HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-141.-3-33 . :. :su-tor . PACHMAN. PACHMAN & BROWN. P. C. ATTORNEYS 366 VETERA.NS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY COMMACK. NEW YORK 11725 (516) 543-2200 TELEGOPIER (516) 543-2271 HOWARD E. PAGHMAN MATTHEW E. PAGHMAN KAREN R. BROWN* GOL"NSEL 'ALSO AI"JM1TTED n< NEW JERSEY HARVEY S, BE SUNDER AMEL R. MASSA June 25, 1998 Valerie Scopaz, Di:r'ector of Planning Town of Southold Planning Board 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE: FOIL Request - Inland Homes 315 Westphalia Road, Mattituck SCTM#1000-141-3-33 Dear Ms. Scopaz: Pursuant to your letter, dated June 23, 1998, enclosed please find $.75 for the copying fee for the above-noted FOIL request. Very truly yours, dt~ E Pc~~n~ MATTHEW E. PACHMAN @f; MEP/blb enclosure .. .bam\mattituckjfoil.L19 I~wq] JUN 26 1998 South old Town Planning Board PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS- BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD G. WARD - Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 23, 1998 Matthew E. Pachman Pachman, Pachman & Brown, P.C. 366 Veterans Memorial Highway Commack, NY 11725 Re: FOIL Request -Inland Homes - 315 Westphalia Rd., Mattituck SCTM# 1000-141-3-33 Dear Mr. Pachman: In accordance with your request subsequent to the provisions of the New York Freedom of Information Law, New York Public Officers Law Article 6, attached is a copy of a letter pertaining to waiver of requirements to file a site plan for the above referenced property. This office's file does not contain variances or permits; and it is not known if such exist in the records of either the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Building Department. The copying fee for attached material is $.75. Please remit same to this office. Sincerely, ~~ Town Planner enc. cc: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Greg Yakaboski, Town Attorney . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards eI" ~;)\lfFaLk ' ,Y:.::,'\; .>' t'~":'. i'~ ~\. ;. ' .:::, :::l ~'" )Q, . >; (f) I {,Jl~ -f \-' e:> ,~ ~__"> d,:"t' '.,-> '~;!IJ, . '. ..{ .::1'"~, ~:" ~\- scon L. HARR[S Supervisor ,. Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box [[ 79 Southold. New York 11971 Te[ephone (516) 765.[938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765.[823 August 13, 1991 William D. Moore Moore & Moore, Attorneys at Law Clause Commons Suite 3 Main Road P.O. Box 23 Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: Request for waiver of site plan for Inland Homes Westphalia Ave., Mattituck Zoning District: Light Industrial (LI) SCTM# 1000-141-3-33 Dear Mr. Moore: The Planning Board has received your facsimile letter of August 6, 1991, requesting a waiver of the requirement to file an amended site plan for the above referenced property. The Board will waive site plan requirements provided the following conditions are met: 1. A sketch of any proposed sign for the new tenant is submitted for Board approval. 2. Additional landscaping is placed in front of the building on Westphalia Avenue, including one street tree. 3. Dumpster location is shown on the survey. The parking requirements for nine (9) spaces will be waived because Municipal parking is available approximately two hundred (200) feet east of your clients property. Because of the availability of Municipal parking, the six (6) spaces shown on the enclosed survey, one of which must be a handicapped space, will be satisfactory for on site parking. . . If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. Very truly yours, ~ ~~~ <;;?M Bennett Orlowski, ~:? ~ Chairman Enc!. cc: Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector ~ 11/ C r-. V //- . . t 11 t t .. . ~ . ~ ~ .. & i .. ~ ~ '"' 7<'/4 ~<:J ,,?- {:> ~6 \, ,// / " ,. 4~ 0t~ ~ / / / \" ~?- / / / ~/ / / / , , ~<) ~O / / / / / / / / / / / , , , / / // - ,. / \ REVISIONS AU'l'tATIOtI 01 A.."'O."t1C)Jot TO ftn JUlYl'f ~ .. 'W'1OU.""" 01 SKlJOH ~ '" .... ... "-ou stAn UIUCJt.,IOttL4W. COlla Of net! """" w.s IIQ' U~ 1Hl~$lIt"-II1'OC"S...aJ;SI"""CJ: lMIC'-!W 5~ ~ JOl U U...... rrrr 10 b A l'AUt. '.Ui (OfT. QlAINfTUS ~TU. .c:mcs SIlA&l Ut ONlY 10 1.. Il.:.!o.. r=l 'WICOIol M 5oaJIlOm e- AfiAle. N:ID ON ...; uw.I ,!) 1M lffu ctl'WAHT. ~A:. AGtfIICT NtO ..~ CO .:PfM~ umDtfIi.oo...lUC> lI~nt-Ill1~~lt1t.&JfoO'NG~ l..~ . ~u6IU AU..". rl#~ 1_ _ -.-at. ...:UINIOG 01 ~ .....~ ,\ ',,\ 1'- l' . .......... -""'0<> Do.......... .~. V -J <'<':.;:>.;:> / O~ ./~ c:,b O( ~.,/ - ...., ,b ~'O/ , / \\f-i 1':;)' /.' t~/ o.rJ ~ / to' 11' v \0"" ,t/ ,of (> 01 .,00/' ~'\ C' .~' '" '" -~ t f.'~ lO" " ..-s "'-. ~ ~O ", '\. ,~ .".."0 '\.". ~O~ '\. '" '/ :~~ "~/.. / . ...,.. f{' ..... O'?..., , " O~? _ "\.. ..,.. '\., ~ F' .... "'.,' ~oc, 0- - ~ ~ . NOTE' ., MONUMENT YOUNG &. YOUNG ~DO OSTRANOER "VENUE. RIVEllHEAD. NEW YORK . ALDEN W. YOUNG PAOFIESSION"L I:HGINIt~.. ANO LAND 5URVOOIII. H.Y..s.. Llc.. NO. 1.20...5 SURVEY FOR: INLAND HOMES,INC. AT MATTITUCK SOUTHOLD SUffOLK CO., N. Y. TOWN Of" HOWARD W. YOUNG LANI) su...ItYO~ "f. V.SO uc. NO. .~e...3 . . ~ Is Pb PACHMAN. PACHMAN & BROWN. P. C. ATTORNEYS 366 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY COMMACK. NEWYORK 11725 (516) 543-2200 TELECOPIER (516) 543-2271 HOWARD E. PACHMAN MATTHEW E. PACHMAN KAREN R. BROWN. COUNSEL 'AI.SO ...OMlTTf.P 11< NEW JF.RSEY HARVEY B. BESUNDER AMEL R. MASSA June 19, 1998 Planning Department Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE: FOIL Request Dear Sir/Madam: In accordance with the provisions of the New York Freedom of Information Law, New York Public Officers Law Article 6, the undersigned hereby requests copies of all agency records as set forth in Schedule A attached hereto. We agree to pay any appropriate statutory fees. If any documents responsive to this request are withheld on the grounds that they are exempt from public disclosure, please provide a list of the withheld documents stating the basis for the claims of exemption. Also, please identify the name and the address of the person or body to whom an appeal of the decision to withhold said records can be made. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Very truly MA~. yours, PACHMAN MEP/blb attachment .. .bam\mattituck\foil.L1S l~ JUN 23 1998 Southold Town Planning Board . . . SCHEDULE OF PUBLIC RECORDS REQUESTED Copies of any approvals, variances or permits issued with respect to the above-referenced property, also known as Inland Homes, 315 Westphalia Road, Mattituck, New York 11952. . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards ."IlHlIl,l' ,Y<:);) '~ <',0::,'- . '~ < 1~ ,. ~;, ::3 ~\ ',', ;, 0 ~ '.; (/.) :~. (\Joo= ,..;.; "," t::J ~;;:' , , '~':f" 't!! .jr . scon L. HARRIS Supervisor Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 August 13, 1991 william D. Moore Moore & Moore, Attorneys at Law Clause Commons Suite 3 Main Road P.O. Box 23 Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: Request for waiver of site plan for Inland Homes Westphalia Ave., Mattituck Zoning District: Light Industrial (LI) SCTM# 1000-141-3-33 Dear Mr. Moore: The Planning Board has received your facsimile letter of August 6, 1991, requesting a waiver of the requirement to file an amended site plan for the above referenced property. The Board will waive site plan requirements provided the following conditions are met: 1. A sketch of any proposed sign for the new tenant is submitted for Board approval. 2. Additional landscaping is placed in front of the building on Westphalia Avenue, including one street tree. 3. Dumpster location is shown on the survey. The parking requirements for nine (9) spaces will be waived because Municipal parking is available approximately two hundred (200) feet east of your clients property. Because of the availability of Municipal parking, the six (6) spaces shown on the enclosed survey, one of which must be a handicapped space, will be satisfactory for on site parking. . . If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. Very truly yours, ~~~~~k Bennett Orlowski, ~:~ Chairman Encl. cc: Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector ~ '---- ~~ 7<'/4 "~/// "---/ / / / 11/~...... v/~ . ... It , ~ t t ______ oS:.'>oo n. _____ "'9'- V '.' <'<'.RR / o~ ,/~ c}. o( 'O~/ ~ c} ~/ (r:-f. / '00 ~~ / ~t-' ,0 ,~/ , oJ '> . C' ~.,.O/ ~~.. ,~. t. f.' .0" .'> .., ,I. -.0 -~.. '\:0 .c{:: ....", ~ . . ~ , , . C\ ~ ... . l .. -(S) o - -::> ~ ..s;... ~~ 0- - 0_ ...- 0-::1"-::> CS> " ~6 \. 4~ <),,/ U<=" / / , / \'v ~~ ~<v 'v~ {'J , , / \)-0 ~O , / / ,/ / // , / -' /. / / / / / / / / / / / , MfttA'nOtI 04 ......~.-"'1OIf TO ~ iU''t!Y ~ A onou.11ON 01- SK1JC)H noP a' na ....... '(00: S1JJI tilUO>ll1OH Ul.W. COJ1U Of lHt! ~ ...AI 1JIQ1 U....... THi ~ SAKotEJOfi"S ~ $IAl Cl bUC!.!.t. ,~: ~ tOt II ~ 1011 A....ut. hU. (01'7. CiUAJAIfl'tU ~TU. ~OS 1Jl,t.U. tQt OHI.' '10 lra ill:!o.. r:::l WICOM ltI Solll'fll I! ~AU:;.. ~,,"Roi LtPU 101M( 'Illu ctl'W1oHT. GO~.II'.:. AQNCT ,uC) ..~ C _;S1IMJOtt US1H) --"0... A.JC ).'fIt:IIl3o~OJ.-1Hl~~ 1..1* . ~Ull[U AU IIOT U#~ ...._ ~..uG""IIlOf6G1~~ ....-.1. \ I "EVISIONS YOUNG & YOUNG 400 OSTRANDER AVENUE. RrvERHEAD. NEW YOR~ \ ALDEN W. YOUNG PROFESSIONAL INCOINI(€f11 ....~ LIL"D 5UR....nOA. H.....$. L.1I::. NO. 1.2...5 SURVEY FOR: INLAND HOMES,INC. AT MATTITUCK SOUTHOLD SUFfOLK CO.. N. Y. TOWN OJ' SCALE.: DATF" NOTE' . , MONUMENT 1'-- l' ( I , ' I . c c ;1 ~ ~ HOWARD W. YOUNG LAND SUIlrYOOJt N. V.s. Uc. NO. .!:le." ..~ . .. ~ML2 MOORE & MOORE Attorneys at Law Clause Commons Suite 3 Main Road P.O. Box 23 Mattituck, New York 11952 Tel: (516) 298-5674 Fax: (516) 298-5664 William D. Moore Patricia C. Moore Margaret Rutkowski Secretary August 6, 1991 BY FACSIMILE WITH HARD COPY TO FOLLOW Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Attention: Mr. Robert Kassner Re: Inland Homes waiver of site plan SCTM # 1000-141-3-33 Dear Bob: This letter is written in response to the Planning Board's letter of July 26, 1991. Transmitted herewith is another copy of a survey showing the re-configuration of parking reducing the spaces shown from nine to eight by eliminating one place along the front of the building. This is a useful area for one space as Mr. Hiltz does in fact park there on a regular basis. I believe there may have been some confusion regarding my last letter and the square footage of office space involved. The total square footage of office space for the two offices is 893 square feet. The Town Code requires one parking space for every 100 square feet of office space. According to my interpretation then, 8.9 parking places would be required. The revised configuration provides 8 spaces. The new business which will occupy the front office is a law firm consisting of two employees. The business office of Inland Homes, Inc. will occupy the new office to the rear with one employee. The adjoining property owner is presently trying to sell his property and is unwilling to enter into an agreement to provide for any overflow parking which may be necessary. However, the Town of Southold has municipal parking available approximately 200 feet east of the subject property. This parking is available for any overflow which may be generated. -8 . .,... In light of the limited number of employees involved in these two businesses and the close proximity of municipal parking, it is respectfully requested that the Board waive formal site plan review as the parking needs can be accommodated and there will be no external change to the building. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Very truly yours, WDM/mr cc: Inland Homes, Inc. V. r ~. tr ~......,.. v//- 7~/4 . . t . t t .......... ~;>oo --........ ..,. lO- -J <'<'-<'if'-" o( ,/~ l). o( ~~/' ~ c} "/ \16 / ( / ~ ~O 'ro\l / f~ \0 . ~/ ~ oi ^..,. C. ..,0,,/ r'\ ,~. Y. G . ". ~\ 0' ~o <.... ,I. -s..o ...,'0 .e~ 0.;,. ~ \'v ~\>- 4~ ~/U ~ / / / / . . i I ~ ~ & i 4 . .. o(S) o <..- - O~ ?~ ? ~Q 'v\>- \'J \J'. ~ ~. eo 0- - 0_ c:,$> :;.0 / / ./ \,. / /' / / / / / ~/ / / / , / / \>-Q ~O / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / . \ REVISIONS ~- , . . IZfD AlTn4TtON Ol AllO:nON TO '"IS SUtY!'l' IS .. Y10LATION 0' SECJIOH 7209 Of TH~ NfW YOU; Sl..n lDUCATlON LAW. corns Of THI~ SUtm toIA.' MOT IfAllNCi 1Hi LA"'1: ~VfTOR'S _.to SiAl CI IMICSS,C ~~A: )~ HOT Ii Wr<.:l:Itt!D TO 11 ;. .AUt t~UE con. GUAIANTW IHIl::"At~ rUUos 5HAlt ..... ONLY TO 1Kl 'i~OIo fOR 'WHOM Till SUivn I! "trAllt, AH:D ON....S UAIJ Tn ,.. 111u COMIAHY. GOVl:I.MMlN.AL "GtNC'f NCI 10,."""; G tt$IMIOH UStED KI.i.o.Qr.l, AJC) l ~ f11.: A5SlQti.S Of THl Lf~ IfrGTI- l~ 1'-; . iNAolIAJdUS All HOT ll~...s..:u.u NOrC: I... A.., lOw_a. IhSm:mOtolS Ol!.u&54QUIHI' . z MONUMENT ..........$.. YOUNG & YOUNG 400 OSTRANDER AVENUE. RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK . . ALOEN W. YOUNG ~RO"'E..ION"L ENGINEER ."'0 LAND SURVEYOR. N.Y.S. LIC. NO. IZ."5 HOWARD W. YOUNG LAND SURVEYOR N.Y.S. LIe. NO. .51113 SURVEY FOR: INLAND HOMES,INC. AT MATTITUCK SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK CO.. N. Y. ON OF CE CO. TOWN OF . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. 1r. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards SCOIT L. HARRIS Supervisor Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box I 179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 July 26, 1991 William D. Moore Moore & Moore, Attorneys at Law Clause Commons Suite 3 Main Road P.O. Box 23 Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: Request for waiver of site plan for Inland Homes Westphalia Ave., Mattituck Zoning District: Light Industrial (LI) SCTM# 1000-141-3-33 Dear Mr. Moore: The Planning Board has received your letters of July 12, and July 24, 1991, requesting a waiver of the requirement to file an amended site plan for the above referenced property on behalf of your client. The Town Code requires a total of ten (10) parking spaces for the proposed uses. The survey submitted with your letter shows nine (9) parking spaces. However, the placing of two spaces between the front of the building and Westphalia Avenue are not acceptable from a traffic safety perspective. The parking space on the southwest side is unusable in its present condition, but could be made functional. Before responding to your request, the Board would like additional information on the type of business and number of employees that will occupy the new space. Also, is there any possiblity that you could share parking with the adjoining property? . . If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. Very truly yours, ~~/7Z-k Bennett Orlowski, Jr. () Chairman . . MOORE & MOORE Attorneys at Law Clause Commons Suite 3 Main Road P.O. Box 23 Mattituck, New York 11952 $UtBFlt...1:= . Tel: (516) 298-5674 Fax: (516) 298-5664 William D. Moore Patricia C. Moore Margaret Rutkowski Secretary July 24, 1991 BY FACSIMILE Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Attention: Mr. Robert Kassner Re: Inland Homes, Inc. Dear Bob: This letter is written to correct an error made in the previous correspondence seeking site plan waiver for Inland Homes to permit two offices in its Westphalia Road building. In the prior letter, the square footage computations are in error. We have had Mr. Hiltz re-measure the floor area of the respective offices and they are as follows. The office in the front of the building consists of 612 square feet of office floor area. The figure cited in the earlier included storage and closet space as well as the bathroom. The office to the rear is comprised of 281 square feet exclusive of storage for a total square footage of 893 square feet of office floor space in the two offices. I trust this information is helpful and can facilitate the Board's review of this matter. Very truly yours, ~oore WDM/mr cc: Inland Homes, Inc. JULZ5 JUL-:24-91 ~.jED '3: 25 r'100~:E ~ OOF~E F" ~ &.:;:12. . . MOORE & MOORE Allorneys al Law Clause Commons Suite 3 MaiD Road P.O. Box 23 Mallituck, New York 11952 :5lI tFr ce- v /6 ~./ Tel: (516) 298-5674 Fax: (516) 298-5664 William D. Moore Patricia C. Moore Margaret Rutkowski Secretary July 24, 1991 BY FACSIMILE Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Attention: Mr. Robert Kassner Re: Inland Homes, Inc. Dear Bob: This letter is written to COrrect an error made in the previous correspondence seeking site plan waiver for Inland Homes to permit two offices in its Westphalia Road building. In the prior letter, the square footage computations are in error. We have had Mr. Hiltz re-measure the floor area of the respective offices and they are as follows. The office in the front of the building consists of 612 square feet of office floor area. The figure cited in the earlier included storage and closet space as well as the bathroom. The office to the rear is comprised of 281 square feet exclusive of storage for a total square footage of 893 square feet of office floor space in the two offices. I trust this information is helpful and can facilitate the Board's review of this matter. Very truly yours, ~oore WDM/mr cc: Inland Homes, Inc. 2 4'... , '--.- !, ' . . ,. SLt6HcE~i ;06 ;(1<- ./ 763 WS VS MOORE & MOORE Attorneys at Law Clause Commons Suite 3 Main Road P.O. Box 23 Mattituck, New York 11952 Tel: (516) 298-5674 Fax: (516) 298-5664 William D. Moore Patricia C. Moore Margaret Rutkowski Secretary July 12, 1991 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 SCfM # 1000-141-3-33 (Inland Homes) Dear Chairman Orlowski and Members of the Board: Please accept this letter on behalf of Inland Homes, Inc. as a request for a waiver by the planning board of site plan review for the above referenced property. Enclosed is a survey of the property for your information. Inland Homes presently occupies approximately 800 square feet of this former warehouse for use as a business office. The balance of the building is used for storage. Inland would like to lease the existing office for a professional office use and convert approximately 350 square feet of storage into a business office for its own use. Available parking spaces have been indicated on the enclosed copy of the survey. Please advise if there is any additional information which you require for a decision in this matter. Your prompt attention to a review of this matter would be greatly appreciated. WDM/mr Ene. cc: Inland Homes, Inc. _______ .5:'>00 t:lo. _____ .. ~";' V -J <'.C'C" ti . / --------- S' o{ ~/ ----, . (\ei c/> /~~. ,,~/ · o.o{ (\ / to( 11. '0<~' ! \I ~O'to o~y' O~ '4 ;; > / t or ~,' . / ~';, ri ' ,"" b/ t ~./ (\, 00';, "',, ~ ,J;' . </ ~4j "" -,. // 0 "'0 ~. . 'y 6 I 4j~ ~,,;~~. . " .. ('~/ A~' ,0 ~.",'" v/ <0 ~ ":.~. ~ 1'< ;'! '0 o"'? ~ >~ ',,~'4. ~ ~ '\. ,'u ? ~- "'" ~ / " ~. .....-0 tr;1' ~. ~ 0,,- 0- - 0_ . . I t ~ .. a I .. . .. . -------------.--.. tr .f'S /,/. 1t./4 4v~~ u~ ,v ~?- ~o v?- ,0 ~ ~6 'v / // DBiEN BS ';~~W; / ~// / / / / / ?-~) ~O // / / / / / / / / ,/\ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ REVISIONS AUntOIIZfD ALTfUnON 01 ADO:rtON TO THIS SURvn IS A VIOLATION Of SlCTlON 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STAff EDUCATION LAW. coms Of THIS SUl!vn ~\AF NOT II-ARIP\lG THE lAt-:C SURVEVO.'S iNt::.O StAL OR fM'O$S,C S'.A: 5,~Atl. NOT U CON5lDUtlD TO 11 A VAtl~ r;Ui: COPY. GUARANTHS 1"''0::..... ne H[REON SHALL RUN ONLY TO 'JH~ jlK~O'" f~R WHOM THE suivn l~ Pk(iAlfC. AND ON H.S t:HALf m THE TlTLt COM',.,NY. GOV11NMIN.AL AGtNC'f' ANP L"'''': G It;STlTUlION LISTED Hli.ON, AND 1-": fH: ASSIGNHS OF THll.ENOING II'ISTI- \. I,;,) . .:...u,uI'oNTUS Aaf NOT n.""'SfL.l.A1U 1." A.. ".,.:...,,1. rr.sTllUJlON$ OR ~UlStQUfNl' ..... _~,.S. NOTE' . . MONUMENT YOUNG & YOUNG 400 OSTRANDER AVENUE. RIVERHEAO. NEW YORK ALDEN W. YOUNG PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER AN;) LAND SURVEYOR. H.Y.S. LlC. I'lO. 1284!5 SURVEY FOR: INLAND HOMES,INC. AT HOWARD W. YOUNG LAND SURVEYOR H. Y. S. LIC. NO. 4S893 MATTITUCK SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK CO., N. Y. SCALE, I" = '30' OATE'MAR. '30,1972 TOWN OF