<~- ~. r\\~" G~\'.-.~. ~ 0 -z.. '..". "'0 ..". 0'>_ ~ ~ ~ I 113? IIC~ r~ <J) '..". "'", 0'> o 0 ~ o~ 'p - ~ -~ ~ " -z. - ~ ?J b ~ o ?J o -'Q ~ ~ "0 / . / ~~~ \~.,/ t)~ ~ ~ \ . ~/ MAP OF OESCR/BED PROPERTY AT MA TT/TUCK TOWN OF SOUTHOLO SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK "AY: :: rn 100, ---l I SOUTHOLP TOWN AREA:I4,2TOSQFT. 0.32T6' ACRES .~ ~ ,?-<:J ~O CERTIFY TO.: TUPAZ ABSTRACT Co.. #32/2 SECURiTY TITLE 8 GUA/?ANTY FOR HUMAN REALTr INC sealand 4 surveying a engineering p.c. o west main street river head, new york J 1901 (516)369-1717 April 6, 1985 1000-141-04-40 Jot\ Ne85-842 " , Sc, lie: / = 30 ti if) u - U. \J ~ DO~~LD ~. r=SILE-R. MOo T"1 IT U c~ \C..", Ny 1'1' . - N 0- ..... ';'r . , ~""4 7 . V r- / / '. / / / / f:- /-' I .)N - , , 2 ~T"" ,!~ .-,-' I I ,- I , ~'I- -~-- ~--_. -~ '''-'~M~\\-l1~6: . ~'7'>~~ ..~ PL~T PL~N 1"-:: 00' ~R.Eb'. \4,2'0 "5r. ..~ ~e.s "loNE..: R.,.O. RES\DEflt>-L-/oFF\GE:. \~T FLCCfi:. ~R~'. 1:/2.0 S.r. 2NO F~ S'!Io "7. t=. Tol1>-L ~\LOtI't; I, ~?o 'S. F :: ~ \ 'l f.,ClOr c;Nal:. f\1lt"'i ~"J. _ f\1T I,) .",100- 7\"",12"ot>~i::o Glfr'\cAE COMrvceRI Col'lfE.~EKCE eop<( ~M fU'T1,) Kie. OFf \ c..e.. : "",l .~ 'u\"' ~b.f' \' \ tool<=. ,,"OOF (NEte ~1\2 f l ~T fLCO~ PLb.N Ve" 5E...CDt-\ 0 r L.OOR ?L~~ ~ ~ ;'d\l;, ,; !,:, il,\: ilWli :; ',j:1 I Pl>R-\<.. \ N ~ J!,T fLCOf". Of'FICE. b.l4~1> ," 4'2.0 '5'F 2ND l"l.lX>fZ.. OfFICE. b~Et> . ., 2. 21 ~ f ToT!>\- G,4'~" F.o'E.G'vi &41-';-100 ~ ("",,"' f;<:pv' 0 ; l ~TI>I..I..- i' . It , , .; I: ARCH \1ECT 2 4 eo. '=> 't.. c:;:. c:::> ~UTt-\ ~LE-",,6- \\ON ~ ~ '\fl ~~ ~~ 2 3 \991 l~ -