HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-141.-4-40 . ~. .~.~'1>UfFOl..t c?~~ ~y~ ~~ ,5 ,....~ ~'" ,."N ~~ ~fi <..... -"$ ~ ~o ~t::)'t-v ~'.l+i':oY ~" . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSlG, JR. Chairman WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD G. WARD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 9, 1997 Chris W. Manfredi Premier Service Agent P,O. Box 64 Main Road, Celic Center Mattituck, NY 11952-0064 RE: Request for site plan waiver Property, Main Road, Matlituck - N/S SR 25, 200 ft. E/O Pacific Zoning: RO SCTM# 1000-141-4-40 Dear Mr. Manfredi: The Planning Board made an inspection of the above property on April 7, 1997, A Special Exception is required from the Board of Appeals for this use. The Board will review your request for a waiver of a site plan when the Appeals Board has acted on your Special Exception request. If you have any questions, please contact this office. 6J~cO~j, 'L Bennett Orlowski, Jr, t Chairman cc: Gerard p, Goehringer, Chairman, Board of Appeals , . * . 5ueF fb ~K EDWARD J. PETROU, P,E. REGIONAL DIRECTOR STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OFFICE BUILDING 250 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE. N.Y. 11788-5518 ..JOSEPH H. BOARDMAN ACTING COMMISSIONER April 16, 1997 Mr. Chris Manfredi P.O. Box 54 Main Road Celie Center Mattituck, New York 11952 Our Case No. 97-68 Allstate Insurance Co. Prooosed Access State Route 25. Mattituck Dear Mr. Manfredi: This is in reference to the site plans for the above noted project which have been submitted to this office for review. In order to provide the proposed access to the subject parcel, we will require that a Highway Work Permit be secured from this office. We will require 3 copies of a revised print detailing the following items. 1. Installation of concrete curbing and new sidewalk full frontage. 2. Installation of a standard drop curb with apron. 3. All onsite drainage must be contained on site, therefore, provisions must be made to contain this water. 4. The shoulder in front of the new curb must be repaired. The enclosed booklet, "Standard Drawings For Permit Applications" contains all the necessary details and item numbers which must be shown on a revised plan which must be submitted to this office. )--......,_.....,.~'-,.. i ~ , ;: APR 2 I ~ - . . . ,. Mr. Chris Manfredi April 16, 1997 Page 2 The permit fee for this project will be in the amount of $200.00, check payable to the State of New York, with the applicants Federal Identification Number indicated on the face of the check. The enclosed Perm 17, Certificate of Insurance must be completed and returned, or an additional fee of $150.00 may be submitted. Bonding for this project will be in the amount of$2500.00, sample bond form enclosed for your use. Questions concerning this matter may be directed to this office at 952-6025. Very truly yours, VITO F. LENA Regional Permit Engineer cc: Robert Kasner, Town of Southold Planning Department --.- VFL:JS AlIstate@ · PhGE j . 7Su..eF C/V-"_ pe, iC~ Chr,. W. Manfredi PreMier Servlce Agt f'.O. Box 64 Main Road, Cellc Ctr Mattituck, NY 11952-0064 6US: (516 )298-5200 FAX: (516 )298-5280 March 25,1997 BENNETT ORLOWSk: I, JR. ,CHllIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING 80 PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Orlowski, Plea.e be advl.ed that the pre.ent structure ,. a two story dwell,ng apprOXiMately 1700 square feet .,tuated on a parcel of land approx'Mately 141400 square feet. The property i5 zoned Residential Office) and our intention when purchdsed is to use the base floor as a professional offIce (Allstate Insurance) and the up5tairs ae a rental property. We woule like to waive site plan requireMents for the following reasons: 1. Structurally there will be no Major work done. The rear entrance will be used as access to an 850 square foot office on the first floor. There is a separate entrance via t~e front door to the upstairs apartMent which will be divided as 750 square feet l,v,ng "pace and 100 square feet of .tcrage (f i 185, rolder'5 ate, ) 2. Parking will be provided as sufficient paveMent to acccModate 10 spaces, 9 will bel0x20 wHh I Handlcapp .pot close to the rear door at 13:<2QL The driveway and parking area will be done by Corazzinl Asphalt. We feel that these changes and our use is Minute as cOMpared witt! the present situation. Our office at any given tiMe has very little foot traf- fic. We would appreCIate your consideration to our endeavors. If you have any que6tions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us at the above address and nUMber. f' 5.- d -<ud tI.t.4fX/>>U. ufo t t~tt) LUlU (j) A/YSP07) M1d :J{).?-n tU(/a~),~1J t't v(,~ptffl'Se ' Sincet~ely , 0:::M1!!,r /2 ~' . fie (jil'-r2,',-'o";-","/'c,"-;::V l!: l!::) Ie !I','. I~ "11' , - , ,Dr., - -'-_.\....c...c2." In:,' Rav i3raM,3z '0 r rL'I: MAR 26 . . Ii 199'(' I L ---~., . CM,RG:hM I I # . . Date 3 - 2 4 - q 7 Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Orlowski: I would like to request a waiver of site plan requirements. The following data is provided for your review: Tax Map # lOOQ.. 14J -4 -10 '. Location of Project (street address and distance, E,S,N,W, relative to nearest intersection, hamlet! (VJeoYl 1<d, Ho.tht-l1(k -3"-clholA':'e. east nF (1)(:1[;( Sf. Nov+h Side 0 f 2~)" l 'S tovv \) e })oW Brief Description of project and reasor! fo( waiver request (square footage of existing building area and how it will be used; e.g. 4,000 sq. ft. total, 2500 retail, 500 storage, 1000 office space). 5t'e Ct H-ache rI Existing and proposed uses Q rrnc)" e. d Lot area /.<) ,.cWO Name C h n:', _ Zoning District p" O,Parking required 10 <spaces. IvJo.Vi Frfd f / Ro.. y (;v(] VV)IA.~J(,) Renter/Owner? 6u liev' I Address p.O (tA fJI Cl f V) Mottl hiCk. (If renter, attach owner's permission to pursue this inquiry). Rd Phone N.'cl I ______________~w______________________________________- ) ICJ 52 (510) ~ql5<'5200 Please attach a surveyor sketch of the property, at a l' to 20' scale, showing the location of all existing and proposed buildings and required parking spaces, for all uses proposed and existing on site. Show which buildings will have which use. If you need any additional information, or have any questions, please contact Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer, at (516) 765.1938 . " . {" I\"boJ '\ jO, \ ' -z ~ "" b "<' o ")2- 'C:) ~ ~ ~ "6 , \ . ,/ ~t / .,.,> ::s: \' / / \.S'l.A \ \t MAP OF DESCR/BED PROPERTY AT MA TTITl/CK TOWN OF SOl/THOLO Sl/FFOLK COl/NTY, NEW YORK ARtAoI4,2TOSOFT 032Tb' 4Ch'E:S . ~ 1c. ~ 9/ c.. u ("2 ~ Jl'/ ,,,- "" ~1 O. IQ ~'\ ~. q; ,0 ~t 0'1.,0 O~ ~~ ~ c;:. ..<t 0\\\\ \ ~\ C~[),p c.-<- \ \? ~CJ ~O ~~~ CERTIFY TO. TOPAZ ABSTRACT Co.. #3212 SECURITY TITLE 8 GUARANTY FO,l? HOMAN Rt:ALTY INC. seafand 4 surveying a engineering p.c. o west main street riverhead, new york 11901 (5/6)369-1717 April 6, 1985 IOOO.ltJ 1.04 .40 Job N285.842 " 30' Scale I =